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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (2/24/23)




We’re really glad that you’re our friend…

Bray Wyatt called out Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar, but things are a bit muddy. Will the SmackDown return of the FIREFLY FUNHOUSE clear things up?


  • Six Man Tag: Imperium VS Braun Strowman, Ricochet & Madcap Moss w/ Emma; Imperium wins.
  • LA Knight VS Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods; Kofi wins.
  • Natalya w/ Tegan Nox VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey; Shayna wins.
  • Rey Mysterio VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross wins.


Backstage interview with Jimmy Uso.

Kayla Braxton catches Jimmy Uso as he arrives and she asks him if he’s spoken with Jey since last week. No, he hasn’t. He’s texted, called, left voicemails and told him to meet Jimmy in the middle of the ring tonight. And whatever Jey has to get off his chest, he can look Jimmy in the eye and say it. What will happen to the Usos as the Bloodline is crumbling down around them?


Six Man Tag: Imperium VS Braun Strowman, Ricochet & Madcap Moss w/ Emma!

Der Ring General leads his soldiers into battle, and they’re up against a Monster, a high-flyer and a wild card! Will the mat still be sacred? Or will Gunther suffer defeat on his Road to WrestleMania?

The trios sort out and we start with Giovanni Vinci and Moss. They circle, fans fire up, and the two tie up. Vinci wrenches to a hammerlock then headlock, then spins to a drop toehold. Vinci steps on Moss and eggs him on. Moss gets at Vinci but Vinci headlocks again. Moss powers up and out, Vinci blocks the hip toss but so does Moss! Vinci kicks low, uses a leg to get up and over, then dodges. Moss gets moving, they run ropes, Moss CLOBBERS Vinci! Moss drags Vinci up, tags in Ricochet, scoop SLAM to knee-board senton! Cover, TWO! Ricochet stands Vinci up but Vinci wrenches and knees low.

Vinci whips but Ricochet blocks! Ricochet throws forearms but Vinci wrenches. Ricochet rolls, kips and flips to headlock back! Vinci back suplexes but Ricochet lands on his feet! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO! Ricochet and Ludwig Kaiser talk some smack, but Ricochet points to Braun. Fans fire up but Vinci anchors a leg. Vinci reels Ricochet in for a short arm LARIAT! Fans boo as Vinci stomps Ricochet. Tag to Ludwig and Imperium mugs Ricochet. Fans rally up as Ludwig CLUBS Ricochet. Ludwig wraps on a chinlock, then whips Ricochet hard into ropes! Ludwig smirks and looms over Ricochet as fans boo.

Ludwig kicks Ricochet around, talks trash, but Ricochet fires forearms! Ludwig kicks low, whips, but Ricochet rolls over his back! Then under to handspring! Ludwig dodges to throat chop! Fans boo, and then Ludwig SLAPS Braun! Braun is mad, but the ref keeps him out! Ludwig rushes in, Ricochet goes to the apron but Imperium hits a HIGH LOW, then Gunther himself hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans boo while Imperium stands tall and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and fans rally up as Ricochet endures a stretch. Ludwig digs his elbow into Ricochet’s face, but Ricochet fights up and throws body shots. Ricochet ROCKS Ludwig, Ludwig ROCKS Ricochet! Ricochet kicks low, Ludwig ROCKS him again! Ricochet throws more forearms, then an uppercut! But he spins into an UPPERCUT! Only to come back with a V-TRIGGER! Ludwig kicks, CLUBS and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Ludwig drags Ricochet over and tags in Gunther. Gunther stomps Ricochet, brings him back up, and UPPERCUTS Ricochet back down! Gunther drags Ricochet up again and puts him on ropes.

But wait, DREW MCINTYRE appears! He walks out to ringside and Gunther stares him down. Gunther CLUBS Ricochet down, brings him back up, but Ricochet ENZIGURIS! But Gunther stomps Ricochet down! Tag to Vinci, they stomp Ricochet’s hands, and then Vinci drags Ricochet up for a short arm LARIAT! Vinci stands Ricochet up again, for another short arm LARIAT! Fans boo, Vinci drags Ricochet up a third time, but Ricochet slips through the lariat and dodge! Hot tags to Braun and Ludwig! Braun rallies on Imperium, SPLASH for Ludwig and SPLASH for Vinci! Another SPLASH for Ludwig, and Braun stares Gunther down as he CLUBS Ludwig!

