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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (11/15/22)

Bron VS Von! Rose VS Fyre!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The top two titles are on the line!

Tonight, both the NXT and NXT Women’s Championships are on the line as Bron Breakker takes on his largest opponent yet in Von Wagner, and Rose VS Fyre goes LAST WOMAN STANDING! Will the landscape change a month out from NXT Deadline?


  • NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Bron wins and retains the title.
  • Indus Sher VS George Cannon & Ariel Dominguez; Indus Sher wins.
  • Apollo Crews VS JD McDonagh; Crews wins.
  • Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS The Dyad w/ The Schism; The Dyad wins.
  • Tatum Paxley w/ Ivy Nile VS Indi Hartwell; Indi wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing: Mandy Rose VS Alba Fyre; Rose wins and retains the title.


NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

The Big Booty Nephew has faced legends and peers but had the physical advantages of size and strength. That advantage now goes the other way against Vicious Von! Will that tip the scales and make this Wagner’s to win? Or can Bron break through against the odds once again?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Bron survives Wagner’s World!

The bell rings and Von throws STONE at Bron! Bron throws Stone away, but Von BOOTS Bron! Von throws hands on Bron in the corner! Then he bumps Bron off buckles! Von stomps a mudhole in, digs his knee in, but the ref counts. Von lets off at 4, and he stalks Bron to ropes. Von whips to ELBOW Bron down! Fans boo but Von talks smack on Bron. Von CHOKES Bron on the ropes but lets off as the ref counts. Fans rally for Bron but Von whips him to ropes. Bron slides under the boot and comes back to run Von over! Von gets up, into an EXPLODER! Fans bark as Bron whips Von and RANAS! Fans fire up with Bron while Von flounders!

Stone coaches Von up but Bron headlocks. Von endures and fights up, but he can’t power free. Fans rally but Von powers up and puts Bron on ropes. Von then steps over the ropes to HOTSHOT Bron! Von gets in to CLUB Bron, YANKS the arm, and runs Bron over! Von drags Bron up to run him over again! Von CLUBS Bron’s arm more, Stone coaches Von, and Von hammerlocks before the scoop and SLAM! Bron writhes and fans boo but Von doesn’t care. Von drags Bron up, snapmares him down and drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! Bron clutches his arm but he’s still in this. Von drags Bron up to CLUB the arm more.

Von whips Bron to ropes, but Bron turns that around into a suplex! Bron holds Von up and fans fire up before the SLAM! Bron kips up and fans bark. Bron headlocks, Von powers out but Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Von! Fans fire up as Von goes to a corner. Bron barks at Von while NXT goes picture in picture.

Bron and Von stare down, but Von keeps cool. They reset, circle again, and tie up. VOn knees low! And CLUBS Bron down! Von CHOKES Bron on the ropes again, but lets off to then bend him back! The ref counts, Von lets off at 4, and Bron sputters. Stone talks trash and Von drags Bron up to YANK the arm again. Von wrangles Bron into a chinbar but Bron endures. Von keeps Bron down but Bron fights up, only for Von to wrangle him back down! Von keeps on the bad arm but Bron fights his way up. Von KNEES low, whips Bron to ropes, but Bron slips around to headlock and takeover! Von rolls it to a cover, ONE!

Bron grinds the hold, shifts around, then goes back to the headlock. Von headscissors back and holds tight! Bron endures, kips free, and he headlocks for another takeover. Von keeps his shoulders up, fights to his feet, and powers out. Von KNEES Bron down! Von then hauls Bron up to throw him with a headlock takeover. But Bron headscissors back! Bron holds tight, even as Von kicks around. Von reaches out with a leg but Bron shifts to facelock. Bron gator rolls Von from the ropes, then back the other way! Von stands up but Bron headlocks. Bron hits another takeover and NXT returns to single picture.

Fans rally for Bron, but Von fights his way back up. Von powers out, but Bron gets around again, only for Von to hit a BIG back suplex! Both men are down but Bron crawls his way out of the ring. Von goes out after Bron and RAMS him into the steel steps! Fans boo but Von pulls the steps apart. Stone says, “You do you, Von! You do you.” Von goes after Bron as fans boo more, and Von brings Bron over to choke grip, and CHOKE SLAM on the steps!! Bron writhes while fans lose their minds! Von then puts Bron in the ring and covers, TWO!! Bron survives, showing the toughness of a two-time NXT Champion!

Von snarls and Stone is furious, but Von drags Bron up into double underhooks! BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Von hauls Bron up again to scoop SLAM! Von drags Bron up a third time to POST HIM! Then he reels Bron in, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives again and Von is fuming! Von looms over Bron, and drags him up into a BEARHUG! Bron endures as fans actually duel, “Let’s Go, Breakker!” “Let’s Go, Wagner!” Von drags Bron into a cobra clutch and thrashes him around! Bron endures, but Von throws him down. Stone wants the ref to call this but Bron crawls to the ropes.

Von storms up on Bron, hauls him up to the top rope, and throws haymakers! Von climbs up after Bron, but Bron blocks the suplex! Bron throws body shots, Von staggers away, and Bron FLYING LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Stone panics as Von sits up in a daze. Von throws a haymaker but Bron counter punches! And again! Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges to start throwing big shoulder tackles! Bron dodges again, then catches Von’s leap for a SPINEBUSTER! Fans bark it up and Bron climbs up top. FLYING BULLDOG! Bron roars and fans fire up more! Bron goes to the corner, he runs in at Von, but into a fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!!

