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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 33 Results & Report! (7/15/23)

The G1 begins again!



Opening night goes to Blocks A and B!

NJPW’s greatest tradition, the G1 Climax, begins again! And starting things off this year, Blocks A and B, with IWGP World Champion, SANADA!


  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: YOSHI-HASHI VS El Phantasmo; Hashi wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Chase Owens VS Gabe Kidd; Chase wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Tanga Loa VS KENTA; Loa wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Shota Umino VS Ren Narita; Time Limit Draw.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Great-O-Khan; Okada wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Yota Tsuji VS Kaito Kiyomiya; Kaito wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Taichi VS Will Ospreay; Taichi wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: SANADA VS Hikuleo; Sanada wins.


G1 Climax 33, B Block: YOSHI-HASHI VS El Phantasmo!

The Head Hunter made it through back-to-back tag title matches and is still one half of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. But the Headbanga is looking for something to call his own. Will ELP get the 1-2-3? Or will Hashi have a strong start to the tournament?

Fans rally for ELP and ELP enjoys that. ELP then offers a handshake, and Hashi takes it. Fans applaud and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and ELP waistlocks. Hashi pries free, switches, but ELP switches to SLAM! ELP floats around and facelocks but Hashi slips free, and the two stand off. Fans cheer and the two reset. They tie up, Hashi headlocks but ELP powers out, to then headlock back. Hashi powers up and out, but ELP runs him over! Fans cheer as ELP flexes and kisses his biceps. Things speed up, Hashi hurdles and BLOCKBUSTERS! ELP bails out and Hashi rallies the fans. Hashi then builds speed, but ELP slides in to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

ELP keeps his cool and drags Hashi up. ELP suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! ELP drags Hashi up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then scoops him for a SLAM! ELP goes to the corner, hops up, lines up his shot, and drops the AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Fans applaud while ELP checks his neck. ELP then stands on Hashi’s hand! The ref reprimands, ELP rallies the fans and he brings Hashi up. ELP snapmares and KICKS Hashi in the back, but Hashi stands right up! Hashi kicks low, snapmares ELP, but ELP gets right up to BOOT Hashi down! Fans applaud while Hashi checks his chin.

ELP drags Hashi up, CHOPS him, and Hashi falls right over! Fans applaud, ELP stands Hashi up again and whips him corner to corner. ELP howls and fans echo it. ELP then runs corner to corner, but Hashi dropkicks the legs out! Both men are down and fans rally up! ELP goes to a corner and Hashi crawls to the opposite. Hashi then runs in to clothesline! Hashi whips and CHOPS! And mule kicks! And turns ELP for the NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Hashi brings ELP up again. Hashi whips ELP to ropes, to back drop! Hashi watches ELP rise, and he runs in again, to clothesline ELP up and out!

Fans rally again as Hashi builds speed! Hashi FLIES to take ELP out at the ramp! Fans fire up as Hashi flexes now! Hashi drags ELP up, puts him in the ring, and Hashi climbs the corner. Fans rally again and ELP stands, into Hashi’s FLYING BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while Hashi pounds the mat. Fans rally up again, and Hashi brings ELP up. Hashi reels ELP in, fisherman’s, but ELP blocks! ELP throws body shots, then NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Hashi escapes and fans cheer again. ELP calls his shot and he drags Hashi up. ELP straitjackets and torture racks, but Hashi fights!

Hashi CHOPS ELP and ELP goes to a corner. Hsahi runs in but ELP goes up and over! ELP keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, springboard CROSSBODY! And then somersault to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Hashi survives again but ELP resets with the torture rack! SPINNING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives yet again and ELP grows frustrated. ELP drags Hashi up, reels him in, but Hashi fights free to CHOP! ELP snarls and storms up on Hashi, but Hashi CHOPS again! ELP goes to the corner, Hashi runs in, and CHOPS! Hashi rallies the fans and runs corner to corner, but ELP follows to DISCUS CHOP!

ELP keeps moving, Hashi follows, but into SUDDEN DEATH! ELP suckered Hashi in, and now he goes up the ropes! SPRINGBOARD THUNDER KISS 86!! Cover, TWO?!?! Hashi survives and everyone is shocked! ELP refocuses, and he rallies the fans up. ELP slashes his throat, drags Hashi up and reels him in, but Hashi trips him to a jackknife bridge! TWO!! ELP sunset flips it, TWO! Hashi sits on it, TWO, ELP has the ghost pin! TWO!!! Both men have to check real quick but the ref confirms, that was two! Hashi rushes in, ELP dodges and mule kicks! Then front kicks! Then ENZIGURIS! Hashi staggers, but he comes back with a SUPERKICK!

Hashi runs, and LARIATS ELP inside out!! Fans fire up with Hashi and he drags ELP up. CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! Cover, Hashi wins!!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ELP earns 0)

The old dog busts out a new trick! Will this be yet another resurgence for Yoshi-Hashi? As for ELP, that was a rough way to lose in the first round, will he be able to rebound?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Chase Owens VS Gabe Kidd!

We may have seen Bullet Club VS Bullet Club before, but this is a new flavor all its own. Will the Crown Jewel show the new kid a thing or two? Or will this War Dog show Chase how savage he really is?

Wait, Kidd rushes out and CLOBBERS Chase on stage, with a chair! Kidd taunts the fans, then SMACKS Chase with the chair on the back! Kidd continues to taunt the fans as they boo, and the ref runs up to reprimand Kidd. Kidd stands Chase up to ROCK him with a forearm, and HEADBUTT him! Kidd reels Chase in, and wants to throw him off the stage! Chase fights up but Kidd CLUBS him down! And BITES his head! Kidd UPPERCUTS Chase and he goes tumbling down the ramp! Kidd stalks Chase all the way down, then ROCKS him with another shot! Fans boo but Kidd brings Chase up and headlocks.

Kidd brings Chase further along and HEADBUTTS him again! But Chase throws shots in return! Kidd UPPERCUTS Chase again! Kidd brings Chase around and through the gate to CHOKE him against the railing in front of the fans! And then Kidd pulls those railings apart! Kidd then snatches chairs and throws those around, and brings Chase over to SMACK him off other chairs! He even uses a fan’s umbrella to SMACK Chase, and CHOKE him! The ref reprimands, Kidd lets off, this isn’t even a match yet! Kidd brings Chase around to the other side of the aisle, rips those railings apart, and smacks Chase off those chairs!

