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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/4/24)

Brutal rematch after brutal rematch!



Drew McIntyre says down with Day One Uce!

Though he’s primed to go after the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Drew McIntyre looks to crush Main Event Jey Uso once and for all!


  • GUNTHER VS Dominik Mysterio w/ JD McDonagh; Gunther wins.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance; Shayna & Zoey win.
  • Becky Lynch VS Nia Jax; Nia wins, by disqualification.
  • Andrade VS Apollo Crews; Andrade wins.
  • Finn Balor & Damian Priest VS Imperium; Finn & Priest win.
  • Sami Zayn VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan; Sami wins.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso; McIntyre wins.


Cody Rhodes is here!

San Antonio fires up for The American Nightmare as he makes his way to the ring. The fans sing along with the song, and “WHOA~ OH~!” get the pyro. Cody steps into the ring, the fans chant his name, and he gets the mic to ask, “So, San Antonio…! What do we wanna talk about? I’d love if we could speak about how at WrestleMania 40, in the main event, with the lights on brightest, the biggest game of the year, I will stand across from the greatest champion in company history, The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.” The fans boo, but Cody says, “However… I am really unable to talk about that because of a… distraction.”

Cody says there’s a distraction that stings quite a bit. He is of course talking about… The Rock. Fans boo more, then chant “ROCKY SUCKS! ROCKY SUCKS!” Cody says last week, The Rock went to Instagram, posted a 16 minute video, then spoke at length on SmackDown. To sum it up, The Rock called the fans in Phoenix meth heads, talked about Cody’s dog, and don’t ever talk bad about Cody’s dog, and then of course, the biggest headline of all, which The Rock made sure wasn’t the headline, The Rock ever so eloquently spun things and changed the conversation.

The Rock presented a whole new challenge like the master politician that he is. No wonder people want him to run for office. Hell, Cody might even end up voting for The Rock. But Cody can’t dismiss those words entirely, because it is true what The Rock said about their conversation. The Rock poured honey into Cody’s ear, telling Cody that the people don’t want Cody VS Roman. The people want Rock VS Roman. Fans boo because that’s wrong, and Cody points out how the fans started chanting something else. The fans respond here with “We Want Cody!” Cody nods and continues by saying that he heard all that, the management all heard it, and Cody appreciates it.

The Rock of course heard all that, because then he called those fans “crybabies.” Are there any crybabies here in San Antonio? The fans fire up! But now, The Rock has presented an entirely different challenge. One that doesn’t just involve Cody, but one that involves his… friend. Yeah, they’re friends! And it’s time for that friend to come out here! Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the World Heavyweight Champion, Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins! The Visionary makes his entrance in a volt green ensemble and the fans sing his song, “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” Rollins joins Cody in the ring, gets a mic, and then revels in the singing.

Rollins then says, “San Antonio! Welcome…! To Monday! Night! Rollins~!” The fans cheer and Rollins ask “Mr. Nightmare, what’re you thinking, my man?” Cody says obviously, Rollins has offered to have Cody’s back against The Bloodline. Rollins stood next to Cody when he got slapped across the face, and Rollins has said he’s going to be there moving forward. The plot has been incredibly twisted. Cody didn’t even think he was gonna be on the WrestleMania card anymore, but when he saw that pompous PowerPoint presentation about The Bloodline’s family being better than everyone else’s that Cody had to go back on his word.

Cody won the Rumble, it is his right, HE gets to challenge Roman Reigns. Rollins meanwhile, coming off injury, he has to face the only other guy who has pinned Cody since Cody’s WWE return in Drew McIntyre. So, what Cody is saying and has wanted to say for all the world to see: Roman & Rock are two Mount Rushmore caliber wrestlers, working together, Cody fully understands if Rollins wants to focus on McIntyre and is not onboard with having Cody’s back. Rollins scratches the back of his head while he thinks. Rollins says he respects Cody giving him the out, Rollins will take care of McIntyre, alright?

Fans cheer as Rollins reminds us that he told McIntyre, he told Cody and he told the world, there are some things bigger than us. And taking down The Bloodline is the BIGGEST thing they can do! The fans cheer more, and Rollins says this isn’t just Cody’s story that needs to be finished. It is Rollins’ story, too. Ten years ago, Rollins and Roman came in together, they wanted to take the power from the top. Rollins wanted to take the power and give it back to the people! Turns out, Roman wants to keep all the power for himself! And here’s the problem: Rollins and Cody are this close. The Rock being in The Bloodline, they are this close to Roman Reigns having absolute power.

And The Rock, well… Rollins isn’t sure about the fans but he knows Cody agrees with this, Rollins is so over The Rock. The fans chant “ROCKY SUCKS!” again and Rollins says yeah, he does suck! And he ain’t been The Rock for a long time. He damn sure ain’t been The People’s Champ! And so Rollins isn’t just gonna call him any of that. Rollins has been thinking about it, he wants a new name for The Rock. He’s now gonna be… Diarrhea Dwayne! Because he’s been running his mouth and all that comes out is wet baby poo. The fans chant “DIARRHEA!” and Rollins is amused. Guess San Antonio agrees, huh?

Rollins continues to say that The Rock gets on Instagram, and 21 minutes!? Seriously? He insults Cody’s dog and says he can make the World Heavyweight Championship “go away?” That with a snap of his fingers, because he’s the boss, he’ll make it go away. Rock, Rollins dares you to try! And get this! In case you didn’t hear him, because 21 minutes is a long time to listen to that idiot, Rock said he made pro-wrestling cool again! Fans boo and Rollins agrees there. The Rock is our wrestling savior! He made this cool! Diarrhea Dwayne, you ain’t been cool in 20 years!

But here’s what is cool: This morning, Rollins received a 100% medical clearance! He is BACK, he is ready to go, and so this Friday, Rollins will be at SmackDown to confront The Bloodline! The fans fire up hearing that! Rollins wants to know, though, as he’s asked Cody many times and told him for weeks. Rollins has Cody’s back, so what Rollins wants to know is: does Cody have his? Fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” Cody tells Rollins that he also has a message for The Rock. “It’s been a long time since you haven’t just been handed something. I think it’s been since you had that seven bucks in your pocket, and I think you forgot.

