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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/8/21)

Will KO shut the Architect up?



Coverage Raw 2021

Will there be no apologies for this one?

Everyone wants to be the face of Raw, but someone will face the consequences of their actions! Will Seth Rollins be sorry for making a fool of Kevin Owens?


  • 8 Man Tag: RKBRO & The Street Profits VS Omos, AJ Styles & The Dirty Dawgs; Omos, Styles & The Dirty Dawgs win.
  • Raw Survivor Series Team Qualifier: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Bobby Lashley; Lashley wins and is on Team Raw.
  • Big E VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Big E wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: Reggie VS Drake Maverick; Maverick wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hurt Business As Usual: Akira Tozawa wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hurt Business As Usual 2: Corey Graves wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hurt Business As Usual 3: Byron Saxton wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hurt Business As Usual 4: Drake Maverick wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hurt Business As Usual 5: Reggie wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Raw Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 5: Rhea Ripley VS Liv Morgan VS Bianca Belair VS Zelina Vega VS Carmella; Morgan wins and will challenge Becky Lynch for the title.
  • Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens; Rollins wins, by count-out.


Kevin Owens talks with Big E backstage.

For years, Kevin’s tried to show he’s not the guy who turns on people. Big E is rubbing cocoa butter on his body, he doesn’t know why Kevin cares. Kevin cares about very few people’s opinions but Big E’s is very important to him. The history with the New Day, this means a lot to him. He swears he didn’t really know what happened with Rollins. Big E says he has a match tonight, so he doesn’t really care. Big E leaves, but will Kevin prove himself tonight?


Seth Rollins heads to the ring.

He swaggers out with his title contract… and a blue trench coat? Rollins soaks up the heat from Louisville, then gets a mic. “Welcome to Monday! Night! Rollins! And as the undisputed Face of Raw, it is my duty to inform you that I AM a Visionary! I AM a revolutionary! I AM Seth! Freakin’! Rollins! And I am your next WWE Champiooon~!” Now Rollins was going to come out and wax poetic about how he will lead Team Raw to glorious, glorious victory at Survivor Series over the “bums” on SmackDown… Fans chant “You Look Stupid!” at him but he laughs it off. Like the morons here in Louisville know anything about fashion! Just look at ’em!

But enough of that! There’s a very important question to answer, based on what we just saw. “Who exactly is Kevin Owens?” Is Kevin the Prizefighter? Is he the hero? Is he the man who will do anything, put his body on the line and fight it out for the WWE Universe? Or is Kevin a snake? Is he a gutless, spineless coward? Is Kevin Owens a liar? What do the fans think? They boo Rollins but he says that he’s known Kevin a very, very long time. They go way back, coming up together in the industry. Slept on the floor at some Econo Lodge together. And for as long as Rollins has known Kevin, there’s one thing you can count on with him: He would stab you in the back any chance he got!

Don’t believe Rollins? Ask his old buddy, Sami Zayn! That didn’t work out there! Or Kofi and the New Day! Didn’t work out there, did it? Kevin is as low as it gets! He is a paramecium, an amoeba that cannot be trusted. You can’t trust him as far as you can throw him, and no one can throw Kevin that far. Kevin is a snake, a coward, gutless, soulless and a LIAR! After Rollins beats Kevin in the main event, not only will Kevin be the biggest liar, he’ll be the biggest LOSER in the world! But speaking of, here comes Kevin! Rollins wants Kevin to take it easy, but the chase is on! They go around, then in the ring, and Kevin blocks to DECK Rollins!

Rollins bails out but Kevin gets him by his blue jacket to get him up! Rollins scrambles into the ring to avoid the apron powerbomb and then runs away entirely! Kevin throws the contract at him, then dares the real coward to do something! Rollins is willing to wait until later tonight, but will he be made to eat his words?


RKBRO talks backstage.

Riddle says it is awesome to team up with the Street Profits! They’ll be like the Eternals, or Voltron, and become a super fighting robot! And then they can call themselves the Bro-Bot and get some sweet payback on Omos. Orton wants Riddle to remember that they are Raw Tag Team Champions so they have a target on their back. RKBRO can’t pick fights with giants. Omos attacked them last week! No, he attacked the Profits last week but Riddle had to play hero. And he got mauled for it! So let’s not do that again. But the Profits- Orton doesn’t care about the Profits. Ouch. Well we can talk about that later, but the Profits are right behind Orton…

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins are nonplus about what Orton said. Riddle assures them he still wants the smoke, but Orton says he meant every word. It doesn’t matter what happens in the ring, but if the Profits have a vendetta with the giant, Omos, then they’re on their own. The music hits and Orton heads out. Riddle says that went as best as possible. Wait up, Randy! Riddle scooters out behind Orton and the champs lead the way. Will the Stallion and the Viper be able to work with Tez & Dawks against the giant, the Phenomenal, and the Dirty Dawgs?