Fans move aside and Young Lions help, and Chase fights back! Kidd ROCKS Chase, brings him around to yet another section and HEADBUTTS Chase down! Kidd then DECKS a Young Lion! And another! And another! Kidd has gone past savage and is just crazy! The ref makes him go to the ringside area, but then Kidd runs past to go back up the ramp! And then Kidd runs down the ramp to FLY!! And he takes out Chase and the Young Lions!! Fans are thunderous and the ref checks everyone. Kidd is up and he shakes the railing apart! Kidd then chases Chase to ringside, and claws his face!

Chase staggers away, and Kidd ROCKS him! Kidd headlocks to bring Chase around, and UPPERCUTS him down! Kidd tells English commentary, “You wanna talk? Let’s talk then!” Kidd heard what Chris had to say a few years ago about going out and banging a Japanese woman. Well guess what? Kidd’s gonna find him THREE! Then Kidd goes back to firing shots on Chase! And he tells commentary to shut up. Fans rally for Chase as Kidd puts him in the ring, and then Kidd flips them all off. Fans boo and Kidd goes into the ring. The bell finally rings, and this is finally a match! And Chase BOOTS Kidd down!

Fans rally as Chase finally has a chance to rest. Chase goes to ropes, drags himself up, and he watches Kidd flounder to the other side. Chase runs in and CLOBBERS Kidd! And again! Chase whips, Kidd reverses and runs in but Chase BOOTS him! And then CORNER BACK SUPLEX, to a SAIDO! Fans fire up with Chase and he hauls Kidd up. Chase tucks Kidd in, but Kidd powers out to swing. Chase ducks the lariat but Kidd elbows back. Chase RAMS Kidd into a corner, then LARIATS him down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Chase paces around. Chase locks ‘n’ loads, aims and runs in, but Kidd dodges!

Kidd runs, Chase dodges! Kidd dodges! Chase dodges! Kidd dodges! And then Kidd CLOBBERS Chase! Kidd drags Chase up to a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Chase survives and Kidd is furious! Kidd glares at Chase while the fans rally up. Kidd stalks Chase to ropes, throws forearms, and Chase sits down. Kidd kicks Chase around, taunts him, and even SPITS on him! Kidd digs his boots in and shouts, “What’re you gonna do?!” The ref counts, Kidd lets off, and Chase stands. Chase CHOPS Kidd, Kidd ROCKS Chase! Kidd puts Chase up top, CHOPS him, and then climbs up after him. Kidd wants to bite again, but Chase slips out and under!

Chase trips Kidd! Kidd staggers, Chase BOOTS him! Kidd CHOPS, but Chase SUPERKICKS! Kidd rebounds, but Chase ducks the lariat to HALF ‘N’ HALF! And C-TRIGGER! And then the tuck and PACKAGE DRIVER!! Cover, CHASE WINS!!

Winner: Chase Owens, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kidd earns 0)

Gabe Kidd gave his Bullet Club senpai one hell of a shootout, but in the end, you can’t steal one from the Crown Jewel. Chase gives Kidd a Too Sweet after all, so is all good in the Bullet Club main branch?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Tanga Loa w/ Jado VS KENTA!

The Silverback is back, and he wants his turn at revenge against Bullet Club! But will he be able to break the Fang Revived? Or will Kenta make him #GoToSleep?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. They slowly circle, approach, and tie up. Loa powers Kenta to ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Fans applaud the clean break, and Kenta circles with Loa again. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Loa uses size to power Kenta back. They end up against ropes again, but Kenta turns it around. Loa turns it back, and they go around and around again. The ref counts as Loa has Kenta in the corner. Loa lets off, and the fans applaud. They circle again, but Kenta bails out. Kenta takes a moment but the fans rally up. Kenta comes back, tells fans to shut up, then steps inside.

Loa and Kenta circle again, and Kenta kicks the bad leg! Kenta headlocks, but Loa throws body shots. Loa powers out, they RAM shoulders, but Loa stays up. Fans rally, Kenta runs and RAMS Loa again, but Loa is still standing! Loa grins and applauds, and he eggs Kenta on. Kenta kicks the bad leg! Kenta runs, but Loa runs him over! Fans cheer and Kenta bails out again. Loa goes out after him this time, and Loa CLUBS Kenta on the back! Kenta staggers but Loa CLUBS him again. Loa keeps after Kenta and ROCKS him in front of English commentary. Loa smothers Kenta with a mic, then pushes him into the ring.

Kenta crawls away but Loa catches him first! Loa drags Kenta up, RAMS him against the ropes, and again! And again! The ref reprimands, Loa lets off and whips Kenta to ropes. Kenta holds ropes and bails out. Loa rushes out, Kenta slides in, then slides out to get the bad leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Loa falls to the floor and scrambles away! The ref checks Loa while Kenta paces. Kenta stomps Loa, and again, and then drags Loa up. Kenta puts the bad leg around the railing! Kenta traps the leg, and then DROPKICKS it! The ref reprimands and Kenta backs off, only to run in and BOOT the railing!

Loa falls over and Kenta stalks him. The ref wants this back in the ring, but Kenta drags Loa up to kick the bad leg again. Loa crawls away, Kenta refreshes the ring count, and Kenta stalks him to the corner. Kenta stomps the bad leg, KICKS it, then paces. Loa drags himself up and pushes Kenta away, but Kenta KICKS Loa in the chest! The count passes 10 of 20 but Kenta puts Loa in at 13. Fans rally and Loa pushes Kenta away. Kenta taunts Loa but Jado coaches him up. Loa sits up, but Kenta stomps the bad leg! Kenta drags Loa up, but Loa throws body shots! And uppercuts! But Kenta SOBATS!

Loa goes to a corner, Kenta runs in, and Kenta blocks Loa’s boot! Kenta kicks the bad leg! And puts it in the ropes, to DROPKICK it again! Loa falls over in a heap and Kenta soaks up the heat. Kenta mocks those booing him, then storms over to Loa. Fans rally for Loa as he crawls, but Kenta stalks him. Kenta talks trash on Jado, sits Loa up, and he stomps the bad leg again. Loa clutches the knee but Kenta keeps kicking it! Kenta kicks Loa around, stomps the bad leg, but Loa grits his teeth. Loa glares at Kenta, rises to his feet, and he blocks a kick! Loa throws body shots, UPPERCUTS, and then scoops, to SWINGING SIDE SLAM!

