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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/11/21)

Who heads for the throne?



Coverage Raw 2021

Raw starts their journey to crowning royalty!

While Big E and Drew McIntyre have a face-to-face, Raw’s half of both the King of the Ring and Queen’s Crown tournaments begin!


  • King of the Ring Opening Round: Xavier Woods VS Ricochet; Woods wins and advances to the next round.
  • Mansoor & Mustafa Ali VS The Hurt Business; The Hurt Business wins.
  • Queen’s Crown Opening Round: Shayna Baszler VS Dana Brooke; Baszler wins and advances to the next round.
  • Matt Riddle VS Omos w/ AJ Styles; Omos wins.
  • Jeff Hardy VS Austin Theory; Theory wins.
  • King of the Ring Opening Round: Kofi Kingston VS Jinder Mahal; Mahal wins and advances to the next round.
  • Bianca Belair & Sasha Banks VS Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair; No Contest.
  • Queen’s Crown Opening Round: “Doudrop” Piper Niven VS Natalya; Piper wins and advances to the next round.
  • Big E & Drew McIntyre VS The Usos; The Usos win.


Drew McIntyre heads to the ring!

The Scottish Warrior has his claymore, Angela, as always as he walks down the ramp. San Francisco is fired up for the former WWE World Champion as he sheaths the sword and gets the mic. “Now it seems appropriate the the Scottish Warrior is kicking things off in the home of the Warriors.” And since he won’t get to do this for some time, he gives us an introduction to Monday Night Raw! We all know Crown Jewel is coming, the thrones are on the stage, there’s Roman VS Lesnar and a No Holds Barred in Goldberg VS Lashley, and then the match everyone will be talking about, McIntyre VS Big E. And why will they talk about it? Because McIntyre will once again become champion!

McIntyre tells Big E that he has waited months for this last opportunity at the title, and he won’t let it slip through his fingers. McIntyre has a story from earlier today, but Big E’s entrance cuts it off! Big E goes to the ring and San Fran is fired up again as he gets himself a mic. Big E tells Drew that he gets it. He understands why McIntyre wants to be WWE Champion so badly. Big E has tasted the spoils and oh are they sweet. So sweet that he lets the juices of that nectar drip down his chin to his neck and “betwixt my nipples.” Drew is a specimen! Incredibly accomplished! But he will never take the title from Big E.

Big E tells Drew’s train has left the station and he has two options. He can either jump onboard, “or your big sword wielding ass can stay on those railroad tracks and get run smooth over.” McIntyre says Big E talks about the spoils, the nectar, his nipples… That rush he feels every night, how he felt when he won the title and the fans went nuts, even when he walked out here just now! Remember that feeling? Feels damn good, doesn’t it. McIntyre is a two-time WWE Champion, of course Big E’s on cloud nine. McIntyre held the title for 300 days and yet, he still doesn’t know that great feeling.

McIntyre is damn proud of his time as champion, he led the WWE through uncertain times and loved every minute but he is still chasing his moment. That moment will be Crown Jewel. And just like McIntyre defeated Lesnar, Orton and Goldberg, he will run through Big E and win back HIS title, and there’s not a damn thing Big E can do about it! Big e and McIntyre talk trash without the mics, but here come the Usos?! Jimmy & Jey are still on SmackDown and are still SmackDown Tag Team Champions, but they want to watch this. Jimmy is pumped for this match! Who’s Jey got? Jey is rolling with Big E! Jimmy isn’t sure. If Drew Mac hits the Claymore, it might be a rap.

McIntyre asks, “Why the hell are you two even here?” They’re doing what they want cuz they roll with the Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, Uce! The Bloodline got drafted to SmackDown, but they are now in your city! So tonight, there are warning shots! Check it, Uce. They and they mama knows that Roman beats Lesnar at Crown Jewel, 100! But what’s going on here is, who (Who who who) is gonna be WWE World Champion. Is it Big E? Or is it Drew McIntyre? Jey tells McIntyre to be careful, or else he’ll end up in the crosshairs of the Tribal Chief on SmackDown. He might add the world title to the trophy case.

As for Big E, the Usos already have plans for his bois, Kofi & Woods, once they’re on SmackDown. So if at Crown Jewel, Big E wins, it’s him and Roman at Survivor Series. And if that’s the case, Tribal Chief already said, he’s got the same death wish as the NEW~ DAY~ are facing. #WeTheOnes, Uce. Read the shirts. But Big E says no no no no. These two can’t come out bumping their gums and just walk away. Big E is sure he speaks on behalf of Drew- No, Big E cannot speak on behalf of Drew. Well damn, they’ll speak on behalf of the Tribal Chief. McIntyre & Big E VS The Usos, tonight! Big E and McIntyre both accept the challenge, but then they get jumped! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!

Fans are fired up as the Usos leave Big E and McIntyre in the ring! The Scottish Warrior and Powerhouse of Positivity get up, both angry at the Usos but angry at each other. If they’re to have their match tonight, can champion and challenger get along long enough to win?


Backstage interview with the New Day.

Kevin Patrick asks how they feel about both having matches in the King of the Ring Tournament, and how they could end up facing each other in the semifinals. Kofi and Woods just laugh it off and the music hits. They say bye and we will see how the answer unfolds!

King of the Ring Opening Round: Xavier Woods VS Ricochet!

Woods looks longingly at the throne and crown, but he has to take out the King of Flight first! Will Woods ground the One and Only? Or will his dream of being crowned end already?