Vinci runs back in, Braun shoves him out! Gunther tags in and sneaks up on Braun! Fans fire up as Gunther CHOPS! Braun just snarls! Braun CHOPS, Gunther CHOPS, then Gunther kicks a leg! Gunther wraps on a SLEEPER! Braun powers up, throws Gunther away, but Gunther SHOTGUNS Braun! Moss tags in! Moss RAMS Gunther into the corner and fires off furious fists! The ref counts, Moss goes corner to corner to RAM into Gunther! Moss keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, BLASTS Ludwig but Gunther CHOPS Moss! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Moss stands! Into a LARIAT from Gunther!

Gunther reels Moss in, hoists Moss up, GENERAL BOMB! Cover, Imperium wins!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall

McIntyre looks only mildly impressed but Imperium winning out. Gunther holds up the Intercontinental Championship, and the Scottish Warrior takes off his jacket But the VIKING RAIDERS attack! McIntyre brawls with Erik & Ivar 2v1, and they RAM him into barriers! The Vikings mug McIntyre, until Sheamus runs in! He knocks Erika way but Ivar CLOBBERS Sheamus! The Vikings beat them down, but then Braun BLASTS the Vikings over! Fans are thunderous, and Ricochet builds speed! Ricochet FLIES to take out the Vikings! McIntyre & Sheamus are back up, the Celtic Connection DOUBLE BOOT the Vikings over barriers!

McIntyre, Sheamus, Braun and Ricochet stand tall together! Will it soon be all out war in the SmackDown Tag Division?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

Kayla holds the mic for Rey as he says he looks to put an end to Karrion Kross once and for all. But then Santos Escobar walks in. “There’s one thing Legado del Fantasma and my familia believe, and that’s respect. I had the honor of receiving a mask from the legendary Rey Mysterio. And I wanna show the WWE Universe how much I respect you.” Rey says Escobar knows that respect is mutual. But Dominik Mysterio walks in, saying, “How pathetic! Let me ask you this, Santos. How long are you gonna keep kissing up to the ‘legendary’ Rey Mysterio, huh? Even after Kross puts him to sleep tonight?”

Escobar tells Dom that if he needs to learn respect his dad, Escobar will teach it. Dom says that in prison, those who don’t back up what they say got dealt with. Escobar chuckles. But then Rhea stands in his way. Dom “wishes” Rey luck, then he and Mami leave. Escobar says Rey shouldn’t let that bother him. Rey knows who Rey is. But how can it not? That’s his son! Rey still stresses over where he went wrong with Dom, but will Dom get in Rey’s way against Kross?


Jimmy Uso sits with Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman.

Jimmy says, “That’s our brother. Since Royal Rumble, things have been getting crazy, man. A few weeks ago, when we defended those tag team championships, I knew Jey was gonna be there for me. For us. Since Montreal, man, I dunno, man. It feels different. Think he might be spooked over this whole Sami thing.” Heyman says if that’s the case, then why not have Solo stay in the back? Jimmy can handle Jey “face to face, man to man, twin to twin, Uso to Uso, personally.” Jimmy accepts that. Solo accepts that. But will Jey accept things the way they are?


LA Knight VS ???

The self proclaimed Mega Star is back in action, ready to shine bright after losing that Pitch Black Match. But first, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Knight says, “Tis the season> Everybody’s back here talking about their WrestleMania moments. ‘I just wanna have a WrestleMania moment!’ I didn’t come here for a WrestleMania Moment! I came here to make money! I came here to win titles. And I came here to be recognized as the best. And how do I do that? By going to WrestleMania, YEAH!” But here’s the twist: I’m not the one who’s gonna be having a WrestleMania moment. You gotta understand something right now. You can’t have an LA WrestleMania with out L A Knight! YEAH!”

Knight doesn’t like the fans copying him, he tells them to shut up. And he says that what he means is he’s giving WrestleMania an LA Knight Moment, YEAH! But it’s a New Day, yes it is! Here come Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods, and they have a laugh. “I wanna have a WrestleMania moment! Hand it to me now! BOY! I don’t think he realizes how this whole thing works.” Knight’s only been here two and a half months. So who is he to be demanding anything? WHO WHO WHO?

