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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (5/31/21)

Happy Memorial Monday Night Raw!



Coverage Raw 2021

Raw runs it back to get on track to Hell in a Cell!

Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston go around again to determine a #1 contender to Bobby Lashley’s WWE Championship, on a Memorial Monday Night Raw!


  • Beat the Clock Challenge: Charlotte Flair VS Nikki Cross; Cross wins.
  • Xavier Woods VS Randy Orton w/ Matt Riddle; Orton wins.
  • Shayna Baszler VS Reginald; Reginald wins.
  • Mace & T-Bar VS Lucha House Party; Mace & T-Bar win.
  • Sheamus VS Ricochet; Ricochet wins.
  • Sheamus VS Humberto Carrillo; Carrillo wins.
  • Naomi & Lana VS Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke; Rose & Brooke win.
  • Shelton Benjamin VS Cedric Alexander; Alexander wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: AJ Styles & Omos VS Elias & Jaxson Ryker; Styles & Omos win and retain the titles.
  • WWE World Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Drew McIntyre VS Kofi Kingston; McIntyre wins and will challenge Bobby Lashley for the title at Hell in a Cell.


WWE and Raw celebrate Memorial Day.

“They didn’t volunteer to die. They volunteered to defend values which make up what we call civilization.” – President Ronald Reagan

A narrator asks, “What does it mean to be selfless? To have the courage to put all else first for a greater cause. In every generation, there are those who put everything before themselves. And on this day, we honor them. The brave men and women who fought for our freedom. From the first World War to Desert Storm. From Normandy to Afghanistan. Today, we look back at the moments, the events, that define our history. The struggles, they’re battles. And remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. President Ronald Reagan once said…” “As we honor their memory today, let us pledge that their lives, their sacrifices, their valor, shall be justified and remembered for as long as God gives life to this nation.”

“Today, we show our gratitude. To those who shaped us, who guided us, who ensured our values would live forever. Today, we show reverence and respect. Today, we say, ‘Thank you.'”


Jimmy Smith joins Raw commentary!

And what a night to start! Smith is here to join the fans in honoring our military and enjoying all the action and entertainment that’s in store!


Raw opens with Miz TV!

The Miz returns and is not a zombie as he welcomes us back to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show ever! Miz puts himself over as he welcomes back the ONLY two-time Grand Slam Champion, himself! And not a moment too soon, because Raw has been really tough to watch without Miz commanding the ship. It’s not all his fault, though. He apologizes for that match. “That match… That Lumberjack match with Damian Priest… I was injured. For the first time in my illustrious career, my body gave way and… What is that smell?”

John Morrison is wearing garlic! He’s taking no chances after what happened at Backlash! That was a sticky situation, so now he’s prepared for anyone or anything that might come for the host with the most, and the Moist Voice. Aliens, vampires, plumbers, whatever! Because in addition to the garlic, he also has his patented #DripStick! It’s a simple pump water gun filled with holy water. Miz missed Morrison so much. Morrison says the same about The Miz. Miz says he had an epiphany while he was away. He knew he had to get back because we’re going on the road soon! The fans all want to see these must-see stars in person!

And Miz also had the realization that he has accomplished so much in his story book career that he has to give back! He has to use his platform to support stars like Morrison, and his guests tonight! Speaking of which, the challenger to the Raw Women’s Championship at Hell in a Cell, welcome the Queen, Charlotte Flair! Morrison “sings” along with the theme as Charlotte struts down to the ring. Morrison helps her with the ropes, but she doesn’t like the garlic necklace. Maybe it’s just the smell. Miz welcomes her to the show and she asks about the smell. It’s the anti-supernatural garlic!

But anyway, in about three weeks, Charlotte could return to Raw the how-many-time women’s champion? Fourteen time, but who’s counting? Other than them! Miz ‘n’ Morrison overdo the laughing and she’s immediately annoyed. But what everyone has to realize is that Rhea Ripley had her fairy tale victory, but real life is different. Sometimes dreams become nightmares, and in three weeks, Charlotte sends the Nightmare to hell. But speaking of, Rhea makes her entrance! Miz ‘n’ Morrison rock out and annoy Charlotte more than Rhea walking to the ring does. Rhea helps herself into the ring and takes the mic to say, “Charlotte, you’re going to send me to hell? You can GO to hell!”

Miz keeps things from getting physical, this is Rhea’s first time on Miz TV so let’s deep dive into who Rhea really is, why she’s so mysterious, what her tattoos mean and why she has such a strong exterior. Pop quiz from Morrison: what’s Rhea’s favorite garlic bread recipe? Miz asks Morrison what he’s going on about, and Morrison just wants to make sure Rhea’s not a vampire. Rhea laughs because of how DUMB that is! She’s not a vampire! Oh ok. She’s a nightmare to everyone in the Raw Women’s Division. If they want to interview her after HIAC, after she’s defeated Charlotte, she’ll still be Raw Women’s Champion.

Charlotte says Rhea couldn’t even beat Nikki Cross last week. True! And as a champion, you should beat all challengers. Though, that was a Beat the Clock two-minute challenge. #LossToCross. Rhea did let time get away from her as she was showing her dominance, and lost by time running out. Which Charlotte rubbed in her face not two seconds after. Charlotte rubs it in again here, too. Rhea couldn’t beat Cross so what makes her think she can beat Charlotte? Wait, here comes Nikki Cross! She wasn’t a scheduled guest but Miz allows it. Nikki apologizes for crashing the show but she’s a big fan. She couldn’t wait to get out here.

Last week, Nikki beat the champion! Rhea stands up but Nikki says it would only be fair if she challenged the winner from HIAC. Charlotte says if life was fair, Charlotte would already be champion. Rhea says that if there was four minutes and not two, Nikki wouldn’t even be standing here. But they’re cool, and Rhea admits Nikki earned some respect. Well thanks, Rhea! But listen, Charlotte! Nikki COULD beat Charlotte in two minutes, too! Then would it be fair for her to challenge the winner of HIAC? Charlotte gets up now and says this is ridiculous. She could beat Nikki in ONE minute. But Nikki SLAPS Charlotte! Morrison ‘n’ Miz like the fire, but they keep this from getting physical.

