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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (4/5/22)

And NEW…!



It’s the fallout from NXT Stand & Deliver!

And though they only just got the titles back, Raquel & Dakota defend them against Toxic Attraction! Will the first-ever TWO-TIME NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions end up repeating history?


  • The Creed Brothers w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Imperium; The Creed Brothers win.
  • Dexter Lumis w/ Indi Hartwell VS Duke Hudson w/ Persia Pirotta; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai VS Toxic Attraction; Toxic Attraction wins and become the new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Lash Legend; Lyons wins.
  • NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS GUNTHER; Breakker wins and retains the title.


The NEW NXT Champion is here!

The Big Booty Nephew may not have won this title at Stand & Deliver, but he was granted another chance on Raw and cashed in. The belt now has NXT rainbow ingrained in the gold, and Bron is finally THE guy! Bron gets the mic as fans bark it up, and he says, “Man, what a weekend. My first WrestleMania Weekend with a lot of ups and downs.” Fans duel, “We Want Ziggler!” “No, we don’t!” Bron says one of the greatest moments in his life was that he got to honor and induct his father and uncle, the Steiner Brothers, into the Hall of Fame. Saturday, Stand & Deliver, the biggest match of his life, and he failed. He did not get the job done, he won’t make an excuse.

But that very same day, he got to see WrestleMania for the very first time and saw stars like Bianca Belair, Becky Lynch, Kevin Owens and Stone Cold Steve Austin! And it got Bron thinking. One: Bron wants to headline Mania one day! And two: he wasn’t going to leave without “OUR NXT Championship.” So Bron picked himself up, dusted himself off, showed up to the biggest Raw of the year, challenged Ziggler again, and beat his ass in the center of that ring to bring this belt back to where it belongs! But wait! Here comes IMPERIUM! Gunther leads Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner to the ring, but Bron doesn’t budge.

Gunther gets a mic to tell Bron, “That was a nice little story you told all of us here. You had a great week, it seems, but nobody cares about that!” All Gunther wants is the NXT title and what it stands for! That title stands for being the best here in NXT. The issue is, Bron cannot call himself the best until he’s stepped to Der Ring General, GUNTHER! Bron says, “I’ve had a hell of a weekend, but if you want it, you got it! Right here, tonight!” Is that Bron saying he’ll put this belt on the line?! Is Bron going to break Gunther? Or will Gunther break Bron? Wait, here come the Creed Brothers! NXT goes to break, what’s about to go down?!


The Creed Brothers w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Imperium!

NXT returns and Julius RAMS Barthel into the corner! Tag to Brutus and he rams Barthel into Julius’ OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Brutus then bear crawls around as Barthel gets up. Brutus RAMS into Barthel, then drags him around in a facelock. Brutus gator rolls Barthel around, then CLUBS him on the back. And again! Brutus clamps back on with the facelock but Barthel wrenches out and forearms Brutus back! Tag to Aichner, they whip Brutus and arm-drag to an armlock! Brutus endures as Aichner cranks the arm. Fans rally but Aichner SPLASHES the arm! Aichner drags Brutus up and puts him in a corner.

Aichner ROCKS, uppercuts and CLUBS Brutus! The ref counts, Aichner lets off but Brutus fires back! Aichner scoops but Brutus elbows back. Brutus whips but Aichner ducks and doges to RAM Brutus! Aichner CLUBS Brutus down, stands him up, then whips again. But Brutus reverses, only for Aichner to run him over! Aichner taunts Julius, drags Brutus up and tags Barthel in. Imperium hands off the wrench and wristlock, but Brutus knees low! Brutus facelocks, gator rolls, then SWINGING NECKBREAKERS! Tag to Julius, gut wrench SPLASH with Brutus! Julius taunts Aichner back, then looms over Barthel.

Julius pushes Barthel around, and deadlifts Barthel, but Barthel wrenches out to SLAP Julius! Barthel tags Aichner, Aichner rushes in and gets around, but Julius switches and headlocks for a big throw! But Aichner turns it right around onto Julius! Julius fights up, powers out, and leaps, but into the fireman’s carry! ROLLING SENTON! Fans fire up and duel as Aichner dares Julius to get up. Aichner CLUBS Julius down, and CLUBS him again. Aichner gets Julius up but Julius throws body shots! Julius whips, Aichner reverses but Julius elbows back! Julius runs into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER!

Tag to Barthel, fans fire up as he runs in, but Julius TACKLES him first! Julius rolls Barthel around to KNEE in the side! Tag to Brutus, the Creeds KNEE Brutus around more. Brutus clinches but Barthel breaks free to ENZIGURI! Tag to Aichner, Imperium mugs Brutus but he hits back! Aichner kicks Brutus low, whips to ropes, but Brutus holds ropes to then TOSS Barthel! Aichner scoops and SLAMS Brutus into ropes! Fans fire up while NXT goes picture in picture!

