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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/14/23)

Is Bianca ready for Asuka?



The EST finally gets her rematch!

Bianca Belair still owes Asuka for those blue mist fingers to the face, so she finally gets her rematch here on SmackDown! Will the EST reign once again? Or will the Empress of Tomorrow keep her throne by any means necessary?


  • Sheamus & Ridge Holland w/ Pete Dunne VS Pretty Deadly; Pretty Deadly wins.
  • Zelina Vega VS Bayley w/ Iyo Sky; Bayley wins.
  • WWE United States Championship Invitational Tournament Fatal 4 Way: AJ Styles VS Santos Escobar VS Pete Dunne VS Grayson Waller; Escobar wins and advances to the finals in two weeks.
  • WWE Women’s Championship: Asuka VS Bianca Belair; Bianca wins by disqualification, Asuka retains the title.


Jey Uso is backstage.

Main Event Jey is wary rolling alone without his brother, Jimmy, but he isn’t going to back down. Will he get an answer out of Roman Reigns about his challenge for the Universal Championship?


Bianca Belair heads to the ring!

The EST is going to face Asuka for the WWE Women’s Championship later tonight, but she wants to have one last word before then. Fans cheer as she gets the mic to say, “People always say things like, ‘Patience is a virtue’ and ‘good things come to those who wait.’ But man, is it hard to be patient and wait, especially when you want something so badly.” Fans cheer that. Bianca feels like she’s been waiting forever to get her rematch with Asuka. It’s been since May 27th, Night of Champions, just for her opportunity to get her title back. And hold up, let’s not even talk about all the hoops she had to go through to get at what should’ve been hers in the first place.

“So tonight is the night. No, matter of fact, tonight is MY night!” Fans like the sound of that! Bianca says she will show Asuka that patience IS a virtue, but that vengeance is sweet! Tonight, Bianca will give Asuka exactly what she deserves: A KOD, a 1-2-3, and Bianca strutting out of here as the NEW- Wait! Here comes Charlotte Flair! The Queen goes to the ring, with her pyro going off, and stands face to face with Bianca. Charlotte feels all fired up! Raleigh, North Carolina, did Bianca get you fired up? The fans cheer because she did. Charlotte says no offense to Asuka, but Bianca is the one who’s gonna win.

In fact, Charlotte’s gonna manifest this win in Flair Country! She feels Bianca will be the new WWE Women’s Champion. And when Bianca does, there won’t be any confusion on who is next in line. Bianca knows “the line starts and ends” with Charlotte. Well she wouldn’t say it that way, but respectfully, face to face, Charlotte is next. So when Bianca wins, it will be Charlotte Flair VS Bianca Belair for the WWE Women’s Championship. What does Bianca say? The fans like the sound of it, and Bianca mulls it over. Bianca won’t jinx herself right now because she is focused on Asuka. But if Bianca does win, what would be bigger than The EST VS The Queen at SummerSlam?

Fans really like the sound of that! Charlotte thinks on that. IF Bianca wins, it is on! And Bianca says Charlotte is right, Bianca IS ready for Asuka. Charlotte and Bianca shake hands, Charlotte lets out a “WOO~!” and the deal is struck. But Asuka is watching backstage, already ready with her ring gear and face paint. Will Asuka make sure these SummerSlam plans include her?


The Brawling Brutes are at gorilla.

Sheamus is fired up, tonight is the night! Butch here will get through in the United States Championship Invitational Tournament, and then Sheamus & Ridge Holland finally get payback on those “two bleedin’ dancin’ Muppets,” Pretty Deadly.” Ridge says those two keep talking about “Friday Night SnackDown,” but they get eaten alive. Dunne says iiiiit’s FIGHT NIGHT! The Brutes head out, that tag match is up first! Will Kit Wilson & Elton Prince wish they were still trying to survive in NXT?

Sheamus & Ridge Holland w/ Pete Dunne VS Pretty Deadly!

