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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/4/23)

Two icons clash over gold!



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the Fallen Angel rise up?

Two of ROH’s best and most well-known clash over the World Television Champion! Will Christopher Daniels dethrone Samoa Joe as the King of TV?


  • Pure Rules Match: Rocky Romero VS Lee Moriarty w/ “Big Bill” Morrissey; Rocky wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Angelica Risk; Athena wins and denies Risk a title match.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Christopher Daniels; Joe wins and retains the title.
  • ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli VS Robbie Eagles; Claudio wins and retains the title.
  • 10 Man Tag: Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Stu Grayson & Best Friends VS The Varsity Athletes & The Kingdom; Action, Darius, Stu & Best Friends win.
  • Preston Vance w/ Jose VS Rich Adonis; Vance wins.
  • Skye Blue VS Robyn Renegade; Skye wins.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Brock Anderson; Cage wins.
  • Willow Nightingale VS Steph De Lander; Willow wins.
  • Komander VS Angelico w/ Serpentico; Komander wins.


Pure Rules Match: Rocky Romero VS Lee Moriarty w/ “Big Bill” Morrissey!

“Azucar” may mean sugar, but Rocky was pretty salty after #TAIGASTYLE cheated him last week. So now, he’s flipping the script and putting this under the special rules of the ROH Pure Wrestling Division! Will Rocky get back at Moriarty for being sneaky? Or will Big Bill have another big impact on the match?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up as Rocky and Lee tie up. Rocky hits an arm-drag to an armbar! Lee scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! That’s Lee’s first, he has two left. Moriarty cools himself off, and he circles with Rocky again. Lee gets around to a waistlock but Rocky wrenches out to a wristlock. Lee rolls but Rocky wrangles him! Lee fights back up, Big Bill rallies the fans and Lee arm-drags, only for Rocky to hold onto the wrist! Lee grinds his forearm into Rocky’s face and gets free, then he reels Rocky in for a back suplex! Rocky lands on his feet, ducks a chop and wrenches to a hammerlock.

Lee switches the hammerlock but Rocky flying-mares! Lee bails out, Rocky builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Rocky watches Bill carefully, and he brings Lee up as fans rally behind him. Rocky puts Lee in, runs in, and RANAS! Cover, ONE!! Rocky gets the arm but Lee resists the armlock. Lee fights up, Rocky hammerlocks but Lee reaches back. Rocky thrashes the arm, but Lee steps through the ropes and slips around to tie Rocky up! The ref still counts it as Lee’s second ropebreak, and Bill protests. Lee KICKS the rope to jam Rocky’s arm! Lee then hits a 619!

Rocky flounders and Lee goes after him with a rain of palm strikes, and even digs his elbow in! Big Bill applauds but the fans boo. Lee taunts the fans, stalks Rocky to ropes and cravats. Lee throws knees, snapmares, and then scrapes his soles on Rocky’s face! Lee air guitars and dances, and Bill loves it. Fans boo as Lee drags Rocky up with a fishhook! Lee puts Rocky in the corner to CHOP! And he feints the chop to dig his forearm into Rocky’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Lee lets off, and Lee drags Rocky up. Lee snapmares, steps over and has a hammerlock and neck wrench. Rocky endures as fans rally up.

Rocky fights to his feet, Lee facelocks but Rocky throws body shots. Rocky backs Lee down, runs, but Bill trips Rocky up! Fans boo, Lee spins Rock around but Rocky DECKS him! That was a haymaker, the ref gives Rocky a warning. Rocky is upset, and he runs into a BUCKLE SHOT! Lee drags Rocky to a cover, TWO! Rocky is hanging tough but Lee drags him up. Lee bumps Rocky off buckles, climbs up and he rains down palm strikes! The ref counts, Lee takes his time but Rocky escapes to dropkick the legs out! Lee tumbles to the mat and Bill hurries to rally the fans. But the fans cheer on “ROCKY! ROCKY!”

Lee runs in, Rocky dodges to ROCK and CHOP on repeat! Rocky whips, Lee reverses but Rocky slides under the boot! Lee blocks a kick, ducks the enziguri but not the REWIND HEEL! Lee staggers, swings on Rocky but Rocky spins him around, TORANDO DDT! Cover, TWO! Lee survives but Rocky pounds the mat to rally the fans. Rocky KICKS Lee in the arm, wrenches that arm, but Lee rakes eyes! Lee reels Rocky into a pump handle and scoop but Rocky slips free. Lee elbows Rocky, runs the ropes, but Rocky jumps to ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Lee flails, moves around, ROPEBREAK! That’s his last one!

