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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (7/6/23)

Thy Kingdom Come.



ROH Wrestling 2023

They’ve got something for you!

To prove their supremacy in ROH, The Kingdom is in full force against Trish Adora & The Infantry in a Mixed Six Tag! Will Maria, Mike & Matt stand tall?


  • Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Gringo Loco; Komander wins.
  • Daniel Garcia VS Christopher Daniels; Garcia wins.
  • The Gates of Agony VS Action Andretti & Darius Martin; The Gates win.
  • Six Man Tag: The Righteous & Stu Grayson VS Macrae Martin, Rip Impact & Zak Patterson; The Righteous & Stu win.
  • “Big Bill” Morrissey & Lee Moriarty VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate; Bill & Lee win.
  • ROH Women’s Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS Seleziya Sparx; Athena wins and denies Sparx a title opportunity.
  • Tony Nese w/ The Varsity Athletes VS JD Drake w/ Anthony Henry; changed to…
  • Triple Threat: Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS JD Drake VS Mark Briscoe; Briscoe wins.
  • Diamante VS Vanessa Kraven; Diamante wins.
  • Six Man Mayhem: Brian Cage VS Dalton Castle VS Josh Woods VS Shane Taylor VS Trent Seven VS Willie Mack; Cage wins and wins $25,000.
  • Mixed Six Tag: The Kingdom VS Trish Adora & The Infantry; changed to…
  • Mixed Six Tag: The Kingdom & Leyla Hirsch VS Trish Adora & The Infantry; The Kingdom & Leyla win.


Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Gringo Loco!

These two met just last week, inside that big 8 Man Tag match. Now they go 1v1 in what will surely be a fast and furious sequel! But who will go fast enough to take the win?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. The two circle and fans rally up to a duel. Gringo and Komander approach, tie up, and Gringo hits a throw to then spin and arm-drag Komander! Gringo does jumping jacks but Komander gets up. They go again, Gringo waistlocks but Komander fights the lift. Gringo ripcords and wrenches but Komander handsprings through and rolls off Gringo’s back to arm-drag him! Fans rally up but Gringo grows frustrated. Gringo swings but Komander blocks to a knuckle lock, then CHOPS! Komander goes up and jumps and ARABIAN PRESS ARM-DRAGS!

Fans fire up with Komander but Gringo is frustrated. Gringo storms in, Komander tilt-o-whirl arm-drags! But Gringo handsprings through! Gringo wags his finger and fans rally up again. Komander and Gringo reset, rush in, and DOUBLE FOREARM! Gringo ducks the roundhouse but not the HEEL KICK! Gringo wobbles and staggers, Komander whips to a corner, but Gringo goes up and over and handsprings away. Fans fire up, Komander runs in, but into an ALLEY-OOP BOMB into buckles! Gringo drags Komander to a cover, TWO! Fans rally again as Gringo puts Komander on the ropes, and CHOPS!

Gringo drags Komander up, whips him to ropes, and FLAPJACKS to run and SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Gringo drags Komander up and stomps him in the corner. Gringo CHOPS, then wrenches and whips corner to corner. Komander goes up and out and Gringo hits buckles! Komander double jumps, and FLYING CARTWHEEL ARM-DRAGS! Fans fire up as things keep moving, but Gringo scoops Komander to a torture rack SLAM! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this but Gringo gets fans rallying up. Gringo drags Komander up, bumps him off buckles and Komander sits down.

Gringo CHOKES Komander on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Gringo “apologizes” but then he digs his boots in again. The ref counts, Gringo lets off at 4, and fans rally more. Gringo brings Komander up, brings him around, and suplexes, but Komander slips free! Gringo elbows Komander, then mule kicks! Gringo runs, but Komander jumps! Gringo catches him to a fireman’s carry and swings him, but Komander swings through to headscissor! Fans fire up again and Komander runs corner to corner. Gringo puts him on the apron but Komander KICKS back! Komander then slingshots up and jumps off Gringo!

Fans fire up as Komander keeps going, spring TORNILLO, but Gringo catches him to a wheelbarrow! But Komander arm-drags free again! Gringo bails out and fans fire up as Komander builds speed. Komander FLIES and he takes down Gringo! Fans fire up more as Komander slides back in the ring. Komander goes back out, having refreshed the count, and he kicks Gringo. Komander RAMS Gringo into railing, high fives some fans, and he puts Gringo back in. Komander goes up the corner, fans continue to duel and Gringo gets up! Gringo ROCKS Komander with a right! Then CHOPS him on the back!

Komander fights back, but Gringo climbs up. They brawl with those slapping shots, and they start to move around on the very top rope. Komander stands, but Gringo jukes him to a SUPER CHICAGO FLY!! Gringo fires up, whips Komander and pop-up, CUTTER from Komander!! Fans now rally for “Both These Guys!” as Komander goes to the apron. Gringo rushes him but Komander jumps over, only for Gringo to get him in an Electric Chair Lift! Gringo goes around the way, spins Komander around, BARRIER BOMB!! Fans lose their minds and Gringo revels in the moment. Gringo then puts Komander back in the ring and goes to the corner.

Gringo says, “I’m gonna kill this mofo!” Fans fire up, Gringo goes up, and Gringo double jumps, FLYING CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Komander survives and everyone’s shocked! The fans fire up again, Gringo hoists Komander up the ropes to then climb up behind him, for another Electric Chair Lift! But Komander fights back! Komander adjusts, SUPER SUNSET, but Gringo blocks! So Komander ENZIGURIS the leg! And ENZIGURIS the head! Gringo wobbles, Komander runs side to side, DOUBLE JUMP FLYING RANA!! But Gringo flops out of the ring! Komander doesn’t hesitate, he goes right up again! DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULT!!

