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Ring Of Honor Coverage

ROH Glory By Honor Review: 10/12/19

Matt Davis presents your look at Saturday’s ROH Glory By Honor event, featuring Marty Scurll, PCO, World Champion RUSH and more!



ROH Glory By Honor

Matt Davis presents your look at Saturday’s ROH Glory By Honor event, featuring Marty Scurll, PCO, World Champion RUSH and more!

Ian Riccaboni welcomes us to Glory by Honor as we start off with a battle royal and the winner will face Rush later tonight, Colt Cabana and Caprice Coleman also doing commentary for this show.

1) 15 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives ROH World Championship match later tonight

As the bell sounds everyone brawls, and Kenny King slips under the bottom rope and rolls under the ring. We are told he did the same thing at the Honor Rumble in Madison Square Garden which he won. About 10 seconds in, Matt Lancey goes over the top rope, followed by Chase Valor. Quickly, Booku is tossed and the crowd boos. After about a minute, Beer City Bruiser yells “I can’t bite, I aint got no teeth”. Everyone brawling, as Brian Johnson tries for his third elimination but Joe Hendry tosses him as the crowd cheers. Josh Wood airplane spins Cheeseburger over the top rope, and Woods and Young bump into each other and they knock Cheeseburger out. Announcers keep putting over Big Daddy Yum Yum as a bonafied main eventer in CMLL and mentioned he wrestled in New Japan as well. Rhett Titus skins the cat ad comes back in, and gets caught in a belly to belly by Josh Woods. Silas Young tosses Rhett Titus! Silas tells his protege the point is to throw them out!

Rhett Titus paces around the ring after he was thrown out and grabs Kenny King from under the ring. The former All Night Express partners argue, as Joe Hendry buckets Kenny King from behind and tosses the former ROH TV Champion to the floor! Silas Young tucks Joe Hendry as he hits the floor. We are told that Silas Young and Josh Woods are the first announced competitors in the first ever Tag Team Survival of the Fittest in Texas in November. Coast 2 Coast eliminates Beer City Bruiser with a double dropkick. They’re splashing Brian Milonas in the corner, and Milonas eliminates both men at the same time as he drives them over the top rope. Yum Yum and Milonas goes face to face and they begin to brawl. Nigel Lariat from Yum Yum staggers the big Milonas. Yum YUm tries a springboard crossbody and gets caught, Milonas tosses the CMLL main eveters as we are down to three men. Silas Young, Josh Woods, and Brian Milonas. Milonas crushes Josh Woods with a crossbody off the ropes! Silas saves his studet as they double team Brian Milonas and Silas Young tosses the giant man. Silas Young asks for a hug from his partner,and he suckers in the oblivious Josh Woods and chucks him for the win in about 8 minutes.

Winner: Silas Young
Grade: *
Thoughts: Too short, not enough star power to interest me in the least bit. The fact they made a announcement that Young and Woods were the first team announced for the first ever Tag Team SOTF made me realize they were reaching the finals. Young with good heel tactics tossing his student for the win made sense as he tries to make Josh Woods more of a man. I have to say, Young “teaching him the ropes” has provided some excellent inadvertent comedy between the two.

2) PCO vs Dalton Castle
Second Round – “#1 Contender At Final Battle Tournament”

The Peacock, the former ROH World Champion Dalton Castle, makes his entrance first. One third of the ROH Six Man Tag Team Championships, and a former ROH Tag Team Champion has made a huge impact since debuting in ROH under a year ago. Jim Johnston produced his entrance theme music tonight, the first time the famous composer did a theme song for a wrestler outside WWE in three decades. Dalton Castle seems terrified outside the ring as the smoke and fog clears. Castle says “If I shake your hand you aren’t going to eat it will you?” Castle quickly shakes.

Castle cirles around as PCO stalks the former champion. The fans are split cheering and chanting for both men. They’re feeling each other out early on. Castle tries to cheap shot PCO, and PCO openly invites Castle to hit him. Castle tries, it doesn’t phase him. PCO yells ” HIT ME”, Castle jumps on him and drops him with a german suplex. PCO is stunned for just a second but gets to his feet and plants the Peacock with a hard clothesliene! Hard spiking DDT by the 52 year old redemption project, followed by a dropkick to the spine! PCO in control as the fans love it.
Castle with a fast back elbow. Castle sprints to the apron, and PCO levels Castle with a hard clothesline dropping Castle back first on the apron and to the outside. They exchange hard chops and chest slaps outside as PCO bludgeons his opponent. Castle reverses and posts him! PCO is down. PCO suckers him in and chokeslams Castle spine first onto the ring apron! PCO pulls the padding up exposing the concrete. Caprice Coleman says “We often wonder what PCO thinks, but we’ve realized he doesn’t, he just does.” They’re brawling on the top rope above the exposed concrete.. Fans chanting “Please dont die”. PCO starts grabbing his face as he tweaks and stumbles. PCO falls to the floor and Castle with a running knee and he rolls inside to regroup. Castle dropkicks PCO through the ropes. Castle with a belly to belly on the outside, keeping PCO down. Referee begins to count, as PCO rolls in at 10, being reminded ROH uses a 20 count.

Back in the ring, Castle tries to win it with a quick DDT but PCO kicks out at one. Knee to the side of the head! Castle with a quick t-bone pop suplex head over heels! PCO struggles to his feet, PCO misses a swing, and another inside out suplex by Castle dropping the bigger man. Castle dumps PCO to the outside to the exposed concrete. Colt Cabana remarks if this was a battle royal, we’d have a winner, but it is not. Snark! Referee begins to count again, PCO up at 12, looking around and rolls inside at 14. Castle on the attack right away. Hiptoss by Castle who remains in control. Running Knee by Castle against the barricade. Fans chant “One more time” and Castle gets a chair and sits it open arguing with the referee. PCO tries to attack but Castle CRUSHES PCO THROUGH THE CHAIR WITH A SPINEBUSTER! Referee counting PCO down again, referee reaches 17 as PCO up and stumbling and rolls in at 19. Double DDTs by Dalton Castle, a third one, off the ropes, running knee, and hooks the leg and PCO kicks out! PCO Up, grabs the throat and Castle blocks the chokeslam. Big Boot to Castle and both men spill outside. PCO rolls inside as the fans cheer the oncoming assault. Diving headbutt through the ropes! He’s insane! 52 year old diving headbutt through the ropes. Chokeslam inside the ring, and PCO climbs to the top rope. PCO gets the PCO-Sault and wins at 12:30!

Winner: PCO
Grade: **1/2
Thoughts: PCO is one away from main eventing Final Battle after pinning former ROH TV and Tag Champion Kenny King in the first round, and former ROH World Champion here and now. This match was a great highlight for both men. That spinebuster into the chair looked great. PCO doing what he does at 52, flips, dives, brawling, incredible.

3) Jay Lethal vs Marty Scurll
Second Round – “#1 Contender at Final Battle Tournament”

We are told these two have only met one one other time, at Final Battle 2017. Jay Lethal has held the ROH World Championship and ROH TV Championships longer than any one else in company history, labeling him the Franchise of ROH! He’s out first to a great reaction. Colt Cabana compares Jay Lethal to Bruno Sammartino as The Villain makes his entrance next. Hoot hoot’s by the crowd, Colt Cabana tells us he’s ever wrestled anyone like Scurll, having bested Colt in the first round. Also one third of the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships, he comes in here looking for one more opportunity at the ROH World Championship which he has had at Supercard of Honor in 2017 and the G1 Supercard in 2018, losing both matches. If he wins here, he will be one win away from another opportunity.

Marty Scurll adheres to the code of honor as the bell sounds and Lethal with a boot to the face! Lethal charges and dives outside, not once but twice! He rolls Scurll inside, Scurll fast, misses the superkick, dropkick knocks Scurll to the floor, third time is the charm for Lethal as he dives to the outside and connects again! Scurll blocks Hail to the King, booting Lethal to the apron, Lethal sweeps Scurll and climbs to the top again. Hail to the King reversed into a crucifix pin roll-up…two! Caprice Coleman with the best line I’ve heard in quite some time, Corey Graves needs to step his game up. After Lethal missed, CC says “That was more like Hell to the Nah”. Memes for the win! Big boot by Lethal, and calls for the Injection countered into the Chickenwing, reversed into a cutter! Cabana tells us the difference between a cutter and the Injection is the momentum. Lethal with a stalling vertical suplex, crashing Scurll to the mat, press pin and gets two! Lethal tries a figure four but Scurll scrambles to the ropes. They exchange blocks, Scurll tosses Lethal outside, and superkicks him from the apron! Boom! Hoot hoot!

