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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 33 Results & Report! (7/21/23)

A & B, round 3!



Cold Skull VS Gene Blast, THE REMATCH!

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is on a roll going into round three, will Sanada go 3-0? Or will Yota Tsuji avenge his loss at Dominion?


  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: YOSHI-HASHI VS Tanga Loa; Hashi wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Ren Narita VS Gabe Kidd; Gabe wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Great-O-Khan VS El Phantasmo; Khan wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Hikuleo VS Chase Owens; Chase wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Will Ospreay VS KENTA; Ospreay wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: Shota Umino VS Kaito Kiyomiya; Time Limit Draw.
  • G1 Climax 33, B Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Taichi; Okada wins.
  • G1 Climax 33, A Block: SANADA VS Yota Tsuji; Sanada wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

Sanada: 2-0, 4 points
Kaito Kiyomiya: 2-0, 4 points
Chase Owens: 1-1, 2 points
Ren Narita: 0-0-2, 2 points
Shota Umino: 0-1-1, 1 point
Yota Tsuji: 0-1-1, 1 point
Gabe Kidd: 1-1, 2 points
Hikuleo: 0-2, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings.

Kazuchika Okada: 2-0, 4 points
Taichi: 2-0, 4 points
Will Ospreay: 1-1, 2 points
YOSHI-HASHI: 1-1, 2 points
Tanga Loa: 1-1, 2 points
Kenta: 1-1, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-2, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-2, 0 points


G1 Climax 33, B Block: YOSHI-HASHI VS Tanga Loa w/ Jado!

The Head Hunter and Silverback have each broken even so far, but someone’s going to #TurnItAllAround! So will it be Hashi or Loa who manages to #GetBackUp?

The bell rings and Hashi SUPERKICKS! And rolls Loa up! Bridging schoolboy, TWO!! But Hashi cradles, TWO! Loa gets up, scoops Hashi, but Hashi slips free! Hashi shoves and dropkicks a leg out! Fans fire up as Hashi takes a moment to catch his breath. Hashi stomps Loa, fans rally up, and Hashi brings Loa up. Loa shoves Hashi away but Hashi CLUBS Loa at the ropes. Hashi CHOPS Loa to a corner, stomps him, then pulls his shirt off! Fans cheer but Loa ROCKS Hashi! Hashi ROCKS Loa, but Loa ROCKS Hashi! Loa fires another forearm, and another, but Hashi CHOPS! And CHOPS again!

Loa snarls and Hashi CHOPS again! Hashi fires a forearm, CHOPS Loa to the corner, and fans fire up while Loa grits his teeth. Hashi forearms, whips corner to corner, but Loa comes back to run Hashi over! Fans fire up again as Loa paces. Loa drops a leg on Hashi, covers, TWO! Hashi hangs tough but Loa looms over him. Loa CLUBS Hashi down, then stalks him to ropes. Loa stands Hashi up, CLUBS him again, and Hashi goes to the apron. Loa drags him back in to stomp him at the ropes! The ref counts, Loa lets off, and Loa drags Hashi back up. Hashi throws body shots! And a CHOP! But Loa throws a forearm!

Hashi throws a forearm and a chop, but Loa back hands, UPPERCUTS, and repeat! Fans fire up as Loa backs Hashi to a corner, then CHOPS him down! Loa paces to walk off the stinging in his chest, and then he brings Hashi back up. Loa whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Hashi sends him into buckles! Mule kick! Turn and NECKBREAKER! Fans rally while both men are down! Loa goes to a corner, Hashi goes to the opposite. Hashi runs in corner to corner to clothesline! And whips, to CHOP Loa, then mule kick! Buckle bump and DOUBLE CHOP! Fans fire up as Loa falls over!

Hashi goes up the corner and climbs to the top! Fans rally as Loa rises, and Hashi FLYING BLOCKBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Loa is still in this but fans rally behind Hashi. Loa rises, Hashi runs, but Loa swats the lariat! Hashi CHOPS! Hashi reels Loa in, but Loa fights the fisherman! Loa throws body shots, and he suplexes Hashi! Loa holds Hashi up as marches around, and fans fire up for the JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and fans are even more fired up! Jado coaches Loa and the fans rally again. The two crawl for each other, and Loa throws a forearm! Hashi throws one back! So Loa throws another!

Hashi roars and throws another forearm! They stand, and the forearms keep going back and forth! Hashi gets the edge, but Loa roars! Hashi mule kicks! Loa roars again, swings, but misses, and Hashi hits the RUNNING BLOCKBUSTER! Fans rally again as Loa crawls to ropes. Loa goes to the apron, Hashi runs in, but Loa RAMS into Hashi! And slingshots to sunset flip! Hashi rolls through to SUPERKICK! Fans fire up with Hashi, and he drags Loa up. Hashi reels him in, full nelsons, but Loa fights it! Hashi pump handles, but Loa CLUBS Hashi! Hashi CHOPS back! Loa ROCKS Hashi!

The two go back and forth, forearm for forearm, then Hashi fiers off a flurry of shots! Loa just growls and throws forearms of his own! Loa runs, but Hashi gets around to full nelson! DRAGON SUPLEX! Loa staggers up, Hashi runs and LARIATS! Fans fire up as Loa stands right back up! They DOUBLE LARIAT, but neither falls! DOUBLE LARIAT again, yet neither falls! Both men roar, DOUBLE LARIAT and Hashi falls! Loa runs, but into an ELBOW! Hashi runs, but into a SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and fans are thunderous! Jado rallies for Loa and the fans rally up again as Loa stands.

Loa brings Hashi up, scoops him, but Hashi shifts to a SLEEPER! Loa reaches out, moves around, throws elbows, and is free! But Hashi dodges the lariat, only for the SOUTHPAW to hit! Fans fire up and Loa rises again. Loa fires himself up, and he goes to the corner! Loa climbs up to the top rope?! For a DIVING HEADBUTT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Hashi survives and fans are thunderous again! Loa looks to Jado and Jado says to go Ape Shit! Loa drags Hashi up, scoops him, but Hashi fights around! CRUCIFIX DRIVER!! AKA, Itadakikari (Easy Pickings)! Cover, HASHI WINS!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Loa earns 0)

This new powerful finisher of Hashi’s does it again! Will it help him make the rest of the G1 easy pickings?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Ren Narita VS Gabe Kidd!

It has been two matches and two time limit draws for the Son of Strong Style, and that still has him even with the 1-1 War Dog Kidd. Will he finally get a solid win or take a hard loss in the third?

Wait, Narita’s Strong Style Senses are tingling. He turns around and sees Gabe sneaking up on him! Gabe knows he’s in trouble now, but he still rushes in! Narita dodges the chair shot to fire off forearms and UPPERCUTS Gabe down! Fans fire up as Narita leaves Gabe behind to then grab a mic! “OI, GABE! Beat me in the ring!” Fans cheer that and Gabe gets mad. Gabe rushes in, the two RAM shoulders and fire forearms, and now the bell rings! Fans fire up as the shots go back and forth! Then Gabe BITES Narita’s forehead! Fans boo, Gabe flips them off, and then he whips Narita corner to corner to clothesline!

