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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/16/22)

Trent Seven speaks!



We finally get an answer from the Artful Dodger!

Ever since losing the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, Trent Seven has been saying he’s done. And tonight, he finally explains what he means.


  • Tiger Turan VS Josh Morrell; Tiger wins.
  • Lash Legend VS Myla Grace; Lash wins.
  • Wolfgang & Damon Kemp VS Noam Dar & Sha Samuels; Wolfgang & Kemp win.


Tiger Turan VS Josh Morrell!

After stalking the Scum of the Earth, the Tiger of the Himalayas is back in the ring! Will he satiate his hunger for competition? Or will #TurboTerry finally take down some big game?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Tiger wrenches and wristlocks but Morrell rolls and pushes him to ropes. Morrell whips but Tiger reverses with an arm-drag! Tiger hammerlocks the arm and grinds Morrell down. Morrell fights up, fans rally, and Tiger wrenches to a wristlock. Tiger steps over to hip drop the arm! Tiger wrenches the arm again, wristlocks, but Morrell spins and monkey flips Tiger, only for Tiger to hold onto that arm! Tiger wrenches the wrist, clamps onto the arm and grind the shoulder. Morrell endures and fans rally up. Morrell fights up, Tiger wrenches, but Morrell spins, bridges, and handsprings to wrench back!

Tiger also spins, bridges and handsprings to WRING Morrell out! Morrell gets away and Tiger fires up. Fans rally, the two reset and circle. They tie up, Morrell headlocks for the takeover. Tiger headscissors, Morrell kips free but Tiger headlocks for the takeover. Morrell headscissors but now Tiger kips free, to dropkick Morrell down! Tiger headlocks, Morrell powers out but Tiger runs him over! Tiger runs, cartwheels over Morrell’s dropdown, but Morrell blocks the knee. So Tiger shifts to facelock and snap suplex! Morrell gets to a corner, Tiger hits a SPLASH! Tiger whips, Morrell reverses but Tiger goes up and out!

Morrell runs in but into a GAMANGIRI! Tiger goes up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Tiger wants after Morrell but the ref says no, Morrell can’t continue! The ref throws up the X and rings the bell, Tiger wins by default.

Winner: Tiger Turan, by referee stoppage

Tiger’s ferocity may have been almost too much, but a win is a win. Will Morrell be able to recover from whatever injury befell him? Will Tiger Turan go back on the hunt for Kenny Cockroach soon enough?


NXT UK hears from Blair Davenport!

“I’m putting all of you on notice. Bad things will continue to happen. Hate me, ostracize me, and reject me all you want, so long as you fear me.” The gothic gladiator is coming back! Will the NXT UK Women’s Division remember to #BewaretheHeir?


Lash Legend VS Myla Grace!

While preparing to extinguish Alba Fyre back in the US, the former WNBA star has plenty of fires to put out here in the UK! Will she stomp them all out and prove why she IS a legend? Or will she learn to lose with Grace?

The bell rings and Lash is talking some trash already. She pie faces Grace and fans boo, but Grace steps back up to Lash. Lash pie faces Grace again, so Grade jumps up and fires off haymakers! Lash shoves Grace away but Grace BOOTS back! Grace whips, Lash blocks and reverses but Grace slides under! Grace dodges a punch by doing the splits, then she springs up to ROCK Lash, then sobat and run! Grace sunset flips, but Lash stays up to drop down on Grace! Cover, ONE as Grace slips out Matrix style! Grace hooks the arms but Lash resists the backslide to spin Grace around! Gut wrench and Canadian Rack, and she hangs Grace out to dry!

Lash talks trash while pulling a pigtail, then she runs to BLAST Grace off the ropes! Grace lands hard on the ground and clutches a leg. Lash talks trash while fans boo, and Grace hobbles up to the apron. Lash drags Grace up but Grace HOTHOTS her away! Fans rally for Grace and she climbs up the corner. Grace leaps, CROSSBODY into Lash’s arms! Lash dribbles Grace in the ropes! The ref counts, Lash stops at 4, to TOSS Grace up and over her head! Lash then stomps Grace around and pushes her to a cover. TWO, and Lash is annoyed. Lash pulls the pigtails and thrashes Grace around while talking more trash.

Lash pushes Grace, Grace hits back with body shots, but Lash knees low and hard. Lash brings Grace around, scoops her and trophy lifts, but Grace slips off! Lash ROCKS Grace first, then then hooks her with a half nelson. Lash CLUBS Grace, then puts her on a BACKBREAKER RACK! Grace endures being bent against Lash’s knee and fans rally up! Lash CLUBS Grace, pretends to do her make-up, then CHOPS Grace in the chest! Lash keeps the pressure on but Grace kicks free! Grace throws big forearms, but Lash shoves her to ropes. Grace ducks and dodges to tilt-o-whirl and RANA! Lash staggers back up, into a dropkick!

