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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/3/21)

Grudge matches a plenty!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will NXT UK still be Gallus?

Scottish Supernova VS Moscow Madman! Iron King VS Rampage in a long awaited rematch! Will Ilja Dragunov still be #UNBESIEBAR? Will Joe Coffey tie things up at 1-1?


  • Noam Dar VS Ilja Dragunov; Dragunov wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Jack Starz & ???; Pretty Deadly win and retain the titles.
  • Flash Morgan Webster VS Joseph Conners w/ Jinny; Conners wins.
  • Joe Coffey VS Rampage Brown; Coffey wins.


Noam Dar VS Ilja Dragunov!

The Scottish Supernova loves pushing people’s buttons, but he may have pushed the wrong Moscow Madman! But at the same time, Dragunov wants to prove to Dar, the fans, and most of all himself that he is in control now. Will UNBESIEGBAR keep from going berserk here tonight?

The bell rings and Dar circles with Dragunov. Dar gives testing kicks, they tie up and Dragunov gets a leg. Dar shifts to a facelock, cover, ONE and the two reset. Dragunov gets a leg and trips Dar to go for a Crab. Dar hooks Dragunov’s leg to drag him down for a standing toehold. Dragunov BOOTS Dar off the hold and BT Sports Studio cheers the exchange. They go again, Dar clinches but Dragunov powers Dar to ropes. Dar shouts, the ref counts, Dragunov lets off the hold but Dar dodges his clothesline. Dar gets cocky but Dragunov gets him down! Dragunov shows hammering elbow but chooses not to.

Dar scrambles up, wrenches to a wristlock, but Dragunov spins through to get under and shovel Dar up and over. Dragunov has the arm, but Dar gets up and puts Dragunov on ropes. The ref counts again but Dar KICKS the leg! Dragunov catches that leg for a SPINEBUSTER! Dragunov tries to clinch on the mat but Dar moves around. Dragunov holds on, facelocks, they stand up and Dragunov hooks a leg to then get a modified belly2belly suplex! Dragunov keeps on the arms, they stand in a clinch and Dar puts Dragunov back on ropes. Dar SLAPS then CHOPS then KICKS! Dragunov just grabs the arm again and wrenches through to CHOP! Dar sputters up into a JUMPING BOOT!

Dragunov gets after Dar for a hard takedown, and hooks Dar up for a stretch and hammering elbows! Dar shifts to make it a cover, TWO! Dragunov knees hard and low, whips, but Dar reverses. Dragunov tiger feints but his leg gives out! Dar KICKS Dragunov to the apron then BLASTS him off with a dropkick! The ref reprimands, then counts as Dragunov is outside. Dar goes out after Dragunov and brings him up. The ref restarts the count but Dar KICKS Dragunov down. Dar taunts Dragunov, puts him back in at 6 of 10, then covers, ONE!! Dragunov isn’t done just because his leg is bothering him!

Dar drags Dragunov up in a cravat to snapmare him into ropes! That leg is taking more damage! Dar KICKS Dragunov in the leg, stomps that leg, then drags him back up. Dar cravats, Dragunov forearms free and THROWS Dar down by his arm. Dragunov clotheslines Dar against ropes! Dar stays up while Dragunov hobbles, and Dar comes back to mule kick that bad leg! Dar stomps the foot and then an arm. And then the other arm! Dar says, “I’M THE BEST OF THIS!” but BT Sports Studio boos. Dar KICKS Dragunov around, basement Question Mark, but Dragunov catches the next one! Dar throws elbows but into a modified arm-drag!

Dragunov has the arm, Dar tries to chinbar but Dragunov gets up and CHOPS away on Dar’s shoulder! Dragunov steps over to KNEE Dar, both both men stagger. Dragunov has the waistlock, Dar pries free and drops down for upside-down kicks, and a takedown! Omoplata, but Dragunov rolls through to get the leg! Dar BOOTS Dragunov away, but Dragunov comes right back! Dar gives more kicks like that, but Dragunov is not stopping! Dar kicks and kicks but Dragunov CLOBBERS him with a falling forearm! Dragunov drags Dar up in a waistlock, for a GERMAN SUPLEX! And he holds on to get Dar back up! Dar fights with elbows but Dragunov still GERMAN SUPLEXES!

Dragunov growls and dares Dar to talk now as he drags him back up. Dar pries an arm off, but Dragunov clubs him, and drags him down with the arm! Dragunov rains down elbows, gets the waistlock back, and drags Dar up to Gotch lift! SINGLE LEG GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up! Dragunov clutches his leg, Dar tries to shake out the stars spinning around his head, and both men go forehead to forehead. The forearms fly, Dar throws boxing shots, but Dragunov ROCKS him! They keep going but Dragunov CHOPS! Dar KICKS! And KICKS, but Dragunov CHOPS! Dar boots, but Dragunov dodges and goes Matrix! ENZIGURI!

Both men are down again, that Matrix lean was double-edged for Dragunov’s bad leg! A standing count starts, but Dragunov’s up at 3 of 10. Dar gets him for a head ‘n’ arm but Dragunov elbows free! Dar whips but Dragunov tiger feints to hit the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives, but Dragunov goes to a corner. Dragunov hops up but Dar runs in. Dragunov BOOTS him, then leaps but Dar moves! The knee drop hits mat! BLINDSIDE LARAIT! Cover, TWO, into the CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR!! Dar even kicks and stomps Dragunov! Dragunov hammers back and gets free! BT Sports Studio is loving this, and this is just the opener!

Dragunov sits up, forces his bad leg to work, and gets Dar back up. Dar wrenches and sweeps the leg! Dar aims from a corner while taunting Dragunov. Dar KICKS Dragunov, and KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Dragunov flops over and the ref check son him. Dar eggs Dragunov on, and Dragunov refuses to let it end here. Dar gives toying kicks now, and even slaps him around. Dragunov glares at Dar, but even has a wild grin on his face! Dragunov and Dar brawl forearm to forearm, NO GUARD! DOUBLE SLAPS rock both men back to their knees! But Dragunov uses that to get up and under Dar for a firemen’s carry, and WASTELAND SLAM!

Dragunov KNEES Dar, gets him back up, tucks him in for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives but Dragunov isn’t done, either! Dragunov aims from a corner now, runs as best he can, but into a BACK ELBOW! Dar aims, runs, but into the TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

This wasn’t just a match, this was a FIGHT! A fight for pride and superiority, and it was the Moscow Madman that won it! He shouts at Dar that NO ONE defines Dragunov’s reality but Dragunov! Will Dragunov make his dream of being champion reality now that the Summer heat is coming?


Aoife Valkyrie speaks.

“In this world, if you don’t risk, you cannot win. How can you break through your limits if you don’t know what they are to begin with?” She has always pushed herself every day to feel the same pain she felt when she tasted failure. Only the bird who dares to fall learns to fly. She’s come face to face with defeat, and it fuels her. She will return, “reforged, remade and ready for what’s next.” Will the battle-tested Valkyrie finally conquer NXT UK?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sid Scala.

The Assistant GM is very excited to welcome the Irish Ace, Jordan Devlin, back to the BT Sports Studio. Devlin is sure he’s very happy but did he get the email? The list of demands of what Devlin wants now that he’s back. If Sid didn’t see it, he’ll tell him here now: Devlin wants a dressing room all to himself every night; that brand new Mustang needs to be on NXT UK Travel’s list; and he wants a spot on the next Supernova Sessions. He has a lot to get off his chest. Of course, Sid will talk with Johnny Saint. But let’s get into the Performance Center, everyone’s really excited to welcome him back.

The PC is for people who need to train. Devlin is the Irish Ace, the Finished Product, he doesn’t need to train. See you next week. Devlin leaves again, and Sid awkwardly says it’s always great to see Devlin… Will Devlin get what he wants? Or will he have to wait in line like everyone else?


NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Jack Starz & ???

Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley poked fun at Jack Starz, and told him to find a friend to go after the titles win. So assuming Starz even has a partner tonight, will Pretty Deadly end up on the losing end of an upset? Or does it even matter who Starz found?