Charlotte says, “You’re on, you little troll!!” The Queen wants to make Nikki pay for her insolence, but will one minute really be enough time?


Beat the Clock Challenge: Charlotte Flair VS Nikki Cross!

Raw returns, and to be fair to both Nikki and Charlotte, this is still a two minute challenge. But either way, can Nikki earn her way to a title opportunity?

The bell rings, and Nikki dodges Charlotte to slide out and taunt her. Charlotte seethes, chases Nikki but Nikki gets back in the ring! Nikki taunts Charlotte more, Rhea says the clock is ticking, and Charlotte gets back in, only for Nikki to go back out! Charlotte blames Rhea for this but Rhea says she should focus. Nikki baits Charlotte but Charlotte misses! We’re nearing a minute as the cat ‘n’ mouse continues. Rhea ends up in Charlotte’s way, and Charlotte says this is all Rhea’s fault. The ring count is climbing, Charlotte gets in the ring and Nikki runs to duck and dodge. Charlotte knees low, brings Nikki around but Nikki shoves her. Charlotte CLOBBERS Nikki but we’re at 30!

Charlotte gets Nikki up, hoists her up top, but Nikki fights back! We’re at 15 seconds as Nikki hits a TORNADO DDT! Charlotte flounders, Nikki dropkicks her, and time is up! Nikki wins again!

Winner: Nikki Cross

The Queen is furious that she got suckered into the games! She still blames Rhea, but will she only have herself to blame if she doesn’t pull off the win at Hell in a Cell?


Matt Riddle talks with Damian Priest backstage.

The Bro cannot wait. Priest says all the celebrating they can do in every city! That means Riddle can scooter all the way down to Texas! Maybe he can learn some Español, “akka” Spanish. Wait, AKA? Si! Well alright, sure. Okay how do you say, “Bro?” Hermano. Alright, that’s an easy one. How about, “I’m hungry.” Tengo hambre. Cool, he’ll work on that one. How about, “Where’s my daddy?” Donde esta mi papi. I’M your papi! Eddie Guerrero! Nice. Okay, okay. How about, “Hey, Randy!” Hey, Randy. Really? That simple? Even “bro” is- Oh! Hey, Randy! Hola, amigo! Riddle has missed him so much! How’s he doing?

Orton says he saw what Riddle did last week, using the RKO. Yeah, sorry, he should’ve asked permission first, and he isn’t sure what came over him, but it just came outta nowhere! Orton admits that that was a hell of a match with Xavier Woods and Orton was impressed. There are things they can work on, and if they’re going to be a team, they might as well go all the way. So while he might regret this later, Orton wants Riddle to watch his match and learn some things. Seriously? Aw shucks, Randy! Last week, Riddle hitting the RKO, he realized it’s about that high angle velocity cuz when he pushed off his foot and got Woods around the head-

Orton hushes Riddle, and he zips the lip. Orton takes the key, and tosses it. Riddle scoots on to look for it, but that’s easier said than done. Wait, what? Anyway, will Riddle take plenty of notes on how the RKO really looks?

Xavier Woods VS Randy Orton w/ Matt Riddle!

Switching from Mortal Kombat to Power Rangers, Woods goes from Sub-Zero to the White Tiger! Kofi Kingston is the Green Dragon Ranger, but he has to prepare for the Scottish Warrior. Will Woods be safe alone against The Viper?

Raw returns as Orton makes his entrance. Somehow Riddle found that key because he’s hyping Orton up as he scoots up behind him. The bell rings, they tie up, and Orton headlocks. Woods powers out but Orton runs him over, then gets him up. Woods denies the RKO and arm-drags Orton to an armlock! Orton gets up, Woods grinds the arm, then wrenches and knees Orton to a corner. Woods whips Orton corner to corner but Orton reverses. Woods goes up and over, but Orton catches up him to hit a SNAKE EYES! Woods bails out while Riddle cheers, and Orton pursues. Woods hits back, Orton kicks low to bounce him off the desk again and again!

The ring count climbs but Orton gives Woods a DESK BACK SUPLEX! Orton leaves Woods behind, Riddle cheers him on and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Orton grinds Woods down with a headlock. Riddle rallies for Orton while Woods fights up. Woods throws body shots, pries the hold apart and hits an elbow breaker! Orton falls back and clutches that elbow. Woods ENZIGURIS Orton down and Riddle is a bit worried. Riddle coaches Orton and cheers him on, and Orton goes back to Woods. Woods CHOPS Orton, then throws haymakers! CHOP, haymaker, repeat, faster and faster! Woods has Orton on the ropes but Orton knees low! Orton whips Woods to ropes but Woods ducks and dodges to slide under and ROLLING ELBOW! Orton is down and Riddle is really worried!

Woods gets up, runs, and hits a SLIDING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Orton survives and Riddle breathes a sigh of relief. Both men are down but Riddle keeps rallying. Orton goes to a corner, Woods runs in and forearm smashes! Woods climbs, rains down punches, but Orton pulls an ear then pokes an eye! Orton gets Woods off the corner for a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! Woods survives and Riddle is getting frustrated on Orton’s behalf. Orton shoves Woods to the apron, Riddle likes how he literally used his head. Orton wants Riddle to watch this one as he gets Woods through ropes.

Riddle likes this one, but Woods know sit well! Woods gets in to ARM CODE BREAKER! And FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Orton endures, Riddle cheers the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Woods lets go at 4, and Orton kicks low! Orton is faster with it this time, DRAPING DDT! Orton hears the voices in his head as he watches Woods rise! Woods stands, but denies the RKO again! Backslide, TWO! KNEE from Woods, then he runs, but into a scoop! Orton borrows BRO DEREK!?! Cover, Orton wins!!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

Riddle gets in the ring to celebrate with Orton hitting his move! RKBRO is becoming simpatico! And the poses? AND THE- Nope, nevermind, Orton reconsidered. But maybe soon!


MVP and the ladies head to the “executive suite.”

