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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Road Results & Report! (9/5/20)

On the road again!



NJPW New Japan Road 2020

NJPW can’t wait to get on the road again!

The Summer Struggle is over, but NJPW is picking up speed into Autumn! Who takes pole position for the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Round Robin Tournament?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado; Taguchi & Wato win.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI VS Taiji Ishimori & Gedo; Takahashi & BUSHI win.


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado!

Minoru Suzuki has the NEVER Openweight Championship and the Dangerous Tekkers still have the IWGP Heavyweight Championships. With Roppongi 3K vacating the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, Kanemaru and Desperado want to jump back on them! Will Suzuki-Gun get even more gold at the end of the New Japan Road?

The teams sort out and we start with Wato calling out Kanemaru. Fans cheer as we get Jingu revisited, and Wato fires off at the bell! He kicks and elbows Kanemaru but Kanemaru hits back and rakes eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Kanemaru clubs and runs. Wato hurdles, back elbows, kicks and sobats! Fans cheer as Wato elbows and whips Kanemaru corner to corner. Wato runs in but is put on the apron. Wato shoulders Kanemaru away, BOOTS Desperado, then throws forearms. Wato springboards but Desperado trips him up! Kanemaru sucker punches Taguchi and Desperado whips Wato into railing! Kanemaru does the same to Taguchi on the far side.

Tenzan protests but Desperado gets in his face. A ring count begins, Wato gets up at 4 and crawls over at 8, to get in at 10 of 20. Kanemaru is on Wato to suplex him high and hard! Cover, TWO! Kanemaru stomps Wato, drags him back up and dig an elbow into his neck! Tag to Desperado and Desperado stands on Wato’s head. Red Shoes reprimands but Desperado talks trash to Wato. Desperado stays on Wato’s head without holding ropes, then lets up to bring Wato up. Wato CHOPS back, but Desperado shrugs it off. Desperado slaps Wato around, Wato CHOPS and CHOPS, but Desperado rakes eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Desperado tags Kanemaru.

Kanemaru drags Wato to the apron, Taguchi runs at Desperado but his kick is blocked! Desperado kicks Taguchi while Kanemaru DYNAMIC DROPKICKS Wato in the head! Red Shoes reprimands them both but Kanemaru puts Wato back on the apron for a stiff elbow! Desperado holds Wato in place for Kanemaru’s guillotine knee drop! Kanemaru drags Wato to center, covers, TWO! Fans cheer Wato on but Kanemaru puts him in a camel clutch! Desperado intercepts Taguchi at the ropes, Taguchi fights but is put in a chinbar and armlock. Wato endures, fights out of the clutch and gets the ropebreak! Suzuki-Gun stands down but Kanemaru digs his heel into Wato’s head. Red Shoes counts as Kanemaru is on the ropes so Kanemaru stops at 3.

Kanemaru stomps Wato, fans rally up for the young GrandMaster, and Wato CHOPS back! Kanemaru eggs Wato on so Wato CHOPS again! Kanemaru enziguris Wato down! Tag to Desperado, Desperado taunts Taguchi before he drags Wato up. Desperado scoops and slams Wato hard and fast! Desperado drags Wato up for another fast scoop slam! Then he DECKS Taguchi! But he runs into Wato’s back drop! Fans cheer but Wato has no one to tag now! Tenzan checks on Taguchi but Desperado stomps Wato. Desperado drags Wato away, whips him to ropes but Wato reverses to jumping sobat! Fans fire up as Wato and Desperado crawl! Hot tag to Taguchi!

Kanemaru gets in but gets a hip attack! Taguchi powers up the Funky Weapon to hit hip attack after hip attack on Desperado and Kanemaru. Taguchi fakes Desperado out for a TRIANGLE PLANCHA! The fans are fired up with Taguchi as he drags Desperado up and into the ring. Desperado flounders up as Taguchi springboards but Desperado gets under. Taguchi comes back but misses in the corner! Desperado runs into a boot, but counters the Funky Weapon with an atomic drop! Desperado runs in but Taguchi boots! Taguchi fakes Desperado out this time! And then when Desperado runs in, HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO! Taguchi keeps his cool as he drags Desperado by his leg.

Taguchi drops a leg on the knee, then clamps on an ANKLE LOCK! Desperado flails, reaches, but Taguchi keeps him from the ropes! Taguchi reels Desperado into chicken wings but Desperado desperately resists! Taguchi gets both arms, for DODON- NO! Desperado victory rolls, but Taguchi sits on it! TWO!! Taguchi mule kicks and runs but Desperado goes the other way to SPEAR!! Both men are down, fans fire up and Desperado rolls, tag to Kanemaru! Kanemaru hurries after Taguchi, whips him corner to corner, and then runs in, but Taguchi elbows back. Taguchi runs but whiffs with the hip attack! Basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!!