Raw returns as Ricochet makes his entrance. The bell rings, the two fist bump then circle. They tie up, Ricochet waistlocks but Woods wants after an arm, only for Ricochet to get away. They reset, tie up, and now Ricochet wrenches the arm. Ricochet YANKS the arm, wristlocks, but Woods spins and wrenches back. Ricochet handsprings, wrenches, but Woods rolls and handsprings to wrench and whip. Ricochet reverses, Woods runs him over! Cover, ONE, but Woods clamps onto the arm. Woods throws elbows into the shoulder, then wrenches to a back suplex. Ricochet lands on his feet, waistlocks, but Woods switches.

Ricochet fights the lift, switches back but Woods elbows. Woods runs, but into a dropkick! Cover, ONE! Ricochet facelocks and then CLUBS Woods down. Ricochet KICKS Woods around, but Woods ROCKS Ricochet with a forearm! Ricochet comes back to ROCK Woods, KICK away on a leg, but Woods block the kick to forearm and CHOP! Ricochet snarls and comes back but is put on the apron. Ricochet shoulders in, slingshots but Woods disrupts that by hitting the arms! Ricochet crashes to the apron, Woods goes up the corner but Ricochet CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ricochet climbs up and brings Woods around. Woods fights the superplex to CLUB away on Ricochet!

Ricochet drops to the apron, but he springboards back up to the top! SUPERPLEX! Both men are down and fans fire up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Ricochet whips Woods to ropes to then CLOBBER him with a back elbow! Cover, TWO! Ricochet keeps his cool and Woods sits up. Ricochet KICKS Woods in the back, taunts him, then brings him up for a EuroUpper. Ricochet snapmares and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Woods gets to ropes while Ricochet keeps his cool. Ricochet stalks Woods, throws haymakers, but Woods blocks the suplex. Woods turns things around to hang Ricochet out to dry! Woods goes up the corner to DOUBLE STOMP Ricochet down! Woods hurries back up top and fans fire up for the SECOND ROPE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!

Woods grits his teeth and drags Ricochet up by his wrists. Woods uses that to dead lift into a suplex, for a GUT BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives and Woods is frustrated! Fans fire up and Woods aims as Ricochet rises, Ricochet ducks the knee to ROUNDHOUSE Woods down! Ricochet catches his breath, to roll into the facelock and fireman’s carry! ROLLING DEATH VALLEY, to a PENALTY KICK! Woods crawls to the apron for safety, but Ricochet goes to the corner. Ricochet grins and runs to FLY over the corner! Direct hit and down goes Woods! Ricochet hurries to get back in and keep the count fresh, to then DIVE! Direct hit and Woods goes into barriers!

Ricochet just keeps moving, he’s feeling it here and he DIVES into a SLAM! Woods deflects the tope into the floor and Woods gets Ricochet into the ring! Woods pushes Ricochet around, goes to a corner and he tightrope walks, LIMIT BREAKER!! Cover, Woods wins!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The semifinals will have the power of positivity, but will it be overflowing with it? Will Kofi or Jinder meet Woods in the next round?


RKBRO talk backstage.

Matt Riddle has news that is sure to blow Randy Orton’s mind. Someone challenged Omos to a 1v1 match tonight. Here’s some hints as to who it is. One: he has a sweet head of lettuce. Two: he loves Lunchables. Did Riddle challenge Omos? After the plan went so well last week, Riddle had to follow in Orton’s footsteps like a baby viper. Riddle looks up to Orton like this cool uncle. But with all this momentum going into Crown Jewel, what’s the plan? Riddle wants to know how they’re gonna get the better of AJ Styles & Omos this week. Riddle remembers in history class, learning about this guy named Jack who led a trail of beans to trap a giant!

Riddle, there is no plan and there was no plan. That was a one time thing last week. And in no way should Riddle have challenged Omos. “Bro, you’re on your own.” Wait… “No plan,” just like how they’re “not” getting matching snakeskin speedos! No, shouldn’t have brought that up. See you out there later, Randy! Is the Viper gonna have to bail the Stallion out of being thrown off the mountain known as Omos?


Mansoor & Mustafa Ali VS The Hurt Business!

The Star of Saudi Arabia and The Beacon are still working on this tag team thing, but they’re going against the newly reunited Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin. Have PRIMED Alexander and the Gold Standard patched things up from their time as enemies? Or can Mansoor & Mustafa take advantage of any leftover dysfunction?

Raw returns and The Hurt Business is already in the ring. Benjamin starts with Ali, and Benjamin sucker punches Mansoor! Ali rushes in to dropkick Benjamin then fire off hands. Ali whips, Benjamin reverses and then pops Ali up for a FLAPJACK! Tag to Alexander, he brings Ali around and back suplexes. Ali lands on his feet, slides under Alexander and tags Mansoor in! Mansoor CLOBBERS Alexander, whips and atomic drops to a BOOT and ENZIGURI! Alexander wobbles, Mansoor runs to clothesline him in the corner. Tag to Ali, he climbs up, DOUBLE STOMP BACK SUPLEX! Ali dropkicks Benjamin down then Mansoor DIVES out to hit him down!

Ali goes up while Alexander is still down, 450 but he has to roll through! He turns around, into a scoop MICHINOKU! Cover, Benjamin keeps Mansoor out, the Hurt Business wins!

