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Andrew’s IMPACT No Surrender Results & Match Ratings: 2.19.2022

Five Championship matches and the big 10 man main event for No Surrender! Does Honor No More stick around? Find out!



Five Championship matches and the big 10 man main event for No Surrender! Does Honor No More stick around? Find out!

So there’s a lot going on in this show. Honor No More is trying to basically make a new home since ROH is closed for the time being. Jay White is trying to establish Bullet Club dominance in IMPACT. Tama Tonga wants to establish that the Good Brothers are out of Bullet Club. And Moose is trying to prove he’s the one true wrestling God.

That’s just some of the major points, but the rest of the card is all solid as well. Deonna’s open challenge, Jonah trying to prove who the real monster is and Number 1 Contender for the X Division title. Let’s just get to the show!


  • Number 1 Contender for X Division Championship: Chris Bey vs Ace Austin w/Madman Fulton vs Jake Something vs Speedball Mike Bailey: Jake wins via Into the Void – ***
  • Jonah vs Black Taurus w/Crazzy Steve: Jonah wins via Tsunami – ** ¾
  • Eric Young w/VBD vs Jay White: Jay wins via Blade Runner – ****
  • Champ/Champ Challenge: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Miranda Alize: Purrazzo retains via Fujiwara Armbar – *** ½
  • Digital Media Championship: Matt Cardona (c) vs Jordynne Grace: Cardona retains via DQ – ** ¾
  • IMPACT Tag Team Championships: The Good Brothers (c) vs Guerrillas of Destiny: Good Brothers retain via Magic Killer – *** ¾
  • Knockouts World Championship: Mickie James (c) vs Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans: Mickie retains via Double Leg Clutch – ***
  • IMPACT World Championship: Moose (c) vs Massive Cassidy: Moose wins via Lights Out – **** ¼
  • Team IMPACT (Chris Sabin, Willie Mack, Rich Swann, Steve Maclin & Rhino) vs Honor No More (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Kenny King, PCO & Vincent): Honor No More Win! – ***



Number 1 Contender for X Division Championship: Chris Bey vs Ace Austin w/Madman Fulton vs Jake Something vs Speedball Mike Bailey

Early on Bailey and Ace seem to be intending to work together, but Bey and Jake break that apart, and then Jake starts dominating a bit. Bailey does put a small brake on Jake, but Jake eventually hits a Thesz press to keep his advantage and then chucks Bailey into everyone else. A nice moment of constant motion. Bey grabs Jake, Ace flips, kicks, rolls and flows, but then Bey eventually catches Ace, Bailey gets a moment to shine in the perpetual motion machine.

Bailey hits the Tornado Corner Kick on Ace, goes for Ultima Weapon, but Jake grabs him. Bey breaks up a potential Jake stolen victory, Poison Rana, Splash onto Ace and Bailey breaks up the pinfall with a step off Shooting Star Press onto Bey. Just really solid action that never seems to stop. Into the Void attempt from Jake, Double Superkick from Bailey and Ace, they shake hands and then Ace pulls Bailey into the Art of Finesse from Chris Bey to save himself. Ace tries to take advantage of that, Bey counters him, rocks Ace, perches, then Ace gets the best of Bey, Ace tries to hit the Super Fold on Jake, but Jake just grabs him out of the air and hits Into the Void for the victory!

Jonah vs Black Taurus w/Crazzy Steve

Black Taurus realizes early that the power game is not on his side, so he decides to use his speed and athleticism to keep Jonah off balance. Sole Butt doubles the big man over, a few quick trips and strikes, a Dive and Tornillo on the outside gives Jonah things to think about. But once they get back in, Jonah manages to catch Taurus, literally, and throw him into the turnbuckle and then toss him around a bit.

So the power game is again playing a big role in the flow of this match. Taurus manages to dodge a corner charge, Uppercut, Enzuigiri, and Jonah is rocked, another charge for a Low Dropkick sending Jonah into the turnbuckle face first, Tiger Feint into a Corkscrew Senton, but only a 2 count! Taurus it’s a few Headbutts and seems to maybe have the formula figured out. Perches Jonah on the turnbuckles, looks for a Super Rana, but Jonah grabs him and chucks him from the sky. Flying Thesz Press, Powerbomb, big boy Lariat and then a Tsunami for the win!

Not really a surprising outcome, but a solid showing for both men.

Eric Young w/VBD vs Jay White

We get a nice back and forth volley of chops and quick attacks as both men are looking for an opening. Jay’s cool confidence is countered by EY’s manic intensity and EY starts to rock Jay. EY even takes a page from Minoru Suzuki and climbs to the middle buckle and hangs Jay White in the Reverse DDT position.