Taguchi survives but Kanemaru keeps on him. Kanemaru back suplexes for a BIG atomic drop! But Taguchi tanks it?! Kanemaru attacks his butt but Taguchi just powers up! Taguchi fires up and eggs Kanemaru on! Kanemaru runs, but he fakes Taguchi’s Discus Hip out! But then Taguchi jumps again to hip attack Kanemaru down! Both men are down and fans are fired up! Hot tag to Wato! Wato drags Kanemaru up, whips him corner to corner but Kanemaru reverses. Wato goes up and out and shoulders back in. Wato forearms Kanemaru away, springboard flying uppercut! Cover, TWO! Wato keeps going and fans rally behind him. Wato wrenches, hooks Kanemaru up, but Kanmearu resists the Mouse Trap!

Wato kicks and whips, Kanemaru reverses and Desperado cheap shots! Kanemaru dropkicks Wato down, Desperado brings him up fast, dropkick back suplex combo! Kanmearu keeps going, scoop to dragon sleeper, INVERTED DDT! Cover, TWO!! Wato lives and fans cheer but Kanemaru keeps his focus. Kanemaru goes up while Desperado whips Taguchi into railing. FLYING DDT!! Cover off Deep Impact, but Taguchi returns to break it! Desperado goes after Taguchi and throws him out. Kanemaru scoops Wato, but Wato blocks the suplex. Wato ducks to SPINNING CRANE KICK! Fans fire up as both men flounder to opposite corners. Desperado gets in, drags Wato up and SLAPS him! And SLAPS!

Desperado shouts to Kanemaru but Taguchi springboards in, MISSILE HIP ATTACK! Taguchi calls upon the powers of Strong Style, BUM-A-YE!! Wato hurries after Kanemaru, wrench and hook, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER!! Cover, but Desperado breaks it! Taguchi and Wato grab a man each, but Kanemaru victory roll counters! Taguchi breaks it in time but that means letting Desperado go! Desperado DECKS Taguchi, goes after Wato, but Wato dumps him out and sweeps the legs! Taguchi adds a HIP ATTACK! Taguchi and Wato coordinate on Kanemaru, but Kanemaru fights out. Wato ROUNDHOUSES Kanemaru! And FLIES out onto Desperado! Wato is on fire as he and Taguchi coordinate again. DODON BUSTER to CORKSCREW SENTON!! Cover, Taguchi and Wato win!!

Winners: Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato, by pinfall; 1-0 in the tournament, Suzuki-Gun is 0-1

An incredible start to this round robin! Wato and Taguchi rise up as the former champions drop down! Who joins Taguchi and Wato at the top of this block?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI VS Taiji Ishimori & Gedo!

Speaking of Junior Heavyweight gold, the Ticking Timebomb lost his singles championship to the Bone Soldier, but he won’t let him have any more! Will Hiromu and Bushi bring these belts back to LIJ? Or will Gedo help Taiji become Mr. Junior Heavyweight?

The teams sort out and, after the Low Sweet and LIJ fist bump, it’s Bushi and Gedo to start. They slowly circle as fans rally up. Gedo and Bushi end up in the opposite corners, Gedo spots Hiromu sneaking in while Bushi is ready for Taiji! Bushi DECKS Taiji while Hiromu stays back. Bushi then kicks Gedo low, Hiromu comes in and they double whip. Hiromu mule kicks, Bushi dropkicks a leg out and Hiromu basement dropkicks Gedo in the head! Taiji gets in, kicks Bushi and runs, but LIJ hurdles him to kick low and shotgun dropkick! Taiji bails out, Gedo returns, and Bushi pulls on Gedo’s beard! Red Shoes counts, Bushi lets go with one hand. Red Shoes counts again, Bushi YANKS on the beard!

Gedo drops to his knees but he still has beard hair, but then Bushi grabs on the beard again. Tag to Hiromu, he climbs up, and fans cheer as Hiromu drops ax handles on the beard! Hiromu “apologizes” to Gedo but then grabs the beard himself! And swings Gedo around and around by it! Hiromu lets go and Gedo tumbles to a corner! Hiromu drags Gedo back up by the beard! Bushi comes in, they double whip Gedo and then double hip toss to TU LO SABE! Hiromu swings on Taiji but Taiji stays back. Hiromu corner clotheslines and snapmares Gedo for a basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Hiromu paces, drags Gedo up by his beard again, and Red Shoes counts. Hiromu YANKS then fireman’s carries! Gedo bails out, Taiji SEATED SENTONS!