Lee bails out and Bill is there, but Rocky goes to the apron. Rocky runs up but Bill stands in the way. Fans boo as Bill eggs Rocky on. Lee slides onto the apron but Rocky avoids the sweep, and the kick goes into Bill! Lee apologizes, but Rocky FLYING KNEES Lee down! Fans fire up as Rocky puts Lee in the ring. Rocky runs in to SHIRANUI! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives and Bill is relieved. Rocky KICKS Lee around, brings him up, but Lee powers out of the cravat. Lee CHOPS, so Rocky CHOPS! Lee CHOPS again, so Rocky CHOPS again! Rocky fires palm strikes, Lee gives them back and fans fire up as the shots are fast ‘n’ furious!

Lee gets the edge, waistlocks, but Rocky elbows free. Cravat and SLICED- NO, Lee blocks, spins Rocky around, TAIGA DRIVER 18! Cover, TWO!! Rocky survives and Lee is furious! Lee hammers away on Rocky! Lee roars but fans boo as he aims from a corner. Lee slashes his throat, vowing to end this. But Rocky ducks the superkick to JUMP KNEE! Lee wobbles, runs back in, but Rocky puts him up top! Rocky GAMANGIRIS, climbs, and SUPER ARMBAR TAKEDOWNS! DIABLO ARMBAR!! Lee flails, reaches out, but the ropebreak doesn’t count!! Bill protests, but them’s the rules! Lee taps, Rocky wins!!

Winner: Rocky Romero, by submission

Bill tried to help Lee but it didn’t matter! Rocky outwrestled Moriarty, but will they go around one more time in a tiebreaker?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Angelica Risk!

The Fallen Goddess has been beating challenger after challenger, and crossing off contender after contender through the Proving Grounds. Will Athena continue to tear through the roster? Or will she regret taking on the Risk?

Athena is fired up even before the bell but Risk tells her to kiss this. The Code of Honor is still upheld, the bell rings, and then Athena pie faces Risk! Athena laughs then BOOTS Risk down! Athena pops, locks and raises her hands in victory, and she says, “This is all you guys have?” Athena drags Risk up but Risk throws body shots! Risk JAWBREAKERS Athena away, then dodges to run and tilt-o-whirl RANA! Athena ends up on ropes, but she blocks the 619! Athena drags Risk around into a wheelbarrow, for a FACEBUSTER! Risk writhes while Athena scowls. Athena tells the fans to shut up, then she drags Risk up.

Athena DECKS Risk with a forearm! Risk crawls, Athena drags her up by her hair, but the ref reprimands. Athena lets off, to SUPERKICK Risk! Athena shouts, “This is crap!” as she points at Risk. Athena drags Risk up but Risk ROCKS her with forearms! Athena swings, misses, Risk rolls her up, TWO! Athena runs in to SHOTGUN Risk down! Athena kips up and soaks up both cheers and jeers. Athena then drags Risk around, wraps her up in a straitjacket stretch, and even fishhooks Risk’s face! The ref reprimands, but Athena KNEES Risk in the back! Athena chinlocks and she taunts “porcelain” Risk.

Risk kicks, flails, and fans rally up. Risk fights up, throws elbows and body shots, but Athena throws Risk down by her hair! The ref reprimands but Athena gets right in his face! The ref backs away to a corner, and Athena goes back to Risk. Athena whips corner to corner, Risk BOOTS back! Risk ROCKS Athena, ROCKS her again, and again! Then she dodges to EDGE-O-MATIC! Cover, ONE!! Athena is getting mad now, but Risk ENZIGURIS! Athena is on ropes, Risk dials it up, 619!! Fans fire up with Risk and she goes up the corner! Risk aims, leaps, but Athena catches her! And pops her up into a WASTELAND!

Athena fireman’s carry rolls, WASTELAND again! Athena rolls again to pick Risk back up, and fans fire up for the THIRD WASTELAND! Athena scowls but then grins as she drags Risk back up. Canadian Rack, CLIFFHANGER! And CROSSFACE! Risk taps, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by submission (denies Risk a title opportunity)

Risk pushed Athena but Athena made her pay for it! But just like the win streak, that mean streak grows as Athena drags Risk over to the belt! Athena grins, calls out Skye Blue, and she full nelsons Risk for a SKYE FALL onto the belt!! The Fallen Goddess has called out Chicago Skye, will they have it out for the gold soon enough?


ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Christopher Daniels!