Winners: The Hurt Business, by pinfall

No dysfunction at all between Alexander & Benjamin! Mansoor goes to Ali’s aid but then Ali shoves him down! Ali is getting sick of this, and he storms off. Is their own dysfunctional duo already done?


Queen’s Crown Opening Round: Shayna Baszler VS Dana Brooke!

The Queen of Spades has been getting the upper hand and breaking the arms of her opponents, but the Flex Appeal was one woman spared thanks to the courage of “Doudrop” Piper Niven. Will Shayna simply finish what she started while heading for the crown?

Raw returns, Dana is already in the ring, and the match begins. Dana rushes Shayna but Shayna sends her into buckles. Shayna fires off hands, body shots, but lets off as the ref counts. Shayna runs in but Dana dodges the knee! Dana goes to buckle bump but Shayna blocks that and elbows her away. Shayna whips but Dana reverses and fires off on Shayna now! The ref counts, Dana lets off and then bumps Shayna off buckles. Fans fire up as Dana goes corner to corner, but handsprings into a KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Dana drops down, victory rolls, TWO! Dana tries an Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Dana gets the arm, but Shayna trips her and rolls to an ANKLE LOCK!

Dana endures, rolls and sends Shayna into ropes! Roll up, but Shayna rolls through to KNEE Dana down! Cover, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And just like that, Shayna’s ready for the semifinals! But she wants to go after Dana more! Dana gets away and the ref reprimands Shayna. Will Shayna continues to do what she wants, all the way to being crowned queen?


Charlotte Flair is backstage.

“Who cares about Shayna Baszler?” And whatever happened between Bianca Belair, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch doesn’t interest her, either. They can rip each other apart at Crown Jewel but Charlotte only cares about herself. Those three are already beneath her as the most decorated female in sports entertainment history, and is already wrestling royalty. Bianca is fiery, but she doesn’t have the killer instinct to go for the throat. Becky talks the talks but never walks the walk. She just likes riding other people’s momentum.

As for Sasha, how many times as Charlotte beaten her? Charlotte actually hopes Sasha wins the title so that Charlotte can slap that stupid smirk off her face and then become a DOUBLE CHAMPION! The UNDENIABLE champion, melding the titles together! Will Charlotte have no choice but to care when she’s in the ring with the EST, The Man and The Boss?


Matt Riddle VS Omos w/ AJ Styles!

The Bro may have just stepped in it this time. The Viper is staying in the back, will this be a major step backwards on the road to the coming Raw Tag Team Championship match?

Raw returns and AJ Styles makes his entrance to lead the way for Omos. Riddle gets a mic to tell Omos, “Whoa, man! Before we get started, Omos, there’s a couple of things I want to say.” Riddle’s been doing a lot of thinking. He thinks all the time. Remember #Brogurt? And surely Omos knows about #Brotein, look how swole he is! Way more than Skipper Styles! Riddle claims he forgot what he was talking about, but clearly he’s stalling. RANDY, NOW! Nothing.  Classic Randy, he’s just super busy and waiting for a secret code word. Riddle starts singing Voices, but then tries, “pissed off!”

Styles gets the mic and says this is ridiculous. Riddle is stalling, everyone sees it. Even San Francisco, and they’re not even that smart! Riddle is having his head removed from his shoulders, it’s happening! Let’s ring the bell and get this over with! Riddle starts a “Randy! Randy!” chant but Styles hops off the apron. The bell rings and Riddle dodges Omos to then go after Styles! Omos drags Riddle up by his hair then TOSSES him into the ring! Omos sees Riddle go to a corner, he runs in and SPLASHES! Riddle flounders around, manages to stand up leaning against Omos, but Omos grabs him in a choke grip, for a CHOKE SLAM!

Omos uses one foot to cover but Styles wants this to keep going! They can legally beat the crap out of him for as long as they want, so here’s what they’ll do. Remember that karate lesson from third grade? Styles wants to see Omos roundhouse, so Omos waits. Riddle gets up, ROUNDHOUSE!! Styles wants to see that on instant replay! The titantron has it and Styles loves it as much the second time. What’s even better than that? Riddle isn’t getting up so why not watch it in SLOW MOTION! Fans want Randy but Styles tells them to shut up. Instant replay in slow-mo is just as good for Styles as the first time. Now, time to get rid of Riddle with the TWO HAND SLAM!! Cover, Omos wins!

Winner: Omos, by pinfall

Styles says Omos is done with Riddle, but Styles isn’t! Styles drags Riddle up, reels him in, but here comes Orton! But not from the ramp side! Styles turns around but wait, no crowd side, either? Styles tells Omos they should be ready for that anyway and he sends Omos out. Omos and Styles dare Orton to show himself from somewhere, but Orton slithers up from under the ring! Orton gets in and RKO’s Styles down! Then he gets Riddle out of the ring and RKBRO again get the drop on the Phenomenal One and the Mountain of a Man! But will they be dropped as soon as Omos gets at them in the title match?


McIntyre confronts Big E backstage.

Clearly he’s still upset about how things went with the Usos earlier, but Big E says the two of them will beat the brakes off each other at Crown Jewel. But if they don’t figure this thing out tonight, it’ll be a long night. The Usos are SEVEN time tag champs for a reason. So for tonight, let bygones be bygones. McIntyre says those are good points, and the Usos are here with Roman’s permission since they don’t even get to wipe their asses without it. So then the Head of the Table is scared of the both of them. As he should be! Plus, beating the Usos would be a good win for them. Yeah, and Big E did see McIntyre’s dimples talking about nectar and nipples. Freaky boy.

