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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (8/11/23)

What’s next for The Bloodline?




Roman Reigns is STILL Undisputed Universal Champion, with help from an unlikely source. But is Jimmy back in the Bloodline? Or is this something different?


  • Asuka VS Charlotte Flair; No Contest.
  • AJ Styles w/ Mia Yim VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Styles wins.
  • LA Knight VS Top Dolla w/ Hit Row; Knight wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: Austin Theory VS Santos Escobar Rey Mysterio; Rey wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.


Asuka VS Charlotte Flair!

The Empress of Tomorrow lost her WWE Women’s Championship, but not to the Queen! Bianca Belair pulled off an incredible victory in the Triple Threat, but even then, Bianca isn’t champion because Iyo Sky cashed in her Money in the Bank contract! With all eyes on a new target, who wins here to go after the Evil Genius?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. Asuka and Charlotte circle, tie up, and go around. Charlotte wrenches to a wristlock and she keeps Asuka from ropes. Asuka flips through ropes, wrenches back and has the wristlock. Fans rally, Charlotte cartwheels and wrenches, but Asuka fires forearms and a SOBAT! Asuka runs, RAMS Charlotte, but she stays up! So Asuka shoves her! Charlotte shoves Asuka, forearms fly, and fans fire up as the shots are heavy! Charlotte then runs Asuka over! Fans fire up, things speed up, Charlotte rolls and then dodges Asuka to hurdle. Asuka avoids the rollback to DROPKICK Charlotte down!

Fans fire up, Asuka storms up to KICK Charlotte! And KICK! And KICK! And KICK, but Charlotte blocks! Charlotte trips Asuka, has the legs, but Asuka kicks her away! Charlotte BOOTS Asuka back down! Fans “WOO~!” for Charlotte as she storms up on Asuka. Charlotte whips corner to corner but Asuka reverses. Charlotte tumbles up and out and BOOTS back again! Charlotte goes up the corner, fans fire up, but Asuka ROCKS her first! And then TOSSES Charlotte down! Asuka goes up a corner, to MISSILE DROPKICK! And then she runs in, SLIDING KICK! Cover, TWO! Charlotte is still in this but Asuka grins as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Charlotte PLANCHAS out onto Asuka! Fans fire up with The Queen and she drags Asuka back into the ring. Charlotte goes up the corner again, but Asuka stands, so Charlotte CROSSBODIES! She rolls through and fans fire up as Charlotte storms around. Asuka stands, into a CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! The CHOPS keep going, the “WOO~” echoes out, and Asuka falls over! Charlotte scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Charlotte kips up, goes to a corner, runs in to handspring and LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Asuka is still in this but now Charlotte grins. Charlotte stalks Asuka and waistlocks.

Asuka fights with elbows, but charlotte ducks a kick to shove. Charlotte then follows, to SPEAR! Charlotte doesn’t stop there, she has the legs, but IYO SKY is here! She AND Damage Control swagger on stage to show off that Women’s Championship, and Asuka cradles Charlotte! TWO!! Charlotte escapes, but Asuka ROUNDHOUSES her! But Charlotte BOOTS her in return! Both women are down, and Bayley has everyone cheer for Iyo! The ref has a standing count on Asuka and Charlotte, both rise at 5 of 10. Charlotte ELBOWS Asuka, Asuka ROCKS Charlotte, and why is Bayley on the apron?

The brawl continues, Charlotte sees Bayley and takes a swipe! Bayley gets away, and Charlotte turns around into a CODE BREAKER! But Iyo gets up to springboard, DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK on Charlotte & Asuka!

No Contest

Fans are torn as DMG CTRL mugs Asuka and Charlotte! Bayley & Iyo high-five while Dakota cheers on the outside. Fans start booing more than anything, and Bayley RAMS Charlotte into buckles! Iyo SHOTEIS Asuka, then POSTS her! The WWE Women’s Champion holds up her title, then she and DMG CTRL head out. Dakota tells them to cheer their new champion, Iyo Sky! Will nothing stop DMG CTRL from taking control?