The bottles are popping, and the All Mighty arrives! The ladies are happy to see him and are already fawning all over him and the title. Will Bobby Lashley be just fine staying away from tonight’s main event?


Shayna Baszler VS Reginald!

The Queen of Spades is always in a bad mood by default, but the losing and distractions and disappointment only adds to all of that to put her in a foul mood! The sommelier screwing things up was the last straw, but will Shayna snap Reggie like a twig to get her and the Irresistible Force back to the way things were?

Raw returns and Reggie tells Nia that he does not need her protection. He can handle this himself. He survived Sasha Banks and Tamina, so he’ll be fine. But that was all with Nia there! Reggie says she can watch the match from gorilla to see for herself. Nia reluctantly agrees to the deal, and Reggie heads to the ring. The bell rings and Reggie wants Shayna to understand, they’re a trio. But she told him to stay out of things last week, so this is what he gets! Shayna kicks, but Reggie flips to evade! And then again! And then he goes up and over in a corner, only for Shayna to run him over! Shayna says he’s had this coming. Reggie ducks a Penalty Kick, rolls Shayna up, TWO!

Shayna has Reggie’s arm! She twists it, whips but Reggie reverses. Shayna sees the trip-up coming and whips him again. Reggie reverses but she runs him over, only for him to handspring through! Reggie scoops and SLAMS Shayna! Reggie feels bad, he didn’t want to make this worse than it was. Shayna gets his leg, he flips away and then dodges, but Shayna runs him over again. She gets a leg to DDT it! Reggie writhes, Shayna gets the leg again, and she drops elbows on the knee over and over! Shayna twists the leg and digs a knee into the knee! Reggie endures, grits his teeth, but she turns him over and isolates the foot, to STOMP it!

Reggie writhes as he clutches the leg again. Shayna paces about, and KICKS him in the leg! Reggie gets to ropes, Shayna drags him back to center for another toehold! Shayna leg scissors the leg and twists the foot! Reggie endures but Shayna keeps on the slicer, to then SMASH the knee into the mat! Shayna paces as Reggie hobbles to a corner, Shayna runs in, he boots but she blocks! Shayna YANKS Reggie from the corner and has an ANKLE LOCK! Reggie endures, rolls and sends Shayna into buckles! Shayna comes back, he ducks a kick to SPINNING CROSSBODY! Shayna is down and Reggie hurries to a corner!

Reggie manages to climb with one good foot, and MOONSAULTS! But Shayna moves! He lands on his feet but that only messes him up more! Shayna is a shark with blood in the water, KIRAFUDA- FIRE?! The pyro of the ring goes off and spooks Shayna! Reggie victory rolls, REGGIE WINS?!?

Winner: Reginald, by pinfall

The sommelier beat a two-time NXT Women’s Champion and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion!! Shayna is furious but Nia is elated! Nia gives Reggie a big hug, but what does this mean for the tag team partnership?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

All that stands between him and another WWE World Championship match is Kofi Kingston. Is he ready? Tonight is all about Kofi VS McIntyre. No Lashley or MVP, no BS. McIntyre respects Kofi, has known him a long time and knows he’s a great family man and a great friend. Everything Kofi’s gotten, he’s earned. Maybe a couple weeks ago, if McIntyre hadn’t interfered, Kofi would’ve still won. Kofi said as much himself. Even though McIntyre grabbed MVP’s cane so MVP wouldn’t hit Kofi with it and then hit Lashley. Who is McIntyre to question another former world champion?

McIntyre isn’t one to judge, but once upon a time, he was just like Kofi, putting everyone else’s needs before his own. That cost him. He lost everything and had to change everything. He had to think of himself, and sacrifice things. Part of those sacrifices was choosing not to extend his family. Kofi fights for his kids, of course he does. But McIntyre chose not to have kids right now so that he could invest everything, all the days, hours, minutes, seconds, into this industry. But one day, there will be a Lil’ Drew crawling around, who McIntyre will tell about Scottish folklore and legend. McIntyre’s favorite is the one about the 6’5″ fire-breathing Scottish dragon slayed The Beast, something Kofi never did.

So while McIntyre respects Kofi and likes him a lot, tonight is about McIntyre willing to do everything Kofi isn’t, and run right through him to go to HIAC and face Lashley to get that title back! So to answer the question, McIntyre is MORE than ready! Now bugger off. But will a Claymore be what ends #KofiMania2 before it even begins?


Mace & T-Bar VS Lucha House Party!

The towering titans are back in action after missing out on that All Mighty Open Challenge a couple weeks ago. But will these monsters mangle Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado to start taking over the tag division?

Raw returns as LHP makes their entrance. The teams sort out, T-Bar starts with the Golden Lynx, and T-Bar rushes in! Lince dodges, fires off hands and kicks but T-Bar shoves him away to then run him over! Lince flounders up to a corner, T-Bar runs in to back body block! T-Bar gets Lince up to a fireman’s carry but Lince fights free, to a SLEEPER! Lince is a backpack, Metalik tags in but T-Bar throws Lince away. Metalik ENZIGURIS, Lince dropkicks legs out, then Lince gives Metalik a boost for a SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Metalik gets T-Bar up but that’s too much man to suplex! Mace reaches out and tags in, T-Bar scoops Metalik! Metalik slips out, but gets a HIGH LOW!!

Mace drags Metalik up to suplex and NECKBREAKER! Mace runs to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO!! Metalik survives but Mace keeps right on him. Tag to T-Bar, Mace dribbles Metalik while T-Bar runs. Mace gets Metalik up for T-Bar’s BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Metalik is still in this but T-Bar ROCKS him with right hands. Tag to Mace, they stomp mudholes into Metalik, then T-Bar tags back in. Mace lines up the shot but Lince gets in to dropkick him! Metalik BOOTS T-Bar, LHP dump Mace out! T-Bar BOOTS Metalik but Lince DIVES at Mace! But into his SCRAPBUSTER! Metalik springboards into a BOOT from T-Bar!

Tag to Mace, he and T-Bar dead lift Metalik for HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, T-Bar & Mace win!

Winners: T-Bar & Mace, by pinfall

They promised the extinction of Lucha House Party, and this was damn near close to that! Will these brutal behemoths do the same to the rest of the Raw roster?


