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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/23/20)

NXT Presents: A Very Gargano Christmas!



NEW NXT Coverage

Who will have NXT gold for Christmas?

Given the animosity between them, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are willing to deal with Killian Dain and Drake Maverick in time for the holidays! Who will be our very merry NXT Tag Team Champions?


  • NXT Tag Team Championships Street Fight: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick; Lorcan & Burch win and retain the titles.
  • Isaish “Swerve” Scott VS Jake Atlas; Swerve wins.
  • Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai; Ripley wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Ashante “Thee” Adonis; Reed wins.
  • Timothy Thatcher VS Leon Ruff; Ruff wins.
  • Ariya Daivari VS Tyler Rust w/ Malcolm Bivens; Rust wins.
  • Adam Cole VS Velveteen Dream; Cole wins.


NXT Tag Team Championships Street Fight: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick!

No need to wait on this one! Pat McAfee’s One Two are ready to throw down with Big Damo and Rockstar Spud! But so are Dain and Drake, as they run up and CLOBBER the champions from behind! The bell rings and the brawl is on, who gives out seasons beatings to kick off the night?

Dain CLUBS away on Oney, Drake rains down rights on Burch, then they switch! Dain throws Burch into boards, Drake rakes Oney’s face and throws him into the giant X-tron! Dain throws Burch into steel steps, Drake kicks Oney down the ramp, and Dain gets a table! Drake gets a chair and he JAMS Oney in the ribs! Drake brings out more chairs, puts them in the ring, Dain drags a second table around. Drake puts a chair in a corner, then helps Dain arrange the furniture. Oney CLUBS and ROCKS Drake then helps Burch with Dain! The fans boo as Oney and Burch mug Dain then bring him up, to whip into boards!

Drake crawls over but Burch stomps him down. Burch and Oney put Dain in the ribs, Oney DECKS Drake, then the champs fire off on Dain in a corner! Burch digs his boots into Dain, ROCKS Dain again, and actually tags Oney! Oney digs his boots into Dain, drags him up but then throws a EuroUpper! Tag to Burch, Burch CHOPS Dain then throws more forearms. Oney sets up the chairs next to each other, and he helps Burch bring Dain over. Dain fights out and back drops Oney onto the chairs! Dain CLOBBERS Burch, fans fire up and Maverick is in his corner! Dain throws the chair down on Burch’s back before he tags Drake in.

Drake and Dain double whip Burch, Dain uses Drake to trip Burch up, then he drops the back senton! Dain scoops Burch, slams him, then Drake runs to be the human weapon, scoop slam senton! Drake wants a high-five, but he’s just used as a weapon again! Fireman’s carry, and the boots DECK Oney! Dain whips Oney to a corner, tags Drake and Dain whips him in to body block Oney in the corner! Dain runs in to elbow, then he puts Drake on the outside, BOOT ENZIGURI COMBO! Fans fire up, Drake covers Oney, TWO! Drake keeps his cool, but Burch headbutts low! Dain stomps Oney from the apron while Burch throws uppercuts on Drake.

Dain RAMS Oney into boards, Drake stops from hitting the steel chair but so does Burch. Burch dodges Drake to LARIAT! Both men are down inside, Oney dodges Dain to send him into the apron! And he hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Everyone is down and fans rally up! Burch stirs, as does Drake, and Burch sits a chair up. Burch whips Drake to drop toehold him into the chair! Burch then helps Oney mug Dain, and they bring up a table to set it against the boards. Dain mule kicks Burch, slugs Oney then throws Burch over the barriers! Dain glares at Oney, Oney blocks being bumped into the table, to bump Dain into it! The table is bent but Oney wants to break it!

Dain blocks the suplex to suplex back, but Oney slips out and CHOPS! Dain shoves Oney, Oney avoids the other tables but the BOOT rocks him! Dain runs in but Oney dodges, Dain crashes through the table! The champions have control again as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Oney drags Drake around. Oney takes Drake’s belt off him and taunts him as he crawls to ropes. Oney LASHES Drake with the leather! Burch tells Oney to do more, so Oney stands Drake up to LASH him across the chest! Tag to Burch and he gets a turn with the belt, he LASHES Drake down! Burch puts Drake on the ropes, and mockingly asks, “Please, sir? May I have another?” LASH! Tag to Oney, the champs drag Drake up to double whip into a corner! The back is stinging as it hits buckles, and the champs mockingly ask where Dain went! Fans rally but Oney rakes Drake’s face!

Oney and Burch double wrench to double CHOP Drake! They double whip Drake back in, soak up the heat, but Dain is back! Dain officially tags back in, and he rallies on the champs! Dain OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Burch, then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Oney! Burch ends up in the corner with the chair, Dain runs and SPLASHES him for a chair sandwich! Dain runs corner to corner to SPLASH Oney! And then back to Burch! Dain shoves Burch into Oney to SANDWICH SPLASH the champs! Dain throws hands on Oney, Burch comes back but gets a mule kick! Dain hoists Burch up for a POWERBOMB! And LEAPING ELBOW!

Dain tags Drake back in, Dain drags Oney up but Burch gets passed Drake to save Oney! The One Two shove Dain down onto the tables! Those tables from earlier don’t break but bend, making things a different kind of rough for Dain’s landing! Oney and Burch now have Drake all alone, and they taunt him as they pace like sharks with blood in the water. The leather belt is back, and Oney LASHES Drake again! Drake drags himself up and LOW BLOWS Oney! All’s legal in a Street Fight! Burch waistlocks Drake but Drake LOW BLOWS him, too! Drake has his belt back and he LASHES Burch! And LASHES Oney! And Burch, then Oney, then Burch, and repeat!

