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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/16/22)

Roman Reigns returns!



SmackDown 2022

ACKNOWLEDGE this massive Friday Night SmackDown!

SmackDown not only has the WWE Intercontinental Championship and Women’s Tag Team Championships being defended, it has the return of The Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, the Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion… Roman…! Reigns…!


  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky w/ Bayley VS Liv Morgan & Tegan Nox; Kai & Sky win and retain the titles.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Ricochet; Gunther wins and retains the title.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Triple Threat Tag: Hit Row VS Legado Del Fantasma VS The Viking Raiders; Hit Row wins and will challenge The Usos for the titles next week.


The Bloodline pulls into the parking lot.

Sami Zayn hops out the back and is very excited! He has a suit jacket, his beard is trimmed and groomed, and his hair is up in a nice man bun. He secret handshakes with Jimmy, then he and the Usos head out. Will the Tribal Chief be pleased to see the Bloodline at harmony?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky w/ Bayley VS Liv Morgan & Tegan Nox!

Damage Control still has control of these titles, but now they’re up against a fired up duo who has history with them! The Welsh Firecracker is back in the WWE, will she and her new friend get some payback on #CobraKai & the Evil Genius? Or will DMG CTRL keep control of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Division?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and this big Friday night kicks off with gold!

The teams sort out and Liv starts against Kai. The bell rings, Liv dodges Kai as she rushes in, then she SHOTGUNS Kai to the corner! Back body block and a tag to Nox! Liv whips Nox in to UPPERCUT Kai! Nox brings Kai out, whips, but Kai reverses to ROCK Nox! Kai runs, but Nox UPPERCUTS back! Kai reels Nox in but Nox elbows her. Nox runs, Kai SCORPION KICKS! Nox falls, Kai drags her up to tag in Sky. Kai & Sky mug Nox, Sky fires off forearms. Sky wrenches, whips but Nox reverses to kick and SIT-OUT GOURD BUSTER! Nox then drags Sky over to tag Liv. Liv & Nox double suplex Sky high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Liv stays on Sky and tells Kai to kiss this. Fans fire up as Liv snapmares Sky, then runs, into a cheap shot from Kai! Kai eggs Liv on but Liv dropkicks Sky first! Liv goes out after Kai, keeps Kai from getting something under the ring, to then bring out a kendo stick herself! Fans fire up but the ref reprimands Liv. Liv still chases Kai into the ring, but Nox stops Liv from going extreme. They need to win the titles fair and square. But then Kai & Sky attack from behind! Kai & Sky whip Nox & Liv, but Liv & Nox reverse it! Nox UPPERCUTS Kai, Liv back body blocks Sky! Then they run corner to corner, do-si-do, and then hit Kai & Sky again!

Kai bails out, Liv throws Sky out, and fans fire up for Liv. Liv builds speed to slide, but Kai & Sky get clear! But they don’t see Nox up top! SUPER CROSSBODY! Direct hit on the champs and fans fire up for the challengers as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Nox fights off Kai’s chinlock with elbows. Fans rally but Kai keeps Nox from Liv. Nox ROCKS Kai, Kai reels her in but Nox sunset flips! Kai stays up, to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Bayley is a bit annoyed but she knows DMG CTRL is doing a great job. Tag to Sky, they double whip Nox to BOOT, trip, stomp and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Sky sucker punches Liv just because! Sky drags Nox away but Nox stands. Sky ducks the enziguri to deadlift into the waistlock! Nox fights free, slips around and HEADBUTTS! Sky and Nox both fall, hot tags to Liv and Kai!

Liv rallies on Kai, then kicks, kicks and ENZIGURIS! Liv runs in to back body block! And then SHINING WIZARD! Liv snapmares Kai, goes up and MISSILE DORPKICKS! Fans fire up as Liv kips up! Liv runs and springboards but Kai denies the Code Breaker while sending Liv at the DMG CTRL corner. Liv uses that to BLAST Sky! But then Dakota BOOTS Liv! Tag to Sky, DMG CTRL hoists Liv up top and they bring her around, DOUBLE POWERBOMB! Cover, Nos breaks it! Kai goes after Nox, drags her up to a fireman’s carry, GO TO KICK!! Nox goes down, but Liv DUMPS Kai out! Sky runs in but Liv bucks the waistlock!