Alexa Bliss and Lily swing backstage.

Alexa saw what happened! It was so exciting! What a night for Reggie! What better way to celebrate his win than him joining them on Alexa’s Playground? Be there or be square! Will Reggie accept the invite to this twisted play date?


Sheamus heads to the ring!

The Celtic Warrior is a fighting champion, emphasis on fighting, but what does he have planned tonight? We’ll find out after the break!

Raw returns and Sheamus has a mic to say, “Look at that! Another week, another victory for your valiant United States Champion!” And he can’t wait to go on the road again so he can defend HIS title in every major city in America. But the problem is in WWE is that people don’t lose like real men. Humberto and Ricochet can’t take losses. They’d rather try and embarrass their champion. But here’s a message for you lads: go buy some participation trophies because that’s the closest you’re going to get to the title!

Sheamus cues up footage from last week, where he beat Carrillo with some controversy, then added insult to injury, only for Ricochet to attack him! Ricochet and Carrillo both took to the air to hit Sheamus over and over, which is why he’s a little upset this week. Sheamus asks if those two look like championship material. That’s nothing! Where Sheamus comes from, that’s just scumbag behavior! Everyone asks why he hasn’t defended his title since WrestleMania 37, and there’s the answer! The Open Challenge was designed and created by him so he could find someone worthy enough at this beauty of a belt! Carrillo and Ricochet have only shown that they’re not fit to lace his boots!

Sheamus is smart, he won’t face those guys in a Triple Threat. But he will go back-to-back cuz that’s the kind of champ he is! And when he’s done with both, he’ll send them both back to obscurity! The question is, which one of those Muppets is brave enough to take the first arse kicking? Sheamus waits, and it’s the ONE AND ONLY first!

Sheamus VS Ricochet!

The bell rings and the hands start flying! Sheamus CLUBS Ricochet, whips him to ropes, but Ricochet kicks back! Ricochet fires off more hands, Sheamus hits low and scoops, but Ricochet slips off! Ricochet dumps Sheamus out, builds speed and slides, but into Sheamus’ body shots! Sheamus scoops and FALL AWAY SLAMS Ricochet into barriers! Sheamus drags Ricochet up and puts him back in the ring, then climbs up. Ricochet stands, Sheamus leaps for a FLYING LARIAT! Ricochet gets turned inside-out, but Sheamus drags him up. Carrillo makes his entrance? This isn’t a Triple Threat or Handicap, but it is a DISTRACTION! Ricochet rolls Sheamus up, and WINS!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

The Fella is FURIOUS! Dale Gas just got the better of Sheamus and now it’s HIS turn! Sheamus is so mad, will he cost himself against Carrillo?

Sheamus VS Humberto Carrillo!

Raw returns and Ricochet is still ringside to watch this match, but Sheamus stomps a mudhole into Carrillo in a corner! The ref counts, Sheamus lets off to argue about Carrillo’s joking around, and then he whips Carrillo corner to corner. Sheamus runs in to RAM Carrillo, runs to knee lift and keeps going to CLOBBER Carrillo! Sheamus glares at Ricochet but Ricochet stays back. Sheamus throws hands on Carrillo but Carrillo fights back. Sheamus knees low, whips Carrillo to the corner, but Carrillo boots back. Carrillo hops up but Sheamus YANKS him down! Carrillo goes to the apron, Sheamus drags him up and bends him against ropes!

The ref counts, Carrillo pries free of Sheamus’ grip to throw elbows! Carrillo HOTSHOTS Sheamus away, then steps in to leap, into the IRISH CURSE! Ricochet admits that hurt. Ricochet coaches Carrillo but Sheamus stomps Carrillo and kicks him at the ropes. Sheamus stalks Carrillo to a corner, gets him up and reels him in to CLOBBER him! Sheamus says he can do this all day! Especially since he’s getting paid. Sheamus gives Carrillo Beats of the Bodhrain in the center of the ring, then clamps on with a chinlock. Sheamus stretches Carrillo back, Ricochet and fans rally for Carrillo, and Carrillo fights up. Carrillo throws body shots and then a JAWBREAKER!

Sheamus staggers, Carrillo goes to a corner. Sheamus runs in but Carrillo dodges to POST him! Ricochet taunts Sheamus, Sheamus swings on Carrillo but Carrillo fires off CHOPS and forearms! Carrillo kicks, Sheamus spins him, DRAGON WHIP! Sheamus staggers again, Carrillo dropkicks him down! Sheamus staggers up, Carrillo runs in but Sheamus catches him and puts him on ropes, to DECK him! Carrillo tumbles down, Ricochet checks on him, but Sheamus goes out to BOOT Ricochet down! Sheamus’ nose is busted and he bleeds on himself, but he revels in it! Sheamus puts Carrillo in, talks m ore trash to Ricochet, but Carrillo builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit!!

Carrillo gets Sheamus in the ring, goes up top, and leaps for a CROSSBODY! Sheamus catches Carrillo, swings him and SLAMS him! Sheamus smiles through the blood and he drags Carrillo back up to talk trash. Sheamus is pissed about the busted nose but he’s aiming from the corner, Ricochet gets in but Sheamus catches him! Carrillo hits a FLYING CHUCK!! Roll up, Carrillo wins!!

Winner: Humbert Carrillo, by pinfall

Sheamus wanted to face them both, and he LOST to both! Granted, this felt like a Handicap match, the very thing Sheamus was trying to avoid! Will the fighting champion have no choice but to put that championship on the line now?


Eva Marie speaks.

“The WWE is where everything took off for me.” It’s where her journey to greatness started. But there came a point where she needed to take a break and find herself. She wanted to see how that hard work could apply to other things. Life will knock you down, but you have to have the courage to get back up. You have to fight to earn your way and for what you want in life. So she’s back to finish the fight she started. Not only will she be a voice for herself, but for the superstars in the making. This is Eva-Lution.


Naomi & Lana VS Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke!

The Ravishing Glow and the #SexyMuscleFriends both want after Natalya & Tamina and those WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships! But that means going through each other! Will Mandy & Dana feel the glow? Or will they flex on Naomi & Lana on the road to the gold?