Knife edge chop ad a punch to the throat from The Villain! Throat first across the apron as Scurll tries a pin and gets two. Scurll targeting the neck with chops. They have a chop fest as the crowd woos! Backbreaker across the knee, pin and Lethal kicks out at one. Scurll works over Lethal, kicking the elbow with the fingers pinned backwards. Scurll now with his ow vertical suplex, sending the former champion crashing to the mat. Pin and Lethal kicks out. Chops from both men in the corner, Lethal sent back first into the opposite corner and he collapses. Scurll sends him into the corner two more times buit Lethal with a desperation clothesline. Lethal misses the missile dropkick, Lethal ducks a clothesline into the buzzsaw powerslam! Hail to the King connects flush! He can’t get all the leverage on the pin due to landing awkward on his elbow and Scurll kicks out. Bicycle boot by Lethal drops Scurll. Scurll fakes the superkick, and kicks out the knee. He calls for the CHICKEN WING as the crowd is on their feet. Lethal reverses the chicken wing into a sweep into a fast Figure four in the middle of the ring! Awesome transition! Riccaboni questions if you can tip your hand as the fans chant what’s going to happen against such an experienced veteran like Lethal. Scurll trying to reverse the figure four but can’t get the leverage to turn it. He tries the other way and flips it! Lethal shouts in pain and releases the hold. Both men limping around, striking on dead legs in the middle of the ring.
Spinning forearm by Scrull, half dragon suplex, into a LARIAT OFF THE ROPES WHICH SPINS LETHAL UPSIDE DOWN! Is that enough? Lethal kicks out at two and a half! Lethal reverses the Chickenwing into a victory roll and gets two. Lethal blocks Black Plague, Scurll into the British bridge pin and gets two! Transitions into the chickenwing, no Lethal blocks with a pin and gets two! Scurll tries another Chickenwing, trying to reach for the ropes, but Scurll finally breaks the Franchise as Lethal’s body gives out and Scurll drops the hooks in as The Villain moves on to the finals in 13 minutes.

Winner: Marty Scurll
Grade: ***1/2
Thoughts: Excellent match, but as an undercard semi-final match, it certainly didn’t go as long as it should, but it was a fast paced match with everything in it, great counters, technical wrestling, multiple finishing sequences. Scurll felt like someone who arguably could be the next ROH World Champion if he could have a match like this against Rush at Final Battle, but his faction partner stands in between that later on tonight. I liked the story being told now after both of these matches, with the top finalists defeating two former ROH World Champions to reach the finals. That is an old school ROH approach, and I like to see that type of storytelling.

4) ROH TV Champion Shane Taylor vs (???)
Open Challenge

Shane Taylor beign escorted by Shane Taylor Productions, we are told Shane Taylor does not have a contract with ROH, only agreeing to show up because the price was right. That is an awful thing for your company to be endorsing. Before the match, some fans chant “You’re trash” and Taylor grabs a microphone and goes Ric Flair-esque calling out the fan and saying “we aren’t talking about your mother!”. What a heel! Shane Taylor cuts a promo about how he started to wrestle 12 years ago and he decided he didn’t want to be the regular cookie cutter hugging good guy. We are told J. Spade who is from New Orleans is the challenger for this Open Challenge tonight. Shane Taylor asks Spade if he’s ready to get knocked out.

Spade starts quick and early with a dropkick sending the champion to the corner. Taylor blocks a toss, but Spade with a superkick. Running uppercut knocking Taylor to the outside. We are told Spade and Taylor go way back, having a rivalry on the independants before Taylor came to Ring of Honor. Diving splash drops the champion as Spade celebrates with the hometown crowd. Back in, Spade tries a springboard splash, but Taylor counters into a sitout bomb! Huge hard open palm strike from the champion echoes across the arena. Taylor with hard right jabs, dropping Spade flat in the corner. Taylor tells the referee to count him down, referee gets to 6, and Taylor crushes Spade with a huge hiptoss, and a hard lariat. Gets two!

Caprice Coleman says Shane Taylor compares to Larry Holmes and Muhammad Ali because both men talked a lot of trash to his opponents but earned their names and the respect as great champions because they backed it up as fighting champions. Spade with some running strikes, spinning kick, springboard crossbody gets two by Spade! Taylor grounds the challenge with a headlock, Spade reverses a lariat into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two and a half!! Almost a new champion there! Taylor catches a boot, and drops Spade with a uranagi and running splash off the ropes. Spade kicks out! Spade tries a powerslam, Spade out with a forearm, but Taylor gives him the Greeting from the 216 piledriver out of no where to retain in about 6 minutes.

Grade: *1/2
Thoughts: Hard to grade this. Spade looks good in the limited time we got to see him here. They made a big deal about these two rivalry outside of the company, but the crowd didn’t seem to care even though he was a hometown talent. Taylor had everything going for him in what was basically an athletic squash. The comparisons between Taylor and Holmes and Ali was great to build Taylor’s character.

5) Kelly Klein (w/ ???) vs ROH Women of Honor Champion Angelina Love (w/ Mandy Leon)

This match is a rematch from Death Before Dishonor when Angelina Love took the championship from Kelly Klein. She comes out and is introduced as the only two time Women of Honor Champion. We are told Klein has won it at Final Battle and at G1 Supercard in Madison Square Garden. We are told she has a mystery friend here tonight to help protect from interference from The Allure. Angelina Love makes her entrance next, being escorted by Mandy Leon.

Bell rings and Klein spears Love! We are told Love has pinned Klein twice, Klein with a clothesline in the corner and charges in the opposite corner. We are told Kelly Klein went undefeated i ROH for over two years. Belly to belly bridge gets two from the challenger. Klein gets distracted by Mandy Leon and Love dropkicks Klein to the floor. Diving Thesz Press from the apron from Love, pummeling Klein on the ground. Love in control, throwing Klein face first into everything around the ring. They’re questioning who Kelly Klein’s enforcer is, as she hasn’t showed up yet. Love stomps a mudhole in Klein in the corner before standing on her chest, pin, and two! Off the middle rope, clothesline by the champion and gets a two count. Klein blocks a suplex and turns it inside cradle for two. Roll up for two! Love with a flatliner into the Koji clutch! Klein slaps the mat, commentators question if she just submitted, Klein has no where to go, Love has it in deep in the middle of the ring. Klein tries to escape, but Love locks it in deeper. Klein leverages up and flips her leg across the bottom rope but the damage has been done.

Kelly Klein blocks the Botox Injection and counters into a sitout DDT as both women are down! They’re exchanging blows in the middle of the ring now. Champion and challenger face to face, flying forearms send the champion to the mat. Klein with a fallaway slam, and follows up with a second one! Saito suplex by the challenger has her in full control! K-Power connects, hooks the leg with high leverage and Love kicks out at two! Botox Injection connects and Klein kicks out! Klein uses her experience and rolls outside. Love climbs to the top turnbuckle, diving crossbody to the outside crushing Kelly Klein! Love rolls in the ring and referee begins to count Kelly Klein down. Klein rolls in at 18, and Angelina Love is waiting, Botox Injection blocked, Klein with another K-Power but Love knocked out the referee during the move with her feet. Mandy Rose in with a chair and smacks Klein. Lights are out……

Standing in the ring is The Maneater Maria Manic (I had to look that up), Manic takes out Mandy Rose with a Torture Rack Burning Hammer, Klein hits Angelina Love with a third K-Power and gets the pin and win in 12 minutes.

Grade: *
Thoughts: I had to look up who that was, at first I thought it was ODB, which utterly disappointed me (after Love and ODB had a feud in TNA a long time ago), but once I looked it up and did some research I’m excited about this. But was peculiar, based on my research she actually debuted in June at Best in the World, also involving Love and Klein in a tag match, which makes me question why this was such a reveal with the lights going out. Did they really surprise debut her twice in the same year? Match itself was poor. Love is beyond her prime at this point, and it just didn’t click at all. Kelly Klein is now a three time Women of Honor Champion, as she’s won the championship from everyone else who has held it. Maybe she’ll come to WWE and run her championship total up like someone else….

6) Luke Hawx & Perry Hawx vs ROH World Tag Team Champions The Briscoe Brothers

We are told that Luke Hawx has been around a long time in wrestling, and also has made his name known in Hollywood movies, including Fast and the Furious and Logan. He is partnering tonight with his son, Perry Hawx as they challenge the 11 time ROH Tag Team Champions tonight. #DemBoys ready for a fight.

Mark Briscoe and Perry Hawx start us off. We are reminded that Mark was once this young, even younger, at the first ROH show and he wasn’t legally able to compete in the first show. Mark Briscoe grappling with Perry, and Perry shoots the half into a inside cradle for two! Another roll up for two! Briscoe with a knee to the gut. Mark tagged Jay who went like a house of fire on the young boy, before Perry ducked a corner charge and tagged in his dad.
Luke Hawx in the former two time World Champion, and Jay pummels him! Crowd really into this match, making noise, and Luke Hawx powerslams Jay Briscoe hard! Perry tags ad tries a double leg takedown but Jay tags his brother Mark and the Briscoes stop the younger Hawx cold in his tracks, sending him to the outside, Jay with the attack on the outside. Mark Briscoe breaks down Luke Hawx who tried to save his son. Double boot by the Briscoes on Perry Hawx! Jay throws a chair in the ring. Mark uses the chair to step up somersault splash the Hawx’s! Mark Briscoe with a brainbuster to Perry, tags in Jay with the double stomp. Briscoes tag in and out abusing Perry Hawx, double shoulder tackle and the Briscoes taunt the crowd, Luke Hawx, and Perry. Jay Briscoe with a double underhook butterfly clutch draws Luke into the ring to stop the torture and breaks it. Mark in, hard chinlock trying to drain the life from the younger Hawx. Perry Hawx out of desperation with a spinning suplex! Hot tags to Luke Hawx and Jay Briscoe! Trading blows!