“The People’s Champion is not in perpetuity, Rock. I am not the same man as you. I’m not gonna whine in a 21 minute promo. I am coming to SmackDown with Seth Freakin’ Rollins, I am going to stand across from you, Roman Reigns, The Wise Man, the whole Bloodline, in the great state of Texas, and this Friday, I will give you face-to-face, eye-to-eye, not whispering in your ear, crystal clear and obvious answer for what’s happening at WrestleMania!” Well, the American Nightmare & Visionary are all fired up, and it is pretty clear what’s about to happen at WrestleMania! Will this dream team tear down the Rock & Roman?


GUNTHER VS Dominik Mysterio w/ JD McDonagh!

Der Ring General wants challengers for his Intercontinental Championship, but he also doesn’t really take anyone else on this roster seriously. And, well, of all people to step up to him, it was Dirty Dom. Will the Prodigal Son prove the doubters wrong and find a way to bring down the most dominant Intercontinental Champion in history? Or is he going to wish he never left Papa Rey’s side?

The bell rings and Dom circles with Gunther. They feel things out, Dom kicks low but then backs away. The fans chant “Dom, You Suck!” Dom and Gunther tie up, and Gunther TOSSES Dom away! Dom staggers up and Gunther smiles. Dom and Gunther reset, then Dom goes for a leg. Gunther smothers that takedown with a facelock, then gets a leg! HALF CRAB! Dom scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Gunther lets off, and the Irish Ace coaches Dom up. Dom gets up to shove Gunther, then CHOPS him! Fans fire up but Gunther TOSSES Dom to a corner! Dom dodges the chop to CHOP again!

Gunther snarls, Dom wants forgiveness and hides in the ropes. Then Dom SLAPS Gunther! Gunther chases Dom out of the ring, and around it, but then JD steps up. JD knows how to take it to Gunther, but Gunther shoves JD into a post! Gunther swings but Dom gets JD outta the way, Gunther CHOPS the POST! Dom then SMACKS the hand off the post! Dom goes up while Gunter slides in, and Dom slingshots to STOMP! Dom gets Gunther up but Gunther gets a SLEEPER! Dom pries the bad arm away for an ELBOW BREAKER! Dom knuckle locks, CHOPS, then goes up and up to flying- NO, Gunther disrupts that!

Gunther kicks low then CHOPS through the pain! Dom falls right outta the ring and fans fire up while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Gunther looms over Dom. Gunther drags Dom up, but Dom CHOPS! Gunther CHOPS Dom right down! Gunther stands Dom up again, puts him in a corner, and rips that vest open! Gunther CHOPS Dom inside-out! Gunther drags Dom right back up and fans want that “One More Time!” Gunther obliges and CHOPS Dom right back down! Gunther then gets the legs, turns Dom over, and has the BOSTON CRAB! Dom endures while Gunther sits deep! JD gets on the apron, Gunther runs him off, but Dom is free to DROPKICK Gunther down! The fans boo but Dom goes up and up and TRIANGLE JUMP PLANCHAS!

Dom and Gunther are both down on the outside and JD coaches Dom up. The ring count climbs, Gunther stands at 5 of 10. Dom follows and CHOPS! Gunther CHOPS Dom again! Gunther shoves Dom in at 7, slides in after him, and then runs up, but into a drop toehold! Gunther’s on ropes, Dom dials it up, but Gunther LARIATS Dom inside-out! Cover, but Gunther lets off?!? Gunther wants to hurt Dom for his insolence and the fans are loving it! Gunther gets the legs again but Dom kicks and kicks and kicks! Dom is free again, but Gunther SLAPS him! Gunther reels Dom in, hoists Gunther up, but Dom hits a SUNSET BOMB!! Cover, TWO!!

Gunther is free and JD can’t believe how close that was! Dom hurries back up, dodges Gunther to CLOBBER him! Gunther ends up on ropes again and Dom redials! 619!! Gunther falls over, Dom goes up the corner! Shout out to Eddie with the FROG- NO, Dom has to bail through! T-REX SHOTGUN!! Gunther hauls Dom up, for the GUNTHER BOMB!! And then the BOSTON CRAB!! Dom taps, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by submission

Der Ring General made sure Judgment Day understands what stepping to him means! Will the rest of the Raw roster also reconsider challenging Gunther for WrestleMania?


Damage Control is backstage.

Dakota Kai, having betrayed Bayley, is still with Iyo Sky, Asuka & Kairi Sane, feeling good after SmackDown. But then Adam Pearce walks over. Just what’re they doing here tonight? Uh, wow, Pearce, you do realize the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions can go to whatever brand they want to, right? That’s how this works. Yeah, he is aware of that. But the last time they were all here, they caused chaos. So whatever they’ve got planned, he doesn’t want it. So he will rephrase the question: Why are they here? Well, since he asked so nicely, Shayna & Zoey have been running their mouths lately.

So DMG CTRL just figured, Shayna & Zoey have a match, so DMG CTRL wants to scout the competition. No worries, Pearce, you can trust them. Shinsuke Nakamura then walks over and says he and Pearce need to talk. Pearce assumes this is about the Intercontinental Championship. Yes, it is. Dakota says Pearce is busy, DMG CTRL will take care of business. Nothing to worry about! Sure. Pearce says he’ll keep his eyes on them, and then he tells Nakamura that he gets it. But Pearce has an announcement about the contender for later tonight. If Nakamura wants to talk about that, meet him in his office. Thank you.

The King of Strong Style heads out, and Pearce has his hands full tonight. Will Der Ring General have some real competition now? Will The Queen of Spades & The Hunter prove to DMG CTRL that they’re a legitimate threat?


Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance!

The WWE Women’s Tag Division is heating up, and this match could go a long way to determining the next challengers for Asuka & Kairi. The Queen of Spades & The Hunter are hungry for gold, will they tear up the former champions to whet their appetite? Or will WrestleMania truly become the biggest party on the WWE calendar?

The teams sort out, Kayden starts against Shayna and the two circle. They tie up, Shayna waistlocks, but Kayden uses that to victory roll. ONE, and Shayna avoids the kick. Kayden says that was close, and the two go again. Shayna runs in, Kayden dodges and wheelbarrows, but Shayna blocks the arm-drag to STOMP that arm! Kayden writhes, Shayna soaks up the cheers and jeers, and then she drags Kayden up. Shayna wrenches the arm, tags Zoey, and they hand off the wristlock. Zoey corners Kayden while Shayna runs side to side, but Kayden gets away from them both! Shayna knees buckles, Kayden dodges Zoey then BOOTS her away!

