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Andrew’s IMPACT Wrestling Turning Point Results & Match Ratings: 11.3.2023

With a show in Newcastle, the Billy GOAT takes on the gaijin pride of Pro Wrestling NOAH! Deonna also gets a third and final chance at trying to take the title off of Trinity! Turning Point is tonight!



While the card has a few solid matches without needing the Top 2 belts to be on the line. Will Ospreay and Eddie Edwards could be a sneaky Match of the Year candidate, Trinity vs Deonna 3 with Gail Kim as special guest ref could be solid and nothing really looks bad.

I guess we should just sit back and take in the show. I’m a little curious if Simon Miller is a decent wrestler at all since I haven’t followed his career since WhatCulture stopped being relevant like what…5 years ago?


  • Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs SUBCulture: Josh wins via C4 Spike – *** 1/4
  • Gisele Shaw vs Alex Windsor: Gisele wins via Denouement – ** 3/4
  • Rich Swann vs Trey Miguel: Swann wins via 450 Splash – * 1/2
  • Dani Luna vs Jordynne Grace: Jordynne wins via Juggernaut Driver – *** 1/4
  • Simon Miller vs Joe Hendry: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – ** 1/2
  • Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Moose & Brian Myers) vs The Futures (Frankie Kazarian & Chris Sabin): Moose wins via Lights Out – *** 1/2
  • Special Guest Referee Gail Kim: Knockouts World Championship: Trinity (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo: Trinity retains via Starstruck – *** 1/4
  • Will Ospreay vs Eddie Edwards: Ospreay wins via Stormbreaker – *****



Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs SUBCulture

After a little slow start, SUBCulture starts to work over Josh’s legs early, which is smart. Takes out his power base for the C4 Spike and any submission attempts. EY tags in, keeps up the pressure but once he gets Webster into the corner, Webster starts fighting out with some quick little flippy moves. This gives Mandrews the chance to tag in, start working the speed kills mentality, but after a short burst we get to Alexander looking for the Kurt Angle German Suplexes. Mandrews blocks the third, a few quick fun moves, Spinebuster from Josh, EY with a Macho Man Elbow and then goes after Webster. Near fall from Josh, then we get Tornado rules for a little bit, all four guys are fighting, and stereo Sharpshooters happen!

The smaller guys break the submissions and back to back Stun Dog Millionaires from Mandrews gives the opening, Shadows over Malice for a 2. Headbutts and Josh throws out Mandrews, EY with the Piledriver, but Mandrews is back in for the save. Doomsday set up attempt, but EY gets sent into the perched Alexander, and a Frankensteiner gives the opening. SUBCulture is rocking and rolling until they misfire Blitz Knee Bop, Power Breaker from Josh into a C4 Spike out of the chaos and Canada wins!

Gisele Shaw vs Alex Windsor

An even start that goes into the dumb simultaneous Dropkick spot and a stare down. Early start was to try and continue to push their history for when Gisele was in RevPro and Progress. Windsor eventually lands the first few shots and then Gisele just dumps her out and starts taking over. Some corner to corner work, grabbing Windsor’s attempted counter by hanging her into the ropes, Enzuigiri into a Draping DDT for a 2 count. Windsor dodges the Denouement, and starts with some intense Lariats to work back into the match.

Windsor goes to the top, Gisele sees it, slides back into the ring after the powder and takes a weird Missile Dropkick spot. Windsor tries a few more haymakers, tosses her into the ropes and Gisele turns it into an Oscutter for 2! Kawada Kicks from Shaw as she tries another Oscutter, but Windsor catches her and turns it into a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Spinning backfist from Gisele, Denouement 2 misses again but she turns it into a step up Rising Knee and then third try is the charm for the Denouement! Gisele gets her first win in what feels like months.

Rich Swann vs Trey Miguel

Trey just lost to goofy ass Grado last night. So if he beats Rich, Rich better be leaving the company because that’s embarrassing.

Very typical counters and staring with chirping Cruiserweight boring open.  Rich finally lands a quick flip kick, but then Trey powders and turns things around when Rich does the dumb babyface thing and follows. Trey jumps on Rich when he tries to beat the 10 count and then throws him back out. This is…lame, even if its decent heel work now, it didn’t start that way. Bad psychology to try and match flippy high risk stuff and then slow it down and be “cheap”.