But that said, the two shake hands a la the Mega Powers. Will they get to savagely hulk out on both Jimmy & Jey? Or will they still be put in the Uso Penitentiary?


Bobby Lashley is here!

The Rocky Mountain Machine is dressed to impress, but what does he have to say about his coming Crown Jewel grudge match? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Lashley has the mic. “Unbelievable. A lot of people ask me why I decided to challenge Goldberg to a No Holds Barred match.” But before answering that, did anyone see Goldberg stand in this ring and talk about ending Lashley’s life? Goldberg said verbatim, “I’m not only next, but that No Holds Barred match gives him license to kill and that I’m dead!” That is not befitting of a WWE superstar, of a WWE Hall of Famer, and not befitting of a father. Who do you have here? Someone standing in front of you, dressed like a million bucks and who defend his WWE Championship the entire year? Or do you have that man who came with cut off sleeves, foaming at the mouth and screaming about murder?

Fans start up a “GOLD~ BERG!” chant, and Lashley sarcastically says that is classy. But that is why he challenged Goldberg to No Holds Barred. Lashley can’t go into a match, a fight, with a man screaming and frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal. “The icon of Goldberg has been reduced to a rabid dog!” And though Goldberg has a strong bite, that dog needs to be put down. At Crown Jewel, with no rules in No Holds Barred, Lashley will finally end Goldberg’s career! No longer will Goldberg be running into Raw, prancing in here and beat someone up, then ride off into the sunset. No, not again. Lashley says that there will be no misunderstandings.

Fans keep up the “GOLD~BERG!” chants but Lashley tells Goldberg that he can’t beat The All Mighty. You can’t hurt the All Mighty! Goldberg damn sure can’t KILL the All Mighty! The wrath of All Mighty Lashley is set to collide with the rage of Goldberg, with either man even survive?


Sasha Banks speaks.

“Ever since Charlotte’s been drafted to SmackDown, her entitlement really has her feeling like she’s in charge. When in reality, the woman who holds the SmackDown Women’s Championship calls the shots.” Right now, The Man is clutching to the title for dear life. Tonight, Sasha is supposed to trust the woman who lost said title in less than 30 seconds in Bianca Belair. Bianca needs to sit back and follow The Boss’ lead. Sasha is the standard, the blueprint, and none of them compare. Tonight, after Becky and Charlotte implode, Sasha will beat them. Then in 10 days, in that Triple Threat, Sasha will beat Bianca & Becky to become the NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion. The Boss is all smiles, but will tonight be anything but #LEGIT?


Jeff Hardy VS Austin Theory!

It’s no mystery here, the Charismatic Enigma wants payback on The Way’s prodigal son! Will Hardy get extreme #AllDay? Or will Theory take flight using Hardy as his launching pad?

Raw returns and Theory makes his entrance. The bell rings, Hardy doges Theory then fires off hands. Hardy bumps Theory off buckles, Theory elbows back then throws forearms. Fans rally for Hardy as Theory whips him to a corner., Hardy elbows Theory down, hops up and leaps for ax handles! Theory staggers into a kick but denies the Twist! Standing switch but Theory bucks the O’Conner to slingshot, somersault and SHOTGUN dropkick! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps onto Hardy with an armlock, but wait, is that Reggie? He’s being chased by Team Maverick! Reggie LEAPS over Theory, the others get in the ring but Reggie dodges Gulak, sending Gulak tumbling!

Reggie plays cat ‘n’ mouse with Akira Tozawa, and then goes out of the ring and into the crowd! R-Truth is last but Theory has him stop. “Do you know who I am?” Truth dodges theory to go out after Reggie, Hardy gets Theory for an atomic drop! Leg splitting leg drop! TWIST OF FATE! Hardy goes up top, fans fire up, SWANTON BOMB! But it FLOPS as Theory moves! Roll up with tights, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall

Just as it seemed the 24/7 Championship chase turned things in Hardy’s favor, Theory turned it right back around! Will Theory use this wild momentum to climb higher and faster on Raw?


Bianca Belair speaks.

“I know we come from different backgrounds, but Charlotte Flair and I clearly have a different idea of what it takes to be a winner. In my life, I was fortunate enough to win with strength, with character, with heart. Charlotte Flair, she thinks that being ruthless is what it takes to be a winner, but for her, that usually just means cheating.” The EST doesn’t have to cheat and she’ll prove that when she takes the SmackDown Women’s Championship at Crown Jewel. And Sasha wants Bianca to follow her lead? Bianca doesn’t ever remember Sasha being the fastEST, but she does remember Sasha losing at WrestleMania.

And Bianca will never forget what Becky did to her at SummerSlam. But it’ll only take 30 seconds for Bianca to send Becky back to being #BeckyNOBelts. Friday, there were no issues with dropping them both through the table. A double pin could be in the future. Or maybe that’s for tonight. This is Raw, and Bianca goes here now. The EST is certainly the readiEST, but will she be able to keep things together with Sasha long enough to win?


King of the Ring Opening Round: Kofi Kingston VS Jinder Mahal w/ Veer & Shanky!

We know Woods is waiting, but will the semifinals be a battle of ya bois, the NEW~ DAY? Or will the Modern Day Maharaja’s boys make sure he is headed for the throne?

