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Andrew’s Impact Wrestling Results & Match Ratings: 12.1.2020

With Final Resolution about a week and a half away, Impact needs to set the table. Let’s see how the stories play out for the Impact Plus Special!



With Final Resolution on the horizon, we should start seeing Impact Wrestling figuring out how to make the stories work. Between Ethan Page getting embarrassed last week, Brian Myers insulting TJP, Shamrock knocking out D’lo and Deonna making a deal with the devil; we just had a lot of stories in limbo last week.

This week should help us out with a couple of those stories. Also, what’s gonna happen with Larry D since he admitted to shooting John E. Bravo?

Let’s kick off with a damn good promo from Ethan Page, then get to the show!


  • Motor City Machine Guns vs XXXL: Guns win via Skull and Bones – *** ½
  • Knockouts Tag Tournament: Renee Michelle & Killer Kelly vs Jazz & Jordynne Grace: Jazz wins via Jazz Stinger – **1/2
  • Johnny Swinger vs Cody Deaner w/ Cousin Jake: NO CONTEST
  • X Division Championship: Crazzy Steve vs Rohit Raju (c): Rohit retains via Double Leg Cradle – ***
  • Willie Mack vs Chris Bey: Willie Mack wins via Stunner – ***



Motor City Machine Guns vs XXXL

The Guns start off hot before XXXL even have their jackets off, which is smart for the smaller team. Acey and Larry turn around an early flurry, go for the Irish Whip to the center, Guns hooks arms, dosey doe, and turn it all around. A few nice dives from Shelley and Sabin give them some momentum, Shelley comes off the top rope with the Macho Man-esque Double Axe Handle, but the size helps Larry slow things down.

A lot of this match turns into the Guns trying to pepper in 4 or 5 moves, quick tandem strikes, Poetry in Motion, but one counter from the bigger men equalizes the match. Acey uses the logic of beat a mofo with another mofo and throws Shelley into Sabin for XXXL to start imposing their strength and size advantage.

Larry and Acey make a Shelley sandwich, Acey kills him with a Senton, but Sabin breaks up the pin. After a quick flurry, Shelley hits Sliced Bread #2 on Acey as the other team members get tagged in. Sabin keeps the offense fast and furious, quick strikes, DDT, tandem Flatliner/Dropkick, but Larry puts the breaks on Sabin’s next attempt and Acey gets tagged in. A very close near fall was a tandem Leg Drop/Neckbreaker, XXXL tries to make a Sabin sandwich, but Sabin fights through it all, rolling away from big problem spots and trying to stay ahead. Shelley gets tagged in, Drop Toe Hold/Bulldog, Double Superkicks, nice tandem fun, SKULL AND BONES finishes Larry for the Guns!

Knockouts Tag Tournament: Renee Michelle & Killer Kelly vs Jazz & Jordynne Grace

Kelly and Jordynne start off to mostly a stalemate, lots of trips and counter cradle attempts which ends in the respect smile and tag out. Sadly for Renee, her and Jazz are definitely not at the level. Jazz dominates early, tags Jordynne back in and then Renee finally low bridges the middle rope and takes a few short cuts. So Renee is playing up more of the bombshell cocky heel, but she does apply decent aggression in her moves.

After the commercial, Renee still has the upper hand, tags in Kelly and Kelly starts taking it to Jordynne. Renee and Kelly have a couple quick tags, just beating on Jordynne. Kelly is starting to show a little more personality, almost coming off like a female Ilja Dragunov. Very smiley, but wild eyed and violent. Jordynne manages to land a Spinebuster for space, brings Jazz back in and Jazz works in the nice comeback. I do love when Kelly catches both punches and headbutts the other woman. She makes it look good, and the wild disposition she likes to give off is perfect. Renee breaks up the Grace Driver pin attempt, Jazz dumps Renee, Jazz tagged in, Renee blind tags, Renee almost takes advantage of the unknown tag, but Jazz turns it into the Jazz Stinger and picks up the win!

ImpactPlus Flashback Moment: Final Resolution 2010, Generation Me vs Motor City Machine Guns (c), TNA Tag Team Championship Full Metal Mayhem Match

Tenille and Kaleb, with a K, approach Alisha and actually almost seem like they are trying to move forward with this team idea, but Lish is ignoring them and waiting for something. She sees her target and jumps on Sami Callihan going crazy. Security break it up and Tenille and Kaleb just pull the ole “We see you’re busy, we’ll touch base later” kinda thing. Amusing, not sure where it’s going though.