Gabe flips fans off again, runs, but Narita follows to BOOT him in the corner! Narita whips corner to corner, Gabe reverses, but Narita comes back to BOOT him down! Gabe gets up to CHOP! Gabe headlocks, but Narita powers out to headlock back. But Gabe uses that to SAIDO! But Narita’s right up!? To GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as both men flounder to opposite sides. Fans fire up as Narita storms up on Gabe. But Gabe powers Narita to ropes! Narita turns it around, the ref counts, and Gabe suplexes Narita and himself out of the ring!! Fans fire up and the ref checks both men. They’re somehow okay to continue, and Narita drags himself up.

Fans fire up as Narita roars! But Gabe throws body shots and forearms! Gabe whips, Narita reverses and Gabe hits railing! Then Narita BOOTS him over the railing! The ref checks Gabe again but he’s okay to continue. Narita shakes out the stars while the ring count starts. Narita fetches Gabe from No Man’s Land, and brings him back to ringside at 9 of 20. Narita puts Gabe in at 10 and fans cheer. Narita fires himself back up, but Gabe unties a buckle pad! Narita storms over but Gabe SMACKS him off bare steel! The ref checks Narita now and Gabe flips off booing fans. The ref tries to fix the buckle pad but Gabe stops him!

Gabe laughs as he SMACKS Narita off the buckle again and again! Gabe shoves Narita down but the ref refuses to count! Gabe gets mad and gets in the ref’s face! Fans boo, Gabe just flips them off again. Fans rally for “NA-RI-TA!” but Gabe drags him up. Gabe talks trash, and he CHOPS Narita! Narita sputters and Gabe gives him scuffing kicks. Gabe then CHOPS Narita again! Narita shakes his head, so Gabe CHOPS again! Gabe eggs Narita on, CHOPS him, but Narita CHOPS back! And again! And again! Narita fires up to CHOP again! Gable CHOPS back, Narita CHOPS, it’s a CHOP fight! Fans cheer with every CHOP!

Narita gets the edge as he CHOPS Gabe to a corner! And then he gives more CHOPS until Gabe falls! Narita stands on Gabe but the ref counts. Narita steps off, brings Gabe up, but Gabe BITES Narita again! And ROCKS him with a right! Narita gets around, shoves and WHEEL KICKS! Both men are down and fans fire up! Narita and Gabe go to opposite corners, and Narita runs in to BACK ELBOW! Then he HALF HATCH BRIDGES! Cover, TWO!! Gabe escapes but Narita puts on the SLEEPER! Gabe fights up and around, but Narita puts on a COBRA TWIST! Gabe hip tosses free, but Narita drags him down into a KNEEBAR!!

Gabe endures, CHOPS at Narita, but Narita pulls on the leg harder! Narita then shifts to tie up both legs, and he rolls Gabe into a TEXAS CLOVERHOLD!! Gabe endures, fights his way forward, reaches out, but Narita sits deep! Gabe still powers his way to the ROPEBREAK! Narita lets go in frustration, and he drags Gabe up. Narita clinches but Gabe fights it! Narita shoots around to the COBRA TWIST! But Gabe switches, and shoves Narita at the ref! Narita stops himself in time, but Gabe DOUBLE CHOPS Narita on the back! Then ripcord and SLAP!! Narita flops right over! The ref checks as Narita is in a daze!

Gabe stands on Narita and flips off the fans and they boo. Gabe kicks at Narita, taunts the fans and even calls out Shibata! Guess Gabe doesn’t know Shibata is in Trenton, New Jersey for Death Before Dishonor. That aside, Gabe drags Narita up, and he talks trash, but Narita gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX BRIDGE! ONE!! Gabe LARIATS! Cover, ONE!! Gabe BOOTS Narita, but Narita BOOTS back! And CHOPS! Gabe rebounds, Narita dodges, JUMP STOMP!! Cover, TWO!! Gabe survives but Narita fires back up! Fans are with him as he drags Gabe up. Narita clinches to NORTHERN LIGHTS, and roll through!

Narita has the wrists, drags Gabe up and COBRA TWISTS! Gabe endures, pries free, grabs the ref, and he LOW BLOWS Narita! Then LEG TRAP PILEDRIVERS!! Cover, GABE WINS!!

Winner: Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Narita earns 0)

The Son of Strong Style wasn’t strong enough to avoid Gabe going to such lows! And he continues to call out Shibata! Will this War Dog take the block by any means necessary? Will the Wrestler return to humble him after the G1?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Great-O-Khan VS El Phantasmo!

As surprising as it may seem, the Dominator and the Headbanga are at the bottom of the block! But that means someone is about to be the very bottom! Who avoids going 0-3 in the G1?

The bell rings and Khan rushes in! ELP goes up and over, rolls Khan up, TWO! ELP steps over, La Magistrol! TWO, and ELP reels Khan in, but Khan fights the backslide! Khan spins ELP around to suplex but ELP slips free. Khan kicks low, whips, but ELP sunset flips! TWO and Khan sits on ELP! TWO, and ELP has a ghost pin! TWO and the two separate! Fans fire up as things speed up, and ELP RANAS Khan away! ELP handsprings while Khan bails out and fans fire up again! ELP builds speed, but he has to tumble out as Khan moves. Khan kicks low, and whips ELP! ELP goes up and over the railing!

Khan runs up, ELP ROCKS Khan, then hops up to TORNADO DDT to the floor! Fans fire up while both men are down on the outside! ELP rises, hurries over to Khan, and stands him up to CHOP! And CHOP! ELP then puts Khan in and fans cheer. ELP climbs the ropes as fans rally, and ELP springboards, but FLOPS as Khan moves! Khan hurries up to go after ELP’s shoulder tape! Khan tears that away to clamp on the IRON CLAW! ELP endures, Khan grabs a leg and has a HAFL CRAB HEADSCISSOR! ELP scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Khan drags ELP to a chinlock! Khan digs his elbow in!

Fans rally but Khan hammers ELP’s shoulder! ELP endures as Khan digs his knee in. ELP moves around, Khan facelocks! Khan leans his weight on the hold, but ELP reaches out to a ROPEBREAK! Khan lets off, but kneels on ELP’s neck. The ref counts and Khan steps away. Khan kicks ELP around, fans rally up, and ELP shoves Khan. Khan storms up to ROCK ELP! ELP goes to a corner, Khan drags him up to a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! But Khan clamps on a CROSSFACE! ELP scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Khan keeps on the hold until 4, and pounds the mat in frustration.