Raw returns as Woods hypes Kofi up. Kevin Patrick returns to ask how they’d feel about facing each other next week. Who would win? Who who who who? The music hits again and it’s time to do work! Kofi makes his entrance, Woods staying ringside to counteract Veer & Shanky. The bell rings, Kofi and Mahal circle. They tie up, Mahal waistlocks, SLAMS Kofi down, then gloats. Kofi gets up, he and Mahal tie up, and Mahal headlocks to a takeover. Kofi fights back up, fans rally and Kofi powers out. Mahal runs Kofi with a shoulder and he grins as things speed up. Kofi hurdles, Mahal fakes out the second then runs Kofi over again!

Mahal soaks up the heat then brings Kofi up to put him in a corner. Mahal ROCKS Kofi with a forearm, throws body shots, then stomps a mudhole! The ref counts, Mahal lets off at 4 and then he whips Kofi corner to corner. Kofi goes up to missile dropkick! Then runs corner to corner to forearm smash! Kofi fires off, whips, but Mahal reverses. Kofi hold ropes to BOOT back, then runs to RANA! Mahal bails out, Kofi aims and slingshots. Mahal dodges so Kofi lands on the apron to PENALTY KICK! Kofi goes up the corner, SUPER TRUST FALL! Fans fire up and Kofi gets in the ring! Veer & Shanky head over to help Mahal while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Mahal has Kofi in a cobra twist. Fans rally as Kofi endures and Kofi works on an escape. Kofi pries at the leg hook, then gets free to SOS! It wasn’t very clean as Mahal was fighting the whole way. Woods and the fans rally up again, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” as Kofi gets to the ropes. Kofi DOUBLE COHPS, DOUBLE CHOPS then dropkicks! Kofi runs, Mahal dodges the leaping lariat to kick and whip. But Kofi goes up and up to CORSSBODY! TWO!! Woods coaches Kofi but Mahal shoves him away to fireman’s carry. GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives but Veer & Shanky cheer Mahal on. Mahal drags Kofi up in the corner to throw knees down low.

Mahal hoists Kofi up top and throws haymakers. Kofi hits back, throws fast hands and a headbutt! Mahal drops down, Kofi adjusts, SPLASH to Mahal’s back! Cover, TWO! Kofi hurries and PENALTY KICKS! Mahal is down, Kofi fires up and the fans join in! NEW~ DAY~ Boom Drop! Kofi goes to a corner, fans fire up as Kofi claps along, but Shanky distracts! Woods LEAPS over to hit him! But Veer CLOBBERS Woods with the Million Dollar Arm! Kofi WRECKS Veer, Mahal ghost pins him! TWO!! Kofi goes to a corner, slips out and swing kicks! Kofi goes up, leaps, but into a KALLAS!! Cover, Mahal wins!

Winner: Jinder Mahal, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Well, now we don’t have to worry about who wins in Kofi VS Woods, because Mahal is taking that semifinal spot! And he even goes to the throne to sit down and wear the crown! Will Woods avenge his New Day brethren as he fights towards the finals?


Becky Lynch speaks.

“For someone who likes to talk a lot, I don’t have too much more to say. Sasha, Charlotte, Bianca, they all said their little piece about The Man while I was out of earshot. It doesn’t matter, I beat them all.” Becky’s done everything she said she’d do and then raised the bar even higher. There’s a reason she was the longest reigning Raw Women’s Champion: she’s always five steps ahead. Teaming with Charlotte is as repulsive as the smell of piss in a downtown alley, but it doesn’t matter. Becky will lead her team to victory because winning is what she does. Unlike Bianca, who she beat in 26 seconds. Unlike Sasha, who runs home and cries every time she loses.

Well bring on the tears, because The Man walks out of Crown Jewel the same way she walks in: as SmackDown Women’s Champion. All four have shared their thoughts on tonight’s tag match, and that match is NEXT!

Bianca Belair & Sasha Banks VS Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair!

The Boss heads out first and is feeling herself. But will she and Bianca be able to be the #LegitEST duo once again? Or will they simply fall apart even faster than the frenemies across the ring from them?

Raw returns as Bianca makes her entrance. She and Sasha are already at each other with Bianca parodying Sasha’s pose, but now out comes Raw Women’s Champion and her Infinity Gauntlet robe! And of course, last but not least, the SmackDown Women’s Champion makes her entrance. The teams sort out, more in that Sasha pushes Bianca to the corner, but then Bianca returns the favor. Sasha pushes Bianca aside again as Becky is more than happy to start. Bianca has Sasha move back again, but then Sasha pulls the ponytail! Bianca is getting heated now and she whips Sasha into the corner! Becky attacks them both! Charlotte just goes out, but then Becky is sent into her!

Bianca and Becky brawl, Sasha goes after her, Charlotte comes back and tackles Sasha! Bianca has Becky in a corner, extra refs rush in to stop this! Charlotte stomps Sasha, Becky fires off on Bianca, but Sasha and Bianca turn it around on them! Charlotte throws Sasha into buckles, Bianca RAMS into Becky! Charlotte throws Sasha out, she and Becky work together, BECKSPLODER for Bianca! But then Charlotte BOOTS Becky! There are no allegiances anywhere, and Charlotte rushes to the corner as Becky bails out! Charlotte goes up, but Sasha stops her with haymakers! Becky yanks Charlotte down, they throw hands, and Sasha goes up! Only for Bianca to get her!