Taiji knocks Bushi off the apron before going back to his corner. Tag and Taiji goes after Hiromu with a rain of rights. Taiji puts Hiromu on the ropes to choke! Red Shoes counts, Taiji lets go at 4, but then snapmares Hiromu down for a neck crank! Taiji claws at Hiromu’s neck and shoulders and even smothers him into the mat! Hiromu endures as Taiji clamps on harder, but Gedo is untying the buckles! Taiji lets go of Hiromu to clobber Bushi again. Taiji dumps Hiromu out, scares Red Shoes, and Gedo uses his leather belt to LASH Hiromu on the back! And then on the front! And again on the back! Gedo keeps whipping Hiromu with his belt, but lets up when Red Shoes finally gets away from Taiji.

Taiji fetches Hiromu into the ring, covers, but Red Shoes knows about the foul play so he won’t count. Taiji paces in frustration before he drags Hiromu up. Taiji wrenches, Hiromu CHOPS and CHOPS back! Taiji kicks low, then whips Hiromu into the exposed buckles! Gedo and Taiji mock Hiromu as Taiji stands on Hiromu’s arm. Taiji slams the other arm off the mat, then tags in Gedo. Gedo drags Hiromu up, wrenches and double wristlocks Hiromu to the mat. Hiromu endures, reaches for ropes and gets a ropebreak with his foot! Gedo complains as he lets go, then drags Hiromu up to wrench back to a hammerlock. He throws Hiromu shoulder first into the bare buckles! Hiromu scrambles away, Gedo hurries after him and mocking asks, “Where’re you going?”

Tag to Taiji and they go after the bad arm. Taiji wrenches the bad arm back to a hammerlock, wrangles Hiromu to the mat, and knees away on the bad shoulder! Taiji grinds on the hammerlock but fans rally up. Hiromu endures as Taiji drags Hiromu up and throws him back into the bare buckles! Taiji keeps Hiromu up and tags in Gedo. Gedo elbows the shoulder then wrenches on the hammerlock again. Hiromu fights up, fights back with body shots, but Gedo pulls hair! Gedo whips Hiromu into the bare buckles! Hiromu writhes as Gedo mockingly tells him, “Get up.” Fans rally as Gedo toys with Hiromu. Hiromu slowly gets up as Gedo keeps kicking at him. Hiromu fires back but Gedo rakes the eyes! Gedo kicks low but Hiromu catches it, for a DRAGON SCREW!

Both men are down and fans rally up! Hiromu crawls, hot tag to Bushi! Bushi climbs up and aims at Gedo, missile dropkick! Bushirooni, but Taiji attacks! Taiji and Gedo double whip, Bushi ducks the clothesline and shoves Gedo into Taiji, for a DOUBLE-RANA! Taiji bails out, Bushi spins Gedo for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Bushi keeps his cool and drags Gedo back up. Fisherman’s neckbreaker denied, Gedo pokes Bushi in the eye! Gedo whips but Bushi comes back with a huricanrana! Gedo bails out but Taiji gets in to KNEE Bushi down! Taiji tags in then aims and runs corner to corner, double knees! Taiji snapmares and SHINING WIZARDS Bushi! Cover, TWO! YES LOCK! Bushi scrambles around and gets the ropebreak with his foot! Taiji lets go in frustration but drags Bushi back up.

Taiji gut wrenches but Bushi fights out and waistlocks. Taiji elbows free and runs, but into Bushi’s dropkick! Fans cheer while both men are down. Hiromu is back and gets the tag! Hiromu whips, forearms and puts Taiji on the ropes to kick the ropes! Hiromu runs and shotgun dropkicks Taiji down! Fans cheer as Hiromu has Taiji in the fireman’s carry. Taiji fights out, shoves Hiromu to an open corner and runs in. Hiromu dodges, comes back and corner clotheslines! Hiromu runs but Taiji shotgun dropkicks him down! Taiji runs corner to corner, Hiromu OVERHEAD throws him, but Taiji lands on the ropes! But Hiromu grabs him for a bomb, only for Taiji to rana counter!

Taiji runs, blocks Hiromu’s boots and puts him on the ropes to enziguri! Taiji runs side to side, SLIDING GERMAN! Taiji is fired up and fans can’t help but cheer as he takes aim at Hiromu. Taiji says bang, but Hiromu denies Bloody Cross to fireman’s carry. Taiji lands on out of the swing, blocks the superkick and KNEES back! Taiji runs, into Hiromu’s clothesline! Hiromu runs, Taiji reel shim in, SNAP GERMAN! But Hiormu is right up to GERMAN Taiji back! Fans cheer as both men flounder up and double clothesline! Neither falls, Hiromu runs but Taiji LARIATS! Now both men are down, and Gedo sucker punches Bushi! Gedo facelocks Bushi to grind him down!