Knight wants to get this right. When did he invite “Nerd Day” down here? If they weren’t so busy playing video games, they might see Knight is a perpetual moment machine, the man with kavorka, the man they call a Mega Star, one L A Knight, YEAH! First off, being nerds has made the New Day a HELL of a lot of money. Second, Knight is talking about handouts when he clearly loves handouts given that FAKE leather vest. WrestleMania Moments aren’t handed out, they’re earned. Case in point: Kofi Kingston! Kofi fought for 11 YEARS to have his moment and we got the best WrestleMania of them all!

Fake leather? NAH NAH! Here’s what knight is looking at. He doesn’t care about what Kofi did, Knight is a creator of circumstance, not a creature of. And the circumstances he creates are advantageous to him. And how did KofiMania work out anyway? Fans boo, but Kofi says it worked out pretty well, he won the title on the Grandest Stage of Them All. And he didn’t wait for a moment, he was fighting in the ring and behind the scenes. But what he won’t wait for is the chance to shut Knight up now in Evansville, Indiana! Knight laughs but fans chant, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Fine, if the fans feel froggy, is that a challenge Kofi is throwing down?

Is Knight serious? Kofi puts it this way: YEAH!! Woods says if Adam Pearce can hear them and he approves, send a ref out so we can get this going! Here comes a ref, Kofi VS Knight happens after the break!

LA Knight VS Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods!

SmackDown returns and the match is underway as Knight JABS and JABS Kofi. Fans rally, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” but Knight whips. Kofi ducks ‘n’ dodges and leaps to RANA! Knight ends up in a corner, Kofi KICKS him and throws hands. Knight headlocks, Kofi powers out but Knight runs him over! Fans boo but things speed up. Kofi hurdles, hurdles and ELBOWS Knight down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Kofi brings Knight around to UPPERCUT! Kofi whips corner to corner but Knight reverses. Knight runs in but into a kick! Kofi goes up, and CROSSBODIES to flatten Knight! Cover, TWO!

Woods says Kofi’s wearing Knight down and Kofi brings Knight up. Knight throws body shots, kicks low, and runs. But Kofi trips Knight up! Kofi high-fives Woods, does some Kid ‘n’ Play, and “NEW~ DAY~!” Knight storms over but into a GAMANGIRI! Kofi goes up top to CORSSBODY again! Direct hit, cover, TWO! Kofi brings Knight up, wrenches, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Kofi wrangles Knight down, Knight endures but fans rally up. Kofi drops knees on the arm, then hammerlocks it. Knight endures, fights up, and he puts Kofi on the ropes. The ref counts but Knight throws elbows!

Knight ROCKS Kofi, whips, and ELBOWS Kofi down! Fans boo but Knight smirks. Knight stomps Kofi, rains down fists, then lets off to soak up the heat. Knight drags Kofi up, but Kofi JAWBREAKERS! Knight staggers, but he scoops Kofi for a POWERSLAM! cover, TWO! Knight stomps Kofi into the corner, clinches and brings Kofi out, to shove Kofi back in! NECK- NO, Kofi holds ropes to block! Fans rally, Kofi runs in at Knight to SPLASH in the corner! Knight staggers away, Kofi runs in to SPLASH again! Knight goes to another corner, Kofi runs back in, but Knight catches Kofi! FLAPJACK off buckles! And then Knight throws Kofi into buckles!

Kofi bails out, Woods checks him, and fans boo Knight as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Kofi fires hands on Knight! Fans fire up but Knight knees low! Knight storms up on Kofi and whips him to a corner, but Kofi goes up to jump and MISSILE DROPKICK! Woods plays the trombone as fans fire back up. Kofi runs in but is sent out again! The ring count starts while Knight catches his breath in the ring. Knight then goes out to fetch Kofi, and he shoves Woods away. Knight dares Woods to hit him and get Kofi disqualified, but Woods stands down. Knight tells Woods to stick to the trombone, and then he puts Kofi on the apron. Knight CLUBS Kofi, and he taunts Woods.

Knight slides in, gets the legs, ROPE GUILLOTINE! Kofi sputters and fans boo but Knight talks more trash. Knight stalks Kofi to a corner, CHOKES him on the ropes, right in front of Woods! Fans boo, Knight lets off at the ref’s count, and then Knight goes to the apron. Knight BOOTS Kofi down! Knight smirks, watches as Kofi stands, SLINGSHOT SHOULDER! Cover, TWO! Knight grows annoyed but Woods coaches Kofi up. Knight CLUBS Kofi, stomps him, then runs. But Kofi pops Knight up for a KNEE! Fans fire up again, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Knight crawls to ropes, Kofi goes to the opposite end.