Von and the fans can’t believe Bron survives! Stone throws off his jacket while Von gets in the ref’s face! Von argues the count but the ref says it was fair. Bron rises and brings down the straps! Stone tries to tell Von but Von shoves him down! Bron lifts Von! But Von slips off, fireman’s carries, but Bron slips off and SPEARS! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Von was bigger, but Bron was still stronger! Bron’s beaten those more experienced, more sadistic and more massive than him, who will ever take this title from him?


Alba Fyre speaks.

“Mandy Rose, the only reason I stand here today without the NXT Women’s title is because of your two best friends. Now I’ve taken out Gigi Dolin and I’ve taken out Jacy Jayne. You don’t have the numbers anymore. All you have is this fire keeper burning a hole in your soul. Everything that you hold close to you will go up in flames, and your Toxic Empire will burn. Mandy, the fear you’re experiencing is real. And tonight, anything goes as I stand over you the Last Woman Standing, and NEW NXT Women’s Champion!” Will Fyre burn the Rose to a crisp to finally take that title from her?


Bron returns backstage.

He takes a seat with the title, only for JD McDonagh to walk over. “Congratulations, champ. You know you’re never going to be done with me, right?” JD then leaves before Bron can respond. Will the Irish Ace come back around to pick apart what’s left of Bron?


Zoey Stark goes to the ring.

She may not be NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion, but the Sin City Soldier doesn’t seem upset at all. But that’s because she beat down Nikkita Lyons, putting all the blame for losing on her! Stark gets the mic to say, “Oh, man, does my back feel so much lighter not having to carry Nikkita Lyons for another week. See let me tell you a story. Nine months ago, I was out on the shelf. I was on the shelf for nine MONTHS! And when I came back in July, I came in like a bat outta hell! I tore through 19 other women to earn an opportunity against Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Championship.

“And I was ready. Boy, was I ready. And then… I get called into a meeting. And in that meeting, everything changed. See, in this meeting, I was told they were gonna hold a tournament for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships, and they wanted me to team with Nikkita Lyons. You guys, they chose us over more established teams like Toxic Attraction or the champs, Kayden & Katana. I knew I was gonna have to do a lot of the heavy lifting, but that was fine, I took pride in knowing that we were going to represent NXT. But as we all know, we didn’t get to make it to that part, because after my match against Mandy Rose at Heatwave, I wasn’t medically cleared.

“As I was in the medical room, Nikkita Lyons, she walks in. She puts her hand on my shoulder, and she looks me dead in my eyes and tells me, ‘Zoey, it’s okay. Accidents happen. I’m not mad at you.'” Stark laughs! Lyons wasn’t mad at Stark? Stark is the weak link? NO! Stark didn’t get hurt during training or doing stupid TikTok videos! She got injured wrestling, working with one of the top, dominant females, one of the best champions ever in Mandy Rose! And what did Starks do when she returned again? She put Lyons on her back and carried her ass! Stark carried Lyons through training, the tape study, all of it!

And all Stark asked was that Lyons take a fraction of the work to lighten the load. But no. All Stark got was endless apologies instead of results! Stark was angry, but she’s not anymore. When she had the tag titles in her hands, which should’ve been hers, Stark knew exactly what she needed to do. And she did it: she CLOBBERED Lyons with them! Stark says she tried her hardest to help Lyons! And the new recruits, the new athletes! The more she helped, the more time she gave, the more they just clung and leeched off of her! Stark is done with that. She is tired of it! She tried to be part of the solution.

But now, Stark will be a huge part of the problem! Stark didn’t get famous posing on the beach, doing some stupid dance on social media, no! She did it all in the ring, busting her ass! For all of them clapping and cheering her on, “Screw you!” They are all the same people who go on social media and like those dance videos! They’re the same people who look at Lyons with all of her “assets,” and them dream about her all night. So just screw all of you! Fans boo but Stark says the way she sees it, NXT is no longer about the future. It’s about ZOEY STARK. And Stark is UNDENIABLE!! Stark is the hunter! And everyone in the back? They are the prey!


NXT checks in with Chase U.

Andre Chase is impressed by Thea Hail’s recent test results, she got it 100% right. Duke Hudson then walks in, as Chase wanted to meet with him. Yes, have a seat, Duke. Duke sits with Chase and Chase wants to know: Why did Duke throw in the towel? Did he want to see Chase lose? Well, that’s a good question, given Duke’s track record. But if Chase wants the truth, then the truth is… Duke saw Chase was in so much pain and he couldn’t stand to watch. Chase’s health is far more important than one wrestling match.

Chase is a fantastic teacher, but he knows nothing about quitting, he doesn’t know the meaning of the word! That is why Duke threw in the towel: so that Chase could live to fight another day. Imagine if Charlie Dempsey did permanent damage to Chase’s shoulder. If Chase goes down, Chase U goes down. If Chase is on the shelf, the entire school is on the shelf, so that is why Duke threw in the towel. If people want to say Duke cares too much about Chase U, that he bleeds black ‘n’ red, then guilty as charged! Chase says okay. But then in walks Thea. Chase wanted to go over a paper? Duke gives up his seat and takes his leave.

Thea says Duke’s kinda growing on her. Chase seems to agree. Will Duke Hudson prove he is the Ace of Chase U?


Apollo Crews finds Bron in the locker room.

Apollo reminds Bron that he’s back in NXT for one reason and one reason only: the NXT Championship. ANd Apollo knows Bron is sore and tired, but just watch what Apollo does. Where one challenge ends, the next begins. Later, champ. Bron’s challengers clash later on, who comes out as the #1 contender?


Indus Sher VS George Cannon & Ariel Dominguez!