Johnny Swinger vs Cody Deaner w/ Cousin Jake

Hmm a random unadvertised mid/lower card match…OH LOOK Eric Young and Joe Doering! Not surprised, but I like how Swinger tried to buddy up with them before Joe hits the Two Handed Chokeslam.

EY continues his “World belongs to us” rant, I’m really curious where this is going. I’m happy to see Joe in Impact again, but I really want to see him in a real match, not just these run in squash angles.

Deonna comes out to the ring with Kim to try and bait out Su Yung, so Father James Mitchell can get his hands on her to solve this Su issue. Deonna calls Su out directly to discuss her contractual rematch. Su hits the ring and James Mitchell’s music plays. Mitchell tells Su she will pay for her sins, the Bridesmaids show up at his behest and head to the ring to collect Su. Deonna hits Cosa Nostra to help out the bridesmaids and Su is carried to the back.

Hmm…is Karl making real references or just being funny?

X Division Championship: Crazzy Steve vs Rohit Raju (c)

Steve tries to take Rohit by surprise with a few early rollups, then he transitions to some of his more erratic moves, hits his version of the Upside Down, but Rohit thankfully starts stabilizing. The commercial break kicks in, and Rohit seems to keep the advantage.

Rohit blocks an attempted counter from Steve, hits a suplex that he holds and then hits a nice Fisherman’s Suplex Hold, but only for two. Rohit seems to be getting progressively more aggressive, but not losing his focus. Any time Steve almost finds an opening, Rohit finds a way to counter. Steve fights out of a Double Wristlock, but Rohit knocks him back down. It’s not until Steve eats a kick and then slowly hits the rise from the grave kind of spot to start a comeback. Stun Gun and Diving Crossbody give Steve a near fall.

Steve charges, Rohit catches him with the Flying Knee, Steve then grabs a Russian Leg Sweep, transitions into a Modified Triangle Armbar, but Rohit finds the ropes. Rohit stuns Steve with another knee, Steve charges, attempts a Sunset Flip, Rohit sits down and grabs the ropes to pick up the win!

Willie Mack vs Chris Bey

Bey does a really good job at pissing off Willie early on. Bey tries to use his athleticism to get an edge, but Willie keeps up with him and smothers the flame early. It’s not until Bey takes a small shortcut by grabbing Willie’s foot while he’s on the apron, which allows him to catch Willie entering the ring and go after the knee. A low Dropkick looks to be part of the story of the match moving forward, and we get the last commercial break.

Bey works the knee, Willie fights back a bit, tries to shake it off, catches Bey mid Crossbody, but Bey flips off the shoulder and then Chop Blocks the knee to go right back after the target. A Single Leg Crab helps to keep Bey in control, but Willie rolls and then fights off his back to try and get back in the match. There’s some solid back and forth, Bey goes for a leg trip and Jacknife Cover, for only two, then we see a big Code Red attempt, but Willie kicks out at 2.

Willie struggles to his feet while Bey measures, a slap in the face seems to wake up Willie, Pop-Up Forearm Smash and the Stunner put Bey away.

Moose attacks Willie after the match, Rich makes the quick save, Rich’s music starts to play as Moose smiles and Rich yells at Moose, but Bey comes out of nowhere to hit the Art of Finesse (Oscutter), and he stands over the champion holding the belt.


Overall Score: 7.25/10

Now this was a solid episode, with a good bit of storytelling as well as solid in ring action to keep different fans engaged. Bey throwing his hat into the title picture, rather emphatically, is a nice way to lengthen the Moose build. Alisha going HAM on Sami is an angle to heat Eddie and Sami back up. Deonna not understanding what she’s set into motion is great and the Motor City Machine Guns getting some momentum rolling could make for a huge new year.

Let’s also not overlook two great promos from Ethan Page and Cody Deaner. Page has a great delivery and character where he’s brash yet not overly so. Cody’s promo, while we’ve seen it before where the enhancement talent feels like they shouldn’t be treated as a joke, the fact he brought up real history and seemed to make the feeling real was really cool. Plus Jake knowing to lay back was realistic, cause if you’re buddy is venting, you don’t try to talk over them.

Lots of little things were nice, hell even Killer Kelly and Renee Michelle did fairly well in a short stint and on the losing end. Kelly I would love to see more of from an all around perspective and Renee held her own. It would be nice if they got signed relatively soon.


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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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