Bianca THROWS Sasha onto The Queen and The Man!! Fans fire up for The EST but now management and security rush out to stop this! Fans boo but Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville come out now. Pearce says these four had the opportunity to show the entire world what the greatest women competitors could do and this is what they choose? No! Not tonight! Sonya says these four can get back in the ring for this to restart! But Sasha and Bianca are fighting each other! Then Becky and Charlotte get involved, fighting each other again! Sasha and Bianca get in the ring, they brawl, and Raw goes to break! How is any tag match supposed to happen at this point?!

Raw returns and somehow, the teams have sorted out. Sasha and Charlotte start and the bell rings. The two slowly circle then tie up. Charlotte waistlocks, they go around, Sasha resists the lift to switch. Charlotte elbows out hard, then drags Sasha by a leg. Sasha turns Figure Four into O’Conner Roll, TWO! Charlotte kips up but Sasha RANAS her away! Sasha then wheelbarrows and victory rolls! ONE, but Sasha blocks the boot to KNEE back! Charlotte comes back to catch Sasha for a BACKBREAKER and SLAM! Charlotte drags Sasha up, bumps her off buckles, then snapmares her down to step on her. Becky tags in and Charlotte seethes, but she lets it be.

Becky runs but Sasha avoids the leg drop! Sasha runs to BASEMENT METEORA! Cover, TWO! Sasha argues the count but she brings Becky up to wrench and YANK the arm. Sasha tags Bianca in with some sauce, but Bianca wrenches Becky. Bianca tags Sasha, Sasha takes the hand-off and wrenches to YANK. Another saucy tag, Bianca hops up to ax handle, but Becky breaks free to fire off hands! Becky gets Bianca in the corner, then sends Sasha in. Bianca dumps Sasha out, brings Becky around and snap suplexes! Roll through to a dead lift and stalling SLAM! Then a running SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Becky sputters, Charlotte taunts Bianca but Bianca whips Becky. Becky reverses, Bianca goes up and tells The Man to kiss this, but Sasha tags in and dumps Bianca down! Sasha KNEES Becky, rolls her around, BANK STATE- NO, Becky slips out! DISARM- NO, Charlotte tags in! Sasha throws Becky away, Becky CLOBBERS Her, then Charlotte tells Becky to get her ass out. Becky says that’s real cute from Charlie, but then Sasha hits a BACKSTABBER! Becky and Sasha start swinging on each other again! Becky EuroUppers, Sasha blocks a kick to KNEE! Becky blocks backstabber and Bianca throws Sasha down!

Bianca then spins Sasha around for double chicken wings! GlamEST SNAKE EYES! The ref rings the bell, this is getting to be too much again!

No Contest

Becky gives Bianca a BECKSPLODER! And then clamps onto the arm! Bianca resists, powers up to a torture rack, but Becky holds ropes! Sasha hits a BACKSTABBER on Bianca! Becky sobats, but Sasha turns backslide around! Becky fights the backstabber, Sasha fights the urenage! Becky bucks the backstabber to sobat and MANHANDLE SLAM!! Big Time Becks stands tall, making the real statement! But will this be how Crown Jewel goes for The Man? Or will someone take the title away from #BigTimeBecks to change the power dynamic in the women’s division?


The Usos talk with Roman Reigns on the phone.

Jimmy assures “Big Uce” that everything’s on lock. They the ones! Jimmy tells Jey that Roman wants them to complete the mission. Big E and McIntyre are going to be at each other’s throats by the end of the night! Will the Usos make sure no one in Roman’s way stands a chance?


Queen’s Crown Opening Round: “Doudrop” Piper Niven VS Natalya!

The inaugural tournament’s opening round closes with Piper the Viper and the statement maker, bone breaker, title taker! Will Piper trump the Queen of Harts to then go after the Queen of Spades?

Raw returns as Natty makes her entrance. The bell rings, Natty stares at the happy-go-lucky Piper doing her little dance. Natty says Piper needs to take this serious, this is something the Hart family paved the way for. Then she SLAPS Piper across the face! Piper gets serious and  ties up with Natty. They go around, Natty fires off in a corner but the ref counts. Natty lets off but then comes back with heavy body shots! Piper shoves her away, Natty headlocks and throws away Piper’s flower hairclip. Piper blocks the takeover, powers up and out of the headlock, then drops. Natty rolls, Piper gets up and Natty CHOPS her! Then SLAPS her!

Natty whips, Piper comes back to run her over! Piper still does her dance then talks some trash to Natty. Piper runs but Natty avoids the back senton! Natty runs, steps on Piper then dropkicks her down! Cover, TWO! Natty tells the ref to do his job better, then she drags Piper up. Natty CLUBS Piper then wraps her up in the cobra twist! Shayna watches backstage while Piper endures and Natty pulls hair. Natty CHOPS and even SPANKS Piper, but Piper still endures. Piper fights with elbows to the leg, then she HIP TOSSES Natty down! Natty goes to a corner, Piper runs in and SPLASHES! Natty sits down, fans fire up with Piper as she runs corner to corner.

But Natty avoid the CANNONBALL! DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Piper’s still in this but Natty gets mad. Natty gets the legs, stomps Piper, then ties up the legs. Piper SLAPS Natty away, then rolls her up! Piper wins!!

Winner: Piper Niven, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Piper celebrates, but Shayna looks eager to get after her. Will Piper get to bully the bully? Or will Shayna find a way to break Piper’s bubbly spirit before breaking one of her arms?


