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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/13/23)

So many returns tonight!



The Tribal Chief returns to SmackDown!

SmackDown has John Cena, Triple H, Pretty Deadly and Roman Reigns all returning on one night! What happens on a stacked Friday the 13th?


  • Pretty Deadly VS The Brawling Brutes; Pretty Deadly wins.
  • Bayley w/ Damage CTRL VS Zelina Vega; Bayley wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso VS Austin Theory & Grayson Waller; Cody & Jey win and retain the titles.
  • LA Knight VS Solo Sikoa; Knight wins.


John Cena is here!

Tulsa, Oklahoma fires up as the Greatest Of All Time opens the SmackDown Season Premiere! Cena slides in the ring and gets a mic as fans chant his name “CENA! CENA!” Cena knows they know this his a big night so he has to do this right! “Tulsa! Welcome to the season premiere of SmackDoooown~!” But then ROMAN REIGNS makes his entrance!? Now Tulsa is torn as the Tribal Chief leads Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa to the ring. Roman holds up the Universal Championship for the pyro, and then continues towards the ring. Roman and Heyman are all smiles as they stand on the apron and the fingers are raised high.

The Bloodline stands in the ring and Cena is understandably wary. The fans rally behind Cena but Heyman still smiles. Heyman hands the mic to Roman, and he says he missed doing that. Roman tells “John Boy, Hollywood, if you’re gonna open my show, you better do it the right way. Tulsa…! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans still chant for Cena instead. But Roman says they’re chanting for a coward. Cena only showed up because Roman took his leave. And then Cena had the audacity to convince you all to call him the Greatest of All Time. But we already know who the GOAT is: The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns!

Fans boo but Roman says we’ve ran into this before and we’ve handled it, so we’re gonna do it again. Roman tells Cena to leave, or he’ll be made to leave. Fans still support Cena and that annoys Roman. Cena says there’s a lot of energy here, a lot of anticipation for what’s about to happen. The WWE is always unpredictable, and with SmackDown, you can never tell. But Roman and Cena in the same ring, who knows what’s next. Cena’s gonna throw Roman a curveball. Cena isn’t here to challenge but to acknowledge Roman. 1138 DAYS as Universal Champion. And in Cena’s mind, no matter what anyone says, that is the greatest accomplishment of all time. And it is earned.

So Cena isn’t here to challenge Roman, because Cena hasn’t earned it. But…! Cena knows someone who has! L A KNIGHT!! Fans fire up as now The Mega Star steps to the ring! Fans join in with spelling it out, “YEAH!” Cena then hands over the mic to Knight and steps back. Tulsa is going nuts for Knight and that really annoys Roman and Heyman. Knight of course says, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Knight grins at Roman and asks if he’s pissing himself yet. Roman chuckles, then Knight asks if this is The Head of the Table. “YEAH!” The Tribal Chief? “YEAH!” The defending champion, right? “YEAH!” NAH NAH! Knight will tell Roman what he is: a man standing in Knight’s way.

Knight laughs and realizes that’s rude, he didn’t introduce himself. While Roman’s been sitting home on the couch for a month and a half, wearing that golden title around his waist, things have changed just a little bit. Tulsa, tell ’em whose game this is! “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Roman does his best to laugh that off but the fans chant for “L A KNIGHT! L A KNIGHT!” Roman says alright, okay, he’s impressed. A couple months have gone by and people say Knight’s name now. But let’s be honest. Over 1100 days as champion, Roman’s done things as champion Knight can only imagine, so what makes him think he’s worthy? Honestly? Who does Knight think he is right now?

Fans rally for Knight and Knight takes off the sunglasses. Knight says talking like that is a good way to get yourself referred to in the past tense. So Knight will put it like this: who is he to be in this ring? The fastest rising star in SmackDown history! The man who has walked right in here and- JIMMY ATTACKS! Cena is upset, the fans are upset, but then Knight TOSSES Jimmy! Fans fire up and Knight says as he was saying, if Roman wants to do this, he does it himself! Heyman keeps Roman back, begging him to think about it. Roman backs off, and fans boo as the Bloodline all retreats. But then Roman looks to Solo. Forget Cena, handle him.