Icon clashes with icon in a battle that exemplifies ROH’s history and level of talent. But will Samoa Joe continue to be the King of Wrestling Television? Or will Daniels look to start another Grand Slam journey?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see if the reign continues!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally up as the two circle. The fans chant for “JOE! JOE! JOE!” as he and Daniels approach. They tie up, Joe puts Daniels in a corner, and the ref calls the break. Joe lets off slowly, but Daniels avoids his chop! The two reset as the fans sing, “Joe~ is gonna kill~ you!” Joe and Daniels tie up, Daniels gets around to a headlock, but Joe powers up and out. The fans duel, Daniels RAMS Joe but Joe stays up. Daniels runs and RAMS Joe, but Joe still stays up! Daniels says okay, one more time. Daniels runs, but he ducks Joe’s punch to fire off forearms!

Daniels runs, but Joe CLOBBERS him! Fans fire up as Joe goes after Daniels in the corner with JAB after JAB after JAB! Joe sits Daniels down then lets off. Fans fire up again as Joe drags Daniels up. Daniels throws forearms and CHOPS, then backs Joe down. Daniels whips, Joe reverses and back elbows, to PELE! Daniels falls and fans fire up even more. Joe covers, TWO! Joe drags Daniels up to snapmare and clamp a claw into the shoulder! Daniels endures and fans rally. Daniels fights up, Joe snapmares him and CHOPS! And PENALTY KICKS! And ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Daniels hangs tough but Joe keeps cool.

Joe stalks Daniels to ropes while fans rally and duel. Joe HEADBUTTS Daniels, CHOPS him, but Daniels CHOPS back! Joe throws a forearm, Daniels throws forearms! Daniels CLUBS away on Joe’s head, runs, but Joe POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Daniels is still in this but Joe stalks him again. Fans rally but Daniels drops out of the sleeper! Victory roll, TWO! Joe runs, but Daniels rolls him up! TWO! Daniels bobs ‘n’ weaves, CLUBS and JAWBREAKERS, then STOS! Fans fire up with Daniels as he paces around Joe. Joe stands, Daniels brings him around to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP!

Daniels whips corner to corner, Joe reverses but Daniels BOOTS him! Daniels goes up, leaps, FLYING FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Joe survives but Daniels calls his shot! Daniels kicks low, reels Joe in, but Joe back drops free! Daniels staggers up, but he catches Joe! Joe elbows free of the clinch, but Daniels comes back, into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Joe puts Daniels up top, tucks him in, MUSCLE BUSTER!! Cover, Joe wins!

Winner: Samoa Joe, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)

The chase for the longest ROH World TV Championship reign is still on! And biggest of all, Joe still shakes Daniels’ hand to show respect. Will Joe prove that he is THE best TV Champion of all time?


ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli VS Robbie Eagles!

From one championship to another! The Swiss Superman faces those he feels are worthy of this title. Will TMDK’s Sniper of the Skies prove more than worthy? Or will Claudio prove the mighty do kneel?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Robbie is worthy!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two tie right up. Claudio scoops and DROPS Eagles! Fans rally up as Eagles gets back up and resets. They tie up, Claudio has a standing armlock, and he wristlocks. Eagles flips through, wrenches and wristlocks, but Claudio pushes him to ropes. The ref counts, Claudio whips but Eagles blocks using ropes. Claudio kicks low, whips, but Eagles goes up and around and arm-drags! Things speed up, Eagles hurdles then RANAS! Claudio gets up and Eagles WHEEL KICKS him out! Fans fire up as Eagles eggs Claudio on. Claudio throws a fit, gets back in and he shoves Eagles.

Eagles shoves Claudio, so Claudio slaps Eagles! Eagles SLAPS Claudio! Eagles KICKS away on Claudio’s leg, but Claudio smothers Eagles into a corner! The ref reprimands and counts, Claudio lets off, and then he kicks low! And UPPERCUTS! And stomps away! The ref counts, Claudio lets off, and Claudio drags Eagles up to suplex him away! Fans rally while Eagles writhes. Claudio scowls and drags Eagles up. Claudio scoops Eagles to trophy lift him! And then SLAM him! Claudio drops a leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Eagles sits up but Claudio wraps onto him with an armlock and chinbar.

Fans rally and Eagles endures, and he fights free to get up. Claudio just gets the other arm and wrangles Eagles down! Claudio bends the arm back, bends the fingers, and twists the wrist! Eagles endures as Claudio digs his forearm into Eagles’ face. Fans rally, Eagles fights up again, but Claudio traps the arm again. Claudio leans on Eagles in this “eastern stretch,” but fans rally up again. Eagles fights to his feet, throws body shots, then dropkicks a leg out! But Claudio BOOTS Eagles down! Claudio drags Eagles up to scoop but Eagles slips free to rolling chop block! Eagles runs to BLINDSIDER!