Raw returns as Mandy& Dana make their entrance, and the champions are on commentary to watch this closely. The teams sort out, Dana and Lana start. They tie up, Lana headlocks, but Dana powers out. Lana rolls, dares Dana to do something, and things speed up. Lana hurdles, rolls but Dana leaps over to return the favor. Naomi tags in and Lana rolls Dana to a lateral press, for Naomi to drop a leg, brother! Naomi takes over the cover, TWO! Naomi keeps on Dana with a facelock, then shifts to a headlock for a buckle bulldog! Lana tags in and she hits a regular BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Natty says she taught Lana everything she knows, but Lana doesn’t know everything Natty knows.

Lana tags Naomi back in, they hand off Dana to wrench for a headlock. Dana powers out, Naomi stops herself to elbow back. Naomi wheelbarrows but Dana SLAMS her down! Dana drags Naomi up and over to tag in Mandy. They double whip and double FLAPJACK! Mandy covers, TWO! Mandy stalks Naomi to ropes, digs her knee into her, then lets off as the ref counts. Mandy waistlocks to SLAM Naomi, then holds on. Naomi reaches for Lana but Mandy keeps her away with another SLAM! Mandy still holds on, whips Naomi to the corner, then runs in but Naomi fires off forearms! Naomi DECKS Dana, fireman’s carries Mandy, and hits a MODIFIED GUTBUSTER!

Naomi BUZZSAWS Mandy, covers, TWO! Naomi drags Mandy up and over, tags in Lana, and they have Mandy. Dana runs in but Naomi tosses her out! But as Naomi PLANCHAS Dana, Mandy and Lana switch waistlocks back and forth! Mandy O’Conner Rolls but has to KNEE FROM A ROSE to Naomi first! Lana rolls Mandy up, TWO!! Lana trips Mandy, jackknife, TWO as Mandy bridges out! Mandy has the arms, Lana slips free but Mandy whips her to the corner. Lana BOOTS back, Dana gets up but Lana ROCKS her! Mandy RAMS Lana, Dana tags in! The SMF coordinate, for a FLYING NECKBREAKER SAMOAN DROP! Cover, SMF win!!

Winners: Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose, by pinfall

Dana & Mandy call out Tamina & Natty and the champs are ready! Will the statement making, bone breaking, title taking second generation superstars make sure they’re titles aren’t taken so easily?


Shelton Benjamin VS Cedric Alexander!

The Gold Standard says he’s a survivor, but he’s 1v1 with PRIME! Something’s gotta give, but will Benjamin shut Alexander’s mouth once and for all?

Raw returns and Alexander makes his entrance, talking trash all over again. The bell rings and Benjamin BOOTS Alexander down! Benjamin drags Alexander up to club and hammer and reel Alexander in. Alexander thumbs Benjamin’s eye to avoid the bomb! Alexander dodges and ducks to NEURALIZER! Cover, ALEXANDER WINS?!

Winner: Cedric Alexander, by pinfall

Alexander talks trash again because he just punked out the veteran! Is there no denying that it is #PRIMETIME?


Elias talks with Jaxson Ryker backstage.

“We are up against AJ Styles and Omos tonight for the tag team titles!” Ryker, are you listening? Does he understand what they’re up against? Omos almost threw Elias through the LED boards! Elias was almost electrocuted again! He knows they have a huge opportunity and can win, Ryker showed that against AJ Styles last week. Styles is no match for Ryker but Omos is a different breed! He’s barely human! He’s bigger than anyone Elias has ever seen! Is Ryker listening? Elias needs to know Ryker has his back. Has Ryker ever been to battle like this before? Ryker finally snaps out of it, and asks if Elias has ever been in battle. Ryker served in Iraq. Is that all the answer Elias needs for tonight?


Backstage interview with Kofi Kingston.

Kevin Patrick knocks on the New Day’s door and Kofi says hey. Kofi knows this is about McIntyre’s words earlier, but Kofi’s going to address what McIntyre didn’t say. Kofi read between the lines, and felt like McIntyre implied the connections Kofi has with family and friends are somehow detriments. Oh~ no~! The reason Kofi is so successful is because of family and friends. He pushes himself for them. But why is McIntyre acting like he can take cheap shots? Kofi respects everything McIntyre has done in the industry, all his sacrifices to be at the top. But what Kofi doesn’t respect is the shots he takes when saying McIntyre slayed the Beast and Kofi didn’t.

Kofi knows what happened between himself and Brock Lesnar, he was there. The people know, they saw it. But if you blinked, you probably missed it. But if McIntyre wants to take cheap shots, then allow Kofi to give one! Don’t forget what happened two short weeks ago when Kofi did what McIntyre hasn’t in months, though it feels like three years. McIntyre’s had so many chances and yet he has not been able to beat Lashley. Regardless of how it happened, Kofi pinned the WWE World Champion, Bobby Lashley, on his first try!

So McIntyre is going to run through Kofi? No, Kofi and McIntyre are going to go out there, give it everything they’ve got. Blood, sweat, tears, effort, energy, all here tonight, and when it’s all said and done, Kofi will beat McIntyre. Then Kofi goes to HIAC to beat Bob Lashley again to become the NEW! TWO TIME! W, W, E, World, Heavy, Weight, wait for it… Wait… CHAMPION! Will #KofiMania2 be inevitable?


Raw Tag Team Championships: AJ Styles & Omos VS Elias & Jaxson Ryker!

The Phenomenal Grand Slam Champion and his MASSIVE amigo are going to defend their titles on television against The Drifter and one battle-hardened, hard hitting veteran. But will Styles & Omos be ready now that they’re standing together?

Raw returns as Elias & Ryker make their entrance. The introductions are made, the titles are raised, and we see if the challengers can be more than phenomenal!