Fans rally, Khan and ELP rise, and ELP storms up on Khan. ELP throws a forearm, but Khan shakes that off. Khan Mongolian Chops ELP down! Fans fire up while ELP stands back up. ELP storms up to throw another forearm! Khan feels that one, but he still Mongolian Chops back! ELP falls back down, but he stands back up and shakes his head. Khan eggs him on as he staggers around, and ELP comes back to fire forearm after forearm. Only for Khan to Mongolian Chop again! ELP shakes his head, storms around the ring, and fans rally as he winds up. Khan waits with arms behind his back, and ELP… PURPLE NURPLES!

Fans fire up but the ref reprimands! Wait, is Khan getting stronger from the purple nurples?! And he pries ELP’s hands away, to BITE ELP’s nipple?!?! The ref reprimands and fans go wild as Khan backs ELP into a corner like that! So ELP BITES Khan’s ear! The ref reprimands and counts and both men stop biting. Khan drags ELP up to bump him off buckles, and fans fire up as Khan hops up, to sit on his throne! But ELP slips free to GAMANGIRI! Khan tumbles to the floor! ELP then DIVES to send Khan into railing! Khan hits so hard, he tumbles over the railing! Fans fire up again and ELP goes back into the ring.

Khan rises in No Man’s Land, and fans rally as ELP climbs the ropes! SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY into the front row!! Fans are thunderous while both men are down, and they rally behind “E L P! E L P!” ELP stirs while the ref checks Khan. ELP drags himself up and roars, and the fans fire up again! ELP brings Khan up off the chairs, dumps him over the railing and then puts him back in the ring. ELP climbs the ropes again, to SPRINGBOARD SWANTON, to then LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!! Khan survives and fans fire up again! ELP rallies the fans, and he brings Khan up with the straitjacket!

Khan fights the lift into the torture rack, and ELP’s bad arm gives up! Khan clamps on the IRON CLAW! ELP swings, but into the STO! Cover, TWO! ELP hangs tough and fans rally up. Khan drags ELP into the COBRA CLUTCH! ELP endures, reaches out, and he scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Khan thrashes ELP but still lets off at 4. Khan drags ELP up, whips him corner to corner and clotheslines him in the back! Khan then hoists ELP up to SLAM DUNK off the buckles! Khan runs, into SUDDEN DEATH!! ELP crawls to the cover, TWO!! Khan survives and ELP grits his teeth as he clutches his shoulders while fans fire up again!

ELP drags Khan up to throw a forearm! Khan throws one back! ELP throws another, so Khan throws it back! ELP stands and BUZZSAWS! Then he reels Khan in, tucks the arms, but Khan fights free! IRON CLAW! ELIMIN- NO, ELP slips free but Khan ducks Sudden Death! LARIAT, but ELP stays up! ELP swings, into the IRON CLAW SLEEPER SUPLEX! But he rises again!? ELP LARIATS, but Khan stays up! Khan LARIATS ELP inside-out! Fans fire up and Khan goes back for ELP, but ELP flops out of the ring! ELP saves himself but Khan goes to the apron. Khan aims, runs in, and FLYING BOOTS ELP down!

Khan drags ELP up to scoop and TTD to the floor!! Fans fire up as Khan drags ELP around and into the ring! Khan clamps on the IRON CLAW and drags ELP up! ELIMINATOR BACKBREAKER!! Into HITSUJIGOROSHI!! ELP TAPS, Khan wins!!

Winner: Great-O-Khan, by submission (gains 2 points; ELP earns 0)

The Dominator avoids 0-3, and subjects the Headbanga to that fate! Will ELP be stuck in last place the rest of the G1? Will Khan look to conquer the block for the United Empire?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Chase Owens!

The Guerrillas of Destiny have a grudge against the Bullet Club, and perhaps rightfully so. But it wasn’t like The Crown Jewel pulled the trigger. Will Hikuleo bring himself to break Chase for what someone else did? Or will he hesitate when he has Chase in his sights?

Chase wants Oskar Leube to take his place since he’s bigger, but Oskar says no thanks. Chase reluctantly gets in the ring, the bell rings and fans rally up. Chase wants everyone to hold on, and he throws up the Too Sweet. Hiku says like hell he’s doing that, so Chase pokes him in the forehead with it. Hiku swings on Chase! Chase gets around, waistlocks, but Hiku backs him down into the corner! The ref counts, Hiku taunts Chase with the Too Sweet, then lets off. Chase shoves Hiku and calls him a giant SOB, but then he cowers when Hiku shows haymaker! The ref counts as Hiku smothers Chase in the corner.

Hiku lets off and eggs Chase on. Chase comes back, but Hiku keep shim o the ropes. Chase gets away, shows punch, but reconsiders as Hiku stares him down. Chase kick slow, and tries to scoop! But Hiku’s too big, and he CLUBS Chase! Hiku scoops, Chase slips off and CHOPS! Hiku doesn’t budge so Chase apologizes. Chase dodges a chop, kicks low, but Hiku blocks the whip! Hiku whips Chase to a corner but Chase avoids the elbow to CHOP! Hiku again just scowls and Chase sighs. Hiku TOSSES Chase to a corner but Chase BOOTS back! Only for Hiku to CHOP him off his feet! Fans fire up while Chase is stinging.

Hiku drags Chase up, and RAMS him into buckles! Hiku runs in but Chase dodges! Only for Hiku to BOOT him down! Chase bails out, and he blows snot at Jado! Hiku storms out after Chase, but Chase hurries under the ring! Hiku grabs for him but Chase has gotten away. So Hiku pursues! But Chase SMACKS Hiku with something! The ref was busy with Jado, and couldn’t see it anyway so what’s he call? Chase emerges and he has a wrench in hand! Borrowing an idea from Sho, is he? Chase goes back to stomp Hiku’s arms, then he goes into the ring. The ring count starts while Hiku leans against railing.

Hiku stands at 5 of 20, clutches that arm, and goes up the apron at 13. But Chase WRECKS him with a dropkick! Hiku comes back to choke grip Chase! But Chase SNAPS the fingers! Now Chase is acting like a Villain! Chase goes out after Hiku, and SLAMS the bad hand against the post! Chase stalks Hiku around, asks Yoshinobu for a Too Sweet but he says no thanks. Chase wraps Hiku’s arm around railing! Chase bends the fingers, and makes Hiku Too Sweet him! Then Chase lets go, and he stalks Hiku along the way. Chase wraps Hiku’s arm around post, and YANKS Hiku into the steel! Chase then talks Hiku, and stomps a leg!

Hiku pushes Chase away but Chase puts him in the ring. Chase grabs the bad arm, hammerlocks it with his legs, and SNAP LOCKS it! Hiku writhes but Chase mocks Jado with a flex and pose. Fans rally as Hiku pie faces Chase. But Chase blocks a boot and puts the leg in ropes, to dropkick the leg! Chase wrenches Hiku’s arm to an ELBOW BREAKER! And then he stands on the arm to SHOULDER SNAP it! Chase mocks Hiku calling for the choke slam, then scuffs him. Hiku CHOPS from below! Chase is still stinging, but he kicks Hiku again. Hiku chops but with the bad hand! Chase BOOTS Hiku!