Luke Hawx with a spinning heel kick! Hawx with a double team backbreaker and Mark Briscoe saves the match and the titles. Perry Hawx sends Mark into the barricade, Luke grabs Jay off the top and Stun Gun’s him across the top rope. Perry Hawx with a diving splash onto the Briscoes as the fans are making noise with the Hawx in control! Innovated ASAI MOONSAULT from the outside from Luke, gets two on Jay Briscoe! Hard clothesline by Jay Briscoe is enough for a tag, and the Briscoes knock Perry down, double team, superplex into the Froggy Bow.. and Perry Hawx makes the save! Jay on top of the kid with closed fists! Briscoes set the Doomsday Device, Perry trips Mark Briscoe off the top, Jay fights back against both Briscoes, the Hawx with a Double Pop Up Powerslam! Luke hooks the legs….we have new champions…MARK BRISCOE MAKES THE SAVE! Mark with a uranagi to Luke Hawx! Perry face to face with Mark Briscoe who challenges Perry to hit him. Briscoe absorbs it and Mark rips his chest apart with karate chops! Perry with a high angle suplex out of no where! Mark with a hard lariat! Redneck Boogey connects! JAY DRILLER! Jay hooks the leg and Perry Hawx is done after 16 minutes.

Winners AND STILL ROH TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Briscoe Brothers
Grade: ***1/2
Thoughts: Wow, I really loved that match. I thought it was some gimmick attraction having a guy team with his son, but they looked like a well oiled machine up against the greatest team of all time in ROH history. The Briscoes tried to break Perry Hawx several different times and he kicked out. They almost won the championships on three different occasions but by the skin of their teeth, the Briscoes used their experience and did enough to win the match. I am firmly impressed with Perry Hawx, and I hope he goes through training some more, I’d love to see more. The comparisons between him and The Briscoes in 2002 is a great correlation. Perry Hawx actually looks alot like Jay Briscoe did in 2002. I think this could potentially be the Match of the Night.

7) Jonathan Gresham vs Alex Shelley

Two former tag team partners clash here as Gresham tries to prove he belongs in Ring of Honor. We are told that this match came about after the Dearborn event when Alex Shelley lost the World Championship match. Gresham out first, and we are reminded that Gresham defeated Jay Lethal at Death Before Dishonor. Shelley out next, and we are told that Shelley took both Jay White and Jonathan Gresham under his belt, and it paid dividends for both guys in their careers.

Amateur takedown by Gresham, and a counter takedown trip. They grapple back and forth with some great technical exchanges. They square away to cheers and Gresham tries a half nelson into a hammerlock as Shelley yells. Shelley reverses and gets Gresham in an abdonimable stretch into a hammerlock stretch. Gresham tries to escape but Shelley with a cravate. Gresham spins out as the fans cheer. Gresham with a hammerlock, Shelley with some aggressive manuevers in the corner and drives Gresham shoulder first into the buckle hard. Swing and misses from both, Gresham fakes a leapfrog, and kicks Shelley’s leg and dropkicks his face to cheers. Shelley with a knee to the gut and a hard kick to the spine. Snap suplex, jumping knee and a cover and Gresham kicks out.

Shelley with a spinebuster into the Billy Goats Curse and turned into the reverse wheelbarrow stretch, Shelley flash pins Gresham with a crucifix and gets two! Cabana says all the boys in the back are watching this match, and that they call it a locker room sell out. You gotta get sell outs where you can right? Gresham ducks the boot, springboard moonsault connects! Gresham targets the shoulder and twists and turns it into a stepover grounder hammerlock into a wristlock and tries to hyperextend Shelley’s shoulder. Gresham drops the knee trying to pop the joint and ties up Shelley into a half crab pin and gets two. Shelley scampers away. Gresham with a boot to the sternum and traps the arm. Pin gets two. Gresham bends Shelleys fingers and wrist back. Gresham with a crucifix now, into a snap armdrag and holds onto arm control. Shelley tries to whip Gresham but Gresham inverts and tries to rip Shelley’s arm out of its socket. Uppercut into the bicep/shoulder of Alex Shelley. Gresham tries another arm bar but Shelley bites Gresham’s ear out of desperation. Gresham back to the arm but Shelley with a headscissor, Gresham tries a dragonscrew, Shelley with an enzuguiri, and dropkicks the knee!

Shelley on the apron, enzuguri to the back of the head, diving crossbody gets turns inside out and both men roll around in pins, Gresham gets a small package and gets two! Gresham pops the elbow out, step around go behind, stomps on the arm, and gets a la magistral cradle for two and a half! A hold like that hurts the shoulder and potentially gets a pin. Shelley can’t get the whip due to pain. Gresham reverses an electric chair into an arm drag, Shelley tries a lateral press but Gresham escapes, Shelley escapes another la magistral, and Gresham with a bridge pin! Two count again! Gresham dropkicks the arm as Shelley was in the corner. Gresham grabs the wrist and tries to submit Shelley, Shelley with a Super inverted atomic drop to escape! Shelley tries Sliced Bread but Gresham with a backslide, two and a half! Shelley with a spinning fishermans buster! SUPERKICK! Gresham blocks a reverse DDT, Shelley blocks the Octopus Stretch, Shelley flips Gresham inside out with a crucifix and gets three at 15 minutes!

Winner: Alex Shelley
Grade: ***1/2
Thoughts: Just as I was thinking I was going to give this match four stars when it hit the next level, it gave a shock flash pin ending and sucked the momentum the match had established. That being said, I loved this match. It was an old school style ROH match with two great technicians. With Gresham targeting the arm in the second half, Gresham has established himself as one of the best technical wrestlers in the world, he really reminded me of Bryan Danielson circa 2005 here. Found a body part, worked it, targeted it, tried to get unique submissions, roll ups/bridge pins, etc. That really hearkened back for me and gave me an old classic feel. Wish it got five more minutes.

After the match, Gresham gets a chair and gets in the ring but Jay Lethal runs from the back and talks down Gresham. Lethal tells him to relax and calm down. Lethal tells Gresham he just wrestled one of the best matches he’s ever seen. Gresham gives Shelley a handshake as Lethal defuses the situation. Are we building to a Jonathan Gresham heel turn? Interesting little story being told there.

8) Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams vs Flip Gordon & Brody King

Well known feud here in ROH as Lifeblood tangles with Villain Enterprises. We are reminded that Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins are the origial Lifeblood tag team, and almost won Tag Wars earlier in the year. Tracy Williams beat Flip Gordon in a No DQ match at Death Before Dishonor after a piledriver through a table.

Flip Gordon starts off against Mark Haskins, bell sounds. Haskins with a back tie up into a slam, amateur takedow, Gordon with a roll up gets one. They roll around on the mat trying to get any advantage, break and square away even. Haskins tags in Tracy Williams, and Gordon immediately tags in Brody King! Collar and elbow against the ropes. Williams with a back tie up, King reverses and tosses Gordon across the ring like a rag doll.

They begin to exchange strikes and brawl back and forth. Brody King slaps Tracy silly with a hard open hand slap to the chest, dropping Hotsauce into the corner. King tries a running boot and Williams reverses into a leglock grapevine in the corner. Williams tries a springboard but Brody King with a Black Hole Slam for two! KIng tags in Gordon. Hard chop by Gordon and drives his rival into the corner. Roundhouse kick to the back of the ear, pins and Williams gets out. Coming up at ROH The Experience, fans get to pick the stipulation between these two! Gordon tags in Brody King and he drives a boot into Tracy in the corner, followed by a hard chop and slam. Standing Frog Splash gets two and a half as Tracy flips out of a pin. Gordon tags back in as VE double team Hotsauce. Grounded headlock as Williams fights back. VE tries a double team whip, but Williams fights back after Gordon misses. Tracy Williams exhausted couldnt make the tag, and Flip Gordon trips him up to stop him reaching for Haskins. Williams flips inside out and jumps for the tag! Mark Haskins in

Haskins disposes of Gordon, and a fast strike arsenal against King. King tries a chokeslam but Haskins escapes, dumping King to the outside, followed by running kick to the face on the apron! Haskins wants to fly, Gordon stops the dive into a pin, Tracy blocks Gordon, and throws him full speed off the apron with a powerbomb to the barricade from inside the ring! Double Lifeblood criss cross suicide dives onto VE! Double whip splashes by Lifeblood on Gordon. Atomic drop by Haskins, Spicolli Driver by Tracy Williams, a sitout powerbomb for pin and KIng breaks it up. Brody King destroys both members of Lifeblood now. King tries a Gonzo Bomb on Tracy Williams, but Haskins dropkicks the knee, Tracy drops into Flip Gordon ito a triangle choke! Haskins with an armbar on Brody King! Double submissions! Gordon powerbombs Williams onto Haskins to break both holds! All four men down.
King charges and crushes both of his opponents with double clotheslines. KIng throws Gordon into both men, and cannonballs both members of Lifeblood in the corner! Flip Gordon goes under the ring and grabs a kendo stick as Brody King sets Tracy Williams, Gordon swings and Tracy ducks and King gets a face full of cane! Haskins with a suicide dive onto King! Williams with a crushing lariat! Piledriver from Williams gets the three count on Gordon in 12 minutes.

Winners: Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins
Grade: **1/2
Thoughts: Tracy Williams is one of my favorite wrestlers, and I wish he had signed with NXT not ROH. I’m sure he wishes the same thing now in retrospect. Hotsauce is just extremely talented and is able to play this role so well, while bringing years of experience after learning from great technicians like Drew Gulak, Tony Nese, and Timothy Thatcher after his time in Evolve. This match was mostly control over Williams as Villain Enterprises dominated, but it was a miscue that led to the teams loss. Flip Gordon’s man bun makes him look like Marty Scurll if you didn’t know the difference. Mark Haskins also really looks like CM Punk with his long blonde hair. Tell me I’m wrong. From where these two factions began almost a year ago (much maligned with many questions), they have found themselves in great positions within the company. For what it was, it was fine.