The teams sort out, Styles starts against Ryker, but Elias ambushes Styles! Ryker bails out because now it’s Elias starting against Styles instead! Elias gets Styles up to bump him off buckles, then CHOPS him! Elias fires off forearms, Styles flounders but Elias CHOPS him! And ROCKS him! Styles reaches for Omos but Elias whips him to the open corner. Elias runs in but Styles BOOTS him! Styles ROCKS Elias with haymakers, stomps him down, then gets him up for a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Elias grits his teeth while Styles looms over him. Elias throws body shots and snap suplexes in return! Cover, ONE! Elias drags Styles up to DECK him!

Elias drags Styles up, snapmares and drops a knee! Elias runs, but Ryker tags in without warning. Ryker gets Styles up but Styles throws hands! Styles whips, Ryker reverses but Styles slides out to trip up Elias! Styles then gets back in the ring before Ryker can get him, and Styles DECKS Ryker! Styles builds speed to WRECK Ryker and send him into Elias, who tumbles onto the announce desk! Omos is fired up for that phenomenal move as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Ryker drags Styles up for a suplex! Cover, TWO! Ryker clamps on a chinlock and grinds Styles down. Styles endures, fights his way up and throws body shots. Ryker turns Styles around to RAM him into buckles, face first! Styles is dazed as Ryker gets him back up. Ryker snapmares and clamps on another chinlock. Styles endures again, fights his way up, and throws more elbows! Ryker spins Styles around again but Styles ducks to PELE! Both men are down and the ThunderDome screens fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag- Elias leaves the corner?! Styles tags Omos and Ryker doesn’t understand what’s going on!

Omos stalks up behind Ryker, Ryker turns around, and Omos clamps on a CLAW!! Omos THROWS Ryker to a corner, Elias leaves up the ramp and Omos back elbows Ryker down! Omos drags Ryker up to whip corner to corner hard, and Ryker crumbles! Omos runs corner to corner to BACK BODY BLOCK! Ryker flops down, Omos looms over him, and drags him back up. Omos says Ryker’s not talking tough anymore as he reels him in for a LARIAT! Elias is watching and feels bad, but not bad enough to go back to the ring. Styles tags in, takes aim and springboards, PHENOMENAL FOREARM! Cover, Styles & Omos win!

Winners: AJ Styles & Omos, by pinfall (still Raw Tag Team Champions)

The Drifter drifts away, why did he ditch his tag partner? And even then, what duo can possibly stand to the towering Omos and Phenomenal AJ Styles?


Nia checks in with Reggie backstage.

She knows she’s been acting like a Nervous Nelly and she saw him handle himself in the ring, but is he sure he wants to accept Alexa’s invitation? She’s kinda weird… But what can go wrong? A lot! Reggie appreciates her concern, but he will be fine. Alright, but just be careful because they still need to celebrate. He can call if he needs her. Reggie agrees and goes looking for The Playground. Will he find his way there? Will he regret it if he does?


Elias hurries away backstage.

He’s looking around because he’s worried Ryker will find him, but Kevin Patrick finds him first. Kevin asks him why he did that to Ryker, and Elias says Ryker has become unhinged. When Ryker came to Elias, he knew he could rely on Elias. Ryker opened up to Elias and his genius. Elias knew that he could help Ryker focus his strength and mold him into something special. But last week, when Elias was in danger, Ryker ran away! Ryker’s priorities are out of whack! But Ryker beat AJ Styles last week. Yes, with Elias’ help! Where was Ryker when Elias needed help?

Now, Ryker is a veteran and Elias respects that, truly. Ryker is also an incredible athlete with strength and stamina through the roof but he’s unpredictable. That is what worries Elias. WWE is about to get back on the road, millions of people who finally get to Walk With Elias again. But the idea of being locked in a car, driving for hours and hours at a time with Ryker makes Elias sick. Elias won’t be around him anymore. Will Ryker make Elias regret walking away from him?


Alexa welcomes us to The Playground!

She and Lily are so excited. So much so, that Lily is getting impatient. Alexa wants to introduce us to their new friend, Reginald! Have a seat, Reggie. Alexa promises they don’t bite. Well, she doesn’t. But Reggie, she wants to congratulate him on his win over Shayna! That’s pretty neat. How does he feel about it? Aside from what happened to his leg, he feels great. It’s not often that- Sorry, Lily has a question first. But what is it? Reggie can’t answer what he doesn’t know. Oh, right, sorry! You can’t hear her, duh~! Lily wants to know about his time in Cirque de Soleil. She loves the circus!

But Shayna shows up to throw Reggie down! And beat him up! Alexa covers Lily’s eyes as Shayna throws Reggie out of the playground. Shayna takes a seat now, and Alexa hates to say this, but she wasn’t really invited. It’s only because Lily doesn’t like her. Sorry. Is that so? Well, Alexa’s becoming a big problem. Shayna showed us how she handles problems. So before things get out of hand, maybe they should have a little chat. See you next week, Alexa. In the ring. Shayna gets right in Lily’s face and says she’s just a stupid doll. Shayna heads out, but will she regret being a bully?


The Viking Raiders talk with Mansoor backstage.

Erik & Ivar tell Mansoor that before every live event, he needs to make sure he’s well rested and well fed. That’s going to be really important when the WWE gets back on the road. And the roar of a live crowd? That is something you will never forget! But to get the fans really pumped up, you need a chant or a war cry. Try something like… “RAID!” Mansoor takes a second, and gives a big strong “RAAAAID!!” Now he’s getting it! And don’t forget to have fun out there. And don’t suck. Welcome to Raw, kid! Mansoor appreciates that, but then he turns around and sees Mustafa Ali.

Mustafa tells Mansoor not to trust people here. They’re all just trying to get ahead, and they will stab you in the back. Believe him, he knows. Don’t trust the Viking Raiders or anyone! Then why should he trust Mustafa? Now you’re getting it. Whose path will Mansoor follow as WWE gets back on the road?


MVP and Lashley continue to party with the ladies!

Kevin Patrick walks in to ask for a quick interview. He knows they’ll be watching the main event, but do they have a preference? Would Lashley rather face McIntyre or Kofi again at HIAC? MVP says they’re going to love learning who will lose in a world title match at HIAC. But instead of talking about destruction, let’s talk positive things! KofiMania was one of MVP’s favorite moments. McIntyre took a long road to the title. They respect both men and their stories, but not as competition.