Fans fire up while Loa and Kenta are both down! Loa rises while Kenta rolls to a corner. Loa runs corner to corner and clotheslines! Then he whips Kenta in to clothesline again! And then GERMAN SUPLEX! Loa drags Kenta right up for the BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kenta survives, perhaps Loa’s bomb wasn’t strong enough with the bad leg. Loa drags Kenta back up, reels him in, but then changes up to scoop. Kenta grabs at the ref! They all spin around, the ref goes down, and Kenta slips free to kick low! DDT! Both men are down and Jado checks on the ref. And Kenta sees his opening!

Kenta scrambles out of the ring, looks underneath, and he brings out a chair! Kenta gets back in, takes aim, and JAMS Loa, then SMACKS him! And SMACKS him again! Kenta kicks Loa over and fans boo, but Kenta isolates the leg! Kenta SMASHES the knee!! Fans boo but Kenta says he’ll go again! Another SMASH to the knee!! Fans boo even harder as Kenta kicks Loa down again. Kenta puts the chair on the knee, then goes up the corner! DIVING- NO, Loa moves! Loa avoids disaster, swings on Kenta, but Kenta dodges, only for the SOUTHPAW to hit! Fans fire up as Loa now has Kenta down! Jado gets the ref back in, too!

Loa helps the ref sit up, and he aims at Kenta. Kenta rises, Loa runs in, but Kenta drops! Loa has to hobble to a stop, but he won’t let Kenta deny him. Buti then Kenta cradles! TWO!! Loa gets free but Kenta rolls him! Feet on the ropes! The ref sees that and says NOPE! Fans cheer but Kenta is furious! Kenta corners the ref, Loa runs in, but almost hits the ref! LOW BLOW!! Fireman’s carry, but Loa slips free! Kenta URAKENS, then runs! INTO A SPEAR!! Fans fire up with Loa as he roars! Loa drags Kenta up, scoops him, and goes APE SHIT!!! Cover, Loa wins!

Winner: Tanga Loa, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kenta earns 0)

Now that’s how you return to action! Loa pins the DEFY Wrestling Champion and earns himself those crucial first points! Will this be the year the Silverback becomes an alpha male?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Shota Umino VS Ren Narita!

Two young upstart stars clash to start off this year’s G1! Will the Roughneck continue to bring about the Paradigm Shift in NJPW? Or will Narita show us all why he’s the Son of Strong Style?

Shota may be a student of Jon Moxley, but taking off his elaborate entrance attire is rather Naito of him. Narita is patient, though, as a student of Katsuyori Shibata and Minoru Suzuki. The bell rings and the two rush in! Narita BOOTS Shota, but Shota’s right up to CLOBBER Narita! They stare down face to face and fans fire up. Shota throws a forearm, Narita gives it back! Shota throws another, and so does Narita! They go back and forth, faster and faster, and the fans rally up with every shot. Things keep going faster and faster, and then Shota eggs Narita on! Narita fires off a flurry, then eggs Shota on. Shota stares Narita down, then fires heavy shots!

Narita comes back with another forearm of his own, and he eggs Shota on. Shota throws a shot, Narita shakes his head. Narita throws a shot, and Shota scowls. Shota winds way back to throw a forearm! Narita shakes his head and fires another. Shota fires another, Narita fires another, and then Shota throws a flurry! Narita fires a strike fest! Shota wobbles, Narita stomps him into the corner! Narita rains down forearms and stomps but the ref counts. Narita runs but Shota follows fast to ELBOW! Shota fires off a flurry now, and even some UPPERCUTS! The ref reprimands, Shota lets off and runs, but Narita follows to BOOT!

But Shota stays up and shoves Narita! So Narita UPPERCUTS Shota off his feet! Fans fire up while Shota goes to the corner. Narita storms up to dig his boot in. The ref counts, but Narita just adds more pressure! The ref reprimands, counts, and Narita finally lets off. Fans cheer the intensity and Narita drags Shota up. Narita CLUBS Shota on the neck, CLUBS him again, then whips him to ropes. Shota holds ropes, dodges Narita and arm-drags! And elbows! And basement dropkicks! Fans fire up with Shota, and then he dusts himself off. Shota paces around, stomps Narita, and brings him up with a cravat.

Narita endures the neck wrench, but then Shota CLUBS him down. Shota kicks Narita around and eggs him on. Shota whips Narita to a corner but Narita reverses! Narita runs in, into a BOOT! And another boot! Shota runs, into a leg scissor throw! KNEEBAR! Shota endures as Narita has his leg! Shota crawls, drags Narita along, and backstrokes to the ROPEBREAK! Narita gets up to drag Shota from the ropes to reapply the KNEEBAR! Fans rally and duel while Shota endures! Shota reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK again! The ref counts but Narita keeps on the hold until 4.

Narita drags Shota back from ropes again, and has a standing toehold! Shota CHOPS from below but Narita holds on! Narita leans on the hold, then drags Shota around again. Narita steps through to put more pressure on, and then does it again! Shota endures, even as Narita hits another spinning toehold, into the FIGURE FOUR! Fans cheer while Shota endures more! Shota fights to turn things over, but Narita powers him back down! Shota keeps fighting, drags Narita along towards ropes, but Narita pushes up! Shota still reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, but again Narita holds on until 4.

Narita grabs at the legs but Shota kicks at him. Narita lets go, but he stomps Shota! Shota eggs Narita on so Narita stomps him more! And more! Narita drags Shota up but Shota throws forearm after forearm! Narita kicks the bad leg! Narita whips, Shota reverses and scoops to THROW, then run and SLIDING UPPERCUT! Fans fire up as Shota now has control. Shota hobbles over to Narita in the corner. Shota whips Narita corner to corner, runs in and UPPERCUTS! Shota then FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but fans still rally up. Shota goes out and climbs the corner!

Shota reaches the top, Narita stands, and Shota MISSILE DROPKICKS! Then Shota steps through to an STF! Narita endures and reaches out, even as Shota pulls back on the hold! Narita claws at the mat, powers his way forward, and gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Shota holds until 3 as a little payback on Narita. Shota then drags Narita up, clinches, but Narita resists the lift. Shota snapmares, then throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Shota got that from the BCC! Shota then hauls Narita up, but Narita fights the clinch with elbows! Shota knees low, runs, but into a WHEEL KICK! Fans rally up while both men are down!