SmackDown returns and Pretty Deadly makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Sheamus starts against Elton but Elton bails out! The fans boo but Sheamus laughs at Elton, because he grabs Kit! Sheamus TOSSES Kit into the ring, fires off haymakers, but then Elton rushes in. Sheamus catches Elton for a ROLLING SENTON! And then Sheamus picks Kit up, ROLLING SENTON onto Elton! Fans fire up as Sheamus clotheslines Kit out! Elton BOOTS Sheamus, whips him to ropes, but Sheamus blocks hip toss and stares Elton down. LARIAT! Tag to Ridge and Sheamus whips Elton to a corner.

Ridge runs in to SPLASH, then he feeds Elton to a scoop SLAM! Cover, TWO! Ridge fires off on Elton, HEADBUTTS him to a corner, and then fireman’s carries. Elton fights free, and he CHOP BLOCKS a leg! Elton UPPERCUTS, tags Kit, and Pretty Deadly mug Ridge! Fans boo but Kit UPPERCUTS! Kit ROCKS Ridge, tags Elton, and holds Ridge in place for Elton to UPPERCUT! Ridge staggers, Elton tags Kit back in, and they CLUB Ridge down. The ref counts, Elton tells Sheamus to stay back, but Ridge picks up both Pretty Deadly! DOUBEL BACK DROP! Fans fire up and Ridge tags in Sheamus!

The Celtic Warrior storms in, Kit begs for mercy! Kit kicks but Sheamus blocks it to DUMP him out hard! Ridge scoops Elton and puts him on the top rope! Fans fire up as Sheamus makes Kit smile before the BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! They go past ten to get TWENTY, then TWENTY-FIVE, and then SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Elton stomps away on Sheamus at the ropes. The ref counts, the fans boo, but Elton tags to Kit. Kit drops the leg on the apron! And then Kit CLUBS away on Sheamus! Kit storms into the ring, drags Sheamus up, but Sheamus throws body shots! Kit UPPERCUTS Sheamus down! Tag to Elton and they both stomp away at the ropes! The ref reprimands and counts, Kit exits but Elton CHOKES Sheamus on ropes. Elton lets off at 4 to throw crossface forearms! Tag back to Kit, they CLUB and stomp Sheamus, and then Elton taunts Sheamus as Kit makes Sheamus smile!

Fans rally for Sheamus and he fights up to his feet! Sheamus ELECTRIC CHAIR DROPS Kit! Fans fire up while both men are down, but Elton goes around the outside to YANK Ridge down! Kit UPPERCUTS Sheamus and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Sheamus is toughing it out, but Kit stomps him down and goes up the corner. Kit leaps, but into a KNEE! Both men crawl, hot tags to Ridge and Elton! Ridge back drops Elton away! And then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Kit! And then another back drop for Elton! Kit runs, into a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Ridge and he runs in to SPLASH Elton!

Ridge SPLASHES Kit! Ridge SPLASHES Elton! And OVERHEAD SUPLEX into Kit! Kit flops out and Ridge roars! Fans fire up and Ridge brings Elton up. Ridge suplexes to a FISHERMAN DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Elton survives and bails out. But Sheamus goes up the corner?! FLYING LARIAT takes out Kit! Sheamus still puts Elton into the ring for Ridge to hit a scoop and NORTHERN GRIT! Cover, Kit breaks it! Sheamus BROGUES Kit! Elton DUMPS Sheamus out, and then he goes after a buckle pad! Ridge runs in, into the bare buckle!! Elton goes up top, SUPER LEG DROP! Cover, Pretty Deadly win!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall

They may not be deadly but they are sneaky! They take advantage of Ridge’s already damaged neck, and they snatch this win from the Brawling Brutes. But will Dunne make up for this by winning tonight’s Fatal 4 Way?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

Next Friday, July 21st, SmackDown will be on Fox Sports, FS1! And on that night, there will be a face-to-face of Roman Reigns and Jey Uso so they can discuss the “rules of engagement” in the Bloodline Civil War’s final phase! Plus, the other United States Championship Invitational Fatal 4 Way of Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, LA Knight and the returning Cameron Grimes! Check your cable guide and your DVR so you don’t miss a thing!