Solo gets up on the apron, stares Knight down, and Knight says no one is stopping him, bring it! Solo says they’ll have a match tonight! The Enforcer of the Island heads out and fans boo again, but Knight says, “Now for those of you who don’t speak moron, he just said me and him tonight. So if you wanna come on down here and get stomped out, YEAH! Then come on down, cuz I’ll turn your ass upside down and use you as a mop! And that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life, YEAH!” The Mega Star is ready, but will he make it through the pawns to get to the king?


Pretty Deadly VS The Brawling Brutes!

Kit Wilson narrates that “Months ago, Elton Prince suffered a devastating injury at the hands of Ridge Holland, and doctors feed he would never walk again.” It was his arm… But Elton has recovered because he is #EltonStrong. Elton pushes up out of the wheelchair with the arm, so clearly he’s just fine. But will they get payback on Ridge and Dunne for putting them on the shelf? Or will they wish they hadn’t returned on FIGHT NIGHT?

The teams sort out and Dunne starts against Elton. They tie up and Dunne goes after the bad arm! Dunne wrenches, wristlocks, and then isolates that arm to STOMP it! Dunne wrenches, Ridge tags, but Elton gets away to tag Kit. Ridge runs Kit over, back suplexes but Kit lands on his feet. Ridge blocks a kick to UPPERCUT! Then he SPLASHES Kit int he corner! Ridge KICKS and CLUBS Kit, then Dunne STOMPS Kit! Dunne runs to dropkick Kit into ropes! Fans fire up as Dunne whips but Kit reverses, only for Dunne to GAMANGIRI Elton down! Kit runs in, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Dunne STOMPS the hands! And BUZZSAWS!

Fans fire up and Dunne PLANCHAS to take out Kit! Elton is on the apron but Ridge is on him! Dunne has Kit on the desk, we get BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! They go to TEN, then fire up with Tulsa as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Kit rains down fists on Dunne! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and storms around. Kit stomps Dunne, but Dunne CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Elton tags in as Dunne jumps on, then Elton CLOBBERS Dunne! Elton thrashes Dunne around, throws down hands of his own, then fires up. Fans boo but Elton stomps Dunne. Elton drags Dunne up to UPPERCUT, then he stomps Dunne. Elton stomps Dunne in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and Dunne goes to the apron. Elton drags Dunne up to have against ropes, and fans boo as Elton steals Beats of the Bodhrain! But then Dunne grabs the arm!

Dunne turns the arm, bends the fingers, and SNAPS them! Elton clutches that hand, but he RAMS Dunne into the corner! Tag to Kit, he UPPERCUTS, then Kit whips Elton in, into a BOOT! Kit runs in but is put on the apron! Dunne and Kit ROCK each other! Elton grabs Kit’s hand, and uses his “ELTON STRONG” arm to save him from falling! Pretty Deadly both get in, Kit blocks a kick but then ducks, the ENZIGURI hits Elton! Kit tries again but Dunne BOOTS him away! Elton tags, but so does Ridge! Ridge Da Fridge rallies on both guys, and he THROWS Elton! And he scoops Kit! GUT BUSTER!

Elton stagger sup into a scoop, and Ridge SLAMS him onto Kit! Fans fire up with Ridge, and he sees Elton in a corner. Elton BOOTS back, goes up, but Ridge grabs him by the neck! Trophy lift and then the POWERSLAM! Cover, Kit breaks it! Dunne runs in to SHINING WIZARD Kit! Dunne drags Kit out to the apron, but Kit lifts Dunne! Kit back drops Dunne to apron and then the floor! But Ridge BLASTS Kit! Elton swings, misses, and Ridge hits a BELLY2BELLY! Elton says something’s wrong! The same throw that took him out before could’ve done him in again! Ridge protests but the ref checks.

Kit checks with Elton and Elton says something about a leg. The ref has him hold on. Ridge still wants after Elton but the ref is giving Elton the benefit of the doubt. But Kit GAMANGIRIS! Elton rolls Ridge up!! PRETTY DEADLY WINS!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall

That was pretty sneaky of them to use Elton’s injury history to trick the Brutes! But now that they’re back, will Kit & Elton take over Friday Night “SnackDown?”


Backstage interview with Carlito.