Fans are thunderous as Drake fires off more painful lashes to Burch! Drake LASHES Oney in the head! Drake tosses the belt aside but Oney LOW BLOWS back! Oney and Burch regroup, and Burch has his cricket bat! Burch SMACKS Drake, then he and Oney coordinate, LONDON BRIDGE! Cover, Oney and Burch win!

Winners: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

The Kings of NXT are still on their thrones! The Gov’nah declares, “There ain’t a team that can touch us!” Will that be true even in the new year?


The Way shares A Very Gargano Christmas.

The tree is up and decorated. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and Gargano is playing O Christmas Tree on piano in an ugly Christmas tuxedo. “Forget Elf on the Shelf. You’ve got Gargano on a Piano.” Candice, Doggo Gargano, and “the kids” come in. Austin and Indi wanna open presents. Alright, Gargano will get the camcorder! Wait he still has a camcorder? But the Gargano home movies are being made, Johnny is here with “the love of his life,” and he lingers on the North American Championship before saying, “Candice.” What does she have to say? She’s just so happy they can all be together for the holidays.

Indi admits, this is #Impressive. She can’t believe they found a way to put this all together. Candice says they always find a way. Did they really think their first family Christmas together would be disappointing? Austin says NO WAY, JOSE! No, you do NOT mention that name in this house! That guy had no way, it was in his name, and stop eating cookies. Stop. It’s okay, but it’s just not time for cookies. But it is his turn to open a present! Which one is his? The one with his name on it… Don’t shake it, though! Oh, sorry. Austin opens it up, and it’s… Protein powder! Not just that, it’s the Gargano Whey! “Holy *jingle bell censor*!” Yep, Johnny’s own personal mix. “Whipped it up myself.”

So Austin can get as big and strong as Johnny? Yes, he’ll be #AustinTakeOver in no time! So, all dynamic and deadly like Johnny? Oh yes. Indi sees what Austin did there! Dynamic And Deadly, a DAD- DUDE! Austin, do you know how to spell? But whatever, surely there will be more Gargano home movies to be shared down the line.


Finn Balor and Kyle O’Reilly both watch back their TakeOver: 31 match.

To prepare for their rematch at New Year’s Evil, 1/6/21, they both look back to see what we all saw that night. Kyle says, “Finn, you are good, man.” It’s funny, sometimes you come across an opponent that you feel you were born to wrestle. Is Finn Balor the Johnny Gargano to Kyle’s Adam Cole? Remains to be seen, but Kyle has a feeling they’ll be doing this for a long time. As for Finn, he says, “There’s a lot of bluffers in this business. When the bell rings, there’s nowhere to hide.” Once you tie up, you tell everything about them. If they’re nervous, if they’re excited, if they’re scared. That alone chews someone up, but Kyle was calm, controlled and confident. It made Finn come alive.

Nothing came easy in that match. It was all a struggle. But now it’s the moment of truth. The liver shot kick. Kyle felt every ounce of hope leave him. It pisses him off seeing it again. Finn says it wasn’t a lucky shot, he knew what he was doing. That was the most excruciating pain Kyle has ever felt in his 15 years. Finn is a shark with blood in the water, and he made Kyle pay. Kyle can’t blame Finn. He would’ve done the same thing right back. Coming back was going to be extremely difficult, but that wasn’t going to stop Kyle from trying. Then there’s “the moment that stole the show,” the jaw breaking knee. It makes people forget who won the match. Finn is still champion, but all people remember is that Kyle broke Finn’s jaw.

So here we go again. Balor VS O’Reilly 2 will be very different. Finn says Kyle got his lucky break, but there won’t be a trilogy. Kyle shattered Finn’s jaw, and this time he vows to shatter the legacy. But will Finn be the one putting the end on Kyle’s Cinderella story?


Backstage interview with Tyler Rust and Malcolm Bivens.

McKenzie Mitchell talks about the very impressive debut against Tommaso Ciampa, but Bivens immediately corrects her by saying it was one of the best NXT debuts ever! Besides Rust, who else has taken a former NXT Champion like Ciampa to the limit on the debut? No one! So tonight, Rust with Bivens by his side will show he isn’t a rookie, just a #DiamondintheRust. Let’s go out there and make some money! The two fist bump, will this manager-superstar combo take over NXT?


Isaish “Swerve” Scott VS Jake Atlas!

Frustrations got the better of Swerve after he lost to Atlas, that is the only reason he didn’t shake hands. But will Swerve start to show his true colors if he loses again?

The bell rings and Swerve circles with Atlas. They approach, feel out the grapple and tie up. Atlas puts Swerve in the corner, pushes him as he lets off, but Swerve keeps his cool. They circle again, knuckle lock but Swerve facelocks and drags Atlas down to get around and ghost pin, ONE! Atlas gets up and Swerve smirks, but Atlas gives him a shove. Swerve says he likes the fire, and the two circle again. They tie up, go around, Atlas gets the arm to wrench but then bobs ‘n’ weaves, and SLAPS Swerve! Atlas wants Swerve to take him serious, and Swerve grabs Atlas by the face to put him in a corner! The ref counts as Swerve fires off furious fists, but he has to back Swerve off!