After the match Bully Ray jumps both members of Lifeblood, and tosses Williams outside. Ray crushes Haskins with a tossing powerbomb. Flip Gordon in the ring with a cane, and drops Bully Ray back, no love loss between these two! He hands the cane to Bully Ray …who almost breaks it in half over Haskins’s back! Ray shouts “Do you know who I am?” as he stands on the apron looking at his destruction.

9) Silas Youg vs ROH World Champion Rush

“The Last Real Man In Wrestling” Silas Young makes his way out first, challenging for the championship here after winning the battle royal earlier in the night. The undefeated reigning ROH World Champion”El Toro Blanco” Rush makes his way out second. With Lanny Poffo on guest commentary, and Ian Riccaboni compares Rush to Poffo’s late brother, Randy Savage. Poffo says Rush is as unpredictable and savage as his brother. Riccaboni calls Rush a future Hall of Famer.

They reverse about five collar and elbow tie ups, Young tries a suplex but Rush jumps over him. Rush sweeps the leg in the corner, jumps on Young’s face, and Riccaboni tells us this is the set up for The Bulls Horn. Silas Young has it scouted as Young spears the champion! Poffo says for every move there is a counter. Young with a reverse suplex for a one count. Young trash talks Rush and throws him to the floor. Young with a diving double axe handle to the ribs and Silas Young tells Rush to get up and be a man. Silas Young sends Rush head first into the post! Young rolls the champion in the ring, and Young crushes Rush’s midsection with a twisting springboard double stomp! Young with a front face lock DDT! Rush kicks out at one.

Rush blocks a suplex and Young drives Rush hard into the corner and gets the snap suplex, pins and gets one. Silas Young grounds the champion with a chinlock, trying to cut the air flow out. Young drags Rush down by his hair driving his head into the mat hard. Young trash talking the fans. Rush spits at the challenger and Rush with a snap german suplex followed by a dropkick to the face! Rush now in control on the outside, driving the Real Last Man into a chair and then the apron. Rush continues the assault. Rush rolls Silas Young into the ring and tells the referee he understands the count but to tranquilo! Rush sets up for the Bulls Horns. Rush fakes Young out, flips backwards, and TRANQUILOOOO! Fireman carry slam and stomps Young’s ribs now. Misses the senton splash from the middle rope. Silas Young with the rolling slam into the headstand backflip plancha! Silas Young pins and gets two! Rush blocks a fireman carry, Anarchists suplex by Silas Young! Hooks the leg two and a half! Youg with a full nelson, knee to the face! Young charges and Rush flips him inside out into the turnbuckles! Running forearm knocks Young down, Bulls Horns! Rush gets the pin and win in 10 minutes

Grade: **
Thoughts: The ROH World Championship match on Glory By Honor should go longer than the main event match of your weekly television match the same weekend. But this did not. I didn’t need or want to see a squash match. The championship means more than that. How do you not give Taven a rematch or something? This is one of the biggest shows historically. I just didn’t like how this match came about, or how it was laid out or how it ended.

Before the main event begins, Matt Taven comes down to the ring with Vinny Marseglia, and challenges whoever has been following them around and attacking them from behind. A video package airs on the screen showing someone tape The Kingdom from behind all day. Taven exists the ring and heads backstage. What the hell was that?

10) PCO vs Marty Scurll
Final Round – “#1 Contender at Final Battle Tournament”
#1 contender ROH World Championship

Ian Riccaboni tells us that PCO has been wrestling as long as he’s been alive, and is called the Canadian Frankenstein, having wrestled in the main event of Madison Square Garden, and also wrestled in front of ten people in his small hometown. The former Pierre Carl Oulette gets in the ring to a good reaction, as The Villain Enterprises leader makes his entrance secod. Both of these men wearing two of the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships. Streamers fly over Marty Scurll as the crowd sings along with his entrance.

Before the match, Marty Scurll says this match was inevitable, an all Villain final. He says he doesn’t want this opportunity to come between them, so he wants to keep it clean, and may the best man win. Both men shake hands and Scurll cracks the umbrella across PCO’s face!

Quick pin and PCO kicks out! Scurll with three superkicks and all it does is power up PCO! Scurll charges into PCO and runs into a human wall. PCO smirks as the fans chant his name! On the top rope, PCO fends off Scurll, Scurll then with an enzuguiri into a double wristlock bomb from the top, formerly Oulette’s old finisher, getting a two count! Scurll throws the monster to the outside and drops him with a knee to the head. Scurll sends PCO back first ito the barricade! Back in the ring, Scurll in control, boot to the face! Scurll bends the fingers and stomps on the arm. Commentary question how much damage he wants to do to his own championship winning tag partner. They both exchange slaps and chops. Scurll gets caught in a pop up powerbomb followed by a shoulderblock by PCO! Dropkick sends Scurll into the corner, chokeslam! PCO climbs to the top rope to cheers, CANNONBALL! PCO hooks and gets two.

PCO tries a chokeslam, Scurll block and breaks two fingers on the hand! BIG BOOT by PCO sends Scurll to the outside! PCO grabs a table at ringside, drives a knee into Scurll and lays Scurll onto the table. PCO mumbles to himself and says “ON HIS BACK”. Scurll gets off the table and tosses PCO off the top rope through the table to the floor! Fans on their feet chanting “holy shit!” PCO stands though! Scurll rolls him inside and gets a two count! Fans behind PCO now, as Scurll sets for the chickenwing but PCO escapes but runs Scurll into the referee. French Canadian Slam, there’s no referee! Fans count to five! Brody King in the ring, Pump Kick! Black Hole Slam! King throws Scurll on top of PCO. PCO tosses Scurll in the air for two! King holds PCO on the apron, Scurll off the ropes, PCO ducks and Scurll crashes into Brody King! Man, King needs some stick’em, that’s the second time someone has slipped from his grip tonight! Sidewalk slam by PCO! Scurll is out. PCO climbs the top rope. Scurll from behind, tripping him up. PCO with back elbows, and Scrull falls into the referee again! PCO climbs to the top rope again, Flip Gordon with a jumping kick to the face, knocking PCOZ off the top, Scurll with the Six Man title belt to the face! Pin, and Scurll gets the shoulder up at two and three fourths!! PCO ducks a clothesline, dives through the ropes with a hilo into Gordon and King at ringside! Chokebomb to Scurll! PCO climbs up top again, PCO SAULT! Scurll kicks out at two! All the fans on their feet!! It is gut check time for both of them. Fans chanting “Lets Go Marty- PCO!” PCO sets Marty for a cannonball across the apron, but Scurll moves out of the way the Canadian Frankenstein crashes across the apron. Scurll rolls him inside, LARIAT!!!!! Scurll hooks the leg and gets a two count! PCO with his own lariat! PCO climbs to the top one more time. PCO SAULT! PCO gets the win! He’s going to Final Battle! I don’t think the fans thought it would happen, as they were silent during the pinfall.

Winner: PCO
Grade: ***1/2
Thoughts: An entertaining main event here between two veterans giving it their all. Intriguing story as Villain Enterprises had to fight among themselves, with Gordon and King siding with Scurll. It was a fun match, with a table spot, some top rope splashes, and a lot of good near falls. PCO is headed to Final Battle against Rush!

After the match, all four men square away, with King and Gordon flanking their leader. Scurll says in three long years, he’s never been ROH Champion. He says this tournament was his opportunity to finally do that, and PCO took that chance away from him. He says, “congratulations” as the fans stand and cheer for that. He says “Let’s be honest, I’m 31, in the prime of my career, you’re at the end of your career and you just beat The Villain!” Fans chanting and cheering for PCO. Scurll says “Like me, you’ve also never been world champion, but this is your last opportunity, and no one deserves the championship more than you!” All four members of Villain Enterprises stand united in the ring as we head for Final Battle!

Overall Show Grade: 7/10
There was some definite cause for concern with this show. There was poor build after Death Before Dishonor in their weekly programming, with several matches announced in the couple days before the event. The use of local talent kind of disappointed me, as no one is buying the show or buying tickets to see champions face local talent in one of the biggest shows of the year. In fact, none of the men’s championships were defended in a pre-announced match or consisted of any rivalry at all. The only thing built before this show was the Tournament. To that, this show delivered, with three great tournament matches. The match with Gresham and Shelley was fantastic and was my Match of the Night!

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/9/24)

Who really runs ROH?



The Minion models herself after her mentor!

The inaugural ROH Women’s Television Champion, Billie Starkz, looks to follow in Athena’s footsteps by crossing off challengers in The Proving Grounds! Will Dream Girl Ellie’s dreams be crushed?


  • Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch; Diamante, Martinez & Taya win.
  • Anthony Ogogo w/ Shane Taylor VS Zicky Dice; Ogogo wins, by knockout.
  • Kiera Hogan VS Ashley D’Amboise; Kiera wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Parker Li, Tommy Mars & Nikki Eight; Archer & The Righteous win.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Dream Girl Ellie; Billie wins and denies Ellie a title match.
  • Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis VS Spanish Announce Project; SAP wins.


The Kingdom speak.

Matt Taven turns to Mike Bennett and says he was watching ROH the other day. And someone was wanting to say their name. Someone was putting The Kingdom’s name in their mouth! Someone doesn’t realize how in over their heads they are! Papa Magi, even in your home town, The Kingdom made you look like a Melvin! And now, Matt Menard wants to stand alongside a guy who didn’t even tell you he was gonna to retire? Taven tells Mike everything! When he leaves the locker room, when he takes a shower, when he uses the toilet! EVERYTHING! Why? Because they are a well-oiled machine, and the ROH World Tag Team Champions!