Kayla Braxton is with Caribbean Cool and asks how he’d describe his return to the WWE last week at Fastlane. Carlito says only one word can describe him being back. And that word is “Cool.” But then Bobby Lashley walks in and says there it is! The green apple! He was waiting to see that again. Lashley welcomes Carlito back, and says that return at Fastlane was amazing and masterful. Because last time Carlito came back, wasn’t Lashley beating him down on SmackDown or something? But that was a long time ago, water under the bridge. Welcome back to Lashley’s show. Carlito refuses the handshake and says that yeah, that was a long time ago.

So how about this? Carlito’s first match back on SmackDown is against Lashley. Lashley chuckles and says he’s not dressed for it. But then the PROFITS attack! Ford & Dawkins beat Carlito down, drag him up, and Lashley gets a chair. But then Adam Pearce and producers rush in! ENOUGH! The hell is wrong with you!? Lashley tells Carlito to think hard before he comes back again. Lashley & The Profits leave, will the Latino World Order have something to say about this?


Speaking of, the LWO are with Carlito now.

Bayley walks over and asks what the pity party is about. Pearce says Carlito got attacked! Yeah, well, Bayley’s gotta throw Iyo Sky the biggest championship celebration! Zelina says Bayley might not know who she’s talking about, but there are bigger things going on then some party for Iyo. Oh, Zelina’s got a big mouth for saying that! She needs to get outta Bayley’s way because she has actual business to handle. Zelina starts clapping back with the sandal but Pearce shouts over both of them! There’s no time for this! If these two wanna fight, the refs can escort them to the ring and have it out! Bayley leaves first, but will Zelina get all her frustrations out on her?


The Bloodline sits in their private suite.

Roman Reigns is still annoyed. But Jimmy is all smiles. Roman asks what he’s doing. What does Roman mean what Jimmy’s doing? He’s being like Roman! He’s using Roman’s playbook, but if the play don’t look right, he’ll call an audible. Check check, audible. Roman chuckles. So Jimmy’s the quarterback now? No, more like second string or something. Oh, okay. Well if Jimmy was the QB, what would he do? Get Jey. No, Jey is old news. That’s the past. The only thing that matters are the tag titles. And every day Jey has them, that is a disgrace upon their bloodline, upon their legacy. What will their children think?

But the fact Jey is running around with Cody Rhodes as a partner, that’s a slap in the face to their existence. Jimmy doesn’t want them being slapped in the face. No, he doesn’t. He’ll handle that, right? No distractions, no more crazy stuff, no audibles. Jimmy doesn’t call audibles, no hot routes. Let Roman handle that. We good? Jimmy nods and says, “Yeet.” Roman says no more of that, either. But they’re still good. They fist bump and Roman relaxes, but will Jimmy & Solo be able to do something about the tag titles with Cody & Jey in action here later tonight?


Bayley w/ Damage CTRL VS Zelina Vega!

The Role Model got Iyo Sky in and got Iyo Sky out of the tricky Triple Threat at Fastlane, only to get herself into a situation with La Muneca. Will Bayley win big to add to the DMG CTRL celebration? Or will Zelina represent for the LWO?

SmackDown returns and Zelina makes her entrance, la choncla at the ready. The bell rings and Bayley mocks Zelina’s height with her test of strength call. Zelina ROCKS Bayley, kicks low, but Bayley wrenches. Zelina wrenches and drops to TWEAK the arm! Bayley blocks a kick, scoops, but Zelina slips free. Bayley scoops again, but Zelina slips free again to shove Bayley into buckles! Bayley blocks the arm-drag but Zelina arm-drags from the other side! And then Zelina springboards to wheelbarrow and arm-drag again! Fans fire up and Zelina eggs Bayley on. Bayley runs in, Zelina dodges and ROCKS!

Zelina whips, Bayley reverses but Zelina tilt-o-whirls, only for Bayley to block and CLOBBER Zelina! Fans boo but Bayley SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Bayley eggs Zelina on now, then clinches, but Zelina slips out to schoolgirl and ROLLING KICK! Zelina backs up, Bayley runs in but Zelina drop toeholds her onto rope! Dial it up, 619! Bayley flops back, but Dakota swipes! Zelina dodges her, BOOTS Bayley, then goes up the corner. Zelina METEORAS! Cover, TWO! Bayley is still in this but Zelina says time for another go. Zelina hops on, but Iyo distracts! Bayley pops free of the Code Red, but then Zelina 619s Iyo!