Swerve comes back, Atlas shoves him and then boots! Swerve eggs Atlas on, then trips him up to grind his forearms into Atlas’ face. Atlas tries to get free but Swerve clinches. Atlas throws forearms, trips Swerve back and then gets a facelock. The two scrap, Swerve knees low then whips, but Atlas reverses. Swerve stops himself, stomps but Atlas avoids, then Atlas blocks the next stomp to kip up and DRAGON SCREW! Swerve ends up hitting ropes and gets out as he sputters. Atlas rushes over but Swerve sweeps the legs! Atlas kicks Swerve away, goes to the corner, TRIANGLE ENZIGURI! Swerve staggers, gets pissed and goes for a chair, but reconsiders. Swerve works to stay cool as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Swerve has Atlas down and wrenches his arm. Atlas hits back but Swerve shifts to some ground ‘n’ pound with heavy forearms. Swerve floats to get a leg but Atlas gets up to fire forearms back. Swerve throws haymakers, Atlas hits back and uses a corner for support as he boots! Atlas runs at Swerve, and comes in from the side for the SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives that unique takedown, but the two men stand up. Atlas goes Matrix to avoid the lariat, and hits a CUTTER! Atlas hurries up as Swerve staggers, but Swerve SUPERKICKS the cartwheel away! Atlas tumbles down, Swerve is on the apron and he BOOTS Atlas!

Swerve puts Atlas back in, brings him back up and whips, tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Then a dead lift to a BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Atlas survives and Swerve starts to seethe. But Swerve smiles as he gives toying kicks to Atlas. Swerve drags Atlas up, bumps him off buckles, climbs up and claws at Atlas’ face. Swerve then hoists Atlas up top backwards, climbs up behind him, and goes to full nelson! Atlas resists, elbows Swerve away then hops to the apron to BOOT Swerve! Atlas climbs back up, and hits a SUPER POISON RANA! But Swerve lands on his feet?! Fans are thunderous as Swerve grins and eggs Atlas on!

Atlas ROUNDHOUSES, Swerve ROUNDHOUSES back! Atlas HEEL KICKS, but Swerve sweeps the legs to HOUSE CALL! Oklahoma Roll, ONE and Atlas makes it his own cover! ONE, Swerve has it, ONE! Atlas and Swerve get up, Swerve waistlocks but Atlas switches! Swerve holds ropes to deny the O’Conner, then he back HEADBUTTS! Swerve hoists Atlas up to hit the CONFIDENCE BOOST! Cover, Swerve wins!

Winner: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, by pinfall

Swerve is all pumped up and he tells Atlas to Suck It! He was a sore loser last time, and not a very gracious winner this time. And now he offers Atlas a handshake? Atlas of course refuses, and Swerve mocks him for it. Will Swerve go from swagger to bragger in the new year?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Era.

McKenzie asks Adam Cole and Roderick Strong that while Kyle is preparing for his rematch with Finn Balor, what do they think his chances are this time? Cole says since TakeOver 31, Kyle has improved a lot. That night didn’t go Kyle’s way, but Kyle’s strategy is completely changed. Next time will be very different. Strong agrees. As if it wasn’t clear already, “Cool Kyle” made it CRYSTAL clear when he beat “that dork, Peter Dune.” And at New Year’s Evil, Kyle will-

The Velveteen Dream returns?! And he says it’s so funny how “the mighty have fallen.” Because here Dream is, thinking “The Great Adam Cole” is the leader, but no, that’s not it at all. Kyle O’Reilly is the real head of the snake. These two, but mostly Cole, are just cheerleaders. Cole SLAPS Dream! And Cole makes this clear to him: there is no “leader” in the Undisputed Era. How about Cole run Dream into the ground and show him why the UE are still the top dogs around here. What a great rematch from a TakeOver we just got outta nowhere! Will Dream regret running his mouth against a very different Adam Cole?


Timothy Thatcher speaks.

“Tommaso Ciampa wanted to fight me. I guess I should be grateful he came to my face to say it. Good for you, sir, that doesn’t happen around here too often.” And at TakeOver, Ciampa tried to take Thatcher’s ear while Thatcher tried to take Ciampa’s neck. But as an educator, Thatcher knows the lesson was not complete, and tried to do Ciampa the courtesy of coming down ringside and asking Ciampa man-to-man for a rematch. And what did Ciampa do? Ciampa walks away from him! Thatcher gets kicked out like he doesn’t belong! Ciampa doesn’t like men who talk a lot, act like they’re tough guys. Well Thatcher’s gonna talk as a tough guy right now, and take some liberties with Leon Ruff! If Ciampa is the man he says he is, then he’ll stop it! Why? Because Thatcher wants to fight Ciampa!


Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai!

The Nightmare may want after #BigMamiCool, but she’ll settle for settling scores with #CobraKai first. Will the Riptide shred through Dakota on its way to #RickyDesperado?

The bell rings and Rhea taunts Dakota that her “little helper” isn’t here. That’s because after some taunting on Twitter, Raquel said Dakota could handle this on her own and Regal can ban her from ringside to make it official. Regal did, and here we are. Rhea and Dakota tie up, go around, and Rhea puts Dakota in the corner. Dakota slips out and pie faces Rhea, and then laughs at Rhea’s hair being greasy. Rhea and Dakota circle, approach and Dakota deflects to KICK Rhea’s leg. Dakota bobs ‘n’ weaves, grabs a leg, but Rhea drags her up to swing her around! Then Rhea TOSSES her!