Aichner paces about while taunting Brutus. Aichner then drags Brutus by his leg to drop an elbow on the knee! Aichner and Julius taunt each other again, but Brutus TACKLES Aichner! But the bad knee holds him back! Aichner stomps Brutus, gets the leg, but Brutus kicks at him! Aichner stomps Brutus more, tags Barthel, and Barthel runs to drop a knee on Brutus’ head! Barthel wipes the sweat off but Brutus fires EuroUppers! Barthel throat chops Brutus down! Barthel rains down fists on Brutus’ head, then drags Brutus up to uppercut! Brutus hits back, Barthel ROCKS and whips him to a corner.

Barthel runs in, blocks the boot, “NEIN!” GAMANGIRI to HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Brutus survives but Barthel talks trash on Julius. Barthel runs to PENALTY KICK Brutus! Barthel talks more trash to Julius, tags in Aichner, and Imperium mugs Brutus again. Aichner drags Brutus up to snapmare and then KNEE in the back! Aichner traps an arm and clamps on a top wristlock. Brutus endures and Bivens coaches him, and Brutus fights his way up. Brutus pries free and throws body shots, but Aichner trips him and drops an elbow on the knee! Brutus endures, grabs at Aichner’s head, and has a chinlock. Aichner cranks the hold more!

Aichner shifts the angle to pull on the leg but Brutus still endures. Brutus claws at Aichner, NXT returns to single picture, and fans rally up. Brutus kicks with his free leg and Aichner lets go. Aichner hurries to get Brutus up and go for the leg again, but Brutus OVERHEAD gut wrenches! Both men are down and fans rally! Brutus and Aichner crawl, hot tags to Julius and Barthel! Julius rallies on Barthel, dropkicks Aichner, then dodges Barthel to CHOP BLOCK! Fans fire up with Julius as he deadlift HALF HATCH SUPLEXES! Cover, Aichner breaks it! Brutus hobbles in but the ref keep shim back! Aichner CLOBBERS Julius!

Aichner goes back to his corner, fans rally and both Barthel and Julius slowly get up. Aichner taunts Julius and Barthel CLOBBERS him! Tag to Aichner, Julius is stuck in the ropes, Imperium dropkicks, but Aichner totally missed the mark? Is he not caring about this match anymore? Barthel has a bad cut, and now he’s all alone? Julius gets Barthel up, POWERSLAM! Tag to Brutus, gut wrench and SLAM! Tag back to Julius, the Creeds get Barthel up, HALF HATCH TORTURE RACK BOMB!! The straps come down, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, Creeds win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall

What was the reason for Aichner abandoning Barthel? Is Imperium falling apart at the seams? The Creeds win either way, will they get back to the NXT Tag Team Championships? Wait! Those mystery men are here, and they attack the Creeds with chairs! The hoods and masks come off, it’s PRETTY DEADLY! Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley have moved over from NXT UK, and they “introduce” themselves. They’re now “Elton Prince & Kit Wilson,” but will a rose by any other name still have its thorns?


Backstage interview with Toxic Attraction.

Mandy Rose still has her NXT Women’s Championship, but Gigi & Jacy are former champions. Not that we should get used to that. If it wasn’t for the pajama wearing freak, Wendy Choo, splashing Gigi with soda, they’d still be champions! And it’s been a week since that reunion of Dakota & Raquel, and Jacy is sick of it! They just wanna vomit when seeing those two with Toxic Attraction’s titles. They will end Raquel and Dakota tonight! See what happens when you make them angry? Women get hurt. Mandy will still have her gorgeous title, and then Gigi & Jacy become two-time champions. Because Toxic Attraction is still THE attraction in NXT!


Cameron Grimes is here!

The NEW NXT North American Champion won perhaps the biggest ladder match in all of WWE history, and he has the mic to say, “LEMME HEAR YA!” Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” and Grimes says, “Guys. I just want to say… We did it. I made good on my promise, and I know my dad’s looking down, smiling ear to ear. Cuz his boy did it.” People in this business talk about climbing the ladder to success. At Stand & Deliver, Grimes did just that! standing atop that ladder, holding this title, Grimes would be lying if he didn’t say time stood still. But his father giving his blood, sweat and tears, and more importantly, his father as a single dad giving all that to raise Grimes into the man he is tonight.

For the past three years, Grimes has busted his ass cuz he needed to prove his dad was right that Grimes deserves to be a WWE superstar. So Grimes wants us to know that it is so awesome to say, “Cameron Grimes is your NEW North American Champion!” But he won’t be complacent. See, Grimes is gonna do everything he can to make sure that this title goes up, down, all around, multiple trips #ToTheMoon! But wait, here comes SOLO SIKOA! The Street Champion of the Island tells Grimes, “Hey man, listen. I just want to congratulate you. You made good promises to your dad, and brought a hell of a performance at Stand & Deliver.”