Kayden KICKS from below, runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Shayna tags back in, Zoey hangs Kayden out to dry for Shayna to KNEE her down! The hunters egg DMG CTRL on but DMG CTRL sends it back while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Katana drags Zoey up, but Zoey fireman’s carries! Zoey swings but Katana arm-drags her away! Katana runs up but into a SUPERKICK! Zoey goes out, climbs up, but Kayden anchors her! Katana then ROCKS Zoey, CLUBS away on her, and brings her up. Kayden tags in before Zoey shoves Katana away. Kayden goes up now, fires forearms, and Katana joins in. The fans rally up for the DOUBLE SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Zoey survives, KC Squared are shocked, but the fans fire up! Kayden tags Katana and gets Zoey back up. Fireman’s carry and Katana climbs, to step over and RANA Shayna!

But Zoey fights free, shoves Kayden then fires forearms! Katana runs back in but is put up top! Kayden blocks the superkick to SUPERKICK back! Then she hooks Stark up, AFTER PARTY!! Cover, Shayna YANKS Katana off! Kayden runs up but Shayna gets a KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Zoey rolls and stacks Katana, Zoey & Shayna win!

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, by pinfall

DMG CTRL don’t seem that impressed, but they join everyone in the ring. Dakota asks why Zoey & Shayna are eyeing them like that. Do they not trust DMG CTRL? They’re just here to congratulate them on a good match. But uh, it got Dakota thinking. After the Kabuki Warriors defend their titles tomorrow night at NXT Roadblock, they’ll come back to Raw for Houston, a far superior city to San Antonio, and then Zoey & Shayna get a tag title match. But don’t get it twisted. You’ll both be sent home crying, just like Bayley. Shayna snatches the mic but DMG CTRL steps up to reinforce Dakota.

Shayna says, “Well, it’s about time. We’ll see you next week.” Shayna & Zoey head out, will they get the gold even before Mania? Or will that Roadblock end up too much for even Asuka & Kairi?


Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Dom is being checked by the medic, and Rhea tells Dom, “What did you think was gonna happen?” Dom motions that he wanted the title, but Priest tells him to take it easy. Priest says he and Finn are gonna make things right with Imperium. Finn says, “Like we always do.” They fist bump, and Priest tells JD that he’s gonna be the one to make things right with Gunther. He is? Andrade walks in, says hey to Dom and hopes that he’ll be alright. Andrade then heads out to get ready for his match. Dom says keep an eye on El Idolo, he could be big for them. Priest and Dom talk in Spanish, and it seems Priest gets what Dom means.

JD wants to talk more about this him and Gunther thing. Priest says they can talk more about it later. Just take care of Dom first. The Judgment Day holds together, but will they really be able to bring down Der Ring General?


Becky Lynch VS Nia Jax!

The Man won the Elimination Chamber and will face Rhea Ripley for the Women’s World Championship. However, the Irresistible Force did beat Becky 1v1 a month or so ago, and that is reason enough for Nia to say she deserves another shot. Will Becky end up A-Nia-lated again? Or will she make sure to keep The Man in WrestleMania 40?

The bell rings and the two glare at each other. Nia rushes in, Becky dodges and puts her in a corner to then stomp away. The fans fire up but the ref counts. Becky lets off, runs back up, but Nia picks Becky up to RAM her into another corner! Nia RAMS Becky again and again and again, then lets off to tell the ref to leave her alone. Nia runs back in but Becky BOOTS her! Becky then SHOTGUNS but Nia stays up! Becky runs to forearm smash! And JUMP KICK but Nia swats it! Nia fireman’s carries, but Becky sunset flips! Becky avoids a stomp, keeps moving, but Nia catches the crossbody for a POWERSLAM!

Nia snarls as she looms over Becky. Fans boo and Becky flounders, but Nia watches her go to a corner. Nia runs in to SPLASH, and then she keeps Becky from falling over. Nia HEADBUTTS Becky down, then runs to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Becky is hanging in there but Nia looms over her again. The fans rally for Becky as Nia drags her up. Becky throws body shots then forearms, but Nia scoops! Becky squirrels around to a SLEEPER! The fans fire up as Nia claws at the hold! Nia RAMS Becky into buckles, and again, and again! Nia THROWS Becky off her, and catches her breath while Becky flounders around again.

Nia runs in at the corner again, to back body block! Becky sits down, Nia says kiss this! HIP ATTACK! And she rubs it in! Becky sputters and coughs, Nia CHOKES Becky on the ropes! The ref counts, Nia lets off, and then she brings Becky up. Nia scoops but Becky slips free to CHOP BLOCK! The fans fire up as Becky kciks away on Nia’s hips and clubs away on her neck! But Nia SHOVES Becky away! Becky ELBOWS back, BOOTS her, then goes up the corner! Becky MISSILIE DROPKICKS! Nia staggers and tumbles out of the ring! Becky builds speed to WRECK Nia with another dropkick! Becky hurries to the corner again and goes up!

Becky CROSSBODIES, but Nia catches her! For a SAMOAN DROP to the floor! Becky is in big time trouble as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns as Becky has Nia up top and fires off fists! But Nia fights off the superplex with body shots! SUPER GOURD BUSTER! Nia then adjusts up top, grins and SUPER LEG DROPS!! Cover, TWO!! Becky survives and the fans fire up! Nia can’t believe it, and she thinks through what she has to do now. Becky stirs as the fans rally up, and Nia pulls off her glove. Nia wants to use that face breaking punch! But Becky ducks it! Becky clinches, Nia throws elbows! Nia scoops but Becky RANAS free! Nia ends up in the corner, and Becky BOOTS her from the outside! Becky goes up to MOLLY-GO-ROUND! Cover, TWO!!

Becky is more stunned over how far she went flying than anything, but she refocuses. The fans rally up, Becky rises and gets them even more fired up! Becky wants Nia to get up, and she grabs the arm! Nia resists, whips Becky away, and then fireman’s carries, SAMOAN DROP! Nia hurries to get Becky in a drop zone! Nia goes up the corner, A-NIA-LATOR FLOPS as Becky moves! Becky grabs the arm, DISARM-HER!! Nia endures, flails, powers up, but Becky flips it over to an ARMBAR! Nia kicks, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts but Becky h olds on as Nia goes to the apron. Nia drags Becky out to SLING her into barriers!