Fans are thunderous as Komander puts Gringo in for the DOUBLE JUMP PHOENIX!! Cover, Komander wins!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall

A huge win in the opener for The Commander of Lucha! But he shows Gringo respect by offering the handshake, and Gringo accepts it. Will we see these two go another round down the line? Will the growing Lucha Amigos stable soon take over ROH?


Backstage interview with Lee Moriarty & “Big Bill” Morrissey.

Lexi Nair is with #TAIGASTYLE and the human skyscraper and notes their match tonight with Dalton Castle’s Boys, The Tate Twins. What exactly is the game plan going into this match? Moriarty says that after The Firm was ended, he and Bill decided to stick together to show ROH why it is time to wake up, wipe the crust from their eyes, clean the drool off their face, and stop sleeping. They’ve been teaming up, picking up win after win like loose change at the strip club. They keep that going against the former ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions. “Two of the most athletic, agile, gifted-”

Bill has Lee stop there. The Boys ain’t their boys. And they better not be Lexi’s boys. They better be boys with God because after tonight, they’re gonna need Him. Bill knows The Boys will walk, or rather prance, their way down to the ring, with their feathery wings and all those childish noises and whatever they do. But then Lee & Bill will walk down to the ring, and SQUASH you like the bugs you are. Then Lee & Bill will win that tag team gold. Will Brandon & Brent survive this battle with Bill & Lee?


Daniel Garcia VS Christopher Daniels!

The Dragonslayer is still aiming to get back the ROH Pure Championship, and is even getting into the AEW Blind Eliminator Tag Tournament with Sammy Guevara. But will he be able to beat an ROH Grand Slam Champion? Or will he go from Dragonslayer to slayer of Fallen Angels?

The Code of Honor is not upheld as Garcia kicks the handshake away. The bell rings, the two circle, and they tie up. Fans rally for Daniels but Garcia wrenches to a wristlock. Daniels reaches back to headlock, there are Garcia fans making noise, but Daniels wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER then hammerlock. Garcia reaches out, Daniels keeps him from ropes, so Garcia elbows free! Garcia runs and he runs Daniels over! Garcia says he’s a sports entertainer but fans chant “YOU’RE A WRESTLER!” Garcia runs, Daniels drops, but Garcia steps on him to do his dance! Fans are torn but Daniels just sighs.

Daniels and Garcia circle, then Garcia knees low. Garcia whips, Daniels ducks ‘n’ dodges and trips him, to step all over him! And then Daniels does his own dance! It’s spicy in its own way, but Garcia rushes in! Daniels hip tosses, scoops and SLAMS, then covers. ONE, but Daniels clamps onto an arm. Fans rally, Garcia ROCKS Daniels with a forearm. Garcia runs corner to corner, but Daniels dodges! Daniels CHOPS, ROCKS and repeat! Daniels whips corner to corner and runs in to forearm smash! Daniels whips Garcia corner to corner, runs in again but is put on the apron. Daniels counter punches, but then Garcia BLASTS Daniels off the apron!

Garcia soaks up the heat while Daniels drags himself up. Daniels slides in but Garcia stomps away! The ref counts, Garcia lets off to shout he’s a sports entertainer! Garcia stalks Daniels on ropes, and CHOKES him! The ref counts, Garcia lets off and fans again chant, “YOU’RE A WRESTLER!” Garcia UPPERCUTS Daniels, fans actually duel “YOU’RE A WRESTLER!” “SPORTS ENNER-TAY-NER!” Garcia UPPERCUTS Daniels to ropes, then whips him to ropes. Daniels kicks back, ducks ‘n’ dodges but into a takedown! Garcia steps over into a modified STF! Garcia fishhooks the nose! The ref reprimands, and Garcia goes back to the crossface.

Daniels fights his way around, reaches out blindly, but Garcia grabs that arm to make it part straitjacket! But the other arm gets the ROPEBREAK! Garcia lets go slowly, and then he stomps a leg! Fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Garcia storms up to kick legs. Garcia grabs an arm, and he digs a boot into Daniels’ face to make him kneel! Garcia scuffs Daniels’ face, then runs. But Daniels gets up to BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Both men are down and fans fire up! Garcia and Daniels stir, a standing count starts, and they both rise at 3 of 10. They run in, Daniels LARIATS! And LARIATS! And whips! Daniels back drops Garcia!

Garcia goes to a corner, Daniels runs in and forearm smashes! Daniels then puts Garcia up top to SHOTEI! Daniels crosses Garcia’s arms but Garcia resists, so Daniels uses a cravat in the ICONOCLASM! Cover, TWO! Daniels fires up, brings Garcia up, but Garcia throat chops! Garcia swings, Daniels ducks and SHOTEIS! Garcia snarls, Daniels eggs him on. Garcia fires a forearm but so does Daniels, and they go back and forth! Fans fire up as they keep going! Garcia gets the edge, then BITES Daniels! Fans boo but Garcia runs, ROCKS Daniels, but Daniels rebounds to ROCK Garcia! Garcia BOOTS! Daniels STOs!

Fans fire up with Daniels again and he calls his shot. Daniels drags Garcia up, underhooks, but Garcia wrenches out to kick low. Garcia facelocks, but now Daniels wrenches out to clinch and URE- NO, Garcia arm-drags free! Daniels goes to a corner, Garcia runs in, but Daniels dodges to kick and underhook! ANGEL’S WINGS!! But Garcia rolls out of the ring! Daniels grows frustrated and he goes out after Garcia. Daniels drags Garcia up as fans duel. Daniels puts Garcia in, but Garcia kicks the ropes to jam Daniels up! Garcia drags Daniels up, HALF HATCH DDT! Cover, Garcia wins!