Backstage interview with Grayson Waller.

Cathy Kelley is with the Aussie Icon, and asks him if he is surprised he managed getting himself a championship opportunity this early in his SmackDown career? To be honest, nope! He had his first SmackDown match against the Hall of Famer, Edge, and if he had more than 15 minutes to get ready, he would’ve won! But that’s okay, he “swam.” Now everyone is talking about Grayson Waller, including… THE ROCK! Every week, his family is imploding right in front of him, but he’s worried about Waller. If he wants that Grayson Waller rub and that clout, he knows where to find Waller.

But tonight, Waller is up against three of the best SmackDown has to offer, and he’ll have his hand in victory because that is the Grayson Waller Effect. “If you smell what I’m cookin’. HAHAHA!” The 21st Century Success Story is ready to go viral again, but will it be for all the wrong reasons?


SmackDown has a medical update on Jimmy Uso.

Ruptured rib cartilage will keep him out of action for the foreseeable future, will he at least be watching as Jey goes after the Tribal Chief?


Adam Pearce finds Charlotte on her way out.

He asks where she’s off to, and she says she knows he doesn’t like competitors getting involved in championship matches. And Charlotte has a hard time letting things go, so before he even asks, she is leaving. Really? Yes. Charlotte feels good about Bianca, and about her SummerSlam match, so she’s leaving. But as Charlotte exits, Bayley enters and says, “Charlotte’s not the only one who feels good about tonight.” Iyo Sky holds up the Money in the Bank briefcase and Bayley laughs. Damage CTRL heads out, but then Charlotte steps back in. “Well on second thought, I think I’ll be staying.” Is the Queen going to make sure the Evil Genius doesn’t ruin her plans?


Zelina Vega VS Bayley w/ Iyo Sky!

Speaking of those plans, La Muneca may not ben Miss MITB, but she could have an impact on what happens tonight. Will she remove the Role Model from the equation tonight? Or will Bayley say ding dong bye-bye to Zelina?

SmackDown returns as DMG CTRL makes their way out, Bayley waving around the green ponytail they snipped off Shotzi’s head. The bell rings and Bayley CLOBBERS Zelina! Bayley sends Zelina out of the ring, goes out after her and SMACKS her off the desk! Bayley brings up how she cut Shotzi’s hair, and she SMACKS Zelina off the desk again! Bayley goes into the ring, Zelina staggers over but Bayley drags her up tot he apron. But Zelina ROCKS Bayley back! And again, and then POSTS her! Fans rally as Zelina puts Bayley in the ring and goes up the corner. Zelina leaps, METEORA! Cover, TWO!

Bayley gets up, swings but misses, and Zelina tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Zelina then kicks low, TWIST OF FATE! Cover, TWO! Zelina rolls but Bayley blocks the kick to throw the leg down! Bayley stomps Zelina, then grabs LA CHANCLA! Bayley says this is for Michael Cole! But Zelina hits a CODE BREAKER! Zelina grabs LA CHANCLA~! Fans fire up as Zelina SPANKS Bayley all around! Bayley bails out, the ref takes the sandal away, but then Bayley HOTSHOTS Zelina! Zelina falls, Bayley hurries in, ROSE PLANT! Cover, Bayley wins!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

The Role Model pulls off the victory and then taunts Zelina with Shotzi’s hair. Will Bayley & Iyo continue to give the SmackDown Women’s Division a “makeover?” Wait, Shotzi is on the tron! And she tells Bayley that if she thought cutting her hair would intimidate or scare her, like she has some kind of control over her… Does Shotzi look scared to you? Shotzi brings up an electric razor as she says, “Do I look like someone you can control? DO I!?” Shotzi says she may be a little weird, but she is also in control. And she will show Bayley just how chaotic she really is! She buzzes her hair off right before our eyes! And laughs as she does it!

Shotzi says she’s not scared, BAYLEY is scared! Shotzi’s in control. So what if she’s a little weird? DMG CTRL are definitely creeped out. Is Bayley going to regret bullying to wrong person?