Nia snarls, drags Becky back up and pushes her back in. But wait! LIV MORGAN FLIES IN! She CLOBBERS Nia into the post, and costs Becky her match!

Winner: Nia Jax, by disqualification

Liv says turnabout is fair play! Now they’re even. But then Becky gets in Liv’s face! Becky says it’s different but Liv doesn’t see it. Nia YANKS them both down! Nia throws Liv down, but Becky dropkicks! Nia still fireman’s carries to POST Becky! LEG DROP for Liv! Nia has the win, and she stands tall over two top level superstars. Will she make herself the #1 contender by any means necessary?


Ricochet meets with Pearce.

Ricochet points out he has kept his mouth shut, his head down, and he has done everything asked of him. But no matter what, closed mouths just don’t get fed around here. Pearce wants Ricochet to trust him. He has heard everything Ricochet has said, and has respect for him. As the champion before Gunther held the title, Ricochet’s words do carry. However, Gunther wants a challenger and Pearce has a plan. It will satisfy Gunther, Ricochet, and just about everyone else who wants to talk Intercontinental Championship. Ricochet hopes so. Pearce says he just has to trust him. Ricochet does trust Pearce, and they shake on it.

Ricochet leaves, but Priest, Finn & JD walk in. They need to talk about JD getting a shot at Gunther and the title. Oh, really? Well if JD has a sales pitch, say it now and quick, because Pearce was about to go say his thing. JD says you put him in the ring with Gunther and see what happens. That is where JD will do his talking. Gunther hurt Dom, and when you mess with one of them, you mess with all of the Judgment Day. The Irish Ace has put his hat in the ring, just what is Pearce planning for this Road to WrestleMania?


Becky finds Liv backstage.

The Man sarcastically claps and “congratulates” Liv on her little revenge tour. Becky already apologized, okay? And two things. One, Becky does understand why Liv did what she did, cuz she would’ve done the same damn thing. Plus when Becky did what she did last week, she did it to get back at Nia, not at Liv. And the other thing is, when Becky did it, she got the job done, Nia didn’t get up last time. Oh so The Man can dish it out but can’t take it. That’s typical. Well, what is it Liv loves to say? You can either cry about it or fight about it? Then let’s fight about it next week! Liv would love to. Then see you there.

Liv leaves but Rhea walks in, and laughs. Mami is amused at all the other superstars getting after each other, but will Becky have the last laugh at WrestleMania?


Adam Pearce speaks.

“As we know, the Intercontinental Championship has a rich and storied history in WWE. And if we’re being honest, Gunther’s record-setting title reign has only added to that legacy. Because of that, finding a worthy challenger has proven to be just that: a challenge. Over the last few weeks, I’ve gone up and down the roster, trying to identify potential challengers, and I finally feel like I’ve zeroed in on six men that truly deserve an opportunity. Former Intercontinental Champions Sami Zayn, Ricochet, and Shinsuke Nakamura, a pair of up-and-coming superstars in Bronson Reed and JD McDonagh, and former challenger himself, who has a very compelling case for a rematch, The Alpha Academy’s Chad Gable.

“These six men will compete next week to find out which one can outlast the others and punch their ticket to WrestleMania. That’s right, next week on Monday Night Raw, it will be a Gauntlet Match. Six men will try and run the gauntlet but only one can win. And that winner will go on to face Der Ring General, Gunther, for his Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.” That is quite the line-up! Who makes it out of that six pack to head right for the gold?


Andrade VS ???

El Idolo has vowed that with his return to the WWE, he will finally make this his era! Will he prove to be truly ungovernable on his rise to the top? We find out, after the break!

Raw returns and we learn Andrade’s opponent is a returning Apollo Crews! Crews himself is a former Intercontinental Champion and United States Champion, will he prove himself worthy of something in the future? And we also get a glimpse of The Judgment Day watching this backstage. The bell rings, Andrade offers a handshake and Crews takes it. The two circle, tie up, and they go around. They end up on ropes, the ref counts, and the two let off. They reset, tie up, and Crews headlocks. Andrade powers up and out, Crews RAMS him but neither man falls. The fans rally, Andrade runs and RAMS Crews.

Crews runs, Andrade follows and BOOTS him! The fans fire up, Andrade runs, but into a DROPKICK! Crews brings Andrade up but Andrade RAMS him into a corner! Andrade CHOPS, but Crews body shots and CHOPS in return! Crews whips corner to corner, Andrade tumbles up and out to ROCK Crews! Andrade hurries up but Crews ROCKS him back! Crews throws hands, climbs up, but Andrade HEADBUTTS! Crews hops down, but he CHOPS in return! Crews climbs, he and Andrade throw hands, but Crews CLUBS Andrade. Crews goes to the very top, for the SUPER DUPER PLEX! Roll through, but Andrade suplexes!

Andrade gets up, another suplex! That’s Dos Amigos, and then Andrade gives some Latino Heat before THREE AMIGOS! Cover, TWO! Crews stays in this but Andrade stays cool. Andrade gets Crews up but Crews ENZIGIRIS! Andrade wobbles, Crews reels him in but Andrade arm-drags free! Andrade boot feints to ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Crews survives that shot but Andrade smirks. Andrade has the fans fire up as he calls his next shot. “SI! SI! SI!” and Andrade runs corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS! Then the hammerlock and facelock, LA SOMBRA DDT!! Cover, Andrade wins!

Winner: Andrade, by pinfall

El Idolo is sharp as ever, and he looks ready for more! Will Andrade be primed for a golden opportunity on the other side of WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Sami Zayn.

Jackie Redmond is with The Master Strategist and notes the talk around his highs and lows since last WrestleMania. And now, Sami has an opportunity to become the #1 contender to Gunther after next week’s star-studded gauntlet. What is going through his mind right now? Sami says he’s just thinking about how the journey has had its highs and lows. How we’ve seen his confidence shaken, but also about his belief. The path to WrestleMania has presented itself! Sami has talked about wanting to be a champion, and to do something historic, and now that his path has found him, this gauntlet is the only thing in his way of doing all that.