Backstage interview with Santos Escobar.

Kayla Braxton is with “The Sensational” Emperor of Lucha, and asks what his mindset is tonight ahead of his US Championship match. Escobar says in Spanish and then in English that there is only one word to describe it: confident. Escobar says tonight, he has Austin Theory’s number. And tonight- THEORY ATTACKS! Theory throws Escobar around, and wants Escobar to tell him what he’s got! BACK SUPLEX ON A TRUNK! Theory throws hands, says HE’S the champ, but refs try to back him off! Theory SLAMS a trunk lid on the leg!! The rest of the LWO rushes in and Theory runs off! Did Theory just make sure he WON’T have to defend his title?


We check in with the trainer’s room.

Escobar’s leg is heavily iced up, will he be unable to compete tonight?


AJ Styles w/ Mia Yim VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

Have we had this 1v1 match before? Yes. But as the saying goes, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Will the Phenomenal One and Michin have the answer to stopping the apocalypse? Or will Styles once again #FallAndPray?

SmackDown returns as Kross & Scarlett make their entrance. The bell rings and the two rush in! Styles DROPKICKS, then runs in at the corner. Kross BOOTS Styles away, then runs up, but Styles catches Kross for a BACKBREAKER! Styles then gets the legs, ties them up and has a MUTA LOCK! Kross endures, pries at the crossface, but Styles still has the legs. Kross fights up, and he throat chops Styles! Styles sputters and goes to ropes, but Kross whips him and back drops him! Fans rally for Styles but Kross snarls as he aims from a corner. Styles goes to the other, Kross runs corner to corner to clothesline, ELBOW and FOREARM!

Kross wants to feel Styles’ hate! And then he clinches to EXPLODER! Styles flounders, Kross shouts, “Who’s the man?!” Fans boo, they don’t think it’s him. Cover, ONE!! Styles then fires body shots, but Kross knees low. Kross throws hands, whips Styles into a corner, then fires off haymakers. Kross whips corner to corner hard and Styles falls back! Mia coaches Styles but Kross stomps him down. Kross drags Styles up to bump him off buckles but the fans rally up. Scarlett tells them to shut up, but Styles fights back! Kross CLUBS Styles and Styles almost falls off the corner! Kross drags Styles back up and climbs up.

Kross stands Styles up, but Styles slips under to trip Kross! Kross hits buckles, and Styles clotheslines him out! Fans fire up while Scarlett worries. Styles says if Kross wants hate, here it is! But Kross blocks the sliding knee! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER onto the announce desk! Styles writhes and Kross roars as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Styles fires off the Phenomenal Blitz! LARIAT takes Kross down, and Styles adds a SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up with Styles, and he runs in at the corner to clothesline! Fireman’s carry, but Kross slips off! Kross shoves Styles then puts him on the pron. But Styles ROCKS Kross! Fans fire up, Styles takes aim, springboard, PHENOMENAL- NO, KROSSJACKET!! Kross has Styles caught, but Styles endures! Styles reaches out, pushes off buckles, and rolls to a cover! TWO and Kross keeps the Krossjacket! Fans rally, Styles fights up again, and Styles goes back to a corner to RAM Kross into buckles!

Fans fire up as Styles hops up, QUEBRADA! Then a suplex, but Kross fights! So Styles hits the REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Kross survives, messy as all that was. Scarlett coaches Kross but Styles brings him up for Kawada Kicks! Kross falls over and fans rally up. Styles goes to the apron and takes aim again, to springboard 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Scarlett helps with the ropebreak!! Fans boo but Mia storms up! The Head Baddie chases after, but Scarlett dodges and the boot hits post! Then Scarlett DECKS Mia! Fans boo but Styles scowls. Kross storms up to CLOBBER Styles! Kross then hits the DOOMSDAY SAIDO!

Kross says time’s up, and he throws off the elbow pad! Kross winds up, but Styles ducks the Kross Hammer to ENZIGURI! Styles reels Kross in, but Scarlett distracts on the apron! So Mia YANKS her down, and TOSSES her over the announce desk! Fans fire up but Kross wrenches out! Styles PELES! And then STYLES CLASH!! Cover, Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall

History does NOT repeat itself as Styles finally gets the better of Kross, and Mia even gets the better of Scarlett! Will The OC be able to move on from doomsday now? Or will Kross & Scarlett try to double down?