The OC talk backstage.

They are all fired up for Styles’ opportunity, and he says he’s waited long enough. Styles is gonna win in the Fatal 4, and then they can all party tonight! But will tonight be phenomenal?


Jey Uso heads to the ring!

The fans fire up for the one left standing. What will Jey say about what is coming next? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Jey has the mic. Fans chant “USO! USO!” as Jey takes a moment to compose himself. “Y’know what? Growing up, me and Jimmy: inseparable. I’m talkin’ glued at the hip. If I’m there, he’s there. And if he’s there, I’m there.” Fans cheer that, and Jey says having brothers is a great thing. But there’s something about being twins that makes them special. Twins know. If he’s sad, Jey’s sad. If Jimmy’s happy, Jey’s happy. And if Jimmy’s mad, Jey’s mad. But if Jimmy’s hurt, Jey’s hurt, too! Just never in a million years would Jey think Jimmy gets hurt by his own family members!

Jey says he respects the hierarchy, the culture, their grandparents, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews, but Roman! Please believe that when it comes to you, Jey disrespects all of you! Fans cheer that! Jey tells Solo, yeah, he gonna spank little brother like he did last week! And Wise Man, you been puppeteering this family for 40 YEARS! But guess what? All that stops right here! Fans really liek the sound of that! Jey says he is the REAL Head of the Table, the REAL Chief, and he is MAIN EVENT JEY USO! Fans fire up with Jey but then “ladies and gentlemen,” here comes Paul Heyman.

Fans boo as Heyman and Solo make their way out, and Heyman keeps his introduction going. And he introduces the Enforcer of the Bloodline, Solo. But Solo is not here to enforce Heyman’s will, nor to enforce victory for the Bloodline. Solo is here to enforcer the peace. Solo storms up to the ring and Heyman tells Jey that they’re just stepping into the ring. Nothing is going to happen but a conversation because Jey knows how this works. It has worked this way long before any of them were even born. This was handed down from Afa & Sika and their father and his father, etc.

Next week, here on SmackDown, Roman and Jey will be face to face, and they will discuss the rules of engagement. Jey is annoyed but Heyman says here tonight, this is just a chat. Heyman understands Jey is angry, hostile, filled with vengeance and wants to manifest revenge for Jimmy. And that anger and hostility, that righteous indignation on behalf of his family, that makes him sound more and more like a Tribal Chief every single day. Fans boo and Jey scowls at Heyman for what he’s implying. But Heyman looks to Slo and says Solo is right. Jey has no self-awareness. He doesn’t understand!

Jey doesn’t have the conscience needed to be the Right Hand Man. Doesn’t Jey understand? What happened to Jimmy is all Jey’s fault. Fans boo but Heyman says Jey rose up against the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, and wanted to become the head of the family, the protector of everyone’s children, and the conscience and good will. Jey wanted to take this family, but Heyman should just talk to “Jim!” This is your favorite “jew-so” to ask you if you understand why you’re in the hospital. It is all because of your twin brother, Jey! Fans boo again and Jey shakes his head.

Heyman says in Samoan and English, he doesn’t know how Jey can ever forgive himself. How can Jimmy ever forgive Jey? Their father, Rikishi, will never forgive him! Their MOTHER will never forgive him! Heyman loves the Usos! And yet he’ll never forgive them! Their Tribal Chief, Roman…! Reigns…! Will never forgive Jey! Wait, Solo wants to talk?! Heyman hands the mic over, and Solo says, “What happened to Jimmy… that’s all on you. But me? I’ll never forgive you, either.” Fans boo as Solo drops the mic. And the brawl is on! Jey dodges to SUPERKICK Solo out of the ring! Fans fire up and Heyman freaks out!