Fans fire up for Grace as she runs and 619s Lash in the back! Grace then gest to the corner, steps in, TORNADO DDT! But Lash flounders to ropes! Grace brings her back to cover, TWO!! Grace keeps on Lash with forearms, but Lash shoves her away again. Grace ROCKS Lash, but Lash reverses the whip. Lash also runs, to BOOT Grace down! Cover, Lash wins!

Winner: Lash Legend, by pinfall

Lash swaggers then tells Grace she’s not good enough. Will anyone ever humble this Legend in the making?


Sarray is on her way to NXT UK!

The Warrior of the Sun is very excited to take a trip across the pond! In Japanese, she adds, “I am very excited to be coming to NXT UK next week. There is already a Japanese influence there in the NXT UK Women’s Champion, Meiko Satomura. I cannot wait to have matches against the top talent that there is in NXT UK, meet everyone and show people in the UK what Sarray can do. I am every happy and look forward to it! Thank you very much!” Will the Warrior of the Sun get to shine in the UK? Will she get to face the Final Boss before her visit is over?


NXT UK hears from Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen!

Briggs says they’ve got some news. They’re all going to NXT UK next week! That’s big news! Fallon knows the UK has a fantastic women’s division, and she’s up for the challenge. Damn right! The UK ain’t ever seen nothing like her! Brooks says there’s also a hell of a tag division, and Briggs says yes they do! The new tag team champions, Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, them boys is badass! But maybe Brooks & Briggs can get a chance at those prestigious titles… In fact, they do! Opportunities like this don’t fall off trees, and since the UK asked for ’em, it will be an honor to fight y’all! Time for the Southern boys to bring some gold home to the US of A! Let’s go kick some ass!


Wolfgang & Damon Kemp VS Noam Dar & Sha Samuels!

The Last King of Scotland knows Diamond Mine’s Muscle Gopher was here to learn the British style, but he gave him a lesson in Glasgow style last week. Hopefully Damon’s head has stopped spinning, because he’s going to need to focus here. Will Wolfgang & Kemp be able to take the fight to the Scottish Supernova and East End Butcher? Or are the odds in favor of Supernova 11 and EEEAST~?

The teams sort out and Sha starts against Kemp to revisit their match from a few weeks ago. They tie up, Kemp shoots around fast and gets a waistlock to then drag Sha down and roll him around! Kemp then mounts Sha to ride him like a horse, then he floats around and gut wrenches. Kemp just carries Sha around like luggage, but Sha fights free! Tag to Dar, and Kemp grins as he gets a turn with the Heritage Cup Champion. Dar and Kemp circle, feel things out, and tie up. Kemp powers Dar back to ropes but the ref counts. Dar shouts for the break, Kemp lets off, and Dar shoves him! Dar then dodges Kemp’s punch and taunts him.

Fans rally for “EAST END! EAST EN!” but Kemp and Dar reset. They tie up, Kemp shoots around, waistlocks and drags Dar down but Dar scrambles. Kemp keeps with him, “Ole!” and then gut wrench! Kemp throws Dar around and around and around, then THROWS him for the suplex! Dar is about as dizzy as Kemp was after all those pints. Tag to Sha and he wants Kemp to go get the big man. Fans fire up and Kemp obliges, tag to Wolfgang! Sha and Wolfgang tie up, Wolfgang wrenches the arm and RAMS the shoulder. And again! Wolfgang uses a knuckle lock SUPLEX! “Gallus Boy son top!”

Wolfgang wrenches Sha’s arm, tags Kemp back in, and Wolfgang feeds Sha to Kemp’s OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Sha tumbles but Kemp keeps him from Dar. Kemp gator rolls Sha around, floats to get an arm, tag back to Wolfgang. Wolfgang CLUBS the arm, clamps on with another wrench and knuckle lock, for a straight arm lever! Wolfgang drops Sha down, brings him back over, and tags to Kemp. The ref didn’t see the tag because of Dar! Wolfgang CLUBS Sha, tags Kemp for real now, and Kemp wrenches the bad arm. Sha throws hands with the good arm, then tags in Dar! Dar and Sha mug Kemp now, but the ref counts.

Dar headlocks Kemp, grinds him down, and fans rally up. Kemp powers out and runs Dar over! Dar scrambles up to KICK and KICK Kemp, but Kemp blocks one to OVERHEAD suplex Dar! Kemp grins, Sha tries to tell the ref about his bets. The ref tells him to stop, so Sha barks at Kemp. Kemp swipes at Sha, but Dar sweeps the legs! Dar then runs in, BACK ELBOW! Cover, ONE!! Dar is furious and he rains down fists on Kemp! Dar talks trash on Wolfgang, brings Kemp back, then tags Sha. They mug Kemp more, then Sha snapmares Kemp to rain down elbows! Sha hip drops one of Kemp’s arms, then uppercuts a leg!