Zelina steps in, but Bayley KNEES her down! Bayley drags Zelina up for the ROSE PLANT! Cover, Bayley wins!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall

Iyo returns the favor from Fastlane, but now Bayley calls to Iyo. They mug Zelina and fans boo, but then here comes Charlotte! The Queen slides in, heels and all, running DMG CTRL off! Will Charlotte still get after that WWE Women’s Championship? Or will the Evil Genius look to move on to someone else?


Triple H is here!

Tulsa fires up again as The Game makes his way out to the ring. HHH gets the mic as fans chant for him, and Pearce is waiting in the ring. HHH says there’s a big part of him that misses that. But it is electric in here tonight! HHH doesn’t know if it’s the time of the year, since it is October, so we came out of an incredibly successful Fastlane, and well on our way to Crown Jewel and Survivor Series. Fans love that! And HHH says it all starts here, the season premiere of SmackDown! Now, HHH is out here to call attention to one of the unsung heroes of the WWE.

And though he doesn’t know why he’s been asked out here, not only did Pearce have a great career as a wrestler, but Pearce these last three years as a WWE official has done an incredible job doing a very thankless job. He has managed the superstars of Raw and SmackDown and for that, HHH says thank you. They shake hands and fans cheer. With that in mind, that job is very difficult, that no one person should do alone. So with that, HHH is very happy to tell Pearce he will no longer be alone. And as of this moment, he’s getting a promotion. As of right now, Adam Pearce is now the NEW General Manager of Monday Night Raw!

Fans cheer that, and HHH says that leads us to who will be the GM of SmackDown. Wait, the Judgment Day is here? It sure as hell ain’t Dirty Dom but he asks if HHH is serious. Fans boo as hard as they can as Dom says Fastlane was NOT a tremendous success. The Judgment Day got screwed out of their Undisputed Tag Team Championships! Fans keep booing as Dom goes to the ring and steps in to say Jey & Cody- HHH has Dom stop there because we can’t hear him with all the booing. Please, folks, keep it down. Dom, go ahead. The fans don’t stop, they just boo more!

Dom tries to continue talking about how Jey & Cody are defending THE JUDGMENT DAY’S belts, when they are to get their shot on Raw! So how can HHH let Pearce do this!? Pearce says it wasn’t his fault. First off, wow. HHH thought they were pumping in that crowd noise, but now he sees how loud it really gets with Dom here. But HHH has a large history as al ip reader. What Dom was saying was something about injustice of the tag titles, how they shouldn’t be defended here tonight because of what’s on Raw. Dom nods, biut HHH says the thing is… Dom is yelling at the wrong people.

This here is the GM of Raw now. Dom needs to be talking to the new GM of SmackDown, so let HHH bring out NICK ALDIS! Fans fire up as the former NWA World Champion walks into the ring and says firs toff, thank you tot he WWE for the opportunity of a lifetime of being the GM to the Number 1 brand of sports entertainment in the world, Friday Night SmackDown! And to Adam Pearce, Aldis looks forward to “healthy” competition between their brands. And nice to meet Dom. Aldis is a big fan…of Dom’s dad. Fans cheer that! But to cut to the chase, about a month ago, Cody Rhodes was instrumental in a deal that put Jey Uso on Raw.

And in exchange for that, a Raw superstar must now move to SmackDown. So as Aldis’s first official act as GM, with HHH’s blessing, he introduces SmackDown’s newest superstar. Dom says no one cares about that, but then fans boo him down. HHH says Dom’s mic is not working, try this one. No the fans still boo. Dom says Jey & Cody are the problem! Now they have to deal with Dom! Well we’ll get to that, but first, the business at hand is SmackDown’s newest acquisition. Dom doesn’t care who it is! He will slap them and make them respect him! IT’S KEVIN OWENS?! Fans fire up as the Prizefighter is back on SmackDown!

Kevin walks to the ring with a new blue duct tape version of his usual shirt, showing he was ready for this trade on some level. Kevin steps up to Dom, to give him a STUNNER! Fans fire up again as Dom flops out of the ring! Then Kevin and Aldis shake hands. A powerful start to Nick Aldis’ career in WWE and in Kevin’s return to SmackDown, but will Dom go running home to Mami?