Veer & Sanga have reunited, and they look to start where they left off! Will these tigers tear apart the NXT Tag Team Division until they are the kings of the jungle?

The teams sort out and Sanga starts against George. They tie up, and Sanga SLAMS George down! Sanga drags George up to SLAM him down again! And then Sanga scoops George to LAWN DART HOTSHOT! Sanga waits on George to stand, then he full nelson SLAMS him down! Tag to Veer, Sanga stands George up, and they SANDWICH him! George sputters, Veer stands on his foot to keep him from getting away! Veer then RAMS him into the corner! Veer dares Ariel Dominguez to tag in! Fans say “NO! NO! NO!” but Veer makes him tag George! Veer then TOSSES this guy across the ring! Fans are stunned seeing that!

Veer looms over Ariel and hauls him up. Ariel SLAPS Veer, but that was a mistake. Veer RAMS Ariel into his chest! Then he tags Sanga, and they SANDWICH Ariel! Sanga smirks as he drags Ariel up with one arm, and SLAMS him! Sanga then drags Ariel up again, scoops with one arm again, and SLAMS him again! Tag back to Veer, and Veer drags Ariel around. LEAPING ELBOW DROP! Veer tags Sanga back in because they’re still not done! They drag George up, Sanga runs as Veer holds him up, DRAPING BOOT!! Ariel is in a corner, Sanga SPLASHES him! Sanga drags Ariel over, tags in Veer, and Indus Sher coordinate.

Veer goes up, Sanga scoops, FLYING LEG DROP SIDEWALK SLAM!! Cover, Indus Sher wins!

Winners: Indus Sher, by pinfall

The tigers toyed with their prey, but they feasted on every last bit of them! They then get the mics to say, ‘Creed Brothers. We have a great respect for you. The NXT Universe has a great respect for you. But they don’t respect us!” In India, they are celebrities. Here in America, they are not appreciated. Sanga & Veer no longer stand for it! The only way to gain respect is by destroying the Creeds! And unfortunately for you, Julius & Brutus, that is what Indus Sher will do to you!

The Creed Brothers are watching backstage.

Julius says, “Respect? After these dudes jumped us? They’re delusional! We’re going to maul ’em.” Brutus says Indus Sher did just maul their opponents, but if they’re trying to make a name of Diamond Mine… Julius says if they wanna hit the Creeds, the Creeds will hit harder. Step up, get thrown down! Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley walk in. Ivy says not to sweat Indus Sher. Diamond Mine is finally past Damon Kemp, the reason they’re not the tag team champions. Time to circle back. Just worry about Pretty Deadly. Yeah, but Indus Sher is calling them out! This isn’t something they can just let go unchecked. They started it, too.

Ivy won’t argue, she has to go help Tatum prepare. But if it were her, this is the wrong fight. Ivy & Tatum head out, the Creeds say that if they’re to go after Pretty Deadly, they gotta handle Indus Sher first. Will the Creeds be able to withstand the might of Sanga & Veer?


Backstage interview with Wendy Choo.

McKenzie Mitchell brings up Cora Jade’s comments aimed at Wendy, so what is Wendy’s response? “Cora Jade is always going to be a salty and petulant child. She’s never gonna change. She said some things about me last week that just aren’t true. But she did say some things about me that I haven’t heard since high school. She’s trying to open old wounds. The fact is, I am a little wacky. I just like to be fun and not so serious. So Cora and anyone else who disagrees just need to take a long hard look in the mirror. But in Cora’s case, I want her to wait a week, because I want her to look at herself in the mirror after I give her two black eyes.”

The Queen of Comfort looks to play rough with #GenerationJade, will Choo humble Cora herself?


Apollo Crews VS JD McDonagh!

Both men have said their piece to Bron Breakker, but now they must back it all up with actions. Will Apollo’s vision of the future come true? Or will the Irish Ace trump all that to get another shot?

NXT returns as Crews makes his entrance. The bell rings and Crews circles with JD. They tie up, Crews waistlocks and SLAMS JD! JD slips out of the facelock to get an arm but Crews slips through to wrench back. They switch, JD headlocks for a takeover but Crews rolls to a cover, ONE! Fans applaud that opening exchange as the two reset. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and then JD kicks low! JD CLUBS Crews, has him in a corner, and whips him corner to corner. Crews goes up and over and handsprings to then arm-drag! Crews has the armlock but JD endures. JD moves around, stands up and whips, but Crews slides under.

Crews headlocks, JD powers out, but Crews RAMS JD. Crews runs again, but into JD’s arm-drag! JD armlocks but Crews kips up, only to run into another arm-drag! JD tries again but Crews headscissors. JD kips free, and he fakes out the takeover to drop an elbow on Crews! Fans applaud this exchange, and JD drags Crews up. JD CHOPS and stomps and punches Crews to a corner. JD stomps a mudhole then digs his boot in, but lets off as the ref counts 4. Fans boo JD, but Apollo CHOPS him back! And CHOPS! JD ducks a chop but Crews DECKS him with a right! Crews whips JD corner to corner, then back drops JD on the rebound!

Fans fire up and JD wants mercy! But then he kicks! Crews blocks it and spins JD to then duck, dodge and CLOBBER JD! JD flounders right out of the ring! Crews pursues but JD leads him on a cat ‘n’ mouse. They get in the ring but then JD slips right out, only for Crews to moonsault away! Crews blocks the Penalty Kick to YANK JD off the apron! Crews cradles JD, to then SLAM him on the announce desk! JD writhes and Crews flexes as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and JD has a SLEEPER on Crews! But Crews climbs a corner?! For a SUPER BACKPACK SENTON! Crews is free, but JD rises again! JD has the SLEEPER back on!! Fans fire up and rally as Crews hurries to his feet again! Crews powers free, and he puts a SLEEPER on JD! But JD hits as BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down! Crews and JD stir, and Crews crawls to the ropes. JD goes to the other side, he runs in, but Crews TOSSES JD up and out! JD hits the floor, Crews goes out and MOONSAULTS! Fans fire up as Crews knocks JD down again! Crews hurries to put JD in the ring as fans chant for “NXT! NXT!”