Cathy Kelley is by the trainer’s room.

She is waiting on an update on Escobar’s condition but Theory walks over to say he’s upset that he won’t get to defend his US Championship tonight. He knows Escobar is toilet paper, where you just look at him and he falls apart, but- REY storms over, producers keeping him back. Rey tells Theory not to get ahead of himself, because Escobar will be ready for tonight. Oh yeah? Theory hopes so, because he was concerned~! Rey wants to take a swing but the producers pull him back again! Theory gets away with this, for now. Will Escobar make it to the title match like Rey promises?



Calgary, Alberta, Canada fires up as The Rated R Superstar returns to SmackDown! And while he’s hit his 25th anniversary as a WWE superstar, just what is the occasion? We find out, after the break!

SmackDown returns and Edge is in the ring with a mic. Fans are all fired up, and Edge tells Calgary that he knows what they’re thinking. “Edge, what the heck are you doing here? You weren’t advertised.” And Edge knows he has his 25th anniversary celebration coming up in his hometown of Toronto, Ontario–and don’t boo them while he’s in here–but Edge saw Calgary was on the docket. And it has been way too long since they’ve seen each other! Fans cheer that! Edge says he just needed an excuse to be here, so here it is: next week, in Toronto, Edge wants a match! And Edge wants a match against a man he has never faced 1v1, even in all the time they’ve both been in the WWE

That’s crazy, right? Because that man is Sheamus! They have history together, a lot that people probably don’t know about. Sheamus is honestly the reason Edge is still standing here. Fans cheer that as Edge explains Sheamus is the man who lit a fire under Edge to get back here and do this again after nine years retired and a triple neck fusion. Fans cheer that, and Edge says Sheamus has a YouTube show, Celtic Warrior Workouts, and he wanted to do a show in Canada with Edge. Sheamus wanted to do some challenges, so Edge thought okay, get him on a mountain bike. Make him look like “an albino gorilla making love to a volleyball. And he did.”

Edge also thought he’d see Sheamus wipeout. That’d be funny, to Edge. But then Sheamus didn’t, Edge did! 20 miles per hour, a downhill jump, and Edge rolled to his feet thinking that fans would wonder, if Edge can do that, why can’t he wrestle? Then the lightbulb lit. Fans cheer for that! Edge said to himself, maybe he can do the thing he’s supposed to do, again. So fast forward to Royal Rumble 2020 and Edge is getting ready. He needed to see if he was really ready, so who did he call? Sheamus. And Edge knew Sheamus would be honest with him and let him know. Sheamus came over, stayed with Edge, and became a part of Edge’s extended family.

Edge takes a moment as fans chant “Thank You, Sheamus!” Edge says they got into a ring every day and kicked the crap outta each other! And Edge realized after that, he was ready. Edge says now, he is here in Calgary to prove it. So Edge needs an answer. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the Brawling Brutes and the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus! Fans fire up as the Brutes make their way out! Sheamus smiles and high-fives the front row as he goes to the ring. Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne step into the ring and Edge hands Sheamus a mic. Edge says good to see the boys.

Sheamus asks what’s the crack! What a man! What a Canadian! But Edge mentioned that Celtic Warrior Workout footage, and it so happens Sheamus held onto that footage! So Calgary, whaddya say to seeing the footage that got Edge back in the saddle? Roll it! It was 2019, these two riding down the trail, and Edge wipes out right in front of Sheamus! “That was a good one!” Edge got some road rash, sure, but otherwise okay. Edge says he can’t believe Sheamus showed Edge’s bare white butt cheek on TV. Did they really have to do that? Sheamus wants Edge to remember, he’s shown a lot more than that on TV before.