Everyone was saying Grimes was gonna do it, which is cool. But this is the hard part where Grimes has to hold on to it. Solo came here to face the best, and championships run through his bloodline. “So straight up, man to man, I’m asking you, a champion needs a challenger. And that challenger is me.” Grimes says he respects Solo. When he looks into Solo’s eyes, he sees a man that has fought every day to be right here in this moment. And if Grimes is what he says he is, then that means he has to beat people just like Solo. So, Uce, you’re on! Grimes offers a handshake, Solo takes it, and it seems the match is set!

But then Solo pulls Grimes in closer. Grimes laugh sit off, but he’s still taking Solo seriously. Will Grimes be able to hold onto the belt he fought so hard to get? Or will the Street Champion upgrade himself to a North American Champion?


Joe Gacy speaks.

“The world is a dark and awful place sometimes. But the one true beacon of light is found, through blood or bond, having someone you can trust as the most important thing in life. Someone that knows every side of you. Your deepest thoughts, your truest vulnerabilities, what makes you tick inside. It is imperative to success. And if you don’t have family, it only leads to self-destruction.”

Draco Anthony is watching Gacy speak.

Xyon Quinn walks in and tells Draco to not listen to that. But Draco doesn’t want Quinn telling him what to do. Hey, he’s just having his back. Well Draco doesn’t need that! No? Well what you need is to learn respect. Is Draco only isolating himself further? Or will Quinn get his words through to Draco with his fists?


Backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton.

McKenzie asks Tiffany why she wanted this time. Tiffany knows it was the most STUPENDOUS WrestleMania Weekend ever, but did everyone forget the travesty that happened to her? Hello, Sarray the schoolgirl cost her another match! Um, Warrior of the Sun Sarray. Ugh, correcting people is so unattractive. It doesn’t matter what she’s called, Sarray will never see the sun again after Tiffany breaks her and that necklace. Tiffany is not a loser, she’s a winner, and she’ll say it so even Sarray can understand, “I’m. Not. A. LOSER!” Tiffany huffs and puffs but will she be the one running left in the dark?


Dexter Lumis w/ Indi Hartwell VS Duke Hudson w/ Persia Pirotta!

#InDex won the Hotter Couple poll in a landslide over #Dusia, and naturally that didn’t sit well with the losers. Will Duke show everyone that what’s really hot is being able to manhandle anyone he wants? Or will Dexter prove looks can kill?

As #InDex makes their entrance, Indi makes eyes at Dexter, but makes sure he keeps his eyes on Duke. But then Persia locks her lips with Duke’s, and Indi wants to puke. Duke wipes Persia’s lipstick away, and the bell rings. Dexter turns around into a sucker punch! Duke RAMS Dexter into the corner and stomps away! Persia applauds but fans boo. Duke CLUBS Dexter, whips, but Dexter ducks and dodges to THESZ PRESS! Dexter rains down fast hands, then runs to drop ax handles! And then again! Fans rally behind Dexter as he pulls on Duke’s ears. Dexter whips, Duke reverses but Dexter stops when he sees Persia!

Duke runs in but Dexter dodges to roll him up! TOW, runs in, but Duke hits an URENAGE! Duke roars and Persia gloats, but Dexter sits up. Duke taunts Dexter, stomps him down, and fans chant, “Smells Like Dukie!” Duke whips and CLOBBERS Dexter, then covers, ONE!! Duke is furious and he digs his fingers into Dexter’s face! Then Duke rains down big rights! Persia taunts Indi and Duke storms about. Duke CLUBS Dexter down, then digs a knee into Dexter’s back. Duke clamps on a chinlock but Dexter endures. Fans rally, Dexter pries at the fingers but Duke clamps on tighter. Dexter fights up, but Duke SLAMS him down!

Duke wraps on a chinlock and he leans on Dexter. Persia continues to taunt Indi but fans rally. Dexter fights his way up, and Dexter throws body shots. Then he gets around to hit a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down, but Dexter kips right up to drop the leg! Fans fire up and Dexter throws big haymakers! He DECKS Duke over and over then ROCKS him with an uppercut! Dexter frames the shot, corner clothesline and BULLDOG! Duke staggers around, Dexter hits him with a SPINEBUSTER! Fans chant “SEXY DEXY!” as he covers, and Indi slaps the ropebreak away! TWO, but Persia is upset.

Duke bails out, Dexter slithers in pursuit, and he ROCKS Duke with an uppercut. Dexter grabs at Duke through a corner, but Duke resists. The ladies help out, but then they lose grip and both men are POSTED! The ring count is 7! Then 8! IT’S TEN!!