Both men run in but Kofi dodges to DOUBLE CHOP! And DOUBLE CHOP! And DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Kofi keeps moving, but Knight catches him! Kofi sunset flips, TWO! Kofi runs to LEAPING LARIAT! Kofi runs for the “NEW~ DAY~” BOOM DROP! Fans fire up as Kofi goes to the corner and claps along. Kofi aims at Knight, spins, but Knight ducks! Back suplex for the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives and Woods returns to the trombone! Knight drags himself to the apron, and he CLOBBERS Woods! But then Kofi FLIES and takes out Knight! Kofi puts Knight back in, climbs up, but Knight ROCKS him first!

Knight climbs up after Kofi but Kofi throws hands! Kofi shoves Knight away, then ducks his leap! Woods distracts Knight and Kofi trips Knight up! Knight tumbles off the corner, into TROUBLE IN PARADISE! Cover, Kofi wins!

Winner: Kofi Kingston, by pinfall

The Knight cannot stop the New Day, Kofi gets a big win! Will the New Day fight their way to a WrestleMania moment this year?


Charlotte Flair is here!

The SmackDown Women’s Champion heads to the ring, ready for a face-to-face with Rhea Ripley. Charlotte gets the mic as fans “WOO~!” Charlotte says it’s 35 days until WrestleMania. She knows Rhea likes to run her mother on Raw, so she can’t wait to hear what Rhea has to say in person. Charlotte invites Rhea to the ring, but where is she? “I think I smell hesitation, no? You guys? That’s funny. Rhea, are you remembering the last time we were in the ring together? It’s okay to be scared, having second thoughts about choosing me.” But Dom says, “Queenie~. Can I call you that?” Dom isn’t gonna let Charlotte run down Mami, oh no no.

Oh, look at Dom out here, taking orders like a good little nino. Dom, this is adult time. Go get your Mami and tell her to face Charlotte like a real woman, instead of hiding behind her “boy toy.” Wow, Charlotte sounds jealous. Almost bitter, even. Because Charlotte knows the hottest thing in the WWE is Rhea Bloody Ripley. And no other mamacita has ever entered the Royal Rumble at #1 and won it all. Look at that smile! Charlotte should smile more often, she’s a beautiful woman. They say the woman is the softer sex. Delicate. But Mami Rhea is strong! Real strong! When she hugs Dom, she damn near breaks his back.

And when Rhea makes sweet- Oh, whoa, hold on. Charlotte has a real Latino man at home who calls him Mami. With a much thicker… accent. So Charlotte doesn’t know what Dom’s talking about. Dom just wanted to chat. They have a lot in common. Enlighten her. They’re both generational superstars. They both know what it’s like to be compared to their fathers, and be better than them, even though the fans don’t like to see it. Fans boo, but Dom says he knows that his dad was a lot worse. Rey was a deadbeat who didn’t even bother showing up. He was an afterthought of a father! That messed Dom up! The people don’t understand!

Dom has a big chip on his shoulder, just like Charlotte. But at WrestleMania, when Rhea beats Charlotte, Charlotte will know that her dad was right. That she just wasn’t good enough. Well, unlike Dom, Charlotte loves her dad. And Ric Flair is 74 tomorrow, so happy early birthday to him. And Ric can still go. If he was here, he’d kick Dom’s but. But since he’s not… Charlotte takes the belt off and steps to Dom! Dom backs up and says to cool down. And here comes Rhea! Dom holds the ropes open for her, she steps to Charlotte, and she tells her not to mess with Dom. But then Rhea and Dom leave, so Charlotte waves bye.

Charlotte grabs her belt and holds it up. Rhea steps back in and tells her it won’t be hers much longer. Charlotte still says bye, and Rhea leaves again. Will there be anything stopping Rhea from eradicating Charlotte’s reign? Or will Charlotte be the one to humble Rhea Bloody Ripley?


Natalya w/ Tegan Nox VS Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey!

The Queen of Harts got banged up in the Elimination Chamber, but she’s still okay to wrestle! Plus, she’s got back-up this time! Will Natty be able to event he score with the Queen of Spades? Or will she still not be in shape enough to survive Shayna?