Sha drags Kemp away, tags in Dar, and fans rally up. Dar & Sha double suplex Kemp, then Dar covers, TWO! Wolfgang coaches Kemp, but Dar slams and stomps Kemp’s arms, and even his legs. Dar stays between Kemp and Wolfgang, stomps him more, then brings him up. Dar EuroUppers Kemp, and again, and Kemp is wobbly. Dar pushes Kemp to the corner, tag to Sha. The mugging continues, the ref reprimands, but Sha scoops to SLAM Kemp down! Sha stands on Kemp’s shoulders and says “ON THE MONEY!” PENALTY KICK to the back! Cover, TWO! Kemp survives and Wolfgang rallies the fans behind him.

Sha tags Dar, Sha hands Kemp off and Dar hits a headlock takeover. Dar clamps on a chinlock but Kemp endures. Fans rally, Kemp fights up and Dar works to keep him from Wolfgang. Kemp is fighting his way forward but Dar CLUBS Kemp down, then BOOTS Wolfgang! But Kemp OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Dar and Kemp are down, but Dar tags out to Sha. Kemp is alone, Sha SPLASHES him in the corner! Sha CLUBS Kemp down, then tags Dar back in. Dar brings Kemp up, goes to suplex, but Kemp fights it! Sha reaches out to tag in, he and Dar work together again, but Kemp double suplexes them!

Fans fire up while all three men are down! Wolfgang reaches out but Kemp’s on the far side! Kemp dodges Sha, CLOBBERS Dar, and hot tag to Wolfgang! Fans fire up as Wolfgang rallies on Sha with big hands! Wolfgang throws hands in the corner, keeps Sha from getting away, then whips corner to corner. Wolfgang runs in to CROSSBODY! Wolfgang goes up and out, climbs up top, and AX HANDLES Sha down! Then a scoop and SLAM, and a FLYING SENTON! Fans fire up and Wolfgang gets Sha up. CABER TOSS! “Gallus Boys on top!” fans fire up, but Dar gets in! Kemp CLOBBERS Dar to save Wolfgang!

Kemp and Wolfgang stand together with their arms crossed, Kemp’s an honorary Gallus Boy! Wolfgang then aims at Sha from a corner, howls and runs, SPEAR! Cover, Dar breaks it!! Wolfgang is furious but the ref tells Dar to get out. Wolfgang goes for Sha, but Sha cradles! TWO!! Wolfgang hurries but Sha sends him into buckles! Tag to Dar, and Dar DECKS Kemp! BOOT for Wolfgang! Feed to Sha’s MICHINOKU DRIVER! Dar covers, TWO!! Wolfgang survives and Dar is beside himself! Fans rally back up, Kemp drags himself to the apron. Dar tags Sha, and Sha brings Wolfgang up! Wolfgang arm-drags free of the hook, hot tag to Kemp!

Kemp gets around Sha to GERMAN SUPLEX! Kemp holds on, brings Sha up, but Dar saves Sha by holding his hands! Only for Kemp to drag Dar in, too! The ref is busy with Dar, Sha claws Kemp’s eyes!! Sha wants Kemp to get up, but while the ref is still reprimanding Dar, Wolfgang uses Sha’s own scarf to snag a foot! Sha kicks at Wolfgang, but Kemp scoops Sha for the POWERSLAM!! Cover, Kemp and Wolfgang win!!

Winners: Damon Kemp & Wolfgang, by pinfall

Turnabout is fair play, and the trick that won it for Sha & Dar last time now wins it for Kemp and Wolfie! But Sha is a sore loser, and though Dar tries to stop him, those suspender straps come right off and Sha gets in the ring! Only to get another WOLFGANG SPEAR! With them finishing on top, will these Gallus boys be heading for big things in the near future?


Trent Seven heads to the ring!

Moustache Mountain fell apart a couple weeks ago in that NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat, and they lost those titles. Seven told Tyler Bate he was done, but wasn’t in the mood to expound upon that thought at the time. Now, he is here to tells us what that really means. Seven gets a mic as fans chant for him, and he says, “I love you, too. But bear with me, please. Please, bear with me. I’ve asked for this time so I can address you all, and address all of you, the NXT UK Universe, and every single person watching this at home.

“I… I genuinely believe I was quite honest with myself these last few months, and honest with all of you when I said that… I didn’t know what I was going to do if we, or I, ever lost those NXT UK Tag Team Championships. So… I just don’t feel the same as I used to. And obviously losing them has kind of compounded that. So, I think it’s only wise that I be honest with myself and be true to you. I feel like I have made a decision. However, as you can quite obviously see, there is someone missing from this little conversation. So please, Tyler, if you’re there, please, can you come out the back and join us all out here.”