Double Count-Out Draw

The men end up falling over on their ladies, and both Indi and Persia are shouting at each other that it’s the other’s fault! Will these former friends find a way to settle this?


Backstage interview with Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez.

McKenzie congratulates them on winning back these tag titles, but asks them how they respond to Toxic Attraction’s comments from earlier. Dakota says we all know they’ve done way more damage to each other than Toxic Attraction ever could. And we also know that when someone’s scared, they tend to make threats. That is what is going on here. Dakota & Raquel have been the most dominant females on this brand before Toxic Attraction, and now they are again here. Which is only going to continue. That’s just bad news for Gigi & Jacy. The frenemies are back on top, but will they be able to stay on top?


Barthel complains to Gunther.

Though it’s all in German and there are no subs, it is clear Barthel is furious and confused about Aichner leaving during the match. Gunther tells him to calm down. Barthel and Aichner need to straighten this out. Gunther is going to be challenging for THE NXT Championship tonight, he will restore the honor of this great sport. There can be no more distractions, got that? Barthel accepts that, but just what is happening within Imperium?


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai VS Toxic Attraction!

NXT returns and the NEW champions make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Big Mami Cool & #CobraKai can Stand & Deliver all over again.

Raquel and Jacy start, they circle, and then tie up. Jacy gets around to CLUB away on Raquel, but Raquel just gets mad. Raquel shoves Jacy, but Jacy dodges the boot! Jacy hops on for a SLEEPER, but Raquel scrambles around. They end up on ropes, Gigi tags in, and Raquel THROWS Jacy away. Gigi CROSSBODIES, but Raquel catches her! Raquel pops Gigi up but Gigi slips out to fire off KICKS! Raquel shoves Gigi, scoops her, and swings her for a POWERSLAM! Tag to Dakota, and she runs in for the ASSISTED DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Dakota arm-drags Gigi around, then whips her to a corner.

Gigi reveres, runs in but Dakota goes up and over to roll up, TWO! Gigi get sup and Dakota dropkicks her! Cover, TWO! Dakota keeps on Gigi, Gigi throws body shots but Dakota CLUBS her. Dakota CLUBS Gigi more, but Gigi fires more body shots. Dakota shoves Gigi but Gigi RANAS! It wasn’t clean but Jacy tags in and she knocks Dakota down! Jacy fires off at the ropes, then taunts Raquel. Jacy tags Gigi back in, they mug Dakota then whip her into a LARIAT! Gigi KICKS Dakota down, body scissor clutch, TWO! Gigi hip drops Dakota down then taunts Raquel. Gigi snapmares Dakota then tags Jacy.

Toxic Attraction mugs Dakota, but Dakota hits Jacy back. Dakota ROCKS Jacy but Jacy whips Dakota to the corner! Jacy runs in to back body block, then she tags Dakota! Gigi stomps Dakota, fires off forearms, but lets off as the ref counts. Gigi tells Raquel to kiss this, but Jacy is choking Dakota! Gigi drags Dakota up, tags Jacy in, but Dakota ROCKS Jacy again! Dakota dodges, hot tag to Raquel! Raquel runs Jacy over again and again, then CLOBBERS her with an elbow! Raquel roars, scoops and FALL AWAY SLAMS! Raquel then steps on Jacy to go to the corner. Gigi rushes in, Raquel swipes at her, but Jacy CLUBS Raquel!

Jacy puts Raquel in the Tree of Woe, for a CANNONBALL! Raquel flops off the corner and clutches the bad leg! Toxic Attraction mock her pain while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and Jacy has Raquel in a Half Boston Crab. Raquel fights and endures and then rolls to throw Jacy out of the ring! Fans fire up, Raquel crawls on one good leg, but Jacy hurries back in! Tag to Gigi and Gigi runs in, but into a FLAPJACK! Dakota tags in and SCOPRION KICKS! Gigi shoves, Dakota gets around to ROCK Jacy! FLYING-MARE for Gigi! BOOT WASH! Fans fire up with Dakota, she goes Around the World to BOOT Gigi down! Cover, TWO! Dakota stomps Gigi, tag to Raquel, and Dakota goes up top! DOUBLE STOMPS! Raquel goes up, TWISTING VADER! Cover, but Jacy breaks it!

Raquel TOSSES Jacy right back out! Raquel snarls and drags Gigi up. She puts Gigi in the corner, tags in Dakota, and Dakota waistlocks. Gigi elbows free to switch, but Dakota switches back. Jacy tags in as Gigi denies the O’Conner! Dakota drop toeholds Gigi, but Jacy RUNNING CUTTERS! Jacy fires off hands, then she snarls and BOOTS Raquel! SUPERKICK for Dakota! Cover, TWO! Jacy is beside herself, and she tags Gigi back in. Jacy runs to CODE BREAKER Dakota, Gigi hits an STO!! Cover, Raquel breaks it in time! Jacy DECKS Raquel but Dakota blocks the kick, only for Jacy to ENZIGURI!