Liv blocks the haymaker to hit a CODE BREAKER! Tag to Nox and she sets up, LIV IN MOTION CODE BRAEKER! And then SHINIEST WIZARD!! Cover, Kai breaks it up! Liv throws Kai back out but Kai is on the apron. Kai grabs hair, Liv elbows free! Kai is stuck in the ropes, Liv SLINGSHOT SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS to the floor!!! But Sky SHOTGUNS Liv down! Sky gets in the ring, but Nox UPPERCUTS her, GAMANGIRIS, then trips her! Fans fire up for the CANNONBALL! Fans fire up as Nox runs, but Sky SHOTEIS! Nox flops out of the ring while fans boo. Sky goes to the apron, springboards but Nox trips her up!

Nox hurries in but Bayley drags her out! The ref is busy checking Sky! Bayley whips but Nox reverses! Bayley tumbles up and over the barriers! But then someone BLASTS Nox! Who was that?! Security drags her away but she has a hood to hide her face! Sky drags Nox into the ring, steps on her on the way to the corner, and goes up, OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, DMG CTRL win!

Winners: Damage CTRL, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

What just happened there!? Does Bayley have an ace up her sleeve? Who was that hooded woman who screwed over Liv & Nox? If there are more members of DMG CTRL, will anyone ever be able stop them?


Gunther speaks.

“It’s about passion, respect, and that is protecting this title, the grand prix of this great sport.” Der Ring General says Ricochet is coming in all excited. He does congratulate Ricochet on winning the SmackDown World Cup, and admits Ricochet is one of the most athletically talented wrestlers he’s ever seen. Ricochet has impressed everyone else, but all of that won’t matter. Tonight is about physicality. Protect your face or have it ground down on the mat. Gunther vows to chop Ricochet’s body to pieces, then grab the lifeless remains to smash it around the ring. Gunther vows to break Ricochet’s spirit! But will Gunther be able to stop the One and Only?


Ricochet speaks.

“I hate to say ‘I told you so,’ but I told you and everybody, that if I had to be the last man standing holding that SmackDown World Cup to get my rematch, then so be it. I had already envisioned it: the pyro; the trophy; the WWE Universe chanting, ‘Ricochet.'” Ricochet knows many feel Gunther already has this match won, but he’ll do what he does best: flip the odds in his favor! So go ahead, bet on Gunther. Ricochet bets on Ricochet. Will he hit the jackpot? Or will he bust and be without gold for the holidays?


The Bloodline talks in their locker room.

Sami says it’s a big night, and the Usos agree. Sami says it is all their night, but he did get his hair done. Jey says it looks good, looks clean. And Sami went to Jey’s beard guy, Yankee. Not bad, right? So good. But what about the jacket Tell him the truth. He looks good! Well, Sami felt awkward with the tailor. He made a joke, the guy didn’t laugh, but anyway, if they say it’s good, he’ll accept that. But where’s Solo? On his way with the Tribal Chief, no worries. Okay, okay. Sami’s got nerves. Just breathe, Uce. Right, give him a couple minutes, he’ll get some water, decompress. Yeet!

Sami exits the room and Jey says this is a big night. Roman is gonna take away the “honorary” and make Sami a full-fledged Uce. And Jey got Sami all dressed up, too. Jimmy is still doubtful. Jey says it’s good. But they know how the Chief is. Since Monday and Kevin Owens… Honestly, they might’ve just set Sami up for a big disappointment. Jey says tonight is going to be a good night. Okay, if he says so. Yeet. But with the Usos torn on what’s coming, what will be the fate of Sami Uso?


SmackDown plays footage shared via a QR Code.

It is footage of what happened to LA Knight after Uncle Howdy, or whoever that was, found him backstage. Filmed vertically, it’s a light swinging around, a film projection of a snarling wolf, and Uncle Howdy singing a song. “Little pig, little pig. Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. They have LA Knight tied up and gagged, wearing the strange mustached mask! Howdy takes the mask off and Knight wants to be let go. Howdy pats him on the face, but leaves him.

And now in the present, Knight IS free, but he is looking around paranoid. He is heading to gorilla, what will he have to say about who abducted him? And why did they let him go?


SmackDown returns and LA Knight is in the ring!