8 Man Tag: RKBRO & The Street Profits VS Omos, AJ Styles & The Dirty Dawgs!

Raw returns and Styles makes his entrance with Omos by his side. The Profits are already in the ring with Orton & Riddle while Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode wait at ringside. The teams sort out, “Big Bob” starts with Ford. They circle and tie up. Ford pushes Roode to a corner but Roode turns it around. Roode lets off, but then throws sucker punches! Ford counter punches, Roode headlocks but Ford powers out. Roode runs Ford over, things speed up, Ford hurdles then hurdles then dropkicks Roode down! Ford kips up and does push-ups just to show off! Ford brings Roode over, tags to Dawkins, and the Profits whip to run Roode over! Back suplex SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up but Roode knees Dawkins low. Roode CLUBS Dawkins, tags in Ziggler, and the Dawgs double whip. They double elbow Dawkins down, then Ziggler brings Dawkins up. Dawkins blocks the punch to ROCK Ziggler, then he wrenches and tags in Orton. Fans fire up as Orton kicks Ziggler low. Orton drags Ziggler around by his legs to stomp him in the stomach! And again! And again! Orton stomps a foot, then the other foot. Tag to Riddle, Ziggler gets laces to the face, and Orton helps Riddle with the Assisted Floating Bro! Riddle brings Ziggler up but Ziggler kicks low then dropkicks Riddle down!

Ziggler drags Riddle over, tag to Styles. They mug Riddle, Styles CHOPS Riddle to a corner then whips corner to corner. Riddle goes up and over and KICKS Styles down! Riddle brings him up but Styles throat chops! Styles reels Riddle in but Riddle kicks the Clash away, and drags Styles down into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Styles flails, reaches, gets up and deadlifts to go for ropes, but Riddle headscissors Styles out with him to the floor! Orton and the Profits keep the Dawgs at bay as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Roode whips Riddle hard into a corner. Roode runs in but only gets buckles as Riddle dodges! Fans fire up, Riddle brings Roode up for forearms and KICKS! Ziggler runs in to get a ROUNDHOUSE! Riddle DECKS Styles, but Roode hits a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Roode drags Riddle up, suplexes high and hard, then tags in Ziggler. Ziggler lines it up and drops a jumping elbow! Cover, TWO! Ziggler wraps onto Riddle with a chinlock and chicken wing. Riddle endures, fans fire up, and Riddle fights up to throw body shots! Ziggler throws Riddle down by his hair! Ziggler drags Riddle over, tags in Styles, and Styles drops a knee on Riddle’s head.

Styles sits Riddle up, drives an elbow into the shoulder and then wraps on a chinlock. Riddle fights, gets to the ropes, and Styles lets off to stomp him down. Fans rally for Riddle, Styles drags him up and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Ziggler, leaving Roode hanging. Styles and Roode argue but Ziggler gets Roode to tag in. The Dawgs mug Riddle, Roode turns Riddle for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Roode does push-ups to show off now. Roode stomps Riddle, fans rally up for Riddle but Roode steps on his neck! The ref counts, Roode lets off, and Riddle sputters. Ziggler tags in, he brings Riddle up to scrape laces off his face.

Ziggler taunts Orton, brings Riddle up, and blocks a kick! He flips Riddle but he lands on his feet to DECK Styles! FINAL FLASH for Ziggler! Fans fire up as both men are down! Ziggler goes for a foot but Riddle tags in Orton! Orton rallies on the Show-Off, duck sand hits the POWERSLAM! Roode gets in but he gets a POWERSLAM! Orton brings Ziggler to the ropes, brings him through, DRAPING DDT! Fans are all fired up as Orton hears voices in his head! Ziggler rises but Roode slides in! Orton kicks Roode to throw him into Omos! Roode staggers, Orton clotheslines him out! Styles springboards in but Orton dodges! Orton kicks low to throw Styles out onto Omos!

Omos catches Styles with ease and now he storms up to the apron! It’s red hot in Louisville but Raw has to go to break!

Raw returns again and Ford is on Omos as a backpack! But Omos shifts him around to SNAKE EYES Ford, and then run to BOOT him down! Ford flounders, Omos drags him up and tags Roode in. Roode CLUBS Ford down, CHOPS Ford in the corner, then CLUBS him down again. Roode stands Ford up, tags in Ziggler, they mug Ford, then Ziggler chokes Ford on the ropes and rakes at his eyes! The ref reprimands, Ziggler lets off and Ford sputters. Ziggler scrapes laces off Ford’s face again, then Styles tags in. Styles stomps Ford, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Styles stays on Ford with a facelock and he brings Ford over. Ziggler tags back in and they mug Ford.

Ziggler taunts Ford to then DECK Orton with a sucker punch! “What’re you gonna do?” The ref has to keep Orton and Riddle back, Ziggler hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ziggler and Roode talk trash, egg Ford on, but Dawkins coaches Ford. Ziggler runs but Ford turns Famouser into pop-up, only for Ziggler to sunset flip! TWO, and Ford ENZIGURIS Ziggler down! The fans fire up as both men crawl! Hot tags to Roode and Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Styles, Ziggler and Roode! Roode reverses a whip but Dawkins hurdles to flying elbow! Then EXPLODER for Ziggler! Roode gets up, he gets an EXPLODER, too!

