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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 3.14.2024

The road to 4/20 kicks off with the X Division rematch between Chris Sabin and Mustafa Ali!



The road to 4/20 kicks off with the X Division rematch between Chris Sabin and Mustafa Ali! Since we’ve got over a month until Rebellion things should start percolating.

Let’s find out what happens!


  • X Division Championship: Chris Sabin vs Mustafa Ali (c): Ali retains via Dirty Schoolboy – ***
  • Josh Alexander vs Oleg Prudius w/Dirty Dango & Alpha Bravo: Josh wins via Ankle Lock – N/A
  • Ace Austin w/Chris Bey vs Kazarian: Kaz wins via Chicken Wing – *** 1/4
  • Joe Hendry vs AJ Francis: AJ wins via Chokeslam – ** 1/2
  • Beaa Moss & Vana Black vs Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna): Spitfire wins via Tandem Finish – SQUASH
  • Zachary Wentz, Steve Maclin & Trey Miguel vs Speedball Mike Bailey, Nic Nemeth & Trent Seven: Nemeth wins via Danger Zone – ***



X Division Championship: Chris Sabin vs Mustafa Ali (c)

As Ali makes his entrance, Sabin attacks his personal security with a chair, even going full Sabu on the last guy and just throwing the chair at him.

Sabin starts the match hot, in and out of the ring quickly, Manhattan Drop, crotches Ali, Tree of Woe and then a Petey Williams tribute with the Oh Canada Crotch Stomp. He breaks and connects with the Baseball Slide as Mustafa is hanging, tries the Cradle Shock but Ali counters, goes for a Triangle Crossbody, but Sabin side steps and sinks in a Crossface. Ali breaks on the ropes, Snapmares Sabin through to the outside, but Sabin lands on his feet, tries to get back in and eats a PK. Dive from Ali, throws Sabin back in, Rolling Neckbreaker, and Ali has full control. And…dammit he says the stupid “You are not the leader we need” taunt again.

At least the offense is solid even though he taunts like a Create-An-Indie-Jobber. Snap Dropkick to the back of Sabin’s head, Headlock to ground Sabin, Sabin tries to fight out, Snap DDT for 2. Ali keeps Sabin grounded, searches for the 450, but Sabin moves and connects on a Shotgun Dropkick while both guys sell. Sabin is up first, Sole Butt, Yakuza Kick into Leaping Tornado DDT for a near fall! Ali gets perched, but pushes Sabin off, hits a Buckshot Lariat from the corner instead of over the rope, quick counter exchange of Superkicks, Sabin misses going into the corner and rocks himself, Ali tries the Rolling Neckbreaker again but eats a Superkick as both sell again.

Sabin slips the shoulders of Ali, Shoulder to the gut, tries to get to the top corner, Ali cuts him off, Sabin slips under, Ali goes for a Moonsault but Sabin catches him with a Cutter on the way down for 2. Sabin goes for a Bronco Buster but only finds the turn buckle. Ali powdered, grabs his belt, looks to use it, but Clothesline from Hell, Michigan stops Ali. Now Sabin looks to use the title, charges the corner, Ali ducks, Schoolboy with feet on the ropes for Ali to retain!

Josh hits the ring to cut a promo on Hammerstone, its just a little bland “I’m gonna kick your ass” style of promo. It’s fine, but Josh is a wrestling machine, not a talking one. Thankfully Dango’s music hits and we see Alpha Bravo & Olega Prudius walk out to hype up the fact that Dango softened him up. Josh tries to say where is he, and Dango jumps him but Josh fights him off fairly easily. Oleg walks into the ring and security gets in the way. OH the Dispatcher of Authorization comes out to talk! Santino makes Oleg Prudius vs Josh a match!

Josh Alexander vs Oleg Prudius w/Dirty Dango & Alpha Bravo

They clash kinda fast, Oleg throws him around keeping wrist control and throws Josh into the corner. Charges the corner with a Big Boot, but Josh dodges and drops his weight on the leg, then he goes right after the leg with the Ankle Lock. He rolls through Prudius’ attempt to break it, Grapevines and Prudius taps in a fairly quick match that does nothing but hurt Oleg.

This…was stupid. Dango had a great match, they could’ve done something to build up Oleg, but instead they just make them both look like jabronis. 