The Mega Star has his music cut so he can say, “Lemme talk to ya!” He didn’t ask Chicago for permission so they can shut up, he has business to deal with. “I don’t need to go through this with a fine toothed comb. Let’s go ahead and say this: for the past few weeks, I’ve been blindsided, I’ve been cheap-shotted, hell! I’ve been abducted and tied up! But still, I’m still knocking on Bray Wyatt’s front door.” Knight says Bray is a former WWE World Champion, one of the biggest superstars of all time, and to be honest, his return is one of the most talked about returns ever. Fans applaud that because that is true.

But all Bray has done since is dressed like a circus freak, whined and cried about a victim complex, said a bunch of gibberish that doesn’t get to the point, and most of all, he’s taken advantage by blindsiding Knight any time he ain’t looking! And Bray says, “Well, it wasn’t me, my brother. It was Boy Howdy. You don’t know.” But Knight DOES know! He knows who it was! It was Bray! He could hear him and feel him! So here’s what Knight wants Bray to do: put on whatever mask and costume he needs, call himself whatever he wants, and walk out here to get STOMPED OUT! YEAH! YEAH!! YEAH!!

What’s that smoke? It’s BRAY! Chicago fires up and the fireflies come out as Bray makes his entrance, minus the door. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…” Fans cheer as Bray has a mic of his own. “Oh, Chicago, how I have missed you.” Fans cheer because they missed him, too. But Bray tells Knight that he is sick of him. “I am sick of this entire game that we keep playing, man. Here’s the deal. I know you don’t believe me, man, and I understand why. But I’m being honest when I tell ya, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I haven’t touched you. And I think the ironic part is that deep down, we both know how this story ends, don’t we?”

Knight wants Bray to get in the ring but Bray stays on the apron. Bray has decided that since they both know the ending, he gives Knight one more chance to deliver the message. He better make it worth Bray’s while, too. Knight rushes in and attacks Bray as he steps in! Fans boo as Knight throws hands and stomps a mudhole into Bray! But Bray is laughing through it all! And then Uncle Howdy is on the tron! “Little pig, little pig. What have you done? What have you done?” Howdy laughs, then says, “You wanna see something really scary?” Knight looks around, Bray smiles, but Knight just goes back to stomping!

But then, someone else is making their way to the ring! Knight is confused, but here comes Uncle Howdy!! There really is two of them! Howdy tips his hat to Knight, and Bray just looks at Knight. Howdy laughs and Knight hurries away. So then, who’s game is it?


The Tribal Chief arrives backstage!

Roman Reigns has Paul Heyman holding onto his titles, and Solo Sikoa by his side. Which way? This way, My Tribal Chief. They head together down the hall, what will Roman have planned for The Bloodline here tonight?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Ricochet!

Der Ring General took this title off The King of Flight, and declared from then on that NO American wrestler would get this title off him. But will that change when Ricochet, the American who won the SmackDown World Cup, finally gets his rematch?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Adam Pearce is here to say the purity of this match will be sacred! Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci are EJECTED from ringside! Fans like the sound of that! Gunther says it is alright, and Imperium falls back. With this match truly 1v1, who will be the One and Only Intercontinental Champion?

The bell rings and the two circle. Chicago rallies up and Ricochet gives testing kicks. Gunther stays up, he blocks a kick but Ricochet avoids a haymaker. Fans rally and duel, the two feel out a grapple and Ricochet goes for a leg. Gunther sprawls and facelocks, shifts to CLUB a leg, then he drags Ricochet into a HALF CRAB! Ricochet scrambles to the ropebreak! Gunther holds on but Ricochet kicks him away! The ref reprimands and the two reset. They circle again, feel things out, and Gunther wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Gunther hits a hip toss, then drags Ricochet around to drop a knee on the arm!

Gunther drags Ricochet up, clamps onto the arm and he grinds the shoulder. Ricochet endures, stands up, but Gunther chinbars. Ricochet throws a body shot, Gunther wrenches, but Ricochets ROCKS, rolls, handsprings and flips, but Gunther clinches! They end up on ropes, the ref counts, and Gunther gets the legs to trip Ricochet and SWING him! Ricochet staggers up, Gunther storms over to him, and Gunther swings, but Ricochet avoids the chop! Ricochet KICKS, Gunther back suplexes but Ricochet hits a headlock takeover to counter! Fans rally, Gunther fights up and powers out, and they RAM shoulders!