Winner: Daniel Garcia, by pinfall

A new move makes its debut and that helps Garcia finish the legend! Garcia dances with Aubrey Edwards and she says no thanks. But will Garcia soon be dancing with gold around his waist?


Backstage interview with Willie Mack.

Lexi is with the Mack Daddy and says this is a special night in ROH. It is a six way scramble for 25 THOUSAND dollars! What is Mack’s strategy going into this? Just win the whole damn thing. He’s in there with Josh Woods, Dalton Castle, Trent Seven, Shane Taylor and Brian Cage. They all want that 25K. Y’know what he could do with that money? He wants a pet capibara. Y’know, one of those Brazilian rat dog things with hoof like feet, and they smell like corn chips. Then he’d get a chinchilla, the little rodent thing that they make fur clothing with. And he might even leave the country, go on a trip to Jamaica for the first time.

Has Lexi ever had Jerk Chicken? No. Is she free? She supposes so. Well then, they both can go to Jamaica! But when it comes to those five other guys in the match, Mack has five fingers, and they’re slapping all five guys in the face to get that 25 thousand. Believe that, bank on the Mack! Mack is ready, but will he defy the odds to win the jackpot?


The Gates of Agony VS Action Andretti & Darius Martin!

Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona, along with Brian Cage, are still ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions. And part of that is from when they defeated their opponents tonight plus AR Fox. Will the Sight to See and the Air Wolf strike back and perhaps earn a rematch? Or will nothing stop the Mogul Embassy’s path of destruction?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and Kaun starts against Action. The two circle, tie up, and go around. Kaun puts Action in a corner as Nana says, “Mogul Embassy forever!” Kaun RAMS Action, and again, and again! Kaun lets off to whip corner to corner, but Action goes up and over and keeps moving. Action ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirls to RANA Kaun! Kaun gets up but Action DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up and Action IMPLODER TORNILLOS! Cover, TWO! Tag to Darius and Darius mule kicks Kaun down. Action drags Kaun up but Kaun RAMS him into the corner! Liona tags in and CLUBS Action!

Liona steps in, headlocks, but Darius throws hands. Kaun whips Darius, Darius ducks the boot to tag Action. Action ducks ‘n’ dodges and gets a boost from Darius! SUPERKICK! Front kick! Liona rushes in but Action & Darius dodge to DOUBLE DROPKICK him out! Kaun runs in, he also gets DOUBLE DROPKICKS! Fans fire up for Action & Darius but Nana is furious. Nana grabs at Darius, drags him out, but Darius glares at Nana. Action builds speed to DIVE onto Liona, but Liona turns it to SPINEBUSTER! Fans lose their minds, and then Kaun CLOBBERS Darius! Liona puts Action in, and Nana says they’re stupid for doing that!

Tag to Kaun and the Gates mug Action. Kaun fires up Liona and whips him in for a back body block! Feed to an ELBOW, and Kaun covers. TWO, but Kaun rains down fists! The ref counts, Kaun lets off, and he drags Action up. Tag to Liona, Action fights back but Liona mugs him. Liona stomps and drives his knee into Action! The ref reprimands and backs Liona off, but Kaun and Nana get cheap shots in! Fans boo but Nana gets away with all those haymakers! Liona tags Kaun, they mug Action. Kaun drags Action up to kick him around. Kaun scuffs Action, kicks him more, but Action headlocks back.

Kaun powers out, runs in at the corner, but heads collide! Both men crawl, hot tags to Liona and Darius! Darius RAMS into Liona, slingshots up and over, then mule kicks, CHOPS and clotheslines! Liona stays up, shoves Darius away, but Darius BULLDOG HOTSHOTS! And then GAMANGIRIS! Then he steps in, FLYING COMPLETE SHOT! Fans fire up as Darius keeps moving, but into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Nana wants to end this, Liona tags Kaun! Kaun runs in, blocks boots, and puts Darius in ropes for a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Liona adds a SPLASH to sandwich Darius! Cover, Action breaks it!!

Nana is furious, Liona runs in but Action dumps him out! Action runs, and handsprings up and over Kaun! Action keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges Kaun to then ROCK him with a forearm! Action fires forearms, Kaun shoves him, and Action DIVES, into Liona’s arms! But Darius DIVES to take them both down!! Fans fire up as Action & Darius go after Kaun. HOTSHOT and snap suplex! Tag to Action and Action springboards to 450 onto knees!! Cover, TWO!! Action survives, he gets around Kaun but Kaun gets around Action. Kaun shoves Action but Action stops from running into Darius!

Kaun runs in but Action dodges the knee! Kaun is caught in the ropes, Darius ROCKS him with a forearm! But Liona YANKS Darius to the floor! Action rolls Kaun up, TWO! Action blocks a lariat, whips, but Kaun reverses then follows, only to run into a SPANISH FLY! Nana gets on the apron! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, Action would’ve won this twice over! Action shouts at Nana, Nana gets away, and Liona returns. Action dodges Liona to FLYING CHUCK! Liona stays up!? Kaun storms up, Action fires forearms but neither man backs down. Kaun swings, Action ducks so the CHOP hits Liona! Liona swings, Action ducks, the CHOP hits Kaun!

Action DOUBLE CHOPS! Action roars, runs, but handsprings into both men’s arms! OPEN THE GATES!! Cover, The Gates win!