Crazzy Steve comes out to talk about his championship and no man alive can beat him, so PCO’s music hits and looks like we’ll have PCO challenge for the Digital Media title. Cause that makes sense, a nearly 60 year old Frankenstein challenging for a DIGITAL MEDIA title. Who is booking this shit? This has been a dumb as hell last 15 minutes.

Ace Austin w/Chris Bey vs Kazarian

I’m digging Kaz’s theme song, not sure how long he’s been using it, but its finally clear and pretty nice. Still don’t like the new ABC theme.

Bell rings and Kaz calls for the ring announcers Jade Chung to reapproach the ring and remind the crowd that he is “The King of TNA”. Ace attacks Kaz with a Leg Scissors, into a few kicks, quick strikes to the corner, Seated Corner Lariats, looks for the Triangle Kick but Kaz powders. Ace follows and keeps the pressure up, not losing his moment. Does his Handstand Dodge, connects with a kick, throws Kaz back in, but Kaz rolls to the other side. Ace tries to collect him and that’s when Kaz catches Ace with the top rope and then some opportunistic offense punctuated with shoving him to the outside from the top of the corner.

Kaz starts to dog walk Ace around the outside, slide him in, Slingshot Guillotine Leg Drop for 2, and then some open hand strikes into the corner, Irish Whip bounces Ace out and Kaz catches him with the signature Russian Leg Sweep and pose. Ace eats some more offense, gets draped over the top rope and a Running Knee Lift sends Ace careening to the floor. Kaz chides Chris as he beats on Ace. There’s a lot of Kaz talking shit to Chris and its pretty decent, it takes Ace a second to take advantage of Kaz’s very deliberate pace. Corner back and forth into a Monkey Flip to the center of the ring, Reverse the Whip, some apron offense as Ace goes outside in and hits the Triangle Kick for 2.

Ace calls for The Fold, dives but misses, Kaz tries Fade to Black but Ace wiggles out, Chicken Wing attempt is shrugged off. Kaz up and over Ace, Ace tries the Triangle Kick again but Kaz catches him and hits the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex. Back and forth, Kaz tries the Fade to Black, but Ace counters and tries to go for the Japanese Clutch pinning attempt but Kaz gets his hands up and locks in the Chicken Wing. Ace tries to fight but with how he’s bent he can’t do much except tap out.

Kaz gets in some cheap shots on ABC while Bey is checking on Ace, Eric Young hits the ring for the save. 

THAT…was Eddie’s best promo ever. 

Joe Hendry vs AJ Francis

AJ attacks Hendry in mid intro/ribbing/hyping himself up. Clubbing blow to the back, Splash into the corner, AJ goes for another Splash but misses. Hendry hits his own corner attacks into the 10 Count Punches with the flourish. Joe attempts a Suplex, but it gets countered into one of AJ’s own Suplexes, slams him into the corner and hits that stupidly named Knee Strike Tennessee Whiskey cause it’s smooth. Here’s to hoping James Storm returns to knock out Francis or something.

The onslaught continues and Hendry is grounded for a decent bit, tries to fight back up to his feet but still can’t lift AJ. AJ laughs at Hendry because of the failures to lift him, Hendry fires, connects with a few Lariat, charges off the ropes and eats a Shoulder Tackle! AJ lifts him up, but Hendry turns it around into a DDT. Rope run into a Launching Shoulder Tackle from Hendry to rock AJ and bounce him off the ropes as Hendry uses the momentum to finally lift him and slam him. Hendry is playing to the crowd, charges but AJ gets the referee in the way and AJ takes his head off with a Big Boot. AJ goes for a chair but misses, Hendry with the Dropkick to disarm him, they both crawl for the chair and Rich Swann is there. Rich’s heel turn happens here are he cracks Hendry with the chair and has this crazed look on his face.

Swann wakes up the referee, AJ hits a Chokeslam and AJ wins.

Iceman and ASH are fantastic, the Eric Andre Show hacky concept is amusing but Alan Angels is useless. So at least he can stay marginally relevant with this talk show thing and ASH continues the “major announcement” gimmick being generic bullshit…kinda like someone else the wrestling community should know. 

Beaa Moss & Vana Black vs Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna)

So MK Ultra’s music hits right before this job match starts. Then Decay’s music hits right after, I guess we may get that tag triple threat that I expected at No Surrender, just a few weeks later.