Rich flips onto the stage when Trey gets a little frustrated, but as soon as Rich flies, a Superkick knocks him out of the air. Trey charges again a few times but Rich catches Trey with a few kicks and that over the shoulder Back Kick for a near fall. Rich pulls Trey over, takes 9 years before his 450 so it was obvious it was going to be countered. Combo Rush from Trey that flourishes with a Double Stomp, but only for 2. Trey goads Rich, tells him to stop being a bitch instead of actually doing something and now we get a lame chop spot.

So stupid chops and slaps leads into a bad rope run leap frog Poison Rana/Superkick, everyone takes a small nap spot. I am so god damn bored with this match. It’s literally just color by numbers lame 205 Live. Lightning Spiral kick out, before of course, now Trey over reacts like a 4 year old who just tasted peas for the first time. Superkick into a 450 Splash for Swann’s win. Lame match with a “controversial” finish since Trey got his shoulder up but the ref didn’t see it. Which means there’s more of this to come…great.

Dani Luna vs Jordynne Grace

Fairly even until Grace up and overs two charges from Dani and Jordynne wins the Shoulder Tackle battle. Dani counters a Powerbomb attempt, hits the ropes quick and as Jordynne sits up, Dani levels her with the Sliding Lariat. Dueling attempts at the Vertical Suplex, Jordynne turns it into a Small Package, but Dani gets up and finally grabs Jordynne and pulls off the Suplex for a near fall. A literally meeting in the middle where they both conk heads and fall back for a little.

They stumble up and strike exchange begins. But this has more fire and intensity than the lame X Division mess we just saw. I thought Dani was gonna go full Shinsuke Nakamura and German Suplex Grace from the Apron over, but when Grace fights back, Dani just grabs her and pulls her between the ropes for the German Suplex. Luna Landing attempt is counter, Grace hops over Dani with a clever way to get into a Kudome Valentine for 2! Grace with a wild swing, Dani back elbow says no, Luna Landing attempt but rapid fire elbows stuns Dani, Jordynne hits her own Backfist and the Juggernaut Driver (formerly Grace Driver) wins the match!

Simon Miller vs Joe Hendry

Hendry starts off with a great mock song of Simon Miller, and the Nickleback Punchline is beautiful. Miller attacks Hendry right as his music goes out, before the bell and before Hendry can talk. Miller starts talking again about doing the first ever live Ups and Downs, but Hendry is already back up and knocks Miller down. Joe kicks at him to stand up and the bell still hasn’t rung. Miller tries to run Hendry around, feint at the slide in to bait out Simon’s elbow drop on nothing and now Hendry is toying with this big idiot.

Hendry hits the chops along with the crowd clapping for him and then a Stalling Suplex that lasts a solid 40 seconds, just to make a point is fantastic. Only a near fall as now Ryback’s bastard British son gets a quick Scoop Slam, spends too much time setting up his next move and Hendry dodges. Miller cheap eye poke, two corner splashes into a Sidewalk Slam for a near fall. Hendry tries to get some space with a flurry of Uppercuts, but Simon cuts him off with a Diving Lariat.

Miller then tries to lock in a Sleeper Hold, but Hendry rises up, spins him around and muscles him over for the Vertical Suplex. Hendry with consecutive Lariats, Sack of Shit from Hendry into a Kip Up. Hendry tries to hype the crowd, Miller powdered to the apron a little and a Jawbreaker/Top Rope Stun Gun opens up Hendry for a Spear. Miller takes too much time, another Spear turned into a Cutter, and now Hendry hits the Miz Kicks for emphasis. Back to Back Flying Shoulder Tackles from Miller, into a Back Body Drop. Miller postures that the match is over but Hendry pops up and Standing Ovation lays out Miller. A little fun, but it was never really close.

Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Moose & Brian Myers) vs The Futures (Frankie Kazarian & Chris Sabin)

Admittedly I got up to go get a drink during intros and it doesn’t look like I missed anything with Kaz and Myers starting. A few basic moves, early tag with Sabin and Kaz for a basic tandem move…but nothing crazy. Myers gets away from Sabin, chastises him and Sabin allows the heel to talk and then tag in Moose. Moose tries to pick at the size difference, but Sabin uses his speed and a quick flying Arm Drag to just get Moose to rethink his attack for a second. Sabin now goes for the Shoulder Tackles for a goofy spot as Moose dusts his shoulders off. Sabin tries to go low and be quick, but when he goes back to the ropes he eats Moose’s Okada Dropkick. Kaz and Sabin double team Moose while Myers is being held off by the ref, double Guillotine Leg Drops for like…a half of one. Myers gets tagged back in after a Manhattan Drop, but Myers gets stuck in the Tree of Woe, and Moose comes in and makes it a Tree of No, but Moose just leaves Myers there as the ref goes to Sabin. Kaz takes Moose off his feet, Sabin shows up Split Leg into the Tree of Woe, then Myers falls off and there’s a 69 in the corner. Hannifan with the comment of the night when he says “Well Moose’s number was…ya know…when he played in the NFL” – Rehwoldt had difficulty staying heel on the commentary with that comment.