Roode ends up in a corner, Dawkins hits the CYCLONE SPLASH Styles come sin but gets the SILENCER! Not the cleanest but Dawkins is fired up, only for Omos to tag back in! Dawkins thrwos hands but Omos grabs him with both hands for a CHOKE SLAM! Ford is up top, he leaps in, to get caught! Omos SHOVES Ford out with one hand, but Riddle tags in! Orton told Riddle no, but Riddle hits a FINAL FLASH! Omos actually staggers! Another Final Flash, but Omos gets him with the TWO HAND SLAM! “This is Omos’ house! How do you think this ends?” Fans rally for Orton and Orton grumbles about getting in. But the Dawgs drag him out anyway, and throw him into steps!

Styles calls to Omos, he wants to finish this. Omos reaches out, but Ziggler tags in?! Ziggler and Styles argue about that, and then Roode gets in the arguing. Roode shoves Styles, Omos clamps onto Roode! Omos RAMS Roode into barriers! Ziggler hurries to cover Riddle, the Dawgs and team still win!

Winners: AJ Styles, Omos & The Dirty Dawgs, by pinfall

RKO for Ziggler!! The Viper struck to remind everyone who the champions are! And Riddle apologizes for not listening again. Will the champions have to be very careful with so many teams targeting them?


Rey and Dominik Mysterio talk backstage.

Kevin Owens finds them and wants to let Rey know he values his opinion. He’s looked up to Rey his entire career, and he wants Rey to believe him. Rey says sorry, he’s a bit busy, Adam Pearce made a match. Kevin just wants Rey to say he believes him. Yeah, Rey does believe him. They can talk more later. The music hits, Rey and Dom go to the ring! And waiting for them is Adam Pearce himself. We learn what this is about, after the break!


Veer Mahaan is coming.

A million dollar arm and bottomless aggression make him priceless, but when will he prove his worth?


Raw returns and…

Pearce has a mic to tell Rey & Dom thanks for joining him. But before getting into why, let’s talk Survivor Series in two weeks. Since 1987, we’ve seen history making moments. The debut of The Undertaker, The Rock and The Shield! And this is the one time a year where the champions of Raw take on the champions of SmackDown, culminating in the 5v5 elimination matches, where one-by-one, superstars are eliminated until only one team stands victorious. That match alone has propelled like Roman Reigns and Randy Orton into superstardom, and the pressure this year is even bigger. Team Raw has to live up to last year’s team, the clean sweep of 5-0!

That is why Rey & Dom are here, and that brings Pearce to his announcement. It’s almost embarrassing to admit this, but when the roster for Team Raw was announced, he couldn’t help but feel like he made a huge mistake. He’ll explain. Every member of Team Raw is a former WWE Champion. Every member, except for Dominik. That is an issue for Pearce. He sees the confusion and wants them to listen. Dom has a ton of potential, but Team Raw needs to win. So don’t get him wrong. Dom, as of right now, you are still on Team Raw. That is, unless he loses right now to… To how? Pearce leaves before anyone comes out! Rey tells Dom it’s fine, but then it’s BOBBY LASHLEY!!

Raw Survivor Series Team Qualifier: Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP!

The All Mighty makes a return to action, and Montel Vontavius Porter makes a return to television! Will the Hurt Business get back on the right track destroying Dominik? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns, the bell rings and Lashley stares down Dom. They tie up, Lashley puts Dom in a corner but lets off as the ref counts. Lashley taunts Rey, Dom gets a headlock! Lashley powers up to SLAM Dom down, then runs to run Dom over! Lashley glares at Rey, brings Dom up and puts him in a corner. Lashley goes corner to corner to RAM into Dom! Lashley brings Dom up and reels him in for a suplex! Lashley holds Dom up but Dom fights free with knees! Dom baits Lashley into a corner, slips out and ROCKS Lashley with a forearm! Dom shoulder sin, throws another forearm, then goes up top to CROSSBODY! But Lashley catches him!

Dom gets free again, baits Lashley in again and dumps him out! Lashley lands on his feet but Dom PLANCHAS! Lashley catches Dom again, pop shim around to a fireman’s carry and Dom flails, but he still gets POSTED! Lashley snarls, stalks Dom and Pearce watches backstage. Lashley puts Dom in the ring, looms over him, and Dom can only flounder to ropes. Lashley stands on Dom, the ref counts and Lashley lets off. Lashley brings Dom up for the COMPLETE SHOT! Rey coaches Dom but it’s no use, the HURT LOCK is on! Dom flails, but Lashley won’t even let him tap! Lashley KNEES and CLUBS Dom, then slides him out to the floor!

Lashley paces, wanting a count out victory. Dom writhes, Lashley gets impatient and goes back out. Lashley looms over Dom, drags him back up, fireman’s carries again but Rey pulls Dom down! Lashley BOOTS Rey down! And then fireman’s carries to POST Dom again! The ring count passes 5 of 10 but Lashley puts Dom in at 7. Lashley aims from a corner, Dom staggers up, into a SPEAR!! But Lashley doesn’t even care to cover, the ref checks on Dom but then Lashley drags Dom up into the HURT LOCK!! Dom taps, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission (joins Raw’s Men’s Survivor Series team)

The All Mighty shows no mercy, and now Pearce has a team of all former world champions. Will Lashley be the ace Pearce needs so that Raw sweeps again?


The Alpha Academy prepares backstage.