Wait, Starz got NATHAN FRAZER to be his tag partner?! The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the British Prodigy can help Starz reach for the stars and take those titles on their first try!

Starz and Stoker start and tie up. They go around, Stoker uses leverage to put Starz in a corner but Starz gets away. They reset, tie up again, and Stoker puts Starz on ropes. Stoker lets off but then whips Starz, and runs him over with a big shoulder! Howley says, “Yes Boy~!” and Stoker tells Starz to step up. Starz gets up, Howley talks trash and Stoker gets him for a headlock takeover! Stoker grinds Starz but Starz fights up and powers out. Starz speeds things up and dropkicks Stoker down! Then arm-drags him to a cording hold! Stoker gets up, Starz wrenches but Stoker wrenches and knees low! Tag to Howley and Pretty Deadly combine for a leap frog elbow drop!

Howley taunts Starz with another “Yes Boy~!” and even some Scott Hall fingers. Howley drags Starz up, rocks him and whips him hard into a corner! Starz bounces off buckles, Howley gets him up to ROCK him with a haymaker. Howley throws more hands but Starz counter punches! Starz gets Howley’s arms for a backslide! TWO, Starz leaps over Howley to tag in Frazer! Frazer runs and rams Howley again and again! Howley pups Frazer up but Frazer RANAS him away! Frazer arm-drags Howley to an armlock of his own and grinds Howley down. Howley gets up, Frazer wrenches and elbow breakers. Howley works on the hold, wrings Frazer but Frazer handsprings to arm-drag!

Frazer has the armlock again, but Howley fights up and around. Howley powers Frazer to a corner, whips him corner to corner, but Frazer goes up and over and handsprings around, only for Howley to kick low! Howley headlocks, Stoker tags in as Frazer powers out. Frazer dropkicks Howley down but Stoker waistlocks. Frazer fights the lift, slips under and back suplexes Stoker down! Stoker gets to ropes, Frazer runs in and CHOPS him! Frazer whips, Stoker reverses but Frazer goes up and over and fires off more CHOPS! Stoker stumbles into the ref, but that’s on purpose so the ref misses Howley pull the ropes! Frazer takes a tumble, the ref senses something is off and reprimands.

Tag to Howley, he gets Frazer up to bump him off apron and put him in the ring. Howley drags Frazer to a cover, ONE! Howley gets Frazer up, throws EuroUppers and tags Stoker back in. Pretty Deadly mugs Frazer in their corner, but Frazer fights back! Stoker DECKS Frazer, get shim up but Frazer powers out. Stoker blocks a superkick but gets the DRAGON WHIP! Hot tag to Howley and he goes after Frazer. He TOSSES Frazer way out, then waits for him to return. Frazer ducks the haymaker, shoulders into Howley, then slingshots up to sunset flip! Howley stays up, tags Stoker, but misses his fist drop! Hot tag to Starz!

Starz rallies on Pretty Deadly with big haymakers and shoulder tackles! Starz CLOBBERS Stoker, mocks Pretty Deadly and hits a BIG back drop! Starz goes corner to corner to uppercut, and HALF HATCH SUPLEX! Starz is red hot as he gets Stoker up to a fireman’s carry! Stoker elbows free, reels Starz in, GUILLOTINE! But Starz powers out?! To a BRAINBUSTER! But Howley returns, only for Frazer to return the favor! Howley takes a tumble, Frazer lines up the shot, MOONSAULT off the apron! Starz scoops Stoker for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!! Stoker survives and Starz is shocked but the BT Sports Studio audience is loving this!

Starz gets Stoker up but Stoker JAWBREAKERS back! Howley and Frazer scrap, Stoker BOOTS Frazer down! Stoker goes back to Starz but Starz elbows him away! Howley tags in and hides, Starz get Stoker up but Howley knees Starz’s leg! Starz falls from a charlie horse, Stoker tags back in! Pretty Deadly gets Starz up, SPILT MILK!! Cover, Pretty Deadly win!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (still NXT UK Tag Team Champions)

Despite the big fight Starz and Frazer put up, they couldn’t outdo the tag team tactics this dastardly duo used! Will it be a Pretty Boy Summer in the NXT UK Tag Division?


Tyler Bate speaks.

“The mind is like water: when it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see; when it’s calm, everything becomes clear.” Bate lets go of what he is to become what he might be. Bate trains with a blindfold, trusting his body to know where the nun-chucks he’s using are. Being Heritage Cup Champion, Bate is now open to all challengers, but attached to no result. He enjoys the process of becoming. He is Heritage Cup Champion, he is Tyler Bate, and he simply is. But who will cross paths with the Big Strong Boy and try to take the cup from him?


Flash Morgan Webster VS Joseph Conners w/ Jinny!

The Modfather stepped up to back Dani Luna up against the Spoiled Princess and her Righteous Knight. But while Joseph ‘n’ Jinny keep talking down to people, #Subculture wants to lift us up! Will FMW rise up and prove Conners is NOT worthy of talking such trash?

The bell rings, Conners and FMW circle and tie up. FMW wrenches, wristlocks, but Conners spins through and breaks free to cravat and snapmare. Conners holds the cravat for a neck wrench but FMW is right out and he wrings Conners’ arm out! Conners gets up and gets away to stand off with FMW and the fans cheer. Conners and FMW knuckle lock, Conners breaks to wrench and wrangle FMW to the mat. Conners has a standing toehold, FMW spins through and throws Conners off. Conners runs in but FMW uses ropes to get the arm-drag, and then hits a running arm-drag! FMW trips Conners, IMPLODING SENTON! Cover, TWO! FMW whips and dropkicks Conners back down!

FMW whips corner to corner, Conners reverses and catches FMW to SLAM him on the mat! Conners throws clubbing hands, and while he dribbles FMW, he’s shouting, “Never! Ever! Do! That! To! ME!” Cover, TWO! Jinny is still calm as Conners gets FMW up to wrench, kick and clamp onto the arm. Conners chinbars to grind and twist FMW, but FMW endures. Conners gator rolls to a cover, TWO! FMW throws hands, CHOPS, and rolls Conners, TWO! Conners gets FMW for a BACKBREAKER! Conners tells you that’s what the lower class gets! Conners runs, SNAP CHANCERY! Cover, TWO!

FMW crawls to a cover, Conners argues the count, but he bumps FMW off buckles. FMW is on the apron, Conners CLUBS him, but FMW blocks buckle bumps to give buckle bumps! Conners swings but into a counter punch and a counter knee! FMW slingshots up and over and comes back to throw more CHOPS! Conners throws body shots, FMW CHOPS back, this is a furious fist fight! Conners shoves but FMW rallies with clotheslines! And a BIG back drop! FMW is fired up and that makes Jinny mad! Conners reverses a whip but FMW turns that into a QUEBRADA! FMW runs corner to corner at Conners, but Conners slips out. FMW just triangle jump dropkicks through!

FMW wants to run but the ref says he has to check on Conners. FMW doesn’t care, he FLIES over the ref to wipe Conners out at the ramp! The ref counts, FMW snarls as he chases Conners back into the ring. FMW steps in but Conners gets him for a small package, TWO! Conners falls for the fake-out, FMW HEADBUTTS him down! Jinny grabs FMW’s motorcycle helmet and throws it into the ring! Conners catches it, but the ref catches Conners! FMW hits a KNEE TRIGGER! The ref puts the helmet back while FMW goes up, but Jinny uses that to SHOVE FMW down! Conners gets FMW, cross-arm HANGMAN’S NECKBREAKER!! Cover, Conners wins!

Winner: Joseph Conners, by pinfall

But Subculture rushes back out because they’re furious! They saw as we saw that Jinny was Conners’ insurance policy! Jinny shouts at them, “What’re you gonna do about it?!” What will Subculture do to knock Jinny off her high horse?


NXT UK hears from Walter.

“I am the longest-reigning NXT UK Champion in history.” He has dominated since day one of arriving here, and vows that this will never change. But he will return in person next week! What will the Ring General have to say to the NXT UK roster and fans about the future of this title?


Joe Coffey VS Rampage Brown!