Shota crawls to a corner, Narita goes to the opposite. Narita runs corner to corner to BACK ELBOW! And then HALF HATCH BRIDGE! TWO!! Shota escapes but Narita clamps right on with a SLEEPER! Shota fights up, RAMS Narita into buckles, and is free. Shota kicks low, whips Narita but Narita reverses, to hip toss! Narita then brings Shota up, clinches, but Shota slips free! CROSS RHODES! Shota holds on to drag Narita back up, another CROSS RHODES! Shota drags Narita up again, hooks a leg, SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO!! Narita survives and Shota is shocked! But Shota hurries to a corner as fans rally up.

Narita staggers up and Shota runs in, but Narita avoids the swing! Narita knees low! Narita runs, into a scoop! HOTSHOT and UPPERCUT! Shota then slingshots in, ONE FINAL BEAT! Fans fire up after the slingshot DDT and Shota aims again. Narita rises, Shota kicks low and underhooks! But Narita fights Paradigm Shift to EXPLODER! Fans fire up while both men are down again! Shota and Narita stir, Narita stands first and he brings Shota up. Narita hits an BLIZZARD SUPLEX BRIDGE! TWO!!! Fans fire up as Narita clamps on with another SLEEPER! Shota fights up, arm-drags free, but Narita gets the leg!

Narita drags Shota down to a HEEL HOOK! Shota reaches for ropes, but Narita shifts, rolls and has the TEXAS CLOVERHOLD!! Shota endures, fights back up and moves toward ropes! But Narita sits deep! Shota still powers his way to the ROPEBREAK! Narita lets go in frustration but the fans rally up. Narita calls his shot and drags Shota up. Shota fights the Belly2Belly! Narita BOOTS Shota, but Shota stays standing! Shota shakes his head, so Narita BOOTS him again! Shota is still standing, so Narita runs and BOOTS him again! Shota wobbles but he’s still standing! Narita runs, to BOOT Shota down! But Shota’s right back up!?

Shota clinches to EXPLODER! But Narita’s right back up! Narita hits an EXPLODER! Shota roars as he rises! Shota dodges a boot to GERMAN SUPLEX! But Narita’s right up to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans are thunderous as both men rise again! Shota staggers around, Narita storms up, both men DECK the other with a palm strike! Fans are thunderous again as they duel for these young stars! Shota and Narita each crawl to the other. Shota throws a forearm, but Narita throws it back! But there’s only THREE MINUTES left in the time limit! Narita throws another forearm! Shota eggs him on!

The two stand, fans fire up again and the forearms go back and forth! Shota UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS! Narita fires a strike fest and UPPERCUTS! Shota forearms, back elbows, then boxing elbows! Shota spins, into a kick! And ENZIGURI! Narita roars, runs, but Shota DROPKICKS! Fans keep rallying as Shota stalks Narita to a corner. Two minute warning, and Shota hits a TORNADO DDT! Shota aims from the corner as Narita rises! Shota runs in, IGNITION!! Cover off the swinging neckbreaker, TWO?!?! Narita survives but Shota won’t stop there! He drags Narita up and picks him up! ELEVATED DEATH RIDER!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Narita survives again and no one can believe it! But Shota won’t stop here! We hit the LAST MINUTE, and Shota underhooks! But Narita slips out to COBRA TWIST! Shota fights to get free but Narita just clamps on tighter! We’re at THIRTY SECONDS! Shota reaches out, Narita shifts, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Fans are thunderous as the seconds tick away! Narita hurries as we hit TEN! Clinch and- NO, Shota fights it! POP-UP UPPERCUT!! TIME’S UP!!!!

Time Limit Draw, both men gain 1 point

How long has it been since there was a DRAW in the G1? This match could not only make the difference in both men’s first run, but this could have just solidified the future of NJPW! Will we see Narita and Shota fight again and again in the coming years?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Great-O-Khan!

The Rainmaker is a former G1 Climax Champion, and he’s currently NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champion. Meanwhile, The Dominator is still Rev-Pro Wrestling’s British Heavyweight Champion. But only one can start off their G1 with a win, so will Okada make it rain? Or will Khan conquer the leader of Chaos for The United Empire?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up for “O-KA-DA!” but Khan corners him. The ref has Khan back away and Khan eggs Okada on. They tie up, Khan gets a leg and then a waistlock but Okada counters with a facelock. Khan pushes through but Okada avoids the cover. Khan shoots in, Okada sprawls to block but Khan scrambles to the back. Khan pushes Okada back down, cover, TWO! Khan keeps on Okada with a facelock, then shifts to a waistlock and roll. Cover, ONE! Khan wants an armlock but Okada fights it. Khan facelocks but Okada fights to his feet, only for Khan to throw him down. Cover, ONE!

Okada keeps on Khan now with a waistlock. Okada drags Khan up, but Khan swings an elbow. Okada ducks it to back drop! And sits on the cover, TWO!! Khan escapes and fans fire up! Okada eggs Khan on, Khan rushes back in and tackles Okada! Khan clinches Okada to a HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Okada endures as Khan leans his weight on the hold! Fans rally, Okada moves around and reaches out, but Khan squeezes tight! Okada’s turning red as Khan puts all his weight into it! Okada gets one last gasp to the ROPEBREAK! Khan lets off, and he then shifts around to a KIMURA! But they’re still in the ropes!

Khan grabs Okada’s leg and adds it to the hold for a modified bow ‘n’ arrow! Okada endures as he’s caught head to toe! Khan lets off to drop knees on the arm, and then SPLASHES the arm! Khan keeps on that arm with an elbow digging into the shoulder. Khan stands on Okada’s shoulder, pulls the arm back, but fans rally as Okada endures. Khan stomps Okada down! Khan drags Okada up, whips him hard into the corner, then turns him around for Mongolian Chops! Fans rally up as Khan sits up on his throne! The ref reprimands, Khan hops down at 4, and he then drags Okada back up.

Khan suplexes Okada high and hard! Cover, TWO! Khan clamps back onto Okada’s arm and traps it with a leg scissor! Khan bends the fingers and twists the wrist, digging his elbow into Okada’s ribs. Okada fights around, but Khan grabs that leg! Okada fights around to get the ROPEBREAK after all! Khan lets go quickly and looms over Okada. Khan kicks Okada around, CLUBS him, and CLUBS him again! Khan stands Okada up but Okada ROCKS Khan with a forearm! And again! Khan eggs Okada on so Okada throws another forearm! Khan ROCKS Okada in return! Khan whips, Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Khan!