Crews dodges JD’s haymaker to mule kick and run for a BOOT! And a LARIAT! JD sits up in a daze, Crews takes aim from a corner. JD flounders to a corner, Crews runs in and SPLASHES! JD is down again but Crews goes right up! Crews SENTONS but has to roll through! JD gets up, into a BOOT! Crews underhooks and lifts, TIGER BOMB! Then a deadlift to a SIT-OUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! JD survives and fans fire up as this one continues! Crews drags JD up, fireman’s carries and then puts JD up top. Crews climbs up after JD, but JD throws hands! They brawl up top, Crews gets the edge, and he tries again.

Crews goes to the very top, but JD slips out to trip Crews up! JD puts Crews in the Tree of Woe to CLUB him down out of it! Fans duel and JD stomps Crews down. JD drags Crews up, CHOPS him, then whips corner to corner. Crews reverses but JD tumbles up and around! JD flops to the apron, but he DUMPS Crews out! JD aims to PENALTY KICK! A glancing blow, but then JD ASAI MOONSAULTS! Direct hit as JD proves he can fly like Crews! JD puts Crews in the ring now, catches his breath, then snarls as he goes up a corner. But Crews springs up after him! SUPER OLYMPIC SLAM!! Fans are thunderous as both men are down!

Fans rally up as JD and Crews stir. A standing count starts, and reaches 5 of 10 as JD and Crews sit up. The count is 7, but both men stand at 9! Crews CHOPS! JD CHOPS back! Crews CHOPS, ROCKS and facelocks to suplex! JD knees free and cradles! TWO!! Crews has it, TWO!! JD has it back, TWO!! Crews has it again, TWO!! Crews ducks ‘n’ dodges, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Fans are thunderous again and JD drags Crews right up, but Crews KNEES! JD HEADBUTS! Ripcord, but Crews sunset flips! And deadlifts, but JD SUNSET BOMBS! Cover, TWO!!! Crews escapes and no one can believe it!

“This is Awesome!” as JD rises again. JD goes to a corner, he grits his teeth and he aims at Crews. Crews slowly rises, rushes in, but JD slips out! JD HOTSHOTS Crews down, goes up top again, to MOONSAULT! But he has to roll through as Crews dodges! Crews hits a MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER!! Cover, Crews WINS!

Winner: Apollo Crews, by pinfall

The Irish Ace went all in but went bust! Apollo looks like the frontrunner going after Bron’s title, and Bron appears to stare him down! Will NXT soon be under Crews’ control?


Backstage interview with Mandy Rose.

Tonight’s NXT Women’s Championship match is under a Last Woman Standing match, but Fyre- Rose stops McKenzie there, we all heard what Fyre said. But the world needs to listen to Mandy now. “For the last year, I have heard every prediction in the book. Mandy’s not ready, the stage is too big, Mandy can’t wrestle, she’s outmatched. Oh, the best one: She can’t carry this title. Every flash in the pan, flavor of the month, one hit wonder, international ranker, and every cliché you can think of that has been thought of and promoted as the woman who could beat me. Well here I stand, still as your NXT Women’s Champion.

“And not because you’re looking at a cliché, but because you’re looking at a one in a BILLION superstar! Listen, I know Alba Fyre is gonna bring it tonight. But with or without my girls, this title is staying with me. Because after tonight, I will be the Last Woman Standing. You can get outta here.” McKenzie leaves, but will the Toxic Goddess make her promise a reality?


Backstage interview with Javier Bernal.

McKenzie says Javier requested this time to speak, what’s on his mind? He has a lot on his mind! He knows he’s the new kid on the block, but he’s learned that he can’t wait for opportunities to come to him. no no, he is going to seize them. So instead of people telling him who he is facing, he’s going to be the one to issue a challenge. Who will it be? The guy Javier’s going to face, the guy who will bring out the best in him and really push him: Axiom! Axiom is a hell of a competitor, so- Wait, Axiom? Yes. Didn’t he see what happened last week? Axiom isn’t medically cleared to compete.

Well who is McKenzie to doubt Axiom? He’s a professional! You can sell him short but- NO one disagrees, Javier, but Axiom is hurt. Well, okay, fine. Then maybe the former NXT UK Champion, Ilja Dragunov! Big Body Javi VS The Mad Russian! They’ll tear the house down! They’ll build it up and t- No, he’s also injured, back in Germany rehabbing. Well, if Big Body Javi challenged him, he’d go back to German, too. Ok, let’s get serious. Javi wants someone from Gallus! Let’s see how rough and tough you boys are! McKenzie can even pick one of them! Uh, Gallus is still suspended. Doesn’t he know that?

Javi sighs. Well here is what he knows. McKenzie is part of the problem! She’s holding back one of the greatest NXT superstars from unlocking his potential! That’s just to right. Javi heads out, but it sounds like Javi has his wires crossed. Will he actually step up and challenge someone he knows can fight back?


Booker T is in the ring.

“What up~? Guys, I’m so excited because next week, we have a match for the NXT North American Championship! At this time, I give you the challenger. He is flanked by Trick Williams. He is a two-time North American Champion. Give it up for Carmelo Hayes!” Hayes comes out in a deep purple suit, Trick by his side, and he goes to the ring. Booker continues to say, “And without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the NXT North American Champion, Wes Lee!” The Must-See Kid makes his way out now, and everyone takes their seats at the table.