The first time around, the battle was brutal and did NOT go the Iron King’s way. But Gallus Boys never back down from a fight, and it was Coffey who invited Rampage to a rematch. After waiting and resting up, both men are ready for round two! Will Coffey get on the board? Or will it be a 2-0 sweep for big bad Rampage Brown?

The bell rings and the two circle. They approach, tie up, and go around before they break. They go again, break again, and try a third time. Coffey gets Rampage on ropes but the ref counts. Coffey lets off but Rampage gets a headlock. Coffey powers up but Rampage grinds to hold off the suplex. Coffey throws body shots, powers out and goes perpendicular. They run the ropes, Coffey dodges and CROSSBODIES! Coffey bounces off the cover but rushes Rampage at ropes. Coffey throws a heavy body shot, but Rampage wrenches to ROCK Coffey with forearms! Rampage whips, Coffey holds ropes and elbows back. Coffey runs but into a dropkick!

Coffey goes to the apron, Rampage follows him out there, and they brawl on the edge! Forearm for forearm and even some body shots. Coffey knows Wolfgang did more damage than Rampage is letting on, but Rampage headbutts back! Rampage runs but Coffey duck sand the boot hits post! Coffey trips Rampage up and Rampage lands hard on apron! Coffey gets Rampage up to RAM him into barriers! The ref counts, Coffey puts Rampage back in the ring, but Rampage gets the bad hand! Rampage clubs the wrist, wrenches and fireman’s carries, but Coffey is too heavy to hold up with bad ribs! Coffey slips down to CLUB Rampage on the back!

Coffey throws another hard body shot, then gets Rampage up for a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Rampage tumbles out and down to the floor! The ring count starts, Coffey watches as Rampage slowly rises, and dares him to come back! Coffey builds speed and WRECKS Rampage with a dropkick! Coffey kicks away at the barriers! The ref reprimands, counts, and Coffey puts Rampage in at 3 of 10 again. Coffey shoves Rampage to ropes to CLUB him in the back! Coffey whips Rampage to a corner, then whips him back in again before firing off more body shots. Coffey drags Rampage up for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, ONE!?! Rampage grits his teeth but Coffey keeps cool.

Coffey clamps onto Rampage and fires off elbows into the ribs! Coffey wraps on a rear bearhug and squeezes tight. Rampage endures, even as Coffey leans on the hold with all his weight. They get up, Rampage throws elbows and RAMS Coffey into buckles! Rampage staggers away, but Coffey runs to CLUB him in the back! Coffey kicks and stomps Rampage around the ring, gets him back up for haymakers, but Rampage hits back with counter punches! Rampage runs, Coffey clinches, OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Rampage writhes and grumbles in pain, but sits up into a SLIDING LARIAT! “MY Kingdom, Brown!”

Coffey stomps Rampage to a drop zone then goes up and up and VADER BOMBS!! Cover, TWO!! The Iron King shows he’s adapting but he hasn’t defeated Rampage just yet. Rampage and Coffey brawl on the mat, Rampage getting the edge. But Coffey junkyard dog headbutts the ribs! Coffey stalks Rampage to a corner, fires off more body shots, then hoists Rampage up top. Coffey climbs to join him, but Rampage headbutts back! Coffey holds on to stay up and headbutts the ribs! Coffey gets Rampage up, but Rampage throws body shots of his own! Rampage headbutts Coffey down! Rampage adjusts and leaps for a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE!

Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up! A standing count climbs, both men slowly sit up and are back to fighting at 5 of 10! They go forearm and jab back and forth, Rampage gets the edge but again Coffey headbutts ribs! Coffey falls back to the corner and Rampage storms in, but into a boot to the ribs! Coffey goes up and up and CROSSBODIES but FLOPS as Rampage dodges! Rampage catches his breath while Coffey clutches a leg. Rampage runs in but Coffey manages to dodge, to CROSSBODY both men out to the floor! Coffey and Rampage stir as a ring count begins again. Coffey gets up, hobbles around, but Rampage crawls.

Coffey is in at 6, Rampage stays out, so Coffey goes after Rampage! “Unfinished business, Brown!” They’re going to settle it here! They run and RAM shoulders! And again! Coffey runs but is almost sent into steps! Coffey comes back, GLASGOW SENDOFF sends Rampage into steps! The new ring count is at 5 of 10 as both men are down again! Coffey gets up, drags Rampage in at 7, and climbs up a corner! Coffey LEAPS for a SHOTGUN MISSILE DROPKICK! Coffey drags Rampage up in a waistlock but Rampage desperately hammers the arms! Rampage pries free but Coffey HEADBUTTS him in the back! CORNER SPLASH, to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Rampage survives but barely, and BT Sports Studio is loving this main event! Another standing count begins, but Coffey is on Rampage at 4. “You see, Rampage? Yeah? MY KINGDOM!” But Rampage blocks All the Best, and fireman’s carries for a SAMOAN DROP! Both men are down again but Rampage is up first. Gut wrench, but Coffey slips out to CLUB him on the back! GLASGOW SENDOFF from behind! Coffey keeps going, GLASGOW SENDOFF from the front! BLINDSLIDE LARIAT! But Coffey isn’t done, eh runs, ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Cover, Coffey wins!!

Winner: Joe Coffey, by pinfall

The series in NXT UK is now 1-1! Coffey avenges his loss to Rampage, but now we’ll need a tiebreaker! The two show respect with a solid handshake, but they want another go just like we do! When and where will these two collide for a rowdy round three?

Wait, Ilja Dragunov is returning? He looks at both burly behemoths who just beat each other pillar to post. Does the Moscow Madman want to make this an even more massive showdown? And how will all of this factor into the NXT UK Championship contender’s race?

My Thoughts:

This was a great episode for NXT UK from top to bottom! It opened with physicality, it closed with physicality, and honestly even the matches in the middle were better than expected. Dar VS Dragunov was awesome, almost TakeOver worthy. To be fair, if TakeOver: Dublin was still on track, I feel like this could’ve been there as a red hot opener to get fans going. We got another solid promo from Aoife, I suspect that she’ll finally get going over the summer to be ready for a big title match at a year end special episode or even TakeOver, should the UK be open enough for one. KLR VS Meiko is next week so this is the moment of truth for how the Women’s Division will go.

Devlin’s return promo was alright, but it does fit that he wants to be treated as the VIP of NXT UK. I am curious as to what promo he’ll give on Supernova Sessions, since he’s apparently had to put his Cruiserweight Championship comeback on the back, back burner. Tyler Bate’s promo was good, and it is interesting how he’s going from Big Strong Boy to Big Strong Sage. Devlin could make for a great Heritage Cup challenger, and the combination of Devlin and Bate hasn’t been seen much, so maybe NXT UK sets up big things for that. Walter will finally return and he’ll de0finitely get the ball rolling on his next challenger, too.

The UK Tag title match of Pretty Deadly VS Starz & Frazer turned out way better than I expected. I knew Pretty Deadly was still winning, though, but I also kinda felt Frazer was next for a tag division move. If he isn’t going to be Cruiserweight Champion with the title over in Florida, and isn’t quite ready for either of the other titles just yet, trying for the tag titles might be good for him and Starz. If anything, Starz can return the favor, they have a tag match with Dar and Sha to settle that story for Frazer. Then they can try for the tag titles again, give us an even greater match, and win or lose, we have our next feud set up. If Starz & Frazer win, Pretty Deadly goes for a rematch. If Starz & Frazer lose, maybe Starz turns Heel and they feud.

Conners VS Webster was a really good match but of course Jinny helps Conners win. Luna and Andrews could’ve gotten out there sooner, but that’s small details. Subculture might put up Luna and Andrews in a Mixed Tag against Jinny & Joseph now, and that could go either way. I wonder what the chances of Jinny recruiting another male superstar to her stable so that they’re a trio to parallel Subculture. Maybe one of the jobbers, who have honestly been great in the ring, gets a “makeover” the same as Conners got. That gives a lot of choices, like “Turbo Terry” Josh Morrell, who can definitely keep up with Andrews and Webster in the speed game.