Sami says getting in the ring with perhaps the most dominant champion ever, this is it. There is no other path, this IS his path! This gauntlet match is do or die! He’s had a lot of matches in his career. A lot of big matches, a lot of important matches, but this one right here is THE most important one. But then in walks Ivar & Sarah Logan. The Viking shaman says she has been praying to the Norse gods, trying to understand how someone as pathetic as Sami is in a match like this, when a battle-tested warrior like Ivar is not. Ivar says it is time to put an end to the delusions! The truth is, Ivar knows he can beat Gunther.

But Ivar also knows that Sami knows that Sami can’t! Sami says he knows he can beat Ivar! And if Ivar wants to prove him wrong, juts meet Sami in that ring, tonight! Ivar says then Sami can forget about WrestleMania. He won’t even make it to next week. The War Beard is bringing the raid to Texas, will Sami make it through to the other side?


WWE mourns the loss of Paul “Butcher” Vachon.


Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell talk backstage.

They beat Shayna & Zoey, faced the Kabuki Warriors, so why- Indi has Candice relax. They’ll get better, and get another shot to win next time. Next time?! There might not be a next time! They have to worry about the now! Natalya is there and agrees. Tegan Nox throwing her out of the Royal Rumble didn’t help their cause. Natty is not mad, though, it’s just time to regroup. Natty is the veteran, so Nox has to listen to her. Uh, Natty tried to get Nox out of the Rumble first, though. Natty tells Tegan that it wasn’t like that. Time to get hungry, forget their manners, and follow her lead. Natty heads out, and Candice is starting to think the same.

Time to forget their manners, and do whatever it takes to get their way. Uh, what’s Candice talking about? Ivy Nile asks if they’re okay, and Maxxine Dupri says she can handle this. They all go through rough patches, but Maxxine knows Candice will come out on top, looking fine and fierce! Yeah, okay. But uh, what would Maxxine know? She’s had like, what? Three matches? Candice doesn’t need a pity party from someone who can’t even lace Candice’s boots. Candice storms off, Indi apologizes for her, no idea what’s gotten into her. Indi hurries away, Ivy consoles Maxxine, is the Women’s Tag Division getting so hot that it’s gonna burn itself down?


Finn Balor & Damian Priest VS Imperium!

The Prince & The Punisher promised to get payback for Dom, so they’re looking to take out Der Ring General’s soldiers! Will the Undisputed Tag Team Champions prove Judgment Day still runs this? Or will Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci grab golden tickets to their own title opportunity?

Raw returns and Imperium makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Kaiser starts against Finn. They circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, Finn gets around to CLUB away on Kaiser’s back, then bumps him off buckles, Finn fires off hands high then low, then lets off as the ref counts. Vinci creeps up but Finn steps to him. Finn goes back to Kaiser but Kaiser claws Finn’s eyes! Kaiser blocks Finn’s kick to UPPERCUT! Kaiser snapmares Finn, fans chant for Mami, but Kaiser rains down fists on Finn! Finn flounders, Kaiser claws at him to then throw down hands.

Kaiser bumps Finn off buckles, tags Vinci, and Imperium mugs Finn. Vinci CLUBS Finn, brings him around and UPPERCUTS! Vinci taunts Finn, UPPERCUTS again, then headlocks. Finn powers out, Vinci sunset flips but Finn rolls through to basement dropkick! Finn hurries to cover, ONE! Finn keeps on Vinci, RAMS him into the corner, then tags Priest. Priest ROCKS Vinci, then TOSSES him to an open corner! Priest fires off hands then stomps away on Vinci! The ref counts, Priest lets off and the fans fire up as Priest glares at Kaiser. Priest drags Vinci up to suplex, but Vinci slips free! Vinci shoves Priest, tags Kaiser, but Priest BOOTS Kaiser!

The fans rally as Priest stalks Kaiser, and ROCKS him! Priest whips Kaiser corner to corner hard, runs in, but Kaiser dodges! The splash hits buckles, but Priest ELBOWS Kaiser away. Vinci creeps up again but Priest pie faces him away. Priest turns around, Kaiser UPPERCUTS! Vinci gets mad, the ref keeps him back, Priest whips Kaiser and Finn gets a cheap shot in! Kaiser DECKS Finn for that but Priest DECKS Kaiser in return! Finn wants the tag, but Priest BOOTS Vinci down, then tags Finn. Finn & Priest get Kaiser up, double whip him to ropes, and mule kick to front kick to ROUNDHOUSE to SCISSOR KICK! Finn covers, TWO!

Finn clamps onto Kaiser with a chinlock, and he ELBOWS Kaiser in the head! Finn clamps back on, drags Kaiser up and pulls him into the COBRA TWIST! Kaiser endures, the fans rally up, and Finn reaches out to Priest. Priest reaches out in return, but they’re only just able to link up. Kaiser HIP TOSSES free, GAMANGIRIS Priest, then POSTS Finn! Kaiser & Vinci run side to side, DOUBLE DROPKICK on Finn in the corner! The fans boo but Imperium soaks up the heat as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Finn and Kaiser throw hands back and forth! Kaiser kicks low, CLUBS Finn, but Finn gets around to EYE OF THE HURRICANE! Both men are down, the fans rally as they crawl, hot tag to Vinci and he BLASTS Priest! Vinci & Kaiser hit a HIGH LOW on Finn! Cover, TWO!! Finn survives and Vinci is furious! Vinci stalks Finn to ropes, CHOKES him, then lets off as the ref counts. Finn sputters, Vinci drags him up and around to scoop and SLAM! And ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Vinci KNEES Finn in the back, has claws in the shoulders, and Finn endures. The fans rally, Finn fights up, and Finn throws elbows!

Finn runs but Vinci blocks the boot to LARIAT! Tag to Kaiser, the fans rally behind Finn. Kaiser drags Finn up to DECK him! Finn sits up in a daze, Kaiser runs to KICK him in the side! Cover, TWO! Kaiser taunts Priest, Priest is furious, but Finn throws body shots! Kaiser knees Finn low, whips him, but Finn KICKS back! Finn DECKS Vinci but Kaiser UPPERCUTS! Finn PELES and both men fall! The fans fire up as Finn crawls around! Finn reaches out, Kaiser has no one! Hot tag to Priest! Priest DECKS Kaiser! And DECKS him again! Kaiser swings, misses, and Priest BELL CLAPS! Then FLATLINER! Vinci runs in, into a FLAPJACK!