Hiku shakes his head and fans rally up. Hiku chops with the bad hand but Chase BOOTS him again! Chase runs, but Hiku dodges the boot to waistlock! Chase throws elbows, frees himself, but Hiku still runs him over! And ELBOWS him! Chase staggers up, into a scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! Fans fire up and Chase goes to a corner. Hiku runs in to SPLASH! And then scoop for SNAKE EYES! Hiku runs to LARIAT Chase down! Fans fire up and Hiku drags Chase back up. Hiku suplexes for a BRAINBUSTER! Chase writhes, Hiku covers, TWO!! Fans rally and Hiku shakes out the bad arm. Jado coaches Hiku up and Hiku brings Chase around.

Hiku fireman’s carries, but Chase fights free! Hiku swings, Chase dodges and SUPERKICKS! Chase LARIATS Hiku up and out! But Hiku lands on his feet and fires up! But then Chase WRECKS Hiku with a dropkick! Chase puts Hiku in, climbs a corner, but Hiku choke grips! Chase drops down to HOTSHOT the bad arm! Chase hurries in, CROSSFACE!! Chase traps the bad arm but Hiku endures! Fans rally, Hiku moves around, and Jado coaches him to keep fighting. Hiku reaches out and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer as Chase lets off quickly. Chase runs in to C-TRIGGER!! Hiku flops over but Chase brings him up!

Chase traps the arms, but Hiku is so big! Hiku powers up but Chase HAMMERS away on him! Hiku ROCKS Chase with a forearm! Chase LARIATS, Hiku roars but Chase SUPERKICKS! Hiku stays up to UPPERCUT! Chase wobbles, we hit 10 minutes, and Hiku snarls. Chase fires up, but runs into the POWERSLAM! Fans fire up and Hiku clamps on the choke grip! Hiku drags Chase up, but Chase grabs ropes! Hiku drags Chase away anyway, but Chase slips out of the slam! But his leg gives out! Chase gets the kneepad of his bad leg, and he even checks the knee brace. Wait, Chase is taking it off?

Chase SPITS at Hiku!! Hiku storms up, into a KNEE BRACE SHOT!! Schoolboy cover, TWO!!! C-TRIGGER!! High stack cover, CHASE WINS!

Winner: Chase Owens, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Hikuleo earns 0)

Well now Hikuleo has a reason to hate Chase! Chase snatches victory away and Hikuleo is still at the bottom of the block! Will winning the G1 be Chase’s biggest heist yet?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Will Ospreay VS KENTA!

The IWGP United States Champion and the DEFY Wrestling Champion are each just outside the top of the block at 1-1. Will the Aerial Assassin be able to break the Fang Revived? Or will Kenta make Ospreay #GoToSleep?

As Ospreay goes to the corner for his entrance, Kenta attacks him! Fans boo as Kenta beats Ospreay down, but the bell rings to get this on record. Kenta mocks the fans, then stomps Ospreay. Kenta takes Ospreay’s jacket to put it on like he’s the Commonwealth Kingpin! Kenta stomps Ospreay even more, then climbs the corner to mock the rest of Ospreay’s entrance. Kenta hops down, takes off the jacket, and pretends it smells. But Ospreay BOOTS Kenta! And fires off forearms! Ospreay ROCKS Kenta, Kenta ROCKS Ospreay, they fire forearms back and forth! Kenta whips, but Ospreay holds ropes to then dump Kenta out!

Ospreay then PLANCHAS, but Kenta gets clear! Kenta kicks and whips and Ospreay tumbles up and over railing! Kenta goes out after Ospreay in No Man’s Land, then drags Ospreay up. The ref wants this in the ring so Kenta brings Ospreay down the aisle, to whip hard into the railing! Of course, that railing is plastic so it breaks right apart! The ref reprimands, Kenta stomps Ospreay right in front of fans, and then Kenta takes a fan’s phone to take a selfie of himself standing on Ospreay’s head. Kenta then KICKS Ospreay around, and argues with the ref about getting this in the ring. Kenta drags Ospreay along, but still KICKS Ospreay down!

Kenta soaks up the cheers and jeers from the fans, then he brings Ospreay back up. To DDT to the hardwood floor! Ospreay writhes as the ring count starts. Kenta drags Ospreay up at 7 of 20, brings Ospreay over and POSTS him at 10! Kenta puts Ospreay in at 13, argues with the ref again, and he KICKS Ospreay in the back! And KICKS him again! Ospreay grits his teeth and eggs Kenta on, but Kenta gives him another KICK! Kenta stomps Ospreay, drags him up and turns him, NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Kenta covers again, ONE!! The two go forehead to forehead, and Kenta BOOTS Ospreay! Ospreay still grits his teeth.

Kenta BOOTS Ospreay again and Ospreay goes to a corner. Kenta KICKS Ospreay, and KICKS, and KICKS! Ospreay sits up in a daze and Kenta stomps him around. Fans rally up, Ospreay staggers up, and Kenta pushes him around. Ospreay fires a forearm but Kenta knees low! Kenta whips, Ospreay handsprings and NEURALIZERS! Fans fire up as Ospreay starts to shake out the stars. Ospreay goes to the apron and fans rally as he takes aim. PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Kenta is still in this but fans rally behind Ospreay. Ospreay calls his shot but Kenta reels him in! Ospreay elbows free, then CHOPS!

Ospreay runs, but Kenta hits a POWERSLAM! Fans rally while both men are down. Kenta rises, drags Ospreay up, but Ospreay shoves Kenta away. Ospreay runs in but Kenta boots him! Kenta reels Ospreay in, to TORNADO HOTSHOT! Kenta then climbs up, and FLYING LARIATS! Direct hit! Kenta covers, TWO! Fans rally up for Ospreay but Kenta kicks him and puts him on the apron. Kenta stomps Ospreay but the ref backs him off. Kenta drags Ospreay up and through the ropes, but Ospreay slips through to suplex! Kenta lands safe on the apron, and he rakes eyes! Then HOTSHOTS again!

Kenta drags Ospreay out, to DRAPING DDT to the floor! Fans fire up while the ref checks both men. Kenta rises up and into the ring, leaving Ospreay to the ring count. The count reaches 10 of 20 before Ospreay sits up. Kenta wants the count to be faster as Ospreay rises at 15. Ospreay slides in at 19!! But Kenta runs in to JUMPING BOOT in the corner! And then corner to corner again to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Ospreay is down in the drop zone as Kenta climbs! DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!!! Ospreay sputters and flounders but Kenta covers, TWO!!! Ospreay survives but Kenta slashes his throat, determined to end this!