Winners: The Gates of Agony, by pinfall

The Embassy is undefeated in ROH, but only because Nana is their insurance policy. Will there be any trio that is able to account for Nana’s influence on top matching the power of Liona and Kaun?


Six Man Tag: The Righteous & Stu Grayson VS Macrae Martin, Rip Impact & Zak Patterson!

It would seem Dutch & Vincent have truly won Player Two over to their team, and now look to focus on climbing the ranks. Will they do that here tonight in Stu’s home country of Canada?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then the Righteous all DECK their opponents! The bell rings, Dutch & Vinnie stomp away while Stu rains down fists! The fans boo as Stu keeps Macrae in the ring. Stu dares his former student, “Mac,” to get up and fight him. Mac stands, swings, but into the URENAGE! Stu drags Mac around, tags in Dutch, and Dutch tags in Vinnie. Stu holds Mac’s hand, and Vinnie holds the other. Dutch smiles as Vinnie & Stu get Mac up, they INVERTED PENTULUM BOMB! Cover, The Righteous win!

Winners: The Righteous & Stu Grayson, by pinfall

No mercy for his former student, Stu is truly as merciless as Dutch and Vincent. Will they soon be the top trio in ROH? Or will the Dark Order still have something to say about that?


“Big Bill” Morrissey & Lee Moriarty VS “The Boys,” Brandon & Brent Tate!

We heard from them earlier, now we see if Bill & Lee back up their word. Will The Peacock’s Boys soon be broken? Or can they shock the world here tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Lee starts with Brent. They circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up. Lee waistlocks to SLAM Brent, then rolls him to a bridge, TWO! Lee holds on to bring Brent up again, then he wrenches and wristlocks. Brent flips through using the ropes to wrench back. Brent has the wristlock, but Lee spins and slips through to CHOP! Lee whips, Brent ducks ‘n’ dodges and Brandon tags in. Brandon GAMANGIRIS, Brent spins Lee around, and Brandon springboard CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up with Brandon and he brings Lee up. Tag to Brent and the Boys double whip.

The Boys both leap frog then double arm-drag Lee! The Boys roll back, and double basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Brent keeps focus as he drags Lee up. Fans rally for the Boys but Lee puts Brent in the corner. Brent turns it around but Lee stands on a foot, to trip Brent and then STOMP an arm! Brent writhes but Lee drags him around by an arm. Lee wrenches, then tags in Bill! Fans fire up but Brent gets away. Brent stands and Bill towers over him. Brent says nope, and tags Brandon. Brandon steps to Bill, but then says nope! The Boys combine to be Super Boy! Now they’re taller than Bill! But Bill fakes them with a punch, to BOOT them both down!

Fans rally as Bill looms over Brandon. Bill drags Brandon up to back suplex but Brandon lands out of it! Brandon BOOTS from the corner, goes up and reels Bill in, TORNADO- TOSS!! Bill sends Brandon flying, then runs in to SPLASH at the corner! But Brent leaps, only for Bill to get under. Bill BOOTS Brent down! Bill mocks the peacock pose and tags in Lee. Lee drags Brandon into a gator roll and cover, TWO! Lee drags Brandon up to suplex, but Brandon knees free. Lee tries again, Brandon slips out and shoves. Tag to Brent and he LARIATS! And LARIATS! Brent dropkicks Bill at the ropes and Bill wobbles!

Brent gets Brandon to join in, and they DOUBLE DROPKICK Bill to the floor! The fans fire up as Lee runs in, Brandon dodges and Brent wheelbarrows to a VICTORY FACEBUSTER! Lee flops out, the Boys whip to build speed, and Brandon DIVES! Direct hit on Lee at the ramp, and he sets Lee up for Brent to DIVE! Another hit, and Brandon goes again! But Bill catches him! Lee goes in to CLOBBER Brent! Bill carries Brandon to APRON CHOKE SLAM!! Lee RUNNING CALF KICKS Brent, covers, Bill & Lee win!

Winners: “Big Bill” Morrissey & Lee Moriarty, by pinfall

The former Firm members are on a roll, will they soon be in line for an ROH World Tag Team title match?


ROH Women’s Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS Seleziya Sparx!

Speaking of title opportunities, the Fallen Goddess still wants worthy competition, and up steps the Sass Queen of Canada! Will Sparx fly and get that golden ticket? Or will Athena extinguish that flame in under ten minutes?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Athena DROPKICKS! And DROPKICKS! And DECKS Sparx! Athena says this is HER show, but fans boo. Sparks gets back up, Athena insults her as being old, and then CLUBS her on the back! Athena drags Sparx up, whips her but Sparx reverses. Athena goes up a corner, leaps, but into Sparx’s arms! Sparx SLAMS Athena down! Fans fire up, Sparx starts to rally! She blocks a boot, trips Athena up, and HOOK KICKS! Sparx runs and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Sparx keeps cool, brings her up but Athena shoves her. Athena blocks a boot to a T-BONE SUPLEX!

Athena kips up and fans fire up, but Athena scowls. She runs in to back body block Sparx in a corner, then runs side to side to FOREARM! Athena CHOPS, then she cheers herself on. But Sparx SLAPS her back! Sparx fires off boxing elbows and a BACK ELBOW! Athena reels her in but Sparx ELBOWS again! Sparx runs, into an ELBOW from Athena! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Seleziya Sparx a title match)

After nine years away, Sparx returns to be beaten in half the time needed in one of these Proving Ground matches. Is that proof of Athena’s invincibility? But of course she beats up on Sparx just for the hell of it! Fans boo but Athena sets the belt up. She drags Sparx up, mocks the fans, and SMASHES Sparx off the belt! Athena then complains Sparx is on top of the belt, and snatches it away. Will anyone ever stop the Fallen Goddess?


Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS JD Drake!

The Premier Athlete and Scrap Iron couldn’t be any more opposites in terms of physique and personality, but they both work hard and hit harder. Smart Mark has everything hold on, though, because Nese has something to say. Nese takes the mic and tells fans to calm down, this isn’t about them. This is about JD. JD, Nese thinks you are an excellent wrestler. But with that said, JD is one serving of poutine and donuts from “Timmy Hoos” (Tim Hortons?) from being as bad as these “fat, disgusting Canadians!” But again, this isn’t about the fans. But Nese has good news for JD. Great news, even!

Seeing as how Nese is a personal trainer on the side, instead of having a match, he’ll do this for JD and the fans. They’re all gonna do group training! Everyone stand up, get on your feet, but JD snatches the mic. JD tells Nese to hold on. JD gets Nese is trying to “help” him, but JD is not gonna waste his calories on trashy Canadian food. But for JD, it is only Dunkin’ Donuts and Freedom Fries! But what Nese should do is not let this body fool you. JD will whoop Nese’s ass! And wait, here comes Mark Briscoe? He goes to the mic and Sterling, Nese and JD are all upset by this.

Mark has a mic and he says, “Quiet down, Mark Sterling.” Now, Mark talked with his good friend, Tony Khan, and they agreed that no one cares what either of these two are saying! And so as of right now, it is official! TRIPLE THREAT, BABY! Fans love that! But Nese & JD attack! The fans boo, the bell rings, and it begins!

Triple Threat: Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling VS JD Drake VS Mark Briscoe!

Nese and JD mug Mark in a corner, fans boo but Nese tells them to shut up. JD coordinates with Nese, they double whip Mark but Mark goes up and out! Mark UPPERCUTS Nese, dodges and CHOPS JD, then CHOPS again! Nese returns, LARIAT from Mark, and an elbow, too! Another UPPERCUT knocks Nese down and fans fire up! JD CHOPS Mark, whips him but Mark SHOTGUN BOOTS! Mark goes up the corner, but Sterling distracts! Mark hops down to tell him to get outta here. But Nees has a chair! Mark kicks low, tosses Nese out, and Mark fires up the fans with the claps of the chair.

Mark sets the chair up, builds speed, and FLIES! The Sussex County Chicken wipes out Nese & JD! Mark high fives fans, ROCKS Nese, then puts Nese in the ring. Fans fire up with Mark as he climbs up, but Nese moves! Mark bails out of Froggy Bow, and JD CLOBBERS him! Fans boo but Nese shoves JD. They decide to keep on Mark and they both stomp away. JD digs his boots in, Nese scowls and says to get Mark up. They put Mark up top backwards, and then put him in a Tree of Woe. Nese says this is how you look like him! He does ab crunch kicks to Mark! He wants JD to do that now!

JD says fine, but he just stomps the old fashioned way. That’s better for JD cuz it’s efficient. Nese pushes Mark out of the tree and the fans rally behind Mark. Nese and JD mug Mark with haymakers, then do jumping jacks to keep that cardio up. They go another round, but Mark fights back with UPPERCUTS! Then he does jumping jacks! Another UPPERCUT for Nese! A CHOP for JD! Mark does squats! Fans fire up as Mark dodges JD and the CHOP hits Nese! Mark runs in but is sent into Nese, JD hits a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, Nese breaks it! Nese and JD argue and shove now, then run at Mark. Mark dodges Nese to CHOP JD, CHOP Nese, repeat!

Fans “WOO~!” with every CHOP! Nese ducks a swing, but Mark BOOTS JD! Mark backs Nese down to break free and PELE! Fans fire up with Mark again but JD kicks low. JD whips, Mark BOOTS Nese with it! JD runs in but is sent into buckles! Mark hits an URENAGE! Fans fire up as Mark calls his shot! Mark goes up, but Nese returns to handspring and SHORYUKEN! Nese then goes up to get Mark, fans are thunderous behind Mark, and JD TOSSES Nese down! JD climbs up after Mark now, mocks the fans, and copies the Redneck Kung Fu! Mark shows JD how it’s done, but Nese hops on! SUPER SUNSET BOMB on JD!

But Mark uses that to hit FROGGY BOY on JD! Cover but Nese shoves Mark away so he can cover, but then Mark drags Nese off JD! JAY DRILLER for Nese!! Cover, Mark wins!

Winner: Mark Briscoe, by pinfall

Physique aside, it is all about heart in ROH! Mark has more heart than JD and Nese combined, but will he be heading back for the ROH World Television Championship?


ROH hears from Eddie Kingston.

The Mad King is the NEW NJPW Strong Openweight Champion after the Independence Day event in Korakuen Hall, and he tells the AEW and ROH fans, “What’s up?” But as he is in Japan at this moment because of the G1 Climax, the greatest tournament in all of pro-wrestling, that means he cannot be there for ROH Death Before Dishonor on July 21st. But Eddie tells Claudio that he isn’t off the hook. There is one man Eddie wants to talk to, wants to challenge, and that is Mark Briscoe! Eddie wore Jay Briscoe’s shirt when he teamed with Rocky Romero. Eddie wants to respect that legacy. And it is now Mark’s turn.