Jey looks at Heyman and Heyman REALLY freaks out now! Fans want him to do it, and Jey grins. Jey creeps up on Heyman but Heyman says he still loves Jey! But Solo gets back in to CLOBBER Jey! Heyman runs away, Solo stomps away, and then Solo prepares the thumb! SAMOAN- TACKLE from Jey! Jey rains down forearms and fans fire up! Heyman crawls in with a chair, but Jey SUPERKICKS Heyman first!! And then Jey DIVES onto Solo! Fans are thunderous as Jey stands tall again! Heyman sits up in a daze, and he sees Jey eyeing the chair. Fans still want him to do more, and Heyman panics!

Heyman says he wants Jey to be Tribal Chief! Jey says not good enough! But Solo returns, so Jey JAMS him! And SMACKS him out of the ring! Solo & Heyman retreat but the message is clear! Jey is not backing down, no matter what anyone says! Will Jey free the family from the tyranny of Heyman and the Tribal Chief?


Adam Pearce talks with Bianca and a referee.

He is preparing them both for how Charlotte and DMG CTRL are both still in the building. In fact, Bayley & Iyo can be seen lurking in the back, just waiting for this. Will the EST be ready for Asuka and everyone else? Or will tonight become even more chaotic?


Austin Theory heads to the ring.

The WWE United States Champion is the one who put this “Invitational” together, so he wants to see it with his own eyes. Will the Now be at all worried about who comes out of this first Fatal 4 Way?

WWE United States Championship Invitational Tournament Fatal 4 Way: AJ Styles VS Santos Escobar VS Pete Dunne VS Grayson Waller!

SmackDown returns as Waller makes his entrance, followed by Styles. Theory is on commentary, he likes Michael Cole’s explanation of the tournament. The bell rings, Waller talks trash on Styles but DECKS Dunne with a sucker punch! Then Waller bails out, and he talks trash with Theory. But Dunne storms up to FLYING FOREARM Waller into Theory! Escobar rolls Styles up, TWO! Victory roll, TWO! Escobar CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, then runs, but into a DROPKICK! Escobar falls out of the ring, Dunne is there to CLOBBER him! Dunne hurries in and stares down Styles. But Waller returns, so Styles DECKS him!

Styles and Dunne circle, they fire off forearms and haymakers, then Dunne runs. Styles blocks a kick, ducks the enziguri, and waistlocks. Dunne fights free, trips Styles, and jackknife bridges! TWO as Styles bridges up! Styles spins Dunne but Dunne fights the backslide. Waller joins in to trip and double roll-up, TWO! Styles and Dunne glare at Waller. Waller swings, Dunne blocks, and Styles DECKS Waller again! Dunne and Styles reset and fans rally up. Styles and Dunne fire off haymakers again! Escobar CROSSBODIES in to wipe them both out! Waller CLUBS Escobar, then he does drop steps.

Waller brings Escobar to a fireman’s carry but Escobar slips free, shoves and DROPKICKS! Waller sits down, but Escobar brings him up. Escobar CHOPS Waller in the corner, then spells out “L W O!” Escobar whips, Waller reverses, but Escobar goes up to headscissor! Waller blocks, kicks Styles as he storms up, and then hands Escobar off to Styles so he can LEAP FROG ATTACK Escobar! Dunne returns, Waller rushes in but runs into a SNAP GERMAN! Dunne STOMPS the hands, then BUZZSAWS Waller down! Styles ENZIGURIS Dunne! Escobar KNEES Styles! Styles PELES Escobar! Fans fire up as all four men are down, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Waller has a headlock on Dunne. Dunne throws body shots but Waller throws knees. Escobar returns but Waller hits him with a LEG LARIAT! Waller talks trash on Dunne, but Dunne bends Waller’s fingers! Fans fire up as Dunne SNAPS those digits! Dunne runs in but Waller TOSSES him out! Styles storms up to fire off the Phenomenal Blitz! Waller falls over even before the lariat, so Styles runs to SLIDING FOREARM! Waller staggers to a corner, Styles runs in to clothesline! Styles fireman’s carries to USHIGOROSHI! Cover, Dunne breaks it with boots! Theory tells Michael to watch out, insulting him.