SmackDown returns as the Baddest Women on the Planet make their entrance. The bell rings and the two rush in! Natty dodges then fires off hands on Shayna! Shayna shoves Natty away and bails out. Natty grabs at Shayna, drags her in, and bumps Natty off buckles. Natty fires off more hands but Shayna shoots around. Natty elbows her away, whips, but Shayna reverses to wrench and ARMBAR DDT! Fans rally for Natty but Shayna looms over her. Shayna grabs the arm, twists the wrist and CLUBS the arm! Shayna then bends the elbow and Ronda likes what she sees. Natty endures the top wristlock and fights up to CLUB Shayna!

Natty arm-drags Shayna away, but Shayna comes back to KICK the arm! Shayna pulls her kneepad down and Ronda says to bring it home! Shayna grins at Tegan, runs in at Natty, but Natty avoid the knee to roll Shayna! TWO, Natty spins Shayna around, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! BOOT! Natty gets Shayna on ropes and fires off hands! Shayna KICKS a leg! And then gets around, only for Natty to switch! GERMAN SUPLEX! DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Natty stomps Shayna, has the legs, and steps through, but Shayna kicks her away! Shayna scurries away and Natty rushes up. The ref keeps Natty back, but then Natty WRECKS Shayna with a dropkick!

Natty and Ronda shout at each other, Natty brings Shayna up and back into the ring. Natty warns Ronda, Ronda says Natty’s at fault, but Shayna KNEES Natty!! ARMBAR!! Natty kicks, flails, but taps! Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

Shayna then BOOTS Tegan down! Fans boo but the Baddest Women stand over Natty. Shayna sits Natty up, Ronda runs in, but Tegan TACKLES Ronda! Fans fire up as Tegan runs Shayna off, too! Ronda doesn’t even know who that is! Ronda says “Skittles” is done! Will Ronda take out the Welsh Firecracker? Or will she see what the Shiniest Wizard looks like up close?


It’s the Firefly Funhouse!

But where’s Bray Wyatt? “Lie for me.” Red light and the TV flickers on? “The beast is rising~!” Bray plays with two Undertaker action figures. Then cut to Bray backstage looking at his segment from last week. Bray seems to think he’s very funny calling out the winner of Lesnar VS Lashley at Elimination Chamber. Lashley said he will not be disrespected by anyone, not by Lesnar or by Bray. If you disrespect Lashley, he will put you down! And now, live from Firefly News, it’s Bray and Ramblin’ Rabbit! To be honest, this is urgent. It is NOT okay here. There is a dragon with seven horns and ten crowns and it’s just bad. That’s the deal.

But more importantly, who opened the door? Anyway, howdy, y’all, it’s time for the weather. Uncle Howdy is the weatherman, and his robotic voice says, “I am all of us.” And now, America’s favorite new game show, Can You Keep a Secret? Bray is the host to a roaring audience. “Well. Can ya?” And still to come, a THREE HOUR BLOCK of Can You Keep a Secret? And then we’re back at the Funhouse, with bones and fireworks in the doorway. CAN you keep a secret? Can you? The images start to get distorted as people ask for help. Including Ramblin’ Rabbit? “If I told you a story, could you keep a secret?”


We check back in with the Bloodline.

Jimmy is getting anxious. He knows Jey will show up. Then they can has things out. Heyman sure hopes so. Just look at this text from their Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. He will be here live next week on SmackDown, so he wants Jimmy to know that if Jimmy can’t handle Jey tonight, or else Roman will. Jimmy is even more stressed. Can Jimmy “handle” things?


Rey Mysterio VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

The King of Lucha Libre was called a workhorse past its prime that needed to be put down, and that didn’t bother him. But Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday said he was a terrible example of a father, and that cut deeper than any blade. Will Rey take out all his frustrations towards Dominik out on Kross? Or is Rey’s time finally up?