Kenta fireman’s carries, but Ospreay fights free! Kenta boots the haymaker away, but Ospreay swats the discus lariat! Ospreay ROLLING ELBOWS! And ROLLING ELBOWS! Kenta CROSS COUNTERS! Kenta fires off shot after shot after shot! But Ospreay ROCKS and SUPERKICKS and underhooks! But Kenta RAMS Ospreay into the ref! The ref goes down, Kenta DDTS Ospreay down! Kenta sees the ref is down and goes outside. Kenta brings out a kendo stick! Kenta slides in, and he SMACKS Ospreay on the back! And SMACKS him again! And then to the RIBS! And then the NECK! And then the CHEST!

Ospreay writhes and fans boo but Kenta soaks it up. Kenta swings again, but Ospreay blocks! And DECKS Kenta! Ospreay shows his skills with a kendo stick, and fans fire up as Ospreay takes aim. But Kenta LOW BLOWS!! Kenta goes out to grab his Defy Championship, and he aims at Ospreay! BELT SHOT!!! Kenta hides the evidence then goes to get the ref. Kenta covers Ospreay, TWO!?!? Ospreay survives and Kenta is shocked! Kenta waits on Ospreay to rise, drags him up and fireman’s carries, but Ospreay pops free! HOOK KICK! Springboard, but Kenta SLAMS him down! And omoplatas, into GAME OVER!!

Ospreay endures, crawls, reaches out, but Kenta rolls him away from ropes! Ospreay reaches for the other side of the ring, and he BITES Kenta’s wrist! Kenta lets go, Ospreay deadlifts him into a SITOUT POWERBOMB!! Fans are thunderous as Ospreay points to the corner! Ospreay climbs up, to CORKSCREW- NO, Kenta avoids the senton to BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! But Kenta runs to BUSAIKU KNEE against ropes! And then he builds more speed, but Ospreay SUPERKICKS! And HIDDEN BLADE!! Ospreay isn’t done there, he underhooks and Canadian Racks, STORMBREAKER!!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kenta earns 0)

The IWGP US Champion trumps the Defy Champion! The United Empire is strong in the B Block, will they conquer the G1 no matter what?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: Shota Umino VS Kaito Kiyomiya!

The Roughneck has had a rough first couple of rounds. His time limit draw with Narita and his loss to the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion were hard fought matches, will he be able to fight his way to a win? Or will the Supernova continue to turn this into the GREEN 1?

Fans already rally up for “SHO~TA!” but Kaito shrugs that off. The bell rings and fans rally more as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Shota finds a point of leverage to push Kaito back. They end up on ropes, Shota lets off quickly and cleanly, and fans cheer. The two reset, circle, and tie up again. Kaito uses height as his leverage but Shota just powers him back to ropes. Kaito turns things around and he lets off. But Shota fires off forearms! Shota headlocks, Kaito powers up but Shota holds on tight! Kaito pulls hair, Shota thrashes the hold, but Kaito throws forearms. Kaito powers out this time, but Shota runs him over!

Fans cheer and Shota keeps things moving. Kaito hurdles, Shota shoves him, and then follows to RANA! Kaito is right up to headlock and takeover! Shota headscissors, Kaito kips free, and fans cheer as the two stare down. Kaito smirks as he and Shota go forehead to forehead. Shota throws a forearm! And he eggs Kaito on! Fans fire up for that, and Kaito ROCKS Shota in return! Shota walks it off and comes back to ROCK Kaito! Kaito walks that off, to fire another forearm! The forearms go back and forth, fans rally up, and the two just speed up! The shots keep going and going and going and the fans are loving it!

Kaito ROCKS Shota, throws more shots, and Shota goes to ropes! Kaito shakes out the stars, and he whips Shota, but Shota holds ropes! Kaito runs in, Shota dodges then arm-drags! And ELBOWS! Shota runs but Kaito dropkicks the legs out! Fans cheer while Shota bails out. Kaito checks his jaw, then goes out after Shota. Kaito drags Shota up, puts him in the ring, and fans cheer. Shota sits up but Kaito grabs a leg to stomp it, then stomp it again! And then step over to YANK it! Kaito drags Shota up but Shota fires a forearm! Kaito CHOPS, Shota forearms, repeat! Kaito ROCKS Shota again and he wobbles!

Kaito ROCKS Shota more and more with his palm strikes, then whips. Shota reverses to reel Kaito in and wrench, scoop and DROP! Shota then SLIDING UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up with Shota and rally as he stalks Kaito to ropes. Shota whips corner to corner and runs in, to UPPERCUT! Shota then FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Shota keeps his cool. Shota walks around Kaito, drags him up, and clinches, but Kaito fights the lift! Shota KNEES low, UPPERCUTS, then whips Kaito to ropes. But Kaito CLOBBERS Shota! Fans rally while both men are down!

Kaito stands and he stalks Shota. Kaito runs in to forearm and elbow! Then he whips, but Shota reverses. Shota runs into an elbow, and Kaito goes up to FLYING FOREARM! Fans rally again and Kaito goes up the corner. Shota stands, into Kaito’s MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Kaito gets Shota back up, to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Shota survives and Kaito grows frustrated. Kaito stalks Shota, drags him up with chicken wings, but Shota powers him back into buckles! Shota is free, he ROCKS and ELBOWS and boxing elbows, but Kaito ROCKS him back! Kaito runs, into a DROPKICK!

Both men are down and fans fire up again! Shota grits his teeth, goes to the corner and climbs up top. Shota aims as Kaito stands, BLINDSIDE MISSILE DROPKICK! And then dragon sleeper, fisherman, SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO!! Kaito survives but Shota isn’t done yet! Shota aims from the corner now, we pass 10 minutes, and Shota runs in, but Kaito dodges Ignition! Shota returns, Kaito gets around to chicken wing, but Shota arm-drags free! And POP-UP UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up and Shota resets, IGNITION!! Cover, TWO!?! Shota roars as Kaito survives and the fans fire back up!

Shota snarls and he drags Kaito up. Shota reels Kaito in but Kaito KNEES Shota first! Kaito aims from a corner now, and he runs in, but Shota ducks the Shining Wizard!! Shota steps over, STF!! Kaito endures, reaches out, claws at the crossface, but he’s starting to fade! Shota pulls back on the hold, but Kaito gets a second wind! And he crawls forward, only for Shota to pull back even harder! Kaito is fading, but with a third wind, he gets the ROPEBREAK! Shota lets go to go outside! Kaito rises, into the SLINGSHOT DDT!! Fans fire up with Shota and he takes aim again! Kaito rises, Shota runs in, kick and underhooks!

But Kaito powers out to get a leg! DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down and fans fire back up! Shota stirs, crawls to a corner, and Kaito sits up, checking his nose. Shota drags himself up with ropes, Kaito stands on his own. Kaito runs in but he blocks the boots! DRAGON SCREW! Shota hobbles, Kaito drags himself up with ropes now, and Kaito goes up the corner to missile basement dropkick! Shota falls, Kaito stands and basement dropkicks the leg again! And then again! Shota clutches his knee while Kaito stands again. Kaito goes to the corner, climbs back up, and SUPER BASEMENT DROPKICKS the leg!