Edge says okay, well-played. But fine, ya red-headed yeti. Edge has something in return! The picture of Sheamus, borrowing a bike from Edge’s daughter, Ruby. Sheamus thought they were gonna “burn” that picture. Take it down already! But anyway, listen. Truth is, mate, this is Edge’s platform. He could hit Sheamus on the chin all he wants, at least his chin isn’t as big as Edge’s. Oh, okay, yeah, Edge has shovel-face, whatever. What does Sheamus have to say about the challenge? Sheamus says he’ll get serious, and brings up a story that maybe Edge doesn’t remember, and many people don’t know.

Sheamus was at a crossroads, unsure if he’d continue following his dream of pro-wrestling or go back to some IT job or whatever. And he was working in Dublin, the WWE came into town, the O2, and everyone was there! Sheamus saw this as the perfect chance to ask for advice and get things going again. He got the cold shoulder from everyone but Edge. Fans cheer that! Edge had just wrestled, was on the two week UK tour track, he didn’t need to give Sheamus the time of day, but not only did he do that, he gave Sheamus the best advice ever, then bought him a pint of Guinness! Where Sheamus comes from, that’s a big deal!

Right there and then, Sheamus knew Edge was a world-class act. So the fact they’ve never faced each other, though Sheamus has been here 15 years, that is astonishing! The truth is, talking about being on the bike and that was the catalyst for this return… Well, without that conversation way before that, Sheamus wouldn’t be here today. Fans cheer that! Edge smiles, and says he appreciates that and appreciates Sheamus. So then, what does Sheamus say? Next week, Edge’s 25th anniversary, two grizzled veterans who’ve done just about everything in the WWE, smacking the crap out of each other for the very first time! And then, they have some Petey’s Scotch.

Fans cheer, they sure wanna see it! Sheamus hears them chanting “YES! YES! YES!” Sheamus says he is a little deaf, what do they think about Rated R Superstar VS Celtic Warrior? The fans get louder! Sheamus says, “Tell you what, fella. You swap that Petey’s Scotch for a pint of Guinness, and you’ve got yourself a deal.” The two shake on it, but then Sheamus pulls Edge in close. “Just hope you didn’t make a mistake.” Edge smiles, and the match is on! Two of the most accomplished superstars ever, facing off for the first time, who will prove to be THE greatest ever?


LA Knight VS Top Dolla w/ Hit Row!

Calgary goes wild for The Mega Star, and he’s ready to continue his momentum from the Slim Jim Battle Royal! But will he get caught sleeping on Dolla? Or will this be a #GoodKnight for LA?

The bell rings and B-Fab distracts already! Dolla runs in but Knight dodges to send him into buckles! Knight throws haymakers, whips, but Dolla blocks. Knight kicks and whips but Dolla reverses, and Adonis is there to trip Knight up! The ref reprimands but Dolla runs Knight over! Dolla then CHOKES Knight on the ropes, the ref counts, and Dolla lets off. B-Fab CLAWS Knight! Dolla stands Knight up to bend him back against ropes! The ref counts, Dolla lets off but Adonis sucker punches! Dolla CHOKES Knight again! Dolla lets off as the ref counts, and Knight sputters. Dolla soaks up the heat, “Who hotta than Top Dolla?”

Dolla stands Knight up, fireman’s carries, but Knight handsprings out of the Death Valley Driver! Knight fires off hands, but Dolla TOSSES him to a corner! Dolla runs in, into a BOOT! Knight goes up, FLYING BULLDOG! Fans fire up with Knight but Adonis gets up, so Knight DECKS him! Knight then has everyone spell it out! “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” ELBOW DROP! BFT!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

Dolla got dropped like a number one hit single, and Knight gets the mic to echo “YEAH!” with the fans. “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Doesn’t matter where you go in the world, doesn’t matter where Knight goes, Monday Night Raw or Friday Night SmackDown, doesn’t even matter if you call yourself AWESOME~… Or if your name’s Uncle Phil. In the end, you know whose game it is! With everyone saying, L A KNIGHT, YEAH!! The #YeahMovement is rolling, but will it be unstoppable all the way to a title shot?


Rey helps Escobar gear up.