Claudio hobbles out of the ring, Eagles runs to SOMERSAULT TOPE! Fans fire up as Eagles takes Claudio down at the ramp! Eagles stands Claudio up, Claudio throws an elbow, but Eagles dropkicks Claudio’s leg! Claudio gets into the ring, Eagles goes to the apron. Eagles springboards to dropkick the legs out! Fans rally up and Eagles KICKS away on Claudio! Eagles runs, LEG LARIAT! Claudio goes to a corner, Eagles runs in to GAMANGIRI! Eagles keeps going, LOW 619 to the legs! Claudio sits down, and Eagles METEORAS! Eagles drags Claudio to a high stack, TWO! Claudio is hanging tough but Eagles keeps focus.

Eagles goes after the legs but Claudio boots him away. Eagles comes back with a CHOP BLOCK! Eagles KICKS away on the leg, but Claudio blocks to shove Eagles down! Claudio has the legs and fans fire up, for the SWING! But Eagles sits right up to sunset flip! ONE, into the “EAGLE LOCK!” Claudio scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets Claudio out of the Ron Miller Special quickly. Eagles brings Claudio up but Claudio DECKS Eagles! Claudio deadlifts Eagles, but Eagles slips out to fire off a strike fest! Eagles BOOTS, BOOTS and BOOTS! Eagles runs, to BOOT again! Eagles keeps going, dodges Claudio’s lariat to kick low!

Eagles cravats for STANDING SLICED BREAD! Cover, TWO!! Claudio hangs tough but Eagles goes to the corner. Eagles climbs up and 450, but he has to bail out as Claudio moves. Claudio sends Eagles to a corner, scoops and MICHINOKU DRIVERS! Cover, TWO!! Eagles survives and shocks Claudio! Claudio throws off his elbow pads and he drags Eagles up. UPPER- NO, BACKSLIDE! TWO!! Claudio escapes, Eagles rolls him to bridge, TWO! Eagles keeps moving, but runs into a pop-up, only to RANA! Cover, TWO!! Claudio blocks a roundhouse to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!!! Eagles survives and Claudio is frustrated.

Claudio drags Eagles up, but Eagles ROUNDHOUSES! SUPERKICKS! And PELES! Claudio wobbles, Eagles cravats, but Claudio blocks the bread! Pop-up, arms tucked, and some vicious knees to the back! RICOLA BOMB!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (still ROH World Champion)

Eagles was definitely a worthy challenger, but not worthy of being a champion. Claudio claims he didn’t even shift out of first gear. But will there come a contender that forces Claudio to red line?


Backstage interview with Skye Blue.

Dasha asks her about the disrespect Athena has been throwing at her. Skye says Athena showed disrespect and  had the audacity to stick her nose in other people’s business. Athena walked out on stage after Skye’s match but didn’t have the guts to go to the ring. Athena bullies everyone in the locker room to assert dominance she clearly doesn’t have. So since Athena wants to pick Skye as her next victim and bully her, even though Skye’s the one busting her ass for everything in this company, how about this: they have the singles match everyone’s wanted to see, and as a cherry on top, make it for the ROH Women’s World Champion.

Skye has issued the challenge, will the Fallen Angel take it seriously?


10 Man Tag: Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Stu Grayson & Best Friends w/ The Dark Order VS The Varsity Athletes & The Kingdom w/ Maria Kanellis & Mark Sterling!

In quite the line-up, teams join forces with unlikely allies to squash all the beef in the ROH Tag Division! Will Action, Air Wolf, Player Two, Kentucky Gentleman & #JustTrent come out on top? Or will Ari Daivari, Tony Nese, Josh Woods, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett dunk on all the “Melvins?”

Chuck has the Super Friends of Honor all put their hands in, and they seem to be united here tonight. The teams sort out, which is a bit like herding cats for the ref, and Taven starts against Action. They uphold the Code of Honor and fans rally up. They tie up, go around, and Taven puts Action in a corner., Action avoids a chop to CHOP! Action whips corner to corner, Taven goes up and over and keeps moving, Action hurdles, but Taven DROPKICKS him down! Because “IIII’M MATT TAVEN!” Taven drags Action up, blocks Action’s sobat, then flips Action! Action lands on his feet, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then DROPKICKS Taven back!

Action says, “Lights! Camera! Action!” Sterling and Maria boo as Action wrenches Taven and brings him over. Tag to Darius, they double whip, body shot, KICK and snapmare to PENALTY KICK and basement dropkick! But Mike gets in to DECK Action! Darius fires off on Mike, and the dugouts empty! The brawl is on, the ref is lost in the chaos, but Action’s team throw everyone else out. Sterling and Maria tell their guys to get back in there, but they all get BLASTED off the apron! Darius tags Trent, Darius and Action whip Taven to a corner, then Action runs in to UPPERCUT! Darius runs in to clothesline!