Chad Gable wants Otis to really focus on these concepts. Seth Rollins comes by, and he knows Otis has his match with Big E. Love to see it. They’re going to show Big E he is NOT the face of Raw. But while they’re all here, can Rollins asks? What do they think about Kevin Owens? Rollins is right, right? Kevin is scum, right? Gable says Rollins has come to the right guy. Gable just graduated with a Masters Degree and perfect 4.0 GPA. Now having said that, Gable can categorically confirm that Kevin IS an enormous liar! Much in the same vain as Aaron Rodgers. How disgusting. And Big E? No, he does not have what it takes to be the face of Raw. But he’ll learn.

Tonight, the Master hands out free lessons, courtesy of the Alpha Academy. Rollins loves it! And knew they’d see things his way. But gorilla is the other way. But will Big E be the one teaching a lesson here tonight?

Big E VS Chad Gable w/ Otis!

Raw returns and the Alpha Academy make their entrance. The bell rings, Gable and Big E circle, tie up, and Gable waistlocks. Gable headlocks, spins, hammerlocks, spins Big E to a cravat, then shifts to a wrench and wristlock. Big E wrenches and wristlocks back, but Gable rolls, bridges, and handsprings to wrench again. Gable whips, Big E reverses but Gable goes up and over. Things speed up. Gable ducks and jumps and Big E hurdles to hit Gable with a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Big E drags Gable to the apron and CLUBS him on the chest over and over! Big E goes to the apron, takes aim, and APRON SPLASHES! Gable sputters and Big E wants to check the sternum. Cover, TWO!

Big E keeps cool and he brings Gable up. Big E puts Gable on the top rope but Gable elbows back. Gable then rolls back, but Big E elbows him away. Gable blocks a boot, puts that leg in the ropes and then hits a DRAGON SCREW on the other! Gable gets that leg and hits a KNEE JAMMER! Another KNEE JAMMER! Then he YANKS the leg, and hits a SPINNING TOEHOLD! Otis cheers Gable on as he wrenches Big E’s foot. Big E clubs but Gable YANKS the leg again. Big E hobbles, Gable CHOP BLOCKS! Gable runs to CHP BLOCK again! Big E falls but gets up again, only for Gable to run again. Big E sends Gable out for a moment of reprieve, but Gable returns fast!

Big E catches Gable, but Gable turns things into HIS Belly2Belly! Gable goes to a corner, climbs up top, and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Big E gets up but Gable throws forearms. Gable runs, but Big E scoops! Gable slips off and throat chops! Then he rams Big E into a corner, for the CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Big E escapes and Otis grows frustrated. Gable shouts, “FOR THE ACADEMY!” Gable goes to Electric Chair Lift Big E?! He gets him up but Big E clubs free and pushes Gable to a corner. Gable dodges, but runs into the Urenag-E! Big E brings down the straps and fans fire up. Gable staggers up into the scoop, BIG ENDING! Cover, Big E wins!

Winner: Big E, by pinfall

But Otis gets in and stares down with the champ. The ref keeps the peace but Big E dares Otis to do something. Will The Dozer get his chance to run full steam at the Powerhouse of Positivity?


Kevin Owens pleads his case again.

Big E, Rey Mysterio, and this locker room leader matter to Kevin.  Kevin wants to ask if R-Truth believes in him. Truth does believe in KO. And in Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the monsters under the bed. They spoke to him. And that leprechaun in the hood! Truth saw him! And Truth believes the earth is flat, but round in certain parts. Kevin sighs and leaves as Truth goes on about Mermen and Mermaids. Can Kevin find someone who believes he’s a changed man? Or has he simply burned too many bridges, and there’s no going back?


Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville meet with the Raw Women’s Division.

They thank everyone for being here, and Sonya knows they know about the five chosen women. Congratulations to Carmella, Queen Zelina, Rhea Ripley, Liv Morgan & Bianca Belair. They decided to make a friendly competition among the five, and the winner gets a chance at The Man, Becky Lynch, for the title. Liv is so excited! This is the opportunity she’s been hoping for! “Doudrop” Piper Niven speaks up to ask Sonya that when they announced the team, Piper tried to be cool about this so we didn’t have to do this here. But why wasn’t Piper included? Instead of, say, Bianca Belair. Bianca had her title opportunity, but she crashed ‘n’ burned. Oof…

Becky’s moved on from Bianca, why hasn’t Bianca moved on from Becky? Wow, first of all, who does Doudrop think she’s talking to? Pearce keeps the peace, and management felt this was the best decision. Well if they’re all speaking their minds, Dana Brooke wants to know why she wasn’t considered. And Liv has been waiting? Dana’s been overlooked than every single one of them! Time they show her some respect! Nikki A.S.H. wants to talk about team worthiness, and has actually BEEN champion. Oh boohoo. Quite the fall from grace, then. It’s hard to stay up at the top. Especially when it’s so much fun looking down on you from up here.

Rhea still defends Nikki. If Mella talks to her like that again- Wait, everyone, hold on! The decisions are all final! But who wins out of the Fatal 5 to take on Big Time Becks?


WrestleMania is heading back to Dallas, Texas!

It was back in 2016 that Dallas broke the attendance record, and had a huge night all its own. But now, WrestleMania 22 is going to be so big, it’ll be TWO NIGHTS! April 2nd and 3rd, get ready to see all the stars shine in AT&T Stadium!


Backstage interview with the Mysterios.