The Coffey VS Rampage rematch was a great main even to finish the physicality sandwich. These guys went as hard, maybe a little harder even, than last time, and there was great story in how both man had a target to go after. In the end, it made all the sense in the world for Coffey to win and tie this up, forcing a tiebreaker down the line. The surprise was Dragunov showing up to stare them both down. With Triple Threats being the new thing in Western wrestling companies, from WWE doing it at WrestleMania 37 AND #WrestleManiaBacklash, AEW at Double or Nothing then NXT USA last night, NXT UK might set up at least a Triple Threat #1 Contender’s match, to perhaps go in line with Walter’s return next week.

Dragunov being added to Coffey VS Rampage would of course put that thing in a TakeOver level, and with each man having had their shot at Walter and the UK Championship, it’d be anyone’s guess as to who wins it, since each man has faced Walter once already. Now, Coffey VS Rampage Round 3 would preclude that they don’t win the Triple Threat, but it still feels a title match too early for Walter VS Dragunov Round 2. Dragunov could win and “shockingly” end Walter’s historically long reign, and then Walter joins the rest of Imperium in NXT USA to start taking over those divisions. Walter being first man to be UK Champion then North American or top NXT Champion would definitely be worthy of Walter’s resumé.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 4.25.2024

We just got done with Rebellion, and Under Siege is two weeks away! Gotta see how these dots connect!



Rebellion had quite a few returns, Mike Santana, Sami Callihan and Broken Matt Hardy. All three of these guys could easily be main event players, and its nice to mix up and expand what felt like a rather small pool of potential challengers.

Under Siege is only like 2 weeks out, so we’ll see how the dots connect in such a short period of time.


  • Mike Santana vs Myron Reed w/Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 1/2
  • #1 Contender: Frankie Kazarian vs Josh Alexander: Josh wins via Grapevine Ankle Lock – ***
  • ASH by Elegance vs Xia Brookside: Xia wins via School Girl Roll-Up – ** 3/4
  • Sami Callihan vs The Good Hands: Sami Callihan wins via Cactus Driver ’97 – SQUASH
  • Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers vs Nic Nemeth: Eddie wins via Boston Knee Party – *** 1/4


A weird opening that is just framed to put Nemeth and Hardy together against The System. Feels a little awkward, but who knows how it will play out. 

Mike Santana vs Myron Reed w/Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz

Ahh I didn’t really pay attention to Santana’s theme at Rebellion, but its pretty damn cool. Good stuff. 

Rascalz blindside Santana early, but the heel advantage doesn’t last more than a few moves. Santana whips Myron from corner to corner, hits a few Hip Attacks before Myron finally dodges one and starts using his unique offense and agility to his advantage. Matrix dodge, into an Leaping Outside Back in Slingshot Codebreaker. Some more offense and Santana powders to the ramp, Myron jumps over the rope and tries a Flying Cutter, but Santana blocks it, turns things around, gets pushed forward and hits the Rolling Cutter. Santana takes out the Rascalz, heads back into the ring, Myron tries to catch him unawares but eats the Spin the Block off the rope run! Santana wins fairly quickly.

Maclin’s music hits, he tries to employ the help of The Rascalz to attack Santana, but as soon as Maclin positions himself to get in, The Rascalz bail and flip off Maclin. Maclin makes it out of the confrontation relatively unscathed, but at least we know where he’s going for Under Siege probably.

OH FUCK ME WITH RUSTY KNIVES. Because Cardona is hurt Kon is paired with SDL, and she just challenges Jordynne and PCO to a tag match. WHY!? STOP IT. This is hot garbage. 

Josh Alexander comes out…I wonder who’s Super Finisher he’s gonna conveniently kick out this time? Brian Myers? Frankie Kazarian? Rich Swann? Because yes, I’m still annoyed that Hammerstone has been in TNA for half a sandwich, he already connects with a Super version of his finish on tacks, and that’s not a finish. Oh Kaz’s music hits. Okay, so time for Josh to kick out of Fade to Black or Flux Capacitor. Kaz talks smack, says he won his match too so he should have a say in who’s number one contender. Josh challenges him, Kaz says not right now, but a referee runs out and says the match is official. 

#1 Contender: Frankie Kazarian vs Josh Alexander

Kaz throws his jacket on Josh’s head, and attacks him with some strikes before Josh fights back and throws Kaz out. Commercial break, we see Kaz misses his Apron Guillotine, Josh goes for the Low Crossbody but Kaz dodges and Josh goes flying. Kaz starts throwing some chops and claws at the cauliflowered ears of Josh. Russian Leg Sweep from Kaz for a near fall. Josh swings wildly and Kaz ducks the strike and levels Josh with a Lariat.

Josh blocks a Vertical Suplex attempt, but Frankie pulls off a Fisherman’s Suplex after a few overhead strikes for a near fall. Josh stands up and connects with a straight right, rocks Kaz, Back Body Drop, into a Charging Forearm, Rolling Senton, 2 count! C4 Spike attempt countered into a Back Stabber and then Chicken Wing, but Josh fights it off, rolls through and into an Ankle Lock, Kaz kicks off and into a Head and Arm Cradle for a near fall and then the Guillotine Leg Drop into Slingshot DDT spot from Kaz for another 2 count!

Fade to Black, but its fought off, Big Boot but then Kaz counters the next move with a Power Slam into the Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop, but Josh grabs the Ankle Lock! Locomotion German Suplex time from Josh, Halfhatch Suplex after the Germans, floats over for a 2 count! C4 Spike attempt again, but Kaz fights it off, dumps him over the top rope, slingshots him in and into the Cutter for a near fall for Kaz! After the 2 Kaz grabs a chair and chain, the referee stops the chair of course, so he tries the chain, EY runs down and grabs the chain so Kaz pulls the Eddie Guerrero and the referee admonishes EY, but doesn’t DQ Josh. So as Kaz is busy laughing at EY, Josh picks the ankle, Ankle Lock with the Grapevine, Kaz taps.

ASH by Elegance vs Xia Brookside

Both are jawing at each other and then throw hands before Xia gets the upper hand with a Headscissors from the Top Turnbuckle, Charging Knees, a Flurry of Kicks, but when the ref forces some space in the corner, ASH is finally able to dodge and work over Xia with her Twisting Body Splash, a few choking moves, a corner Stomp into a Snap Suplex for 2. ASH is in charge elegantly, but the referee keeps forcing space on both of them when they go for corner attacks. Xia manages to take advantage a little, but ASH regains control, kicks Xia up the ramp and then lands her Cartwheel Back Elbow up the ramp. It actually looks pretty cool executed like that.

Headlocks and Hair Pulling to keep Xia down and using energy to kick out. ASH is getting frustrated but Xia is remaining persistent. ASH goes back to the Headlock, but Xia fights up, Jawbreaker, Back Elbow, Kick to the gut and Drop Toe Hold sends ASH face first into the middle buckle. Xia rips off 4 Double Knee Smashes to the back of ASH’s head into her Flying Crossbody for a close 2! Xia pulls her up, but ASH spins out, then Xia slips it, but ASH kicks her in the chest and deposits her to the outside and demands a count from the referee. Iceman puts Jeweled Knuckles/Rings on ASH’s hand, the referee catches her, removes the stuff from her fingers and Xia hits the School Girl Roll-Up for the flash win.

Sami Callihan vs The Good Hands

So the Good Hand Jobs are about to do their job to Sami. I’m just gonna assume Sami beats the hell out of both and wins with a Cactus Driver ’97. If anything interesting happens I might actually cover it, but come on now.

Kaz makes a Metallica reference with the “Wash Your Back So You Won’t Stab Mine”…and Sweet Amber is the only good song on St. Anger. So…I ain’t mad.

Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards & Brian Myers vs Nic Nemeth

A little early ground wrestling and headlocks for control from both men. Nothing super flashy to start until we get to the rope run and Nemeth goes for the Flying Body Press to drop Eddie. Before Nemeth can follow up, Lish grabs his foot. Nic does have his brother Ryan in the crowd, trying to get chants going and do the old school ‘power up the babyface’ thing, but Eddie has been in control since Lish got involved. Simple offense, chokes, strikes, Snap Suplexes, Knee Drops, simple yet effective. But then Eddie ducks his head too early, Nemeth kicks him in the face, bounces his head off the buckles a few times, Dropkick sends Eddie reeling to the corner, Nemeth starts the 10 Count Punches but Myers hits the apron to distract and Eddie manages to slip the situation and push Nemeth to the floor.