Escobar ROCKS Dunne, puts him in a corner and CHOPS him! Escobar brings Dunne around, stomps Styles and then KICKS Dunne in the corner. Escobar puts Dunne up top, to GAMANGIRI! Escobar then climbs, whistles and SUPER STEINERS Dunne at Styles! Styles catches Dunne for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Escobar KICKS and stomps Styles, then goes up a corner. But Waller throws body shots! Waller climbs up after Escobar, throws some elbows, then cravats. But Dunne joins in to GAMANGIRI Waller! Fans fire up as Dunne climbs up. Waller ROCKS Dunne, Styles ROCKS Waller!

Styles and Dunne look to each other, shrug and climb up together! The fans fire up as Escobar goes up even higher! SUPER SUNSET FLIP SUPERPLEX POWERBOMB COMBO!!! Now Theory is worried because “This is Awesome!” All four men take a corner, and Escobar says “L W O!” DOUBLE KNEES to Styles! DOUBLE KNEES to Dunne! And DOUBLE KNEES to Waller! Fireman’s carry, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, Styles AND Dunne break it! Fans rally, Waller flops out of the ring but Dunne, Styles and Escobar stare down. They all stand, and they fire off hands! Escobar CHOPS Dunne, Dunne CHOPS Escobar!

Dunne ROCKS Styles, Styles fires off on Escobar! Escobar blocks the back hand, Dunne ENZIGURIS Escobar! Styles kicks Dunne and reels him in, but Dunne slips outta the Clash to ENZIGURI! Dunne clotheslines Styles out, Escobar leaps in, into a HAYMAKER! Cover, Waller breaks it!! Waller drags Dunne up, Electric Chair Lifts, but Dunne gives him knuckles to the forehead! Waller sits down, into a BUZZSAW! Dunne roars, runs in, but Waller TOSSES him! Waller slides and- NO, Dunne dodges and ASAI MOONSAULTS! But Escobar builds speed, ARROW FROM HELL!! Escobar puts Dunne in and fans fire up!

Escobar gets Dunne up, PHANTOM- PHENOMENAL FOREARM!! Styles hits outta nowhere, then hauls Dunne up! But WAIT! There’s a fight going on backstage, the OC is fighting off KARRION KROSS!!! Kross has Karl Anderson in the KROSSJACKET!! Kross lets Karl go, and shouts at Styles, “We’re not done yet.” Styles hurries out but Waller CLOBBERS him! Then SLINGSHOT STUNNER on Dunne! But Escobar is up top! FROG SPLASH onto Waller!! Cover, Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

The Emperor of Lucha says he will be campeon, but Theory says Escobar has no chance because Theory is the greatest. However, there is still next week’s Fatal 4 Way, who will be meeting Escobar in the finals in two weeks?


Adam Pearce now talks with Asuka.

He is surely telling her to be aware of the same things he told Bianca about. And again, Iyo & Bayley are lurking in the background. Will the Empress of Tomorrow defy the odds and make it out of Raleigh still champion?


The OC regroups.

Gallows checks his jaw and Anderson catches his breath. Seems Scarlett even got Mia as she clutches a shoulder. Styles helps Karl up and checks him. Kross is right, though. This is NOT over. Styles vows to get payback, but when and where will he battle with the apocalypse?


The Street Profits wait outside.

Angelo Dawkins checks his phone. “He” said he’d be here by now. But Montez Ford points out a stretch limousine pulling in, that has to be him. He said he’d be here so here he is! Dawkins says okay, he got it. They wait, the driver opens the door, and out steps… BOBBY LASHLEY! The All Mighty says hey to the Profits, and makes sure they’re ready to talk. Oh they sure are! The three step into the limousine and it pulls away. What business could these three be working on?


Rey Mysterio speaks.

“It has been almost one year since my career was full of uncertainty. But after joining SmackDown, well, I gained a new family in the LWO. A Hall of Fame ring, and now, I’m looking for championship gold. And after next week’s Fatal 4 Way match, one step closer to the United States title. BOOYAKA!”

Cameron Grimes speaks.