Priest roars and the fans fire up! Priest runs corner to corner to STAGE DIVE ELBOW Kaiser! Then one for Vinci! Back to Kaiser! Back to Vinci! Priest then TOSSES Vinci, but Kaiser kicks low! Kaiser shouts “NEIN!” but Priest suplexes for the BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Priest is frustrated but he looms over Kaiser. Priest vows to end it, and he hauls Kaiser up. Priest hoists Kaiser up into the crucifix but Kaiser slips free! Kaiser dodge the splash but Finn tags in! Kaiser rolls Priest up but Finn rolls Kaiser! TWO!! Finn runs to SLINGBLADE! Finn fires up, takes aim from a corner, and San Antonio is with him!

But Vinci anchors Finn! Finn kicks Vinci away but Kaiser gets Finn for the ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Tag to Vinci, and Kaiser puts Finn up top. ROCKET LAUNCH, but Vinci almost loses Finn there! Vinci gets Finn back up, but Finn cradles it! Kaiser tips it in Vinci’s favor, TWO!! Vinci BLASTS Priest, runs, but Finn gets him with a SLINGBLADE! Finn reloads, runs in, SHOTGUN! Vinci hits buckles and falls into the drop zone! Finn goes up top and COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Kaiser breaks it!! But Priest rises up from below! Kaiser has Finn but Priest snarls. “This is Awesome!” as Priest drags Kaiser up and out!

Priest tags in, and he helps Finn stand. Time to fly, Prince! Finn builds speed, Priest holds the ropes down, and Finn does FLY out onto Kaiser! But Vinci rolls up Priest! TWO, Vinci dodges Priest once, but the LARIAT hits the second time! The straps come down, San Antonio is thunderous, for the SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!

Winners: Finn Balor & Damian Priest, by pinfall

Imperium put up a hell of a fight, but they could not avoid defeat! The Undisputed Tag Team Champions are on a roll, will anyone ever stop them?


BREAKING NEWS on the WWE Hall of Fame!

A man who has contributed so much to the entire industry of pro-wrestling, it is only fitting that WrestleMania Weekend in Philadelphia sees the one and only Paul Heyman headlining the class of 2024!


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

Jackie Redmond is excited about Heyman being inducted, and can’t wait to hear what Heyman has to say. Speaking of words of wisdom, McIntyre warned Rollins about The Bloodline last week. Does he think Rollins listened to anything McIntyre had to say? Nope, not a word. But you wanna know why? “Because Seth Rollins is a junkie. A spotlight junkie. He literally can’t help himself. When his responsibility is supposed to be right here on Raw, he sees something over here that’s hot and goes, ‘Oh, I have to latch my claws into that. I’ve got to be a part of that!’ Instead of doing what’s important over here.”

Let’s think back on some of the recent returns. CM Punk? Seth Rollins! Cody Rhodes? Seth Rollins! The Rock? Why not Seth Rollins? He should be focused on the World Heavyweight Championship and on Raw, but he’s not. He does it to the detriment of both his body and his mind. But whatever, Rollins is a grown man, he can do what he wants. So long as Rollins shows up to WrestleMania so McIntyre can put him down, since that title deserves better than Rollins. That title also deserves better than Jey Uso. McIntyre has only just wanted an apology, and even someone as dimwitted as Jey could’ve figured that out.

But McIntyre will be the bigger man. McIntyre is sorry. He knows how much Jey needs this win, how much this means to him, but there is not a chance in Hell that Jey defeats McIntyre. Jackie thanks The Scottish Terminator for his time and McIntyre says you’re welcome. Will nothing stop McIntyre from barreling through Main Event Jey to then barrel through the “co-main-event” with Rollins on WrestleMania 40, Night 2?


DMG CTRL makes their way to the exit.

But first, Rhea Ripley steps in their way. Champion stares down champion, and Rhea tells Iyo to stay outta her territory. Iyo scoffs and DMG CTRL leaves. Will the Evil Genius be careful not to get on Mami’s bad side?


Sami Zayn VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan!

The Great Liberator has his greatest opportunity yet just next week, but the War Beard feels snubbed. Will Sami simply add on by proving why Ivar isn’t in the gauntlet instead of him? Or will Ivar ruin Sami’s last chance to make it to WrestleMania?

Raw returns and Ivar makes his entrance, Sarah Logan leading the way. Sarah wears the antler headpiece, which Michael is very excited about. And then to his delight, Sarah lets him wear the headpiece! The fans cheer for “MICHAEL! MICHAEL!” and the bell rings. Sami and Ivar tie up, Ivar shoves him away, and Sami comes back to tie up again. Ivar shoves Sami down again, and he flexes. The fans boo but Sami gets up to get around. Sami waistlocks, Ivar bucks the O’Conner but things speed up. Sami ducks, hurdles, but Ivar cartwheels to avoid the boot! Things keep moving, Sami ducks ‘n’ dodges, but into the SPINNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!

Sami survives, Michael is having fun having one more first in his WWE career, this must be how good ol’ JR felt wearing his cowboy hat. Ivar stomps Sami around, claws at his face, then lets off as the ref reprimands. Ivar CLUBS Sami down, but Sami sits back up. The fans rally, Sami counter punches Ivar! Sami ROCKS Ivar, whips, but Ivar reveres. Sami goes up and over, then clotheslines Ivar up and out! The fans fire up and Sami builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Ivar! Sami fires up, he pushes Ivar back into the ring, then gets in. Ivar runs up, Sami clinches, but Ivar throws elbows!

Ivar shoves Sami away, Sami ELBOWS back. Sami goes up, reels Ivar in, and TORNADO- NO, Ivar stops the DDT and he TOSSES Sami to the floor! Ivar goes to the apron, takes aim as Sarah roars, and Ivar CANNONBALLS! Down goes Sami, and Sarah shouts over Sami’s body as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again as Ivar puts Sami up top. Ivar CLUBS Sami on the back, climbs up after him, but Sami fires elbows! Ivar CLUBS Sami some more, then hoists him up! SUPER BACK SUPLEX CROSSBODY COUNTER! Cover, TWO!! Ivar survives Sami turning that around on him, but Sami keeps cool. Sami drags Ivar up and reels him in, but Ivar fights the lift! The fans rally for Sami, but Ivar RAMS him into a corner! Ivar puts Sami up, but Sami fires hands in return! Then TORNADO DDTS! Ivar staggers up, Sami takes aim! Sami goes corner to corner, but gets the HEEL KICK O’ DOOM! Ivar underhooks Sami and gets him up, TIGER DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Sami survives and Sarah is frustrated on Ivar’s behalf! Ivar snarls as he looms over Sami, then drags him up. Ivar puts Sami back up top, CHOPS, then CHOPS again! Ivar climbs up after Sami, but Sami CLUBS Ivar again and again and again! Sami adjusts and SUPER SUNSET BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Sami can’t believe it but Ivar survives! The fans rally up, Sami brings Ivar up but Ivar ROCKS him! Sami goes to a corner, Ivar runs in, but into a clinch! Sami tries but Ivar’s so big! Sami fires hands from all sides to beat Ivar down! Then he CORNER EXPLODERS! Sami then goes to the far corner and the fans fire up again!