Commercial break happens, Nemeth is trying to fight back with Chops, but a Kitchen Sink from Eddie puts Nemeth on the floor again! Clubbing blow from Eddie, but Eddie then misses the Hip Attack in the corner and Nemeth counters with the Rude Awakening into the 10 Count Rain of Elbows. Fame Ass-er miss, Eddie tries something but Nemeth turns it into that hesitation DDT for 2! Tuning up the band starts to build and Eddie powders to avoid it. Nemeth throws Eddie back in, goes to the top, but Eddie crotches him, rises up and hits the Superplex into Tiger Driver for 2! Eddie starts mocking with Tuning Up the band but Nemeth hits his own Superkick into an Olympic Slam for 2!

Both men just trade strikes Fighting Spirit style, Eddie says “Always Trust the System” and Nemeth shuts him up with a Headbutt. Danger Zone is blocked, Boston Knee Party gets ducked, they level each other with Lariats! Myers and Ryan Nemeth start fighting to distract the referee, Moose hits the ring and hits Nemeth with the belt. Eddie lands Boston Knee Party and The System wins again!


Overall Score: 6/10

A lame opening segment, a squash match, ASH by Elegance getting her first loss, and a weird way of just pulling the number one contender out of mid air makes for an awkward show. Also Kon still be involved in, literally anything, is negative. However, I can say there was a ton of stuff thrown at the wall this episode, so there’s a chance that some things landed better with other people than myself. The ballot segments were amusing, they overused the “I need to talk to you Santino” gimmick a bit much and personally I feel like having Jake versus Hammerstone is booking yourself into a weird corner.

But hey, the main event was fun, Nemeth getting laid out to the point that there could be a story reason to take him out of the Under Siege match. Kaz with the Metallica reference was pop worthy and I guess its a lot of ‘let’s see where it goes’ kind of angle creation. So it wasn’t complete trash, but its definitely a wait and see episode.

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (4/25/24)

Champions need challengers!



The Queen is coming for her crown!

Athena & Billie Starkz are the top champions in the ROH Women’s Division, but Queen Aminata’s coming after them! Who will she target first?


  • Isiah Kassidy VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes; Zay wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Top Flight VS The Dark Order; Top Flight wins.
  • Anna Jay VS Allysin Kay; Anna wins.
  • Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie VS Will Austin; Johnny wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Mogul Embassy VS MANDERS & BEEFTANK; The Embassy wins.
  • Yuka Sakazaki VS Leila Grey; Yuka wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground Match: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Outrunners; The Kingdom wins and denies The Outrunners a title match.
  • Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny TV VS Laynie Luck; Taya wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Jon Cruz, GPA & Ren Jones; Archer & The Righteous win.
  • Abadon VS Nova; Abadon wins.
  • Triple Threat: Blake Christian VS AR Fox VS The Beast Mortos; Mortos wins.


Isiah Kassidy VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes!

Brother Zay and the Commander of the Skies are coming down from the high of competing against Rob Van Dam on April 20th, but they’re both ready to get back up. Will Kassidy earn his shot (shot shot) at a championship? Or will the AAA Cruiserweight Champion be aiming for ROH gold?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but Zay has his fingers crossed! Zay trips Komander at the bell, says he’s too smart, then he steps on Komander’s dropdown to say “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” and “SUCK IT!” Komander keeps cool, he and Zay tie up, and Komander headlocks. Zay pulls on the mask, powers up and out to hurdle, but then Komander steps on him! Komander mocks “SHOTS! SHOTS!” Zay runs up, Komander avoids the boot to then wrench, wrench and mule kick a leg! Kmoander steps over, rolls through, then rolls again, to a HALF CRAB! Zay endures, fights around, ROPEBREAK! Komander lets go and Zay stands back up.

The fans rally, Komander runs in but is put on the apron. Zay runs in but into a slingshot BOOT! Zay comes back but Komander goes up and headscissors Zay into buckles. Komander comes back to springboard, wheelbarrow, but Zay HOTSHOTS Komander and then throws him down! The fans boo but Zay says they don’t teach that at school. Just follow Zay and he’ll get your right. Zay then smothers Komander with his towel! The ref reprimands, Zay lets off and Komander sputters to a corner. Zay bumps Komander off buckles, CHOPS him, then stomps Komander down. Zay says “SHOTS! SHOTS!” as he gives stomp after stomp.

The ref counts, Zay lets off at 4 and dusts his shoes off. Zay goes back to scuff Komander, taunt him, but the fans rally up for Komander. Zay scuffs Komander more, eggs him on, but Komander fights up to fire hands! Zay ducks a roundhouse but not the HEEL KICK! Zay leans on ropes, Komander runs in but Zay puts him on the apron. Komander gets up but Zay triangle jump STUNNERS! Komander flops to the floor, Zay scowls and goes out after him. The fans rally, Zay backs Abrahantes off, and the fans boo. Zay goes back for Komander, SMACKS him off barriers, then grabs the chair.

The fans boo, Zay says watch this, it’s about to be an 8K. Zay runs and uses the chair to LAUNCH, into barriers! Komander avoids disaster, puts Zay in the ring, and he hurries to a corner. The fans fire up as Komander springboards, but Zay moves! Komander rolls through, ducks ‘n’ dodges then RANAS! The fans fire up while Zay bails out. Komander builds speed and WRECKS Zay with a dropkick! Then ASAI MOONSAULT and down goes Zay! The fans fire up, Komander drags Zay up and in, then he springboards again, for a SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO! Zay stays in this as fans chant “DOS! DOS! DOS!”

Zay goes to the apron, Komander storms up and stands him up. Zay shoves Komander away, goes up the corner, but Komander runs up! Zay anticipates and GAMANGIRIS! Zay goes up to SUPSER SUSNET FLIP, but Komander flips through!! The fans fire up and Zay is shocked! Zay still BOOTS Komander, fires forearms, but Komander bobs ‘n’ weaves to SLAP, UPPERCUT and power up! Zay turns Komander around but gets a SHOTEI! Komander then jumps up top POISON-RANA! The fans fire up again and Komander runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO! Or as the fans remind us, “DOS! DOS! DOS!”

Zay says Komander’s done wasting his time. Zay whips, Komander reverses but Zay reverses back to scoop, only for Komander to tilt-o-whirl sunset flip! TWO, but Komander tries a side roll sunset, TWO! Zay escapes, Komander dodges his haymaker and waistlocks. Zay switches, Komander switches back, but Zay grabs the ref! LOW BLOW MULE KICK!! The fans boo as Zay gets away with that one! Abrahantes protests but the ref can’t call what he didn’t see! Zay blows a kiss, before the INVERTED TWIST OF FATE! Cover, Zay wins!

Winner: Isiah Kassidy, by pinfall

Brother Zay didn’t break rules but he did find a loophole to DELETE Komander’s momentum. Will Zay soon have a WONDERFUL ascension to the top of ROH?


ROH hears from Bullet Club Gold.

It was backstage at AEW Dynasty this past Sunday that the Bang Bang Gang unified the AEW and ROH World Trios Championships! Jay White says, “Today, our destiny, fulfilling our destiny by building our Dynasty! Y’see, I’m full! I’m full of that feeling when I get to say, I told you so! When I came to AEW, joined forces with The Gunns, I said the Gunns were money! Brought them in along with Juice Robinson, to Bullet Club GOLD. I said I would bring you gold, and boys, we’re running out of space. Because we’ve got gold a plenty, haven’t we, boys? Cuz I’m the mother effin’ Catalyst of Professional Wrestling! I told you so!”