And these Melvins don’t even know who and what they are! Are they 2Point0? Jericho Appreciators? One wants a taste while the other was getting a taste so much, his girlfriend’s pregnant! These two DORKS don’t realize that this is The Kingdom! And they are Undisputed! And they are the best damn tag team in the world! So Cool Hand Ange, from one dad to a soon-to-be dad, Bennett prays to God that Angelo is a better dad than he is a wrestler. Because if he’s not, he should’ve just retired after all. Are Taven & Bennett looking to bury Menard & Parker once and for all? Or will Menard & Parker ever rise?


Six Woman Tag: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie VS Abadon, Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch!

The Cuban Diamond and OG Badass team up with La Wera Loca once again against some familiar foes. Will Taya help Diamante & Martinez be #TVReady? Or will they fall to a #LEGIT trio here in Daily’s Place?

The teams sort out and Taya starts against Frost. The fans rally up as the two circle, and they tie up. Frost wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Taya rolls and wrenches back. Taya YANKS the arm, YANKS it again, then CHOPS Frost against the ropes! Taya whips, Frost ducks ‘n’ rolls ‘n’ handsprings back to RANA! Taya tumbles, Frost brings her over, tag to the Living Dead Girl. Abadon & Frost double whip, drop toehold and SENTON! Cover, ONE! Taya is tougher than that but Abadon keeps on her with a facelock. Taya throws body shots, knees low, then tags to Diamante. Diamante runs up but into an arm-drag!

Diamante gets up, runs in again, but Abadon sidesteps and ELBOWS her down! Diamante gets up in a huff to SLAP Abadon! Abadon SHRIEKS and it scares Diamante! Diamante tags Martinez and she runs up, but Abadon dodges a boot! Martinez still LARIATS, then she rains down fists! Cover, TWO! Martinez stomps and taunts “Abby,” then drags her up, but Abadon BITES Martinez’s arm! The ref reprimands, but Abadon lets off. Leyla tags in, which annoys Abadon, but Leyla and Martinez circle. Martinez taunts Leyla over her height by kneeling for a moment. They circle more, tie up, and Leyla waistlocks.

Martinez runs to ropes, bucks Leyla away, but Leyla blocks the boot! Leyla trips Martinez then SHOTGUNS her down! Martinez staggers, tags Diamante, and Diamante runs in, into a SAIDO! Taya runs in, Leyla gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Martinez runs up to BLAST Frost, but Leyla waistlocks Martinez. The ref has to keep Frost and Abadon back, which lets Taya and Diamante mug Leyla! The fans boo, but Martinez stomps Leyla down. Martinez drags Leyla up, bumps her off buckles, then throws body shots. Tag to Taya, they mug Leyla, and Taya stomps some more. Taya tells Abadon to kiss this, then METEORA for Leyla!

Tag to Diamante, she covers, ONE! Diamante keeps on Leyla with a chinlock, and she even traps an arm. Diamante HAMMERS away with elbows, then traps the other arm so she can push on that neck wrench! The fans rally as Leyla endures, and Leyla fights up. Leyla throws body shots, but Diamante knees low! Diamante bumps Leyla off buckles, tags Martinez, and they mug Leyla some more. Martinez brings Leyla around to clinch and EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Martinez keeps Leyla away from her corner, bumps her off buckles, and then tags Diamante. Diamante BLASTS Frost again, runs up, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Leyla is tough and the fans rally up, but Diamante hits a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Diamante drags Leyla up, brings her over, tag to Martinez. The mugging continues, and Martinez bumps Leyla off buckles. Martinez puts Leyla up top, UPPERCUTS, then taunts Frost. But Leyla BOOTS Martinez, and flips over to GERMAN SUPLEX! Both Martinez and Leyla are down as the fans fire up! Leyla and Martinez crawl, hot tag to Taya and she drags Leyla back! But Leyla rolls free, hot tag to Frost! Frost ducks ‘n’ dodges to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Frost whips, Taya reverses, but Frost BOOTS her down! Frost handsprings to SHOTGUN!

The fans fire up with Frost, she STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Frost brings Taya up but Taya ROCKS her! Taya fireman’s carries, Frost rolls free, SCREW HIGH KCIK! Taya drops to her knees, Frost goes up a corner! SPIN-CICLE! Cover, both Martinez & Diamante break it! But then both Abadon & Leyla rush in to CLOBBER them! Abadon whips Martinez, Martinez reverses but Abadon stops herself to DUMP Martinez out! Leyla DIVES onto Diamante! The fans fire up, Abadon CANNONBALLS Martinez to the floor! Frost brings Taya up, ducks a lariat, and ROUNDHOUSES! Taya falls, Frost puts her in the drop zone!

Frost goes up and up but Taya CLUBS a leg! Frost is stuck in ropes, Taya ENZIGIRIS! Abadon is sent into railing! Diamante tags in, she goes up after Frost! Diamante hops on, for a SUPER CODE RED!! Cover, Diamante’s team wins!

Winners: Diamante, Mercedes Martinez & Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall

As cool as Frost is, she melted in the Jacksonville heat! Diamante, Martinez & Taya have the momentum, will this bring them all to the gold?


Anthony Ogogo w/ Shane Taylor VS Zicky Dice!

The Gov’nah is back in action under Shane Taylor Promotions, but he’s already helped make an impact over the past few weeks. Will Zicky feel that impact first hand?

The bell rings and the Code of Honor is just barely upheld. The two circle, Zicky swings but Ogogo dodges. Ogogo rope-a-dopes and says this is too easy. Zicky rushes up but Ogogo puts him in a corner. Ogogo lets off as the ref counts, feints a punch so he can kick low! Ogogo headlocks, brings Zicky around, and he thrashes the hold. Zicky powers up, powers out and headlocks in return. Zicky grinds the hold, Ogogo powers up and out, but Zicky pulls hair and swivels the hips to keep the headlock! The fans cheer, but Ogogo rolls free! Then he LARIATS Zicky down! Zicky flounders, Ogogo bumps him off buckles and stomps a mudhole in!

The ref counts, Ogogo digs his boot in, but he lets off at 4. The fans rally up but Ogogo whips Zicky corner to corner. Zicky goes up and over, rolls and handsprings, but Ogogo RAMS him low! Ogogo runs to BOOT Zicky, then he winds up and RIGHT HAND!! The ref checks, Zicky is OUT! Ogogo wins!

Winner: Anthony Ogogo, by knockout

Well, first hand indeed! Zicky got knocked the heck out! But now Ogogo wants to talk. He gets a mic, and asks someone “get this piece of rubbish outta my ring!” The fans boo but Ogogo says if you have eyes, just look at him now! You are looking at the skull crackin’, jaw jackin’ Gov’nah of ROH! “And for all you spunk bubbles that’re new to the party, let me remind you how bad of a man I am. I’m a TEN TIME British Boxing Champion. I’m the former Junior Olympic Champion, former Junior World Champion. I am the former London 2012 Olympic medal winning boxer! Don’t you dare clap for me, ugly, or I’ll clap the ugly right off your face!”

Ogogo says he is the newest addition to Shane Taylor Promotions, the baddest team in pro-wrestling! Rumble, bad man, rumble! Ogogo and Shane lift their fists to the sky, but will those fists go through some faces as they go for championship gold?


Backstage interview with Rachael Ellering.

Arkady Aura is with the Queen of Strong Smile and says it’s been awhile since we’ve seen her. She last wrestled against Hikaru Shida, how is she feeling? Rachael says firstly, nice to meet Arkady. And to be honest, she’s been better. She thought 2024 was gonna have a hotter start, but it hasn’t. But smell that? Some desperation in the air. That can be a good thing. Desperate to prove she belongs, that she’s earned this spot. And this is where the best wrestle. There is nothing she loves more than pro-wrestling. But in steps Maria Kanellis. How’s it going, Rachael? Maria hears you’re desperate? Well, that’s probably because Rachael didn’t accept Maria’s help last time.

Maria just tried to help Rachael and Leyla, but they didn’t want it. Maria’s been doing this for a long time. She has only ever tried to help Women’s Wrestling. She opened her own promotion, thought it would help. But what she realized at the end of the day, Women’s Wrestling doesn’t sell tickets. And what Rachael has, well, isn’t gonna sell anything. Rachael is upset and offended, excuses herself before she storms off, and Maria says someone just can’t handle the truth. Is the First Lady of Wrestling going to tear down anyone that tries to stand against her? Will Rachael just have to show Maria she’s wrong about everything?


Backstage interview with Nick Comoroto.

Arkady is now with the reformed Freak Beast, and says that Jacoby Watts has been working to recruit him week after week. Has Comoroto made a decision? Comoroto says that he will be very honest right now, and speak from the heart. The words of Jacoby resonate with him very deeply. In a world surrounded by darkness, Jacoby is a beacon of light! His words are here to empower, and to show that they all control their own destinies. So Comoroto joining Watts was a no-brainer! Together, they can inspire this dark, dark world! And they can show that you here, and you watching at home, can rise above it all to forge your own path to greatness! Praise be to he!

Watts walks in and says praise be indeed! Comoroto is feeling it, and so can you. Will you join them in their crusade? Will you break free from the shackles of complacency and rise up to meet the challenges of today? The choice is yours. But remember, with Watts by your side, anything is possible. Praise be to he, and he is Jacoby Watts. Comoroto has bought in, but will they soon get all of ROH to join them?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz w/ Athena VS Dream Girl Ellie!