Fans fire up while Shota writhes away! But Shota’s anger helps him stand up through the pain! Kaito still gets his leg, to DRAGON SCREW again! And step through, to the FIGURE FOUR!! Shota endures the legendary leglock and fans are thunderous as we pass 15 minutes! Shota moves around, tries to turn the hold over, and fans are behind him! Kaito keeps Shota stuck so Shota eggs him on! Kaito puts as much pressure on the hold as he can and Shota grips his own hair. Shota sits up to back stroke his way towards ropes! Shota reaches out, but Kaito drags him back! Kaito thrashes about to put on the pressure!

Shota grips his hair, thrashes about, flails for the ropes, and even grabs at the ref! Kaito puts on pressure by slapping his own knee! But Shota still fights around! The fans keep it up for Shota and he powers his way over! But Kaito drags him away again!! The ref checks on Shota but we’re at the three minute warning! Shota tells the ref he’s not giving in, but how much longer can he suffer?! Kaito pulls way back on the main leg! But then Kaito lets go, knowing Shota won’t ever say die. So Kaito drags Shota up, chicken wings him, and TIGER SUPLEXES!! Bridging cover, TWO!?!? Shota escapes and no one can believe it!

Kaito huffs and puffs as we hit the two minute warning! Kaito drags Shota up, chicken wings again, but Shota fights the lift with clubbing hands! Shota gets free, but Kaito UPPERCUTS! And then chicken wings, TIGER DRIVER- NO, Shota fights it again! Kaito shoves, and JUMP KNEES Shota down!! Kaito fires up, the fans are thunderous, and Kaito tires one more time! TIGER DRIVER 23!!! Cover, TWO!?!? HOW?!?! Fans are thunderous all the same as we hit the LAST minute!! Kaito grits his teeth as he stands back up, and he is determined to end this! Kaito drags Shota up by his hair, runs, EVOLVED- POP-UP DEATH RIDER?!?!

But we’re at 30 SECONDS!! Shota is dazed, he crawls his way over to Kaito, but we’re at TEN SECONDS! Cover, TWO!?!? AND TIME’S UP!!!

Time Limit Draw, both men gain 1 point

For the second time in Shota’s run, the fourth time overall, we have had a DRAW by time limit in this year’s G1 Climax! Just what is in the DNA of these young stars that they can push this hard? And now the way is open, will Sanada stand alone at the top of the block?


G1 Climax 33, B Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Taichi!

The Rainmaker and the Holy Emperor are both champions, and are both at the top of the B Block! But only one can be THE 3-0 leader, who proves themselves the superior?

Fans already really and duel between “Let’s Go, Taichi!” and “O-KA-DA!” The bell rings and fans rally up again. Red Shoes takes a measure of the cheering as the two stare down. Seems pretty even. The two circle, feel things out, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Okada pushes Taichi back to ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, Okada lets off slowly, and he feints chop to pat Taichi’s shoulders. Fans cheer standard Okada formula, and he blocks Taichi’s kick! Gut wrench and SPINNING TOMBSTONE!? Ripcord, DISCUS LARIAT?! Okada then drags Taichi right up, RAIN- NO, Taichi dodges to BOOT! And ROCK! And ENZIGURI!!

Fans fire up after this truly fast and furious opening exchange! Both men are dazed and the fans rally up! Taichi rolls to the apron on one side, Okada goes to the adjacent side. Both men go to the floor, and Taichi stands up first. Taichi heads towards Okada, drags Okada up, but Okada kicks low! To DDT to the floor! Okada hobbles up and leaves Taichi behind to go into the ring. The ring count starts, Taichi stirs at 7 of 20, and Okada just waits in a corner. Taichi crawls around at 11, drags himself up at 14 and slides in at 16! Fans cheer and Okada storms over to bring Taichi up. Okada wrenches, to wrap on the MONEY CLIP!

Taichi endures but Okada has him at the center of the ring! Fans rally as Okada squeezes tight, but Taichi reaches out! Okada drags Taichi down! Taichi keeps fighting forward, and has the ROPEBREAK! Okada holds on, Red Shoes counts, but Okada lets go at 4. Okada paces around, he kicks Taichi around, but Taichi stands to CHOP! Okada eggs Taichi on but Taichi CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Okada UPPERCUTS Taichi back! Okada whips, Taichi reverses to wrench, but Okada blocks the hook kick to throw Taichi down! Fans fire up as Okada paces around. Okada kicks Taichi around, has him in a corner, but Taichi kicks back.

Okada eggs Taichi on as he kicks more and more, then Okada ROCKS Taichi! Okada whips corner to corner, runs in but misses the elbow! GAMANGIRI! Okada falls but so does Taichi, and fans rally up! The “TA-I-CHI!” starts to outweigh the “O-KA-DA!” and Taichi rises. Taichi gives Okada toying kicks, then some Kawada Kicks! Okada goes to a corner, Taichi runs in, and he BOOTS Okada! Fans fire up as Taichi brings Okada up, but Okada fights the saido! So Taichi wrenches to DANGEROUS HOOK KICK! Fans fire up because OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi waits as Okada sits up, but Okada ducks the buzzsaw!

Okada waistlocks but Taichi fights the lift to PELE an arm! And then stiff Kawada Kick to the face! Okada falls, fans fire up, and Taichi brings Okada up and in. Taichi lifts, but Okada fights! Fans rally as Taichi keeps trying, but Okada back drops him away! Taichi gets up, runs in, but Okada pops him up to an Alabama! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Both men stir, and Okada crawls to a corner. Taichi rises, Okada runs in, and SHOTGUNS Taichi into the other corner! Okada then drags Taichi back up, hoists him up top and DROPKICKS him down! Taichi tumbles to apron and then floor!

Fans rally as Red Shoes checks on Taichi. Taichi stirs so he’s okay to continue. Okada goes out after Taichi, drags Taichi up, and fakes putting him in to DDT to the ramp!! Taichi writhes and Red Shoes checks him again. Okada waits on Taichi, we pass 10 minutes, Red Shoes returns to the ring but Okada dribbles Taichi off the ramp! Okada then drags Taichi up and puts him back in. Fans cheer, and Okada stalks Taichi. Okada drags Taichi up, wrenches, and puts on the MONEY CLIP! Taichi endures again and fans rally up! Taichi reaches out, but Okada puts on the pressure! Fans rally and Taichi RAMS Okada into buckles!