Chuck runs in to clothesline! And feeds Taven to the SOLE FOOD HALF ‘N’ HALF! Stu Grayson LIONSAULTS! Trent covers but Mike breaks it! Chuck CLUBS Mike, TOSSES him, and goes back to the corner. Trent ROCKS Taven, whips, but Taven reverses. Trent BOOTS back, but then Nese CLOBBERS him! Taven hurries to tag Nese in and he stomps away on Trent. Nese whips Trent hard into the corner! Trent falls and Nese says, “That’s how it’s done right there!” Nese flexes, then he brings Trent up. Nese whips Trent but Chuck saves him! Trent then KNEES Nese down! Fans rally up as both men crawl, hot tags to Stu and Daivari!

Stu rallies on the Varsity Athletes! He CLOBBERS Nese, CLOBBERS Daivari, then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes Daivari! Woods runs in but is sent right out! Stu URENAGES Daivari! But Nese SUPERKICKS Stu! Nese turns around into a SEXY CHUCKIE KNEE! But Mike DECKS Chuck! Darius runs in to HOTSHOT BULLDOG and then GAMANGIRI Mike! Only to turn into the KICK OF THE KING! Action spins Taven around to BACKBREAKER and NECKBREAKER! But Woods BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES Action! Woods fires up, fans fire up with him as the hometown hero, but Stu ENZIGURIS Woods!

Stu goes up the corner, fans fire up, but Woods goes up after him! SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX!! Action returns to clothesline Woods up and out! Then Action builds speed to FLY! He takes out the Varsity Athletes AND Mike! Taven goes up top, but Trent CLUBS away on him! The others brawl in a cluster, Trent brings Taven up to SUPERPLEX onto them all!! Fans fire up and lose their minds as all ten men are down! Daivari crawls into the ring but Stu’s on him! Daivari slips free, hammerlocks, but Stu avoids the lariat to PELE! Stu drags Daivari up, brings him over, tag to Action. Action goes up as Stu has Daivari in a dragon sleeper.

Action aims, but wait! The Righteous are here! Stu drops Daivari as he stares down Dutch and Vincent. The Righteous aren’t leaving Stu alone, but the rest of The Dark Order gets him to focus. But Daivari rolls Action up! TWO, and Action SUPERKICKS Daivari! Action torture racks, for the DOUBLE A NECKBREAKER!! Cover, Action’s team wins!

Winners: Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Stu Grayson & Best Friends, by pinfall

The Righteous try to get at Stu over how he didn’t finish that off, and then The Kingdom and Varsity Athletes argue over who dropped the ball. But will Stu be able to shake off Dutch and Vincent? Wait, wait, the Super Friends of Honor have an EIGHT MAN HUG! Will all these men find themselves climbing up the ranks in the ROH Tag Division?


Backstage interview with Athena.

Dasha brings up talking to Skye and how she felt extremely disrespected by Athena’s actions. Athena mockingly pouts, but Skye also issued a challenge or the title. Athena laughs at the idea that Skye wants the title. Well, Lexi- No, this is Dasha. Athena tells Lexi that she overstepped. Athena takes the mic and says bye. Dasha leaves and Athena tells Skye that if she’d pull her gear out of her ass for two seconds, she’d realize Athena didn’t go to the ring because Skye is not worthy to stand in the ring with Athena! But since Skye wants to pop off, Athena will entertain the challenge. See you next week.

And y’know what? Athena wants to get this off her chest. Just because Skye coasted on her sex appeal does not mean that Skye is worthy of opportunities. And not only will Athena make an example out of Skye, she will embarrass Skye, and she will show Skye that not only does she not belong in AEW, but not in ATHENA’S ROH! So, step up or step out. Will Skye be the one to fall when she faces the Fallen Goddess?


Preston Vance w/ Jose VS Rich Adonis!

Perro Peligroso is ready to take a bite out of ROH in singles action, and he has The Assistant by his side. Will he sink his teeth into his opponent tonight? Or will Adonis prove too rich for Vance’s blood?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but then Vance reels Rich into a short arm LARIAT! Fans chant “TEN! TEN! TEN!” at Vance as he stomps Rich. Vance drags Rich up, TOSSES him out, then RAMS him into railing! And then drags him up to RAM him into more railing! Fans fire up as Vance RAMS Rich into more railing! Rich flounders, Vance holds up the LFI fist, and then Vance puts Rich back in. Vance holds up the fist again, runs in at the corner, and clotheslines! Then whips corner to corner to clothesline again! And then again the other way! Vance fakes Rich out, then CHOPS him!