Eddie tells Mark it is his turn to respect Jay’s legacy. It is Mark’s turn to be THE ROH World Champion. “Chicken, this is Eddie talking to you. I need you, these people need you, not to just go after the ROH Championship. We need you to win that championship. We need you to have that Briscoe legacy live on. I love you, Chicken. It’s your time. It is your time.”

Backstage interview with Mark Briscoe.

Renee Paquette is here and with the Sussex County Chicken to respond to Eddie’s message. Eddie wants Mark to go after Claudio. Renee knows Tony Khan has said that if Mark wants it, he has it. Mark says damn right he wants it! It IS his time! Mark tells “King” Eddie that he hears him! All Mark’s career in singles action, all he ever talked about was the Television title. But now it is his time to #ReachForTheSky and follow Jay’s footsteps by becoming WORLD Champion! You understand what he’s saying?

But in walks Claudio. “Let me start with a piece of advice for you, Mark. Don’t listen to Eddie Kingston. I had to show Eddie his limits. And I will show you yours, as well. Where’s the Mark Briscoe I knew? Where’s that Mark? See, you were standing here, talking about following in your brother’s footsteps. Yeah, I faced you and your brother multiple times. I’ve had some of the biggest wars in my career with you and your brother. And you think your brother wanted you to step in his footsteps? No! The Mark Briscoe I knew walked side by side with his brother, not in his footsteps. Which shows me that time has made you weak. Which shows me that you have not manned up!

“Yeah, that is right! I said it! Me, on the other hand, time has made me hard. Time has made me what I am today. Time has made me the guy that is the roadblock for people like you and Eddie that you cannot reach the heights that I have. And if I have to show you that, if I have to pull you down to Earth from you trying to reach for the sky, I will more than gladly do that. Not because I want to. But because I do like you. And because I have to. Because it is my duty to show you your limits. So if you really want that match, shake my hand.” Mark does without hesitation. Then see you at Death Before Dishonor. “But don’t get your hopes up. You’re not ready.”

Claudio leaves, and the match is made! Will the Sussex County Chicken show the Swiss Superman that this is only motivation for making Jay proud?


Diamante VS Vanessa Kraven!

The Cuban Diamond has been on a roll, and she’s looking to continue that all the way to the gold! Will she be able to climb The Mountain and then topple it? Or will her hot streak end up cooling off for the Summer?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally for Kraven as she corners Diamante but Diamante slips away to fire off. Kraven shoves Diamante away, but runs into a dropkick to legs! Diamante runs to knee lift, then she fires off in the corner! Fans count along but Kraven stops that at 6! Things speed up, and Kraven CLOBBERS Diamante! Kraven dusts herself off, scoops and FALL AWAY SLAMS Diamante! Diamante flops out of the ring but Kraven pursues. Kraven stands Diamante up to CHOP, and CHOP, but then Diamante ducks and the chop hits POST! Diamante CHOPS, but it does nothing!

Kraven scoops Diamante, aims, but Diamante slips off to POST Kraven! Diamante pushes Kraven into the ring, runs up and LARIATS, but Kraven doesn’t budge. Diamante tries again but Kraven is too big! Kraven runs in, but Diamante drop toeholds her into buckles! Kraven staggers up into a SHOTGUN! Kraven sits down and fans fire up as Diamante locks ‘n’ loads. HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Kraven is still in this and Diamante is a bit surprised. Diamante fires off forearms, then runs, sunset flips, but Kraven stays up! Kraven drags Diamante up but Diamante wheelbarrows to a STUNNER!

Diamante runs, hops on, CODE RED!! Cover, Diamante wins!

Winner: Diamante, by pinfall

Another big win for Diamante, she is picking up more speed towards the top! Will the Cuban Diamond soon have the Fallen Goddess in her crosshairs?


Six Man Mayhem: Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling VS Shane Taylor VS Trent Seven VS Willie Mack!

What a huge prize on the line in a match involving perhaps the biggest, hardest hitting men in ROH today! $25 THOUSAND goes to one man, who will survive this scramble to cash in?

The Code of Honor is upheld between everyone, even old rivals, and the bell rings. Cage goes after Mack, Shane is after Castle, so Woods headlocks Seven. Seven powers out but Woods runs him over! The others brawl outside, Castle POSTS Shane! Mack sends Cage into railing! Seven whips Woods and leaps, but Woods catches him! But then Seven slips free to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Seven eggs Woods on, so Woods CHOPS! Both men are stinging, but Seven CHOPS a leg, then hits a DDT! Castle returns but Seven TOSSES him out hard! Mack returns and dodges Seven to GAMANGIRI!

Fans fire up and Mack sets up, but Castle runs in again! Mack TOSSES him out hard, too! And then a stomp for Seven, STANDING MOONSAULT! Seven scrambles away and Shane gets in. Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves to HEADBUTT Mack down! Castel tries a third time but Shane TOSSES him out! Cage is in and he SUPERKICKS! “Who betta than Cage?!” But Shane elbows Cage! Cage wobbles but he dodges the haymaker to go up and TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up and Castle is back again! Castle runs in but again is TOSSED! Woods runs in, he and Cage speed things up, and Woods catches Cage for an EXPLODER!

Fans fire up as Castle tries one more time! Woods is ready, but then Castle blocks the toss! Woods turns it around, they go around and around and Castle TOSSES Woods! Fans fire up with Castle, but Shane DECKS Castle! Seven BACK HANDS Shane! Woods is back to SUPERMAN PUNCH! Mack is back to ROUNDHOUSE! Cage rises to JUMP KNEE! Castle returns once more, he blocks Cage’s punch to ELBOW and LARIAT! Fans fire up as Shane returns, bobs ‘n’ weaves and JABS Castle! Shane hangs Castle out to dry, for the TOWER OF LONDON! Shane talks trash on the Boys, but turns around to see Seven. Bop up, and BANG!