After the slightly embarrassing spot, the heels start to take control using their size and a few cheap shots to their advantage. Sabin tries to counter Moose’s Jacknife Powerbomb, but Myers picks the ankle of Kaz and pulls him off the apron right before Sabin can try for the tag. Sabin remains isolated, but a Tornado DDT out of the corner gives Sabin another chance to tag Kaz. Ricky to Robert for the faces, but Myers also gets the tag, but Kaz is rolling, Springboard Leg Drop that Myers dodges but Kaz manages to land on his feet and Slingshot in Myers for the Cutter. Moose tries to get involved, Guillotine for Moose, Myers tries something but Kaz has a DDT for him. Running Elbows from both faces, Russian Leg Sweep into a Flying Kick from Sabin for a 2 until Moose breaks it up. Moose gets the tag in, quick Cross Body on Sabin nearly squashes the man, Kip Up, looking for Lights Out but Cradle attempt no, School Boy second attempt, no, Sabin hits the Code Red and Myers breaks up the pinfall now. Kaz knocks out Myers, Moose counters Kaz’s Chicken Wing attempt, goes for the Cross Body and Kaz catches him with the Cutter for the everybody moment.

Kaz hits a Backstabber on Myers, Slingshot Frankensteiner on the outside for Moose, but Moose blocks and Bombs Kaz into the post. Sabin Punts Moose, Myers takes out Sabin, Roster Cut gets countered but Myers counts the Chicken Wing by going through the ropes bouncing Kaz off and into Lights Out! Moose wins!

Special Guest Referee Gail Kim: Knockouts World Championship: Trinity (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo

Slow chain wrestling start, which makes sense with Deonna, trying to get Trinity on the ground work towards grabbing a limb but Trinity is fighting it off well. Trinity Matrix slide dodge looked good, but the arm drags into the simultaneous stupid Dropkick thing was a little poorly timed as a sequence. So this match isn’t really doing anything early, but it makes sense it will start a little slow since Deonna is a technical wrestler.

More slower work, but Trinity grabs Deonna with her legs in the corner into the Booty Bop Phantom, or whatever she calls that little move. Trinity continues to stay a half step ahead until she slides under the ropes, tries to get back in and eats a Dropkick spilling to the outside. Deonna now starts stomping on Trinity’s left arm, ties it in the ropes, kicks at the rope, Arm Wringer drives into the mat, Key Lock on the left arm. Transitioning from the Key lock to just driving her knees into the extended arm. Trinity uses the corner to pull out a desperation Stunner while favoring her left arm as Deonna cuts her off when she tries to build some steam. Back to a Top Wristlock on the left arm from Deonna, just really good and simple technical heel work.

A few dirty elbows and strikes while Trin is grounded and then a grounding Wristlock gives Trinity a chance to rally back with the crowd support. She gets some space, Deonna charges her but ole happens and Deonna goes flying into the post. Trinity tries to grab Deonna, Stun Gun levels the playing field from Deonna. Deonna crawls back in but Trinity finds her second wind. Rope Assisted Bulldog, a few quick strikes and Rear View for 2! Trinity tries to keep her foot on the gas, Deonna ducks and lands the Pump Kick for 2. Trinity pushes off Purrazzo from continuing the offense and catches her in a Samoan Drop for 2. Side Russian Leg Sweep into Fujiwara from Deonna, but Trin claws for the ropes and gets there. Queen’s Gambit call, Trinity blocks it, Fighting Spirit spot yet again. Trin hits a Scorpion Deathdrop for 2 after getting the best of the strike exchange.

Trin with the Triangle headlock, Queen’s Gambit…but a kick out! Deonna gets in Gail’s face and this is the first real moment we’ve seen involving Gail even a little. Satellite Face Driver from Trinity, Starstruck, but Deonna finds a counter, Trinity hits the Bubba Bomb into another Starstruck and Deonna taps again.

Deonna can no longer challenge for the title if Trinity is champ, Deonna attacks Trinity and then starts pushing around Gail. EAT DA FEET from Gail! I wonder if we’re gonna see a return from Gail. 