Kevin Patrick asks Rey how Dom is doing, and it would seem Dom suffered a neck strain. He’ll be alright, but what we just saw was BS. Rey knows people are questioning Kevin’s integrity, but we should question Pearce’s! Dom was announced to be part of the team! If Pearce wanted Dom out of the match, he could’ve just done it! But it seems The All Mighty isn’t here to win, he’s here to do damage, and he just did that to Rey’s son. Kevin leaves, Austin Theory sneaks a selfie! Theory aside, will Rey look to take this up with management?


WWE 24/7 Championship: Reggie VS Drake Maverick!

To keep the slippery sommelier from getting away again, Rockstar Spud has Reggie in the ring! Will the best laid plans still fail when they’re 1v1? We find out, after the break.

Raw returns and Maverick makes his entrance. The title is raised, and the bell rings on this very conventional match. The two tie up, go around, Reggie puts Maverick on the ropes. The ref counts, Maverick turns things around and ROCKS Reggie! Then CLUBS him down! Cover, ONE! Maverick scowls, Reggie ROCKS him with haymakers! Reggie EuroUppers, whips Maverick to ropes, but Maverick reverses. Reggie goes Matrix under the lariat! Then handsprings, handsprings again and dropkicks Maverick down! Maverick flounders, Reggie throws off his suit jacket! Reggie runs corner to corner to handspring clothesline!

Maverick falls, but R-Truth and a ref come out. He’s clearly waiting for this to end to pounce, but the Hurt Business pounces on him first! Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin mug Truth at the ramp, Reggie gets distracted and Maverick rolls him up! Maverick wins!!

Winner: Drake Maverick, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But Akira Tozawa betrays Maverick and rolls him up! Tozawa wins!!

Winner: Akira Tozawa, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

The Hurt Business throw Truth into the ring then go after Maverick! And Reggie! Tozawa is wary of them, but he doesn’t see Corey Graves coming!? Graves rolls Tozawa up, and wins?!?!

Winner: Corey Graves, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Graves has the first title in a long time! But Byron Saxton rolls Graves up! BYRON WINS!!

Winner: Byron Saxton, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Byron has his first title EVER! This is historic! But then Maverick rolls Byron up, and he wins it back!

Winner: Drake Maverick, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Rockstar Spud is a two-time champion in one night, but then he sees the Hurt Business coming for him! He gets in the ring, where Reggie hits him with a CORKSCREW CROSSBODY! Cover, Reggie wins the title back!

Winner: Reggie, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Well, back to square one for Maverick’s team as Reggie flips right out of the ring! The chase continues, will anyone keep Reggie down for long?


Becky Lynch heads to the ring!

The Man comes around to Louisville because she wants to see who’s coming for her gold next. Of course, she’ll be taking on Charlotte Flair in Champion VS Champion, will she be able to focus on one match-up while learning of another? Will these five be able to work as a team after fighting as every woman for herself?

Raw Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Fatal 5: Rhea Ripley VS Liv Morgan VS Bianca Belair VS Zelina Vega VS Carmella!

Raw returns and Piper walks over to Bianca. Bianca says she has no time for this. Well that’s Piper’s problem, too. After being drafted to Raw and only here for three weeks, Bianca loses, only to get another opportunity? Piper and the other women- No no no, Piper is clearly speaking for just herself. The EST heads out, will Piper be right about Bianca dropping the ball again?

Out next is the Most Beautiful Woman in All of WWE, who puts on her protective mask. Then Liv, Queen Zelina and Rhea Ripley make their entrances, in that order. Bianca calls Becky out from the ring, but Mella and Zelina throw her out and attack! The bell hasn’t rung, this isn’t a match yet, but Rhea RAMS Mella into barriers! Liv is after Zelina but Zelina RAMS her into the apron! Bianca bounces Vega off the desk! Becky says this is why no one can beat her. The chaos continues, referees rush out to stop the brawl, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, the brawling has stopped and the five women get in the ring. The bell rings, Mella FABULOUS Kicks Liv down and Zelina kicks Bianca. Mella goes after Rhea, Bianca throws Zelina out and Rhea does the same to Mella. Fans fire up as Rhea and Bianca are face to face, but then Zelina and Mella attack from behind. Rhea trips Mella to rain down fists, Bianca DECKS Zelina and goes out after her! Mella gets to ropes, Rhea clubs her out. Bianca kicks Zelina around, Rhea ROCKS Mella. Bianca sends Zelina into apron, Rhea sends Mella into barriers. Becky talks trash to Bianca for losing four times total.

Bianca and Rhea get in the ring and fans fire up as these two try again. They circle, tie up, and Bianca manages to power Rhea back a couple steps. Rhea powers back, but Bianca gets to a waistlock. Rhea holds off the lift, switches, but Bianca switches back. Rhea trips Bianca but Bianca kicks her away. Things speed up. Bianca handsprings but Mella & Zelina trip her up to throw Bianca into barriers! They high-ten, but Rhea is annoyed. Mella and Zelina get in but Rhea HEADBUTTS Mella then BOOTS Zelina! Rhea snapmares Mella, runs and basement dropkicks Mella down! Fans fire up with Rhea but Zelina CHOP BLOCKS her down!