Seven ripcords, SEVEN STAR LARIAT! Cover, but Woods deadlifts Seven off! GUT WRENCH BOMB! Mack returns again, to SKY HIGH Woods! Cage SLIDING BOOTS Mack! Cage wrenches, pump handles, to G M S I! Castle is back, Cage dodges but then Castle clinches, for an EXPLODER! Fans are thunderous for The Peacock and he goes up a corner! Castle wobbles, and Seven SHOVES him onto the others! They all fall down, and now Seven climbs?! But Cage trips Seven up! Seven tumbles into the ring, but Cage drags him up! Nana says yes, and Cage brings Seven up! DEADLIFT SUPERPLEX out onto the cluster!!

The fans lose their mans as all five opponents, and even The Boys, go down! But Mack is up and FLIES onto Cage!! Fans fire up, Mack wants that Jerk Chicken! Mack puts Cage in and he climbs up. “Let’s Go, Willie!” FROG SPLASH!! But Mack bounces off the cover! He has to crawl over to Cage and he makes the cover, Nana helps the ropebreak! The ref sees Nana and Nana panics. There are no disqualifications but still. Seven CHOPS Mack, brings him around, EMERALD FLOWSION!! Cover, TWO!?! Seven fires up and fans are with him. Seven drags Mack up, clinches, but Mack slips free!

Mack kicks low to STUNNER! Seven falls, but Shane is back! STUNNER for Shane! Castle is up, BOOT and STUNNER for Castle! The Boys catch Castle, Woods runs up, STUNNER for him! Cage is up, Mack dodges the discus to kick and- NO, roll up! WITH TIGHTS! Cage wins!!

Winner: Brian Cage, by pinfall (wins the $25,000)

Nana is excited not just for the money but for Cage’s 2023 ROH undefeated streak to continue! The Mogul Embassy are money machines, will there be any stopping them now?


Mixed Six Tag: The Kingdom VS Trish Adora & The Infantry!

Mike Bennett, Matt Taven & Maria Kanellis say that the OGK IS ROH! But they’ve also run afoul of quite a few new wave stars who just want an opportunity. Will Boston Strong Style, The Trend and the First Lady of Wrestling deny the AfroPunk, Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo their rise to the top? Or will there be nothing stopping The Infantry now that they have reinforcements?

But Maria has everyone hold on. She wants to reintroduce herself. She is Maria Kanellis-Bennett, the First Lady of Pro-Wrestling. And this is the first time in five YEARS that she will be wrestling! She knows Canada is so excited to see that. But unfortunately, she’s not medically cleared to wrestle tonight. Oh, sure, right. But Maria says she is all about giving opportunities, so that means tonight, Trish has the opportunity to face a legit shooter. Let her introduce to ROH, LEGIT LEYLA HIRSCH! Hirsh returns from a long absence and what a way to return! Will this change everything about this match?

Mixed Six Tag: The Kingdom & Leyla Hirsch VS Trish Adora & The Infantry!

The Code of Honor is upheld, Maria is so happy for Leyla, and it is ladies first. Leyla and Trish circle as fans rally up. But then Mike tags in, so Dean steps up for his team. Maria says it’s fine, Leyla doesn’t have to rush her return. Mike and Dean tie up, break, and Mike CHOPS! Dean CHOPS! Mike CHOPS, Dean CHOPS, repeat! Fans fire up as the CHOPS keep going, but then Mike headlocks. Dean powers up and out, but Mike runs him over! Fans rally as things speed up, and Dean arm-drags! And arm-drags again! And DROPKICKS! Mike goes to a corner, staggers back, into a CHOP! Fans fire up with The Captain!

Dean salutes, then stalks Mike to the corner. Tag to Carlie, Dean JABS and JABS and JABS! Then Carlie JABS, JABS and JABS! Tag back to Dean, Carlie pops ‘n’ locks and ROCKS Mike! Mike sits down, Carlie & Dean drag him out to crisscross and SPLIT the wishbone! Maria feels for Mike, but Leyla tags in! But then Matt tags off Leyla. Fans boo but Taven is a gentleman enough to hold the ropes open for Leyla. But then Carlie rushes in, headlocks, and Dean tags in as Taven powers out. Carlie runs Taven over, Dean PENALTY KICKS, and Carlie SENTONS! BIG elbow from Dean! Cover, ONE!!

Taven scrambles, and he asks if Leyla is ready. She says she is, so Taven tags her in! Trish finally steps in, and fans fire up as the two circle. Fans chant “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” Leyla nods and ties up with Trish, but Trish WRINGS Leyla out! Trish WRINGS her again, then steps over to LA MAGISTROL! TWO but Trish keeps on Leyla with an Alabama Lift. The Kingdom tell Trish to let Leyla down, but Trish just puts her in a Reverse Neckbreaker Stretch! Fans rally as Leyla endures. Trish grins but Leyla fights out to get around and GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Leyla puts Trish on ropes.

Leyla smothers Trish, the ref counts, Mike talks trash, but Leyla lets off at 4. Leyla CHOPS and ROCKS Trish against ropes, then wraps an arm around ropes to pull! The ref counts, Leyla lets off at 4 and argues with the ref. The Kingdom argue with fans, Leyla whips but Trish reverses. Trish scoops but Leyla slips free to RAM Trish into buckles! Fans rally up as Leyla goes corner to corner. But Trish elbows her away! Trish runs in, Leyla WRINGS her, but Trish rolls through! Leyla blocks a boot, spins Trish, but LARIAT TUBMAN comes through! Fans fire up while both women are down!