The Fallen Goddess’ influence has made Minion 400,237.75 into a real menace, but also into a champion. However, will Billie have to use the same shortcuts to keep the title as she did to take it? Or will Ellie make her own dreams come true?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though Billie has her fingers crossed behind her back. The bell rings, the two tie up, and the two go around. Ellie puts Billie in a corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Athena says to get back, and Billie says she will NOT take that disrespect! Athena says baddest one hits first. Billie and Ellie tie up again, and Billie pulls hair! The ref counts, Billie lets off, to then SLAP Ellie! Ellie shoves Billie, but Billie body shots, knees, and LARIATS! Billie flexes, Athena cheers, and fans are torn as Billie storms up on Ellie. Billie ROCKS Ellie, talks some smack, then puts some stank on it. Ellie pie faces Billie, so Billie CHOPS!

Billie snapmares and KICKS Ellie in the back! Billie grins and cheers herself a la Athena and Athena likes it. Billie stands Ellie up to ROCK her, then whips her to ropes. Ellie reverses, and she SHOTGUNS Billie down! Billie tumbles out of the ring and Athena tells her to get back in there. Ellie tells Athena to stay out of their match, but Athena says she doesn’t know who she’s talking to! Ellie drags Billie up, but Billie HOTSHOTS back! Athena says beat dat ass, and Billie throws Ellie down by her hair! Billie stomps away on Ellie, stalks her to ropes, and brings her up. Ellie throws body shots, then forearms!

The fans fire up, Ellie runs up, but Billie scoops Ellie, holds her, and then puts her in the Tree of Woe! Billie says Ellie is going on timeout! Billie stomps away on Ellie, the ref counts, and Billie says she knows the rules! Billie and the ref argue, and Billie sneaks mule kicks the entire time! The ref finally notices and reprimands, so Billie backs off. The fans rally and duel, Billie runs corner to corner, and she DROPKICKS Ellie down! Billie shouts, the fans cheer, and Billie drags Ellie up. Billie suplexes but Ellie fights free! Ellie bobs ‘n’ weaves ‘n’ ROCKS Billie! Ellie shrieks, runs, but into Billie’s HEEL KICK! And then OVERDRIVE BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by pinfall (denies Dream Girl Ellie a title opportunity)

Athena is proud of her Minion and celebrates with her as she crosses off a contender. But surely, Queen Aminata is still hot on their trail. Will Billie’s bad behavior catch up to her in the worst way?


The Premier Athletes speak.

Smart Mark Sterling tells Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese & Josh Woods that they’ve been doing a lot of talking about plans, from phase one to phase two. But he realized they haven’t been forthright with the fans. Time to start naming names! How about The Infantry? The Righteous? Spanish Announce Project? Point is, the Athletes want competition! In fact, Sterling knows what Daivari & Nese want. Daivari says Sterling’s right, there is something he and Nese want, and have wanted for a long time: The ROH World Tag Team Championships. Nese says to be honest, they couldn’t care less who The Kingdom are.

Sterling agrees there. ROH is a company built on technical wrestling. Bryan Danielson, Kyle O’Reilly, Katsuyori Shibata. But none of them are Josh Woods! Woods says he is undeniably one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. ROH Pure Champion, National Champion, and next up, ROH World Champion. Sterling says yes, because the Premier Athletes live by the three A’s: Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere! Because they ARE The Premier Athletes. But will it be straight A’s as these three look to test themselves against the roster?


Griff Garrison & Cole Karter w/ Maria Kanellis VS Spanish Announce Project!

Grudge match after grudge match, this is like a never-ending story! But as the ROH Tag Division is heating up, things are getting serious. Will Maria’s baby boys be primed to face her former team? Or will Angelico & Serpentico finally get even, and maybe even take back SNAKEMAN’s mask?

The Code of Honor is skipped as SAP attack at the ramp! The fans fire up, Angelico shoves Griff down the ramp, then Serpentico does the same to Karter. The brawling continues at ringside, and Angelico whips Griff into railing! Serpentico does the same to Karter! Angelico drags Griff up, Serpentico stands Karter up, and they each CHOP! Angelico puts Griff in, Serpentico stomps Karter, and the bell rings to make this official! Angelico stomps and JABS Griff, then tags Serpentico. Angelico wrenches and scoops Griff, BACKBREAKER! Serpentico runs, NECKBREAKER BACKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO!

Serpentico keeps on Griff and tags in Angelico. Another wrench, then a BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Maria is frustrated for her boys, Karter gets back on the apron, but Angelico DECKS him! Angelico then wrenches Griff’s arm, brings him over, and holds on even as Griff throws hands. Serpentico tags in, then climbs up, to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Serpentico then sets up in another corner, Angelico wrenches and clinches, FLATLINER! Griff is in the drop zone as Serpentico goes up, but Karter YANKS Angelico down! Maria laughs as she taunts Serpentico with the stolen mask!

Karter grabs at Serpentico, but Serpentico kicks him away! Griff runs up, Serpentico leaps over, but turns around into a LARIAT! The fans boo and Serpentico flounders, but Griff gets Serpentico up. Griff TOSSES Serpentico, swings, but Serpentico GAMANGIRIS! Griff distracts the ref and Karter trips Serpentico up! Maria loves it as Karter THROWS Serpentico into railing! The fans boo but Maria says that was beautiful! Karter puts Serpentico in the ring, Griff looms over him, and Griff drags Serpentico up. Griff UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS again, and Serpentico falls. The fans rally for Serpentico as Griff whips, and Serpentico susnet flisp! TWO!

Serpentico ducks a lariat to roll Griff up, TWO! Griff scoops for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Maria is annoyed but Griff clamps onto Serpentico with a facelock. Karter tags in, Maria’s boys mug Serpentico, then Karter stomps a mudhole in! The fans boo but Karter lets off. Maria again taunts Serpentico, Griff CHOKES him, then Karter returns to stomp away! The fans boo more but Griff tags in. Serpentico flops out of the ring so Griff gets him up and puts him on the apron. Griff CLUBS Serpentico in the chest, then slides in to taunt Angelico with his own dance. But Serpentico CHOPS! And then he ELBOWS Karter!

Serpentico ROCKS Griff, ELBOWS Karter, BOOTS Griff away, then RANAS! The fans fire up, Serpentico CLOBBERS Griff, and both men are down! Maria freaks out, the fans rally up, but Griff grabs Serpentico’s foot! Serpentico kicks Griff away again! Hot tags to Karter and Angelico! The South African Stud rallies on Maria’s boys, but Karter gets around to full nelson. Angelico still BOOTS Griff away, backs Karter up into the corner, and arm-drags free! Angelico uses Karter as a step to FLYING AX HANDLE Griff! The fans fire up, but Karter ROCKS Angelico! Angelico ROCKS Karter! Angelico then ducks to fire off kicks and a KNEE!

The fans fire up with Angelico, he whips but Karter reverses. Angelico rolls off Karter’s back! Karter jumps the sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK connects! Angelico jackknife bridges, Griff breaks it! Griff drags Angelico up to whip, but Angelico reverses to TOSS Griff! Serpentico returns, he builds speed and Angelico holds the way open! Serpentico DIVES to take out Griff! But Karter rolls Angelico up! TWO!! Angelico escapes, but Karter DROPKICKS! Karter grins as he says he’s gonna finish this! Karter fireman’s carries, but Angelico fights free! Angelico sits Karter down, steps over, LA MAGISTROL! SAP WINS!!

Winners: Spanish Announce Project, by pinfall

Karter apologizes to Maria but she’s furious! Maria throws the mask away in fury, so Serpentico finally gets it back! SAP celebrate, but then Griff BOOTS Serpentico down! Karter CLOBBERS Angelico, too! The fans boo as Maria’s boys are sore losers! But she’s not much better, she gives them a chair! They put that chair in a corner, but it won’t stay up. Maria has to take care of that herself, but then Serpentico fights back! He still holds onto the mask, but he’s sent into the chair!! The fans boo but Maria and her boys just soak it all up. And Maria takes the mask back…

Maria says it’s all hers! Will her boys soon take the ROH World Tag Team Championships for her, as well? Or can there be only one Kingdom in ROH?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for ROH, again being just under an hour. Good stuff even in the matches I skipped, with a good showing from D’Amboise even in losing to Kiera, and well, of course The Murderhawk Monster and his team win another squash match. I’m hoping Lance Archer & The Righteous are given a real push to get a shot at the “unified” World Trios Championships. They probably won’t win, but they deserve a shot. Good promo from Comoroto and Watts, and so far it seems Watts’ false doctrine is working. Maybe Comoroto starts getting wins and they add another member to the group to “prove it’s working,” only for someone to ultimately stand in their way. It could even be Archer & The Righteous as The Righteous were about exposing lies and all that.

Good squash win by knockout for Ogogo, and a good promo from Ogogo right after to hype himself and Shane Taylor Promotions. Will they be getting in on the Trios Division? They’re a balanced trio with Ogogo as the speed, Shane as the strength and Lee Moriarty as the technical wrestler. And good promo from The Premier Athletes establishing that they’re right now focusing on the tag titles and the ROH World title. Woods VS Briscoe will be some really good stuff, but I sadly still don’t see any of them going as far as they hope.

Good opening Six Woman Tag, though I’m a little surprised the Heels won when both champs are currently Heels. Billie also had a good win over Dream Girl Ellie, but it’s just a matter of time before Queen Aminata decides which title she’s challenging for. Really good promo segment from Rachael and Maria, but wow, I’m really surprised Maria went and said Women’s Wrestling isn’t a draw. I suppose she having gone through the WWE Divas Era, and specifically the Playboy phase, then using that as a Heel, she’d of course insult the division overall, and then subtly insult Rachael’s physique. But you can bet Rachael will come back with a vengeance.