Ricochet ducks a chop, goes up but Gunther shoves him out! But Ricochet skins the cat! Only to end up in a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! But Ricochet lands on his feet! Ricochet ducks the boot to kip up and PELE! Ricochet fires off haymakers, Gunther shoves him away but Ricochet comes back to DROPKICK Gunther in the corner! Ricochet keeps after Gunther with clubbing hands, but the ref counts. Ricochet lets off at 4, runs back in, but Gunther puts him on the apron. Ricochet slingshots, but into a BOOT! Ricochet falls, Gunther goes out after Ricochet to APRON BACK SUPLEX!

Gunther stands Ricochet up just to CHOP Ricochet back down! Der Ring General dares Ricochet to get up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Gunther trips Ricochet but Ricochet kicks him away! Ricochet throws big hands from all sides, going up then down! But Gunther CHOPS Ricochet back! And CHOPS him again! Ricochet sputters, Gunther scoops and SLAMS him down! Gunther KICKS Ricochet in the side, then taunts him. Fans boo as Gunther stands on Ricochet’s head! The ref reprimands, Gunther lets off and he drags Ricochet by an arm. Gunther stands Ricochet up to CHOP him back down! But Gunther holds onto the arm with a wristlock to drag him back up. Gunther gives toying kicks, talks more trash, and he fishhooks Ricochet!

Ricochet fights up and he SLAPS Gunther! And SLAPS! And SLAPS! Gunther whips Ricochet hard into the corner! And then KICKS him again! Gunther paces around Ricochet, drags him back up, and scoops him for a SLAM! And then he has both legs, for a BOSTON CRAB! Ricochet endures as Gunther sits deep! Fans rally, Ricochet fights and moves around, CLUBS at Gunther’s leg, then rolls over! Ricochet throws hands from below, then kicks free again! Gunther falls over, fans fire up as both men get back up. Ricochet KICKS Gunther’s leg, KICKS him in the chest, then KICKS again! Gunther leans against ropes as Ricochet CHOPS!

Ricochet ROCKS Gunther with a forearm, but Gunther scoops Ricochet for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO, into the BOSTON CRAB!! Ricochet endures all over again, but fans rally harder! Ricochet crawls, reaches, but Gunther shifts to an STF! And then the full facelock! But Ricochet gets the ROPEBREAK! Gunther lets off in frustration, but he KICKS Ricochet in the side again. Gunther talks more trash, he pushes Ricochet around, but fans rally up. Gunther drags Ricochet up but Ricochet HEADBUTTS! And he fires off forearms and more headbutts! But Gunther blocks one to turn and CLUB Ricochet down!

Gunther drags Ricochet into a SLEEPER!! Ricochet claws at the hold, pries it open, but Gunther throws elbows into Ricochet’s head and shoulders! Then the SLEEPER is back on! Ricochet still endures, fights free of the body scissors, and shifts to a cover, TWO! Gunther CHOPS Ricochet down, then clamps on the SLEEPER! Gunther leans on the hold, fans rally and Ricochet endures. Ricochet fights up, kicks at Gunther’s head and he’s free! But Gunther hurries to gut wrench! Ricochet turns it to a fireman’s carry! Gunther slips off to CLUB Ricochet, then CHOPS him back down! Gunther hauls Ricochet up for a HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up as Ricochet is still in this! Gunther is frustrated, he drags Ricochet up and CHOPS him! Ricochet CHOPS, Gunther CHOPS! Gunther keeps Ricochet from falling over in the corner, to CHOP him again! Ricochet falls, and the camera gets a good look at all the red marks on his body. Gunther stands Ricochet up, talks some trash, but Ricochet ducks the chop to ENZIGURI! Gunther staggers, Ricochet CHOPS and ROCKS on repeat! And then another ENZIGURI! Gunther goes to a corner, fans fire up and Ricochet runs in, DROPKICK! Gunther sputters, Ricochet fires off haymakers!