Taichi fires off elbows, then gets space, but Okada storms up to DECK Taichi with a forearm! Okada shakes out the cobwebs and he drags Taichi back up. Okada scoops to SLAM Taichi down, then he goes to the corner. Okada climbs up, but Taichi’s right after him! Fans fire up as Okada fights Taichi with clubbing shots! Taichi keeps trying but Okada CLUBS then HEADBUTTS! But Taichi GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up and Taichi climbs after Okada! Taichi brings Okada around. Okada resists so Taichi RIDGEHAND CHOPS him again and again! Then they stand on the very top, but Okada throws headlock punches!

Okada HEADBUTTS Taichi down, Taichi staggers around, and Okada MISSILE- POWERBOMB!! Taichi turns it around on Okada but both men are down! Taichi roars as he rises and fans fire up! Taichi aims as Okada rises, and Taichi BUZZSAWS!! Taichi fires up more and the fans are with him! Taichi aims from the corner, JUTEN- DROPKICK!! Okada turns things around, and now he ripcords! RAIN- DANGEROUS SAIDO!!! Okada staggers up in a daze and goes to the ropes! Fans are thunderous for Taichi as he watches Okada stand again. Taichi reels him in, another DANGEROUS SAIDO!!!

Taichi isn’t done there, either! He calls his shot and fans fire up again! Taichi reels Okada in, but Okada blocks! Okada CLUBS away on Taichi, short arm LARIATS, but Taichi stays up!! And he RIDGEHANDS over and over! Okada drops to his knees, Taichi aims, but Okada gets around, DISCUS- AX BOMBER!! Fans are thunderous for Taichi as he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!!! We hit the 15 minute mark and Taichi is thunderous! Taichi brings Okada up, Alabama Lifts, but Okada slips free to back drop! Cover, TWO!!! Taichi escapes at the last moment! But Okada scoops!

Taichi slips off, O’Conner, but Okada bucks that to DROP- NO, Taichi dodges! Body scissors, GEDO CLUTCH!!! TWO?!?!? Okada, one of Gedo’s former proteges, survives Taichi’s take on Gedo’s hold! Taichi hurries up to his feet to ROUNDHOUSE!! Fans are thunderous again and Taichi aims! JUTEN- NO, Okada blocks, spins Taichi and ENZIGURIS! But Taichi GAMANGIRIS!! Taichi hurries to get Okada up, but Okada back drops! Cover, OKADA WINS!!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taichi earns 0)

With just minutes to spare, Okada snatches victory away from Taichi! Taichi is in disbelief, but there’s nothing he can do about it now! Will Taichi be able to take the top spot in the block away from Okada? Or will Okada continue to make it rain in the G1?


G1 Climax 33, A Block: SANADA VS Yota Tsuji!

NJPW Dominion was just a month and 17 days ago, so everyone remembers the battle between Cold Skull and Gene Blast for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. It was Sanada’s win that night, but will Tsuji win his redemption? Or will it be another hard fought loss for “Sanada’s replacement” in LIJ?

Fans rally for “SA-NA-DA!” and “YO~TA!” The bell rings and Red Shoes measures the balance. It feels like Yota’s got the edge on Sanada! The two circle, feel things out, and clinch. Sanada fireman’s carries for a takeover, then headlocks. Tsuji fights up, Sanada keeps on him with a facelock then an armlock. They clinch again, Tsuji powers through to waistlock and half nelson. Tsuji pushes Sanada to a lateral press but Sanada keeps a shoulder up. Tsuji tries again, Sanada slips around but Tsuji facelocks. Sanada wrenches out to hammerlock and they go around. Tsuji reaches back to facelock and then he wrenches to a wristlock.

Sanada moves around, rolls, and wrenches to hammerlock again. Tsuji reaches back and drops down to bring Sanada with him. Tsuji then rolls and waistlocks, half nelsons and cravats. Fans rally as the technical exchange continues. Tsuji snapmares, Sanada slips around to hammerlock. Sanada has Tsuji on the mat, but Tsuji moves around. Tsuji rolls, headscissors, Sanada kips free, and fans cheer as the two stand off. The two reset and fans rally again. The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Tsuji powers Sanada back but then Sanada powers Tsuji back. Tsuji headlocks, grinds the hold, but Sanada pulls hair!

Sanada powers out but Tsuji runs him over! Fans cheer and Tsuji grins. Things speed up, Sanada hurdles and runs, but then Tsuji drops down and hurdles! Sanada avoids the powerslam, but Tsuji blocks the Shining Wizard! Tsuji runs, but Sanada drops under the spear! Tsuji rolls through and grins as Sanada says it was that close. Fans rally up again as the two reset. The two circle, tie up again, and Tsuji powers Sanada to ropes. Red Shoes calls the break and Tsuji lets off, to then CHOP! Tsuji fires off on Sanada, whips him to ropes, but Sanada reverses. Tsuji RANAS Sanada out of the ring! Fans fire up and Tsuji grins again.

Tsuji builds speed but Sanada walks away. Tsuji asks what’s up with that and goes out to follow Sanada. They go up the ramp, and Tsuji ROCKS Sanada! Tsuji CLUBS Sanada, but Sanada throws body shots! Sanada runs Tsuji up the ramp, to fireman’s carry, but Tsuji slips off! Sanada kicks low, runs in, but into a BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Tsuji grins as he catches his breath. Tsuji drags Sanada up, headlocks, and brings him back to ringside. Fans rally, Sanada throws body shots, but Tsuji clubs then DECKS Sanada! Tsuji brings Sanada up, scoops him, and carries him to ringside! Fans fire up and Tsuji gives Sanada SNAKE EYES off the apron! Then BOOTS him down!

Fans fire up and Tsuji brings Sanada up. Tsuji puts Sanada in, fans rally, and Tsuji covers, ONE! Sanada hangs tough, but Tsuji stands on his head! Red Shoes reprimands but Tsuji scuffs Sanada as he lets off. Tsuji drags Sanada up, scoops, and SLAMS! Then Tsuji runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! But Tsuji clamps on with a chinlock! Fans rally, Sanada fights up, and Sanada throws elbows! Tsuji lets go but he throws a hard body shot in return! Sanada goes to a corner, Tsuji whips him corner to corner, and Tsuji runs in, but Sanada dodges the splash! To hit a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Sanada sits up as we hit 10 minutes. Sanada stands, fans rally and duel, and Sanada brings Tsuji up. Sanada whips, Tsuji reverses but Sanada ducks ‘n’ dodges to dropkick a leg out! And then he DROPKICKS Tsuji down! Tsuji bails out, Sanada PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up! Sanada encourages them to get louder and the fans oblige! Sanada wants them louder, so they get louder still! Sanada goes back for Tsuji, and he drags Tsuji up to put him back in. Fans cheer, and Sanada covers, TWO! Fans rally and duel again as Sanada drags Tsuji back up. Sanada fireman’s carries, but Tsuji fights free!