Fans rally as Okada rises again. Okada runs in to rally with forearms and elbows! Okada whips, Khan reverses but Okada kicks low and DDTs! Fans rally up, Okada drags Khan up, but Khan grabs an ear! And CLUBS it! Khan runs, but into Okada’s FLAPJACK! Cover, TWO! Okada drags Khan up by his arm and paces around. Okada wrenches and wraps Khan up in the MONEY CLIP! Khan powers Okada back but Okada sends Khan into the corner! Okada then puts Khan up top, to DROPKICK him to the floor! Khan tumbles into railing while fans fire up! Okada catches his breath, then goes out to fetch Khan.

Okada drags Khan up, and whips him into railing! Okada then BOOTS Khan! Khan gets caught up but he still falls to the other side! Okada fetches Khan from No Man’s Land and brings him along by his ponytail. Okada uses that to pull Khan onto the railing, and drags him out, DRAPING DDT to the floor! Fans cheer Okada striking like a viper but the ref starts a ring count. Okada paces, brings Khan up at 8 of 20, and puts him in at 12. Fans applaud as Okada steps in to bring Khan up. Okada goes to gut wrench but Khan fights it! Okada CLUBS Khan down, Alabama Lifts, but Khan fights that, too!

Okada knees Khan low, CLUBS him on the back, then UPPERCUTS! Okada runs, dodges Khan’s lariat, but Khan hits a NECKBREAKER DROP on the return! Fans rally while both men are down and crawling to corners. Khan runs in but into a BOOT! Khan comes back, into another BOOT! Okada BOOTS but Khan Mongolian Chops! And again and again and again! Machine Gun Mongolians?! Fans fire up as Okada drops to his knees! Khan then gut wrenches Okada for the suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Khan hauls Okada up. Okada fights the back suplex with elbows, but Khan powers through to ATOMIC DROP! HITSUJIGOROSHI!!

Fans rally as Okada endures the Sheep Killer! Okada throws clubbing shots but Khan thrashes him around! Okada keeps fighting, but Khan drops MARINE! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives but Khan says he’ll finish it now. Khan drags Okada up, reels him in, but Okada fights the suplex! Khan throws body shots, CLUBS Okada then stomps him down! Khan drags Okada up, but Okada shoots around! GERMAN SUPLEX! Okada holds in, brings Khan up, but Khan fights with elbows! Khan runs, into the DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Okada gut wrenches, LANDSLIDE! Okada isn’t done there, he drags Khan back up!

Okada ripcords, but Khan ducks the lariat to IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Okada reaches out, but he’s fading fast! The ref checks on Okada, but Okada gets a second wind! So Khan brings Okada around, ELIMI- NO, Okada fights with elbows! Okada wrenches Khan’s arm, brings him around, but Khan SAYANAGIS in return! Khan holds onto Okada’s wrist to drag him up, IRON CLAW SLEEPER, into F G O!! Cover, TWO!!! Okada survives and fans are thunderous! Khan roars with the monster rage and he clamps the iron claw back on! He drags Okada up, ELIMIN- NO, Okada arm-drags free! Khan rushes back in but Okada avoids the boot!

Okada wristlocks and ripcords but Khan boots the lariat away! Khan reels Okada in, scoops, but Okada slips free! Okada inverted suplexes, but Khan slips free! IRON- NO, Okada ducks the iron fist to ripcord and RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

In the end, Khan wasn’t able to avoid the signature lariat, and Okada has a big win to kick off the G1! Will Okada become a back-to-back G1 Climax Champion?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Yota Tsuji VS Kaito Kiyomiya!

What does the G in G1 stand for? Well, that could be determined right here and now! Will it be GENE 1 for LIJ’s newest recruit? Or will it be GREEN 1 for Pro-Wrestling Noah’s Supernova?

Wait, while Kaito is preening for the NJPW crowd, Tsuji builds speed! Tsuji DIVES onto Kaito and sends him into railing! Fans fire up with Tsuji and the bell rings to get this on record! Tsuji stomps Kaito against railing, then drags him up. Tsuji gets Kaito’s jacket off and puts him in the ring. Fans fire up for Tsuji, this is definitely a NJPW crowd. Tsuji stalks Kaito, stands on his head, and grins as he scrapes Kaito around. Tsuji sits Kaito up, but Kaito swings, into the BACKBREAKER and SLAM, and STOMP! Fans fire up for Tsuji as he stomps a mudhole in the center of the ring! Tsuji eggs Kaito on and Kaito slowly rises.

Tsuji kicks Kaito around, eggs him on, and Kaito stands up. Kaito throws a forearm, but Tsuji gives it back. Kaito throws another forearm, so Tsuji CHOPS him! Tsuji brings Kaito around, suplexes him up, but Kaito slips free to CHOP BLOCK a leg! Kaito runs, but Tsuji scoops him for a BACKBREAKER! Fans rally behind Tsuji as he pushes Kaito to a cover, TWO! Kaito hangs tough, seeing as he is a former GHC Heavyweight Champion. Tsuji keeps smiling and the fans continue to cheer him on. Tsuji brings Kaito up but Kaito CHOPS! Tsuji shrugs that off, though, and eggs Kaito on. So Kaito CHOPS again!

Tsuji eggs Kaito on more, so Kaito CHOPS! Tsuji felt that one! Tsuji BOOTS, but Kaito blocks! DRAGON SCREW! Fans rally as Kaito evens things out. Kaito drags Tsuji around by that leg and drops elbow after elbow on the knee! Kaito then runs to drop a FLASH ELBOW! Kaito drags Tsuij to a corner, and right to the post! Kaito SLAMS the leg into the post! Tsuji flops out to the floor while the ref reprimands Kaito. Kaito kicks Tsuji around, brings him up, and puts him in the ring. Fans cheer as Kaito then steps in, to jumping stomp! Kaito stomps Tsuji more, drags him up, but Tsuji ROCKS him with a forearm!

Kaito goes to a corner, Tsuji runs in but Kaito elbows him! And springboard FLYING FOREARMS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Kaito drags Tsuji around by a leg. Kaito throws knees into the thigh, and then basement dropkicks the leg! Tsuji goes to a corner but Kaito storms up. Kaito gives almost toying stomps in the corner, but Tsuji just grins through it. Kaito slaps Tsuji around but Tsuji stands up. Tsuji goes forehead to forehead with Kaito, then fires off a flurry of forearms! But Kaito DROPKICKS him! Kaito puts the bad leg on the ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Tsuji CLUBS Kaito, but Kaito knees the knee!