Raquel BOOTS Jacy down! All four women are down and fans are thunderous! Jacy and Raquel bail out, “This is Awesome!” as Dakota crawls over. Tag back to Raquel and she hauls Gigi up. Raquel scoops to POWER- NO! STUNNER from Gigi! But here comes Wendy! Only for Mandy to BODY her! And RAM her into steps! Dakota checks on her other friend, and Gigi says that’s what she gets! But then Raquel turns boot into CHINGON- NO! Mandy distracts and Jacy CHOP BLOCKS! The ref misses it all, SWITCHBLADE KICK! Gigi DECKS Dakota, tags Jacy, ROUNDHOUSE to TOXIC SHOCK! Cover, Toxic Attraction wins!

Winners: Toxic Attraction, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Dakota & Raquel suffer a Toxic Screw Job! Mandy, Gigi & Jacy have all the gold again, and Mandy mocks how “cute” their run was. But is this only going to put those targets on their backs again?


Gacy speaks again.

“Chaos defines you as a person. What do you do when everything is going wrong and the panic button is pressed? Chaos erupts and you reach out to your family. Your father, your mother, your sister, your brother. You do your best to control that chaos. But what happens when you can’t control it? Chaos then controls you.” Just what will come from Gacy’s ominous messages?


NXT returns with AJ Galante in the ring.

Galante introduces himself, “the former president of the original bad boys of hockey, the infamous Danbury Trashers.” Don’t know who they are? Look ’em up. But it is his pleasure to introduce to us the man of the hour who we’re all here for: Tony D’Angelo! Galante steps aside to reveal a table, glasses of wine, and a ring on a velvet pillow and pedestal. Tony makes his entrance, gets in the ring, and hugs it out with Galante. Fans boo but Tony says, “How great was our Stand & Deliver, huh?” Everyone was cheering on Tommaso Ciampa, but everyone thought he was gonna walk right through Tony.

We all saw what happened! But what Tony did Saturday was unbelievable. Tonight, it gets even better. They’ll finish the ceremony. Galante says Tony on the table is a card with his blood, signifying Tony is ready to take The Oath of the Don. When his blood hit that card, he acknowledge and accepted the unbreakable oath. Tony entered this oath on his feet, and if he betrays it, he leaves on his back. Tony’s loyalty can never, ever be questioned. Galante tells the fans to shut up for this and show some respect. The code of silence can never be broken. And if it is, Tony’s soul will burn in hell. This is a thing of honor. Is Tony ready to accept?

Fans chant “BORING~” as Tony says yes. Galante puts the ring on Tony’s pinkie, and then gives him a kiss on the cheek. Ladies and gentlemen, Galante is honored to officially and formally present to us the Don of NXT, Tony D’Angelo! These two toast with the wine, and the graphic makes it legit. Tony is smiling ear to ear, but will he look to add gold besides that pinkie ring?


Backstage interview with MSK.

Wes Lee & Nash Carter are the NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, how did it feel to get the belts back? After five months of twists and turns, guidance and direction, the titles are back home! And they can say that first time, they didn’t appreciate the titles like they do now. There are a lot of hungry teams who want an opportunity, so MSK says come get it! The Creeds didn’t get pinned, so there’s that, but Pretty Deadly’s making some noise now. MSK told everyone they didn’t attack the Creeds, so they’re vindicated. But then Grayson Waller & Sanga walk in and, though his arm is in a sling, Waller says MSK didn’t make the most noise at Stand & Deliver, he did! Waller went viral!

Yeah, he made noise. When he bounced off that ladder, then cried in the locker room. But hey, Waller can remain a viral sensation all he wants, MSK is Gucci being the one thing he ain’t: a champion! Sanga says they won’t be champions for long! Waller says, “Yeah, what he said!” These two will take those titles from MSK real quick! Well sounds like they want this tonight. MSK can get ready right now. Uh, no, Waller isn’t 100%. But go call that shaman, cuz when Waller & Sanga get the belts, MSK goes back to square one where they belong!

MSK says they’ll call him anyway, just to party. But will the 21st Century Success Story and his massive henchmen become a tag team to be reckoned with?


Dakota is furious!

She kicks and throws things around backstage, even a ladder! “Mandy Rose! You’re not safe!” Has Toxic Attraction unleashed the venom inside #CobraKai?


Nikkita Lyons VS Lash Legend!

These two alpha females got at each other verbally from afar, and up close on Lashing Out. But now they’ll be throwing down in the ring! Will Lyons roar to another victory? Or will Lash prove she’s a legend in the making?