Dakota gets up, Rhea is after her in a corner, and whips her corner to corner hard! Dakota bails out, Rhea goes out after her, but Dakota gets to the apron! Rhea blocks the kick, Electric Chair lifts, and tosses Dakota, but Dakota clings to ropes like a spider! Dakota hops over the sweep to kick Rhea back! Dakota gets Rhea’s arm to STOMP it down onto the apron! The ref reprimands but Dakota goes after Rhea more, as she hammerlocks the arm and POSTS it! Rhea shouts in anger and pain while Dakota goes into the ring, and the ref checks on Rhea as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dakota grins as she watches Rhea shake out the arm. Rhea gets up, goes in but Dakota stomps her down! Dakota drags Rhea by a leg, covers, TWO! Rhea shakes out the bad arm, Dakota gets the arm again, and she wrenches it for a keylock. Rhea endures, fights her way up, but Dakota trips Rhea and has her down again! Dakota leans on the arm, Rhea keeps her shoulders up and rolls back, but Dakota wrenches and throws Rhea back down! Cover, TWO! Dakota is annoyed and talks some smack but she hammerlocks Rhea to RAM her into buckles! Dakota wraps the bad arm around ropes and pulls! Dakota digs her boots in but the ref counts and she lets off.

Dakota walks into body shots but she CLUBS Rhea back down! Dakota wrenches the bad arm to WRING it out! Rhea writhes, Dakota covers, TWO! Dakota pushes Rhea around but Rhea kicks back. Dakota stomps the bad shoulder, and AX KICKS the bad arm! Rhea is seething as she clutches her arm but Dakota is after her again! Dakota digs a knee into the arm, pushes Rhea around, but Rhea endures, even as Dakota drops the knee! Dakota wrenches Rhea again, gets the keylock back on, but Rhea still fights up. Rhea rolls Dakota up, TWO! Dakota BOOTS Rhea back down! Cover, TWO! Now Dakota’s frustrated.

Dakota grabs the arm for a short arm scissor but Rhea moves around. Rhea fights up as the fans rally, but Dakota cranks on the hold harder. NXT returns to single picture as Rhea keeps moving around. Dakota stretches the arm for a full armbar, but Rhea dead lifts to POWERBOMB Dakota down! Fans fire up as both women stir on the mat. Dakota gets to ropes but Rhea goes to the other end. Rhea runs and rallies with clotheslines! Rhea spins Dakota, manages to cravat and throw knees, to then snapmare and basement dropkick! Fans fire up with Rhea but that bad arm still bothers her. Dakota runs, Rhea dodges the boot to dropkick Dakota down!

Rhea hauls Dakota up for a hook kick! And an atomic SLAM! Cover, TWO! Dakota survives and Rhea grows frustrated. Fans rally for Rhea as she gets up and looms over Dakota. Rhea drags Dakota up, Dakota throws forearms on the bad arm! Rhea hits back, Dakota HEADBUTTS, Rhea uppercuts! SCORPION KICK from Dakota! Dakota runs Around the World but misses the boot! Rhea Electric Chair lifts again, for the FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Dakota survives and Rhea is furious! Rhea bites a finger and shakes out the bad arm to try and get any feeling. Rhea runs at Dakota but Dakota drop toeholds her into buckles! Dakota goes side to side, BOOT WASH!

Dakota drags Rhea out of the corner, but Rhea shoves! Dakota dodges, redirects and wheelbarrows, but Rhea gets the legs! PRISM TRAP!! Rhea holds on with the bad arm as best she can, but Raquel appears on the stage! That’s not ringside so she’s not in violation of anything! Rhea sees Raquel and tortures Dakota just to egg Raquel on! Dakota claws her way over, for a ropebreak! The ref counts, Rhea lets go at 4, but she stares Raquel down. Rhea drags Dakota back up, CLUBS Dakota, and taunts Raquel with the fact she’s beating up her friend. Rhea hoists Dakota up top, ROCKS her, then climbs up to join her. Rhea stares Raquel down but Dakota fights the superplex off!

Dakota shoves Rhea down, BOOTS her, then adjusts to run and KAI-ROPRACTOR! Cover, TWO!?! Rhea survives and Dakota is beside herself! Rhea is in a daze, though, and Raquel is seething. Dakota gives Rhea Kowata Kicks over and over, then brings her up to kick, into the pump handle! But Dakota counters the Riptide to a GUILLOTINE! But Rhea says no no, she TOSSES Dakota off! And then hauls her back up, for the RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall

The Mosh Pit Kid still stares down with Big Mami Cool, and dares her to come closer now that the match is over. Raquel starts to head down the ramp but referees hurry out to stop this from turning into a fight. Raquel just pushes past them and Rhea dares her to step inside the ropes. Raquel does get in, and she moves the last ref aside, and tells him not to move from the corner. Rhea and Raquel circle and the fans are thunderous! Rhea tells Raquel she doesn’t want this ass whooping, but Raquel tells her the same thing back. Referees tries to get them to cool off, but they just fire off instead!! The brawl breaks lose, referees rush in, but they get loose and fire off again! And again!