The bell rings and the two fire off! Rey gets the edge but Kross shoves him away, Rey ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirls to headscissor! Kross gets up, rushes Rey but Rey dumps him out! Rey builds speed to 619 TO THE BACK! Kross falls, Rey runs in again to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up with Rey as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Kross has Rey down in a chinlock. Rey fights, rakes Kross’ eyes, and throws body shots! Fans fire up as Rey throws haymakers, runs, but into an ELBOW! Kross snarls but fans boo, and Kross waits on Rey. Rey gets up in a corner, Kross runs in, but blocks a boot. “I’ve seen this before, Rey! I know you!” Kross kicks Rey, then gets Rey up, but Rey turns bomb into RANA! Kross hits buckles, seems he doesn’t know all the trick! Rey heads up top, fans fire up, FLYING SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps moving, but Kross SLIDES Rey out of the ring! Rey hits the floor and Kross reiterates that he knows Rey.

Kross goes out after Rey, drags him up and sees a Rey fan in the front row. Kross fireman’s carries to hit a GUTBUSTER! Fans boo and the ring count climbs, but Kross grins as he drags Rey back up. Kross puts Rey in the ring while fans rally up. Kross steps in, stomps Rey’s hands, then drags him back up. Kross fireman’s carries again, brings Rey to a corner and climbs up. But Rey fights with elbows and knees! Rey gets around Kross to then jump and SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up and Rey crawls to the cover, TWO!! Kross is fuming but still in this! Kross and Rey stand, Rey dodges the haymaker to tilt-o-whirl, but no DDT!

Kross turns Rey around but Rey victory rolls to send Kross into ropes! Rey redials but Scarlett is on the ropes! Rey knocks her down as he hits ropes, and then he and the ref are both distracted. Rey runs, Dom catches him! Dom throws Rey down! Dom dares Rey to do something! The ref sees Dom and tells him to back off. Dom wants Rey to hit him, but Rey gest back in the ring. Dom is disappointed, but then Kross KROSS HAMMER!! And KROSSJACKET!! Rey is OUT, Kross wins!!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by submission

Dom screwed Rey over and gets away with it! And now Dom gets in the ring to talk more trash. Dom kicks Rey around but Rey stands up. Dom dares Rey to hit him like a man! Dom pushes Rey around, keeps egging Rey on, but Rey keeps the anger contained. Dom pie faces Rey! And then shoves him! Rey is mad, but he gets up in Dom’s face! Dom says do it then! Hit him! But Rey doesn’t, and Dom says that’s what he thought. Fans chant “DO IT! DO IT!” Dom turns Rey around and tells him to do it! Rey shakes his head, and leaves. Fans boo and Dom mocks him, but are there stronger fights than those with fists?


Jimmy Uso heads to the ring.

This is the moment of truth, not just for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions, but for the Bloodline as a whole. Jimmy stands in the ring with a mic, and he says, “So if you’re not here, I know you out there watching somewhere. From brother to brother, I know you’re torn. I know you’re hurt. I know. And when you hurt, I hurt, Uce. But I just wanna tell you, I will always, always be here for you, no matter what. I’m always here for you, Uce, just like I need you to be here for me right now.”

Jimmy knows people are talking about cracks in the Bloodline. Things have been crazy. There’s a Sami Zayn problem, a Kevin Owens problem, and the Usos need to defend the tag team titles. On top of that, Jimmy knows there’s issues between Jey and the Tribal Chief. Wait, SAMI jumps the barriers! Sami gets in the ring, and Jimmy turns around to see him! Fans are thunderous as the two stare down! Jimmy is angry but Sami has a mic to say he’s not here to fight. Sami knows Jimmy wants to talk to Jey. Sami would, too. But Sami needs to talk with Jimmy. Every time Jimmy says “brother,” that breaks Sami’s heart. That’s who Jimmy was to Sami!

Jimmy was Sami’s dawg! They were dawgs! They had each other’s back in the Bloodline. When Jey didn’t trust Sami, Jimmy did. When Heyman didn’t see any value in Sami and shooed him from Roman’s locker room, Jimmy saw value! Jimmy was the one who made Sami the Honorary Uce! Without that, there’s no Honorary Uce, no Sami Uso, no Feeling Ucey! Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” Sami says when things went south at the Royal Rumble, Jimmy didn’t even think twice. He took Sami down with ZERO hesitation. And Sami says that hurt. That hurt! Jimmy is still glaring at Sami, but fans continue to chant for Sami.