NXT returns and Lash makes her entrance. The bell rings and these two tie right up! They’re in a deadlock, but Lyons wrenches to wristlock. Lash pulls hair to throw Lyons down, but then Lyons sweeps Lash’s legs out! Both women kip up and fans cheer that. Lashl and Lyons talk some smack, Lyons blocks a kick to waistlock. Lash grabs the ropes, elbows back, but Lyons ROUNDHOUSES! Lyons runs to CLOBBER Lash! Lash flounders to a corner, and narrowly avoids another kick! Lyons hobbles now, Lash BOOTS her down! Lash talks trash, then runs to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Lash is annoyed and she talks trash to Lyons’ face.

Lash dribbles Lyons’ face off the mat, then pulls her back in a chinlock stretch. Fans rally behind Lyons, Lyons endures but Lash thrashes her about! Lyons still gets up, but Lash KNEES her in the back, then CLOBBERS her point blank! Lyons is down, Lash goes to the corner. Lash runs in, handspring and MOONSAULT! She almost overshoots her target! Cover, TWO! Lyons gets to another corner but Lash runs in, into an elbow! Lyons dodges and Lash hits buckles now, Lyons GERMAN SUPLEXES! Both women are down, fans chant “SUPLEX CITY!” and Lyons roars as she rises up!

Lyons bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires off big shots, but Lash hits back! They go back and forth with big forearms, then Lyons KICKS and KICKS and ROUNDHOUSES! Fans fire up as Lyons then powers Lash to a corner, RAMS her shoulder in again and again, then hauls Lash up top. Lash hits back, but Lyons just hits Lash again! Lyons climbs, throws forearms, then brings Lash up. Fans fire up and Lyons hits a SUPERPLEX! Both women crash down, Lyons crawls over to cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Lyons roars again! Lash stands, Lyons goes after her but Lash trips to jackknife bridge! TWO! Lash is frustrated but Lyons is right after her with a BOOT! SPIN ROUNDHOUSE!

Lyons hits the SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, Lyons wins!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by pinfall

The pride of Lyons is matched by her power! Will Lyons hunt down the title and become THE alpha female of NXT?


Tony and Galante head out.

What do they have for later? Galante’s dad and uncle have this thing set up, a whole feast. But then Legado del Fantasma walk over. Santos Escobar offers The Don a handshake of respect. He congratulates Tony on this honor. Tony appreciates that. Escobar is no stranger to being a boss, El Jefe, El Patron. So Escobar offers some advice: Tony needs to keep his business out of Legado’s business, and everything will be okay. Legado heads out, how will The Don respond to this veiled threat?


Kushida speaks.

The Time Splitter tells Von Wagner, “You attacked me, but worse than that, you attacked my friend, Jiro. It wasn’t enough to just hit him. You tore his jacket and took away part of him. But I’m not afraid of you, Von Wagner. Your time is up!” Will the Super Junior be able to topple Robert Stone’s personal goliath?


Next week’s NXT is GOLDEN!

Not only is Cameron Grimes defending his North American Championship against Solo Sikoa, and not only is MSK defending the tag titles against Waller & Sanga, but Dakota Kai is getting her shot at Mandy Rose’s NXT Women’s Championship! Three titles, one night, what happens on one of the shiniest nights in NXT 2.0 history?


NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS GUNTHER!

The Big Booty Nephew only just won this title 24 hours ago, but he doesn’t back down from fights! Will he continue to cement his own legacy in NXT? Or will Der Ring General be the first man to have the NXT UK and THE NXT Championship on his list of accolades?

NXT returns and Bron makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just who is the breaker and who is the broken!

Gunther and Bron circle as fans rally and duel. They knuckle lock, but then break. They circle more, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, but Gunther gets around to clinch. Bron tries to pry free but Gunther headlocks. Bron wrenches to a hammerlock, then headlocks. Gunther puts Bron on ropes, the ref counts and Gunther lets off, to ROCK Bron! Gunther headlocks and hits the takeover, but Bron headscissors. Gunther kips free, Bron headlocks for the takeover! Bron holds off the headscissors as he grinds the hold, but Gunther fights up. Gunther powers up but Bron holds onto the headlock. Bron grinds the hold but Gunther still endures.

Gunther throws body shots, powers out this time, and they collide shoulders! Gunther CHOPS then headlocks! Bron powers out, they collide again, but neither m an falls. Bron gets going, Gunther hurdles then BOOTS Bron down! Fans fire up as Gunther waits on Bron. Gunther tells Bron to get up, then looms over him. Gunther drags Bron up, CLUBS him down, and Bron gets to ropes. Bron stands but Gunther eggs him on. Gunther CLUBS Bron in the chest, then snapmares for a stomp! Bron gets to ropes and shakes out that arm, but Gunther EuroUppers! Bron tackles Gunther to the corner, then RAMS in!