Rhea tackles Raquel to a corner but Raquel hits back! They go around and now officials and producers get in to stop this! Rhea and Raquel just egg each other on, and Rhea gets lose to LEAP at Raquel! They won’t stop brawling but the refs pull them apart. Raquel gets loose now and she gets at Rhea! They fall to the mat and continue to scrap, but the producers manage to get in and finally separate the female titans! How long will we all have to wait for Rhea and Raquel to settle this score?


NXT returns to The Way’s Very Gargano Christmas.

It’s Indi’s turn to open a present! She has a big one! And it’s… A PS5! “No *jingle jangle* way!” Austin, language! Indi is so hyped to play this! And so is Doggo Gargano! #AllDay! Stop getting you stuff in, man. Wait, is there nothing in here? Well, yeah, the PS5 is Johnny’s. The box was for dramatic effect. Because the real gift is WAY better than a PS5. Wait, how? Indi has proven herself loyal and worthy, so she should take on “the family nickname.” Wait, you don’t mean…? Yep. Johnny officially christens her #IndiWrestling! That IS better! Candice and Johnny support Indi Wrestling. Austin is so touched. And he has that cookie now.


Backstage interview with Toni Storm!

Last week, she beat Rhea Ripley, so what is next for her? “What’s next? What’s next? Last week, I called my shot, I said I was gonna beat Rhea, and I did, McKenzie. It’s amazing what you can do when you start putting yourself first for once.” Toni beat Rhea, was on the winning team at WarGames, so what’s next? Well what’s next is Toni Storm takes the NXT Women’s Championship from Io Shirai. There’s a reason Shirai is terrified when Toni suggests anything about the championship, and that is because Shirai knows that Toni is the one woman on the roster she simply can’t beat.

Remember back to the Mae Young Classic, when Toni beat Shirai. Shirai can go on and say all she likes about how the title is her only problem, but no. Her other problem’s name is Toni Storm. Will the Lightning From Down Under strike Shirai twice under the bright lights?


The brutal training is far from over.

Shifu watches as Xia Li is now the one beating up the wood dummy. “Enough!” And now, Boa wants more from the kendo stick strikes! It isn’t enough for him yet! Xia again kicks Boa, and the two seem to be egging each other on. Shifu says it is enough! And even the training in the water is no longer overwhelming. Boa and Xia have become hardened weapons, but how will “she” choose to use them?


Bronson Reed VS Ashante “Thee” Adonis!

The Colossal One is back in time for Christmas! Will the #BattleTested Auszilla trample all over Adonis’ happy holidays?

The bell rings and and Adonis avoids Bronson’s grip to get a headlock. Bronson back suplexes but Adonis lands on his feet and talks some smack. Adonis’ kick is caught and Bronson uses it to reel him in and LARIAT! Bronson stalks Adonis to a corner, brings him up and whips him corner to corner. Adonis BOOTS back, kicks and forearms, but Adonis runs into the BODY CHECK! Bronson drags Adonis around to stomp him, then drop a senton! Bronson goes to a corner, climbs up top, and fans fire up to see the TSUNAMI SPLASH! Cover, Bronson wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

What a way to make a return! Will the Colossal One crush the competition in the new year?


Backstage interview with Io Shirai!

The Evil Genius heard what Toni Storm said earlier, and she tells the production guys to hit her music! Shirai is heading to the ring!? And she not only gets a mic, but she gets a chair! Shirai storms into the ring, takes a seat, and dares Toni to get down here! Shirai waits, and Toni makes her entrance! Actually, it’s just her music, as MERCEDES MARTINEZ attacks from behind! She gets Shirai in a sleeper and thrashes her around! Mercedes throws Shirai out, then RAMS her into a girder! Mercedes fireman’s carries Shirai to TOSS her into the boards! And then throws her into barriers! Mercedes wants Shirai to fight, and she POSTS Shirai!

Mercedes puts Shirai in the ring but Shirai kicks back! Shirai goes out but Mercedes SPEARS her into the apron! Mercedes THROWS Shirai so hard into the announce desk, Shirai almost goes through it! Toni may want the title, but will she have to get in line?


NXT returns with more of A Very Gargano Christmas.

Last but not least, the love of Johnny’s life, Candice. Austin passes the gift over, and Johnny says he “went out of my way” to get this for her. She opens it up and… It’s a crushed tire off of Shotzi’s first tank? Everyone knows Johnny Gargano hates wheels, but hey, it’s Christmas. Candice loves it! Yes, Gargano spent 17 hours in a junkyard, digging through rubble, to find the last remnant of Shotzi’s old tank. All for their general. Merry Christmas. But there’s only one way to end the festivities: family photo! Austin is having some of the Gargano Whey straight out of the jar?! Merry Christmas! Austin!! Welp, that’s the Christmas card now… But will The Way still have their way into the new year?


Timothy Thatcher VS Leon Ruff!

The Professor of Pain told us all how he’s going to rough Leon up, but he mostly wants Ciampa to man up! Will Ruff last long enough for Ciampa to show up?

The bell rings and Ruff circles with Thatcher. They tie up, Thatcher SLAPS Ruff on the head then pushes him. Ruff comes back, gets a leg, but Thatcher sprawls and floats to get a chinlock. Thatcher pulls back but Ruff endures, so Thatcher claws at his face! The ref counts, Thatcher lets off and drags Ruff up to EuroUpper him back down! Fans rally for Ruff more but Thatcher CLUBS Ruff down hard! Thatcher drags Ruff back up, Ruff headlocks, but Thatcher powers out. Ruff slides under, headlocks again, but Thatcher back suplexes. Ruff lands on his feet and leaps to get a headlock again! Thatcher powers out to CLOBBER him!