Austin says their backpacks are heavier on the ride home, but that extra weight just reminds him that the Bang Bang Gang runs this Trios ish! Colten says they like to have fun before and after, but during? They don’t take no ish! There’s this saying around here, “Restore the Feeling.” That’s something for the young guys to get on TV, but guess who are never mentioned? The Gunns! Is it because they’ve been in too many main events? Is it because they’ve been tag team world champions? And now they’re AEW & ROH Trios Champions! The Gunns are the best damn team in the world! White is the best singles man in the world!

And tonight, they are the BEST trio in the world!! And if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: GUNS UP!! The Bang Bang Gang is firing on all cylinders, but will they be able to shoot down those who take aim at them?


Six Man Tag: Top Flight VS The Dark Order!

Speaking of the trios championships, Action Andretti, and the brothers Martin get their shot at the Bang Bang Gang this Saturday! Will Top Flight pick up speed going into that Collision? Or will Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds prove they are worthy contenders?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Darius Martin starts against Johnny Hungy. The bell rings, the fans rally and the two circle. The fans rally for “JOHNNY HUNGY!” as the two tie up. Darius wrenches, wristlocks, but Silver spins and fireman’s carries for the takeover. Silver has the cording hold but Darius fights up. Silver wrenches but Darius spins, slips around, waistlocks, spins Silver and cravats for the neck wrench. Silver endures, powers up and out, but Darius rolls over the dropdown. Darius sweeps a leg to cover, ONE! Darius turns Silver’s sweep into a cradle, TWO!

Silver gets up but Darius arm-drags him back down. The fans cheer, Darius wrenches Silver and tags Action. Action runs to LEAP FROG ATTACK the arm! Action wrenches Silver, tags Dante, and Dante goes up to AX HANDLE the arm! Dante clamps onto the arm, digs a knuckle into Silver’s ribs, or was it a tickle attack? Tag to Darius and Dante snapmares Silver. Darius runs to basement dropkick! Cover, ONE!! Silver stays in this but Darius stays on him. Tag to Dante, Top Flight reel Silver in but the rest of Dark Order save him from the double suplex! So Action jumps in and Top Flight TRIPLE SUPERKICKS!

The fans fire up while Uno and Reynolds spill back out. Action and Darius aim, DOUBLE PLANCHA but Uno and Reynolds DECK them outta the air! Dante brings Silver up but Silver fights the half nelson to then whip Dante into the ropes! Silver then runs up, Uno & Reynolds join in, TRIPLE DROPKICK! Silver then waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX Dante into a bridging cover, TWO! Silver tags Reynolds and he short arm LARIATS Dante! Cover, TWO! Reynolds brings Dante up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Uno. Uno CHOPS Dante, then snapmares him to stomp him down! The fans rally for Uno as he tautns Action.

Uno goes back for Dante but Dante throws body shots. Uno CLUBS Dante, bumps him off buckles, and tags Reynolds. Silver holds Dante in whiel Reynolds whips Uno for the SPLASH! Uno goes again, but Dante dodges, goes up and over Reynolds, hot tag to Action! The Sight to See rallies on the Dark Order! ELBOW for Uno! BOOT for Silver! ELBOW for Reynolds! Uno kicks low, whips, but Action handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! The fans fire up as Action kips up, and he runs in at Reynolds in a corner. UPPERCUT! Uno runs in but the SPLASH is sent into Reynolds! Uno staggers away, Action DECKS Reynolds!

Action aims, slingshot and SPLIT LEG but he has to bail out as Reynolds moves! Action just uses that to roll and PELE Uno! SPANISH FLY on Reynolds! Cover, Silver breaks it! Darius tosses Silver out but Silver ROCKS Darius! Darius drops down but Dante runs in and uses Darius as a step, POETRY IN MOTION! Silver falls, Reynolds dodges Darius to RAM Dante! Dante comes back, Darius helps him get up and over, then Dante helps in the TORNADO DDT! Darius sets Reynolds up for the STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, Uno shoves Dante onto it! Uno then CHOPS Darius down and goes to his corner.

Reynolds crawls over, hot tag to Uno! Uno fires forearms on all of Top Flight! Uno winds up, but Dante JUMP KNEES! Darius mule kicks! Action KICKS, Darius BUZZSAWS! But then Silver & Reynolds drag the Martins out! Uno dodges Action, tells him to STOP, then ROCKS him! The rest of Dark Order get in, Reynolds spins Action before the TRIPLE ROLLING ELBOWS!! Action wobbles, Uno reels him in, and Silver gives Reynolds the BOOST to take out the Martins! PILEDRIVER for Action! Cover, TWO!! Action survives and shocks the Dark Order! Uno cools off, tags Silver in, and Silver tags Reynolds.

The Dark Order surrounds Action and the fans rally up. They stand Action up, hoist him up, and Silver builds speed, but the Martins trip Silver! Darius drags Silver out, Action gets away and Dante baits Uno. Uno runs in, Dante goes up and over to JUMP KNEE Reynolds! GAMANGIRI for Uno, then Action SUPERKICKS! Dante DIVES to take out Silver, Darius steps in to COMPLETE SHOT Uno! Action and Darius have Reynolds for the double pump handle, DOUBLE LIGHTNING SPIRAL! Cover, Top Flight wins!

Winners: Top Flight, by pinfall

Action, Dante & Darius are flying high and heading for Collision, will they take those unified World Trios Championships away from the Bang Bang Gang in the blink of an eye?


Backstage interview with Athena & Billie Starkz.

Lexy Nair is with the ROH Women’s World and Women’s Television Champions, and says “Ladies and gentlemen, we are calling an Emergency MEM, a Minion Empowerment Meeting.” The Fallen Goddess asks the Minions why they’re here, and Minion #400,237.75 knows why. This is because of Red Velvet and Queen Aminata. They decided to stick their noses in Athena’s moment. The main event of Battle of the Belts, live on TNT, the first time the Overlord has been on live TV in over a YEAR. And Aminata put her hands on Athena, put Athena on her head, and proved that she is nothing more than “a hot piece of porcelain hussy garbage.”

Billie says not to forget about Red Velvet. Velvet acted all high ‘n’ mighty, but she just forgot Billie hasn’t beat her yet. Lexy says then it seems there is some unfinished business. The champs bring Lexy in for an uncomfortable double side hug, and Athena says “Bestie” is right. There is unfinished business. And since MIT is a nonprofit, they’ll give a “scholarship to the biggest ass-whooping Queen Aminata and Red Velvet have ever seen. Got it?” Athena tells Queenie and “Blue Velvet” to either step up or step out. Challenge issued to the Queen and the Chef, but are the Overlord and her sidekick about to get cooked?


Mark Sterling speaks.

“Some people get into professional wrestling because they need to. You haven’t needed anything in your entire life. You have an unlimited amount of resources at your fingertips. Money, culture, knowledge. You wanted to excel at this business, so you got the best training, the best workouts, the best diets, the best gear, the best moves. If it’s not the best, it’s simply not you. But the wisest man doesn’t think he’s the best until he’s surrounded by the best. And now, we all are. You are Ariya Daivari. And you are a Premier Athlete. We are the Premier Athletes.”

The Premier Athletes are here in person.

Sterling talks to his stable and tells them the beginning of phase two was a success. They wanted to assert dominance over ROH, and he would say message sent. However, they were not aware that the message would be sent to ROH World Champion, Mark Briscoe, to Dalton Castle, and half of the ROH men’s locker room. It took SIX men to stand face to face to these three. They’ve got Ariya back and more pissed off than ever. They’ve got National Champion, Josh Woods. And they’ve got Tony Nese in peak, physical performance. Now, they all know The Infantry wasn’t personal. They were just in the line of fire.

The Infantry is just on a long list of people who do not deserve the opportunities. Opportunities that belong to these three physical specimens! Because these are The Premier Athletes. When and where will Sterling’s stable finally break through to that next level?


Backstage interview with Griff Garrison & Cole Karter.

Lexy is now with Maria Kanellis’ baby boys and says they haven’t had the best luck as of late. What’s next? Karter isn’t sure. They keep getting opportunities, but they keep failing. Karter recently had a match against Christopher Daniels, and he lost! Griff says Karter thinks that’s bad, but Griff lost his shot at the ROH World Championship. Griff has faced Mark Briscoe twice in his career, and he’s 0-2. Karter’s match wasn’t even for a title! Griff had so much more on the line! Maria then walks in and sees her boys are disappointed. Well, Mama is disappointed, too. They both could’ve done much better in their matches.