Hot tag to Carlie and he rallies on the Kingdom! BIG back drop for Taven, and one for Mike! Fans fire up with Carlie, he runs to juke and ROCK Mike! Taven BOOTS Carlie, goes up, but Carlie kicks legs out! Taven is stuck in the ropes! Carlie dodges Mike, scoops him, and then LAWN DARTS him into Taven’s trend! Carlie then gets Taven for a DRAPING DDT! Fans fire up with Carlie and he shakes the ropes. Mike runs in, Carlie blocks a boot to get around and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Maria is relieved and Mike kicks Carlie. Mike goes for the arm but Carlie powers him back. Tag to Dean and he ELBOWS Mike!

Feed to the Captain’s clinch, pop up, ASSISTED URENAGE! Cover, Taven breaks it! But Carlie runs up to TOSS Taven out! Dean & Carlie reset, they get Mike up. Carlie runs, but Mike fights free to SUPERKICK Carlie! Tag to Leyla! But Carlie & Dean still get Mike, SUPERKICK RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP COMBO! And LARIAT TUBMAN hits Leyla again!! Leyla bails out so Trish LARIATS Mike out! Dean FLIES to take Mike out at the ramp! Fans are thunderous and Carlie gives a thumbs up! Carlie slingshots, but Taven gives him a KICK OF THE KING! Taven FLIES! Direct hit and all the men are down!

The ladies get back in the ring, Leyla gets around but Trish blocks the suplex! Trish wrenches out, waistlocks, and she wants the arm! But Maria distracts! Trish lets off Leyla, but then Mike gets in! The ref stops Mike, Trish swings on Maria but Maria HOTSHOTS Trish! Leyla hits a SAYANAGI, into the LEGIT ARMBREAKER!! Trish taps, The Kingdom & Leyla win!

Winners: The Kingdom & Leyla Hirsch, by submission

Maria’s mercenary comes through for the team, but Leyla says she is so done with these three. Leyla is back, will she be a legit threat to the ROH Women’s World Champion? As for The Kingdom, they always seem to find a way. Will they become ROH World Tag Team Champions by any means necessary?

Backstage interview with Leyla Hirsch.

Lexi catches Leyla on her way in and welcomes her to ROH. Lexi does want to ask, what is her relationship with the Kingdom? Leyla says it’s real simple: Mike & Maria needed someone legit for tonight. She showed up. They needed someone to get the job done, and Leyla did that. Leyla is here to stay in ROH because ROH is known for innovation and high-flying. But Leyla is a shooter. Anyone that gets in the ring with her, good luck trying to fly through her. Is Leyla looking to clip some wings while she goes for gold?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH that was only a little over 90 minutes. Still some filler type matches, but those did work to build momentum. Good wins for Komander, Diamante, the Gates of Agony, The Righteous & Stu, and Moriarty & Morrissey. Good promo from Moriarty & Morrissey, I do like their combination and hope they get opportunities in the tag division. And a really good match from Garcia VS Daniels with plenty of fans starting to dig Garcia’s sports… enner-tay-ner side. Garcia of course wins to have momentum going towards an eventual ROH Pure Championship match, probably at Death Before Dishonor.

Another decent Proving Ground match but I’m feeling like there’s less and less point to them if they’re gonna get shorter, not longer. Athena needs to be put against someone who gets to minute nine. But clearly they’re trying to build Athena’s streak so that when she loses, it’ll be (treated) as big as when Jade Cargill finally lost. That said, great main event with Leyla Hirsch making a surprise return. Leyla is legit, but I do like how The Kingdom wasn’t really respecting her as their third. I almost thought Leyla was gonna turn on them, but now, her winning is a stronger return than a Face move that the fans would love.

The promo after with Leyla was good, she’s ready to take on anyone. Though to be honest, her saying that ROH is known for high-flying is more the men’s division. I haven’t really seen that many female wrestlers in ROH who do the topes and the springboards, they’re fairly grounded like Leyla. But I would love if somehow, some way, we got Athena VS Leyla, and it really feels like Leyla could be the one that takes the title off Athena because she’s legit. And then Leyla can carry the division, having her own impressive win streak while Athena gets back in the AEW title scene.

That Six Man Mayhem was a lot of fun, and of course for kayfabe big money. It’s also great to see Trent Seven back somewhere, though I’m still surprised WWE hasn’t tried harder to get him. Too bad for Mack, but he got his hopes up thinking of what he’d do before having the money. I hope Cage’s win here ties into AEW so that Mogul Embassy can use that $25K for stuff. Pretty sure The Embassy will have the ROH World Six Man Tag titles going into Death Before Dishonor, but I hope a trio comes along that takes those from them. Maybe if Stu & The Righteous come out on top against The Dark Order, it’s Stu, Dutch & Vincent in a not quite Face turn.

Interesting swerve in Nese VS JD becoming a Triple Threat with Mark. Great match, though, and great win from Mark. Mark then being given Eddie’s blessing but also mission to take the world title off Claudio was really cool, and Claudio had a great promo getting in Mark’s face. Claudio VS Mark is going to be great stuff, no idea if Mark takes the title but at this point, he really should. Claudio is going to be coming off of Blood & Guts on the 19th, and what more can Claudio do not really being around in ROH? He does the same quick Proving Ground matches on ROH TV as Athena, and then he defends his title on AEW shows because AEW is trying to get ratings. Mark definitely needs to be the face of ROH, that’s a great way to honor Jay.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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