Booker says he is excited. But first, he must say, he’s a fan of both of them. Melo says before getting to “this sucker,” he wants to say one thing. Melo says as a “lower case g to a big G,” it is an honor to be part of Booker’s fave five. It really is. Real recognizes real. Booker says he did say that. But his thing is, no diss to the champ… Wes says that’s all fine. But everyone has to accept that Melo is no longer The A Champion. He’s the X Champion. But Melo can hold onto his accolade as much as he wants, it’s all fine.

Booker says he is excited for this contract signing, but first, some questions. Melo is on the precipice of becoming a three-time- Trick adds, “THREE TIME~!” Booker sighs. He finishes by saying Melo could become a three-time North American Champion. His thoughts? Melo says he IS, but Wes, there’s no doubt that Wes will go to his absolute limits to retain the title. But what Wes should understand is that his absolute limit is where Melo pulls up and starts from. Melo is relentless about being The A Champion, and Wes only just got it so he wouldn’t understand.

So next week, the 15 minutes of sympathy and attention, the best time of Wes’s life and the worst time of Melo’s, it ends! It’s over! Trick says, “Over, Wes!” Booker says then it’s fair that Melo is feeling real confident. Trick tells Booker that Wes is good, he’s a great athlete, but he don’t got nothing on Melo! And no ladders for Wes to climb, either! This will be Wes’s first and last title defense! Booker says he was going to bring that up to Wes. This is his first singles title defense in his first reign. The question is: What is Wes willing to do to make sure he walks out still NXT North American Champion?

Wes says, “Booker, everyone knows how hard I worked in order to earn this. If you had told me a year ago that I’d be sitting here, having this conversation with you, I wouldn’t have believed you. But I took the hand that the universe dealt me, and I played it really, really well. I found some inner peace knocking Trick’s ass out.” Fans cheer that! And from the ashes, Wes climbed up to become a champion. Now he solidifies the man he has become as he becomes the new standard as champion! Wes will risk everything to keep it! Shucky ducky quack quack~! Let’s get this signed right now! First, the challenger, Melo.

Melo says he prefers, “The Future Three-Time North American Champion.” But Melo signs his part. Wes promises Melo that his attitude and arrogance will be his downfall. The contract is then passed to Wes, and Wes likes hearing himself be called the champion. Wes signs on the line now, and there we have it! The contract is signed and sealed, and next week it’ll be delivered! Next week, it’ll be on. Wes says it feels great to have this moment right here. Trick says no one cares how Wes feels. How did it feel when Wes’s head was smashed into a locker? Wes tells Trick to SHUT UP! This is between Wes and Trick’s meal ticket!

Melo says he is at the point where he will “First 48” Wes in front of witnesses, and nobody will do a damn thing! But then Booker tells them all, “WHOA! Wait a damn minute!!” Booker says it ain’t going down like this! Ain’t nobody dropping nobody tonight, going through no tables! Both of them can save the drama for their mamas, because next week, the world will see the finest NXT has to offer! Who will be North American Champion? We’ll just see! NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT, SUCKAAAAA?!


We hear from the mysterious man once again.

“The truth is never simple. Until I’m sitting across the table. At that point, you have two choices: give me the truth, or I beat it out of you. NXT is a soft society, but soon, that will change. Because I am not a product of my environment. My environment is a product of me. And hard justice is on its way.”


Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade & Edris Enofe hang out backstage.

Jones says he can’t lie, these past few weeks with them have been great! And they’re going to keep it going tonight! Yeah! But before, uh, what’s up with the sweater vests, Malik? Well, it’s about his best friend, his dad. Malik’s father was a pastor, and he used to wear the best clothes around. He went to a store called Lookin’ Good. And every time Malik’s dad pulled up, the store owner would have a custom order book ready for Malik’s dad to pick out the craziest designs. And the first thing he ever ordered out of that book for Malik was a sweater vest.

But then his dad passed away. And up in the attic, there were so many sweater vests wrapped in plastic. So that’s why Malik rocks the vests! To honor his dad and follow his advice! Edris knows this one, too. “Either you drip or drown, and I’m gon’ drip!” Jones loves it! Now, let’s have some fun! Will Malik, Edris & Jones bring the drip to NXT?


Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley VS The Dyad w/ The Schism!

The good ol’ boys are back in action, hoping to rope themselves another shot at the NXT Tag Team Championships. But will this be a Sunday drive or a wild rodeo as they take on the grizzled Rip Fowler & Jagger Reed?

The teams sort out and Jensen starts against Rip. They circle, tie up, and Rip cravats to then headlock. Jensen powers out but Rip runs him over. Things speed up, Rip whips Jensen but Jensen turns hip toss into hip toss! And then he step-up RANAS Rip away! And then he DROPKICKS Rip down! Cover, ONE! Rip gets up, but Jensen wrenches to wristlock. Rip pulls hair and then the waistband. Tag to Jagger, he and Rip mug Jensen, then Reed ROCKS and CLUBS Jensen! Reed shoves Jensen but Jensen hurdles and tags Briggs before the BULLDOG! Reed staggers up, into Briggs’s big shoulder!