The Bloodline is watching, too.

And they’re very upset that Kevin is back. Kevin is on Roman’s show again. Cody has the tag titles, so he can run around on Roman’s show. And Jey has the tag titles so he can run around on Roman’s show. And Jimmy is on the couch! Jimmy almost spit takes but Roman asks him what he’s still doing here! Roman just called the play, didn’t he? Jimmy said he’s gonna run the plays Roman calls yet he’s here just relaxing, drinking water, on the couch. Who’s the QB? Jimmy asks if Roman’s serious right now. Roman laughs it off and says no. But imagine if he was. Just imagine. Jimmy says okay, he’ll go handle this.

Jimmy says he’ll go run the play, and he tells Solo to come along. Jimmy and Solo head out, Jimmy giving a “YEET!” good bye but Roman again says to stop with the yeet. Roman is annoyed again, but he talks it out with The Wise Man. Will Jimmy score one for The Bloodline? Or will he find a way to fumble the ball?


Chelsea Green & Piper Niven visit Nick Aldis in his office.

The Hot Mess heard that Aldis is a problem solver, so she wants him to solve this problem. People are acting like the tag titles are cursed, what will he do about it? Aldis speaks up but Chelsea says she has an idea. “Picture this: New championships, Italian leather. Mwah, style and class, just like us.” Speaking of style and class, he has another meeting waiting. AKA, Charlotte Flair is right there. So if you’ll excuse them, ladies… Chelsea says this is a terrible first impression. But then Aldis and Charlotte shake hands and Aldis says he’ll cut to the chase. He saw Fastlane, and in his opinion, if the referee hadn’t been distracted, Charlotte would be champion.

Charlotte says the ref has final say. True, but SmackDown’s on his watch now and so they’ll do things his way. Aldis therefore will give Charlotte a 1v1 match with Iyo next week, for the title. Charlotte thanks Aldis, and then turns around, to run into Jade Cargill! The Queen and the storm smile at each other and HHH starts the introductions. But Charlotte already knows about Jade, and says it is nice to meet her. Jade says it is her pleasure, and Charlotte says it will be. Charlotte leaves, but will HHH and Jade have business to discuss with Aldis?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso VS Austin Theory & Grayson Waller!

The American Nightmare & Main Event Jey did get their first defense in on Raw against Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, but now they get their first SmackDown defense in! Will this dynamic duo continue to be a winning combination? Or will #A-TownDownUnder be champions in just four matches?

SmackDown returns and Waller makes his entrance, followed by Theory’s. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if Cody & Jey make it to Judgment Day!

The teams sort out and Waller starts against Cody. Waller talks a lot of trash, then he tries a sucker punch! Cody blocks, kicks and drops to RHODES UPPERCUT! Cody whips to then kitchen sink knee! Cody wrenches an arm, Waller kicks low but he tags Theory. Theory flexes but Cody trips him to get the legs! Theory scrambles away, tags back to Waller, but fans fire up for Cody. Cody and Waller tie up, Cody wrenches, then ELBOW BREAKER! Tag to Jey, Cody whips Waller in for a GAMANGIRI! Jey runs up but Waller kicks low. Waller HEADBUTTS but that backfires! Jey just pops ‘n’ locks and HEADBUTTS back!

Jey whips, Theory tags in, and Waller reverses. Waller runs in but Jey dumps him out! Theory scoops Jey to a BACKBREAKER! Fans boo but Jey shoves Theory, then fires off haymakers! Theory ends up in a corner, Jey runs in but is put on the apron, Jey ROCKS Theory, ROCKS Waller as he storms up, but then Theory POSTS Jey! Jey falls and fans boo but theory mocks the bounce as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Jey endures a chinlock. Jey fights up, moves around and he throws body shots on Theory. Theory throws Jey by his hair! Fans boo but Theory looms over Jey. Theory drags Jey up, brings him over and stomps Jey down. The ref counts, Theory digs his boot in but lets off as the ref reprimands. Waller gets a cheap shot in! Cody protests but Theory stomps Jey more. Theory talks trash, drags Jey up, then tags in Waller. But Jey fights back with elbows and haymakers! Only for Theory to knee low! Waller goes up, Theory hits a BACKBREAKER! Waller goes along the ropes, BALLER ELBOW! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as Jey stays in this but Waller knees Jey in the side! Waller says Cody ain’t on his level, then he drags Jey up. Waller tells fans to shut up about Uso, but then Waller blocks a kick! Waller spins Jey but the DRAGON WHIP hits! Fans fire up while both men are down! They crawl, hot tags to Theory and Cody! Tulsa is thunderous as the American Nightmare rallies on Theory! Theory reverses a whip but Cody CLOBBERS him! Then goes up and over and scoops to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up for the BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Waller runs in but Cody TOSSES him! Waller comes back, somersaults, but Cody dodges to BEAUTIFUL DISASTER!