Sami runs corner to corner, but into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar thwarts Sami’s kick again, drags him into a drop zone, and Ivar goes up! Sarah praises the Norse gods as Ivar DOOMSAULTS but FLOPS as Sami moves! Ivar is up, Sami runs corner to corner again, HELLUVA KICK!! Cover, Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

The third time was the charm, and Sami conquers the Viking Raider! But BRONSON REED CLOBBERS Sami!! Fans boo as Auszilla is here to tell us all that HE is getting his shot! Bronson climbs up now, for the TSUNAMI!! Sami gets crushed after all, will he and the rest of the gauntlet field be washed away by this same splash?


Backstage interview with Gunther.

Cathy Kelley is with the Intercontinental Champion, and congratulates him on his win over Dominik. Yes, thank you very much. Dom spoke a big game last week, he did step up tonight, so Gunther will give him his due. However, Gunther didn’t question the outcome. Then let’s move to the gauntlet match. How is Gunther feeling about that stacked field all vying for their shot at him? Stacked, huh? Well it should be stacked. Gunther elevated this great prize to heights never seen before. And to be fully honest, he is also flattered to see the creme de la creme of Monday Night Raw competing to challenge Der Ring General at WrestleMania.

But all they’re really earning in the end is a spot to be humiliated and outclassed by Gunther! But then in steps Chad Gable. Gunther smirks at Gable, and Gable says he is so sick of that condescending smile of his. But Gable can look past the smile. What he can’t get past is what Gunther did to Gable in their last match. The tears in the eyes of Gable’s daughter, insulting Gable as both a man and a father. Anyone else in this match, it’s just a path to WrestleMania. For Gable, this is a path to redemption. That means delivering on what he promised to do back in September: taking that title off Gunther and putting it on Gable’s waist!

And that includes wiping that smile off Gunther’s face and putting the smile back on his daughter’s face. Because Chad Gable, WrestleMania 40, this rematch, it just means more. Gunther chuckles, and leaves. Will Gable show Gunther that he isn’t a joke, but the most serious threat to his reign?


Jey Uso speaks.

“Hey, Drew Mac. For weeks, all I hear you do is cry and complain. Talkin’ ’bout how you want an apology from me. Hey, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I’m about to do to you tonight. I’m sorry you ’bout to get this work tonight! And if there’s anything you gonna find out about me, Jey don’t play. YEET!” Main Event Jey is ready for the main event, but will he be ready to bring down the Scottish Terminator once and for all?


Superstars are playing WWE 2K24.

Specifically, it’s Xavier Woods hanging out with R-Truth and DIY. The Miz walks in and asks how they’re already playing the game. Woods has a hook up. Truth says he’s of course his childhood hero, John Cena. And San Antonio’s own, HBK, Shawn Michaels, and the Cerebral Assassin, HHH, are of course playing as DX. Ciampa has Woods not worry about correcting Truth. Miz says he got their “ideas” about how they can get payback. Dropping slime? Feeding them bread? Truth says it’s in case one of them has a gluten allergy. Sigh… Miz says they need to hit them where it hurts: the tag titles! Sound good?

Yeah, that’s a great idea! REGENERATION X! Woods wants to hate this, but he loves it! But wait, Truth almost lost cuz Ciampa’s being sneaky! Will #RX be the cure to the Judgment Day’s reign of terror?


Drew McIntyre VS Jey Uso!

We’ve heard from both men tonight, and now it is time for them to put this to rest! Will the Scottish Terminator be rolling into his title match with Seth Freakin’ Rollins? Or is Main Event Jey gonna prove even YEET is bigger in Texas?

The bell rings and the fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” as Jey stares McIntyre down. Jey then ROCKS McIntyre with haymakers! McIntyre shoves Jey, Jey holds ropes, but McIntyre runs up. Jey dumps McIntyre to the apron, but McIntyre blocks a kick! But then the DRAGON WHIP hits! Jey hurries out after McIntyre, SMACKS him off the desk, and then whips him. McIntyre reverses to scoop Jey, for a TOSS over the desk! McIntyre shows he can yeet with the best of ’em, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Jey is on the apron. McIntyre storms up to him, stands him up, and ROCKS him with a right. Jey wobbles, McIntyre eggs him on, “Is that all you got?” Jey GAMANGIRIS! Jey then goes up, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! McIntyre gets up, Jey blocks a punch to give a punch! Jey throws more hands, the fans “YEET!” with each one. Jey whips corner to corner, McIntyre reverses and Jey goes up, but McIntyre KICKS him outta the air! Cover, TWO! Jey is still in this but McIntyre looms over him. McIntyre rains down fists over and over, but lets off to stomp! The fans rally for Jey but McIntyre just scowls.

McIntyre drags Jey up but Jey RAMS into him! And RAMS into him again! Jey runs but McIntyre CLOBBERS him! McIntyre drags Jey back up, puts him in a corner, and CHOPS! Jey drops to his knees, but McIntyre stands over him. Jey hobbles up, goes to a corner, but McIntyre CHOPS him again! McIntyre hoists Jey up, then CHOPS again! McIntyre climbs up, fireman’s carries Jey, and tucks him, but Jey fights free! Jey carries McIntyre off the corner, for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! McIntyre is still in this but Jey hurries up the corner! Jey aims for the USO SPLASH onto knees! McIntyre saves himself there!