Thatcher drags Ruff up, Half Hatch Suplex! Ruff flounders to a corner, Thatcher drags him up but Ruff throws elbows. Thatcher knees low, knees him down, then shouts, “Ciampa! Where are you, Ciampa?!” Thatcher smothers Ruff, covers, TWO! Thatcher KNEES Ruff in the ribs, and Ruff shouts in pain! Ruff tires to chop back but Thatcher hammerlocks an arm to hit a rough body blow! And then a rougher Belly2Belly! Thatcher doesn’t cover, he goes looking and finds a chair! Thatcher sets a seat for Ciampa and dares him to show up. Thatcher goes back in, Ruff cradles! TWO!! Thatcher runs into a dropkick, and another!

Ruff fires off haymakers, Thatcher whips him but Ruff rebounds to LARIAT! Thatcher stays up, Ruff headlocks but Thatcher shoves him away. Ruff goes up, up and leaps, into a EUROUPPER! Thatcher seethes as he drags Ruff up and underhooks, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Thatcher is still waiting on Ciampa, and he KICKS Ruff in the side! Thatcher gets a leg, picks Ruff up by just that leg, but Ruff cradles again! RUFF WINS!!

Winner: Leon Ruff, by pinfall

And the ultimate underdog gets another shocker! Ruff has two amazing wins in 2020, but Thatcher CLOBBERS Ruff to make him pay for it! Thatcher stomps away, the ref reprimands him but Thatcher doesn’t care. Thatcher drags Ruff up and shouts for Ciampa. SO here’s Ciampa! Ciampa gets Thatcher in the ropes, WILLOW’S BELL!! “You wanted an answer? You want a fight? I’ll see you in the Fight Pit!” Ciampa gives Thatcher a little kiss on the forehead then takes a seat to pat himself on the back. Only the second-ever NXT Fight Pit Match, and it’s with Thatcher and yet another hard as nails opponent! Who comes out of the Fight Pit in one piece?


Damian Priest speaks.

“I sent a simple message, Kross: step to me like a man. But you chose to blindside me. So I ask, where’s this badass everybody keeps talking about? I haven’t seen him. In fact, I’m still standing.” Behind all that mystique, Kross needs to look in the mirror and ask himself, “Am I just not as bad as I think I am?” New Year’s Evil, Priest will answer that question when he punks Kross out in front of the whole world. Will the Archer of Infamy #LiveForever when he shoots down the apocalypse?


NXT visits Dexter Lumis’ art studio.

His previous works, such as his ode to Great American Bash, are hanging on the wall, but he’s busy working on a new piece. Rhea Ripley VS Raquel Gonzalez, New Year’s Evil… LAST WOMAN STANDING! You “heard” it here first from the host! Who will prove they are the baddest of them all on the first NXT of 2021?


Ariya Daivari VS Tyler Rust w/ Malcolm Bivens!

Daivari Dinero knows a lot about money, but is Bivens Enterprises about to make a fortune with the #DiamondintheRust?

The bell rings and Rust circles with Daivari. They feel out the grapple, tie up, and Rust waistlocks to a full nelson, to then spin Daivari to a headlock takeover. Rust traps an arm, cranks on the head, but Daivari keeps his shoulders up. Rust brings Daivari up, pulls on the arm to knuckle lock, then spins to wrangle Daivari back down. Daivari endures as Rust cranks on the arm, and Daivari gets up to slip through and wrench back. Rust moves around, slips through and wrenches to then trap an arm! Rust has the other arm, Daivari manages to get to ropes, and the ref calls for the break. Rust lets go, Bivens boasts how impressive Rust already is, and Daivari circles with Rust again.

Daivari and Rust tie up, Rust spins through to get the arms, wrench to another wristlock, then wrenches to hoist Daivari up like a backpack! BACKPACK AIRPLANE SPIN, then a toss! Daivari staggers up, he blocks a kick but Rust hits a takedown to go after the arm! Daivari resists, gets the ropebreak with legs, but Rust lets go fast. Rust drags Daivari up, Bivens says Rust is the best, and Rust yanks on the bad arm! Rust throws an uppercut to the arm, whips him corner to corner, and runs in, but Daivari dodges to ROUNDHOUSE! Rust goes down, Daivari drags him up to put him through ropes, HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Rust is on the apron, Daivari runs to dropkick him off hard!

Bivens complains as Daivari fetches Rust and puts him in. Daivari rains down rights, then talks trash to Bivens. Bivens says Daivari hasn’t seen anything yet! Daivari calls Rust trash and garbage, which are the same, but Rust reaches up and drags Daivari into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Daivari gets a ropebreak, Rust lets go at 4, and then ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Rust KICKS away on Daivari’s arms, then has him staggering. Daivari blocks a kick, throat chops back, then hammerlocks! Rust ducks the lariat to KICK the arm! Rust throws a EuroUpper, then a BOOT! Rust cravats, for the FLIPPING MARE SLAM! And then an omoplata, leg hook on the other arm, Daivari QUITS! Rust wins!!

Winner: Tyler Rust, by pinfall

Bivens says he was right about Rust, and this win over a 205 Live OG proves it! Rust goes from an impressive loss to an impressive win, and he soaks in the moment of having his hand raised! Will this be just the first of many times that happens for Rust?


Backstage interview with Leon Ruff.