But every loss is an opportunity. Griff was in the ring with THIRTEEN TIME ROH World Tag Team Champion, Mark Briscoe! Karter was up against Christopher Daniels, a legend! Maria’s been in the ring with both of those men, and they have so much experience. That is what Griff & Karter gain every time they’re out there. Every single loss is an opportunity. And everyone around here is always jealous of the abs and the looks, and it’s great that they are. But eventually, they’ll be jealous of what these two do in the ring. And eventually, these two will get back her championships, the ROH World Tag Team Championships.

Maria leads the way, but does anyone wanna tell her that that would mean her baby boys going up against her husband, Mike Bennett?


ROH World Tag Team Championships Proving Ground Match: The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Outrunners!

Speaking of Mike Bennett, he and Matt Taven are still champions after the big assist from Wardlow at Supercard of Honor. But will the Kingdom need their War Machine again real soon? Or will they be able to handle Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum in 10 minutes or less?

The fans rally up for the Outrunners already while the Code of Honor is upheld Mega Powers style. The teams then sort out, and though Taven is confused, Bennett steps up and starts against Truth. The fans chant “TAVEN SUCKS!” but Taven just eggs the Melvins on. Truth and Bennett tie up, then Truth wrenches to wristlock. Tag to Turbo, he takes the handoff, and he nods as he wrenches and wristlocks. Bennett knees low, flexes on Turbo, then wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Bennett wristlocks, says this is old school wrestling, but Turbo powers up! The fans fire up as Turbo rolls, handsprings, and kips up! Turbo then BOPS Bennett on the head!

The fans cheer, Turbo tags Truth, and Truth wrenches to wristlock. Truth grinds the arm, whips, but Bennett reverses. Taven trips Truth up while Bennett’s all up in the ref’s face! The fans boo and Turbo protests but Bennett dropkicks Truth down! Bennett mocks the old school posing then takes a bow. Tag to Taven, he CHOPS Truth in the corner. Taven CHOPS again, digs his boot in, but the ref counts. Taven lets off to taunt Turbo, and Bennett gets a cheap shot on Truth! Bennett drags Truth up by his hair, the ref sees that and reprimands, but Taven ROCKS Truth. Taven whips, but Turbo trips Truth to actually save him from the crossbody!

Taven tumbles up and out of the ring, Truth gets up to tag Turbo! Truth then runs and Turbo holds ropes up, BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK! Bennett runs up, is sent out, and The Kingdom regroups. The fans fire up for Turbo as he fires up, then PLANCHAS! Down goes The Kingdom and Turbo is all revved up! Turbo gets in the ring, shakes the ropes, then tags in Truth. The Outrunners coordinate, to spin and pose! The fans fire up but The Kingdom CLOBBER The Outrunners from behind! The fans boo but Bennett flexes. Bennett brings Truth up, CHOPS, and now fans chant “BENNETT SUCKS!”

Bennett CHOPS Truth, puts him in the corner, and tags Taven. Bennett feeds Truth to a BOOT, adds the BOSTON BAYONET, then Taven LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Truth is tougher than that, but Taven argues with the ref. The ref defends his count, so Taven brings Truth over to ropes. Taven CHOKES Truth but the fans boo. The ref counts, Taven lets off at 4, and Taven soaks up the heat. Truth sputters but Taven tags Bennett. The Kingdom mugs Truth, then Bennett keeps Truth from Turbo with a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Truth stays in this but Bennett stays on him with a chinlock and stretch. The fans rally as Truth endures.

Truth is red in the face but he fights to his feet. But Taven BLASTS Turbo! Bennett throws Truth by his hair! Turbo storms in but the ref has to stop him. Turbo is upset but Bennett stands on Truth’s face! Bennett clamps onto Truth with a chinlock and grinds him down with a knee in the back. The fans fire up, we pass five minutes as Truth fights up, but Taven runs at Turbo again! Turbo ROCKS Taven first this time! Truth then hits a BIG back suplex on Bennett! The fans fire up, Turbo is feeling it, and Truth crawls over! Truth staggers ot his feet, hot tag to Turbo! Turbo rallies on The Kingdom with big haymakers!

The fans fire up as Turbo scoops and SLAMS Taven! Then he scoops and SLAMS Bennett! Scoop and SLAM for Taven! Scoop and SLAM for Bennett! The fans fire up and Turbo drops an elbow! And another elbow! And then he winds up, flexes, and JUPM ELBOW DROPS! Taven runs up but Turbo kicks! Turbo reels Taven in, flexes again, and hits a BIG suplex! Turbo points to Truth, Truth tags in, and Truth goes up! FLYING FOREARM on Bennett! The Outrunners hurry to get Bennett up, but Taven ENZIGIRIS Truth to stop Boot Camp, er Vice City, or whatever they were calling it! Bennett shoves Turbo into Truth then rolls Truth up, with tights! The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall (denies The Outrunners a title opportunity)

Taven grabs the belts to celebrate and Bennett says that was too easy. But then the ref suspects shenanigans! Did Bennett pull tights? Bennett defends his innocence, as does Taven, and the ref drops the issue. Will The Kingdom do anything and everything they have to in order to stay champions?


Red Velvet & Queen Aminata speak.

The Chef and The Queen are backstage, and Velvet tells Athena, “There you go again. Stirring up the pot. Oh my gosh, we ruined your moment~! I’m done with you. Billie? You wanna hang with the big girls? You wanna get in big girl business? Then bring it on. Yes, I haven’t forgotten I beat you, twice. And I’ll do it again, and this time, I’m a beat you like your mama never did. You know why? Cuz I don’t roll with minions. I roll with royalty.” Aninata says that’s right. And Athena, oh, they feel so sorry for “ruining” the moment. Actually, Aminata would do it again and again and again. And wanna know why? Because Queen Aminata does not respect Athena as a champion!

Athena has ZERO honor! And no one knows better about honor than The Queen. And Velvet says, “Y’know what, Queen? I’m looking for a fight. Are you looking for a fight?” Aminata is definitely ready for a fight. Velvet says it is time to cook, eat, leave no crumbs, and take out the trash! This dynamic duo is ready to tear down the Forever Champion and her little buddy, will they take the gold right off Athena & Billie?


Backstage interview with The Infantry.

Lexy is now with Trish Adora, Carlie Bravo & Captain Shawn Dean, and we’ve seen them get on a roll. How are they continuing the momentum? Carlie is so glad she asked. Have no fear, you know The Infantry is here. Dean says yes, they are here. And there’s been nothing but targets on their backs. They said they’re the most popular team, and people have been after them. Carlie does realize now that they had those OG Ops, then those really big Ops, and last week, there’s Ops they didn’t even know about. But let’s not forget those really old Ops, the- Oh wait, The Outrunners walk in. Turbo & Truth are feeling good. They may not have targets on their backs, but they’ve got some guns!

Wait, wait, wait. Are they wearing brightly colored camo?! Okay, first they take the Infantry’s move, now they’re copying the swag? What’s next? Trying to take Adora and their homes? What the what, son? Dean has Carlie calm down. He’s always got great ideas. He does? Yes, because next week, Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida, they take this to where it all began! Finally, Infantry take The Outrunners to where they belong, and that’s Boot Camp! Hold on, The Outrunners have been using camo since The Cow Palace. Dean has to hold Carlie back on that one! Turbo has a better idea! Outrunners VS Infantry, Daily’s Place, where it all began!!

WHAT!? Didn’t they just- Fine, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Oh yeah? The Outrunners will do Infantry one better and THEY will accept! Let’s roll out! Copy that! WHAT!? Stop copying them, Outrunners!! But will Dean & Carlie finally get through the delusional duo and make them find their own schtick?


Backstage interview with Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie.