“I was ecstatic when I got the call that I was in the United States Championship Invitational. What better way to show that I belong than by winning that Fatal 4 Way next week? I’m confident that I’m going TOOOOO THEEE MOOON~!”

Sheamus speaks.

“I’m so over this, yeah? Twice now, I’ve had Theory beat, and twice now, his new friends have come and interfered and cost me the United States Championship. That little Cena wannabe has weaseled out so many times, I’ve lost count. And now, I gotta mow through three other men just to get another crack at him? Well bring it on, fella! And as for those three other lads are standing across from me, get outta me bleedin’ way, and know that Theory is mine.”

LA Knight heads to the ring!

The fourth man in the second Fatal 4 Way is here in Raleigh, with a mic, and the fans are all fired up! Knight takes a second to hear them all out before he says, “Lemme talk to ya!” Knight says that all of a sudden, he’s everywhere, huh? “YEAH!” Everybody wants to use HIS name, everyone on the internet wants to use HIS name to get views and clicks! “YEAH!” Well call it what it is: He is the best decision this company’s ever made. He stands head and shoulders above, NOBODY back there can touch him! “YEAH!” So let’s just go ahead and talk about the worst decision ever made: United States Title Invitational? NAH-NAH!

Theory’s title is in trouble! Not because five guys are vying for it, but because KNIGHT is coming for it! “YEAH!” Theory has to understand something. You can call Knight the Mega Star, or even The GOAT. “But sooner or later, one way or another, you will be calling me champ! YEAH! Cuz who’s game is it? With everybody saying…” “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Knight says three men are getting dropped on FS1, but will he really make it past the King of Lucha, the Celtic Warrior and the Carolina Caveman?


WWE Women’s Championship: Asuka VS Bianca Belair!

The Empress used some truly dirty tactics to take the then Raw Women’s Championship from The EST at Night of Champions. And with a lot of hoopla and rigmarole, Bianca had to bide her time until this very moment. Will Bianca unleash all of her pent up frustration to take this title back again? Or will she still not be ready for Asuka?

SmackDown returns as Asuka makes her entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who heads to SummerSlam!

But wait, Bayley & Iyo are in the crowd as fans with tickets, copying what Bianca did weeks ago. The bell rings and the two rush in, but then Asuka gets around to pull the braid! Asuka throws Bianca down, KICKS her, then runs, but Bianca ducks the sliding kick! Bianca kips up, eggs Asuka on, and things speed up, Bianca runs Asuka over! Asuka scrambles to a corner, Bianca whips but Asuka reverses only for Bianca to reverse and hip toss! Asuka goes to a corner, Bianca RAMS into her! Bianca then climbs up and rains down fists! The fans count along and Bianca goes all the way to TEN, but then Asuka slips out!

Asuka yanks Bianca around by the hair, but Bianca whips Asuka away. Bianca runs in but Asuka drop toeholds her into buckles! And KICKS her in the back! Asuka goes corner to corner, Bayley mockingly cheers, but Bianca catches Asuka into chicken wings! GlamEST Slam off the buckles! Torture rack, but Asuka arm-drags free! And then hits a CODE BREAKER! But Bianca comes back to CLOBBER Asuka! Fans fire up while both women are down and DMG CTRL “cheers” them on. A standing count starts, but then here comes Charlotte! She’s also “a fan” at ringside as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again and Asuka runs in, to get run over! Bianca DROPKICKS Asuka, then spins her around to a suplex! Bianca kips up again and fans fire up. Bianca handsprings to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Charlotte pretends to be a bit surprised by that. Bianca runs in to RAM Asuka in the corner, then she hoists Asuka up top. Bianca climbs, brings Asuka up, but Asuka resists the superplex! Asuka swings but Bianca backflips away! Asuka MISSILE DROPKICKS Bianca down! Cover, TWO! Charlotte really did seem tense there but Asuka keeps her focus. Asuka drags Bianca up to a waistlock.