Ruff is leaving William Regal’s office and thanks him, but what is it about? Ruff is feeling like a kid on Christmas after his win over Thatcher, but that’s not the only gift he’s got. Regal is giving Ruff a rematch for the North American Championship! Johnny better be having a Very Merry Gargano Christmas, because the curse is real. Next week, Ruff is going to be there to make sure Johnny doesn’t break it. Happy Holidays! Will Ruff be having the best new year ever?


Karrion Kross responds.

“Mr. Priest… You fancy yourself as the life of the party. The kind of guy that goes out there looking for trouble, just so you can find your way out of it.” Well this time, he dug himself a hole he can’t get out of. To question Kross’ manhood, make smartass remarks to Scarlett, those were the biggest mistakes of his life. It is inevitable that Kross will take back what he truly never lost. But as for Priest… He is an intriguing roadblock that Kross can’t take his eyes off of. But just like everyone else, the bell will toll for him, too. Scarlett says doomsday is coming. Tick-tock.


The NXT Year Awards are coming!

Voting is now open on WWE’s official website, make sure your choices win!


Adam Cole w/ Roderick Strong VS Velveteen Dream!

A rematch from TakeOver: In Your House, but both men have changed much in just six months. Does that mean the result here tonight will be very different? Or will NXT still be Undisputed?

The bell rings and the two circle. They approach but Dream remembers he’s wearing sunglasses. Dream backs off to take the sunglasses off and put them in the corner. Cole and Dream circle and tie up, go around, and Cole headlocks. Dream tries to power out but Cole holds on tight. Cole gets a takedown then makes it a cover, ONE! Dream pries out, Cole reels him back in and hits another takeover. Dream fights up, Cole puts him in a corner, and Cole lets off. Dream swipes but Cole avoids it, only to come back! The ref backs Cole down and Dream gets a sucker punch in! Dream knees low, ROCKS Cole against ropes, then soaks up the heat.

Dream whips, Cole kicks him back! Cole clobbers Dream, and fans fire up while Dream flounders around. Cole drags Dream up to DECK him with a right, then does it again! Dream flounders more, mocks the “BAYBAY” and Cole BOOTS him down! Cole drags Dream up and Strong dares Dream to run his mouth now. Cole whips Dream to a corner, runs in, but Dream BOOTS him back! Cole spins Dream for a neckbreaker! Fans fire up while Dream flounders again. Cole brings Dream up, fireman’s carries, but Dream slips out to the apron. Dream slingshots but into a BOOT! Dream tumbles down and Cole goes out to put him back in.

Cole runs into a fireman’s carry but slips out to shove Dream into buckles, but Dream comes back, and heads collide! Strong rallies for Cole but PETE DUNNE rushes down and RAMS Strong into the apron! Then throws him into steel steps! Strong tumbles up and over, but Dunne is there to STOMP him down! Dunne takes Strong around the way, for a BITTER END to the apron! Cole sees this, referees rush down to stop Dunne, but Dream uses his own shirt to CLOTHESLINE Cole down! Dream covers, TWO!! Dream clamps back onto Cole with a choke as NXT goes picture in picture!

The ref reprimands, Dream rains down rights on Cole, then digs his knee into Cole’s neck! The ref counts, Dream lets off and he kicks Cole while he’s down. Dream grins and soaks up the heat while Cole gets to a corner. Dream drops a fist, but Cole blocks it! Dream stomps a mudhole, but lets off to CLUB Cole on the back! Cole hobbles but Dream throws body shots in a corner! And then another corner! Dream CLUBS Cole, Cole ROCKS Dream but Dream whips corner to corner. Cole reverses and Dream hits buckles hard! Dream bounces right off the buckles but Cole brings him up, only for Dream to jawbreaker in return! Dream chokes Cole on ropes again, and stops at the count, to run and STRADDLE ATTACK!

Dream poses in the ropes, then mockingly pretends he can’t hear the fans. Dream says they love him, but that’s clearly not the case. Dream kicks Cole while he’s down, gets the legs, but Cole kicks him and kicks him until Dream staggers away! Cole brings Dream around to throw big forearms, Dream rebounds off ropes to throat chop! Dream keeps on Cole as NXT returns to single picture, but Cole hits back! Dream scoops and SLAMS Cole, then heads to the corner. Dream climbs up, aims, but Cole avoids the Purple Rain Maker! Both men are down but Cole gets to a corner and fans are fired up! Cole brings Dream up to throw haymaker, but Dream SLAPS Cole!

Cole and Dream brawl, body shots and haymakers, Dream whips and runs but Cole CLOBBERS him! Cole rallies, BOOTS, and fireman’s carries for the USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Dream survives but Cole keeps his cool. Cole drags Dream up to a waistlock but Dream grabs at ropes. The ref calls for the break, but Dream can’t hold on! Dream switches but Cole PELES, and GERMANS! Cover, TWO! Dream slithers out but Cole grabs him by his hair! Cole drags Dream in, but Dream FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS Cole back! The ref checks on Cole and Dream drags Cole up for a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Dream grows frustrated as Cole survives!

Fans rally as Dream drags Cole up. But Cole fireman’s carries! Dream slips out, throws haymakers in the corner, and dares fans to cheer for Cole now! The ref pulls Dream away, Cole gets around but Dream elbows hard! Dream goes up but Cole SUPERKICKS the legs out! Dream falls down, clutches his leg as he writhes, but Cole spins through. Dream kicks the Figure Four away and POSTS Cole at the same time! Cole tumbles, Dream hobbles to a corner and climbs, for a FLYING- SUPERKICK!! The superkick intercepts the ax handles! Fans are fired up as Cole gets in the ring at 5, but just to refresh the count.