Lexy is with Mr. & Mrs. TV Ready and notes the season finale of Johnny Loves Taya just dropped. How are they feeling? Amazing~! Everyone loves their show, they worked so hard on it for months. Ten episodes, the grand finale, it couldn’t have gone any better. And think about it: awards season! The acceptance speeches, the red carpets, the fashion moments. But in sneaks Aaron Solo. That sounds fun! Though they would’ve won more awards if they had this face on the show. Maybe next season? Johnny says maybe Aaron would’ve been on the show, if he supported it once. He didn’t tweet about it once! All their real friends did.

Uh, Aaron is the Retweet King! Especially those first three episodes. Aaron and Johnny argue but Taya has them calm down. Taya runs the socials for the show, and she can confirm, Aaron did retweet. Oh, well, thanks, bro. Yeah, man! Remember QTV? The handshake? They do the handshake, right down the rocket ship taking off. Aaron says see? They’re bros. Before Johnny Loved Taya, Johnny Loved Solo. Uh… No. Aaron is a loser! TV Ready people do not hang with losers. Remember how his name used to be S O L O W? They took the W away cuz he keeps getting L’s! He’s 0 and THIS CENTURY! Get a win already!

Aaron says fine, if that’s what they want, he will win. And he’ll prove to both of you that Aaron is TV Ready! Aaron heads out, and Taya says it’ scute that he’s so confident. Not that it’ll work out. And they got the last word. Aaron then says “Bye” from offscreen, so Johnny says, “Adios.” Aaron has bet on himself, but will he win out?


Triple Threat: Blake Christian VS AR Fox VS The Beast Mortos!

All Heart, The Whole Fox’n Show and the evolved Black Taurus are among the fastest, toughest and hungriest competitors around, and they’re all looking for that golden opportunity. Will Blake be rolling into NJPW’s Best of the Super Juniors tournament? Or will another big name prove they’re a big deal?

The Code of Honor is upheld between Fox and Blake, but not Mortos. The bell rings, Mortos stares down Fox and Blake. Fox runs in to RAM Mortos but bounces off! Blake RAMS Mortos but also bounces off! They both run up, but he runs them over! Fox & Blake both kip up, but Mortos choke grips them both. Mortos shoves Blake away, but Fox flips through the choke slam! Blake & Fox DOUBLE SUPERKICK Mortos down! Mortos bails out, Blake and Fox coordinate, and Fox runs. But then Blake sweeps the legs! Fox ends up on ropes, Blake runs to BASEMENT 619! The fans boo but All Heart also has some brains.

Blake aims from the apron, springboards in and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Fox flounders to a corner, Blake runs in, but Fox puts him on the apron. Blake RAMS into Fox, slingshots, but Fox goes out to then slingshot SENTONS! The fans fire up, Fox suplexes for ANARCHY! Blake bails, Mortos LARIATS Fox down! The fans fire up as Mortos roars, and Mortos drags Fox up. Mortos suplexes, Fox slips free to waistlock but Mortos switches. Mortos shoves, follows, then rolls off Fox’s back! Mortos SOBATS, KNEES, ELBOWS and snapmares, to then NECK TWIST! Then SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!

Fox survives that onslaught but Mortos roars again. Mortos drags Fox up, wrenches and grabs a leg, for a SHIN BREAKER! Fox writhes, Mortos gets legs and steps through, and Mortos ties Fox up for a NAVARRO DEATH ROLL! Fox endures the leg lock, but Blake DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS Mortos! The fans fire up and Blake smirks as he runs in at Mortos. Mortos BOOTS Blake, SLING-DOGS, then CRUCIFIX DRIVERS! Blake wobbles, Mortos whips to POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Blake survives but Mortos snarls. Mortos drags Blake up, UPPERCUTS him down, and Blake flounders to a corner.

The fans cheer as Mortos drags Blake back up. Mortos reels Blake in to back suplex, but Blake lands out! Blake dodges in the corner, then whips to ropes. Mortos reverses but Blake handsprings, wheelbarrows, SPLASH 182! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Mortos and Blake stir while Fox returns. The fans rally, Fox and Mortos stand first and Fox throws a haymaker! Blake adds a haymaker, he and Fox pinball Mortos around! They put him in a corner, throw more hands, then Fox goes up to rain down fists! Mortos shoves Fox away so Blake rains down fists. Mortos shoves him away, Fox returns to A-LIST LARIAT!

Mortos slumps down, Blake adds a LOW CROSSBODY! Fox skins the cat to DROPKICK Mortos, and then Fox goes to the apron. The fans fire up as Fox goes up, but Blake ROCKS him first! Blake goes up, brings Fox up, but Mortos adds on! The fans are going nuts already for the SPANISH FLY BOMB!! Cover on Blake, TWO! Cover on Fox, TWO!! Mortos snarls but he drags Fox back up. Mortos trophy lifts Fox, but Fox slips free to BOOT! Mortos tumbles out to the apron, and Blake SPEARS him down! Blake hurries to build speed so he can DIVE! Mortos stays up!? So Fox FLIES! Down goes Mortos and the fans fire up!

Fox puts Mortos in but Blake aims first! Springboard 450 SPLASH! Fox adds the SWANTON BOMB! But then Blake TOSSES Fox to cover Mortos, only for Fox to break it! Fox has had it with Blake being so sneaky, and TOSSES him out! Blake is on the apron, he ROCKS Fox, but Fox stops the slingshot! Fox has Blake in ropes, step-up DRAPING DDT! Roll through, but Mortos reels Fox in! Scoop and MORTOS DRIVER!! Cover, Mortos wins!

Winner: The Beast Mortos, by pinfall

Blake and Fox couldn’t say on the same page, and that allowed the minotaur of lucha to take the win! Will nothing stop The Beast Mortos from stampeding his way to a championship opportunity?

My Thoughts:

A good episode of ROH here at an hour and 38 minutes, but that made for quite a bit of filler. I did like the Six Meaty Men Slapping Meat Tag match of Mogul Embassy VS 1 Called Manders, BEEF and Calvin Tankman, but of course The Embassy won. Good return matches for Johnny and Taya, but I liked their promo with Aaron Solo better. It was a good use of continuity bringing up the failed QTV to pivot into a new story for Johnny TV now that Dalton Castle is moving on. Good promos from Mark Sterling, but a bit redundant again to have him hype up Ariya Daivari, then for him to talk directly to Ariya and the others.

Another confusing thing was the promo from The Infantry and Outrunners. Well, the promo wasn’t confusing, the timing was. Perhaps it was a victim of poor pacing as we’ve seen all over AEW & ROH. But I do appreciate we’re finally seeing these two teams have it out for ROH at Daily’s Place “next week,” aka prerecorded sometime this week. Outrunners had a good match with The Kingdom but of course The Kingdom won. But we’re getting an interesting detail where Maria wants her new boys, Griff & Karter, to go for those ROH World Tag Team Championships while her old boys, Bennett & Taven, still have them. Some sort of Kingdom Civil War angle in the works here?

Really good stuff with Zay winning by going to new lows, and really good Six Man Tag to give Top Flight momentum going into their title match with Bang Bang Gang. Really good promo from Bang Bang Gang and of course White & The Gunns are going to retain. And at least they did just what I was hoping by having a promo from Bullet Club Gold on ROH so that it counts as them being on this show. Just needs to keep happening, maybe with some in-person appearances. Not even matches, just BCG watching other trios fighting it out because they’re scouting, aka foreshadowing, new opponents.

Great main event Triple Threat but also a fast one, Mortos with the big win over Fox and Blake. While there’s something brewing for the ROH World Championship with Mark Briscoe being around Dalton Castle and The Premier Athletes, maybe Mortos can find himself in the world title scene for the next ROH PPV. And then great promos from Athena & Billie as well as Velvet & Aminata. We’re definitely getting a tag team match that will end up earning Velvet a shot at the Women’s TV title and Aminata a shot at the Women’s World title, and those will be awesome matches.

And if either of the champs is losing, I’m actually thinking it’s more Athena losing to Aminata than Billie losing to Velvet. I’ve said it before, Aminata’s proven herself worthy, and if she wasn’t gonna be inaugural Women’s TV Champ, might as well make her the woman that dethrones the undefeated Athena.

My Score: 8.5/10

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