Jay manages to snap off a quick DDT and take some momentum until EY returns the favor a minute or so later also transitioning with the Snap DDT. There are enough similar beats in the match to continue to play with the narrative points that Jay was saying that VBD was EY’s version of Bullet Club. So their approach is different but the outcome is similar. Ric Flair chop off, but EY gets the early best of Jay to send him powdering to the floor before coming back in and continuing the Fighting Spirit.

Jay throws EY into the corner, Flair up and over, goes to the corner, but Jay crotches him. EY bites Jay and hits the Elbow Drop for 2. Things start to spill onto the apron and we get a lot of great back and forth. Jay hits a Flatliner on the apron, goes for the Death Valley Driver but EY rakes the eyes, EY goes for the same, and Jay responds in kind. So the similarities continue until EY stuffs him with a quick Piledriver. After a 9 count, EY rolls Jay in, tries to get the pinfall but only two. A few quick roll up exchanges, hell EY even tries to cheat with the feet on the ropes, but King Switch kicks, hits the Half and Half Suplex. Blade Runner connects, 1-2-3. Breathe everyone, breathe.

Champ/Champ Challenge: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Miranda Alize

Alize picks the ROH Women’s World Title. Alize comes out of the blocks really quickly. Snapping takedowns, Headscissors, Mexican Arm Drags, a lot of fast Lucha inspired offense punctuated with e Lo-pe onto Deonna. It takes a second, but Deonna puts the brakes on the challenger and almost breaks her in half when she bends her in a Bow and Arrow.

We see Deonna counter a few of the flying takedown attempts until Alize catches her coming through the middle rope with a Spike Frankensteiner. Snapping offense, Alize finally hits her flying Naciente style Armbar Takedown to go into Miranda Rights, but Deonna counters that by turning it into a pinning attempt. Deonna dodges the Shining Wizard and then jumps on the challenger with a Fujiwara, rains down elbows and looks for Venus de Milo, but Alize taps before the de Milo is all the way in.

A damn good match, until the finish felt a little wonky and rushed.

Digital Media Championship: Matt Cardona (c) vs Jordynne Grace

Cardona was on the receiving end for most of this match, similarly to their first encounter. He just hesitated a little less when there was opportunity to land things like Reboot and other offensive maneuvers. Cardona absorbed a lot of punishment as we see Jordynne get progressively more frustrated. When Cardona powders out, he pulls up the chair too early and Jordynne rams her foot through chair and rocks Cardona.

Jordynne tries to use the chair, but the referee stops her, Cardona tries to win via Roll-up but Jordynne kicks out. SO Cardona decides he’ll use the chair anyway, the referee is staring right at them and Jordynne counters the Chairshot with a nut shot! So Hebner disqualifies Jordynne. Pretty good match, but Cardona’s comically bad over acting on “heel” spots and a lame DQ hurt an otherwise enjoyable match.

IMPACT Tag Team Championships: The Good Brothers (c) vs Guerrillas of Destiny

Tama and Karl kick things off and we get to see Tama making a fired up point. They trade hockey punches, then Stinger Splash as Tama rides the wave and takes it to Karl. Loa comes in and Karl finally gets a little space to get Gallows into the match.

The story of this match is great where everything is fairly even, they even trade tandem Neckbreakers. Loa takes out Gallows, Anderson Spinebusters Loa, Tama tries a Gun Stun, but it gets blocked, Karl tries Gun Stun but Tama counters it into a Tongan Twist.  As everyone is laid out we see the Tongans get to their feet first, and things look like they might be going G.o.D.’s way. But Chris Bey runs down to the ring as GoD is setting up Magic Killer.

Good Brothers fight off the Killer, Loa gets annoyed at Bey and then Gallows Chokeslams Loa on the outside. Cut back into the ring and Jay White is standing behind Tama. Tama turns, Blade Runner, Good Brothers hit Magic Killer and retain. Bey, Jay, Karl and LG Too Sweet, and walk out together. Is Bullet Club dead, or are the Guerrillas of Destiny the ones who got fired?

Knockouts World Championship: Mickie James (c) vs Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans

Early on we get a collar and elbow tie up that won’t end. They just stay tied up and won’t give the other an inch. This helps to get across a personal level of aggression, and take a little bit of the “typical wrestling’ match stigma away from things. Which is beneficial to Tasha since she’s been built well, but gives up a lot of size and experience so she’s still a hard sell.