Cole drags Dream up from the ramp, but Dream is dead weight. The ref checks on Dream as Cole goes to the ring. Cole waits as Dream flounders back in, and Cole SUPERKICKS him down! Then the FIGURE FOUR! Dream flails, shouts, thrashes about, and finally starts to drag himself to the ropebreak! Cole lets go at 4, and Dream clutches his knee again. The ref checks on Dream, Cole SUPER- No, Dream moves, the ref avoids getting hit and Dream rolls Cole up! TWO, KICK to SIDEWINDER! Dream hits the DreamDT, and heads back to the corner! Dream is up top, PURPLE RAIN MAKER!! Cover, TWO?!? Cole survives and shocks Dream!

Dream gets up, Cole SLAPS him! Dream reels Cole in but Cole hits the LAST SHOT BRAINBUSTER! Cole goes to the corner, goes up, but leaps into a SUPERKICK from Dream! Dream hurries back up, PURPLE- SUPERKICK!! Cole lets the knee pad down, LAST SHOT SHINING WIZARD! Cover, Cole wins!!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall

This may be a different Dream, and this may be a different Cole, but Cole still beats Dream! “And at New Year’s Evil, the NXT Championship comes back to the Undisputed Era!” Cole is fully supporting Kyle, but will the Golden Prophecy truly have a second coming in 2021?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT! First off, how great for NXT to respond to Raw’s Tag Team Street Fight by having one of their own and for the tag team championships. Now, NXT’s still had the same problem I had with the one on Raw, in that they still needed to tag in and out. If there’s no penalty for being in at the same time, why not just fight at the same time all the time? But it felt like NXT’s referee didn’t make as much of a fuss as Raw’s referee, because obviously HHH allowed the wiggle room while Vince didn’t. And as for the match itself, Dain and Drake looked great, even in losing. Drake took some serious shots from the leather belt and he gave some shots, but in the end he was the one to take the pin as the smallest guy in the match.

Bronson Reed quite literally squashes Ashante “Thee” Adonis, a very WWE style return. The rematch of Swerve VS Atlas was as good, if not better, than last week’s. Clearly Swerve is turning Heel, because not only did he have an attitude change with how he rubbed the victory in, but his entrance gear was rather supervillain-esque. The tiebreaker will be even better, and could act as a way of moving the winner on towards a title program. We didn’t get anything about the Cruiserweight Division this week, as far as the title, so I suppose they are trying to wait on Escobar VS Stallion until they can also involved Devlin. Maybe my idea for Worlds Collide II having a Cruiserweight Championship Winner Takes All Triple Threat is going to be NXT’s move.

Finn and Kyle giving commentary on their previous match was a good segment, and their rematch is definitely going to be a TakeOver worthy match. Cole VS Dream wasn’t quite TakeOver worthy, but it was a great surprise main event. I almost thought Dream was joining the Kings of NXT since Dream has beef with the Undisputed Era similarly to Dunne and McAfee. Dunne attacking Strong is a good way to branch off of Cole VS Dream, and Dunne VS Strong is going to be a great match. Kross and Priest have good promos to call each other out, and as I said before, this is going to be a very good match to help Kross really get back into the groove. Granted, Kross is a very simple “menacing and powerful” wrestler in terms of fighting style, but maybe Priest can get a good brawl out of him.

Shirai calling out Toni, only for Mercedes Martinez to return and attack, was a great segment. Again, it isn’t just kayfabe to say the NXT Women’s Division is the best Women’s Division right now, and perhaps it is becoming one of the best divisions period. Mercedes, Toni, Ember all moving up towards the title. We’ve got Xia Li becoming even more badass with these training promos, then Karen Q has something big going already with this character she’s putting on. Rhea VS Dakota was a great match, we got a great brawl of Rhea and Raquel, and how great for Lumis to use art to introduce the LAST WOMAN STANDING match! That match will be awesome, but that has to be Raquel’s win. Rhea had her title shot and lost, but Raquel finished off Shirai to win WarGames, so it just makes sense.

Tyler Rust looked incredible again, and him looking up at his raised hand after winning was a great character detail. It really made you feel that he’s really worked hard to finally get a win somewhere big like NXT. I like that there was story overlap as Ruff gets a win over Thatcher because Thatcher was distracting himself worrying about Ciampa. Fight Pit II: Thatcher VS Ciampa, is going to be incredible, and it bumps New Year’s Evil up to borderline TakeOver levels. And Ruff getting his rematch with Gargano because of the win is great continuity and logic. Gargano VS Ruff for the title is going to be a lot of fun, especially with The Way hovering. I feel like that will be the only way for Gargano to break the title defense curse.

And of course, the multiple segments of A Very Gargano Christmas were all incredible. I love that we’re getting that sitcom vibe, with Austin Theory pulling off the dense character so well, the use of “way,” the whey/way pun, and even how they referenced No Way Jose. I’m now hoping No Way Jose returns just because of that line. Johnny’s gifts to Indi and Candice were also perfect, especially Indi’s. Indi Wrestling better start being used to poke fun at indie wrestling, but Indi might want to work on the essentials before she tries her first “… DIVE!” attempt.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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