John Morrison meditates backstage.

But Rhea Ripley asks him what he’s doing. He looks over to see her and Nikki A.S.H. Isn’t it obvious? He’s tapping into his chi so he can share his innermost thoughts with the world. There is a lot going on. Well that’s great. Everyone should follow their dreams. Rhea has Nikki move on from the Guru of Greatness, and then asks if she understand what he was even talking about. Nope! Will #SuperBrutality worry more about their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships than chi and tranquility?


Austin Theory snatches a selfie with Big E.

Big E lets that slide, he has bigger fish to fry. Will he and the Scottish Warrior be serving up a juicy L to the Usos?


Backstage interview with Mansoor.

Kevin Patrick asks about what happened with him and Mustafa Ali, but Mansoor says he isn’t sure what’s going on. Ali storms over and shouts, “You still don’t know?!” Then let him explain: Mansoor is nothing more than a giant waste of time! Ali wants Mansoor to listen. Ali wants to show Mansoor how to survive this place, but all Mansoor wants is to dance around and make friends. He doesn’t deserve to be here! Mansoor tells Ali to get it all off his chest. Ali says Mansoor is his ONLY lifeline! The only one watching his back! Without Ali, Mansoor gets eaten alive.

But in a way, this is Ali’s fault. Ali should’ve just said this to Mansoor’s face: “You’re a loser. You’re worthless. You. Are. NOTHING.” And when Mansoor doesn’t react, Ali says, “That’s what I thought.” Ali leaves, only to come back and attack! “You still don’t get it, do you?!” Ali throws Mansoor into road cases! And then rains down rights! He wants Mansoor to listen to him, even as he beats him up! “You are NOTHING!” Ali throws Mansoor down again, and then actually leaves. Has Ali just snuffed out the Star of Saudi Arabia’s light?


Big E & Drew McIntyre VS The Usos!

The WWE World Champion and his challenger agree that their common enemy is The Tribal Chief. Therefore, the SmackDown Tag Team Champions will have to be the next best thing until each man has their turn taking on Roman Reigns. Will the Powerhouse and the Warrior be able to show Roman what he has to look forward to through his cousins? Or will they be welcomed to the Uso Penitentiary?

Raw returns and the teams sort out. Big E starts against Jimmy, they tie up at the bell, and then Big E throws Jimmy down. Big E gets Jimmy up, reels him in for back elbow after back elbow, then he puts Jimmy in the corner. Tag to McIntyre, and he stomps away! He’s staring up the stampede! Tag to Big E, he stomps, McIntyre tags in and he stomps! These Scottish Unicorns keep going, then Big E whips McIntyre in to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! McIntyre wrenches an arm and has a chinbar. Jimmy endures, fights up but McIntyre wrenches. Jimmy headbutts free then rams McIntyre into the corner. Tag to Jey, he runs in and forearm smashes!

Jey RAMS McIntyre into another corner, whips corner to corner, but McIntyre reverses. Jey goe sup but McIntyre BOOTS him out of the air! McIntyre drags Jey up, reels him in, suplexes then covers, TWO! Big E wants the tag, McIntyre drags Jey up to wrench, then he tags Big E in. They mug Jey, Big E brings Jey up again and wraps him up in the cobra twist! Big E clubs Jey to the beat, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” then Big E shoves Jey to ropes. Jey ducks, Jimmy tags in, Big E dodges but Jimmy GAMANGIRIS! Jey ROCKS Big E with an uppercut, then Jimmy stomps away on Big E! Tag to Jey, Jey stomps away on Big E! Jimmy tags in and they give back all those stomps!

Tag back to Jey, he tops things off with one more stomp, then tag back to Jimmy. They both drag Big E out and split the wishbone! Cover, ONE, but Jimmy wraps on a chinlock. Big E endures, San Francisco is behind the Usos as hometown heroes, and Jimmy headbutts Big E back to the corner. Jimmy throws more headbutts, tags in Jey, then Jimmy tops it off with one more headbutt. The Usos point to the sky, Jey drags Big E by his legs and stomps him in the gut! And again! Tag to Jimmy, the Usos bring Big E up and they mug Big E. Cover, ONE!! Big E’s still hanging tough but Jimmy keeps Big E down with a chinlock.

Big E fights up as fans rally and Big E throws body shots. Jimmy CLUBS Big E, Big E shoves him away, but Jey tags in before Jimmy gets an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Jey gets Big E up to fireman’s carry, but Big E goes to the apron! Big E dumps Jey out, then aims at Jimmy, APRON SPLASH only gets apron as Jimmy moves! The Usos get Big E up to RAM him into steel steps! McIntyre storms over but the ref has him stay back as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Jimmy has Big E down with a neck wrench. Fans rally and duel as Big E fights up to JAWBREAKER! Jimmy staggers, comes back to kick but Big E blocks. Big E spins Jimmy but gets a DRAGON WHIP! Jimmy tags Jey, they double whip Big E for a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER! Jey covers, TWO! McIntyre coaches Big E and fans fire up as Jey argues the count. Big E crawls to an open corner, Jey shouts “UCE!” and fans shout “OH!” Jey runs in to HIP ATTACK in the corner! Big E is dazed, Jey points a finger to the sky and goes corner to corner again, and he lets out another “UCE!” “OH!” Jey runs but Big E moves, Jey hits only buckles!