Adam Pearce walks in and says that the trainer has cleared Escobar, but he wanted to look Escobar in the eyes to see if he’s good to go. Escobar says yeah, he can go. Okay, then. The match is still on! Theory “wants” this match, too, but will his attack earlier guarantee a win?


Bobby Lashley sits with The Street Profits.

This trio is in the lounge with some wine, and the Profits have their secret handshake. Lashley says tonight is a celebration of them destroying what was, and creating an alliance that will guarantee a future with “unlimited possibilities.” They say the saddest thing in life is untapped potential. When Lashley sees the Profits, he sees a ton of talent. It isn’t completely untapped, they have done great things. But last week was something special. Dawkins says sneakin’ folks in suits, it doesn’t get much better than that. Ford says that was great, going out there with his best friend, but things feel… unfinished.

Lashley wants them to think what they can do together. Power, control, championships. It is all waiting for them to take. So what he’s saying is, sky’s the limit! It looks like SmackDown is ready for some new blood to take over. Well they better fall in line then, fam! Cheers!


WWE United States Championship: Austin Theory VS Santos Escobar!

After losing to him a few weeks ago in non-title action, The Now made sure that his challenger would be at far less than 100% for the rematch. Will Escobar show that even at less than 100%, he’s still better than a healthy Theory?

NO, WAIT! Theory CHOP BLOCKS Escobar at the ramp!! Fans boo as Theory laughs and taunts Escobar with his belt. The rest of the LWO rushes out again, and then so does Adam Pearce and a medic. Theory has the mic to “apologize” that the fans don’t get to experience Austin Theory Live. But hey, he wanted to defend this title! Guess he can’t since Escobar is just too weak! So ref, get over here and raise the Greatest of All Time’s hand, cuz he’s the greatest! Fans boo, Theory soaks it all up, but Pearce says it’s not going down like that! Theory IS defending his title, right here, right now… against Rey Mysterio!!

Fans are thunderous and Theory is furious, but Rey is even more so! Rey rushes in, Theory swings on him, but Rey dodges to fire off! Rey ROCKS and KICKS, then blocks a kick to KICK Theory! Theory is on ropes, Rey BOOTS him out! Fans fire up again and Rey goes to the apron! FLYING RANA sends Theory down! Rey slides back in, and this match will officially begin after the break!

WWE United States Championship: Austin Theory VS Rey Mysterio!

SmackDown returns and this match is already going, and Theory carries Rey around, talks a lot of trash, but then Rey counters to a RANA! Theory hits buckles, Rey goes up the corner, and Rey FLYING SEATED SENTONS! Things keep moving, Rey springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Rey keeps his cool and he eggs Theory on. Rey stands Theory up but Theory ELBOWS him! Rey ELBOWS back, then QUEBRADAS, but Theory catches Rey! Theory aims for a corner, but Rey slips off to send him into buckles! Rey then goes up, but Theory CLUBS him on the back! Theory then Electric Chair Lifts, but Rey fights!

Rey spins and sunset flip BOMBS Theory into buckles! Cover, TWO! Theory is still in this but fans fire up behind Rey. Fans chant for “619! 619!” and Rey brings Theory up. But Theory BOOTS Rey! Rey staggers, Theory brings him up and fireman’s carries. But Rey slips out of A-Town to ENZIGURI! Rey then 619s Theory in the back! Then dropkicks him to the ropes, redials, and 619- NO, Theory blocks! Theory pops Rey up but the back gives up! Rey LEAP FROG RANAS Theory to ropes, for the 619!! And DROP THE DIME! Cover, REY WINS!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall (NEW WWE United States Champion)

The King of Lucha Libre is once again a champion! And the Now is now the FORMER! Will this loss finally humble Theory? The LWO is there on stage to celebrate with Rey, will this be a resurgence for the team?


The Bloodline heads to the ring!

Roman Reigns is still Undisputed Universal Champion AND Tribal Chief, and he leads Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa out on stage. They raise their fingers for the pyro, and then continue down the ramp. They then stand in the ring, and Roman raises the title for more pyro. After defeating Jey Uso, with help from Solo Sikoa and even Jimmy Uso, we hear what is next for the Head of the Table, after the break.