Kaito runs side to side, but Tsuji BOOTS him! Kaito comes back, blocks the boot, but Tsuji brings Kaito down, and STOMPS him down! Fans fire up as Tsuji walks off the pain. Kaito stands int he corner, and Tsuji runs in to STINGER SPLASH! Tsuji keeps going, and he ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA!? And then he runs Kaito over! Fans fire up as Tsuji scoops, for the RUNNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Kaito is still in this but fans rally as Tsuji rises. Tsuji waits on Kaito, then he runs, but Kaito dropkicks the leg! Kaito storms up, blocks another boot, and DRAGON SCREWS again!

Kaito steps through, ties up the legs, FIGURE FOUR! Tsuji endures the classic, even as Kaito puts more pressure on. Tsuji pries the hold open, but Kaito fights it back on tighter! Tsuji endures, reaches out, but Kaito pulls on the main leg! Tsuji pries at the hold again, grits his teeth, and works to turn the hold over! He succeeds! But then Kaito turns it back over, only for Tsuji to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, helps undo the hold, and Tsuji is free. Kaito stands and fires up! Fans are torn as Kaito goes to the corner and climbs up. Tsuji stands, Kaito MISSILE DROPKICKS! Kaito keeps on Tsuji by bringing him back up.

Tsuji swings, Kaito gets under, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Tsuji survives but Kaito keeps his cool. Kaito vows to end it now and he brings Tsuji back up. Kaito chicken wings, but Tsuji fights the Tiger Plex! Kaito UPPERCUTS Tsuji in the back! And then chicken wings again, TIGER SUPLEX! But Tsuji lands on his feet?! Kaito storms up to UPPERCUT again and again! Kaito runs, ROLLING ELBOW! Tsuji stays up to ROCK and then HEADBUTT!! Fans are thunderous as both men fall! And Tsuji sits up with a grin! Tsuji’s enjoying this like he did the world title match with Sanada!

Kaito slowly rises and Tsuji brings him around. Tsuji suplexes, Kaito slips free and shoves to DROPKICK again! But Tsuji’s right up to BOOT! SUPERKICK! Tsuji hurries to get Kaito back up, suplexes him, FALCON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Kaito survives but fans are thunderous for Tsuji! Tsuji gets his legs working and he waits on Kaito. Kaito slowly rises, Tsuji runs, CURB STOMP! And then Tsuji roars! Fans fire up again as Tsuji drags Kaito up and hooks him up in the Inverted Gory Especial. But Kaito slips free! RANA! Cover, TWO!! Tsuji escapes, Kaito goes to a corner but runs in, JUMP KNEE!!

Fans fire up and Kaito roars! Kaito hauls Tsuji up, chicken wings, TIGER PLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!?!? Kaito actually smiles, too, because he can’t believe Tsuji escapes! Kaito drags Tsuji up, chicken wings again, and then flips Tsuji for the TIGER DRIVER 23!! Kaito then goes to a corner and waits on Tsuji. Kaito roars, runs in, EVOLVED SHINING WIZARD!! Cover, Kaito wins!!

Winner: Kaito Kiyomiya, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Tsuji earns 0)

Tonight, G stands for green! Kaito gets a truly huge win over Tsuji, will the Next Generation Ace be the first man to win a NOAH Global League/N-1 Victory and a NJPW G1 Climax in his career?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Taichi VS Will Ospreay!

The Holy Emperor is KOPW Champion while the Aerial Assassin is the NEW IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion. It’s another golden battle in B Block, who proves they’re the stronger champion?

The entrance attire and belts are put aside, and the bell rings. The fans rally as the two stare down, and it seems the “Let’s Go, Taichi!” and “Let’s Go, Ospreay!” are evenly matched. Taichi and Ospreay circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. They break and stare down again. Taichi CHOPS! Ospreay applauds, then ROCKS Taichi with a forearm! Taichi CHOPS again, so Ospreay fires another forearm! Another CHOP, another forearm! Taichi kicks a leg, Ospreay runs to forearm again! Taichi rebounds to BOOT! Ospreay rebounds to forearm! Taichi rebounds to BOOT, kicks but Ospreay blocks! Ospreay CLUBS the leg but Taichi ducks the heel kick!

Taichi SOBATS Ospreay, runs and BOOTS Ospreay right out of the ring! Ospreay gets right up but Taichi BOOTS him back down! Fans rally while Ospreay steadies himself at the ramp. Taichi goes out after him but Ospreay knees low! Ospreay CLUBS Taichi, whips him hard into railing, and then brings Taichi around. But Taichi blocks the chip to choke grip! Ospreay headbutts free, and then whips Taichi into railing hard! Taichi tumbles up and over! Ospreay goes out after Taichi, drags him up, and runs him to the back section. Ospreay stomps Taichi around, brings him up, and ROCKS him! Taichi takes a seat in the open chairs.

Ospreay drags Taichi up, Young Lions have fans move, and Ospreay BOWLS Taichi into the chairs! Strike! Ospreay then moves chairs aside to drags Taichi back up. Ospreay ROCKS Taichi, Taichi leans against the railing and almost brings it down. Ospreay drags Taichi up again, to DDT to the floor! Taichi writhes and Red Shoes reprimands but fans rally up. Ospreay leaves Taichi behind, fans rally for “TAICHI! TAICHI!” and a ring count starts. Taichi stirs at 4 of 20, sits up at 6, and drags himself up at 10. Taichi hobbles his way back to ringside, and slides in at 16. But Ospreay springboards, COAST2COAST!

Ospreay drags Taichi out to the apron, for a DRAPING CUTTER to the floor! Ospreay gloats and fans cheer while Red Shoes checks Taichi. Ospreay waits on Taichi to get back up, but the ring count climbs. The count is 10 of 20 as Ospreay eggs Taichi on. Ospreay rolls into the ring, Taichi sits up at 14. Taichi drags himself up at 17, and slides in at 19! Fans cheer but Ospreay is aimed and ready again. Ospreay springboards in, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives but Ospreay drags Taichi up. Ospreay whips corner to corner but Taichi falls over before he makes it. Ospreay taunts the fans, ‘This your boy?”

Ospreay goes out, checks the time and it’s just been six-and-a-half minutes. Ospreay promises that with this 20 minute time limit, Taichi is gonna suffer. Ospreay taunts Taichi, tells him to fight for the fans, and then kicks Taichi in the back! Ospreay stomps Taichi around, eggs him on more, and drags him up. Ospreay scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Taichi is hanging tough but Ospreay drags him up. Ospreay scoops for the SPIN OUT BACKBREAKER! Taichi writhes, Ospreay covers, TWO! Ospreay is annoyed but he did say he’ll make Taichi suffer. Fans rally for Taichi but Ospreay shows off with jumping jacks.