Jose tells Vance to keep going, but Vance is gloating. Rich turns Vance around to CHOP! And forearm! And CHOP! Vance shoves Rich, Rich comes back to redirect and DROPKICK! Vance goes to a corner, fans rally behind Rich, but he misses in the corner. Vance comes back, Rich goes up and over and keeps moving, Rich ducks ‘n’ dodges to wheelbarrow, but Vance hotshots him for the WHEELBARROW GERMAN! And then a BOOT! Vance takes a bow, then he steps on Rich! Vance drags Rich up, for the TOP TEN FULL NELSON! Then he throws Rich out for the DISCUS! Cover, Vance wins!

Winner: Preston Vance, by pinfall

The Dangerous Dog was playing with his food a bit there, but he finishes Rich off all the same. Will Vance be unstoppable in his rise up the ranks?


Backstage interview with Action & Darius.

ROH Media asks them about the big win, and they say they’re feeling great. The numbers were against them, but in the end, Action picks up Daivari and made him sorry. But then The Kingdom attacks! Taven CLOBBERS Darius, Mike RAMS Action into road cases! Then Mike & Taven RAM Darius into spare railing! Maria mocks Darius’ pain as Mike picks up the payphone to taunt Darius about Dante being injured. And then he CLOBBERS Action with the phone! Taven says they sure look like winners tonight. Oh, here, Code of Honor handshake! Taven says he’s an honorable man, and Mike says, “Welcome to ROH, boys.”


Skye Blue VS Robyn Renegade!

Skye called out Athena, Athena responded, and we have a title match set! But now, can Skye prove Athena is wrong and that Skye does belong? Or will Skye fall before the goal line?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Robyn headlocks. Robyn taunts Skye but Skye wrenches out to wristlcok. Robyn SLAPS Skye! Robyn whips, Skye sunset flips, TWO! Robyn sits on it, TWO! Robyn stacks, TWO! Skye has the sunset, TWO! Robyn kicks low, scowls, and she CHOPS Skye against the ropes. Robyn whips, Skye wheelbarrows and arm-drags! Robyn bails out and fans fire up for Skye as she goes to the apron. Skye aims and runs, but Robyn avoids the kick! Robyn YANKS Skye off the apron and to the floor! Robyn then POSTS Skye!

Skye flounders, Robyn kicks her around, and then puts Skye in the ring. Cover, TWO! Robyn is annoyed but she sees Skye go to the corner. Robyn runs in and DOUBLE KNEES! And then snapmare, and Robyn drags Skye around into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Robyn fishhooks Skye to make her smile, then SLAMS her down! The ref reprimands, but Skye kicks Robyn around. “You’re nothing, Skye.” Skye throws body shots but Robyn still toys with her. Robyn pie faces Skye but Skye fires off forearms! Fans fire up but Robyn knees low! Robyn whips, Skye reverses and follows to tilt-o-whirl and RANA!

Fans fire up with Skye as she runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Robyn staggers, Skye runs in, and she SHINING WIZARDS Robyn against ropes! And then runs to SHOTGUN Robyn down! Cover, TWO!! Robyn survives but Skye keeps on her. Robyn fights the full nelson so Skye snapmares and ghost pins, TWO! SUPER- NO, Robyn blocks, spins Skye, and she avoids the basement kick! Roll and SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Skye is still in this but Robyn shakes her head. Robyn drags Skye up, clinches, but Skye fights free with elbows! Skye whips, SUPERKICKS, and then reels Robyn in, but Robyn drops to victory roll! TWO!!

Skye gest around Robyn, full nelsons, SKYE FALL!! Cover, Skye wins!

Winner: Skye Blue, by pinfall

Whatever Athena thinks of her, Skye sure fought to earn that victory! Skye is going into the title match with a win streak of her own, but will she be able to stop the Fallen Goddess?


Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Brock Anderson!

The Machine has been bulldozing through opponents on behalf of the Mogul Embassy, but now he runs into the Son of the Enforcer. Will a second generation wrestler stop the Path of Cage? Or will we still be looking for who betta?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Brock waistlocks. Wardlow switches, SLAMS, and then facelocks. Brock fights up but Cage suplexes. Brock slips free, shoots in and waistlocks again, and he ducks an elbow! Cage still headlocks, but Brock wrenches and headlocks back. Cage powers out and he runs Brock over! “Who betta than Cage?!” Cage runs, Brock drops, but Cage blocks the hip toss. Cage swings, Brock ducks and waistlocks again, but Cage ELBOWS and whips! Brock holds ropes , BOOTS back, and then runs, but into a POWERSLAM!