Gunther shoves Ricochet, but Ricochet comes back, DROPKCIK! And then Ricochet reels Gunther in, but he can’t suplex Gunther up! Gunther hits a GOURD BUSTER, then a SHOTGUN!! Gunther drags Ricochet up but Ricochet RANAS Gunther out of the ring!! Fans fire up more as Ricochet takes aim, and he leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK Gunther into barriers! Ricochet roars and Chicago is with him! Ricochet drags Gunther up and towards the ring, but Gunther CHOPS! Gunther scoops, but Ricochet slips off to the apron to PENALTY KICK! And SUPERKICK! Ricochet breaks the count at 7 of 10, to then go back to the apron.

Ricochet springboards from the top rope, ASAI MOONSAULT!! DIRECT HIT! Chicago is thunderous as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Gunther is on the apron. Ricochet handspring kicks him down! Fans fire up again as Ricochet builds speed and FLIES! Another direct hit and Ricochet puts Gunther in! Ricochet hurries up top and fans are thunderous! But Gunther CHOPS Ricochet! Gunther turns Ricochet around on the top rope, climbs up after him, and SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Ricochet lands on his feet!! Gunther is shocked and Chicago is electric! V-TRIGGER! Ricochet fires up but Gunther BOOTS him down! Ricochet stands up again, into a LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?! Ricochet survives and Chicago is on their feet!

The fans chant for Ricochet but Gunther climbs the corner! GUNTHER SPLASH into boots!! Gunther staggers away, Ricochet CHOPS him! And then reels him in, to SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet hurries up top, Gunther is down, SHOOTING STAR PRESS!!! Cover, TWO!!! Gunther survives and now Ricochet is stunned! Fans can’t believe it, either, but they know “This is Awesome!” Ricochet undoes some wrist tape and he fires off palm strikes! And CHOPS, and SLAPS, and SLAPS! Fans fire up but Gunther shoves Ricochet away! Ricochet comes back with more SLAPS, and some KICKS! And a CHOP!

Ricochet catches his breath, aims, SUPERKICKS, but Gunther stays up! SUPERKICK again!! Gunther is still up, and he CHOPS Ricochet mid-dropkick! GENERAL BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ricochet survives and Gunther is losing his mind! Gunther drags Ricochet up and tells him it won’t happen! Ricochet SLAPS, but Gunther SLAPS! And then scoops, for the LAST SYMPHONY!! Cover, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Imperium returns to celebrate with their leader, but Ricochet pushed Gunther to his limits! If this was still not enough, what will it take to dethrone Der Ring General?

Wait, Gunther has Imperium drag Ricochet up! Gunther wants to teach Ricochet a lesson, but BRAUN is here!! The Monster of All Monsters storms out to the ring, and Imperium bails out! Imperium made sure Braun didn’t win the World Cup to become a contender, but will they all still #GetTheseHands?


BREAKING NEWS on the tag team screw job!

The hooded woman that helped Damage CTRL is none other than Xia Li! The “Protector” protected DMG CTRL, but to what end?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Jimmy says what’s up, and asks Roman what’s going on. What’s the plan tonight? Is he gonna leave Jimmy out of the loop? What’s he brewing up? If he’s gonna make Sami into Sami Uso, Jimmy is with it. Sami is Jimmy’s dawg, he likes Sami a lot. But Jimmy loves the family. Jimmy loves the Bloodline and he loves Roman. So if Roman doesn’t wanna make Sami into something all because of his past with Kevin Owens, then… Well, Jimmy will see Roman out there. Yeet. Jimmy takes his leave, and Roman tells the Wise Man to call Adam Pearce. Heyman makes that call, but what will that conversation be about?


SmackDown returns to the Bloodline locker room.

And in walks Adam Pearce, as he was “summoned.” Roman has him take a seat, and Roman has Heyman address Mr. Pearce. The Tribal Chief has decided to bless Pearce with a way to get past all those “shenanigans” with Bobby Lashley and Raw. Imagine this: Roman Reigns & Sami Zayn VS… Kevin Owens and any partner of his choice. If Pearce likes, that partner could even be Pearce. So that’s tonight? Roman and Heyman laugh. Oh, glad he was funny. Okay, Roman & Sami VS Kevin & mystery partner when? Where? The Royal Rumble? Heyman says if Roman does this, he should do this live on network TV here on Fox, December 30th in Tampa, Florida.