Mella and Zelina mug Rhea, Becky thinks this is smart strategy. Mella mocks Rhea’s rocker style then gives her a FABULOUS KICK! Cover, Zelina drags her off! This is first fall to a finish, the alliance is being tested already. Liv returns but Mella DECKS her! Zelina and Mella mug Rhea, put her in a corner, and Mella throws back elbow after back elbow. Zelina adds a JUMP KICK, then Mella DECKS Bianca. Zelina covers, but Mella breaks it up! Again, some tension forming, but Rhea CHOPS away on both of them! Rhea lifts Zelina but Zelina fights out. Mella helps Zelina throw Rhea down! Zelina sits Rhea up, Mella puts some stank on the CHOP! And another CHOP!

Rhea dodges, Mella CHOPS Zelina! Rhea DECKS Mella, then scoops, but Mella slips out to throw Rhea down! Mella puts Rhea in a corner, stomps away, then Zelina adds on. Mella soaks up the heat, Zelina digs her boot in, then Mella runs into FABULOUS BRONCO BUSTER! Zelina runs in but Rhea dodges the double knees! Mella asks if Zelina is okay. Liv returns and fires off on Mella! Fans fire up with Liv as she whips Mella to a corner. Liv runs in to BACK BODY BLOCK! Then rolls and runs in again to SHINING WIZARD! Liv whips but Mella reverses, only for Liv to roll and ENZIGURI! Liv runs in again to DOUBLE STOMP Mella down! Cover, Zelina breaks it!

Zelina CLUBS Liv, spins Liv around to cravat KNEE then throw her down! Fans boo but Zelina soaks up the heat, but Rhea returns! Zelina is afraid to be alone with the Nightmare, the lariat does nothing to stop Rhea! Rhea TOSSES Zelina across the ring! And then TOSSES her back the other way! Then she cravats to give the knees back! Fans fire up with Rhea and she brings Zelina up for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bianca breaks the bridging cover before there’s even a count! Bianca throws Rhea out hard, then runs in to RAM Zelina in a corner! Bianca adds body shots, then climbs up to rain down clubbing hands! Fans count, Bianca flips up an dover Mella to rain down rights on them both!

Fans count to six, Liv tries to add on but Bianca flips over! CODE BREAKER from Liv! Mella hits a tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTER! Cover, Rhea breaks it! Then she dropkicks Mella! And scoops Zelina, but Zelina tilt-o-whirls to DDT Rhea down! Cover, TWO! Zelina grows frustrated but Bianca returns to RAM Zelina down! Mella, Rhea and Liv brawl outside, Bianca trophy lifts Zelina to TOSS her out onto them all! The EST takes out everyone and fans are loving it as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Liv brawls with Rhea up top. Zelina climbs up to help Liv, but Rhea resists the double suplex! Bianca joins in and she gets a DOUBLE POWERBOMB on Liv and Zelina! But Rhea leaps in to missile dropkick! Mella FABULOUS KICKS! Cover on Rhea, TWO! Cover on Zelina, TWO! Mella covers Bianca, TWO! Mella covers Liv, TWO! Mella is shrieking in frustration as she couldn’t get a fall off anyone! Becky commends Mella for being the most strategic one here. Mella goes out but Bianca blocks the kick to smack Mella off the desk! Rhea gets up in the ring, Bianca sees her and we get one more round between these two.

Bianca rushes in, Rhea spins her, ripcords but Bianca ROCKS Rhea! Rhea ducks the kick to pump handle but Bianca sips out to torture rack! Rhea lands on her feet, ducks and dodges and BOOTS Bianca out of the air! Pump handle and RIPTIDE!! Cover, Liv breaks it!! Fans fire up as Liv gets Rhea up, but Rhea HEADBUTTS! Rhea runs, Liv reels her in and runs, then RANAS Rhea to a corner! Liv runs in but gets TOSSED away! Rhea drags Liv up, pump handles her, RIP- NO! Liv slips out, WING SNAPPER, and a boot into the ropes! Liv runs in obLIVion!! Cover, Zelina breaks it! Zelina puts Liv in the corner, JUMP KICK! Zelina goes corner to corner to METEORA!

Zelina pushes Liv around, says this is too easy, and then she brings Liv in. Bianca drags Zelina off Code Red, Liv ducks the boots but Bianca boots her anyway! KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, but PIPER drags her off the cover! And then POSTS her! Mella scrambles in to cover, but Liv rolls her up! Liv wins!!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the Raw Women’s Championship)

Becky is the most surprised of anyone that Liv just won! She’s already playing it off as a lucky win, but will Liv get lucky again when she takes Becky on? Becky raises the belt on top of the desk but Liv gets on the desk to stare her down. Becky backs down for now, but will she have no choice but to admit Liv is a threat?


Big E walks the halls.

Seth Rollins comes in and says he comes in peace. Rollins has his match with Kevin, but he just wants to understand where Big E’s head is at. There is no way anyone can believe the words that come out of Kevin’s mouth. Yes, Rollins did pop Big E, but it is much better to trust the devil you know than the one you don’t. Big E tells Rollins that he doesn’t trust either of them. But Rollins can bet his sweet cheeks that Big E will be ringside to make sure this all goes smoothly. Both men laugh sarcastically and then Rollins heads out. Will the Visionary be able to keep his focus on the Prizefighter when the world champion is ringside?