Lashley reminds us that he beat McIntyre at WrestleMania 37, and without McIntyre, Kofi would’ve never beat Lashley. But it is funny that they’re focused on someone doesn’t even compete here instead of realizing that none of them will take this title from him. MVP says he’d love to be ringside for this, but Pearce made it very clear that they’re banned since he doesn’t like their “viewing habits.” Harsh, but the executive suite with the ladies and the champagne is way better than a 90 day suspension with no pay. So it doesn’t matter. Neither one will end the All Mighty Era. Now get out of here, Kevin, you’re ruining the mood.


WWE World Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Drew McIntyre VS Kofi Kingston!

The Scottish Warrior and Power of Positivity Power Ranger are finally going to settle this one! Both men want the world title back around their waist, and are willing to go through hell at Hell in a Cell to get that belt! But who will go through the other to punch that golden ticket?

The bell rings and McIntyre RAMS Kofi to a corner! McIntyre stomps, punches and keeps Kofi cornered to CHOP! Kofi gets away, McIntyre stalks after him and ROCKS him with a right hand! McIntyre whips Kofi to ropes, Kofi gets around and goes for the crucifix takedown but McIntyre stays up! Kofi shifts to sunset flip, TWO! McIntyre is up but Kofi rolls him up, TWO! McIntyre CHOPS Kofi down and Kofi ends up in a corner! McIntyre looms over Kofi, stands him up and CHOPS him again! Kofi is stinging but McIntyre brings him up, and runs to the ropes! Kofi turns that into a body scissor toss that sends McIntyre tumbling!

Kofi then SPRINGBOARD TRUST FALLS! Direct hit and Kofi fires up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Kofi fires off on McIntyre in a corner! McIntyre shoves him away and hits a GLASGOW KISS Headbutt! McIntyre snarls, drags Kofi up for a dead lift suplex! And McIntyre holds him up, Kofi tries to fight free, but McIntyre SLAMS him down! Cover, TWO! McIntyre drags Kofi back up, ROCKS him with a right, and stomps him in the corner! McIntyre drags Kofi up again, reels him in, but Kofi swings around the lariat to a GUILLOTINE! McIntyre endures, powers up and gets the suplex! Kofi knees through this time to cradle, TWO! BUZZSAW! Kofi BOOTS McIntyre down then rebounds off ropes to SPLASH! Cover, ONE!!

Lashley and his ladies watch as McIntyre gets up. Kofi KICKS McIntyre in the side, has him in a corner, and throws hands! Kofi stomps, goes corner to corner, and forearm smashes! Kofi keeps moving, and he forearm smashes again! Kofi runs, McIntyre dodges and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! McIntyre grits his teeth as he glares at Kofi. McIntyre hauls Kofi up to TOSS him overhead again! Kofi flounders into the corner, the ref checks on him, but he’s okay to continue. McIntyre scoops Kofi, but Kofi counters to another cradle! TWO, and McIntyre BOOTS Kofi! McIntyre fires off hands against the ropes but lets off as the ref counts 4!

Kofi flounders against the ropes, McIntyre gets him back up, but he swings into the SOS!! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre survives but this is what he’s been known for since facing Lesnar at WrestleMania 36! Kofi keeps moving, but McIntyre bails out before a Boom Drop. Kofi climbs up and SUPER TRUST FALLS, but is caught! McIntyre TOSSES Kofi over barriers and into LED boards on the other side! Kofi writhes and McIntyre seethes as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once again and McIntyre has Kofi in another corner. McIntyre stomps him, drags him up, and whips him corner to corner hard! Kofi bounces off buckles and McIntyre looms over him again. McIntyre drags Kofi up, shoves and scoops for a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives but McIntyre clamps on for a motorcycle stretch. McIntyre digs that knee into Kofi’s back, but Kofi endures, showing why WrestleMania 35 was the original #KofiMania! Kofi fights up but McIntyre knees him in the back! McIntyre has Kofi in a corner to CHOP him again! McIntyre puts Kofi up top, throws hands, then climbs up to join him.

McIntyre throws hands but Kofi hits back! They brawl, McIntyre gets the edge with haymakers and headbutts! McIntyre fireman’s carries Kofi, but Kofi moves around to SUPER POWERBOMB!! McIntyre is down and Kofi crawls to a cover, TWO!! McIntyre gets one arm up and Kofi can’t believe it! Kofi bobs ‘n’ weaves around McIntyre to fire off DOUBLE CHOPS! And a dropkick! McIntyre kicks back, whips Kofi to a corner, but Kofi goes up and up to dropkick again! Cover, TWO! Kofi keeps his focus as he gets McIntyre back up. Kofi headbutts McIntyre! Kofi aims from a corner, powers up with the “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” clapping, and spins… but no Trouble In Paradise!

McIntyre swings on Kofi but back into SO- NO! McIntyre underhooks Kofi for a SWINGING BUTTERFLY, into the FUTURE SHOCK!! Cover, TWO?!!? Kofi survives and McIntyre is shocked! McIntyre sits up and looks at Kofi. McIntyre gets Kofi up to a fireman’s carry, but Kofi fights free! Kofi boots from a corner, then runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife cover, TWO!! McIntyre is growing frustrated as Kofi survives again! McIntyre shakes his head and gets Kofi back up. McIntyre underhooks again, but Kofi slips out to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! That’s still not enough but Kofi still has more to try!

Kofi goes to a corner while McIntyre is down. Kofi climbs, but McIntyre gets up to ROCK him with a right! McIntyre growls, climbs up to join Kofi again, but Kofi trips him up! Kofi fires off headbutts and haymakers on McIntyre! McIntyre is in a Tree of Woe, but he sits right up to TOSS Kofi away! McIntyre gets out of the Tree, takes aim from the corner, and he demands Kofi stand up. Kofi drags himself up in the opposite corner, CLAY- TROUBLE IN PARADISE!!! Kofi crawls to the cover, ROPEBREAK!!! McIntyre survives by mere inches and Kofi is stunned! Kofi drags McIntyre back up, throws hands in a corner, then whips corner to corner.