Roman likes Tampa a whole lot better than Chicago. Then congratulations, Mr. Pearce, you just scored the biggest tag team match of 2022 live on SmackDown here on Fox. Solo then steps up and Pearce knows to take his leave. He thanks them and will let Kevin know. Who will the Prizefighter find to help him fight the Tribal Chief and his former friend in Sami Zayn?


Tribute to the Troops hits its 20th anniversary!

John Cena narrates as footage plays of the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida back in 2003. WWE superstars and staff volunteered time to entertain those who risk it all to defend America’s freedoms. And no one then expected this was just the first step of a 20 year journey. Tensions were high as they were headed into a warzone. Final destination: Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq. Vince McMahan said on behalf of the WWE and the United States, “Thank you.” It was bringing a piece of home to those so far from home. And 20 years later, it is a tradition like no other.

From Baghdad to the US, the WWE will go to thank the troops who serve and remain steadfast. It is a debt that can never be fully repaid, but as we celebrate 20 years of Tribute to the Troops, we have one message: Thank you for protecting the freedoms of the United States of America.


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contender’s Match: Triple Threat Tag: Hit Row VS Legado Del Fantasma VS The Viking Raiders!

Top Dolla & Ashante THEE Adonis have had beef with Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde since they were all in NXT, and things only got more heated here on SmackDown. But then Erik & Ivar blasted it all apart when they brought back the raid! And as if the animosity wasn’t enough, the stakes have been raised even higher with the winner getting a title match with The Usos on the Christmas Eve Eve episode of SmackDown! Who settles the grudge to go for the gold?

SmackDown returns and Hit Row makes their entrance, followed by the Viking Raiders making their entrance. The teams sort out, and in this type of Triple Threat, one man from each team is legal. Wilde, Adonis and Ivar start, and at the bell, Wilde rushes Ivar! Ivar LEG LARIATS Wilde down! Adonis rushes in to fire off fast hands, then whips, but Ivar reverses! Ivar scoops, Adonis slips off and headlocks. Ivar powers out, swings, but Adonis slides under. Ivar blocks the arm-drag, whips Adonis away again, but Adonis ducks the leg lariat to AIR DROP! Ivar tumbles out but Erik runs in to clothesline Adonis up and out!

But then Dolla gets in and he throws Erik out! Both Cruz & Wilde rush up, but Dolla catches them in choke grips! They kick free, they both run, but they both get clotheslined out of the ring! Dolla does a dance, builds speed, buy Erik DECKS him with a forearm! But then LDF DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Erik bails out, fans fire up and Wilde goes up a corner. Cruz runs to the other, ESCALARA ARIHARA TORNILLO COMBO! Direct hit on everyone else and Chicago is all fired up as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and fans rally as Adonis fights a chinlock. But Erik throws him for Ace Ten- SUPERKICK from Adonis! Erik staggers around, Dolla tags in! Dolla runs Erik and Wilde over at the same time! Then he runs Wilde over, BOOTS Erik, and ROCKS Wilde! Dolla kicks low, runs and BOOTS Wilde down! Ivar runs in but into a fireman’s carry! Dolla shows his strength, but Erik runs in to KNEE Dolla down! Cruz runs in but is fed to a SIDEWALK SLAM! Wilde runs in, into an URENAGE! Vega is speechless and scared seeing the Vikings in action. Dolla clinches Erik but Ivar BOOTS him!

Erik lifts Dolla, Ivar runs to springboard, LARIAT GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Erik covers but Wilde is up top, FROG SPLASH breaks the pin! Ivar drags Wilde up to knee low, CLUB him, then run. Wilde catches Ivar at the ropes for a TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up, Wilde tags Cruz! LDF coordinate, MISSILE DROPKICK to Dolla! Then Cruz goes up top again, for a PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Vega is freaking out but Cruz tags Wilde. LDF drags Dolla up, Cruz builds speed, but Adonis trips him up! Wilde swings but into an elbow! Adonis gets in to hit a FLOATOVER DDT! But Erik GERMAN SUPLEXES Adonis!