Big E heads to the ring!

Just as promised, here he is! He’ll be heading to Survivor Series to take on Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, but will Big E have plenty to think about with tonight’s main event?

Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens!

Raw returns and… Austin Theory comes out? He’s vlogging on his phone as he heads to ringside, and gets a selfie with Byron, Jimmy and Corey. He wants one with Big E but Big E slaps the phone down! Theory doesn’t appreciate that, but he walks away and Rollins makes his entrance. Rollins gets a mic to say, “Look, I know I’ve got a match with Kevin Owens right now, but there’s something I gotta get off my chest before we get to this. This is important, this is important. This has been weighing on me, weighing on my conscience really for an entire week.” Rollins takes a moment, then says he knows he came out here and called Kevin a liar. That is true, but Kevin isn’t the only one lying.

Rollins tells Big E that what happened last week was a plan between him and Kevin. He’s sorry, it was a plan they came up with weeks in advance. Rollins and Kevin said they needed to make Big E understand he’s not the face of Raw. Rollins took the shot, Kevin took advantage. Trust the devil you know, now the one you don’t. Rollins is coming clean because unlike Kevin, Rollins is a man of integrity! Kevin storms out and Rollins keeps defending he’s the one telling the truth. Kevin fires off hands on Rollins! The ref rushes in, but Kevin and Rollins spill out of the ring! Rollins runs away into the crowd! Kevin dares Rollins to get back in the ring, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again, and this match finally happens! Kevin and Rollins fire off hands, Kevin gets the edge and he CLUBS Rollins all around the ring. Kevin CHOPS and CHOPS and whips, but Rollins holds ropes to bail out again. Kevin grows frustrated, so he goes out after Rollins again. They go back in, Rollins stomps Kevin down, then runs. Kevin drops down to then CLBOBER Rollins with an elbow! Kevin whips Rollins corner to corner hard and Rollins bounces off buckles. Kevin gets Rollins up, CHOPS him, throws forearms in the corner then CHOPS again. Fans rally for Kevin as he headbutts Rollins down. Kevin goes corner to corner but Rollins bails out again.

Kevin goes out after Rollins again but Rollins kicks low and throws Kevin into the apron. Rollins throws hands, follows Kevin around the way then whips. Kevin reverses to send Rollins into barriers! And then clotheslines Rollins down to drop a SENTON! Kevin refreshes the count, gets some space, and runs in to CANNONBALL Rollins into barriers! Fans fire up with Kevin while Rollins staggers away. Kevin pursues to the ramp, and he keeps Rollins from running away! Kevin puts Rollins in the ring, Rollins staggers up and throws hands. Kevin hits back, CHOPS Rollins in the corner, then CHOPS again! Rollins grits his teeth as he puts Kevin in the corner to CHOP!

Kevin just CHOPS Rollins off his feet! Fans fire up with Kevin and he drags Rollins to a drop zone. Kevin DOUBLE STOMPS Rollins on his way to the corner! Kevin goes up, Rollins bails out to the apron. Kevin hops down to KICK Rollins, stand him up, kick and reel him in, but Rollins holds onto ropes! Rollins clubs Kevin’s legs, headbutts him and then reels Kevin in! Kevin holds off the suplex, throws body shots, and he TOSSES Rollins to the announce desk! Rollins bounces off, Kevin CANNONBALLS onto knees! Rollins RAMS Kevin into the announce desk! Rollins gets in the ring to avoid the count while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Kevin counters a cover to a ghost pin, TWO! Rollins CLUBS Kevin down, hammers away on Kevin’s ribs, then rains down forearms! Rollins paces, fans boo, but Big E is stoic as he watches. Rollins tells Big E to keep his eyes on him, then he brings Kevin around by his legs to stomp his stomach! and drop an elbow! Kevin sits up to fire off fists on Rollins! Rollins drags Kevin up to whip to ropes and KNEE against them! Then back the other way for another KNEE! Rollins gets Kevin up for a Big back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Kevin but Rollins wraps on with a rear bearhug. Kevin endures, pries at the hold, gets the hands apart, but Rollins KICKS him down!

Rollins aims as Kevin gets up and he kicks Kevin in the stomach! Rollins digs his knees in at the ropes, the ref counts, but Rollins stomps the ribs now. Rollins brings Kevin up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Rollins is annoyed but he focuses as Kevin goes to ropes. Kevin gets up to SLAP Rollins! Rollins SLAPS back, Kevin SLAPS, it’s a SLAP fight at the ropes! Kevin changes up to forearms, Rollins sobats! And front kicks! Kevin blocks a kick to KICK the leg, then hits a DDT! Kevin gets to ropes while Rollins sits up in a daze. Rollins staggers up, Kevin hobbles over and fireman’s carries. But the ribs bother him! Rollins slips off to SLINGBLADE!

Rollins hurries to the top rope while Kevin’s down! FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Kevin moves out of the way! Kevin goes up top now, to FROG SPLASH back! Direct hit, and a cover, TWO! Rollins survives and both men are down as Raw goes to another break.