McIntyre reverses, Kofi goes up and up and RANAS! McIntyre falls out of the ring, Kofi goes to the apron to PENALTY KICK! And FLYING STOMP!! Kofi hurries to get McIntyre up and in! Kofi climbs, McIntyre writhes, Kofi leaps, into a CLAYMORE?!?! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE World Championship)

This was truly a match worthy of a championship! McIntyre didn’t steamroll Kofi like he said he would, but he did win out. Kofi and McIntyre show respect for each other with a handshake, but Lashley shows up now that the ringside ban has been lifted! Lashley holds up the title but McIntyre says it’s only a matter of time! Will the Scottish Warrior survive hell and the All Mighty to once again be on top of the world?

My Thoughts:

Tonight was somehow decent, but I did fear it was another non go home episode coming down with Go Home Syndrome at a certain point. It was the recaps again, but they stopped around Sheamus’ double header. And speaking of that, I should’ve figured Sheamus was going to get his comeuppance here. He wasn’t going to win both, and it would be a bit rough on the math to have Sheamus win one and lose the other. Sheamus fighting through that bloody nose was badass, though. I have a feeling WWE is copy and pasting another Triple Threat here, and Sheamus can use Ricochet and Carrillo against each other so he comes out the winner.

Miz TV to open was alright, as was the Beat the Clock Challenge copy and paste. At least this time, Nikki was the one putting the pressure on her opponent, as she should have with Rhea last week. Charlotte and Rhea are now even in that regard, and it’s great for Nikki to finally be involved in things. But whether it’s Rhea or Charlotte after HIAC, I don’t see Nikki beating either in a match with no time limits. Meanwhile, I should’ve figured Alexa and Lily would mess with Shayna. Reggie won but ended up paying for it, and if we’re getting Shayna VS Alexa next week, that might finally give us an idea as to how Lily will get involved in the ring.

Good to see Naomi & Lana VS Mandy & Dana tonight to get a Raw team going after the Women’s Tag Champions. It was a good match, #SexyMuscleFriends winning makes sense as Lana is still just outside of being a championship level superstar. Plus, Mandy & Dana having strength and athleticism makes for a good match up with the technical Natty and even stronger Tamina. Though I will say again, this would be the one time I would actually welcome another Triple Threat. Raw’s contenders, Mandy & Dana, battling SmackDown’s contenders, the Riott Squad, as well as the champions would make for a very exciting title match at a PPV where both brands would be present by default.

I like that instead of getting superstars giving promos right to the camera to hype up WWE’s return to touring, they integrated them into conversation promos that also advanced story. Mansoor being new to Raw, he’s basically a clean slate in terms of Face and Heel, so I like that there was a lightside VS darkside moment. Does Mansoor trust the Viking Raiders about, uh, being a healthy and responsible Face? Or does he believe Mustafa Ali and become a shark Heel that only looks out for himself? At the very least, Mansoor VS Mustafa would be a great match, and maybe even a great tag team to battle the Viking Raiders.

Priest, Riddle and Orton were good in the other conversation promo. They basically reworked what Riddle said on Raw Talk last week, which makes it seem like Raw Talk doesn’t matter to them. But it does make it canon that Orton approves of Riddle using the RKO. Orton VS Woods was a really good match, not quite Riddle VS Woods last week, but I love that Orton used the Bro Derek in return now. We have to be getting Styles & Omos VS RKBRO at HIAC for the titles, we just have to. Styles & Omos of course retain their titles, but I feel it’s a shame Elias & Ryker break up as a team. The RawDown Tag Divisions have so little as it is, they should’ve let those two stick together a little longer.

Elias’ turn on Ryker of course turns Ryker into a Face, and using a Memorial Day Raw as the time for it was a logical move. Elias VS Ryker is going to carry these two to at least HIAC, maybe a little past that, and WWE will have a new patriotic and beefy Face they’ll try and get fans to rally behind, not having learned from how AEW and Cody Rhodes have gotten some flack over making a USA VS Not USA angle out of Cody Rhodes VS Anthony Ogogo. Ryker is still a good powerhouse wrestler who doesn’t really have to say much, and he could’ve had Elias as his musical hype man, but I guess Elias as a Face just doesn’t work for WWE.

But what the hell with Benjamin VS Alexander tonight? For one, immediately getting a tiebreaker match here seems too soon. One or both of them should’ve been facing other singles competitors as a way to one-up each other. And then they’d have the tiebreaker that’d be the best match of them all. But Alexander made Benjamin look like a chump! I can get if Benjamin is entering a crisis of confidence story where he has to redeem himself, but it just seems way too easy for Alexander to cheat Benjamin and win like that. Benjamin has been with the WWE too long to be treated like that, even if it is to put a young star over.

Lashley and MVP partying with the ladies all night was at least the logical move. If they couldn’t be ringside, they’d play up the Hurt Business big money gimmick. I am curious as to Lashley mentioning something in his promo about “someone who doesn’t even compete here.” “Here” meaning Raw, and I assume that person in question is Roman Reigns. But no one mentioned Roman did they? Tonight or last week. But if it is to keep the parallel alive and to set up Lashley VS Roman at Survivor Series, I like that at least someone is planting that seed.

Then the promos from McIntyre and Kofi were both great, McIntyre VS Kofi was an awesome main event, PPV worthy in itself, but I am both a little surprised and disappointed they defaulted to McIntyre. I do get that if you go back to over a year ago, Backlash 2020, that was McIntyre VS Lashley round one, McIntyre won. WrestleMania 37 was round two and Lashley won. HIAC 2021 would be round three and the true blow-off, and then both men can wash their hands of the feud. But just because fans aren’t in the arena to pop for Kofi winning, I know we all would’ve been excited at home to see it happen.

Perhaps this is WWE already planning ahead for once. Whether it’s McIntyre or Lashley winning at HIAC, Kofi can face the champion at MITB for his long overdue rematch for the title. KofiMania 2 may not happen at WrestleMania, but as long as it happens, the live fans will love it. So long as Mr. MITB doesn’t cash in and take it away from him again on that same night, that is.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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