But then Theory throat chops Cody! And suplexes, AOI SHODO! Cover, Jey breaks it! Fans fire up as Jey SUPERKICKS Waller! Theory fireman’s carries but Jey slips off! SUPERKICK! Then he and Cody coordinate, CODE D!! Jey DIVES onto Waller! Cody drags Theory up, dragon sleepers, and CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Cody & Jey win!

Winners: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

That’s another defense in the books, and they’re headed to Raw to settle things with the Judgment Day! But wait, here comes The Bloodline! Just as Roman told them to do, Jimmy & Solo are confronting Jey & Cody. Jimmy looks at the tag titles, Solo stares Cody right in the eyes. Roman & Heyman follow after, and now Roman and Cody stare down. Nick Aldis and producers hurry out to cool this off. Not here, not tonight. But then when and where will Cody and Roman look to finish the story?


LA Knight VS Solo Sikoa!

The Mega Star wants the Universal Championship, and that means facing the Universal Champion, but that also means getting through the Tribal Chief’s Enforcer! Will Knight take down Solo before going for the Head of the Table? Or will Solo handle Roman’s dirty work once again?

The bell rings and and Solo stares Knight down as the fans chant for Knight. Knight and Solo circle, tie up, and Solo powers Knight to a corner. The ref counts, Solo lets off but swings, only for Knight to dodge, stomp and fire off haymakers! Solo TOSSES Knight to a corner but Knight counter punches again! “YEAH!” Knight whips, Solo reverses and CLOBBERS Knight! Fans boo but Solo snarls and storms around Knight. Solo drags Knight up, suplexes, but Knight lands on his feet to hit a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Knight drags Solo up, whips, but solo reverses again. Knight ducks ‘n’ dodges but Solo CLOBBERS him again!

Solo soaks up the heat from the fans, he storms on up Knight, and he scoops. Knight slips free but Solo is too big to scoop! Knight almost has him, though! Solo CLUBS free, then puts Knight in the corner to CHOP! Solo whips corner to corner, runs in again, but Knight BOOTS! Knight dropkicks the legs out, runs and basement BOOTS! Solo scrambles to ropes, Knight runs in to clothesline Solo up and out! Then Knight WRECKS Solo with a dropkick! Knight SMACKS Solo off barriers, puts him back in the ring, and then drags Solo up. Fans fire up as Knight wants to suplex, but Solo blocks and UPPERCUTS!

Solo brings Knight up to POST him! Fans boo as Solo snarls and soaks up the heat, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Knight endures a claw in the shoulder. Solo leans on the hold, fans rally up, and Knight fights up. Knight elbows back, then scoops! But Solo fights and Knight falls over! Cover, TWO! Solo waits on Knight to stand, then he clinches, BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Knight survives and goes to the ropes, but Solo watches him as he goes to a corner. Solo goes to the far side, shouts and runs in, HIP ATTACK! Knight sputters and Solo soaks up the heat, but Solo isn’t done, either! Solo sits Knight up to rain down fists! The ref counts, Solo lets off, but then he rains down fists, and even headbutts!

Solo drags Knight from the corner to clamp those claws in to the shoulders again. Fans rally as Knight endures again. Knight fights up, throws more elbows, then haymakers! Solo UPPERCUTS back! Knight wobbles and staggers, Solo whips him to a corner, then Solo runs in, into an elbow! Knight goes up to FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Solo is tougher than that but Knight keeps his cool. Knight brings Solo around, Solo shoves him away, then SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Knight hangs tough but Solo keeps his cool. Fans rally for Knight but Solo drags him up. Solo whips, Knight sunset flips, but Solo stays up!