Fans rally up as Taiji and Hiromu both stand. Taiji runs at Hiromu, tilt-o-whirl but Hiromu blocks and throws him off. Hiromu standing switches, ducks the elbow but misses the clothesline, tilt-o-whirl takedown! YES LOCK!! Hiromu endures, Gedo keeps Bushi out but Bushi gets away. Bushi attacks Taiji but Gedo attacks the mask! Gedo throws Bushi out, Hiromu scrambles and crawls, but Taiji shifts to roll him away from ropes! Taiji wants to relock but Bushi gets in to stomp him down! Bushi cheers Hiromu on before going back to his corner. Hiromu rolls but ends up in the open corner. Taiji runs but Hiromu OVERHEAD throws him into buckles this time! Both men are down and the fans rally up! Hiromu reaches, hot tags to Bushi and Gedo!

Bushi dodges Gedo but swings into a CROSSFACE! Gedo cranks back on Bushi’s head and neck, but Bushi crawls and reaches, and gets the ropebreak with a foot! Gedo holds on until Red Shoes counts 3! Gedo drags Bushi back up, jawbreaker and SUPER- NO! Bushi blocks the kick, gives a kick but Gedo blocks that. Bushi enziguris but Gedo ducks it, only for Bushi to come back with the heel kick! Gedo bails out, Bushi builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit into the railing! The fans fire up as Bushi drags the wrecked Gedo back into the ring. Bushi drags Gedo up and fisherman NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Gedo survives but Bushi calls for the end!

Bushi goes up the corner, fans rally up as he calls for it, but Taiji intercepts the MX with a CODE BREAKER! Hiromu gets in, Taiji dodges him to come back, only to get a POP-UP BOMB! Hiromu swings into Gedo’s COMPLETE SHOT! All four men are down and the fans rally up! Red Shoes checks on all four men but they’re okay to continue. Hiromu and Taiji bail out, Gedo is in the blue corner. Bushi runs in but Gedo dodges, Bushi stops short to avoid buckles and Gedo rolls him up! WITH TIGHTS! TWO, and Gedo is frustrated! Gedo waits for Bushi, to mule kick! And SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!

Taiji blasts Hiromu off the apron and intimidates Red Shoes again. Gedo gets his brass knuckles! Gedo aims at Bushi, but Bushi ducks and enziguris! Bushi gets Taiji for a BACKSTABBER! Then a CODE BREAKER for Gedo! Cover, TWO!! Gedo survives but Bushi says he’ll finish this! Bushi goes back to a corner, climbs back up, and leaps! Gedo ducks MX, pokes eyes and swings Bushi into Red Shoes! Gedo whips and pops Bushi up for a LOW BLOW! Then GEDO CLUTCH!! Cover, but Hiromu breaks it in time! Taiji runs in to shotgun dropkick Hiromu out! Taiji then TRIANGLE MOONSAULTS, but Hiromu catches him for a SLAM!

Hiromu goes after Gedo, SUPERKICK! Gedo wobbles, Hiromu holds him, Bushi sunset flips over them both, SUNSET GERMAN!! LIJ fires up and the fans join in! Hiromu and Bushi drag Gedo up in a double wheelbarrow, for a DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Bushi covers, LIJ wins!!

Winners: Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI, by pinfall; 1-0, Bullet Club drops to 0-1

An incredible main event to close the first round! Taiji is far away from being Mr. Junior Heavyweight at this point, will he and Gedo recover in the next round? As for LIJ, will they continue on and give Hiromu his first time with the tag titles?

Bushi gets the mic for LIJ and shouts at Gedo and Taiji to say, “Too bad!” But Hiromu and Bushi won. “This league has just gotten started, but we’re going to win again tomorrow, and it’ll be our voices ending the evening!” EN SERIO, MAJIDE! LIJ really, really means it, but will they make it happen?

My Thoughts:

This Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship is going to go fast but it’s going to be great with how these two opening round matches went. I was surprised Wato and Taguchi won, but with three rounds before the finals, they could easily lose the last two to give LIJ and Bullet Club wins. Wato’s story should also really stay to going through the Suzuki-Gun ranks. He beat Douki, needs a proper 1v1 rematch with Kanemaru, and then could face Desperado as the heavyweights focus on the G1 Climax. I feel like the favorites are LIJ. Hiromu lost the singles title but he could get his first tag title reign alongside Bushi, as was probably the plan before Hiromu got injured. I also liked that Bushi was the one to give the promo, I don’t think I’ve seen him get that opportunity very often.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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