Raw returns once again and both men are down again. Kevin slowly crawls to a corner, and Rollins goes to the other. Fans rally up for Kevin and Rollins gets mad hearing that. Rollins runs corner to corner but into a SUPERKICK! Rollins is down again but Kevin catches his breath. Kevin and Rollins stand, Kevin kicks low but no stunner! Kevin ducks a roundhouse, rolls Rollins but he rolls through to SUPERKICK! Kevin SUPERKICKS again, but Rollins PELES! Kevin rebounds to LARIAT Rollins inside-out! And yet Big E is still stoic. Kevin sits up and goes back to a corner. Rollins is in the drop zone so Kevin drags himself up the ropes.

But Rollins springs up to ROCK Kevin with a forearm! And CHOP him! And climb up again. Kevin blocks the suplex, Rollins throws body shots but Kevin hits back. Kevin CLUBS Rollins, and CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS, then headbutts! Rollins flounders away, Kevin roars, but Rollins is right back up! But Kevin makes it a SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Both men are down again and fans say, “This is Awesome!” Kevin drags himself to a cover, ROPEBREAK by a foot! The ref points it out to Kevin and Kevin is at a loss for words. Kevin stands up, drags Rollins up, but the ribs bother him again! Rollins hurries to underhook and PEDIGREE!! But Rollins can’t cover!

Rollins crawls over, turns Kevin over to get the cover, TWO!! Kevin is still in this and now Rollins is the one beside himself. Rollins grits his teeth, shouts in Kevin’s face, “What is wrong with you?!” Rollins rains down fists right into Kevin’s face, and then hobbles to the corner. Rollins pushes himself up to the top, but Kevin trips him up! Kevin turns Rollins around to face him forward, and then he goes up top. Rollins slips under to bring Kevin out for a BUCKLE BOMB! Kevin flounders, but he pops Rollins up for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kevin doesn’t even let that bother him, he just snarls as Rollins gets up. Kick low but still no Stunner as Rollins hits him in the back!

DREAM CRUSHER ELBOW!! Kevin flops out of the ring and leans against steel steps. Rollins slithers out the side, Kevin staggers around. Rollins runs and leaps off the steps but Kevin sends him into the chair! Luckily Big E got out of the way in time, the two of them go toppling over! Rollins and Kevin brawl, the count is climbing and Kevin bumps into Big E! Rollins gets in first, Kevin gets counted out!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by count-out

Rollins laughs it up, he just escaped with this win! And Kevin blames Big E! Kevin BOOTS Big E, rains down fists, and then drags him up to RAM him into steel steps! Kevin isn’t done, either! He drags Big E up to RAM him into the steps again! Kevin is throwing a fit as he throws things off the announce desk! Kevin drags Big E up once more, pops him up, APRON POWERBOMB!! Big E is down and Kevin’s roaring with rage! Kevin rains down big haymakers on Big E, referees rush out to stop this but Kevin leaves Big E behind. But then Kevin comes back to stomp Big E down! And rain down more fists!

Referees and even producers try to stop Kevin, but he storms off in a rage. What does this mean for the Prizefighter’s attempts at reforming himself?

My Thoughts:

Another mixed bag episode for Raw here. We got great action for the most part, but a lot of story elements were the usual mess we’re stuck with because of Vince and the talent cuts and all the problems that’ve been building for awhile. The promo with all the women wrestlers on Raw basically pointed out the flaws, except I don’t think WWE meant for it to be meta. How dumb of them to one, announce these teams online over the weekend, and then two, make it a situation of “oh no~, can they coexist~?” For that matter, that’s all the teams, the men and the women. But in the case of the women, they don’t even put the tag champions together?

The Fatal 5 was still great, but obviously they’re giving us Bianca VS Piper, and I knew Liv was winning with her confronting Becky backstage last week. I just wish the order of things were different. There was some point where they could’ve done this differently but Vince and team missed it and now it’s a bit sloppy. Same with the men, where Dom was on the team but then they have him lose that spot to Lashley, and Rey is the one to point it out without it meant to be meta. This better not turn into another case where the McMahons come out, apologize, blame someone else, and then give us a small stretch of good before returning to right where we are now.

The 8 Man Tag was still a really good opening match. I was hoping Styles, Omos & the Dirty Dawgs would become a faction but I guess Omos & Styles are still part of the tag division so they didn’t get along with the Dawgs and then turned on them. There is probably a big contender’s match in the works, and honestly, I don’t want Omos & Styles again. The Profits should win, but no team turns. Orton is still who he is with Riddle, the Profits are still who they are, we just get a really good title match between Face teams. WWE needs to spice things up, so simply going away from Face(s) VS Heel(s) for one match would help.

While Reggie VS Maverick as a traditional match looked rather lame, I actually really liked that we got another title hot potato moment. No offense to Reggie, but I kinda wish Maverick kept the title at the end there. The 24/7 Championship stuff needs spicing up and that would mean someone else has the belt for a stretch. Maverick’s lost so much in the grand scheme of the WWE, him having a lengthy reign would be nice. And for the most part, the story of the world title and Kevin Owens’ morality was a good thread through the night. Kevin definitely seemed desperate to find someone who accepted him as a Face, and him finding no one basically made him snap and go back to Heel.

Kevin and Rollins had a great match, the way Big E messed Kevin up was fairly clever, and I really hope they give us a Triple Threat title match. Too bad TLC was cancelled in favor of #DayOne, that’s a bunch of BS.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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