Ospreay kicks Taichi around and Taichi sits up. Ospreay drags Taichi up to ROCK him with a forearm! Taichi CHOPS, but Ospreay doesn’t budge. Taichi CHOPS again, but he still doesn’t have much. Taichi kicks, but Ospreay slaps him around. Taichi CHOPS again, but Ospreay DECKS him with a forearm! Ospreay looms over Taichi at the ropes, eggs him on again, and tells him time to wake up. Ospreay whips corner to corner but Taichi reverses! Taichi runs in but into a BOOT! Ospreay whips, but Taichi reverses, only for Ospreay to handspring! Into a SAIDO- NO, Ospreay lands on his feet! And PENALTY KICKS Taichi down!

Fans rally as Ospreay drags Taichi up. Ospreay suplexes, holds him up, and hits a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Taichi is still in this and fans rally up. Ospreay grins, he knows they’re not even at ten minutes yet. Taichi stirs as fans continue to rally, but Ospreay drags him up. Taichi is dead weight, but Ospreay gets him up and underhooks. Ospreay lifts, but Taichi fights it! Taichi powers out of the underhooks and he Alabama Lifts, only for Ospreay to fight that! Ospreay gives one Kawada Kick, and then CHOPS! Taichi goes to a corner, Ospreay runs in, but Taichi dodges to GAMAN- NO, Ospreay blocks it! And CHOPS Taichi down!

Fans rally while Ospreay leans against ropes. Ospreay shakes out his ear, that gamangiri still made some kinda contact. Ospreay goes to the apron, but he has to sit down! Did that kick rattle him more than he thought? Ospreay tells Red Shoes he can still continue, but he’s careful as he climbs. Ospreay wobbles and he drops to the second rope! Red Shoes checks with Ospreay, but Ospreay tells him to not even dare calling this. Ospreay gets Taichi up, but Taichi SAID- NO, Ospreay fights that to a DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! That much Ospreay can still do, dizzy as he is. Ospreay slaps himself and prepares the elbow.

Ospreay aims from the corner, Taichi sits up, but the inner ear problem is still bothering him. Taichi flops back down, so Ospreay takes a bit more time to steady himself. Ospreay storms up on Taichi, slaps him around and eggs him on. Ospreay gives more Kawada Kicks, but almost mockingly. Taichi stands up to stare Ospreay down, and Ospreay even positions himself for Taichi. So Taichi gives him Kawada Kicks! Ospreay then gives real Kawada Kicks! Taichi wrenches and HOOK KICKS! And off come the pants!! Fans fire up as Taichi aims, but Ospreay blocks the buzzsaw to short arm LARIAT!

Fans rally up as Ospreay staggers around. Ospreay is determined to finish this out, and he waits on Taichi. Taichi rises, Ospreay runs and springboards, OS- NO, Taichi blocks and Alabama Lifts! But Ospreay fights it so Taichi back drops him away! Ospreay lands on his feet, springboards again, OSCUTTER!! Direct hit and fans fire up! Ospreay pushes Taichi to a cover, TWO!! Taichi survives and Ospreay is frustrated, but he gets back to his feet. Ospreay still shakes out the stars going around his head, and he prepares the elbow again. Taichi sits up, Ospreay runs in, but Taichi ducks the Hidden Blade to ENZIGURI!

Fans fire up as we hit 15 minutes! Ospreay elbows the gamangiri away, to HIDDEN BLADE!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Taichi survives by a miscalculation on Ospreay’s part! Ospreay refocuses, brings Taichi up and underhooks, Canadian Rack for- NO, Taichi slips free and O’Conner Rolls, into GEDO CLUTCH!! TWO!!! Ospreay escapes but Taichi hurries! Ospreay blocks the lariat to HOOK KICK! But Taichi still AX BOMBERS! Ospreay stays up to ROLLING ELBOW! Taichi falls and Ospreay shakes out the stars again. Ospreay calls his shot, fans rally up, and Ospreay goes up the corner! SUPER- NO, Taichi CLUBs him first!

Taichi goes up after Ospreay but Ospreay CLUBS away on Taichi! Taichi CLUBS Ospreay in return, throwing down ridge hands! Taichi brings Ospreay up to SUPER DANGEROUS SAIDO!!! Fans are thunderous and Taichi rises! Taichi runs, AX BOMBER!! But he isn’t done there! We’re at three minutes left, SAIDO BRIDGE!! TWO!!! Fans are thunderous again as Taichi roars and brings Ospreay up! Alabama Lift, but Ospreay slips free to steal DANGEROUS SAIDO! HIDDEN- SUPERKICK!!! Taichi hits first, then Alabama Lifts, for BLACK MEPHISTO!!! Cover, TAICHI WINS!!

Winner: Taichi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Ospreay earns 0)

The entire arena is fired up as the KOPW Champion trumps the IWGP US Champion! Will Taichi look to take Ospreay’s title after the G1 Climax?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: SANADA VS Hikuleo w/ Jado!

Speaking of champions, the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion naturally gets the main event. Will the Cold Skull prove his dominance, even against this giant Guerrilla of Destiny? Or will Hikuleo get the biggest win of his career?

The bell rings and Hiku BOOTS Sanada down! Hiku whips Sanada to ropes but Sanada holds ropes. Sanada then baits Hiku in, O’Conner Bridge! TWO!! Hiku gets free, CHOPS Sanada, and Sanada drops to his knees. Hiku drags Sanada up and brings him around, to RAM him into a corner! Sanada flops out of the ring, Hiku goes out after him, and drags Sanada up. Hiku RAMS Sanada into the apron! Sanada sits down, but Hiku stands Sanada up to CHOP him! And CHOP him again! Sanada staggers away and Hiku says one more! Hiku brings Sanada around, and CHOPS him again! Fans rally as Hiku then scoops Sanada and carries him around!