Bianca resists, bucks the O’Conner, and then slips out to the apron. Bianca ROCKS Asuka, jumps in but Asuka dodges to POP-UP KNEE! Bianca rebounds, but into a takedown! FUJIWARA! Bianca powers up and around to gut wrench Asuka, for a POWER- NO, Asuka fights free! Bianca still catches Asuka for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Bianca handsprings again, into an ASUKA LOCK!! But Bianca fights out of the body scissors to a cover, TWO! Asuka kicks, Bianca ducks, chicken wings and- VICTORY ROLL! Bianca goes tumbling out of the ring, and Asuka CODE BREAKERS in the ropes!

Fans fire up as Asuka howls, and Asuka goes to the apron. SLIDING- NO, Bianca dodges the kick to torture rack! KISS OF DEATH onto the desk!! Fans are thunderous while Asuka sputters, but here comes DMG CTRL! But also Charlotte! And Charlotte intercepts Bayley with a BOOT! Bianca is shocked, and Charlotte says she just saved her! But Iyo POSTS Charlotte! Iyo reminds Bianca who has the briefcase, but then Charlotte runs in! Iyo dodges, the SPEAR hits Bianca!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by disqualification (Asuka retains the title)

Iyo then CLOBBERS Charlotte with the briefcase! DMG CTRL still has control of the situation, and they decide to go for it! They drag Asuka into the ring, Bayley has the briefcase and tells the ref to do it! Iyo is already up top, but Asuka springs to life! BLUE MIST to Bayley!! Asuka snatches the belt and runs! Iyo is furious as another opportunity slips through her fingers! But between Charlotte clashing with Bianca and Miss MITB still a threat, will Asuka have to watch her back all the way through the summer?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, with another great Bloodline segment. The FS1 commercial did spoil some of what Heyman was going to say, but a “rules of engagement” meeting is certainly to determine what exact stipulations the match between Roman and Jey will have, as perhaps even an agreement that there will be no more brawling as we approach SummerSlam. As such, great brawl here tonight where Jey takes care of Solo and Heyman. Also, I’m really intrigued to see where things are going between Lashley & the Profits. It would seem WWE doesn’t want to split the Profits up, even amicably, so a Face take on the Hurt Business might not be so bad.

Really good tag match from Brutes VS Pretty Deadly, but of course Kit & Elton cheat. That blowoff should happen at the SummerSlam go-home, and then they move on to new feuds as I don’t see Pretty Deadly circling back around to the tag titles so soon after losing to Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn on the MITB go-home. Great little surprise in this US Championship contenders tournament, but also a lot of great promos and story tie-ins with it. Good promo from Waller where of course he thought he was winning, and clever use of the OC group segment to give Kross a target so he could distract Styles. Escobar winning is a great move, he and the LWO need something to keep going.

With that, good promos from the next four competitors. But with Escobar in, you can be sure Rey won’t be. Sheamus also has this Pretty Deadly feud going, I don’t think he makes it. Fans love LA Knight so much, I would think he has to win or the fans would be really disappointed. And then either Escobar or Knight could win in the finals, but again fans really want it to be Knight, so maybe Knight VS Theory is our SummerSlam match. And either way, Theory just needs to lose already. He’s a decent Heel but he could use some freshening up as a Face. Theory knows how to be funny and all that, so maybe, like John Cena, going Face could help him. (Yes, Cena used to be Heel when he first started his Thuganomics character, and then turned Face.)

And then, while it went how I expected, I still like what we got out of the Women’s Championship story tonight. Zelina is fed to Bayley, but then Shotzi sends a great message to Bayley by shaving maniacally her head. Also, Shotzi did this for a real-life reason, her sister has been diagnosed with cancer so this is a show of solidarity. I certainly hope and pray Shotzi’s sister is okay, and I would hope that Shotzi wins her rematch with Bayley. Meanwhile, great stuff where Charlotte and DMG CTRL were ready ringside during the great main event match. As such, logical move that they end up “ruining” that match, and logical move that Asuka avoids the cash-in. Pretty sure I said this last week, but SummerSlam should be no less than a Triple Threat, and of course Iyo will still camp out.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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