Mickie lands some flashy spots like a Running Boot that ends with a split, and just generally keeping that classic Mickie James offense going. It’s not really until they go to the outside and Savannah Evan finally makes her presence felt, that Mickie starts losing some ground. Mickie puts a stop to Tasha by…kissing her/biting her lip. There’s also a Manhattan Drop a little later in the match, so we see a little bit of crazy horny Mickie in this match. Mick Kick connects with Savannah, Chelsea tries to even things out and Mickie inadvertently rams Tasha into Chelsea and wins via Double Leg Clutch.

IMPACT World Championship: Moose (c) vs Massive Cassidy

Brian Myers joins commentary and it’s great. Myers has such great chemistry with Rehwoldt and Tom.

HOLY HAYMAKERS BATMAN. Both men are just going to town, they get up slowly in opposite corner, TWO Lights Out from Moose, but Cassidy powders. Moose throws him in, Cassidy dodges the third, Big Boot, BQE and Moose powders. Then we see Cass just man handle Moose on the outside, throwing him into the guardrail.

Moose manages to counter and Uranage Cass through a table, BQE into the apron gives Cass the advantage now. Back inside, BQE attempt again, Frakensteiner counter from Moose and now we get some trades in the corner! We find a third Lights Out, but Cassidy rolls to the ropes and manages to break the plane with his hand to stop the pinfall. Moose looks for the fourth Lights Out, but Cass hits the BQE and we see Moose’s foot break the plane before the 3 count. Great simple near falls, big haymakers from two big guys and it’s awesome. Moose perches Cass, Cass fights back a little, Moose quickly scales the corner, Superplex and only a two. A big trade as both are down. Moose kips up, Cass dodges the normal Lights Out, but Moose bounces off the ropes and cuts Cass in half in the center of the ring. Moose retains!

Nothing fancy at all, just a straight up slobber knocker and it’s amazing.

Team IMPACT (Chris Sabin, Willie Mack, Rich Swann, Steve Maclin & Rhino) vs Honor No More (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Kenny King, PCO & Vincent)

Team IMPACT is a weird microcosm of IMPACT itself. A lot of turnover, odd feelings, mistrust and insanity; this basically covers the perspective of IMPACT itself over the last 20 years. Can the IMPACT crew overcome all of the issues or does Honor No More stick around?

With 10 people there’s a lot to go over here, so let’s cover the basics, shall we? Chris Sabin, was more like Chris Savin since he did most of the pinfall break ups in this match. Maclin proved himself as a team player even if he isn’t a likable guy. Rich Swann still has a good bit of the champion fire and ability to turn a match, while Willie is serviceable but can’t really glue together an entire thing. Rhino was just there.

As for the Honor No More crew, Taven and Bennett were about equal on how much they were jawing and getting a few moves in. Kenny King looked like a complete stud. Vincent is quirky but looked good and PCO looks like a beast. Between the Deanimator, a complete crash and burn Suicida and his normal crazy bumps, PCO and Kenny King were the stars of this match. However, we all got the expected swerve, and even though expected it was executed decently.

Maclin gets rammed into the referee, Eddie Edwards hits the ring with Kenny the kendo stick and scares off OGK and grabs Maria. Rhino thinks he’s gonna get an open shot at hitting the Gore on Maria, but Eddie clocks him. Then Eddie hits all of Team Impact with the kendo stick, drags in the ref, Kenny King gets the pinfall and Honor No More have added Eddie. So are they Honor NOAH More? Ehh? See what I did there?


Overall Score: 8.25/10

Pretty damn good night of wrestling and big turns! Even though Eddie was expected, maybe this allows for Davey to return and we can get some American Wolves reunion tour! But the big thing is Jay White. Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa…are out of Bullet Club? Do we see the story continue or was this the way to send G.o.D. back to Japan because NJPW didn’t want to keep them on loan? Does the Firing Squad return?

Aside from that, Mickie tapping back into the crazy stalker/bisexual persona at different points in her last few matches is interesting. I don’t remember her harkening back to that too often before, but it’s not a terrible wrinkle since there’s a precedent. Also Moose and Cass having one of the best old school big man matches in recent history was a pleasure to watch. Simple power, emotion built through story and suspense with the smallest of leg and hand placements. Great stuff all in all. Myers keeping himself around the main event is pretty fun as well since his personality adds a lot to that dynamic.

Jonah reestablishing himself while Jay ends up being the only Bullet Club member to get a win is interesting enough. There’s a lot of directions things could go, I think the only think that felt weird to me is the Grace/Cardona finish. Felt extremely unnecessary.

Either way, damn good show with a lot of pieces to build off of for Sacrifice!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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