Cruz springboards to FLYING CHUCK Erik! Ivar SEATED SENTONS Cruz! Dolla BOOTS Ivar! Dolla has an open runway now, and fans fire up! Dolla builds speed to FLY! Well, not quite, he clips the ropes, but he still gets enough of everyone else. Adonis says he’ll clean it up, but then Vega RANAS Adonis! So B-Fab BOOTS Vega! But Valhalla SHOTGUN KNEES B-Fab! The former Sarah Logan drags B-Fab out, they brawl, but Vega ARIHARA MOONSAULTS Valhalla down!! Dolla puts Wilde in the ring, tags in Adonis, but Wilde JAWBREAKERS back! Wilde runs, into a scoop! Dolla keeps Wilde up for the HEAVY HITTER!! Cover, Hit Row wins!!

Winners: Hit Row, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships)

Dolla & Adonis pull it out! Banged up as they are, they’re feeling great because next week, it’s them and the Usos for the titles! Will Jimmy & Jey still be The Ones? Or will there be a new hit topping the charts for Christmas?


Backstage interview with Raquel Rodriguez.

Kayla Braxton is with Big Mami Cool as the trainer checks the arm. Raquel is given ice, and Kayla brings up that next week, there will be a SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet match. Is Raquel going to be ready in time? Well, the doc does recommend caution and doesn’t want her rushing things, but when it comes to Ronda Rousey, this is personal. Every time Raquel goes to straighten her arm, she’s reminded of what Ronda and Shayna did to her. The pain, the humiliation. And last week, they hurt Shotzi! Raquel wants revenge! She WILL be in that gauntlet match, and she won’t stop-

But then Ronda & Shayna knock Raquel over! They heard her say this was personal. And they know a thing or two about arms! Ronda holds Raquel’s bad arm out so Shayna can BOOT it! Is this personal? They do it again! And again! Oh, that looks bad. Put some ice on it. Ronda and Shayna leave, will anyone be able to stop the Baddest Women on the Planet from doing whatever they want?


SmackDown has more on next week’s big Christmas episode!

In the gauntlet match, it will be Emma, Tegan Nox, Liv Morgan, Sonya Deville, Xia Li and, if she’s still able to, Raquel Rodriguez will all battle to be the last woman standing! Who wins a golden ticket for the holidays to then go after Ronda Rousey in the New Year?

And after trying to add insult to injury after the Intercontinental Championship match, Imperium’s Kaiser & Vinci will be facing Ricochet and BRAUN STROWMAN, in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight! With nothing holding them back, will nothing stop the One & Only and the Monster of All Monsters from crushing Imperium?


The Bloodline heads to the ring!

Chicago fires up as Roman Reigns leads Paul Heyman, The Usos, Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn on stage. The belts and the fingers are raised for the pyro, because #WeTheOnes. Then they continue on to step inside the ring, and we get the second round of pyro. Heyman then holds both belts for Roman to then hand over the microphone. Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” but they hush as Roman says, “Chicago. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” The Windy City cheers for their Tribal Chief and they hold up the fingers. Roman says, “Boy, I ain’t seen my Bloodline since WarGames. And in case you didn’t know, we dominated WarGames!”

Roman high-fives and hugs it out with Solo, Jey, and Jimmy. Sami smiles and Roman gives him the high five and hug, too! Roman says that was quite a night! “But let’s talk about tonight, cuz tonight is the night. You see, every night’s a good night for The Tribal Chief but tonight… was gonna be a good night for you.” Fans boo as Sami looks disheartened, and Roman says there’s a problem. “We got a KO problem. He’s a problem, Sami. He won’t leave you alone, he won’t stop stalking you, he won’t stop dragging you down. And if he’s a problem for you, Sami, then he’s a problem for me, he’s a problem for The Bloodline.

“But don’t worry, the Tribal Chief has got a solution! Because Sami, you and I, we’re gonna team up. And we’re gonna have a tag match against KO. And he can find anybody he wants, but it doesn’t matter cuz we’re gonna smash ’em! We’re gonna smash ’em, we’re gonna get rid of ’em, and we ain’t ever gonna see Kevin Owens again!” Sami says that’s right! Even after all this time, Kevin continues to drag Sami down! Kevin is a cancer who betrays everyone in his life! Sami is Kevin’s only friend! Well, uh… Sami misspoke. Sami was Kevin’s only friend. Emphasis on was. But it will be an honor and privilege to be side-by-side with Roman to take Kevin out!