SmackDown returns again, and after Roman waits out the fans booing him, he asks for the mic. Heyman hands it over, and Roman says, “Calgary… ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans are torn, but Roman continues by asking The Wise Man, “Where’s Jimmy?” Heyman shrugs, he doesn’t know. What does he mean he doesn’t know? He hasn’t seen him? No, Heyman hasn’t seen Jimmy. He hasn’t talked to him? Heyman spoke to Jimmy this morning, and Jimmy was a bit… salty. And Heyman isn’t sure why. Wait, Jimmy quietly appears from the crowd side! Fans boo Jimmy, but he shrugs that off as he goes up the steel steps and into the ring.

Fans chant “YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT!” at Jimmy as he stands before Roman. Roman grins, and says, “Jim. Don’t worry about them, they mean nothing.” Fans boo more but Roman chuckles. Fans chant, “Where’s Your Brother?” in reference to Jey, but Roman says to not worry. Let’s be real! Roman owes Jimmy one. Just name your price! Anything Jimmy wants, it’s done! Jimmy wants a new car? Done! A boat? Better yet, a yacht! A jet, even? Done! Jimmy says he wants NOTHING from Roman! NOTHING. What he did at SummerSlam, it had nothing to do with Roman.

Roman is confused but chuckles again. Jimmy must be confused. Jimmy knows Roman, Roman can make whatever he wants happen! If it’s not material things, then what about power? Position? Jimmy can be the NEW Right Hand Man, Main Event Jimmy! But wait, here comes JEY! Fans fire up as #TheREALChief makes his way out to the ring! Jimmy is a bit wary, but so is Solo Sikoa. Jey storms right up to the ring, gets in and he turns Jimmy around to face him! Jey snatches Jimmy’s mic, stares Jimmy down, and fans rally behind Jey. “I’m about to throw 37 years down the drain right now if you don’t tell me why you did it!”

Jey pushes the mic back into Jimmy’s hands, and Jimmy takes a moment. “I did what I did at SummerSlam, Jey, because I love you.” Fans boo and Roman laughs, that doesn’t sound right. Jimmy knows people think he betrayed Jey out of jealousy, but Uce, if you really wanna know why… Jimmy did it because he was afraid. He was afraid to LOSE Jey! If Jey beat Roman at SummerSlam, he’d be Tribal Chief, and then what? What happens to the Usos? Huh? HUH? Not only that, Uce, but on top of being Tribal Chief, Jey would inherit all that power, and that’d make Jey just like Roman! CORRUPTED!

Jimmy says that the power of Tribal Chief has gone to Roman’s head! Roman’s been playing them! Jimmy would never be able to live with that if he let Jey become “an egotistical, lying, manipulative assh*le like Roman Reigns!” Roman is amused hearing those words thrown at him. Fans chant “ASSH*LE!” at Roman and that annoys him. But Jimmy says that is the truth! He was afraid of what Jey would become. If he doesn’t believe that, fine. If he cuts Jimmy off, fine. If he hates Jimmy for the rest their lives, fine! Jimmy didn’t do it to step on Jey’s shine, to take anything away from him, but because he LOVES Jey!

If Jey wants to kick Jimmy’s face off and unleash 37 years of pain, just give it to him. Fans are torn on that, as is Jey. Roman nods, he wants to see it. Jimmy waits, Jey shakes his head. Jey turns around and won’t even look at Jimmy, so Jimmy walks away. Fans boo, and Roman laughs like a hyena. What’d he tell you? The perfect “I told you” moment! What was he saying this whole time? Jey was gonna mess this whole thing up cuz he’s stupid, a hot head, thinks with his emotions! Jey doesn’t know what he’s doing! This isn’t about Jey & Jimmy! Ain’t about them anymore! Tonight is about one thing and one thing only, as it has been the last three YEARS! How do they not get this?! “ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!” SUPERKICK!!! Down goes Roman!!