Will Ospreay vs Eddie Edwards

The first foreigners to hold the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship and GHC Heavyweight Championship respectively. I better see an Emerald Flowsion from one of these guys.

Eddie pushes Ospreay into the ropes, fakes the Chop, but gives the clean break. Ospreay goads at the attempted mind games, and now its Ospreay’s turn to push into the ropes. Eddie gets annoyed at Ospreay’s feint, a few Chops into Ospreay’s lightning quick rope runs, Frankensteiner take down and now Eddie is getting worked over a bit. Ospreay plays with the crowd chants and then eats a chop from Eddie but asks for more as he returns the chops with one kick that shakes Eddie.

Manhattan Drop from Eddie, shove into the ropes, Release Overhead Belly to Belly and now we’re seeing some control from Eddie. Big corner chop from Eddie, then he mocks Will with a Cartwheel, proving he’s athletic as well, but keeps Ospreay grounded. Continuous cover attempts from Eddie trying to wear down Ospreay. Ospreay tries to fight out, but a Headbutt says no, but they both cut each other off a few times, and Ospreay hits the Back Handspring Twisting Kick to regain control. Phenomenal Forearm from the top rope by Eddie, tries a Tiger Driver, countered, throats Eddie, then a Big Boot, now a simple Plancha from Ospreay. Thank Christ, Ospreay 5 years ago would’ve forced a Space Flying Tiger Drop, but I appreciate the Marufuji Style Plancha.

Back in the ring, quick strike and then hints for the Hidden Blade, but Eddie powders. Drives Ospreay’s back into the apron, frying pan Chop, rolls Ospreay back in and yells at the crowd. Eddie is getting far to distracted by the crowd, Ospreay tries to counter, but an Enzuigiri into the Backpack Stunner gives him a two count. This crowd is wonderfully getting on Eddie and it seems to be bugging him in the ring. Ospreay rises up to his knees and asks for some Chops. Eddie’s Chops are no joke, only Go Shiozaki has harder chops than Eddie. Ospreay blocks, looks for an Oscutter, but gets Chopped in the back and then pulls off a Stundog Millionaire so smoothly it’s scary.

Billy Goat fires himself up, Yakuza Kick, Cheeky Nandos and Eddie is reeling. Top rope for Ospreay, but Eddie cuts him off, looks for an Avalanche Reverse Powerslam, but Will fights it off, Spiral Tap misses but he lands on his feet and turns it into a Running Spanish Fly, kick combination, Oscutter with some great height and only a 2 count. Stormbreaker counter, Suplex Counter, Hook Kick ala Marufuji from Ospreay, Blue Thunder Bomb from Eddie, rolls through, Boston Knee Party miss, Hidden Blade hits and then Eddie hits the desperation Knee Party for them to both lay out for a while.

Crawling Headbutts initiate the next exchange, both dudes look wrecked but no one is giving just yet. Eddie peppers a Chop in, Ospreay returns Kawada Kicks, Kobashi vs Kawada right now, Stormbreaker gets countered and now we see the Misawa homage with Eddie hitting the Tiger Driver for a 2. Eddie exposes his knee for a final Boston Knee Party, but first he’s just driving some short knees into Ospreay’s chest. Set up for the Knee Party, but a Flying Hidden Blade says no. Eddie gets back up, Ospreay flies through the Lariat, Styles Clash! Legit Hidden Blade from Ospreay, Stormbreaker for the win!

Little mad no one pulled off a Flowsion, but it was damn good. 

Overall Score: 7.5/10

Ospreay trolls beautifully in his post match promo, but after the troll he makes a rather eloquent point. There’s probably a greater than Zero percent chance TNA lands Will Ospreay, but with the way he’s gone hellbent for election with his body through his career; and he would rather burn out than fade away – I still think he’s a better fit for WWE’s safer style. Don’t really want to see him go the way of Dynamite Kid.

But aside from that, with the exception of Swann and Trey, which looked half speed, uninspired and just like generic garbage; the show was pretty damn good. The last few matches delivered, Simon and Hendry was fun, the tag matches were good and of course the Billy Goat proving he’s untouchable right now. Pretty fantastic with the little homages and wrinkles in the main event match, Ospreay was technically the home grown talent and the biggest name on the card…so it makes sense why he went over. Really good stuff, now can they just spin this into decent hype for Final Resolution and then the swan song the Impact Wrestling – because TNA is only about 2 months away from returning!

Really good show!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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