Big E gets up to get Jey for a Belly2Belly! Both men are down and fans fire up! Jey and Big E crawl, hot tags to Jimmy and McIntyre! The Scottish Warrior rallies on Jimmy as fans rally and duel again! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre clinches to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Jimmy swings but then rolls McIntyre up, TWO! McIntyre gives Jimmy a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife, TWO! McIntyre snarls, drags Jimmy back up, underhooks the arms, but Jimmy slips out, to get a GLASGOW KISS! Jey tags in and gets in as McIntyre goes after Jimmy, SUPERKICK! The Usos regroup, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Down goes McIntyre! Cover, TWO!!

Jey rains down rights on McIntyre then drags him up to a fireman’s carry. But McIntyre fights out and then ducks the clothesline to NECKBREAKER! McIntyre dodges Jimmy to NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up an d fires up and he wants the countdown! Three, two, one, and Big E tags in! Big E is turning things around from last time but McIntyre is reluctant to leave. Big E turns around into a SUPERKICK! And then another SUPERKICK! Cover, McIntyre doesn’t even flinch, TWO!! Big E survives but Jey watches McIntyre. Jey climbs up the corner, leaps, but Big E moves! Jey comes back into a scoop! Jimmy anchors McIntyre’s feet, Jey shoves Big E into McIntyre!

Jey runs in, into the Urenag-E! Cover, McIntyre drags Big E off!! Big E asks if McIntyre lost his mind! That bump was an accident. But these shoves aren’t! McIntyre ROCKS Big E, Big E fires back! They’re brawling, just like the Usos wanted! Big E smacks McIntyre off steel steps! And then off barriers! The count is climbing on Big E as the brawl continues! McIntyre POSTS Big E, then throws him over the desk! The count is 10, the Usos wins!!

Winners: The Usos, by count-out

But Big E hits McIntyre back and bumps him off apron! The Usos DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO! They take McIntyre and Big E out, then THROW Big E over the announce desk! Then they throw McIntyre into the barriers! The Usos clear off the announce desk, throw chairs out of the way then bring Big E around to throw into barriers! They TIP the desk over, but Big E OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes Jey! Big E shoves Jimmy to McIntyre’s OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Big E and McIntyre get back in the ring and fans fire up as they throw hands again! Big E shoves, scoops, but McIntyre slips out! CLAYMORE OUTTA NOWHERE!!

The Scottish Warrior, a bloody, busted welt over his eyebrow, roars and stands tall! But will he end Big E’s reign at Crown Jewel to begin his third? Or will the Powerhouse of Positivity show him what he can do when he’s angry?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good Raw, but with the same problem as on SmackDown: The Queen’s Crown tournament has been booked in the most disappointing way it could be. Now, in a vacuum, Shayna Baszler should have dominated just as she did tonight. But when it follows up a pair of stupidly short matches on SmackDown, it just feels bad. Piper VS Natty was the longest of the four matches but it was still under 10 minutes. The semifinal matches better be mind-blowing or it’ll just emphasize how Team Vince just doesn’t care about the women’s midcard. The top of the card, aka the titles, got a good showing going into the tag match.

Charlotte, Sasha, Bianca and Becky all delivered good promos, but I would’ve gone in a different direction with the tag match. After it turned into chaos, I would’ve just made it a Fatal 4 Way, maybe even for the Raw Women’s Championship. I know they want Becky going into Crown Jewel with the momentum because with her and Charlotte switching brands while still champions, someone has to lose a belt. Becky VS Sasha for the “Supersized” SmackDown that’s an extra half hour longer will tell a lot about Crown Jewel, but something also needs to happen on next week’s Raw go-home to see how Charlotte loses the Raw Women’s Championship.

Speaking of go-home, tonight had a lot of Go Home Syndrome. Too many commercial breaks on top of recaps and short matches. The Hurt Business is back but Ali and Mansoor are done as a team, can’t Vince just let them all stay? More teams for the tag champions to face, but no. This week’s RKBRO segment was alright, Omos of course wins but Orton still gets the last laugh. Horrible camera direction, though. I basically just assumed he came out from under the ring because we didn’t get even a replay to see Orton appear. I feel like at this point, math would dictate Styles & Omos win, but there is now one more Heel team than Face, so RKBRO has more possibilities with Hurt Business as contenders.

Lashley had a decent promo, not really the smoothest, but he does make a good point: even in pro-wrestling, how is Goldberg getting away with threatening Lashley’s life? Well whatever, the No Holds Barred match is going to be the best way for Lashley to carry Goldberg through that match. Hardy VS Theory was a disappointing match only in that it had the 24/7 Championship division pass through just because. Hardy VS Theory could’ve been a better match if it was just a match, but nope. Maybe Theory’s drive-by selfie with Big E is a tease at what’s coming next.

The King of the Ring matches were very good, with Woods having a great one with Ricochet. Kofi VS Mahal was good, but I suppose it makes more sense for Mahal to win as WWE keeps things as Face VS Heel. I suppose while WWE doesn’t mind separating New Day, they won’t make them fight each other. Pretty sure this means Woods beats Mahal to go to the finals, then. We got great stuff out of McIntyre, Big E and the Usos, and that Mega Powers handshake was a great little bit. Great match out of McIntyre & Big E VS Usos, and that count-out finish was the best move for this, given Big E and McIntyre stand tall over the Usos and then McIntyre stands tall over all. With McIntyre going to SmackDown, it’s pretty clear Big E retains and keeps the world title on Raw.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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