Jey stagger sup, into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! The fans rally while both men are down, and McIntyre seethes while catching his breath. Jey rises, McIntyre storms up to him again, and he brings Jey up. McIntyre CHOPS Jey, Jey rebounds to ROCK McIntyre! McIntyre ROCKS Jey, then clotheslines him up and out! Jey flops to the floor, McIntyre goes out to get him, and he looks to the desk! The fans don’t mind, but then McIntyre suplexes Jey to the floor! A little double-edged there but McIntyre snarls as Raw goes back to break.

Raw returns yet again, and McIntyre stalks Jey on the outside. McIntyre fires hands against the barriers, then brings Jey around to RAM him into barriers! Then RAMS him into the apron! And then back to the barriers! And then back to the apron! McIntyre pushes Jey into the ring, stalks him as he hobbles around, and then scoops him! But Jey slips free to shove McIntyre into buckles! Jey goes to a corner, McIntyre runs in, but into a BOOT! McIntyre falls and Jey crawls away to get space. The fans rally with “YEET! YEET! YEET!” and Jey rises up. McIntyre manages to stand, but Jey ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again!

Jey fires hands again and again, “YEET!” Jey puts some stank on the pop ‘n’ lock and HAYMAKER! Jey whips, McIntyre reverses and flapjacks, but Jey lands out of it! Mule kick! UPPERCUT! McIntyres wings, Jey dodges and SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Jey grits his teeth, crawls back to a corner, and he aims as McIntyre slowly goes to the other. Jey says “UCE! OH!” Jey runs in, to HIP ATTACK! McIntyre is dazed but Jey isn’t done! Jey keeps moving, but then McIntyre bails out. The fans boo but Jey just DIVES onto McIntyre! Down goes McIntyre but Jey hurries to put him back in the ring!

Jey hurries up the corner, but fans see someone coming! Solo Sikoa?! The Enforcer is here! Jey has to jump over McIntyre, but his leg jams up! He turns around into a kick, underhooks, and FUTURE SHOCK! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives, and here comes Cody Rhodes! Cody did say he’s gonna hunt down the Bloodline if he has to, so he goes right after Solo! Cody SMACKS Solo off steel steps, clotheslines him into the crowd, and runs him off into the night! But McIntyre’s countdown starts! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” SUPERKICK! McIntyre stays up, so Jey SUPERKICKS again! McIntyre drops to a knee, so Jey SUPERKICKS a third time!! And SPEAR!!

The fans fire up with Jey, but of course Jimmy is here! The Bloodline always brings the numbers! Jey snarls at Jimmy, but McIntyre hits the CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Once again, The Bloodline hands McIntyre a win on a silver platter, and also finds a way to screw Jey at the same time! Jimmy doesn’t leave, either! He gets a chair! Jimmy brings the chair into the ring, grins as he eyes Jey, but here comes Seth Rollins! McIntyre is stunned as Rollins runs in, and he SUPERKICKS the chair into Jimmy! Rollins tells Jimmy just wait until Friday! But then McIntyre CLAYMORES Rollins!! McIntyre says this is just what he’s talking about! If Rollins keeps on this path, if he goes with Cody to have the tag match, this will keep happening! Do NOT be selfish and taint the World Heavyweight Championship match!

McIntyre says Rollins needs to do the right thing, but does McIntyre even know what that is anymore!? Will it not matter when McIntyre really does take the title away from Rollins?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Raw right here to really ramp things up for WrestleMania. Great stuff from Cody, Rollins and The Bloodline to bookend the show. Great promo from Cody & Rollins that all but accepts the high stakes dream team tag match for WrestleMania, and then Cody & Rollins played a great part in the main event. Really good promos from McIntyre and Jey before having an awesome main event, but of course The Bloodline interfered here. This continues to plug Jey VS Jimmy for Mania, and of course McIntyre takes advantage of everything to win against Jey and still stand tall over Rollins. Maybe he wins the world title, maybe he doesn’t, but McIntyre is certainly deserving of this top level of story.

Great match out of Dom and Gunther, and I feel like Gunther’s compliments later were fairly genuine because Dom’s sells on those chops were truly top notch. Dom of course loses, but I like that this spurred on the rest of what Judgment Day was doing tonight. Finn & Priest VS Kaiser & Vinci was also incredible, and a great win for Finn & Priest. I also really liked the group promo from Truth, Miz & DIY with Woods on the side. It is definitely going to be Awesome Truth VS Finn & Priest at Mania, but this was a really fun little bit to get the ball rolling towards that end. I also like that Dom seems interested in adding Andrade to the group. I wonder if Andrade ends up replacing someone or driving a new wedge into the group like when JD wanted to join.

And back to Gunther, great stuff in the Intercontinental Championship build. Big stuff with that six man gauntlet being announced, and I really like all six choices in that match. Sami had an awesome match against Ivar to build momentum going into that match, and then logical move for Bronson Reed to attack. Sami and Bronson are definitely the top two choices to me, but even with Bronson crushing Sami and Gable confronting Gunther in a pretty good promo, this has to be Sami’s to win, and possibly from the very first round. Sami winning that big would be very reminiscent of KofiMania, so maybe #SamiMania runs wild in Philly.

And of course really good stuff in the Women’s Division. Becky VS Nia being interfered with by Liv was a good turnaround from last week, and something makes me think Nia does the same to Liv and Becky in their match next week. I’m not sure if this somehow sorts out into a match that names a third member to the Women’s World Championship match to give us the world title Triple Threat every 10th Mania ends up having. Good little promos from the various lower tag teams, and Candice snapping on Maxxine like that was the biggest surprise. Natty is also being rather obnoxious as the veteran, I think Natty and Nox are breaking up, and maybe there’s something developing between Candice and Indi where The Way loses its way for a bit.

Shayna & Zoey of course won against Kayden & Katana, who have dropped right back down after losing the titles. But I’m a little surprised Shayna & Zoey are getting their shot before Mania, not at it. Pretty sure Kabuki Warriors retain the titles tomorrow night for Roadblock, and I’m pretty sure they’ll retain next Monday, too. I still think Bianca should join forces with Jade Cargill and essentially with Bayley to take down DMG CTRL together, though maybe only one of those title matches goes their way. Bianca & Jade taking the tag titles is the more likely, as Dakota can still be in Iyo’s corner to screw Bayley over. And Rhea confronting Iyo was great, it’d be awesome if one day, we get Rhea VS Iyo in a rematch from way back in 2018 and the Mae Young Classic.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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