Tsuji waistlocks, Sanada elbows free and runs, but Tsuji follows to FLIP RANA! Sanada flops out of the ring, and Tsuji builds speed again! Tsuji DIVES! Direct hit into railing! Fans fire up with Tsuji while Sanada sputters and slumps over! Tsuji drags Sanada up and in, and fans fire up with Tsuji as he steps back in. Sanada is in a corner, Tsuji runs in corner to corner, and STINGER SPLASHES! Then Tsuji hoists Sanada up top, CHOPS him, and he climbs up after Sanada. Tsuji goes to the very top, CLUBS Sanada, but Sanada shoves him away! Tsuji flips through!? And comes back, gets under Sanada’s leap, but Sanada fireman’s carries!

Tsuji slips free to suplex! Sanada fights that to suplex and MAGIC SCREW! Fans fire up while both men are down! Sanada kips up and fans fire up with him now! Sanada drags Tsuji up, fireman’s carries, and T K O!! Cover, TWO! Tsuji is still in this but Sanada goes up top! ROUNDING BODY- NO, Sanada lands on his feet as Tsuji moves! Sanada blocks the superkick! Sanada ROCKS, ROLLING ELBOWS, and then runs, but into a clinch! BACKBREAKER, COMPLETE SHOT, and STOMP!! Fans fire up, Tsuji runs, but Sanada avoids the Curb Stomp to O’Conner- NO, Tsuji blocks the bridge! To steal SKULL END?!?!

Sanada moves around but he’s in the body scissors! Tsuji squeezes as tight as he can, and we hit 15 minutes! Sanada endures, but he’s fading! Tsuji lets him go to go up top?! ROUNDING BODY PRESS?!?! Cover, TWO!!! Tsuji roars and fans fire up! Tsuji feeds off the energy to stand up again. Fans rally and duel, but the “YO~TA!” chants are overpowering the “SA-NA-DA!” Tsuji suplexes, but Sanada slips free! Sanada goes to a corner, Tsuji runs in, but into an ELBOW! Sanada goes up the corner to QUEBRADA! Tsuji can’t get under, Sanada catches him to the dragon sleeper! But Tsuji powers through! ORANGE CRUSH!! Cover, TWO!??!

Tsuji drags Sanada up, reels him back in with the Inverted Gory Especial as we hit the three minute warning! But Sanada powers up to a POISON-RANA!! Tsuji flounders, Sanada runs in, SHINING WIZARD!! And then, DEADFALL- Tsuji cartwheels through!? And comes back with a JUMP KNEE! SUPERKICK! HEADBUTT!! Fans are thunderous again and Tsuji grins! Tsuji runs, to CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!!! Sanada survives but Tsuji is even more fired up! And fans are thunderous as he calls his shot! Sanada rises as hit two minute warning! SPEAR into a CUTTER!! And Sanada hurries up top!!

Sanada steadies himself, to ROUNDING BODY PRESS!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Fans are electric, Sanada clinches, DEADFALL!!! And it hits this time!! Cover, Sanada wins!!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Tsuji earns 0)

With just minutes to spare, the Cold Skull makes it 2-0 against Tsuji! Gene Blast falls again, what will it take for him to break through and get a win?

As for Sanada, he gets the belt back to put on his shoulder, and he also gets the mic. Sanada wants Tsuji to know, “I hate to say ‘I knew it,’ and I hate to say ‘But…’ But… I knew it, you are great.” Fans cheer the show of respect to Tsuji, and then Sanada adds, “But… I won. So if you’d be so kind, please leave.” Fans then cheer that show of disrespect. Sanada then stands to say, “I came back to my hometown, Nagaoka, Niigata, as the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.” Fans cheer that! And Sanada points out that he has teammates on commentary, so he asks Douki to join him in the ring. Fans joins in as Sanada starts a “DOUKI! DOUKI!” chant.

Douki obliges, and he leaves commentary to join Sanada. They high-five and thumbs-up fist bump, and fans cheer again. Sanada starts again but then remembers Yoshinobu Kanemaru is on the other commentary table! Sanada gets an “Uncle Nobu!” chant going! Kanemaru accepts and joins Sanada in the ring, too. Sanada then figures “Taichi-nii-yan” might be too hurt to join them. “Shall we chant anyway?” Fans join in on “TAI-CHI-YAN! TAI-CHI-YAN!” But Taichi doesn’t come out so Sanada says he knew this wouldn’t work. Sanada then says maybe fans saw this, but if not, Just5Guys did a shampoo commercial! Fans cheer, perhaps they have!

The fans start to chant but Sanada says they should probably leave the brand name off the broadcast. But Sanada promises that J5G will continue to lead the wrestling world, “so keep cheering us on.” And of course, Sanada wants to end with “the gift.” Fans cheer for that, and the stars come out as the lights go down. Even a “GI-FU-TO!” chant begins. Sanada admits, “I always say the same thing to end up, but I’ll say this. I’m from here in Niigata, so one day, I want to defend this title here!” Fans love that idea! He asks they keep supporting him to make that happen. Fans cheer, and he says, “That’s why I love you the most, Nagaoka. OI, NAGAOKA! See you next time!”

Taichi’s loss aside, Just5Guys continues to take over NJPW! Will dreams come true when Sanada takes the G1?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Sanada: 3-0, 6 points
Kaito Kiyomiya: 2-0-1, 5 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-1, 4 points
Chase Owens: 2-1, 4 points
Ren Narita: 0-1-2, 2 points
Shota Umino: 0-1-2, 2 point
Yota Tsuji: 0-2-1, 1 point
Hikuleo: 0-3, 0 points


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Kazuchika Okada: 3-0, 6 points
Taichi: 2-1, 4 points
Will Ospreay: 2-1, 4 points
YOSHI-HASHI: 2-1, 4 points
Tanga Loa: 1-2, 2 points
Kenta: 1-2, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 1-2, 2 points
El Phantasmo: 0-3, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great round for the G1 Climax on what turned out to be a very wrestling heavy day. The blocks are shaping up to be really interesting, with the most interesting thing being the number of wrestlers without wins, and yet still with points. Just when I thought Narita was going to have another time limit draw, surprise! It was Shota’s turn! That draw with him and Kaito is what brings Kaito down a half step so that Sanada is alone at the top of A Block. Sanada VS Tsuji was a great rematch from Dominion, but I had a feeling Sanada would win again so that he wouldn’t owe Tsuji a tiebreaker for the title at some point.

ELP and Hikuleo being the two with no wins and no points in these blocks is only a little surprising. Both men have given great matches these first three rounds, but it was more surprising Hikuleo fell to Chase than ELP losing to Khan. And though Sanada was the main event, since he was the hometown hero, I feel Okada VS Taichi was the best match overall. Those two really pushed the pace and the time limit, the fans loved it, and the finish being a quick pin and not a finisher was great stuff to keep Taichi strong. Something about that is fitting as Taichi is the current KOPW Champion, aka currently holding the belt that represents the concept Okada helped introduce. Okada still goes over to prove he is better than the concept he “created,” but he didn’t want to make the KOPW Champ look week, for the sake of the concept he created.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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