“Who betta than Cage?!” Cage flexes while fans are torn. Cage paces, Brock goes to a corner, and Cage runs in. Brock dodges the splash! But Cage ELBOWS Brock back! Cage whips Brock to a corner, Brock goes up and over and kicks low to DDT! Both men are down and Nana grows worried. Fans rally, Brock rises and he fires up! Brock ROCKS Cage with haymakers and forearms! Brock whips, Cage reverses but Brock runs him over now! And again! Brock scoops but Cage fights that to scoop! Brock slips free, shoves Cage, and scoops him for a SLAM! Brock fires up and fans rally behind him.

Brock brings Cage up, whips him to ropes, but Cage blocks the boot to sit Brock down! Cage gets the legs, TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Brock endures, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Cage lets off and then hauls Brock up to suplex, only for Brock to cradle counter! TWO, and Cage DISCUS LARIATS! Cage drags Brock back up, suplexes, DRILL CLAW!! Cover, Cage wins!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall

Cage got his ish in, and he got his win! Nana shakes Brock’s hand to sarcastically uphold the Code of Honor. Will Cage lead the way for The Mogul Embassy to get even more gold?


Willow Nightingale VS Steph De Lander!

The Babe with The Power is still fighting her way back up the ranks. We know Skye gets her shot at Athena next week, will Willow be waiting on the other side? Or will Willow find her match in Darling De Lander?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but then Steph pie faces Willow! Willow swings and Steph backs off. Steph throws hands, whips, and trips Willow! Things speed up, Steph RAMS Willow, but Willow RAMS Steph! They RAM each other again, then Willow trips Steph for the SENTON! Willow says she’s smarter than Steph. Willow then brings Steph up, but Steph stomps a foot! Steph whips, Willow reverses and follows to run Steph over! Fans fire up as Willow flexes! Willow whips, Steph reverses and ROCKS Willow! Steph whips, Willow cartwheels through and she ENZIGURIS back!

Steph staggers to ropes, fans fire up and Willow goes up a corner. Steph ROCKS Willow first, runs side to side and BOOTS! Steph drags Willow off the corner to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Steph pie faces Willow around and talks some smack. Steph UPPERCUTS Willow, RAMS her into a corner, and RAMS her again and again! The ref reprimands and counts, Steph brings Willow around to snapmare and run, for a ROLLING CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Willow but Steph stalks her to ropes. Steph ROCKS Willow to a corner, then whips her corner to corner. Steph runs in and SPLASHES!

Fans boo but Steph mockingly asks, “One more?” Steph whips corner to corner and runs in but Willow dodges! Willow keeps moving and fans fire up, Willow back body blocks! And clotheslines! And snapmares, to then go up the corner. Steph staggers up, Willow MISSILE DROPKICKS her down! Fans fire up and Willow brings down the straps! Steph is in the corner, Willow runs in, CANNONBALL! Willow then drags Steph up, fireman’s carries, but Steph fights free! Steph ROCKS Willow, runs, but into the SPINEBUSTER! High stack, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

And that was good night for Steph! Willow keeps the Code of Honor with another handshake, will she truly become a champion of honor soon enough?


Komander VS Angelico w/ Serpentico!

Don’t blink, don’t look away, because this is going to be more fast and furious than the movie franchise! Will The Commander of Lucha Libre ascend towards title contention? Or will the Spanish Announce Project’s South African Stud stop Komander in his tracks?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and then Angelico spins to reel Komander into a very unique armlock chinbar combo! The ref reprimands as Angelico is pulling at the mask. Angelico spins again, has another unique armlock that bends the fingers, and he even has the other arm! Komander endures, Angelico kicks him to a corner! Angelico runs in but into a BOOT! Komander runs, tiger wall kick! And then springboard, top rope TORNILLO ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up while Angelico bails out. Komander builds speed, but Angelico slides in to BOOT Komander down!

Fans boo but Angelico drags Komander up and RAMS him face first into the buckles. The ref checks Komander but Angelico digs his boots in. The ref reprimands and counts, Angelico lets off at 4, and Serpentico mocks Komander. Fans rally and Komander sits up. Angelico drags Komander up, snapmares and chinlocks with the armlock. Komander endures, pries at the hold, but Angelico just shifts to a chinbar. Fans rally with “LUCHA! LUCHA!” and Komander throws hands! Angelico knees low and whips Komander to a corner hard! Angelico then mocks the lucha chants, before running in corner to corner.