For that matter, was kinda hoping Rachael would show up at the end there when Maria’s boys were beating up on SAP. SAP won the match, but still didn’t get the mask back, that’s a bunch of bunk. Are we working towards a Mixed Six just to win the mask back? And good promo from The Kingdom to open, they responded to Menard & Parker so obviously, Menard & Parker are going to come out the #1 contenders and get their title shot at perhaps the next ROH specific PPV. I don’t think Menard & Parker win, but I’d love to see them give a great showing. But in relation to that, that match could help feed the Undisputed Kingdom’s story with Wardlow, where he almost messes things up, forcing the issue between him and Adam Cole while making Menard & Parker look good.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/2/24)

The Queen is chasing the crown!



Will the One and Only become the #1 contender?

Queen Aminata wants after Athena and the ROH Women’s World Championship, but she will still earn her way to a shot, starting with a match tonight!


  • The Infantry VS The Outrunners; The Infantry wins.
  • Nyla Rose VS Camron Branae; Nyla wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Qrown; The Kingdom wins and denies The Qrown a title match.
  • Toa Liona VS Jimmy Wild; Liona wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Dark Order VS Adam Priest, Zicky Dice & Sean Maluta; The Dark Order wins.
  • Aaron Solo VS Jon Cruz; Solo wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade; Aminata wins.


The Infantry VS The Outrunners!

Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo have had it with Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum! It’s one thing to use the same finishing move and rename it, but then The Outrunners’ new gear is camouflage, and they start using the Infantry’s catchphrases! Will Turbo & Truth get sent to Boot Camp? Or will Dean & Bravo be sent into Miami Overdrive?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who is this accompanying The Outrunners? Lazer Linda? So now they’re copying Infantry in having a female team member? Trish Adora steps into the ring to get a good look at Linda. Linda flexes on Adora, so Adora gives her a LARIAT TUBMAN! The Outrunners are upset but then Dean & Bravo storm up to throw hands! The ref reprimands but The Infantry keep throwing hands. Dean whips Truth and Bravo whips Turbo, but the Outrunners both reverse that. Dean and Bravo both dodge, then they both fake the Outrunners out! Those dropkicks get nothing, and then The Infantry DROPKICK The Outrunners!

The Outrunners bail out, The Infantry fire up and Daily’s Place fires up with them! The ref says they finally need to sort out, so Bravo falls back. Truth flounders in, the bell finally sounds, and Dean arm-drags Turbo around! Dean keeps Turbo from Truth, tags Bravo in, and then Dean wrenches while Bravo hops up. Bravo AX HANDLES Turbo’s arm, then brings him around to wrench. Tag to Dean, he goes up and AX HANDLES! Then the Infantry double whip, and double atomic drop, for a double HIP TOSS! The Infantry now mock The Outrunners, before the double FIST DROP! Turbo flounders away and tags in Truth!

Truth runs up, but into a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Then another DOUBLE FIST DROP! Cover, TWO! Truth stays in this but Dean storms up on him. Turbo distracts the ref, Truth pokes Dean in the eye! Truth blames it on the sunset, then bumps Dean off buckles. Tag to Turbo and the Outrunners mug Dean. Tag back to Truth, he goes up, BACKBREAKER, and then Truth winds up! But Bravo sneaks behind enemy lines to get Dean outta there, Truth’s knee drop turns into an accidental atomic drop! The Infantry then get in and TOSS Turbo! Bravo aims to PLANCHA! Down goes Turbo and the fans fire up again!

Dean brings Truth up, throws hands, then tags in Bravo. Dean scoops Truth, Bravo goes up, and they hit the BACKBREAKER and “Grenade” KNEE DROP! The fans fire up more and Bravo brings Truth up. Truth throws a shot but Bravo hits back. Bravo whips, Truth reverses, but Bravo gets around! Turbo tags in before the O’Conner Roll! Turbo runs up but Bravo dodges him to SUPERKICK! Turbo ends up on ropes, and Bravo ROCKS Truth! Bravo whips, Truth reverses and Turbo BODY SHOTS! Turbo BLASTS Dean, gets Bravo, and sends him into Truth’s BOOTS! Bravo staggers, Turbo CLAWS him on the back!

Tag to Truth and the Outrunners mug Turbo. The fans are torn, but Truth CHOPS Bravo in a corner! Truth spins around while the fans “WOO~!” Truth then storms back up, whips corner to corner, but Bravo reverses. Bravo runs up, but slides under as Truth goes up! Bravo then trips Truth, and asks if he should. The fans say yes, so Bravo YANKS Truth backwards into the POST! Bravo high-fives fans, but then Turbo FLYING AX HANDLES off the apron! Dean protests but there’s nothing he can do as Turbo puts Bravo back in. Truth drags Bravo over, tags Turbo, and Turbo drops an elbow! Cover, TWO!

Turbo drags Bravo up, tags Truth back in, and they mug Bravo with a big kick! Bravo sputters while the Outrunners flex. Truth whips, Bravo sunset flips, but Truth flails! Truth reaches for the literal sunset but Bravo finishes the flip, TWO! Bravo reaches for Dean but Truth trips him up! Tag to Turbo, and he drops down into a CROSSFACE! Bravo endures, fights up, but Turbo tags Truth. The Infantry get Bravo up, but Bravo BOOTS Turbo away! Bravo ELBOWS Truth, then ROCKS Turbo! And repeat! And repeat! Bravo runs, but into the DOUBLE HIP TOSS! The Outrunners shake hands and flex, DOUBLE ELBOW DROP!

Turbo BLASTS Dean, Truth covers, but Dean gets back in to kick it! Truth is upset but he stomps Bravo. Truth whips Bravo to the corner, then he BLASTS Dean again! Truth runs at Bravo but Bravo slips out to the apron! Truth hits buckles, Turbo storms up but Bravo dodges by going back inside! Bravo then slips out the other side, and Truth runs into Turbo! Bravo slingshots in for a STUNNER! The fans fire up as Bravo crawls for his corner, but Turbo grabs a foot! Turbo drags Bravo up, back suplexes, but Bravo lands out! Bravo avoids both Outrunners to hot tag Dean! The fans fire up as The Captain rallies on The Outrunners!

Dean fires haymakers and LARIATS! Then a back drop for Truth! The fans fire up as Dean runs in to give Turbo a FLYING BACK ELBOW! Dean goes corner to corner, blocks Truth’s boots, and puts him in ropes for an ENZIGIRI! Truth flops down, Turbo takes a swing, but Dean slips around to DDT! Dean kips up, the fans fire up, and they join Dean in an “OORAH!” JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, Truth breaks it! Truth TOSSES Dean out, but Bravo runs up! CARLIE CROSSOVER! Down goes Truth, but Turbo CLUBS Bravo! BIG back suplex! But Dean’s up top! FLYING SPLASH! Cover, Truth runs in, but Dean moves! The AX HANDLE hits Turbo!

Truth panics and apologizes, but then sees Dean! Truth wants mercy, but then he goes to poke eyes! Dean blocks those, bends those fingers, but Turbo CLUBS Dean down! The Outrunners shift into gear, MIAMI OVER- NO, Dean slips around and the BOOT hits Truth! Tag to Bravo and they get Turbo, for BOOT CAMP! Cover, Infantry wins!

Winners: The Infantry, by pinfall

Often imitated, never duplicated! The one, true Russian Leg Sweep Boot combo shines through, and that’s no cap! Dean & Bravo finally settle things with Turbo & Truth, will they march forward to settle things with The Undisputed Kingdom next?


Matthew Menard & Angelo Parker speak.

Cool Hand Ange tells Daddy Magic that things have been rather weird lately, to say the least. Not too long ago, Parker was on Rampage, going to make an announcement he told no one about, and the truth is, he was ready to retire. He felt he didn’t have anything left to fight for. Then he got the biggest news of his entire life, he found out he’s gonna be a dad! And if that doesn’t light a fire under your ass, then what does? So now, Ruby Soho is going to be at home, being a mom to their child, and Parker had to think, “What’s next?” Then he realized, there is a hell of a lot to fight for now, isn’t there?

Menard says how ’bout it? Ruby’s at home, nesting. Cool Hand Ange has priorities in order and Menard loves it! And tell ya right now, Menard has a problem with The Undisputed Kingdom. The ROH World Tag Team Champions, right? So how about this? They get the van, they pack it up, and they start taking a road trip! Van, train, airplane, who cares?! They’re heading to a certain place called The Promised Land! So get ready, boys! No doubt! Ever-Rise, 2Point0, X-JAS, will the next titles Menard & Parker go by be ROH World Tag Team Champions?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Grounds: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Qrown!

Speaking of, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett are here to defend those titles! Or at least, make teams earn their way to a shot at the titles. Will The Kingdom check another team off the list? Or will Leonis & Maximus Khan be one step away from the crown?

The teams sort out, Bennett starts against Leonis, and the Code of Honor is kept. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two circle. They tie up, and the bigger Leonis powers Bennett to the corner. The ref counts, Leonis lets off, but Bennett kicks low! Bennett CHOPS, then brings Leonis around to ROCK him! Bennett stomps and CHOPS Leonis, then tags Taven. The Kingdom double whip, dropkick the legs out then Taven ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Taven throws down hands, stomps Leonis over and over, even at the ropes! Taven CHOKES Leonis, lets off, and the fans cheer as Taven tags Bennett.