Hiku aims, but Sanada slips free and POSTS Hiku first! Then RAMS him into railing! Sanada paces while fans rally up. Red Shoes says to get this in the ring but Sanada drags Hiku up to bring him around, and whip him, only for Hiku to reverse! Sanada hits railing hard and tumbles over! A ring count starts, Hiku storms out to fetch Sanada, and brings him up at 11 of 20. They go back to ringside, Hiku puts Sanada in at 14. Fans applaud and Hiku steps in. Hiku CHOPS Sanada and Sanada goes to a corner. Hiku storms up to whip corner to corner, run in, but Sanada dodges! Sanada comes back, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Hiku back drops him away! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally more and Hiku drags Sanada up. Hiku suplexes Sanada but Sanada slips free! Sanada dodges the elbow to dropkick the leg! Hiku stays up so Sanada DROPKICKS him! Hiku runs back in but Sanada dumps him to the apron! And DROPKICKS him down! Hiku gets up in a rage, but Sanada PLANCHAS him back down! Fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans oblige but Sanada insists they get louder and louder still. The fans chant for “SA-NA-DA!” and that pleases him. Sanada then brings Hiku up, puts him in, and fans applaud. Cover, TWO! Hiku is still in this but Sanada stays cool.

Sanada drags Hiku up, but Hiku’s too big for the fireman’s carry! Hiku CLUBS away on Sanada, then CHOPS him! Sanada goes to a corner, Hiku runs corner to corner, but into an elbow! Sanada QUEBRADA, but Hiku catches him! And SNAKE EYES! Hiku runs to LARIAT! Fans fire up with Hiku and he drags Sanada up. Suplex for a BIG BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but Hiku keeps his cool. Hiku drags Sanada up, fireman’s carries, but Sanada fights free. Sanada then runs in, tilt-o-whirls, and manages to get the dragon sleeper! But Hiku powers through to suplex! Only for Sanada to turn it around and suplex Hiku!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Jado coaches Hiku but Sanada kips up! Sanada goes right up top, to ROUNDING BODY- NO, he has to last out as Hiku moves! Sanada tries another tilt-o-whirl but Hiku blocks it! Only for Sanada to still try the dragon sleeper! Hiku still POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Both men are down and fans rally up. Hiku rises as Jado coaches him. Hiku drags Sanada up, whips, but Sanada clinches! Hiku fights out, shoves Sanada, SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as Hiku clamps on the choke grip! Hiku stands Sanada up, but Sanada kicks free! And SHINING WIZARDS! Cover, TWO!!

Hiku survives and Sanada grits his teeth. Sanada says he’ll finish this now and the fans rally back up. Sanada brings Hiku up and clinches, but Hiku slips free to a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Sanada lands out of it! And RAN- NO! Hiku blocks the rana to get Sanada up! For a LAST RIDE!! High stack, TWO!?!? Sanada survives but Jado calls the shot! Hiku drags Sanada up with the choke grip as we pass 10 minutes. GIANT CHOKE- NO, Sanada fights free! Clinch and DEADFALL!! Cover, Sanada wins!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Hikuleo earns 0)

The victory quite truly slips through Hikuleo’s fingers, but this is the difference between him and the world champion! Will the young star rebound in the next round?

As for Sanada, he goes out to get the mic to walk ‘n’ talk. “People of Sapporo… Just5Guys just won both the semifinal and main events tonight. And since we’re here, why don’t we call out the hometown boy to help wrap this up?” The fans cheer, and Sanada feels a “Taichi!” chant should do it. The fans chant for Taichi, and he appears! Sanada doesn’t see him yet, and wonders if “Taichi-nii” would’ve worked better. The fans join in on that, and Taichi hustles into the ring. Fans cheer as the KOPW and World Heavyweight Champs stand together.

Sanada brings up how, at the press conference, Taichi said he’d do both wrestling and YouTube. “Maybe the fans here can convince you to do a livestream?” The fans do like the sound of that! They now chant “LIVESTREAM! LIVESTREAM!” Sanada hands over the mic so Taichi can respond. “It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten a hometown win. Like Sana-nii said, I aim to succeed at pro-wrestling and YouTube. I want to be someone Hokkaido can be proud of.” Fans also like the sound of that. He wants people to say to him, “Keep repping Hokkaido well!” And if they don’t approve of how he represents them, please like and subscribe anyway.

Fans have a good laugh, and Taichi promises that they will do a livestream after this. Fans cheer that, and Sanada says before that, let’s do “that thing.” The lights go down, the fans use their phones to make the stars come out, and Sanada says, “You all know this. Let’s keep it simple. From all of Japan, I think Sappara-” Oh, oops. Wrong vowel. Fans boo and Taichi turns to leave! Sanada apologizes and asks for a second chance. Taichi says okay, and the fans chant “MO IKAI! MO IKAI!” Sanada says, “From all of Japan, I think I like Sapporo the best.” Fans cheer the correct name, and Sanada says, “OI, SAPPORO! See you next time.”

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion and KOPW Champion stand tall as Just5Guys takes the night! Will they soon take over both blocks and guarantee this becomes the J5G1 Climax?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Sanada: 1-0, 2 points
Kaito Kiyomiya: 1-0, 2 points
Chase Owens: 1-0, 2 points
Ren Narita: 0-0-1, 1 point
Shota Umino: 0-0-1, 1 point
Yota Tsuji: 0-1, 0 points
Hikuleo: 0-1, 0 points
Gabe Kidd: 0-1, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Kazuchika Okada: 1-0, 2 points
Taichi: 1-0, 2 points
YOSHI-HASHI: 1-0, 2 points
Tanga Loa: 1-0, 2 points
Will Ospreay: 0-1, 0 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-1, 0 points
Kenta: 0-1, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great start to this year’s G1, and with just two of the four blocks! Hashi getting the opening win was rather surprising, but I suppose ELP can’t pin a tag champ when he doesn’t have a tag partner right now. Kidd going after Chase that hard was also a surprise, but great comeback win from Chase. Great return win from Loa, and I love that they went with a time limit draw for Narita and Shota. Those two really are going to be the future of NJPW and perhaps even wrestling in general if they travel to NJPW’s partners like AEW. And of course Okada wins, but Khan had a great showing all the same.

Tsuji VS Kaito was a great match, but I’m rather surprised Kaito won. Tsuji has been impressive but he hasn’t really gotten that definitive singles win. And as I said, Kaito is going to make a run at the semifinals, teasing the history of being an N-1 and G1 winner in his career. He probably won’t do it, but that’s still something to tease. Honestly, it feels like they could give us Kaito as the A Block winner and Okada as the B Block winner so that they meet in the semifinals to have out their feud.

Great move for the Just5Guys members to both win tonight. Though honestly, Taichi VS Ospreay was the better match. Sapporo gets to cheer their hometown guy and their general favorite, but neither guy really needs to win the G1. Taichi can easily feud with Ospreay between their two titles, the KOPW and the US, and Sanada being THE champion, he of course faces whoever has the G1 Climax contract. Can’t wait to see how C and D Blocks start off tomorrow.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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