Briggs fires up, he tags Jensen back in, and they hand off the wrench to a wristlock. Jensen grinds the armlock and he wrangles Reed. Reed gets up, works on his escape, but Jensen wrenches and headlocks. Reed powers out but Jensen runs him over! Tag to Briggs, they whip Reed onto ropes, then they run, slide and DOUBLE HAYMAKER! Fans fire up with the country boys and Briggs pushes Reed over. Tag to Jensen, Jensen CLUBS Reed, then headlocks. Reed powers out while tagging Rip. Jensen hurdles Reed but Rip trips Jensen! Rip drags Jensen out but Jensen DECKS him! But then Ava Raine stands in Jensen’s way.

Jensen tells Ava to back off, but Reed DIVES! Direct hit and Reed even hits the desk! But the Schism is fired up as they have control and put Jensen on the apron. Rip cravats Jensen and SLAMS him into the edge! Jensen checks his chin but Rip stands him up to ROCK him! But Jensen fights back! He throws big elbows and haymakers, but Rip keeps him from Briggs! Jensen CLUBS Rip away and hot tags Briggs! Briggs rallies on The Dyad with big haymakers! And then a TIGER BACKBREAKER for Rip! BOOT for Reed! Rip bails out, Briggs goes to the apron and FLYING SHOULDERS Rip down! Reed comes around, but gets the pop-up LARIAT!

Fans are thunderous as Briggs goes up to FLYING LARIAT Rip! Briggs scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH! Fans fire up but Kiana James storms out here to yell at Fallon?! She wants that bar! She swings on Fallon, Fallon dodges, and Fallon DECKS Kiana into Jensen! Jensen is a gentleman, but he’s still a man. He’s all flustered, Briggs gets distracted, and Rip tags Reed. The Dyad dodges Briggs to then DOUBLE CODE BREAKER!! Cover, The Dyad wins!!

Winners: The Dyad, by pinfall

Jensen is beside himself as he let this one slip away! The Schism stands tall thanks to the chaos, but will their dystopian order take over NXT soon enough?


Shawn Michaels speaks!

“NXT is a brand focusing on developing the superstars of tomorrow, but also a brand focused on innovation. On Saturday, December 10th, at NXT Deadline, we will present to you a revolutionary new match never done before in WWE history: The Iron Survivor Challenge. There will be two Iron Survivor Challenges at NXT Deadline, one for the men and one for the women. Five superstars will compete in this unique 25 minute match. They will battle each other, and the clock. Two superstars will start the match. Every five minutes, a new superstar will enter, until all five are in the ring. The goal of the match is have the most falls when the clock hits 25 minutes.

“Falls can be won at any time via pinfall, submission, or disqualification. When a superstar wins a fall, they will earn one point. However, when the superstar loses a fall, they must pay the penalty. They are forced out of the ring and into the Penalty Box for 90 seconds. Once the 90 seconds are up, that superstar can reenter the match. The superstar who has scored the most falls when the clock hits 25 minutes will be named the Iron Survivor, and become the #1 contender to the NXT (and NXT Women’s) Championship. The superstars competing in this one of a kind, first-time-ever match will be announced in the coming weeks. Thank you and we’ll see you Saturday, December 10th, at NXT Deadline.” A complex but historic match, who will come out as the inaugural Iron Survivors?


Tatum Paxley w/ Ivy Nile VS Indi Hartwell!

The Diamond Mine’s prospect is back in action, hoping to impress NXT management and get a golden opportunity. But so is #IndiWrestling, who is all about her, herself and Indi! Who will be the more impressive and perhaps even get a spot in the coming Iron Survivor Challenge?

The bell rings and wait, the lights go weird. Indi isn’t distracted, she knees Tatum low then bumps her off buckles. Tatum turns things around but Indi throws body shots. Indi scoops and SLAMS Tatum, then scoops again. Tatum slips off, waistlocks, but Indi bucks her away. Indi storms up but into a dropkick to the leg! Tatum then dropkicks Indi down! Tatum hurries to cover, ONE! Indi is in a corner but Tatum ROCKS her! Tatum whips, Indi blocks and she whips Tatum right into buckles. Indi then shoves Tatum to ropes, Tatum goes to counter the hip toss with a hip toss, but Indi blocks that!

Tatum throws a body shot, then gets a leg up to flip around! Indi CLOBBERS Tatum for it! Fans rally for Indi as she smirks at Tatum. Indi drags Tatum up, EuroUppers, and then EuroUppers again! Indi short arm LARIATS, then covers, TWO! Indi clamps onto Tatum with a chinlock but Tatum endures. Fans rally, Tatum fights up, but Indi wrangles Tatum down! Tatum still endures as Ivy coaches her, but Indi pushes Tatum to a cover. TWO, but Indi clamps back on with the chinlock. Tatum fights up as fans rally again, but Indi EuroUppers her down! Cover, TWO! And back to the chinlock!

Fans rally, Tatum endures and fights up, and she throws body shots! But Indi kicks low, CLUBS Tatum then DECKS her! Tatum crawls to the apron but Indi drags her up through the ropes. Indi swings but misses! Tatum trips Indi up! Ivy tells Tatum to hustle and she ROCKS Indi! Indi grabs the face brace! Tatum KICKS Indi away, and bumps her off buckles! Tatum bumps Indi off more buckles, then rallies with lariats and forearms! Tatum turns Indi to a NECKBREAKER! And STANDING MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO!! Indi is still in this, but Tatum isn’t giving up, either. Tatum fireman’s carries but Inti pulls the brace off!

Indi CHPO BLOCKS the leg, then STOMPS Tatum’s arm! Fans boo as Indi tosses the brace aside, to SLIDING FOREARM!! Cover, Indi wins!

Winner: Indi Hartwell, by pinfall

That was impressive, and pretty savage all at once. Ivy guards Tatum from anything more happening, but will Indi worry about bigger fish to fry?