Jimmy huffs and puffs, and says Sami is selfish, blaming Jimmy! It was SAMI! Sami made that choice! Sami had that chair in his hands and pulled the trigger! He stepped on Jimmy and on Jey! What was Jimmy supposed to do?! Sami made the choice, Jimmy did what he had to do, that’s what family do! But family doesn’t betray! Sami says what else family doesn’t do is test your loyalty every single week! They don’t make you jump through hoops to prove you’re worth something! They don’t manipulate you every single week like Roman did to Sami! The way he’s done to JIMMY’S TWIN! Not for weeks, or months, but for YEARS!

And speaking of, JEY IS HERE!! Sami wants them all to listen to him. The Bloodline isn’t about Roman Reigns, it is about just one man. And if it’s the last thing he does, Sami makes sure “The Bloodline” comes crumbling down! But there’s a way out for the Usos! They don’t have to go down with the ship! Sami is looking in Jimmy’s eyes, and he knows Jimmy knows that what he’s saying is true. Sami finally notices Jey, and Jimmy SUCKER PUNCHES him! Jimmy fires off hands, Jey hurries to ringside! Jimmy stomps a mudhole in, then looks to his brother. Jimmy wants Jey to help him with Sami. But Sami HELLUVA KICKS Jimmy!

Jey reaches ringside, fans chant for Sami, and Jimmy checks his chin. Sami backs off, but now here comes Solo! No more staying in the back, the Enforcer of the Island is here! Sami gets out of the ring to slip away in the crowd, but what about Jey? Jey hesitates at the barriers, joining neither Sami or his blood brothers. This issue was not handled, how will The Tribal Chief respond?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown that follows both a great Raw and great Elimination Chamber. And the Bloodline story was great stuff as always, with Heyman as Roman’s proxy putting the pressure on Jimmy. I should’ve expected Sami to show up but that still got me by surprise, and he had a good back and forth with Sami. Jey’s part was also well done, where he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t really do anything, but that in itself says a lot. If this is still leading to Usos VS Sami & Kevin for the tag titles, I would like to think Jey is reluctantly in that match because of the obligation, and then the match is not just a match between the two teams, but also a struggle for Jey to break through to Jimmy about resisting Roman.

Great opener in the Six Man Tag, Gunther and Imperium defeating three men Gunther’s defeated in the Intercontinental Championship scene. McIntyre showing up of course nods in the direction of McIntyre VS Gunther for the title, but it seems there’s still more that is going to happen between Celtic Connection and Vikings, but they might pivot so that Braun & Ricochet fight Erik & Ivar so that McIntyre can go after Gunther. And even though we’ve seen plenty out of Brawling Brutes VS Imperium, we might still get more of that as Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne help keep Ludwig & Vinci from helping Gunther.

Great promos out of LA Knight and The New Day, and that seems like a natural feud given their names. Knight VS Kofi was a great match, too, but things are still very open in regards to where they’re all going for WrestleMania. Likewise, that Firefly Funhouse match was very random and odd, even for Firefly Funhouse. It probably speaks to how chaotic Bray’s mind still is, even after sorting out that he is ultimately the one behind Uncle Howdy. The the assortment of images at the end had any number of things in it that could be considered clues, but he did still call out Lashley in a way, so I think that match is still on for WrestleMania.

Good but quick match from Natty VS Shayna, mostly because Ronda was a distraction. Ronda & Shayna VS Natty & Nox is definitely happening, and that will be another solid win within the Women’s Tag Division for Ronda & Shayna. As I’ve said on Raw, I think we could see a big multi-brand tag title match for Mania, and the Baddest Women on the Planet seem like a shoe-in for SmackDown’s side. Good promo from Rey, Escobar and even Dom. Dom’s strongest suit right now is his character, and he’s doing that perfectly. He gets on Escobar’s bad side, he interferes with Rey VS Kross, which was a really good match even with Dom’s interference, and yet Rey still doesn’t snap.

But to be fair, that’s very realistic. It’s Dom who has the problem with his dad, and Rey is actually a good father in that he isn’t just beating his son down the way we all know he could, especially in the way pro-wrestling does it. But Escobar will surely be Rey’s proxy, and chances are, Judgment Day ends up on SmackDown so that we could get a prolonged feud of Judgment Day VS Legado Del Fantasma. Dom also had a great promo with Charlotte, which seems odd. But I guess it works for Dom to rile Charlotte up and then Rhea’s the muscle. Rhea has probably said all she has to say in regards to facing Charlotte, and we all know Dom will be part of that SmackDown Women’s title match anyway, so he might as well get a word in.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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