Taven CHOPS Leonis, Bennett stomps and CHOPS, then ROCKS him again! And stomps, and ROCKS! Bennett ROCKS Leonis again, talks trash, then tags Taven. Taven CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Taven then reels Leonis in, but Leonis throws body shots! Taven CLUBS Leonis down, tags Bennett, and they bring Leonis in. But Leonis powers out, ROCKS Taven, then ROCKS Bennett! Leonis throws haymakers, then an UPPERCUT for Bennett! Then Leonis catches Taven to OVERHEAD SUPLEX him away! Maximus reaches out but Bennett whips Leonis into a BOOT! Bennett FOREARMS, Taven LARIATS! Bennett covers, TWO!

The fans rally and Bennett stomps Leonis. Bennett CHOPS Leonis, tells him to get up, then brings him to a neutral corner. Bennett ROCKS Leonis, brings him over, and tags Taven. Taven fires up Daily’s Place before he swings, but Leonis dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! Taven knees low, tags Bennett, and The Kingdom double whip. Leonis holds ropes, KICKS Bennett, then TOSSES Taven! Bennett kicks Leonis first, then reels him in, but Leonis back drops free! Hot tag to Maximus! Maximus rallies on The Kingdom with big LARIATS! Bennett runs up, Maximus dodges then URENAGES! The fans fire up with Maximus and he brings Bennett up.

But Taven springboards, KICK OF THE KING! Bennett BLASTS Leonis, Taven goes up! HAIL MARY PILEDRIVER!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies The Qrown a title opportunity)

Taven & Bennett just showed The Qrown aren’t #NeckStrong enough, and now The Kingdom is moving on. But will they soon cross paths with Menard & Parker?


JD Drake speaks.

“You ever been lost? Lord knows I have. I’ve been lost for the last month. In light of recent events, my brain’s been foggy, I haven’t been able to articulate words, I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. It’s showing up in my in-ring work, it’s showing up in my personal life at home. Hell, it’s showing in my bowling game at home, too. The other night during league, I asked myself, ‘Hey, where do I go from here?'” JD asked the lady cashier for change on $5, he only got back four bills. Three ones, and a $2! Yeah, a real $2, those still exists.

JD says his grandfather recently passed away, February of this year, God rest his soul, would put a $2 in every grandchild’s picture frame. JD once asked why he did that, he said it’s because they’re gonna need to talk to him one day, and this $2 was gonna be the message. Granddad would also say, when times get tough, you’ve got two choices: quit, or tighten your bootstraps up and get back to work. So while the Workhorsmen may not be a thing for the foreseeable future, time for JD to be a workhorse man. The Blue Collar Badass is gonna punch in, knockout, and give ROH a $2 ass kicking. Scrap Metal is ready to scrap, will he turn that $2 into championship gold?


The Iron Savages speak.

Bulk Bronson says, “Underappreciated. Underutilized. Undervalued. We, the Iron Savages, have been parading around like a circus act for an entire year, winning over the hearts of the ROH fans and keeping them all entertained.” Jacked Jameson asks, “Are we in any tournaments?” Bronson & Boulder both say, “No.” Are they on any PPVs? No. And y’know what? No more goofy savages, no more popping the crowd! Boulder says the adoration is not bringing them success. Time for the Iron Savages, yes, the Iron Savages, to live up to their potential! Jameson says frankly, fat morons and skinny idiots don’t deserve their entertainment.

They aren’t changing their game plan, it just means they’re done winning over “Low T losers!” They’re just gonna win. They’re sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and EVERYBODY is going to #TiddyCity! Will these three start tearing their way through the ROH Tag & Trios Divisions until they’re sinking their teeth into titles?


Aaron Solo VS Jon Cruz!

Aaron is tired of riding solo and going nowhere, so in order to get back in the good graces of Johnny TV, he’s gotta get that W back! Or in this case, he just has to get wins period! Will he be able to do that here at Daily’s Place where he became All Elite? Or will Serpentico’s human friend get his own great homecoming win?

Cruz gets the fans fired up as he offers The Code of Honor. Solo takes it, the bell rings, and then Solo kicks low! Solo DECKS Cruz, has him in a corner, and bumps him off buckles. Solo stomps a mudhole in, digs his boots in and laughs, but lets off as the ref counts. Solo brings Cruz up, snap suplexes, then smiles as he soaks up the heat. Cruz flounders, the fans rally, but Solo throws hands. Solo whips, Cruz ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Solo flounders, Cruz keeps moving and he LARIATS! The fans fire up with Cruz and he brings Solo around. Cruz scoops to POWERSLAM, then fires up as he shakes the ropes!

The fans cheer as Cruz points to a corner. Cruz goes up, aims, and then FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Solo moves! GERMAN SUPLEX! Cruz springs up but Solo gives him the DREAMCAST KICK! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Aaron Solo, by pinfall

Solo makes sure Johnny TV saw that! There’s the first win, will he get more and more until he proves he’s TV Ready like Johnny & Taya?


Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade!

The One and Only African Woman Wrestler is an uncrowned queen here in ROH, but she is going to fight her way back up to her revenge! Will she be unstoppable as she chases down Athena and Billie Starkz? Or will this Renegade defy Aminata’s authority?

The Code of Honor is kept, the bell rings, and the fans rally for Aminata with “YES, QUEEN!” The two tie up, Aminata headlocks and she grinds Renegade. Renegade brings Aminata down, pops out the back and headlocks in return. Aminata endures, brings Renegade to her knee, and pops out the back to wrench, step over, and twerk attack! The fans cheer but Renegade is frustrated. Aminata hammerlocks, headlocks and hits the takeover. Renegade moves around, fights up, and powers up, only for Aminata to hold on tight. Aminata wrenches, Robyn breaks free and ENZIGIRIS! Then BACKSTABBER!

Aminata crawls, Robyn soaks up the heat and she kicks rocks before she runs up. Aminata puts Renegade on the apron, shoulders in but gets a DOUBLE STOMP for it! Renegade talks trash, kicks Aminata to the floor, then brings her back up to put her in the ring. Renegade brings Aminata up, reels her in, but Aminata turns things into a cradle! TWO, and Aminata runs up to LARIAT! Renegade gets up, Aminata LARIATS again! Renegade swings, but into a spin, snapmare, and PENALTY KICK! Back of the onion bag with that one! Aminata fires the fans up, runs side to side, and she DROPKICKS Renegade through ropes!

Aminata reminds us, she’s the one and only! But then we see Athena & Billie watching this backstage! Athena whispers something to Billie, perhaps some opening or weakness in Aminata’s game. Billie seems to concur while Aminata scuffs Renegade. Cover, TWO! Renegade holds on but Aminata brings her up. Alabama Lift, but Renegade sunset flips and high stacks! TWO, and Renegade swings, but into a wrench and facelock, snap suplex! Emphasis on the snap as Renegade flounders to a corner. The fans fire up and Aminata runs corner to corner, but Renegade ELBOWS back! Renegade runs in, gets around, half nelson FACEBUSTER!

Renegade sits Aminata up, runs and SHOTGUNS her down! Cover, TWO! Aminata is tougher than that but Renegade snarls. The fans taunt Renegade, “ROBYN SUCKS!” Renegade drags Aminata up, fireman’s carries, and swing into the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Aminata stays in this but clutches her neck and back. Robyn is frustrated, but she drags Aminata up. Robyn DOUBLE CHOPS! Aminata is annoyed, but Robyn pushes her around. Robyn winds up, Aminata BOOTS the lariat, then DOUBLE CHOPS in return! And CHOPS again! And waistlocks, to GERMAN SUPLEX!

Robyn ends up in the corner again, and Aminata runs up, SWEET HIP MUSIC! But Aminata goes side to side to add the BOOT WASH!! Aminata says it is done now! She drags Robyn back up to HEADBUTT, Alabama Lift, and AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

Athena & Billie are not happy with that result, they storm off. Aminata is not just ready, she is looking better than ever! Will not even The Fallen Goddess be able to deny The Queen her crown?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode of ROH, mostly because it was under an hour. Yes, I still skipped things but c’mon, it was obvious Nyla was going to win, as were Liona and The Dark Order. Great opener from Infantry VS Outrunners to settle their feud, and I love that the Outrunners went as far as to get a female member of the team to parody Adora, just as I was thinking they would. Great win for Infantry, they’ll definitely get back in the ROH Tag title conversation in time for the next ROH PPV. And very good Proving Ground match, good showing for The Qrown in their first ROH match. But even so, of course The Kingdom was winning.

As such, we got a really good promo from Menard & Parker. I really hope they get a strong showing here in ROH now that they’re teaming together again. And there’s still Maria wanting Griff & Karter going after the titles, there’s needs to be something big in the works for the ROH Tag Division. And really good promo from JD Drake. Granted, this is another case where Tony Khan does something in his booking/running of the company that kinda forces his talent into these worked shoot promos, what with Anthony Henry being released while he’s injured. But JD did a great job referencing that without having to say it, and I hope he gets going in the singles division.

Good promo from The Iron Savages to officially go Heel, but given the unified AEW & ROH Trios champs are also Heels, we aren’t seeing Bronson, Boulder & Jameson holding gold any time soon. Good match from Solo, but I was hoping he’d have to struggle a little longer before he could win and do what Johnny TV dared him to do. And then very good match from Aminata VS Robyn, especially with the detail of Athena & Billie watching. Aminata of course wins, and I would think she skips revenge on Billie to go right to the head of the snake. Aminata VS Athena will be a great match, and really should be the moment Athena passes on the torch as far as being ROH Women’s World Champion.

My Score: 8.6/10

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