“SUPRISE~!” John Cena is on the tron!! Fans go nuts and the Bloodline is speechless! Cena is sure they’re surprised to see him. Get it? But it’s the holiday season and everyone loves a good surprise, including Cena. And boy was he surprised to get a text message out of the blue from a long time friend, Kevin Owens. Cena reads the text: “Sup, Peacemaker? Merman emoji, peace sign emoji.” Oh, Kev. But then it continues to say, “Did you know that you’ve had a WWE match every year for the past 20 years, except this one? Your streak’s about to be broken! Mind-blown emoji, eggplant emoji, Santa Claus emoji, peach emoji…” Uh…

Anyway, Kevin asked Cena if he wants to be his tag partner for December 30th in Tampa. Cena wants to get this right: He hasn’t had a match at all in 2022 and we’re running out of time. And Kevin is asking Cena that on the last SmackDown of the year that if he wants to partner up against the “Uciest” Sami Zayn, and the Tribal Chief, the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, in a main event match that can’t be missed?! HELL YEAH Cena will be there! Hell yes he’ll team with Kevin and hell yes they’ll bring the fight to the Bloodline on the final SmackDown of 2022!

Cena says, “Make your list, check it twice, The Bloodline’s been naughty and won’t it be nice when CENA CLAUS is coming to town?! HO HO HOLY SHIII!” Cena signs off, Roman can’t help but smile and laugh, but Sami looks very worried. Will the Tribal Chief and still Honorary Uce be able to solve their KO Problem now that it’s also a John Cena Problem?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, both for what we got and what it set up. Great opening match with the Women’s Tag titles, but a little disappointed that someone else interfered. Not sure Xia Li’s real role in everything, but I don’t see her actually joining up since Nikki Cross was only along for the ride up to WarGames. Raquel getting attacked by Ronda and Shayna of course marks her as the next challenger, but that gauntlet match for next week is going to be great stuff. Raquel and Ronda will of course be for the Royal Rumble, and I bet Shotzi returns to take out Shayna so that Raquel gets a fair shot against Ronda. Raquel winning probably depends on who will win the Rumble itself.

Really good stuff out of LA Knight, Bray and now the truly separate identity of Uncle Howdy. As far as who is in the Howdy costume, that’s gotta be Bo Dallas. It looked like the right build, and we know Bo can imitate Bray pretty well from back when Bo & Curt Axel feuded with Bray & Matt Hardy. But even then, I think that laughter was recorded and Howdy did his best to sync up with it. I feel like we’re going to get Knight VS Howdy to then build to Bray VS Howdy at the Rumble. Also, I love the little references to the late great Jon Huber, aka Luke Harper and Brodie Lee. Michael Cole opened with “And you know what that means!” while that was clearly Harper’s “yeah yeah yeah yeah” Bray used. I believe today was Huber’s birthday, so of course we’d get something like that to honor him.

Great Intercontinental Championship, that was in itself PPV worthy. But as I figured, Gunther retains and is now headed for a match with Braun Strowman. Next week’s Miracle on 34th Street Fight could easily turn into a handicap match because of No Disqualifications and because Gunther sure isn’t gonna let Braun get momentum going towards their match. Even so, I bet Braun and Ricochet find a way to win since they’d only be beating Ludwig & Vinci. Who knows if Braun really beats Gunther but they’re going to have one hell of a match, too.

Now, I was surprised the Intercontinental title wasn’t the main event, but then they surprised me by making that Triple Threat right into a contenders match. We got some great stuff, other than Dolla botching his tope conjilo. He would’ve been better off faking us out and then doing something a bit more reasonable. Vega was also a little off target with her moonsault onto Logan but those are a bit more forgivable than the obvious tumble Dolla took. But great win for Hit Row here, hopefully Dolla isn’t too banged up so that we can have that match. Now, the Usos will surely win, but we’re getting a lot of Bloodline tag action next week so maybe we start towards “the” match?

Great promos from Bloodline, especially with them teasing us on the “Sami Uso” moment. Roman pulling that out from under Sami because of Kevin, Sami having that “slip of the tongue,” and then CENA showing up via tron, that was all great stuff. Heyman being specific about December 30th was a bit of a foreshadowing, maybe even a giveaway. But Kevin & Cena VS Roman & Sami is going to be awesome stuff to close out the year for SmackDown and WWE as a whole, and that can bring us so very, very close to the moment Sami and Kevin reunite and go for the tag titles.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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