Komander dodges and Angelico’s knee hits buckles! Angelico tumbles up and out, and Komander climbs the corner! Komander tightrope walks and SUPER SKY TWISTERS!! Fans are thunderous for “LUCHA LIBRE!” as Komander drags Angelico up. Komander throws forearms, puts Angelico in the ring, but Angelico bails out. Fans boo, but Komander jumps, jumps and CROSSBODIES! Direct hit and the fans fire up again! Komander drags Angelico up again and puts him back in the ring. Komander goes up the corner and aims again, for a FLYING SUNSET FLIP! TWO!! Angelico escapes and both men stare down.

Komander avoids a sweep, but not the EDDY GORDO KICK! Angelico reels Komander in for a BIG back suplex, then steps through to LA CACITA! TWO!!! Komander escapes the modified Magistrol and “This is Awesome!” Angelico says he’s gonna end this, and he drags Komander up. Angelico Canadian racks into a crucifix, but Komander RANAS the Razor’s Edge into the corner! SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Angelico survives but fans rally up behind Komander. Komander brings Angelico up, runs, and rolls into a SPIKE RANA!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fans can’t believe it but Angelico survives!

Angelico bails out but Serpentico crawls up onto the apron, only for Komander to dropkick him down! Komander then goes up the far corner, and fans fire up because they know what’s coming! TIGHTROPE WALK TORNILLO!! Direct hit at the ramp and fans are thunderous! They chant “SI! SI! SI!” for Komander as he puts Angelico back in. TIGHTROPE SHOOTING STAR!! Cover, Komander wins!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall

A high-flying, hard hitting main event, and in the end, it is Komander who stands tall! Angelico is reluctant, but he accepts the Code of Honor handshake. Will we see these two run it back one day? Wait, Serpentico attacks from behind! Fans boo as the handshake was all a fake out! Serpentico bumps Komander off buckles, rains down fists, and Angelico talks trash. They dig their boots in, but here comes ORANGE CASSIDY AND BANDIDO!! ORANGE PUNCH for Serpentico! Angelico runs away from Bandido, and the amigos help Komander up. Will we see the Best Friends franchise humble SAP?

My Thoughts:

For an episode that sounded stacked on paper, this episode only ended up… good. It is not a good sign to me when the top two titles have their matches back to back in the first half of a 90 minute show. And on top of that, Joe VS Daniels wasn’t as epic as it should’ve been. I mean, four paragraphs? That’s barely more than what we got out of the Proving Grounds match. The ROH World Championship was really good, though, and Eagles being the opponent was a surprise in itself. Claudio won, of course, but I’m not sure who they’re building to for Claudio’s next PPV opponent.

Great Pure Rules match, though, with Rocky cleverly getting Lee to use up his ropebreaks so that there was no escaping the armbar. We definitely need a third match of these three, I’m just not sure what they’d do next. Though, I do think they need to make a ringside ban on Big Bill, he’s gotten involved both times. Of course Vance squashes his opponent, and I figured Cage was going to win. Brock wasn’t as smooth as he could’ve/should’ve been, but I kinda blame that on him just not getting reps when AEW could’ve been giving Lineage (Brock Anderson & Brian Pillman Jr.) more time through Elevation and/or Dark.

While on that subject, it would seem Elevation and Dark are shut down because of Warner Brothers Discover giving AEW their new show, Collision. So sadly, ROH and AEW Rampage might end up the replacements for Elevation and Dark… And that felt very apparent in that 10 Man Tag in front of a very small crowd that was either tired after watching everything else, or just bored and wanting to get to everything else. Still good stuff from all ten guys, and of course the Righteous show up to distract Stu. Decent ambush backstage by The Kingdom on Action & Darius, but didn’t we already get a tag match between them? Is this going to create a No Disqualification tag match as the blow-off?

Great main event out of Komander VS Angelico, and at least the crowd appreciated it. Great win for Komander, and great save by Cassidy and Bandido. I feel like we’re going to get a Six Man Tag of Cassidy, Bandido & Komander against the full Spanish Announce Project. And as such, Serpentico will take the loss. And really good match from Willow VS Steph (formerly Persia Pirotta). Steph definitely matches up with Willow in size and strength, but I feel like Steph still needs some polish. I feel like ROH kinda wasted Willow’s shot at Athena, though. If she’d been on this win streak and just building momentum, she would look amazing once she finally faced Athena.

As such, for having a pretty good stretch of booking their women’s division, tonight was a glaringly bad way of arranging things in the title story. Athena having that Proving Grounds match near the beginning was fine, but it was how they arranged the Skye Blue segments. Why was it Skye’s promo, Athena’s response promo (which was still really good), and then Skye’s match? Instead, Skye should have her match first, then she calls out Athena in a post match promo. Then Ember walks out on stage to accept the challenge, and boom, you’ve saved some time that could be given to other segments.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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