The ref counts, Bron lets off but Gunther CLUBS him! Bron dodges the chop to fire off haymakers! Bron whips, Gunther reverses and hurdles, into the SPINEBUSTER! Fans bark for Bron and Bron winds up the arm. Bron runs in, but into a SLEEPER! Bron arm-drags free, and SPEARS Gunther down! Bron snarls and the straps come down! Bron drags Gunther up, choke grips and trophy lifts! But Gunther slips off, the bad arm hinders Bron! The ref checks the arm but Bron says he doesn’t want to quit, so Gunther CHOPS Bron out of the ring! Bron flops to the floor, Gunther goes out after him, and RAMS him into steel steps!

The ring count is climbing and Gunther stands tall as NXT goes picture in picture. Bron writhes, Gunther comes back and he brings Bron up. Gunther puts Bron in the ring, then drags him up. Gunther uppercuts the bad arm and Bron goes to a corner. Gunther snapmares Bron, gets the bad arm and drops a knee on it! Bron writhes more, and Gunther eggs him on. Gunther kicks Bron around, Bron tries to hit back but Gunther stays clear. Gunther drags Bron up, hammerlocks the bad arm and RAMS it into buckles! Bron drops to his knees, Gunther kicks at him again. Gunther stomps Bron, then goes after the arms with a motorcycle stretch.

Gunther digs his knee into Bron’s back but Bron still endures. Fans rally up, but Gunther cranks the arms and digs his knee in harder. Bron still endures, shaking his head as he refuses to quit. Bron fights up to his feet, powers up to turn the hold around, but Gunther just turns it back on him! Bron keeps fighting, but Gunther digs his forehead into Bron’s back now. They go around as they fight over the stretch, and NXT returns to single picture. Bron turns it around but only for a moment, and Gunther HEADBUTTS Bron! Gunther RAMS shoulders with Bron, then wrenches to RAM shoulders again!

Gunther wrenches but Bron throws a forearm! Gunther keeps on the wristlock but Bron keeps throwing forearms. Gunther CHOPS Bron! And CHOPS him again! But Bron stays up, until Gunther CHOPS him yet again! Bron flounders to a corner, Gunther runs in but Bron blocks the chop! Only to swing into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Gunther swings, but into Bron’s GERMAN SUPLEX! Bron forearms, Gunther LARIATS! Bron ROCKS Gunther again, then runs to LARIAT! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! Fans rally, Bron gets up and he drags Gunther into a facelock. Bron suplexes but the bad arm gives up!

Gunther wrenches and CLUBS that bad arm! Gunther has a double wristlock but Bron endures again! Fans rally, duel, and Gunther keeps on the wristlock. Bron fights up but Gunther knees him low! Gunther keeps pushing the arm but Bron still endures. Bron scoops Gunther for a SLAM! Bron slaps the bad arm, BOOTS Gunther, then hits an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Fans rally and bark, Bron runs corner to corner at Gunther, into a SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Gunther hauls Bron up to reel him in, GENERAL BOMB!! High stack, TWO!?! Bron survives and no one can believe it! Gunther just goes to the corner and climbs up!

GUNTHER SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!? Again Bron survives and again no one can believe it! Gunther is frustrated but he drags Bron up. Gunther CLUBS away on Bron as fans chant, “This is Awesome!” CHOP to the back!! Gunther hauls Bron up, reels him in, LARIAT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Somehow Bron is still in this, maybe he’s a Genetic Freak! Gunther drags Bron to a drop zone and goes up the corner again. GUNTHER- SPEAR FROM BRON!! Bron manages to take Gunther out of the air, and now he hauls him up, for Gunther to CHOP him! Bron throws a haymaker, Gunther CHOPS! Bron haymakers, Gunther CHOPS again!

Bron is staggering, but he comes back to knee low. But Gunther has the SLEEPER! Bron endures, moves around, but he’s fading! Fans rally and duel, but Bron gets a second wind to JAWBREAKER! And LARIAT! Bron staggers up, Gunther stands, and Bron manages to trophy lift! BREAKKER SLAM!! Cover, Bron wins!!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Somehow, someway, Bron broke through to keep this title from Der Ring General! But wait, his dad is on the tron! He’s proud of Bron, but wait! He’s someone’s hostage!? Gacy was saying all night that family is everything. “Let’s see if we can teach this old dog some new tricks.” Harland has a chain, what is he going to do to Rick Steiner?!

My Thoughts:

Well this was quite the post Mania episode for NXT. To be fair, some rather confusing things, too. Bad commercial cut as the Creeds came out to confront Imperium, but we got a pretty good match out of them. I’m rather surprised this is the moment they’re deciding to have dysfunction in Imperium. Aichner has definitely proven himself as a great wrestler, whether in tag or singles matches, but I’m just not sure he’ll be able to carry on as just himself. It was kinda why he joined up with Imperium in the first place. It will be interesting to see where this goes, if there will be a replacement or not, but I just hope they have a plan in place and not just winging it.