Luna and Threat have some quick tags and quick tandem work on Beaa. Jody plays to the crowd so Beaa tags out and then Vana gets stuck in the Spitfire corner. Exploder Suplex from Dani and Vana tags out. Beaa and Vana try a tandem Suplex but Dani counters, Torture Rack from Jody, throw to Dani for a Sitout Powerbomb tandem finisher. I kind of want to call it Fire Cracker…

Zachary Wentz, Steve Maclin & Trey Miguel vs Speedball Mike Bailey, Nic Nemeth & Trent Seven

Nemeth and Wentz start with some classic amateur wrestling, then the Rascalz squad just aren’t seeing eye to eye. Maclin hits a few quick strikes, tries a quick KIA but eats a Fame ASSer instead. Speedball Mountain tag in for some tandem moves, chops, Maclin ducks Bailey but the lowered head goes right to Trent and he snaps off a DDT. Eventually Trent is shooed away, and Wentz takes advantage of the ref finally doing his job to crotch Bailey on the corner and allow for Maclin to throw together a few Backbreakers.

Maclin can be heard saying “I’ve got this” as he levels Bailey and takes Trent and Nic off the apron, Maclin smashes Bailey into the corner, directs traffic and tags in Trey. Trey goes off script trying to take out Trent, but it gives Bailey time to collect himself, rock Trey and find his way to tagging in Trent, where Trent turns Trey inside out. A beautiful Side Walk Slam for 2, Trey counters the DDT, Trent holds on for the Overhand Chop, Wentz charges and Trent feeds Wentz into Trey, Chops Trey’s chest and forces Trey to DDT Wentz.

Wentz recovers and distracts Trent, Trey hits the Chop Block on the knee that Maclin Chop Blocked back at No Surrender. So now the focus is Trent’s left knee from everyone, Trey, Wentz and Maclin even tags in to lay his weight into the knee over and over again. Nic distracts Maclin so Trent goes for a Cradle on Maclin’s next offensive attempt, but Maclin pops back up and levels Trent with a Lariat. More left knee work from Maclin after he has control back.

Trent finally breaks the torture, Maclin tags in Wentz and charges Trent, but Trent throws Maclin to the outside. Wentz clocks Trent with a flying kick, takes out Nemeth, and then goes for a Busaiku Knee, but Trent moves, dives for Bailey, but Maclin picks the ankle so no tag for Trent! Back Handspring Knee Lift from Wentz, tags in Trey, Trey cackles, and the cockiness takes too long as Trent counters. Maclin implores Trey for a tag but its simultaneous! Nemeth and Maclin are legal! Nic starts dishing out offense to everyone. Everyone gets a Stinger Splash, a Rude Awakening and now he’s dropping repeated short elbows into Maclin’s chest. Only a 2 count after the elbows because Trey makes the save. Nic throws Trey away, Maclin tries to take advantage, but eats a DDT, Wentz lays out Nic with a capture Uranage, Trey lays out Bailey, 7 Star Lariat from Trent, Busaiku Knee from Maclin on Trent. Maclin hits the Scud Missile on Trey! This causes Wentz to snap and The Rascalz abandon Maclin.

Triangle Moonsault, Full Nelson from Trent, Hurriance Kick to the jaw from Bailey into the Full Nelson Suplex, and then Danger Zone for the win!

The System attacks after, so I guess we’re moving Nemeth versus Moose to Rebellion. It is one of their tent pole PPVs, but I would’ve preferred Slammiversary instead. 


Overall Score: 6/10

There were definitely a few things to like from the episode. The main event, The Rascalz cutting ties, Rich Swann finally turning heel to side with AJ Francis, ASH by Elegance segments and a decent X Division rematch. But honestly, there were a lot of head scratchers too. The whole thing with Dango and Oleg seemed stupid, weak and rushed. MK Ultra and Decay just stalking Spitfire during a job match seemed like bad WCW 2000 levels of booking and setting up a nearly 60 year old undead guy as a challenger for a title based around Digital Media…what in the actual hell.

Nemeth and Speedball Mountain being number one contenders for the respective titles makes total sense. Like I said earlier, I would’ve stretched it out a little longer, but I’m not mad at pushing higher profile wrestlers for their Vegas PPV.

Booking definitely felt different, and the show was a bit weak especially with two squash matches.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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