Seven calls for Tyler, fans applaud, and the Big Strong Boy makes his way out with no theme song. Tyler joins Seven in the ring, and Seven starts again. “There’s just no way that I could’ve possibly done this without you. The whole experience, I feel so blessed and so privileged to be able to do what I’ve been given the chance to do. Especially at this stage of my life, and especially at this stage in my career.” He thinks of the opportunities that they’ve had, both himself, Tyler, and “the other one.” Wink wink, nudge nudge, he means Pete Dunne. But there were just special times. He thinks to them traveling the length and breadth of the world.

“From the crazy nights in Canada, to Australia, to a circus tent in Kuala Lumpur. Do you remember that one? That was wild. Obviously, America. But there’s just no place like home, is there?” Fans cheer for that one. “UK! UK!” And with that, Seven is reminded of the times that they’ve had here. They beat Pretty Deadly right here in this ring and arena, BT Sports Studios, and they became NXT UK Tag Team Champions. And of course, that moment that Seven will never let anyone forget, them selling out the Royal Albert Hall and brought THE NXT Tag Team Championships to the UK! All of those moments are so special, such fond memories for the rest of Seven’s life.

Seven gets emotional as he works to say, “From the very top of Moustache Mountain, to the bottom of my heart, I just want to say thank you, to you and to everyone for being part of this ride. Thank you so much.” Fans applaud that sentiment, and they chant, “Thank You, Trent!” Moustache Mountain hug it out and fans cheer even more. Seven takes a breath and fans chant more, and Seven gives Tyler another hug. Fans chant for Moustache Mountain as Seven gives Tyler a kiss on the forehead, and a LOW BLOW UPPERCUT FROM BEHIND!! Fans are shocked, they’re booing, and most are just stunned!

Seven picks the mic up again and sits Tyler up. “I never needed you.” Then Seven DECKS Bate! “YOU SUCK!” But Seven isn’t done! He gets Tyler up in a torture rack, for the BIRMINGHAMMER!! Seven kicks Bate over and drapes the Moustache Mountain towel over him before standing on him. Fans boo and tell Seven to leave, and Seven does with a big smile. Has Seven just torn Moustache Mountain down once and for all? Will Tyler Bate ever recover not from the physical but the emotional damage his mentor and best friend just inflicted?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode, but what a powerful final segment! It seems to be a trope that the more heartfelt and genuine the promo gets, the more brutal the betrayal/swerve will be. Seven gave us a powerful farewell promo only to turn on Tyler and sound like the Green Goblin when he says he never needed Tyler. I wasn’t sure about going this route but now that they have, they’ve done a great job with it, and Seven VS Bate is going to feel like Ciampa VS Gargano, I can’t wait to see it. Also great to hear that Blair Davenport (Bea Priestley) is on her way back from the leg injury. She’ll probably have a couple matches to build back up, and then we’ll see her take Meiko Satomura on and maybe be the one to dethrone her.

Tiger Turan and Josh Morrell were having a good match, but that’s rough that Morrell got hurt during the match. I’m rather surprised, and a little worried, that there have been as many matches ended by injury as there’ve been in NXT UK. Blair’s was pretty bad, as was Rampage Brown’s, hopefully Morrell just got his bell rung after the landing from the crossbody. I was hoping they would send Kenny Williams out to go after Tiger per their story, and it would’ve made up for time lost because this match was cut short. Maybe they have a segment for next week’s episode that follows this up, like Kenny trying to say Tiger Turan is not a safe worker or something.

We got a decent match out of Lash and Grace, but of course Lash wins here. I have a feeling Lash is going to get herself an NXT UK Women’s title match before her time in NXT UK is done so that she’s still on par with Ivy Nile. Wolfgang & Kemp VS Sha & Dar was a great tag match, really great teamwork from the Faces in this one, and a really clever finish with Wolfgang using the scarf like Sha did. Kemp is going strong, I would love if he got a Heritage Cup match with Dar. Much like Ivy against Meiko, I don’t see Kemp winning, but a Heritage Cup match will definitely showcase Kemp’s abilities.

And it seems this first batch of NXT 2.0 stars is just that, only the first. The trio of Fallon, Briggs & Jensen coming over is a bit of a surprise, but at least they’re getting right to Smith & Carter VS Briggs & Jensen for the tag titles.  Smith & Carter will get a strong match out of Briggs & Jensen, as well as a strong win, getting their first defense out of the way. Sarray coming over is clearly because NXT 2.0 doesn’t know what to do with her since they’re pushing so many other new women. But Sarray should definitely get a match with Meiko Satomura, and if those two are allowed to go Joshi Strong Style for 20 minutes or more, that could be the best NXT UK Women’s Championship match ever.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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