And as for the Creeds, of course Pretty Deadly makes their appearance here since they didn’t do anything on Stand & Deliver. I really wish they didn’t go and rename Sam & Lewis into Elton & Kit, but whatever, it’s the same BS Vince is pulling with “Butch” Pete Dunne, “Gunther” and “Doudrop” Piper Niven. I suppose in that same way, this won’t hold Pretty Deadly back too much, but that doesn’t take away how stupid it all is. MSK has a good promo backstage, and I really liked their reaction to Sanga talking, because it fits my reaction, too. Waller shifting to the tag titles for the moment is fairly clever, and it buys time while Creeds and Pretty Deadly fight stuff out.

Tiffany had a good promo that fit her character, and of course she’s preparing for a rematch with Sarray. Since Tiffany already used up jumping Sarray backstage, pretty sure Sarray will be full Warrior of the Sun in the match and will win to prove Tiffany is a loser. We got a good match out of Lyons and Lash, and it made a lot of sense for Lyons to win. She’s got the hot hand right now, building her way up in the women’s division, and it makes me wonder if NXT (or WWE in general) will ever introduce a women’s midcard title. I’m sure Lyons can get to the top title eventually, but it would be nice if there was another champion she could feud with on the way up.

Okay, more confusing stuff here: Dexter VS Duke was pretty good, until that double count-out. For one, the almost pratfall nature of both guys hitting the post and tumbling onto their respective lady friends was just too corny. But this has to end with the Mixed Tag, #InDex VS #Dusia. We got a great tag title match out of that Stand & Deliver rematch, and yes, it is very annoying and confusing that Raquel & Dakota lose the tag titles again so soon. Including their first reign, those two have been champions for roughly 80 hours, and like 79 of those hours was from this reign. I suppose it’s similar to Johnny Gargano or Sasha Banks having a hard time defending titles, but it still feels rough.

But Dakota throwing a fit backstage and then getting a title shot is awesome! Dakota is going to give Mandy one hell of a match, Raquel and Wendy can both hold off Gigi & Jacy, but who knows if Dakota finally gets that top title. I personally hope so, Dakota’s put in so much work, but it’s all about how Vince and his team see her and Mandy. Kushida’s message to Von Wagner was good stuff, but I’m thinking Von finds a way to win this first match, or else we can’t take him seriously. Okay, it’s already hard to take him seriously but losing the first match in the feud with Jacket Time would hurt his big, bad Heel image.

Grimes had a good promo to follow up his big title win, and it was great for Solo to come out and challenge him. This should be left as a Face VS Face, great sportsmanship but still hard hitting match. No one needs to turn, we just need something awesome. And I would think Grimes retains because he only just got this belt. Of course, I say that and look what happened with Raquel & Dakota. Galante and Tony had an okay segment, and I do agree with the fans it got boring. Galante wasn’t the best talker here, and honestly, it wasn’t the most creative thing they could do. If there was going to be the point of blood on a card and a vow, give us that. Always do more when it comes to the storytelling.

I will say, Escobar confronting Tony in the parking lot was an interesting next step. I don’t think NXT will succeed in turning Tony Face after he basically cheated to beat Ciampa, one of NXT’s all time favorite stars. Escobar, sure, the live fans already cheer Escobar and Legado no matter what. But once again, Vince is going to make a decision that is baffling and we just have to stomach it. I’m sure Tony and Escobar will have solid matches because both men are capable, but they’re running into the same problems they’ve had with overly pushing Roman and Cena during their rises.

And speaking of which, Bron Breakker was getting booed and fans were wanting Ziggler over him. On one hand, a lot of fans just like Ziggler. On another, as I’ve said before, Bron got to be a two-time NXT Champion really quickly. And considering the other examples are Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura, Samoa Joe, Tommaso Ciampa and even Karrion Kross, all having established themselves before NXT, then established themselves in NXT, Bron is definitely facing the backlash of Vince’s support. But ignoring fan reaction, Bron had a good promo, he had a good exchange with Gunther, and a great match with Gunther, that of course Bron won because he’s Mr. NXT 2.0.

But what a wild twist with Gacy at the end! His promos were cryptic in a good way, and it did spark a reaction out of Draco and Quinn. But Gacy using this to get a title shot, not sure how fans are going to like this. I again cite Vince’s bad pacing. If this was Gacy in late 2021 before spinning his wheels with Odyssey Jones, Roderick Strong, and now Draco Anthony, he’d be at a title scene level. All that stuff of making 205 Live inclusive and wanting to remove the restrictions on the Cruiserweight title made him firmly midcard and that’s a bit of a shame. He’ll give Bron one hell of a match, but again Bron will win, and there’s a chance fans will go full Go Away Heat on Bron.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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