SCRYPTS leaves another message.

“Your cameras couldn’t catch me. I got past your guards with ease. Now that I’m here, everything after this will only be a breeze. Because I’m fast as lightning, smarter than you think. Moves are incredible, you miss it if you blink. Next week, you will see that you and I aren’t the same. So tell me, who’s first to play a little game? Sincerely, SCRYPTS.”


Roxanne Perez finds Indi backstage.

Indi sighs and rolls her eyes. What is it this week, Roxie? Roxie just wanted to congratulate Indi. Well, thanks, it does feel good to string some W’s together. But uh, doesn’t Indi think that was a little too far, taking off Tatum’s face mask? And there it is. There can never just be a congrats from “Little Ms. Perfect.” Roxie is just saying, that could’ve rebroken Tatum’s nose. Does Roxie think Tatum would care if Indi’s nose was broken? Indi is just doing what she has to in order to get into the Iron Survivor match. Well, Roxie wants in, too. Everyone does! So Indi has to break someone’s nose, that’s just what she’ll do! Indi is getting savage, but will it pay off come Deadline?


NXT Women’s Championship Last Woman Standing: Mandy Rose VS Alba Fyre!

For over one year, the Toxic Reign has poured down upon NXT, adding name after name to a star-studded list. But it wasn’t without help from the Toxic Followers, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne, now and again. Mandy is all alone with the furious fire keeper, but can she keep from being burned? Or will from the ashes of a Rose rise a brand new reign?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is standing when the smoke clears!

The bell rings and Fyre storms up, only for Rose to bail out. Mandy says she’s champ, she makes the rules. Uh, no, she doesn’t. But Fyre rushes out to chase Rose back into the ring! And Fyre blocks the knee! To hook Rose up! Rose bails out of the Gory Especial and then back out of the ring. But Fyre DIVES and takes Rose out! Fans fire up with Fyre and she pulls the desk apart! Fyre drags Rose up and over, hooks her up again, but Rose flails free! Rose whips Fyre into the apron! And then whips again, but Fyre reverses to POST Rose! Fyre RAMS Rose into barriers, too! And then brings her up to whip her into more barriers!

Fans fire up more as Fyre goes under the ring to bring out a chair. Fyre JAMS Rose, puts the chair aside, and then she brings out the toolbox! Fyre dumps it out, and she has herself a steel rod! Fyre brings out another chair, puts that down, and scoops. But Rose slips out to scoop and SLAM Fyre on the chair! Rose gets away and the standing count starts. Fyre sits up at 4 and stands at 5. Fyre slides in, fans duel with “MAN~DY!” “SUCKS!” Fyre rises, Rose runs in and kicks her low! Rose kicks al eg out, then runs in, but the knee hits a CHAIR! Rose clutches that knee, and Fyre trips her up! Fyre has the rod, and she uses it as part of a HALF CRAB!!

Rose can only endure as there are no tap outs in this match! Fyre thrashes the leg as NXT goes picture in picture, but Roes reaches out to get the ropes! But no ropebreaks, either! Rose still endures, she turns over and she kicks Fyre away! Rose flops out of the ring while Fyre steadies herself. Fyre builds speed to DIVE into a trash can! Rose tosses the can into the ring and slides back in. Rose grabs the can to SMACK Fyre on the back with it. And again! And again! Rose lets off so the ref can count. Fyre is down at 5, but she rises at 6, so Mandy fires off on her! Rose grabs that rod and shows it off. She then steps up to Fyre, but she CLUBS her with her forearm.

Fyre kicks back! Fyre fireman’s carries but Rose slips off to shove and SPINEBUSTER! Fyre writhes and the count starts again. Rose hobbles a bit, her leg now bothering her. Rose snarls as she stalks Fyre and throws more haymakers. Rose CHOKES Fyre on the ropes, lets off to go grab the rod, and she looms over Fyre. Rose CLUBS Fyre in the side with the rod! And then PULLS Fyre back in a iron rod chinlock! NXT returns to single picture as Fyre endures and fans boo! Fyre has the iron bar in her MOUTH, but she fights up! Fyre arm-drags free, and she CLOBBERS Rose! And again!

Rose swings, into a spin, and a GOURD BUSTER! Fyre then PENALTY KICKS Mandy, and KICKS again! Rose goes to a corner, Fyre ROCKS her, then hits a TORNADO DDT! Rose avoids the trash can and she flounders out of the ring. Fyre runs and goes up, up and SUPER CANNONBALLS! A risky move but both women are down! Fans fire up as the count begins. Fyre sits up at 4, stands at 6, but Rose sits up. Rose slowly rises but is up at 8! Fyre goes looking under the ring again, and she brings out a LADDER! Fyre RAMS Rose down with it! Fyre then sets the ladder up against a corner before she stalks Rose.

Rose stands, Fyre whips her, but Rose reverses! Fyre hits the ladder and steps! She falls over, Rose THROWS the ladder down! Fyre barely avoids disaster! Rose snarls as she RAMS the ladder into Fyre! Fans rally and duel as Rose keeps hitting Fyre with the ladder! Fyre is still down at 6, but she drags herself up at 7 to stand at 8! Rose storms over to put Fyre back in the ring. Rose sets the trash can in the middle of the ring and she drags Fyre up. Rose ROCKS Fyre, scoops her, but the bad leg gives out! Fyre fireman’s carries in return, WIDOWMAKER on the trash can! Rose is down and the count begins again!