Solo rushes Jey and CLOBBERS him! Solo rains down fists, drags Jey back up, and SAMOAN- NO, Jey dodges to SUPERKICK Solo! Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES Jey!! Fans boo but Roman is seething. Roman aims from a corner, Jimmy is still going up the ramp. Fans want Jimmy to help Jey as Roman lets out the “OOOASH~!” But Jey SUPERKICKS! And SPEARS!! Jey saves himself and fans fire up! Jey gets the mic to shout to Jimmy, “Hold up!” Jey tells Jimmy to come back here. Jimmy is confused, but does Jey mean it? Jey waves him over, the two meet at the ramp, and then Jey SUPERKICKS Jimmy!! Jey didn’t wanna hug it out, he vented his frustrations!

Fans are on Jey’s side with this, and Jey says “I’m out! I’m out the Bloodline, I’m out of Smackdown, I’m out of WWE! Deuces, Uces!” #TheREALChief, quitting WWE? Does he mean that? And what does the rest of the Bloodline do if he does?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, but quite a bit of recaps from SummerSlam, so Aftermath Syndrome continues to be a thing. Really good opening match from Asuka and Charlotte, but a little surprised DMG CTRL decided to show up and blow that one up. I guess that’s one way to celebrate Iyo becoming new champion. Bayley still has to settle things with Shotzi but you can bet Charlotte and Asuka will want after DMG CTRL, that could make for an interesting tag match or Six Woman Tag or something in there before someone steps up as Iyo’s first challenger. I refrain from saying Bianca is automatic just on the virtue of them playing up the bad leg in the Triple Threat. Maybe Bianca waits it out while Iyo takes on Asuka and then faces the winner, who will probably still be Iyo.

Solid promo from the #AlmightyProfits, though they haven’t given an official name. If Bianca were to join them on virtue of being married to Ford, they could take on The LWO, who now has the US Championship. A shame it wasn’t Escobar tonight, but Theory attacking him twice and taking him out of action so Rey could jump in makes me think this is them adjusting for what happened in the #1 contender’s match. Rey went down on a bit of a fluke moment or concussion scare, so they found a way to remove Escobar so Rey could get the title match and title win he was meant to have all along. Either way, great move to get the title off Theory, though he surely won’t got away so easily.

Really good match from Styles VS Kross, and it definitely did reference the previous match with all the antics from Scarlett. Mia countered her, of course, and Styles gets the win this time. Kinda hoping this is the end of it, as this feud never really went the same direction as Kross’ other feuds. Kross can either go after Rey again now that Rey is champ, or so can Styles since The OC also have the same faction formation as LWO and Almighty Profits. Good match and great promo from Knight as he beats Top Dolla, and boy does Michael Cole love razzing on Dolla from commentary. A little disappointed no Miz, but Knight’s promo jabbed at him so Miz will surely respond on Raw.

Great promo segment from Edge and Sheamus, especially because they were touching on real things that happened between them. I am also shocked that Sheamus VS Edge 1v1 never happened, but considering Edge’s nine years out overlaps with a lot of Sheamus’ 15 or so years in, I suppose something about that makes sense. They are going to have a great match, and I would think Edge wins that. Not sure where it’ll go from there, maybe Edge becomes an ally to The Brawling Brutes for something bigger, or… Kross goes after Edge? Kross’s whole theme is about time running out and such, maybe he’ll try to retire Edge for good.

And on top of the recap package and the constant plugging of “Hail to the Tribal Chief,” the Bloodline segment was an awesome closing segment. I knew Jimmy was gonna say what he did wasn’t for Roman, but I did not think he’d say he was saving Jey’s soul. That is a lot better motivation than what I was expecting, and he made sure to mention the jealousy angle was the wrong answer. But then Jey taking out everyone else was awesome and unexpected. Jey says he quits but that ain’t real, something is gonna happen where we get some sort of “Every Uce For Himself” match. Jey VS Jimmy VS Solo, maybe? Bloodline Fatal 4? That one might be asking for too much but what looked like a bad twist has been fixed, to a degree, and there seems to still be a lot of great story left to tell.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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