Solo sits, but Knight avoids the hip drop! Knight and Solo slowly rise, Knight going to the corner. Solo runs in but Knight dodges! Solo hits buckles, goes to another corner, then Knight hurries to a third corner. Solo runs in but Solo still only gets buckles! Maybe even the top of the post! Solo staggers over, throws hands, but fans rally as Knight hits back! Knight throws JAB after JAB, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight powers up to DISCUS HAYMAKER! Solo wobbles, Knight ROCKS him again! Knight runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and LEAPING LARIATS! And then a DDT! Fans fire up as Solo is in a corner, and Knight stomps a mudhole in!

Fans chant “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” then fire up as Knight runs to KNEE WASH! Knight says one more, and he runs back in, but into a fireman’s carry! But Knight slips free, shoves and SCOOPS! POWERSLAM!! Fans fire up as Knight finally throws Solo down! Then they spell it out, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” ELBOW DROP! Solo flounders up to his feet, Knight is on him, but no cravat! Solo shoves, both men dodge, DOUBLE LARIATS take them down! Fans fire up as both men go to ropes, but here comes Jimmy! Jimmy returns to ringside and he aims now! But then CENA returns outta nowhere! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT for Jimmy!!

But then a SAMOAN SPIKE for Cena!! But then Knight hits the B F T!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

Cena watches Knight’s back again and Knight gets a big win on Solo! But then Roman SPEARS Knight!! Fans boo as The Tribal Chief is a sore loser by proxy. Roman mocks the spelling it out, it seems “HE’S, THE, ONE, YEAH!” But will this stop Knight’s meteoric momentum? Or will it only further motivate the Mega Star to kick The Head of the Table off his throne?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here as the “season premiere,” with great action and big moves. For one, great to see Nick Aldis finally in WWE, but it would seem he’s not here to wrestle but to be the new SmackDown GM. Bringing back general managers is a great move, not really sure why they went away in the first place. And Nick already doing great with his promos tonight. Good stuff with Dom showing up just to complain, and then we learn about the superstar Raw gave to SmackDown. A little disappointed it’s Kevin Owens, because it felt like there was much more potential for who could get a fresh look here on Raw. But at the same time, Kevin giving Dom a stunner was great, and Kevin can now be an ally to Cody and Jey here on SmackDown while Sami is on Raw.

Aldis also has a good promo with Chelsea and Piper, as well as Charlotte. Chelsea wanting new belts to be the championships is a clever way to say she does believe those belts are cursed, but playing it off as just wanting a makeover. That’s obviously not happening, and I would think Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn step in before the belts are redesigned anyway. And Charlotte meeting Jade face to face, that was a wild tease for Jade showing up here on SmackDown to add even more power to this division. Charlotte saving Zelina from DMG CTRL was a good move, too, and we’re going to have a great 1v1 of Charlotte VS Iyo for the title. There’s a good chance Iyo retains then, too, if Charlotte gets distracted by Bayley & Dakota. Then Jade probably steps in as part of her big in-ring debut.

Seeing Carlito here was cool, pun not intended, but of course he gets jumped by All Mighty Profits. The feud with LWO is far from over, and Dragon Lee was actually in there with them, so maybe we get Rey, Escobar & Dragon in a new Six Man with Lashley & Profits. Well, maybe not because then the Heels would have to win the rematch so that Lashley can get closer to the US Championship. And really good opening tag match from Pretty Deadly VS Brawling Brutes. The bit with Elton “triumphantly” getting out of his wheelchair was funny because again, it was his arm that was hurt, not a leg. But great fake-out on another injury to steal the win.

And of course, great stuff with The Bloodline. Cena showing up to help set Knight up for the feud with Roman is great, and then Roman’s bits with Jimmy were good. Not quite what I expected for how Jimmy has been behaving but Roman is just trying to get Jimmy to deflate his ego to fall back in behind him as a subordinate. Also I like that Roman hates “Yeet” now after Jey and Cody have been using it. But good match, albeit a lopsided one, as Cody & Jey defend the titles. And really good main event from Knight and Solo with Cena stopping Jimmy. But it almost felt like we got two go-home segments in a row with the stare down of Bloodline with Cody & Jey but then Knight getting blasted by Roman. Crown Jewel is first, so that’s gotta be where Roman VS Knight happens.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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