Fyre stands at 5, Rose crawls at 6. Rose hobbles at 8 and then drops to a knee. Fyre storms over, but Rose TOSSES her up and out! Fyre hits the floor hard! Fyre sits up at 3, but Rose drags her up at 4. Rose TOSSES Fyre into the gap between barriers and fans! And then Rose jumps on Fyre to fire off forearms! Fyre hits back and it’s a brawl in front of the fans! Fans are thunderous as Fyre drags Rose up! But Rose fights the suplex with body shots! Rose TOSSES Fyre at the steel steps! Fyre bounces off the edge and the count is climbing! Fyre drags herself up at 7, and stands at 9.5!! Rose is fuming, but she LEAPS, into a SUPERKICK!

Rose wobbles, “This is Awesome!” as Fyre GORY BOMBS Rose to the apron! Rose is down again and the count begins again! Rose sits up at 5, stands at 6, and Fyre has her baseball bat! HOME RUN to the ribs!! Rose sputters, Fyre brings the ladder back around. Rose manages to stand at 6 but Fyre is on her with forearms! Fyre pushes Rose onto the desk, and fans fire up as Fyre climbs that ladder! Fyre grins as she rises higher, but then ISLA DAWN appears!? BLACK MIST!!! She SHOVES Fyre down, and Fyre falls through the desk!! The Wicked Witch of NXT UK is here in NXT and she may’ve just screwed Fyre over!!

The count is 6! Rose has to get up, too! Her bad leg is slowing her down but she stands! Fyre is down, Rose wins!!

Winner: Mandy Rose (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Fyre took out Gigi & Jacy, but who could have guessed that ISLA DAWN would help the Toxic Goddess survive? Rose gets away with the gold, but who will be the Iron Survivor that comes for her? And as for Isla, is she going to extinguish Fyre once and for all?

My Thoughts:

A very good NXT that went a lot harder than it probably needed to for a random Tuesday in November. Opening with the men’s title was a bit of a surprise, but I figured Bron was going to win anyway, so he and Von got their match out of the way. It was a really good match, honestly, and I like that we got the opposite of the usual Heel distraction. Stone ends up costing Von by just trying to help. I feel like this could lead to Von firing Stone as his manager. And we got an awesome match out of JD and Crews, and it would seem Apollo is unofficially the #1 contender with that win and with Bron walking out to stare him down.

Then the Last Woman Standing match closes, and it was some awesome stuff, too. But I’m very torn on how they chose to do the finish. On one hand, I’m happy that Isla Dawn is in NXT cuz she was doing great stuff in NXT. But on the other, C’MON, ISLA! Wait until Fyre has won and then you go after her!! Sometimes, Heels don’t think far ahead enough and would rather just keep the wrestler(s) they hate down instead of going for two birds with one stone. But I suppose this means Fyre and Isla can have it out as part of the Iron Survivor Challenge for NXT Deadline.

And wow, that is a really complex match. It does stem a bit from the Gauntlet Eliminator that William Regal introduced to NXT, which was really a downsized Aztec Warfare from Lucha Underground. But all that about the Penalty Box is going to be a lot to keep track of. I can’t wait to see who gets in it, and then who wins it. Indi does make a good case for herself with that win over Tatum, but I bet Roxie gets in for story reasons, and to possibly take the win. Roxie won the Breakout Tournament but Cora screwed her out of that, so this could be Roxie’s way back to a title shot and she’ll get a slightly more fair chance at Mandy.

Indus Sher mauled those two randos, prolonging it longer than they had to just because they could. They also had a good promo calling out the Creeds. The Creeds had a good response, and while Ivy has a point that they should worry about Pretty Deadly, the Creeds would probably have to face Indus Sher to get that title shot, so they might as well feud and get it done. That said, I feel like Indus Sher is going to get that upset victory and finally go for titles like they were likely meant to before Sanga spoiled Keith Lee VS Adam Cole to the world and got suspended for it.

Briggs & Jensen VS The Dyad was a really good match, and it was clever for them to have Kiana James be the distraction that costs Briggs & Jensen rather than something The Schism did. Kiana VS Fallon for the rights to the bar has to be on its way. We also got a good promo out of Chase U, with Duke continuing to put on this Face persona. This has to be a long con of some kind, but I can’t be sure of the endgame. And Wendy had a good promo to respond to Cora and set up a match between them. They’re going to have a good match next week, and the winner could even be part of the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Zoey Stark had a good promo, but I feel like the crowd took out a lot of the Heel heat she was supposed to have because they aren’t as onboard with Nikkita Lyons as NXT wants them to be. Stark really tried to get the fans mad at her, but they either respected what she said, or just trolled her with “Oh~ Zoey is Angry~!” I don’t know how well this feud between Stark and Lyons will work out, maybe they’ll have to call an audible and turn Stark back to Face while Lyons ends up more like if Lana’s TikTok influencer character could actually fight.

Dijak had another good promo, and his talk of “hard justice” makes me think he’s returning as a Heel. He’ll go after those he thinks are in the wrong per his standards. And SCRYPTS is already just boring. This week’s promo sounded like if Muhammad Ali and Jigsaw fused. But I loved the origin story of Malik’s sweater vests. I hope he, Edris and Jones rise up the ranks and go for some gold in the new year.

The contract signing segment tonight was great stuff, especially with Booker coming off as not even wanting to deal with Trick. Booker showed great authority as he told Wes and Melo to stand down, too. Melo VS Wes is going to be awesome stuff, but I would think Wes retains so that Melo can move up to the top title. Melo could even make a meal out of that Iron Survivor Challenge, racking up points like crazy depending on where he lands. Then he can go after Bron and be the guy to dethrone him so that Bron can move up to RawDown. Then Melo can spin that as him truly becoming THE A Champion.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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